Said Ross Douthat, on November 1, in "This Election Is the Tiebreaker Over Trumpism/The hosts dig into what they got right, and what they got so wrong, about this campaign season," an episode of the NYT "Matter of Opinion" podcast.
The Democrats, most emphatically, did not win the election, and I wonder: Did they learn that it's not a winning strategy to divide us along gender lines?
Scanning the headlines of columns this morning, I get the impression that the response is to double down on gender division. I'll just link to Maureen Dowd's "It’s This Man’s, Man’s, Man’s World":
It looked as if Trump, Vance and other Republicans were doing everything they could to alienate women, acting more like sexist jerks you run across in bars than pols casting the widest net for possible voters.
In one of his final speeches of the campaign, Vance called Harris “trash.” In his last speech in Grand Rapids, Mich., early Tuesday, Trump called Pelosi “a bad person, evil. She’s an evil, sick, crazy” word that “starts with a b.” Someone in the crowd shouted “bitch” to help out Trump. He has called Harris “retarded,” “lazy as hell” and “dumb as a rock” and privately labeled her a “bitch.”...
As Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian, told me, it would have been a wonderful morality play if Trump had been brought down by his misogyny and his contempt for women’s rights....
So it's a somewhat more complex text to comprehend than the one Beschloss thought would be wonderful. How about trying to understand it?
१७८ टिप्पण्या:
So, the faded redhead has chosen her fate: Persevere until she disappears.
Kamala Harris has cancelled her concession speech tonight, according to CBS News.
She's decided to become an election DENIER.
Gender, race, and sexuality have been the lefty mantra for too long.
Masculine and feminine gender divisive politics are attributes of a nonviable conception.
Democrats needed a candidate less tainted through association with Biden and Bidenomics.
Harris was the wrong candidate and
the impact of Tim Walz over Shapiro is fatal error no. 2.
One last consolation of the election result is that Democrats might now wake up.
When Harris essentially finished last in the 2020 primaries, history was telling the Democrats to look elsewhere for a future leader. Their failure to do so has amounted to forfeiting a winnable
One last consolation of the election result is that Democrats might now wake up.
Hopefully the expected inquest will lead to a Democratic Party that is no longer enthralled to the Hamilton College Liberal Arts graduate, and instead returns to serving its historical base of working Americans.
I get the impression that the response is to double down on gender division.
They will. I'm sure we'll hear "If Harris were a man..." ad nauseam. Identity politics is their heart and soul.
When imagining Beschloss and Dowd trying to understand the complexities of American voters, it is well to remember Upton Sinclair's observation: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it.”
Apparently, her next public appearance is 1800 hrs 6 Nov.
Their politics has become their religion, and one of that religions' key sacraments appears to be passing their children over fire to appease Ba'al. Gods don't compromise. Of course they'll double-down. Their entire value system is under threat if they don't.
She’s scheduled to speak later today.
*Pennsylvania called for Trump*
Trump: just kidding this election was fair
Trump voters, do you really not see a problem here? You can’t support democracy only when you win.
I think it was a reasonable strategy for the Harris campaign to fight a battle of the sexes, because while the Republicans had men, the Democrats had all of the other sexes.
An election contest should never be about gender, race or sexual identity. It should be about issues, policy and results. That's why Trump won.
War of the genders? At least it's an inclusive transformation.
We tend to shy away from political discussions in my family. When they do come up, it is clear that the women in my family see political questions quite differently than I, the lone man. Abortion rights are first and foremost in Mrs. Bar's mind. They don't enter the picture at all, in my view. DJT really pickled my wife's mind. Did I tell you, she is NOT HAPPY!
I guess calling people "fascist", "Nazi", and "garbage" aren't gender-specific so MoDo doesn't need to consider the other side in her analysis.
You can’t support democracy only when you win.
Yes I can. I can do everything that Hillary Clinton does. To this day, she says that Donald Trump stole the 2016 election.
Trump’s two victories were helmed by women managers. This from the “most misogynistic candidate ever” (TM)? The media and the Democratic Party (but I repeat myself) don’t live in the real world. As a professional woman who worked in NYC BigLaw for 40+ years, I can tell you that these people are delusional at a level that requires them to seek professional help. They are also not very well educated. They may have sort of high mid level IQs but they do not know any facts and certainly do not know anything about our Founding, our Constitution, or basic economics. Everything to them is in a make-believe world.
ahem - the entire media called Trump and Republicans--> Nazis.
They literally pushed forward a candidate (nobody voted for) who got where she was by trading sexual favors to California politicians.
Democrats think we should have a hooker for a President. Americans disagree.
Bich - there was shenanigans going on this year too. Some people had to wait 6 hours to vote.
ARe you that stupid?
It's obvious that women were forced to vote against their interests by their overbearing threatening tank top wearing Trumper husbands. It's even trickled down to our gracious host who refuses to say who she voted for no doubt in fear of Meades retribution
Democrats should stop their misandry and alienating men - case in point, Maureen Dowd.
Tim Walz can go back to burning down Minneapolis with his fake beard wife.
God's In His Heaven, All's Right With the World!
As a decisive repudiation of the Biden regime, this was instructive. Are the Rats really stupid enough to think President Trump will just forgive all the stunts they pulled, up to attempted murder?
No. You can't win a match purely with defense. Now comes the storm.
Gender (e.g. sexual orientation) politics is a binary practice exclusive of transgender (e.g. homosexual) parties. #HateLovesAbortion
Honestly Biden owns this. He should never have run again, he must know he wasn’t up to it, and he should have allowed a proper primary to play out to select the strongest candidate against Trump. No one seriously believes Harris was that candidate.
That is exactly the plan that James Carville layed out in his initial interviews with Maureen Dowd in the NYT. And Biden and the donor class-sponsored White House staff short-circuited the democratic process. The Democrats no longer trust a majority of the American people which is why there is no majority to support what was once the people's party.
Harris was just a weak candidate who never would’ve made it out of the primaries. Democratic hubris strikes again.
Nebraska had two abortion initiatives yesterday. One was essentially abortion up to the 9th month. It lost by 2%. The other abortion law stopped abortion after the first trimester. It passed with 55% of the vote.
So they've learned nothing?
I noticed names like Tulsi Gabbard, Megyn Kelly, and even Nicki Haley are not mentioned by the NYT.
A large victory, the size of a large victory.
If I understood the consensus on the Daily Wire last night, a Republican takeover would give them the opportunity to ban abortion, the issue that loses on every state constitutional referendum. Dogmatists don't spot that they're dogmatists. As Ann Coulter said, all we wanted was overturning Dobbs. We can't give you more than that. We'd get slaughtered in every election.
One of the most heinous lies of the Harris campaign was Trump was going to implement a nationwide abortion ban. I am so grateful that shit didn't work.
"Kamala Harris ended her campaign with Beyoncé, Oprah and Lady Gaga...."
Oh, I thought she ended it alone in her room at Howard U while her supporters stood in the midnight cold waiting for her valediction. Hey, Bill and Obama - thanks for everything and we'll call you.
Millions of men voted for Harris. Millions of women voted for Trump. But because somewhat more men voted for Trump and somewhat more women voted for Harris, it’s a gender-divided man’s world.
Nice to see Dowd is as lazy as ever,
From Wikipedia; "Dowd entered journalism in 1974 as a dictationist for the Washington Star, where she later became a sports columnist, metropolitan reporter, and feature writer. When the Star closed in 1981, Dowd worked for Time. In 1983, Dowd joined The New York Times, initially as a metropolitan reporter. Dowd began serving as a correspondent in the Times Washington bureau in 1986. In 1987, after being tipped off by Jeffrey Lord, she broke the story that Delaware Senator Joe Biden had plagiarized several speeches from other politicians. The revelation was the first in a cascading series of damaging stories that ultimately ended Biden’s first presidential campaign."
"Honestly Biden owns this. He should never have run again, he must know he wasn’t up to it, "
You were telling us this summer Biden was sharp as a tack. You own this, Bich.
So Trump was the 'preserve democracy' candidate after all?
Some women are better that others. Democrats only club.
This. alert.
Of course, I wouldn't expect anything other than childish irresponsible nonsense from Dowd. Issues? who care about that. Policy? Not in play. Instead its a Junior HS "boys v. girls". The boys were meanies, the girls are mad.
I guess her audience views politics this way. they don't like Trump's "tone". They wear pussy hats and vote on one issue - abortion. If working and middle class men are ground into the dust, particularly the White ones, well who cares. Politics is just a game of fashion, and being with the "right sort".
Its too bad they dont stop voting- since they regard it as game. Or we could take away their vote. But that's not possible.
Your tears are delicious, LLR. Watching all those lies come tumbling down.
Gender politics: feminists are from Venus, masculinists are from Mars, social progressives are from Uranus. Men, women, and our Posterity are from Earth.
Old CW. National Popular Vote Interstate Compact
New CW: The popular vote is racist and misogynistic
I'm shocked that any man under 50 who isn't getting some graft from the D party, voted for Harris. She, and the current D party, offer men nothing. And hate the white ones. Of course, the dumbshits in Minnasota, dont yknow, and Washington and Oregon voted for her. They wont change their tune until they get hurt personally. As some proverb says: "You'll know its true, when it happens to you".
Just wait until election reform is passed and voter ID is required and voter role audits are conducted regularly.
Democrats are going to be in the political wilderness for a while.
Democrats needed a candidate less tainted by their policies.
Got it.
This is a man's world, this is a man's world
But it would be nothing, nothing without a Democrat Election Loss
You see, Dems made their beds and they said those words
Dems rode that train like brainless, reprehensible turds
Dems brought to light the emptiness of their souls
Dems have come out as mid-wit, child-butchering assholes
h/t James Brown
It goes beyond abortion. The Democrats were taken over by a psychopathic death cult that reinvented religion.
* Greenies "save the environment" --> fewer children
* Hedonistic "sex and drugs and rock & roll" players --> birth control, abortions, fewer children
* Party taken over by ambitious tech and finance oligarchs, academic elitists, and political careerists --> less time for children and an implied economic goal of reducing competition and maintaining hegemony (fewer children by other people)
* Party taken over by the mentally ill --> Women and gays crushed and belittled by passive-aggressive transgendered people who are sterile and thereby the most noble of eunuchs and dead-end martyrs in any death cult
They want genocide through self-seduction and distracting shell games. This effort would have been an end-of-world prophecy in the old time religions, but in a post-Marxism world both heaven and the apocalypse happen in your own lifetime.
Mark Cuban told me they weren't strong or smart.
Aside from rape-rape, neighbors with "benefits", casting couches with liberal expectations, [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, and boys who identify as the feminine gender in girls' spaces, faces, women have ultimate reproductive rights, and retain a right to self-defense through reconciliation. #HateLovesAbortion
They couldn't cheat as much this time as they did under Covid in 2020. Plus they put forth a ditz who never got a single primary vote and couldn't reason her way out of a wet paper bag.
Finall comment. I noticed the propaganda technique often employed the MSM. Bechloss is described as a "historian", nothing more. Y'know a super-smart "wise man" giving us the objective view based on past events. LOL.
In fact, as show by his twitter feed, Bechloss is a hysterical, hard-core leftist who uses history to advance the party line. He's about as objective as Keith Olbermann.
Try this Mo:
It looked as if KAMALA and other DEMOCRATS were doing everything they could to alienate MEN, acting more like sexist KARENS you run across EVERY FRICKIN' PLACE.
Dowd is such a senescent old biddy, she left out an entire "Man''s".
She's supposed to be witty, though I've seen nary a whit evidence of waggishness or esprit -- just the typical spinster's animus and gall. (Has the botox leached through her skull?) What exactly is her gig on 8th avenue? Hall monitor?
Hemorrhoids Within mutates…
Under current homicide statutes, a child can be aborted up to six weeks following conception, but the rite should generally be discouraged, and a more humane religion (i.e. behavioral protocol or model) adopted in civilized society.
We've just built Trump a yuge permission structure.
So, if it had been Haley vs. Newsom and Haley lost, would that have been "sexism"? Color me skeptical...
As a lifelong numbers guy [4 degrees in the hard sciences] I always find the "gender-gap" discussion quite risible, since it's consistently framed as Republican have a "gender gap" with women.
Well, Democrats, by definition, therefore have at least an equal "gender gap" with MEN. It is arguably *worse*, because female support for Democrats is heavily concentrated amongst single, divorced, childless, college-educated, overwhelmingly white and well-off women. Married women are a mostly even split, and married women with children lean Republican.
The future also belongs to those who show up. Given that children tend to follow their parents' politics at about 80 percent, then conservative numbers will continue to grow. Ask the Shakers about trying to maintain your population only by conversion.
The most important controllable variable in politics is the candidate."
A key insight. Where does the candidate come from?
Kamala Harris is a product of the Neoliberal Gatekeepers of the Democratic party establishment while her neocon credentials (and these are thorough and well established--she almost gags on saying the word "Palestinian") are well burnished.
Fundamentally, Kamala Harris comes from the Washington Democratic Establishment upon having been created and advanced by the Superrich Wing of the California Democratic Establishment, particularly its powerful Moneyball San Francisco salonista chapter. Harris had unlimited money with which to push her weak pastel colored messaging against the ultra-vivid colorful Donald Trump, a master at fundamental political connection through high-wattage messaging. Turns out a majority of Americans believe that strong messaging signifies toughness and leadership.
James Carville in his prescient interviews with Maureen Dowd said Joe Biden should be replaced by a two-step process. First, an open process and convention should be announced followed by a rapid-fire series of townhalls across the country where prospective Democratic candidates could compete. This would be followed by an open convention where candidates would make final pitches and the convention delegates -- representing Democrats out in the country -- would make the final selection. Democrats across the country would have ownership of both the candidate and the program upon which the fall election would be waged.
Instead, White House and Washington Establishment insiders used their position power to go with a weak but establishment-curated safe choice candidate. Kamala Harris never connected with the American Middle out there in the states that has traditionally made the Democratic party the party of the majority.
Abraham Lincoln saved the Union in 1860; Joe Biden lost the Republic in 2024.
In 2028 the Democrats will have to come up with something other than Trump-hatred to run on. Good luck with that.
Is it the Democrat policies or their opposition's pigheadedness that lost Harris this election? Well, I'm not looking for introspection from them about their policies, so expect their blame for their loss to fall on those they will say are too horrible to agree with them. That's a sure vote getter!
Her father was a policeman. Her family is right-wing.
Also Dowd has a self-deprecating sense of humor, just not in her work.
This election could be a reprise of 1892 or 1860. That’s up to the Donks.
As Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian, told me, it would have been a wonderful morality play if Trump had been brought down by his misogyny and his contempt for women’s rights....
Instead, it is a wonderful morality play that Democrats have been brought down by their foolishness and lies.
Dave, it's mind-boggling to me that the Democrats want to go scorched Earth on this issue. The vast majority of people throughout the country (and globally) take a reasonable compromise of this issue (up to first trimester). Those who continue to insist on either extreme will continue to lose going forward. My personal values may not agree with this global compromise, but it unquestionably is the reality.
It’s so funny to think the Dems and celebrities tried to have Rogan canceled. That’s their problem. Not that Rogan “embraced” Trump. But that the Dems can’t stand the free speech of people like Rogan
The greasy, hobo taint of Hemorrhoids Within!
The Karmalic irony of a [political] selfie-abortion.
This is good. +the CNN panel sit there and take it. Kinda wild.
Think ”needs a good drillin’ “, Joe Bar.
Here's to climate change with a Summer after the Spring.
Just wondering here what is going on with Michigan, Nevada, Arizona. No real progress on the vote count this morning, but I'm expecting to see Trump's lead to start attriting with each successive update, until *Presto !* there's a Democrat winner. It must suck to have to count the votes twice: First to get an estimate of the phony ballots required to win, Second, to make it 'official'. I hope the pollworkers get overtime - without parole.
Rich is trying to feed us some Morning After Pills.
Oh, Happy Day (oh happy day)
Oh, Happy Day (oh happy day)
When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
When Jesus washed (when Jesus washed)
He washed our sins away (oh happy day)
I encourage the dems to continue with their losing strategy.
It's a wonderful morality play that women and men will have a renewed opportunity to demonstrate their character in personal choices. The sexes are equal and complementary in rights, not reproductive rites. #HateLovesAbortion
Harris has just shown us how lucky we are she was not elected. Understandably disappointed, but lacking enough fortitude to stand up and take her defeat like an adult. Just like a normal adult, not even like a great leader would. We got really lucky avoiding her being in any position of authority or responsibility. Imagine what she would do when challenged with the responsibility of world leader.
She ran away last night, deserting her people and now appears to be running away from a concession speech this evening. Her lack of leadership ability is glaringly obvious and an embarrassment to women.
If this has anything to say about women, its only this one particular woman - its not all women by any stretch. Harris is a failure and not a decent example to any young women.
"One last consolation of the election result is that Democrats might now wake up."
It sounds like you might be calling for national reconciliation? I'm all for it, but I gotta tell you it would sound a lot more sincere had you shown that over the last 4 presidential terms. I'm skeptical.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda.
Democrats failed to scare, bribe, and defraud the vote. Demos-cracy is viable with responsible men, women, and our Posterity.
“ Hopefully the expected inquest will lead to a Democratic Party that is no longer enthralled to the Hamilton College Liberal Arts graduate, and instead returns to serving its historical base of working Americans.”
Nope. It will take more than one election for that. Someone on Megan Kelly’s show last night suggested that it will take at least three elections. Plus, the party has long been the party of elites, using the working class as their somewhat willing mass of voters. The working class is naturally more conservative than almost any other segment of the population, esp socially. The Dem party has become the party of Marxists, anarchists, feminists, etc, who have little connection to the working middle class. They were somewhat together up to now, but I expect that the connection is permanently severed with this election. Moreover, this also probably means that the Dems have permanently lost their monopoly on Blacks, and esp Hispanics, who really, really, don’t identify with those Dem demographic groups.
Smart pols will look at the results of this election and notice a few obvious reasons that Harris lost, namely the economy, immigration, foreign policy, and wokery. She's also a lousy politician who nobody actually likes.
Instead, the Democrats will likely fall back into their comfort zone and blame racism and sexism for the loss, which will exonerate them (in their own minds) for their bad policies, bad decisions, and bad candidates, and bad campaign strategy.
Except that outside women, there really aren’t that many of other sexes. They aren’t that numerous, just very vocal.
The MC5 said it Too- live from 1970
Interesting. So now it's two states NE and FL that have rejected the anything goes version of abortion law. I'm glad. Ironically it's probably attributable to the higher young man turnout.
"...As Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian, told me, it would have been a wonderful morality play if Trump had been brought down by his misogyny and his contempt for women’s rights...."
How about a morality play where you label your political opponent with some of the most vile, triggering misanthropic labels, with no supporting evidence, then proceed to spend 4 years attempting every conceivable prosecution of imagined offenses, sometimes even passing laws to reinvigorate expired statutes for the sole purpose of the prosecution, levying staggering, unprecedented fines and so on? How about leading that karmic 'morality play' discussion, Mr. Presidential Historian? Not so much, amirite?
I would disagree, from the point of view that FJB probably didn’t have the intellectual capacity to make these decisions. It just got worse throughout his tenure as President. He was always a front man, that those controlling him, and ultimately the White House, could prop up, when necessary, which, for them wasn’t all that often, allowing him to “work” an hour or so, when he wasn’t on one of his many vacations, then reward him with an ice cream cone.
So, the Trumps can return to Mar-a-lago for a rest before returning to work, without the threat of the demi-Justice Department assaulting man, woman, and child, and rifling, pilfering their intimate spaces and wares.
First order of business will be to pardon and compensate people entrapped in Whitmer collusion affairs and the Pelosi-rrection and aftermath still in progress.
LLR-democratical Rich, the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog, now has all the 20-20 hindsight, rearview mirror "answers" on what happened and supposedly why!!
Too funny.
This idiot knows not a single thing worth reading.
JD Vance said "The citizens of this country are not garbage for wanting to be able to afford groceries and a nice place to live. But in two days we are gonna take out the trash in Washington, D.C., and the trash's name is Kamala Harris."
Pretty standard campaign speech fare, particularly when started by the other party (Biden's "garbage" remark).
In a post on X, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., opined, "Not too sure that Republicans going from calling Puerto Ricans garbage to calling a woman garbage is the whiz-bang political chess move they think it is."
Good to see AOC's instincts are a solid as ever...
LLR-democratical Rich, the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog has decided to post the exact same point on multiple threads, so I'll repost my original response to him:
LLR-democratical Rich: "Trump voters, do you really not see a problem here? You can’t support democracy only when you win."
Shut up cheater.
Just because your team was more limited in their cheating options this time around and were watched much more vigilantly than previously (thank God Ronna Romney is history) and lawsuits filed more effectively doesn't mean we don't know exactly what you New Soviet Democraticals are up to.
And the new populist republican party now has the experience, money and resources necessary to build a machine to match the democraticals decades long advantage.
Get used to it.
Why is it unacceptable for men, who get dragged off to be killed in wars, to prioritize the issue of war and peace, but totally acceptable for women to prioritize the issue of abortion over issues of war and peace?
LLR-democratical Rich is going to spend the entire day pretending years of his inane, moronic gaslighting-failure posting never happened at all!
That the best you can do?
I fear the answer is yes.
"instead returns to serving its historical base of working Americans."
Yeah, their billionaire donors will go for that in a heartbeat!
[Elective] Abortion evolved as a liberal religious imperative in progressive sects for the Democrats with adoption of the social ethics of the sexual revolution, and a need to sequester the carbon-based "burden" of evidence to keep women affordable, available, reusable, and taxable, and the men unburdened in their joy.
Yeah, I woke up and there she was, doom scrolling her phone under her blanket in the morning darkness. I said good morning and got barked at like I had done something bad in one of her dreams again. Then I got myself a cup of coffee and notices an empty ice cream tub in the garbage.
Couldn't even watch CNN to laugh; important not to gloat.
And everyone else they can that was targeted by Garland/Wray: Build The Wall guys, etc. As well as non-violent types Trump identified in his first term thru his other program.
Gotta make room for the dems and Cheney types that were in contempt of congress and acted illegally in destroying/hiding evidence and spied on American citizens get the idea.
Trump has articulated well the Federalist position that the responsibility for managing that medical procedure now rests with state legislatures, where it belongs, closer to the people governed by those laws. That's what I agree with. That's also what most conservative voters I know believe. Agitation by the left to "restore Roe" will wane. It's a lost cause. The feds have enough responsibility just dealing with the national and international problems at hand.
I suspect cat lady soy boy gadfly may be trying to bury himself under a ton of kitty litter he keeps in the basement for his many cats.
Joe Biden was certain that he could be the man to collapse the Russian Federation the way Reagan collapsed the Soviet Union. He dedicated his vice presidency to it, he got rich off it and made his son rich, made endless neocons and their MIC sponsors rich, but he is still the same stupid idiot who flunked the third grade.
LLR-democratical, Abacus Boy Rich, the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog, doing his absolute best impression of a Michael Jackson Moonwalk Walk Back!
There was less of a gender gap yesterday than the last three presidential elections, less of difference in how various colors of people voted, less difference in urban vs suburban and rural voters. How inconvenient for polemicists like Dowd.
"Turns out a majority of Americans believe that strong messaging signifies toughness and leadership."
I am curious how you define leadership when it doesn't include these qualities. Answer on a postcard.
I take it you haven’t been following the US debt markets.
Whenever it seemed Trump’s odds of winning went up the 30 year followed — and that’s since September.
The 30 year is now at 4.6% having jumped 12bp overnight and 58bp over the rate just prior to the “rate cut”. The 2 year is up over 15bp since Friday and 70bp since the “rate cut”.
The market is sending a clear message about the inflation and deficit expectations under a Trump administration (especially given his plans on tariffs).
Expect silliness from the equities markets until the reality of a global tariff trade war sinks in (high inflation and low growth).
The debt market is already pricing in the future.
You should be concerned — this is how the Great Depression started.
Look at the Fordney-McCumber Tariff Act of 1922 and Smoot-Hawley tariff Act of 1930 — similar levels of tariffs to Trumps proposals, They reduced global trade by two-thirds. Also — no trade = no foreign lending to the US (or in the 1930s, no bills being paid by foreign creditors).
So, no…it won’t all be back to normal by 5pm.
“Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are doomed to repeat it”
It's over. He got to 270.
"Joe Biden lost the Republic in 2024."
Yes. If the Democrats lose a frickin' *election*, that's the end of the Republic!
There was a very funny tweet where somebody used AI to substitute "our bureaucracy" for "democracy" or "our democracy" and ran a whole bunch of similar quotes from Democrats. Suddenly they all made sense.
Screw all this sexist, gender crap. The Houthis just announced cessation of their "defensive" activities.
There is an insurmountable R lead in AZ, but they are dragging their feet because the whole state gov is D. Decision Desk HQ has called NV for Trump, but the senate seat is too close to call. MI is leaning R. So all three are leaning R but governed by nutty D hacks. Eventually they will have to cough up their totals. There is no path to 270 for Harris even if she were to sweep all three, which she assuredly will not.
No candidate has ever worked as hard or sacrificed as much as Trump did to get elected. He earned it, bigly. I hope the world doesn't exact even more sacrifice, because many still want that, and mental illness is epidemic.
...and yet, the attrition continues. There's a lot of billable hours for filing lawsuits between now and the 20th of January.
Courtesy of Glenn Reynolds (Instapundit):
SO KAMALA DIDN’T SPEAK LAST NIGHT, AND DIDN’T CALL TRUMP TO CONCEDE. A (female) friend messages: “Charming that the Democrats have twice put up a woman against Trump, who gets too drunk the night of elections to give a concession speech.”
They’re not sending their best people. Or heck, maybe they are . . .
The extremist wing of the Democrat Party thinks that all they have to do is nominate singularly inept and unlikeable candidates and this will give them the Presidency. They are zero for two but they are incapable of learning, so we will see it again.
A question for Althouse. You follow feminist authors and opinion writers and such-like. In your opinion, is it possible that feminists would ever consider a female Republican if we nominated one?
..and that's not 'wishcasting', it's 'remembering'. Marc Elias has his warface smile on.
She's a mechanical marvel, one of the few politicians that can make words run with her brain in 'neutral'.
As far as I'm concerned, I'll vote for who I consider the most competent candidate. But that's competent by MY standards, and the qualities (and people) the Dems seem to choose aren't what I'd consider... um... sterling when it comes to governance.
So - you run a female Republican? She'd better bring something pretty spiffy to the table in the way of ability, competence, and being able to battle the idiots on the left who'd tear her down if they could.
1 for 3.
Enemy (10:24): "Trump voters, do you really not see a problem here? You can’t support democracy only when you win." Do you really not see what happened here? The Party opposing voter IDs and secure borders just lost. Expect to see their antidemocratic policies reversed by politicians who understand. PS: There was Democrat voter fraud in Pennsylvania. It didn't carry the day.
Very much agree. In AZ, the top three elected officers were installed two years ago through very visible massive election fraud, allowing Katy Hobbs to step up from Sec of State, where she orchestrated the fraud, to governor. Her successor was, if anything, worse. But now they had the backing of an equally corruptly elected Attorney General, to take point in sabotaging the election reforms enacted to prevent another steal like Hobbs pulled in 2020.
Living in both NV and AZ, with somewhat sitar demographics, I see the former following the lead of the latter. It has very long been a very corrupt state, with the Mafia having significant power up at least into the 1990s. Notably, the wife of a former mob lawyer, and mayor, just left office as mayor of Las Vegas this year.
My partner grew up in that environment. All of her tickets got fixed, through her ultimate first husband’s boss, a restaurant owner. But that guy almost got taken out into the desert, after beating up the illegitimate son of a casino owner, after having the effrontery of dating her one time. The future husband was lucky because the guy he beat up was a Scientologist, and refused to identify his assailant to his family. And, yes, she was on a first name basis with the previous two (married) Las Vegas mayors, through campaign events. But growing up, the presence of the mob was ever present, and esp in the casino industry. Still are - there are still niche industries where you have to pay mob inflated prices or services. Heavy unionization throughout Vegas helps there too.
Something else there - the other big influence in NV politics were the Mormons. In the deal that gave UT statehood, they promised the Republicans 8 Senate seats (UT, ID, WY, and NV). They mostly delivered, except for NV, where the Mormons seemed to work well, much of the time, with the mob. For decades, they provided the bulk of the employees for the casinos. Then, a Jewish born Mormon convert came along, and rose to be Senate Majority leader…
The feminization of the US repelled guys. Does wouldn’t understand. She doesn’t have kids. Neither does Kamala. Neither does Oprah.
The feminization of the US repelled guys. Does wouldn’t understand. She doesn’t have kids. Neither does Kamala. Neither does Oprah.
It looked as if Trump, Vance and other Republicans were doing everything they could to alienate women, acting more like sexist jerks you run across in bars than pols casting the widest net for possible voters.
Without projection, what would Democrats have?
The freaking "men, vote for Harris for your daughters" ads made it explicit: "we have NOTHING to offer men, but you should vote for us anyway"
Yeah. Fuck you and the [gelding] horse you rode in on.
In one of his final speeches of the campaign, Vance called Harris “trash.” In his last speech in Grand Rapids, Mich., early Tuesday, Trump called Pelosi “a bad person, evil. She’s an evil, sick, crazy” word that “starts with a b.” Someone in the crowd shouted “bitch” to help out Trump. He has called Harris “retarded,” “lazy as hell” and “dumb as a rock” and privately labeled her a “bitch.”...
All of which are true
We need a separation of sex and gender in politics. Women are welcome, but leave your pussy hats at home. Same for men who place their penises where they don't belong. As for the transgender, your individual dignity and sexual orientation are separable in social morality and human fitness.
Males who identify as the feminine gender in women's spaces, faces was not a winning choice. Illegal aliens commiting excess homicides, rape-rapes, rapes, and other criminal actions in sanctuary states was not a winning choice. Diversity ideologies (e.g. racism, sexism, ageism) were not a winning choice. Redistributive change schemes (e.g. [catastrophic] [anthropogenic] immigration reform, single, central, shared rackets, selective debt redistribution/forgiveness) were not a winning choice. Global Springs were not a winning choice. Conflation of logical domains to extract capital by the Green blight were not a winning choice.
If Harris had won, our elections would have become impossible to trust ever again. The Dems would lock in the lack of integrity. Trump needs to make it a top priority to fix our election system. My woman was a poll worker last night and the incompetence and confusion was incredible. It needs to be tightened and simplified. You deliver one vote, on paper, in person with photo ID checked electronically when you deliver it, or by mail with special authorization. You have a week to deliver your vote. They are all opened and counted on election day.
Kamala only won in states without voter ID. Abortion had nothing to do with it.
It still amazes me how unfazed Democrats are by the fact Harris was anointed by their leaders rather than chosen by their voters.
"If Harris was a man ..." she'd still be to the left of Bernie Sanders in a country that has about had it to their hair follicles with Progressivism and men playing sports against women and biological men sharing locker rooms with women and Venezuelan gangs taking over apartment complexes.
I've got a friend--a 90 year old Manhattan Jewish guy (born Democrat to the core). He has banged on for the last couple of years about abortion rights--they're almost a holy sacrament in his poltical universe. And yet, faced with Kamala, he voted for Trump. But Jeffrey Carter in his blog had something interesting to say about the abortion issue. He said it was a strong issue in 2022--people were frightened about the demise of Roe v. Wade and voted accordingly. Two years later they are seeing how the abortion issue is being worked through the various states--either through legislation or by popular vote. The abortion issue has lost a good bit of its sting as folks see reasonable accommodation being adopted.
Maybe Mark Cuban will give it a try.
If Harris were a man she'd still be a c*nt.
Holy shit! I hadn't seen that. And they did it while Trump just looked like he might win. Before final election results. The rats are scurrying for cover.
So far MSNBC taking-heads are blaming blatant racism and misogynistic sexism in black and Latino men for bobble-head Kamala's defeat.
When will someone point out that Kamala's father identifies himself as Jamaican of Irish and South Asian Indian ancestry. Her mother is of South Asia Indian, identified as "Caucasian" on Kamala's birth certificate, while her father was identified as "Jamaican". It's racist to term all Jamaicans as "Black".
There was fraud being attempted in Pennsylvania. (Which is what Trump was referring to.) But the authorities discovered it and stopped it.
"As Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian, told me, it would have been a wonderful morality play if Trump had been brought down by his misogyny and his contempt for women’s rights...."
Dems can dish it out but they can't take it.
You shouldn't be concerned about the way that other people vote. It's none of your business. That's why we have a secret ballot.
The last thing Harris needed was more time. She was at her most popular the first couple weeks and then just sunk lower everyday. If given more time she might have won Trump 500 electoral votes.
You’re being disingenuous, Rich. It’s very much simpler than that.
Sometimes you have to run with the “Black” woman you have.
And that’s baffled me since 2020. If the Donk’s wanted a DEI hire, God bless. It’s your party. But the Donk powers-that-be must have been fully aware of Biden’s cognitive limitations. Did no one consider how they might be boxed by their own choices? That hardly seems plausible. Harris was someone’s spoiler. Perhaps Biden’s, perhaps someone else’s.
Kamala Harris only got 61 .1 million votes. Harris Campaign is still looking for those missing 20.2 million extra Democratic voters who elected Biden in 2020 with total 81.3 million votes. How did Democrats lose 20.2 million registered voters? They didn't all swing over to Trump in 2024. Mathematics is such a bummer. Harris Campaign and its Marc Elias election-denial team are diligently searching state ballot counts, as we speak, to locate at least another 18.5 million votes, to at least exceed Trump's popular vote tally.
It's an obvious massive disconnect in total popular vote counts for 2020 and 2024 elections' Democratic President vote-tallies, a discrepancy difficult to explain even by Nancy Pelosi.
Vance-hatred. Literally Hitler
I still think what I thought back in July, Biden should have stayed in the race, just for the entertainment value----All in all, Kamala was more cringe and more doddering than Biden. Of course he (Biden staying in) would have lost as well, but it would have been more competitive and not the complete route and mandate it is now. I mean, Michigan? Dems losing Michigan, Michigan flipping red has got to be the biggest humiliation ever.
Every Democrat in Arizona ran on Abortion Abortion Abortion - there was no other issue. Thankfully, the voters passed the abortion rights amendment, which will - I hope - remove the issue from future elections. I note that almost every state that had an abortion rights proposition/amendment on the ballot saw about 58-60% of votes in favor. In Arizona it was 62% in favor. That seems about right - most voters want abortion to be legal.
I'm not strongly pro- or anti-abortion. I just think there are far more important issues, and we should get on with discussing them. Even in Arizona.
Perhaps LLR-democratical Rich, the Harry Sisson of Althouse blog, should "abort" his disingenuous attempts at changing the subject by cutting and pasting the thoughts of others for which he has no understanding whatsoever.
Maybe just stick with what songs Lizzo is happy to lip sync to during democratical fundraisers or the equivalent. You know, something more Abacus' Boy's speed.
"As Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian, told me, it would have been a wonderful morality play if Trump had been brought down by his misogyny and his contempt for women’s rights...."
Many women have been in Trump's inner political and professional circles (most recently, Susie Wiles, his co-campaign manger). Just like with fascism, he needs to go back to school to do misogyny right.
I bet AOC kept messing up the drink orders when she was a bartender.
Trump victory already paying dividends: It sounds like the left is back to only two genders!
Nevada also passed an abortion rights amendment to the state constitution by a wide margin.
"As Michael Beschloss, the presidential historian, told me, it would have been a wonderful morality play if Trump had been brought down by his misogyny and his contempt for women’s rights...."
Of course, it is an equally wonderful morality play to entirely subvert the will of the voters (such as it was) by trying to kick Trump off the ballot, removing the sitting president by threats of 25th Amendment attack, and installing a woman who has never once, in two election cycles, garnered a single delegate for the dem nominee. Also to attack the other side - as these actions are taking place - as being a "threat to democracy." Also to castigate male voters in advance as mysogenistic and black voters as potentially going off the reservation should they not vote for she-who-never-won-a-delegate. Also for trying to disrupt marital relationships (and insulting women as being unable to think and speak for themselves) to suggest that once, just this once, women vote exclusively on vagina/baby-killing and lie to their husbands about it.
It's a man, man, man's world only in it takes a man and woman to tango, and mutual responsibility to raise our Posterity to enjoy Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
It's a man, man, man's world only in it takes a man and woman to tango, and joint responsibility to raise our Posterity to enjoy Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.
Masculine and feminine.
I think that's a corollary of one the laws here: if there is a difference between men and women, women must be portrayed as superior.
If I understood the consensus on the Daily Wire last night, a Republican takeover would give them the opportunity to ban abortion,
I'd have to hear that for myself, since - pro-life as B. Shapiro and A. Klavin and M. Walsh are personally - I've only ever heard them talk about abortion since Dodds in an approvingly Federalist manner.
Rich/sockpuppet/Johnweavermeatpuppet You've been spending the last month gaslighting all of us about how great that economy is under Biden/Kumala, how Bidenomics was the imaginary bane of inflation (when in fact it was its accelerator). Now you are suddenly saying your crooked, left wing economic plan is bad along and sunk your fake candidate?
It is probably best to go back to your rat hole now and put Brett Blomme's weiner back in your mouth before you speak anymore stupid, hypocritical drivel.
Human rites cannot be banned because demos-cracy is aborted in darkness.
The best we can hope is to restrict their performance under homicide statutes and discourage their practice through moral development.
Let's go Brandon!
James Carville in his prescient interviews with Maureen Dowd said Joe Biden should be replaced by a two-step process. First, an open process and convention should be announced followed by a rapid-fire series of townhalls across the country where prospective Democratic candidates could compete. This would be followed by an open convention where candidates would make final pitches and the convention delegates -- representing Democrats out in the country -- would make the final selection.
Or, you know, they could have not deceived the American people for a minimum of a year and, according to what I could see on video, at least four years about the cognitive fitness of their candidate, and run a normal primary process with Harris as the incumbent.
They (whoever "they" are) successfully pressured Biden to step aside for Harris as a candidate. When Biden started being referred to in social media as President Roomba, how much harder would it have been to pressure him to resign in her favor and leave her president? Then a normal primary. Drama over early, voters represented, she would probably still lose because she was terrible, but whoever's running the Democrats could have stayed (more) in the shadows for another election cycle.
I was trying to make the case to my husband that one reason this election really was the most consequential of our lifetime is that Democrats should have been royally ticked off by what was done to them. Not just Republicans.
The women who voted for Trump recognize he has policy positions that support their everyday issues. They know abortion is available throughout the states, and they can vote locally for abortion rights. It is not a national issue.
The women who did not vote for Trump have the luxury to focus on ideological issues rather than everyday issues. And abortion on the national level is now ideological.
In California you can abort the day before delivery. When Senators from California push for a national law, they are not representing Californians, they are being ideological and want to impose their beliefs on people from all other states. Californians are good, they don't need a national law.
If Idaho wants to limit abortions to the first 6 weeks, they are representing the people of Idaho. If the senators from Idaho push for a national ban, they are being ideological because they are trying to impose their beliefs on people from all other states. Idahoans are good.
In general, there is a much bigger push to recodify Roe v. Wade, than to create a new national law to ban all abortion. The republicans are ok with abortion being a state’s issue ---- the democrats are not.
Trump called Harris names. Harris called Trump names. Is personal abuse worse than calling your opponent a fascist? Trump's style was different from Harris's, but he didn't sink as low as internet commenters did. Gender and race had little to do with the election results, but that's all that people talk about nowadays, so it's not surprising that they are what Democrats fall back on when they lose.
For eternity, the threat that "Republicans will ban abortion" will join the vintage "Republicans will end Social Security".
"It's a gender war!", says the party that doesn't know what a woman is.
Our media class are bozos. Corrupt ignorant bubble dwelling lying insane leftist bozos.
One last consolation of the election result is that Democrats might now wake up.
Gee. Just 24 hours ago you were telling us how the fake Iowa poll took the wind out of Trump's sails and he was fading fast.
Now you're saying the Ds need to wake up?
Physician, heal thyself.
"If I understood the consensus on the Daily Wire last night, a Republican takeover would give them the opportunity to ban abortion"
Stop wasting your time listening to the "daily wire". there's zero chance that Trump or Mumbles McConnell will support a Federal abortion ban. Zero.
Instead, the Democrats will likely fall back into their comfort zone and blame racism and sexism for the loss
And that's fine by me. God forbid they actually learn from their mistakes.
I suspect it’s more a case of Onanist, feel thyself.
I dunno, Leland. Let’s see how this works out:
Don’t forget “shit for brains” and “stiletto heels”…
It's in the interest of the Democrats for abortion to be always and everywhere under threat.
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