Writes Marie Solis, in "Men? Maybe Not. The election made clear that America’s gender divide is stark. What’s a heterosexual woman to do?" (NYT).
I should make a tag for "performative." It's a buzz word these days, I believe, and I'd like to keep track of it.Did it come from gender studies? The most notable appearance of "performative" in my archive was a quote from the famous hoax "The Conceptual Penis as a Social Construct": "The penis vis-à-vis maleness is an incoherent construct. We argue that the conceptual penis is better understood not as an anatomical organ but as a gender-performative, highly fluid social construct."And from the field of racial studies, there's this, quoted from a NYT op-ed about Rachel Dolezal (the white woman who identified as black): "But Ms. Dolezal’s view of herself — however confused, or incongruent with society’s — reveals an essential truth about race: It is a fiction, a social construct based in culture and not biology. It must be 'made' from what people believe and do. Race is performative."
And I quoted this, about an "anti-racism" mural in Madison: "[The artist] said her intent is to show the nature of performative allyship and the manner in which white savior complex permeates Madison."
We talked about the word a few days ago, in connection with a Georgetown professor who'd tweeted that the defenders of Brett Kavanaugh "deserve miserable deaths." She called her tweeting "performative."
Oh! Brett Kavanaugh came up back then and again in this new "heteropessimism" piece. Perhaps he is the key to all things performative. But back to the 2022 blog post:
I got some push back in the comments saying that the word "performative" should be restricted to the "How To Do Things With Words" philosophical meaning — speech that performs an act. Indeed, that is the only meaning of the word in the OED.
But the vogue usage of "performative" that I'm seeing in the media these days isn't that....
If people these days are finding the word "performative" useful, it suggests that they also believe in a more authentic and substantive aspect of life that is deeper and more important than the things we do for show — the theater of politics and society. I hope so!
But it is also possible that people are coming to feel that there is nothing inside, that it's all performative, that everything is fluid. That's not a new idea, that we are empty and soulless — that Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player/That struts and frets his hour upon the stage/And then is heard no more.
Ah! Things seemed deeper then! In the new "heteropessimism" piece, "performative" is not a contrast to a more authentic and substantive interior life. It is a contrast to the outward life of activism. That is, it has become completely the opposite of what was once the exclusive meaning — speech that performs an act.
ADDED: The OED now has a second meaning for "performative," traced back to 1996:
Usually depreciative. Of action, speech, behaviour, etc.: done or expressed for the sake of appearance, esp. to impress others or to improve one's own image (typically with the implication of insincere intent or superficial impact).
Here are the examples given:
1996 — If we are to provide more than merely performative or poetic justice we need clearer blueprints for meaningful social action. C. Kaplan, Erotics of Talk 162
2014 — When a dude says ‘i'm not perfect’ with performative humility I wanna be like ‘yeah, man, literally no one has ever assumed that.’ @isanaka 30 October in twitter.com (accessed 30 June 2022)
2022 — These small sacrifices, despite their good intentions, are ultimately performative measures meant to show other cities and countries how adept we are at fighting climate change. Edmonton (Alberta) Sun (Nexis) 4 May a11
I've been thinking of Kavanagh lately because of Gaetz, and the Kavanagh-adjacent emergence of women alleging misdeeds by Gaetz, conveniently occurring just after he was nominated by Trump. It does seem like a performance that I've sat through before.
They're literally performing -- saying things they don't really mean, in order to get applause.
Performative: Believing your own BS enough to make a scene over it, but not quite enough to live up to the consequences of your belief.
RIP Bob “Butterbean” Love.
Lives built on bullshit…
Let me tell you why all Musk & ALL Republicans are evil racist Nazi Rapists.... and baby eaters who kick puppies.
The big reveal
Emotions Trump math in D-land.
>Mr. Seresin meant that though many women freely admitted that being attracted to men was at best a bummer and at worst a form of masochism, few acted on their beliefs.<
My people call it "biology", Mr. Seresin...
What would we do without "gender and sexuality scholars"?
I feel sorry for these women. They've been told for decades by gay Hollywood writers (ie, Sex and the City) what to expect from relationships -- and sex -- with men. They've been told they're madwomen in an attic rather than a beloved sister who wants to help her family by marrying well to a decent man.
Things that make the gender gap disappear:
Things that make the gender gap disappear:
Austin wasn't even particularly interested in speech acts, but just offering something besides declarative truths, to refute computational moralists as a possibility. To leave space for morality, in other words.
Think of all the babies we can save if only these "women" (are they biologists??) keep their promises.
Althouse writes, "That's not a new idea, that we are empty and soulless..."
"Out, out, brief candle..." words spoken by Shakespeare's outstanding exemplar of evil getting a foretaste of the hopelessness of Hell. That the defeated forces of evil in American politics are strutting and fretting on the TikTok stage with 4B pledges makes me smile for the future conservative majority being conceived tonight and every night until the leftists' performative candle is finally snuffed.
“the gender and sexuality scholar Asa Seresin picked up on a feeling in the air..."
Good Lord!
What exactly is a “gender and sexuality scholar” and why should we believe anything he or she says?
Especially when it’s not related to any actual facts or science but instead based on a “feeling in the air” that he or she “picked up on”. Oh boy! The science is so strong. The scholarship is so true and undeniable!
Thank you “scholar” for illuminating us peons with the knowledge that you “pick up on” from “feelings in the air”
Mr. Kavanaugh's confirmation was 6 years ago. There is no wake left.
Question for Ann Althouse. How can gender and sexuality be a serious academic discipline? I heard Ken Burns say that his daughter got her PhD in the Beatles.
Madison M: sometimes a cigar is a cigar.
These substantiations of Gaetz’s behavior did not, as you seem to believe, spring up yesterday. They have been well-known and investigated for years. There’s an impressive range of people, including admired conservative Senate colleagues, who have reported Gaetz showing them inappropriate sexual materials and bragging about them.
They’re not metoo# cases either. The young women involved admit to willing participation. I’d say the take-away is that we don’t need a careless, dim, impulsive, nepo baby slut who can’t control or conceal his own sex, drug, and alcohol abuse trying to fix the DOJ. Most people across the political spectrum agree.
Why not just appoint Hunter Biden? Or one of Gaetz’s prostitutes (they do have payment records)?
Heck, who’s to say a 21-year old escort doesn’t have the appropriate skills for the job? They’re obviously better than Gaetz at performatively reading the room. If Trump wants a whore for the job, he should at least get a successful whore.
"In the wake of Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the gender and sexuality scholar Asa Seresin picked up on a feeling in the air..."
"... and put a name to it: 'heteropessimism.' ... Mr. Seresin argued that heteropessimism was defined by 'performative disaffiliations with heterosexuality, usually expressed in the form of regret, embarrassment, or hopelessness about straight experience.' "
Just another (weak) attempt to discourage reproduction. Weak, because the author admits that it pretty much didn't work, except as a virtue signal.
As for me, I have absolutely zero regret about the straight experience.
Sorry for your loss.
I guess we’re just born that way.
Yes, I see. You say things for effect that you don't mean. Not a good habit to get into.
Virtue signally is a subset of performative.
What do women want? Not always what they are told they should want, especially when it conflicts with what their evolutionary lizard brain wants.
"Gender divide" ?? Relates only to single women, mostly young or divorced, which are the only demo Dems carry strongly, especially coastal, urban, and college 'educated'.
But "gender divide" also goes BOTH ways, doesn't it. Why do Dems get clobbered, across all racial and ethnic groups, amongst the MEN who are largely responsible for the production and logistics of modern infrastructure and society? Truck drivers, farmers, miners, foresters, factory workers, construction workers, all sorts of basic utility workers ... and so on. These are all jobs where actual merit matters.
The people writing about the problem are the people who created the problem by deepening the divide between men and women and reinforcing women's belief that most men are not good enough for them.
Keep away from Women who watch MSNBC - and all will be well.
Every time I see leftist women refusing to have sex with men or refusing to breed I am greatly encouraged. It gives me hope for the country, because as we all know The future belongs to those who show up for it.
Are liberal women who pursue liberal effeminate men really heterosexual? And when they get depressed about the experience, is it heteropessimism? More like heteropussyism.
The only "feminist/sexual/gender" scholar worth paying attention to is/was Camille Pagalia!
“In the wake of Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the gender and sexuality scholar Asa Seresin picked up on a feeling in the air...”
Was he waiting for this moment all his life?
If we were drowning would he lend a hand?
Has he seen our face before?
Cuz I don’t know who he is.
Well, I was there (thanks to CSPAN) and I saw what they did (to Kavanaugh)
I saw it with my own two eyes
So they can wipe off that grin, I know where they’ve been
It's all been a pack of lies
I am surprised and kind of dismayed to see that the OED uses tweets as citations.
Is just sounds like more trying to find the thing to say in order to get your way. It’s the messaging you say. Maybe try changing your polices. Sixteen weeks works for most the rest of the developed world…
The shift in "performative" meaning coincides with the corruption of news and entertainment by the need to appeal to a particular part of the political spectrum. MSNBC is the paradigm, virtually every talking head there is performing progressivism to the extent that no one--neither lovers nor haters-- watches for any objective "news" reason. Of course, starting with SNL and exploding with Jon Stewart and Bill Maher's "claphter" audiences, the performing arts themselves were also corrupted. The pure performance of entertainment is now also mostly performative, with the disastrous results we see in Hollywood and late night TV nothing so tedious as a party line.
Get a white bonnet
I had a strong reaction to the ideas of performative and heteropessism. Last night a woman I have long known said, “I would not bring a girl child into this world today!” This hit me hard and I knew it seemed like a script, not a true original thought. As I read Althouse wonderful exploration of her thought, I realized that I believe performativity is social agreement speech, not originating in one’s own mental world. It seems to be to use words to act out an agreed upon tribal coda. She does not believe these words. They are a modern tribal mask.
Women open to rejecting heterosexuality are by definition not heterosexual, right? I believe the term is "bisexual."
This whole piece is performative.
My penis may be a poor player, but never frets his hour upon the stage. Ok, maybe not an hour.
After reading all of today’s posts, thus far, the vibe I get is that some people want to endow the “performative” with respectability. No joke, as Biden would say.
The mainstreaming of “performative”?
Will Rogers got there first.
Yes Trump narrowed the gender gap. It's only "more pronounced" inside their pointy little Leftist heads. They are sick.
I have to admit that I hadn't realized there was a previous meaning of "performative" that this new meaning has been replacing. Not having a previous mental definition for the word, I found the new meaning immediately understandable as "having the quality of a (stage) performance".
Unlike several other pseudo-scholarly recent shifts in meaning ("beg the question" for "raise the question" provoking my ire the most), I can't think of an already-existing good word for this new meaning of "performative", but I hope I'm missing one: The new meaning is a good one and deserves a word, just not one preoccupied by the meaning "which performs or effectuates an [official] act".
"Theatrical" comes to mind, but that's not quite right, though many actions are likely both.
Perhaps these women all need to reread Astrophanes' "Lysistrapon" for an ending spoiler.
"Growing up" makes the gender gap disappear. Having big responsibilities puts wandering anxiety and trivia into perspective.
But, we are a country filled with people who refuse to grow up. Peter Pans and fragile princesses who can feel a pea under a thick mattress are everywhere.
My uncle majored in duck hunting at Dartmouth. That was undergrad, I suppose…
“…and put a name to it: 'heteropessimism.'…”
Heteropessimism is pessimism based on multiple sources. The correct term - based upon recent language usage by our leftist friends - is “cispessimism”.
The fox says that the grapes are probably sour anyway.
Thread winner.
Kabuki theater.
- Krumhorn
Pauline Kael writ large. "I only know one woman who voted for Trump." The NYT is an absurdity.
'I can't think of an already-existing good word for this new meaning of "performative"...'.
Fake, phony, bogus, insincere, false, hollow, unconvincing ...
Having fucked a few liberal arts grad students in my not-altogether misspent youth, I can tell you that using words in non-standard ways is how they impress each other. It's like all that "interrogate" nonsense they like to slather all over their pretentious bullshit. Verbing nouns. Their minds interpret it as demonstrating a commanding verbal proficiency. And verbal proficiency is the coin of their realm.
"There’s an impressive range of people, including admired conservative Senate colleagues, who have reported Gaetz showing them inappropriate sexual materials and bragging about them."
Reported it to whom?
Admired by whom?
You mean, Lindsey Graham? Yertle?
Originally I thought "performative" meant "hypocritical" or "phony" and that its use was an example of po-mo (Post-Modern) speech which, as a whole, I thought. attempted to replace simple, direct speech with a pretentious and poorly understood jargon. But I now realize that there is a pretentious and poorly understood theory underlying the jargon. I've spent months trying to understand current criticism of Andrew Marvell, one of my favorite poets. In the current understanding Marvell was a closet homosexual and / or pedrast or, more likely, an impotent eunuch. How did they get there. They asked a pretty good question - how does a poem convey a meaning? The answer was that lines of the poem were like gestures on in ballet - in ballet, a person's body gestures and this conveys meaning. And so all poetry is now being strained through this way of thinking about it like plastic extruding through a mould. Lines of poetry are perfomative gestures and the critic explains the gestures and performance. What does this gain? If you have nothing to say in that you have no beliefs, and no feeling for beauty in art, you can still talk and have a career teaching literature as gestures in a performance. And the present culture has created millions without beliefs or the simplest kinds of love. Mother, father, husband, children , lover - it's all too hard. But you can have a career in the humanities in the best universities if you just learn this way of thinking which, moreover, will never suggest that there's anything lacking in your own performative gesturing aka your life. While enabling you to critique others for believing in their own uncouth gestures as they shamble about, busy with their comic though deadly folly. And they can't work out what you are saying because you aren't. "Fifteen men on a dead man;s chest/ Yo ho, ho and a bottle of rum," she finished performatively.
I get the feeling 4B was started by 1B.
There's little I disagree with in what you write. My initial comment is more on the timing of the lawyer's declarations about the lawsuit.
"What’s a heterosexual woman to do?"
Just go and join the mad lesbians at Greenham Common already.
People started saying "performative" instead of make-believe, pretend, fake, phony, fraudulent or bogus, because they realized that everything is make-believe, pretend, fake, phony, fraudulent and bogus.
Google "performative synonyms" and the first entry my search engine gives says:
Words Related to Performative
Related words are words that are directly connected to each other through their meaning, even if they are not synonyms or antonyms. This connection may be general or specific, or the words may appear frequently together.
discursive performativity dialogical mimesis narrativity semiotic dialogic representational spatiality textuality mimetic intertextuality
None of those is a synonym, but if you string them together you are half-way to a thesis in the humanities.
Another site offers "workly" as a synonym, but that is to the original meaning of the word. "Histrionic" might work for the current usage, though synonyms are never exact.
Sheesh, what is this, 1982? Greenham Common has been closed since 1993, the missiles were removed in 1991, and the women closed the camp in 2000.
Mr. Seresin argued that heteropessimism was defined by 'performative disaffiliations with heterosexuality, usually expressed in the form of regret, embarrassment, or hopelessness about straight experience.' By 'performative,' Mr. Seresin meant that though many women freely admitted that being attracted to men was at best a bummer and at worst a form of masochism, few acted on their beliefs
Mr. Seresin is an idiot who didn't consider the most likely explanation:
It's that women aren't "freely admitting", they're "per formatively claiming".
But they're not acting on it because the dont' actually believe it
@Jupiter, Those words are partway there, but they don't get at the "performance" part: what is "performative" is as expected by a certain audience as an actor's performance on the stage. Were I to write a full definition, I would certainly put "hollow" in there. But words aren't my skill.
Some of your words have more of the connotation of fraud, and I feel a lot of what is performative is defensive, like kowtowing to the current cultural norms received from one's betters.
The OED definition includes "to improve one's own image" but I think it's more like "to prevent the tarnishing of one's own image".
Performative, also known as acting, virtue signaling, or being "full of it."
Gee, one of the guys accusing Gaetz is serving 11 years in prison in part for accusing a political opponent of raping a minor. That's some credible witness there.
Or from History of the World:
Comicus: I am a stand up philosopher.
Roman Welfare: Oh, a bullshit artist.
Interesting comment, Trina. I mean, one could, under your statement as I interpret it, be a girl born in the body of a boy. Lots of ramifications if we accept that idea.
Overuse of "performative" is problematic.
Good one.
“In the wake of Mr. Kavanaugh’s confirmation, the gender and sexuality scholar Asa Seresin picked up on a feeling in the air...”
That's was me. I had tacos for lunch.
“the gender and sexuality scholar Asa Seresin picked up on a feeling in the air..."
Was there a passing of gas just before this revelation?
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