And let's see who else was talking about the election in terms of the "manosphere." 1. November 5, 6:15 AM, in The Washington Post: "Into the nervy climax of the 2024 elections/Our columnists are trying to keep calm as this year’s immensely consequential vote wraps up." The columnist James Hohmann speaks of the "manosphere"... disparagingly:
The party’s coalitions are changing. We’re going through this realignment that Trump has hastened. And Republicans are now much more dependent than they really ever have been in our lifetimes on low-propensity voters. They’re counting on the "Manosphere," the Joe Rogan listener, the crypto bro, “the guy who vapes.” And these are not high-propensity voters.
2. November 5, 8:09 AM: "Joe Rogan Reminded of His Own Brutal Words After Trump Endorsement/Joe Rogan just endorsed Donald Trump. Here’s what he once had to say about the former president":
The king of the manosphere has spoken. Celebrity podcast host Joe Rogan officially endorsed Donald Trump in a lengthy post Monday evening on X. Receipts immediately followed... Fans were quick to point to the many times Rogan has criticized Trump....
3. November 1, at NPR: "America's Next Top Scapegoat; plus, Inside the Black Manosphere":
Then, Brittany is joined by Code Switch's Gene Demby to explore the roots of a corner of the conservative internet that may have surprising effects on the election: The Black Manosphere.
ADDED: There's also, from September in Atlantic: "How Joe Rogan Remade Austin/The podcaster and comedian has turned the city into a haven for manosphere influencers, just-asking-questions tech bros, and other 'free thinkers' who happen to all think alike" (previously blogged here).
And, to go back to August 2016, something from The New Yorker — previously blogged here — there's "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DECIDE EVERYONE ELSE IS A NARCISSIST," a New Yorker article by Jia Tolentino, who quoted "An Essay on the Fear of Narcissism" by Kristin Dombek:
And, to go back to August 2016, something from The New Yorker — previously blogged here — there's "WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DECIDE EVERYONE ELSE IS A NARCISSIST," a New Yorker article by Jia Tolentino, who quoted "An Essay on the Fear of Narcissism" by Kristin Dombek:
"'If you are an especially giving person, warns the Internet, you are a prime target for narcissists,' Dombek writes. The narcisphere has a gendered inverse, which some call the manosphere and which is dedicated to teaching men how to dominate women by feigning self-confidence. This is the realm of pickup artistry. It is much worse than the narcisphere...."
And here's something I blogged in November 2018:
"What I was surprised to find was the extent to which [the 'manosphere' is] using ancient Greek and Roman figures and texts to prop up an ideal of white masculinity," said Donna Zuckerberg, interviewed in "Donna Zuckerberg: ‘Social media has elevated misogyny to new levels of violence’/When the academic, sister of Mark Zuckerberg, began exploring online antifeminism, she discovered far-right men’s groups were using classical antiquity to support their views" (The Guardian).
१६२ टिप्पण्या:
I can't recall which gospel has the verse live by creepy late term abortion, die by creepy late term abortion.
"Joe Rogan Reminded of His Own Brutal Words After Trump Endorsement/Joe Rogan just endorsed Donald Trump. Here’s what he once had to say about the former president":
The king of the manosphere has spoken. Celebrity podcast host Joe Rogan officially endorsed Donald Trump in a lengthy post Monday evening on X. Receipts immediately followed... Fans were quick to point to the many times Rogan has criticized Trump....
And the lesson they took from Rogan's defection, like Vance's and Gabbard's and Musk's and RFKJ's and the fact that Haley spoke at the convention, is not that their candidate was a cipher or their policies are unpopular, but that these guys are hypocrites.
Who is it that ends up getting dragged to fight in these neocon wars and have our bodies punctured and ripped apart in combat with other "brothers in arms" who got the same raw deal by their government? Men. No fair for these guys to vote!
Ben Shapiro said last night they were all going to blame the voters for the result. How can they not be as smart as us?
The collective asshole liar left can all eat massive shit.
rhhardin has REPEATEDLY told us, that NOT A SINGLE republican will Ever be elected (EVER!), anywhere (ANYWHERE!) as long as abortion is legal for ALL WOMEN, at ALL times.
rhhardin told us, AGAIN and AGAIN; that NOTHING ELSE mattered..
what ever happened to rhhardin ?
Yes, it’s time for men to take back control of the society, institutions and churches. Send the weirdos, perverts and play actors back to the closet. Stop whoring out all our young women.
Inga and all leftist Soviet lying liars who lie - enjoy your Maddow hell. Lying liars deserve it.
“Man, Oh Manischewitz.”
“We’re all living in the manosphere now.” Said as if it's a bad thing? I hope Dems keep it up, so the men who remain on their side also get fed up.
Not surprisingly, there's very little introspection going on with our Leftist friends this AM.
They're not as devastated as in 2016. I think most of them privately knew Harris would lose.
Many dedicated lie-buying Democrats promised to leave the US.
Bye! Perhaps the ladies of The View can fund your self deportation.
Men got kicked around a little too much - and now all the trans madness & Democrat hack fem-o-nazis are butt hurt. Good!
yay men!
Every few decades, the men of this country are required to stand up and head to the front lines to defend our freedoms. They just did it .... again.
Thank God for "toxic" masculinity!
Google is massively interfering with your blog comments, Ann.
Her husband, Jeremy Bash, a CIA official in Obama's White House, was one of the 51 signers of the fake letter claiming Hunter's laptop was Russia Collusion.
She should not be allowed outside in America without being HOUNDED by Americans to the point where she voluntarily leaves the country.
"And these are not high-propensity voters."
Quite so. The typical Trump voter has little to no propensity to
1. deceive himself.
2. deceive others.
3. insist everyone must see the world through his eyes only.
4. commit arson, assault, and mayhem if he doesn't get his way.
Please describe what you’re seeing that leads you to that conclusion.
Moron alert.
I don't have a problem with a war against Hezbollah
Who's fault is that?? They cry about WOMEN, and turn around and let trans men take over women sports. They blame men (especially white men) for every wrong in this country, and for forcing women to have sex and multiple abortions. Do they think the men are going to get on their knees ala Kamala?? Ain't happening. THEY did this to themselves. Cry more!!
Joe Rogan has grown in office.
You're welcome for introducing this blog to The Joe Rogan podcast and the intellectual dark web.
That is why they will be outsiders for a long time. They cannot learn from their mistakes because they cannot admit that they made a mistake in the first place.
@Derve ... rest easy. The Democrats aren't done trying to murder Donald Trump.
Notice how the media isn't even discussing the Jewish vote?
I follow a couple of black "manosphere" types on Twitter, and they are generally pretty solid in their takes, but today, Twitter is so rich it's going to give me gout!
If American leftists cry after we stop giving billions to Iran - and we help Israel take out Hamas and Hezbollah? I can live with that.
Black men voted Trump. What ever will the the hack-D Soviet press say about that!
Nancy Pelosi has a LOT to answer for.
Exit Question: How many American presidents have been removed from office by women? If we're living in a manosphere, then how can you explain Joe Biden's coup by a bunch of Californication women?
Can somebody explain to me what happened to 15 MILLION Democrat voters who allegedly pulled the lever for the only President of the United States to surround Washington DC in razor wire for his inauguration?
Where's Biden's 81 million votes?
I'm sure Dana will be going away for an extended rest cure soon. Preferably to a place with padded walls and no sharp objects.
Here is a black "manosphere" account if you are curious:
"Thar he be, the white male. From hell's heart, we stab at thee. For hatesake, we spit our last breath at thee."
‐ CNN, live from the Pequod
Manosphere - a new name for the same old bubble.
Brilliant. Love it.
Zero lessons learned.
More excuses than genders to follow.
Recall, if you will, the little boy who cried, "Wolf!". As the debunked lies kept being repeated, as the law fare became more obvious, as the fevered dreams of insanity like concentration camps and firing squads became more rampant..... NORMAL people said, "These guys are nuts". They tuned you out. And, unless you self correct, soon and hard you will remain background noise.
Black Manosphere sounds like a Marvel movie.
Using her own continuum of existance, we've been solidly, and I mean SOLIDLY, in the womanosphere since 2018. A course correction has been long overdue.
BEAUCOUP DINKY DAU! I was totally wrong, I believed America would never elect a convicted felon, a court adjudicated sexual abuser and an overall disrespectful degrading person. I must rely on my faith and believe that " Every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God (granted by His permission and sanction)and those which exist have been put in place by God."Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them and give respect and honor to those in authority. But obedience is not in conjunction to those who defy the laws of God." I'll have to go with that. My wife and daughters are upset and concerned about the most powerful person in the world with his foul being will be the role model of America but they also will adhere to the will of the God of their understanding. We will now see how fast the WAR is stopped, the Latino culture that pushed trump over in most states will see if their family members are rounded up and sent packing, how beneficial tariffs will be on Americans finances. At my age nothing will really affect me except knowing that the country I loved and fought for has finally shown a direction I could see coming but didn't think America would actually shift over to the ideals of what the presidency of the president elect represents. I will pray hard and continue to guide my grandchildren to the best of my ability and continue to teach them foul language, disrespect, criminality ,perversion and corruption are still not the way of the world our Lord has not wanted us to be part of. When Paul wrote Romans 13:1-7 Nero was the man and if God allowed Nero than trump just follows a long line, BEAUCOUP DINKY DAU, heading back to my hooch and moving forward one day at a time. Inga, Gadfly, Freder, Lonejustice, and the other progressives up in here, continue in your faith toward a more perfect union,the abuse foul language ,name calling unchristian like behavior I have seen on these pages toward you are just a now approved way of life called out by the majority vote of the country ,AMERICA ,role modelling its allegiances. The highest office in the land ,along with the corrupt graft ridden highest law court have been degraded never again to hold its beauty Americans once believed. It is a Brave New World, and my grandkids will have to really (all 9 of them)so far, will have a different road to travel than I did as a child, Give em strength Lord. The gender gap was too overwhelming, the Hispanic movement will now see what their efforts will reap. The country has spoken,God is watching..
Jen Psaki is an election denier and is using very very insurrection-ey words…
They cannot learn from their mistakes because they cannot admit that they made a mistake in the first place.
To be fair, it took Republicans how many unsuccessful election cycles? to learn their lesson and realize that a realignment was underway with or without them. And there's still that faction that won't acknowledge it.
But I was hoping for this result because I DO recognize that conservatism needs to be pushed against by - sure, let's call them "progressive" forces, in order to have new material to test itself on. Conservatism works because it keeps what works, not because it never changes. But the present Democrat party has been taken over by a form of progressivism that's so weirdly destructive that conservatism can learn nothing from it. The Democrats need to recover from their acid trip and Republicans need to test their ideas against a form of progressivism that's isn't batsh*t crazy.
When your supporters continually blame all of society's problems on one gender and you wonder why they don't vote for you, there's a bit of a disconnect there.
How bout that Iowa poll (poll was by a woman)?
Des Moines Register on Monday: Iowa Poll: Kamala Harris leapfrogs Donald Trump to take lead near Election Day
"Roughly ten minutes ago, the "end of the filibuster" movement suddenly went silent. In the morning, the rights of the minority will suddenly become the cause célèbre of Washington..."
And I'd go out on a limb and say that women like wendybar and me (that sounds awkward, but isn't it correct? "Like me," therefore "like wendybar and me"?) do not appreciate having our beloved men denigrated, threatened, and handcuffed.
The people who just got whacked are looking for the 'Mansters' who caused all of this instead of considering that they, themselves, are abhorrent to most of the American people, and that their messaging was as much a part of their own defeat as anything else.
So a week ago an insider friend said pollsters knew Trump was going to win but had to keep it under their hat? Like readership would be angry and they'd lose subscribers or something?
Then the Rasmussen guy did his data dump yesterday and it was very Trumpy.
It all falls into place. They really can't be honest about polling results so they bunch together for safety.
Des Moines Register pollster Ann Seltzer torched her reputation in Iowa by conducting a poll in which she falsely claimed Harris would win 47-44.
In fact, Harris LOST 56-42 ... she lost by 14 percentage points.
Nothing can explain her polling outcome except media FRAUD.
In that world, the proletariat is not privy to such information. There's plenty of introspection, don't worry, and much satisfying gnashing of teeth, that the blond *sshole has once again shamed the woman candidate. Don't look for insight, look for a fresh page for new dirty tricks. Because that's how they roll.
Still waiting to see who picks up the majority in the House. Obama made a serious miscalculation when he targeted Trump for shaming at the White House correspondents dinner, lo those many years ago.
I see the merry divorcee has joined the festivities to see how much damage she can do, if any. No Sale, harpy.
You obviously don't know much about America. We love our felons. We grab them by the pussy.
Is she wearing her pussy hat?
Black men voted Trump. Whatever will the White Witch maddow/Behar(S-Soviet) left do?
Does this mean we get back The Man Show?
To be fair, Gilbar told us (often in ALL CAPS) that republicans would never win again because the cheat could not be overcome...
Tha brothas wern finna vote for no ho. A thousand times they told em so.
They are in their safe space with their Legos and coloring books.
I know, I know, 2020 is water under the bridge... But damn that election sure was fortified!
Maybe things aren't as bleak as you imagine, STINKY, or maybe you can still imagine them into something worse. Will you be changing your name now, or after the inauguration? I'll be glad to see those fences come down - I seem to remember them lingering like a difficult choice, last time.
Can we agree now that the 2020 election was stolen? What happened to those 20 million voters who showed up for Biden but never showed up for Obama or Harris? Answer: they never existed.
Probably money Thomas. It's a mad dash to get any remaining ActBlue deposits into checking accounts before they shut them down, fractions of cents though they be.
In the Soviet Union, they had a saying too. "Show me the man, I will show you the crime." Eventually, even the Russians and Ukrainians threw those bastards out. Conviction by a rigged kangaroo court means nothing.
The media does seem strangely silent about the Jewish vote. For that matter, there hasn't been much about the Muslim vote, either. Wouldn't it be something if Trump brings Jews and Muslims together in the USA, just like he did in the Middle East?
No zebra likes the red paint.
I have seen a number of the "black manosphere" guests on Rogan. Pretty much to a man, they appear to be a great ideal for black men to aspire to - solid, smart, calm and introspective. What have the dems offered lo these many years, besides P Diddy/King James worship?
Never been a doubt in my mind. But like always, they never let a disaster - including one that was likely engineered to be such - go to waste.
I consider this Trump’s 3rd term. May it and the red house and senate generate much blood and gnashing of teeth among the vanquished.
I sure hope she enjoyed burning whatever credibility she had gained in order to maybe win one House seat.
Vance/DeSantis 2028
DeSantis/Rubio 2036
A last ditch Banzai charge.
Dear Soviet Media,
Jan 6th was a riot (infused by FEDS) NOT an "insurrection."
Insurrections require guns.. and plans. There were no guns.
The only person shot and killed was a Trump supporter. At what point will that get through?
Your never ending obsession with the word "insurrection" is old and busted.
Joe Biden stepped out of the way twice to allow a woman to run in his place. Both times the woman lost to Trump.
In 2016, it was the glass ceiling that didn't break. Now it's the "manosphere." If Harris had won, would be living in a womanosphere? Have we -- and the rest of the West -- been living in the womanosphere for some time?
Notice how Kamala Harris isn't conceding.
Notice how Kamala Harris isn't respecting the will of the people.
Will she leave the White House? Or will Trump's Army have to mount an offensive to retake it?
I’m enjoying the mandate the left is giving to Trump. The things Trump avoided running on, the left is gifting him as issues he can add to his agenda. These gifts won’t be a priority, but I do hope Trump’s AG finds time to look it the government waste by the FBI and DOJ over the past 8 years and hold some civil servants and former politicians accountable for that waste. The left has claimed Trump would do it.
What better emblem of a manosphere than Hillary Clinton facing charges that Trump kindly ignored and got punished for doing so. It is not like a statue of limitations exists for the charges that Comey outlined. Again, not a priority and it could be permanently resolved by Biden giving Hillary a pardon.
It's not as though Kamala was this perfect candidate and the only possible reason to vote against her is sexism. But that's the narrative now and so it will go as the corporate media continue to commit suicide.
It's the same formula the media followed with Obama. We were told the only possible reason to vote against him was racism. That hysterical narrative quickly evolved from a national wankfest into a hate and division industry that set back race relations 50 years. It evolved into Wokeness in the broader sense and it led to the rise of Trump. It became Obama's sad legacy. But they learned nothing and Obama is still pushing that Big Lie.
Oddly enough Trump has somehow managed to begin the healing of race relations.
There are more women than men in America. Men didn't elect Trump all by themselves. Aren't we told that it's men who don't turn out at the polls? What about the millions of women who voted for Trump? Are they sexists? This manosphere narrative ignores the fact that Trump was put over the line by women. And Kamala was rejected by women.
The fact is, Kamala performed exactly as her history, her personality, her talent and her experience would lead you to expect.
Why did the Dems bet on the one-legged woman to win the butt kicking contest?
During the Obama years, the Dems largely purged their party of moderates. They strictly enforce their woke ideology
As a result, they have a very shallow bench when it comes to national elections. They have only themselves to blame, but they never do that.
Young girls, jumping on trampolines in their bikini's.
Make TV Great Again!
Trump improved with every demographic group. I guess they have to blame someone though, instead of blaming themselves for running a transparently unqualified candidate.
A black closeted preachy homo in the white house.
Thank you! Excellent.
Why don't you go F yourself.
Remember- Biden's family still bilked tax payers out of millions - in the pay to play money laundering scheme running through Ukraine.
She'd better not show her face in any restaurant I'm eating at.
If Kamala had won, would these folks stop calling America sexist?
Did the election of the first Black President stop them from calling America racist?
With Electoral-Lytes!
Somehow 15 million Democrats up and died between Joe Biden's 81 million votes and Kamala Harris' 66 million votes.
How did 15 million voters die and nobody noticed?
You have always lived in the manosphere, dear. And you always will.
Congratulations on sharing Adam Westbrook's browsing history.
In the gender sphere, men and women, male and female sex, respectively, who exist in the masculinoverse, are motivated by penis envy.
The Des Moines Register backed Linn Marr School District and it's Nazi transurrectionist attack on parents. They lost their credibility several years ago.
Yeah… c’mon, gilbar. Who are you trying to kid. Yourself? 😆
It is strange though...I suddenly have a strange desire to impregnate a woman and take away her shoes.
Who is it that ends up getting dragged to fight in these neocon wars and have our bodies punctured and ripped apart in combat with other "brothers in arms" who got the same raw deal by their government? Men. No fair for these guys to vote!
"Women have always been the primary victims of war. Women lose their husbands, their fathers, their sons in combat. "
-- Hillary Clinton
Eat a bag of dicks, then kill yourself.
If by some weird chance the Democrats have a majority in the House, I hope that Trump hands Pelosi her copy of the SOTU speech printed on unrippableTyvek, with a US Marshal standing by to take it from her hands at the conclusion.
As Diversity ideologies progress in the not so distant past, the present holds diversity in our Posterity of individuals, minority of one. Welcome to the future, ladies and gentlemen. Oh, and congratulations, Trump AdVanceIng.
...and Vote-a-mins ! !
Re: Rogan: changing one's opinion upon further contemplation and facts is a sign of adult maturity, not psychopathy. There are many American adults who have had a sea-change in their political allegiances, given what has transpired here in America under the Biden/Harris fascist regime. Yes, I think Biden/Harris administration is fascist in real-time, while Harris' accusations towards Trump of "fascism" is mere projection and obfuscation.
"Manosphere"? You mean as opposed to the "Pussysphere" that has been such a persistent plurality for Democrats ever since Roe v Wade? And all because they wanted a hellish version of "reproductive healthcare" that granted them the right to kill their unborn babies right up to the moment of birth. Please. The push back was long overdue.
Average leftwinger: “Am I out of touch? No… it’s those crazy minorities, THEY are the white supremacists!”
“Thar she blows!”
The PoO just hit the fan. Here's to People of Orange, Black, and other blocs that color Critical Diversity Dementia. Let us all dream together.
Kamala never won an election fair and square. The slots were always teed-up for her. She was a lousy candidate, utterly unqualified, bubbleheaded dolly, a amoral political beast. Thank Biden; 2020 election now proven by 2024 election to have fraudulently installed Biden as president.
Time for lawfare to find its new target: Biden, his crime-riddled family, and his corrupt crony-enablers within Department of Justice.
“Let’s see where Harris outperformed Biden’s 2020 performance anywhere in the country… she did not…zero.”
We have been unburdened from what has been.
The shift to Trump by black men, Hispanics, Jews, and Muslims was really something to see. If Hispanic men continue giving a majority of their votes to the Republican, it's going to be very hard for the Democrats to win a national election.
You speak the truth, Lilly. There it is.
And George Gascon sent packing for his return to Transylvania. Sweet!
Patterico gets a bone.
Libtards live in the bitchosphere.
No, she was wearing her pink shapka, or fur hat, that bears the communist hammer-and-sickle logo (There is an actual picture of her in it.)
@Bff, there’s a clam that there were both Israeli flags and “Muslim” flags being waved by attendees at Madison Square Garden. I’m not sure what he latter means — Palestine flags? Flags of Muslim nations like Egypt or Pakistan? Still, an interesting development.
As long as you keep Jimmy Kimmel FAR, FAR away!!1
Democrats needed a candidate less tainted through association with Biden and Bidenomics.
Harris was the wrong candidate and
the impact of Walz over Shapiro is fatal error no. 2.
One last consolation of the election result is that Democrats might now wake up.
When Harris essentially finished last in the 2020 primaries, history was telling the Democrats to look elsewhere for a future leader. Their failure to do so has amounted to forfeiting a winnable election.
vocal diarrhea
Joe Rogan Reminded of His Own Brutal Words After Trump Endorsement
Well, first of all this country is not the UK under Starmer, this is not China under Xi, Russia under Putin, or Ukraine under Zelenskyy, and it is not even Canada under Justin Trudeau. We are allowed to criticize our political leaders.
Secondly, however many faults Trump might display as a person, he is manifestly a superior individual when compared to Kamala Harris. This is something men usually get right, and perhaps someday a majority of women will join us.
"VAE VICTIS BITCHES!" - Brennus (allegedly)
"Then, Brittany is joined by Code Switch's Gene Demby to explore the roots of a corner of the conservative internet that may have surprising effects on the election: The Black Manosphere."
The Black Manosphere? Is that separate from the regular Manosphere? If so, I hope it is equal.
Oops. Sorry I was thinking about The Roman Empire. Look if we really want a female President, then let's get a candidate who is smart, tough, and has wide appeal. The past contenders were fatally flawed. Is this that hard?
Gee, who would have thought that that more than a decade of misandry and govt sanctioned racism would result in pushback?
Unfortunately Man Show Boy has grown up, and slimmed down. He was the star!
Apparently, she will next appear at 1800 hrs tomight.
Explains a lot:
Washington D.C. - Harris: 255,899 / Trump: 18,699
@Enemy Within, Walz is an extremist who willingly let his own capital city burn, and no less an observer of the political scene than Victor Davis Hanson said that Harris was to the left of … Bernie Sanders!?!?! And he has the receipts. Basically the Democrats as a party have chosen to place arguably their most important activity, the nomination of candidates for the Presidency, in the hands of bubble-dwelling “Progressive” extremists. They hot what they deserved.
DINKY DAU 45 said...
"I was totally wrong..."
Thanks for admitting that.
"I believed America would never elect a convicted felon, a court adjudicated sexual abuser and an overall disrespectful degrading person."
But Bill Clinton was elected president. Twice.
"I must rely on my faith and believe that 'Every person be subject to the governing authorities...."
I believe that applies to Hillary Clinton, too. And a bunch of other Democrats and enablers. And the illegals.
"For there is no authority except from God (granted by His permission and sanction)."
The divine right of kings? God did not give us authority; he gave us reason and Nautral Law so that we may determine secular authority for ourselves.
"... and those which exist have been put in place by God."
That includes Trump, too.
"Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them..."
As a purely pragmatic matter, yes.
"...and give respect and honor to those in authority."
Half right. Which also means half-assed. As Dick Winters (and many others) noted, "You salute the rank, not the man." Honor has to be earned.
"But obedience is not in conjunction to those who defy the laws of God."
Like on abortion, for example.
"I'll have to go with that."
Me too!
"My wife and daughters are upset and concerned about the most powerful person in the world with his foul being will be the role model of America..."
Fortunately, Joe Biden will be gone shortly.
"We will now see how fast the WAR is stopped..."
Sending billions of $$$ was not a good idea. Unfortunately those billions will continue to go a long way, especially in Iran's case.
"At my age nothing will really affect me except knowing that the country I loved and fought for has finally shown a direction I could see coming but didn't think America would actually shift over to the ideals of what the presidency of the president elect represents."
As a long time 3rd party voter who voted for Trump the last two times, I agree. Trump is not my ideal, but he's the best we've had in a long time.
" [A bunch of puffery redacted.] "
Man, you can pontificate, Dinks. Didn't anyone tell you brevity is the soul of wit?
"The highest office in the land ,along with the corrupt graft ridden highest law court have been degraded never again to hold its beauty Americans once believed."
Even as a cynical small government conservative, I have been amazed at how thoroughly corrupt our institutions have become. And how hard they fought against the threat to them that Trump represents. (not just him in particular, though).
"The gender gap was too overwhelming..."
You mean the one smaller than predicted?
"The Hispanic movement will now see what their efforts will reap."
Hispanics and Latinos are 20% of the country. Mexican-American is now the largest ethnicity in the US, surpassing German-American. Of course they will have an imprint on the future in America.
"The country has spoken, God is watching."
Reminds me of an old joke:
A thief scales the fence and cross the property to rob the house. In the yard, he hears a voice seemingly out of the sky say "Jesus is watching you."
Startled, he looks around and sees no one, so he continues. Again, the voice, "Jesus is watching you."
Finally, he gets to a window cracked open where he sees a parrot say "Jesus is watching you."
He laughs and says out loud, "What person would train a parrot to say 'Jesus is watching you'?"
The parrot replies "The same person who would name their pit bull "Jesus".
Jen Psaki in the pink shapka:
RideSpaceMountain said...
"I consider this Trump’s 3rd term..."
The 2nd movie in a trilogy is more often than not the worst one. Unfortunately, a lot of people needed the 2nd act to see exactly where Democrat policies and mindless pablum lead. Here's to the dénouement being satisfactory.
And these are not high-propensity voters.
That's true. And if we don't fix that, 2026 is really going to suck, see 2010 & 2014 when it wen the other way.
OTOH, all this easy absentee and early voting bullshit will make it easier to get them to the polls.
The Dems problem was that their candidate sucks, so all the easy voting in the world didn't get people out.
In 2026 we'll see if good candidates and good GoTV can get the manosphere out when Trump isn't on the ballot
Really, in 135 comments, no one has thought of this:
"I got yer TWO manospheres, right heah!!!"
Gosh Dixcus. You don't think they may not have ever existed do you?
She's not in the Whitehouse. Biden is still president. I hope he lets Trump take over early so he can hit the ground running on Jan.20
They were conveniently dead a while ago.
And when the excrement has devolved upon the fan blades women seem to be singularly happy to be living in a manosphere.
I keep thinking back to something I'm sorry I witnessed. A house was on fire. Most of the family got out but one little girl, maybe eight or ten, early grade school years anyway, was trapped in her bedroom. I don't know why she was trapped because code calls for every bedroom to have a window. Someone said the homeowner had remodeled, so maybe he ignored the county code.
Anyway, two male firefighters in masks and protective gear were searching inside the burning house for the little girl but could not find her. Then the fire chief got on the radio, told his men then the roof was going to collapse, and ordered them out of the house. Toxic masculinity kicked in and the men refused his order to leave and kept searching. Then the roof did collapse, and the girl's screaming stopped. The firefighters, through sheer luck and good protective gear, made it out alive, but weeping at their failure to find the little girl.
Every time a feminist mentions things like "manosphere" and "toxic masculinity" I think of that poor little girl and I think of those firefighters who risked widowing their wives and leaving their children fatherless to try to find a little girl that -- probably -- neither of them even knew.
Thank you, Althouse, and Dana Bash and James Hohmann, for reminding of this piece of horror yet again.
More to the point, they are mostly Trump voters, and not (yet) Republican voters. We Republicans need to turn them into reliable Republican voters. My sense is that the Democrats and their allies in the newsmedia and academia will cooperate fully in our endeavor by missing no chance to bash men who work for a living.
Dixcus, they've been divorced since 2007. The inaccuracy weakens your argument.
I don't know but I've been told that the Black Manosphere is larger on average than the White Manosphere.
And the Asian Manosphere ... well, sorry guys.
Where's Crack?
Does this mean "manosphere" podcasters will be removed DHS watch list?
Some of most prominent in the "manosphere" are women. I know that is too complex for Bash to comprehend.
It's not the manosphere, it's the motion.
i do admit, i assumed that the democrat vote count would be OVER A HUNDRED MILLION
i'm GLAD that i was wrong.. wait! let me rephrase that:
however.. The idea that All that ANY women care about if abortion was proved wrong too!
it certainly Does seem, that for Single Postmenopausal Lesbian women; abortion WAS their number one (and ONLY) concern
Yes, Mike, thank God for all the Left does to drive voters to us :-)
DINKY DAU 45 said...
"I was totally wrong..."
Thanks for admitting that.
@ Rocco
You actually read that crap AND fisked it?
Life's too short.
Dana Bash is a fraud(D)
john mosby said…
“Really, in 135 comments, no one has thought of this:
‘I got yer TWO manospheres, right heah!!!’
While grabbing the crotch and flashing the manu cornatu - the cuckold hand gesture.
I'm not sure what the 'manosphere' means, little lady. You hen-pecking us like in a chick flick?
Resting Bash Face
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