November 19, 2024

"For the unacquainted, Mr. Trump’s gyrations are a far cry from the complexities of the moonwalk, the Macarena or the Electric Slide."

"Both simple and strangely hypnotic, Mr. Trump’s wiggle incorporates the kind of stiff swivel often employed by arrhythmic wedding guests or awkward, one-too-many conventioneers."

Writes Jesse McKinley, in "Trump’s Signature Dance Move Finds Its Way to the Sports World/Jon Jones punctuated his U.F.C. win with the president-elect’s shimmy, and numerous N.F.L. players followed suit on Sunday" (NYT).

It says there that McKinley is "a Styles reporter who covered the criminal trial of Donald J. Trump earlier this year, from opening statements to guilty verdicts."

McKinley has written a lot of other things too. Why focus on Trump's criminal trial? Maybe subtle humor: Not long ago it seemed that New York authorities had found a way to put Trump in prison, and now we're just wondering if it's okay for football players to dance the Trump dance.

McKinley also wrote, recently:
• "What’s Vexing Donald Trump Now? Kamala Harris’s Looks/From the vice president’s looks to the 'angel' judge at his trial, the former president can’t help commenting on the appearance of others — especially in relation to himself" (August 22)

Good topics, all.

ADDED: McKinley describes Trump's dance with reference to characters who are decidedly uncool: "arrhythmic wedding guests" and "awkward, one-too-many conventioneers." But he quotes an N.F.L. player who did the dance — Brock Bowers — as saying "I saw it and thought it was cool." The uncool becomes cool... sometimes. How does that happen? It goes the other way, too. Kamala Harris seemed to have all the cool people on her side. It's easy to explain how that became uncool: trying to be cool.


rehajm said...

Don’t forget the little golf swing. The best ones have the little golf swing…

rehajm said...

I saw Kamala dance. Trump for the win…

Kate said...

No one wants to be the Elaine Benes on the dance floor, yet here's Trump doing his awkward moves in front of the nation with no self-consciousness. It's endearing.

The Trump dance is joyful. It's a way of admitting we like him but it's also silly. And it's harder than it looks to get his strange rhythm correct.

And we all know why this piece mentions the criminal trial rather than another topic. They can't talk about Trump without adding vinegar.

mezzrow said...

If I could actually dance, I wouldn't be in the band. Even I can do the Trump dance.

Breezy said...

The Trump shimmy is akin to the red hat in its simplicity. It’s so easy to do, and immediately recognized as his dance style. Anyone can do it and it’s genuinely fun to do if you finally feel you can share your opinion without fear of blowback. It’s celebratory.

FormerLawClerk said...

The worst enemy the Democrat Party has is the people in the media on their team - people like Jesse McKinley, others like Rachel Maddow. They GUARANTEE that Democrats will be mocked mercilessly.

What the fuck is a Style reporter doing covering a political show trial?

Big Mike said...

… and now we're just wondering if it's okay for football players to dance the Trump dance.

@Althouse, you go tell exuberant athletes that there are limits on what they can do to celebrate something.

Christopher B said...

::extends pinkie:: "Not our kind, dear" ::sniff::

rehajm said...

…he did a trump dance on SNL before he was literally Hitler. Good luck finding that…

Ann Althouse said...

"@Althouse, you go tell exuberant athletes that there are limits on what they can do to celebrate something."

According to the article: "The penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct... only covers celebrations that are excessively long, violent or 'sexually suggestive or offensive.'"

They "tell" them by assessing fines. A player was fined about $11,000 for wearing a MAGA hat. They need good rules and equal enforcement. As for the dancing on the field... the question is a little complicated. Some fans like some dancing. A dance that represents a particular controversial politician is something of a problem for the sport. We'll see what they do.

wendybar said...

Seems like there is jealousy, that Trump is popular, and is the People's President, whilst they cry and carry on because Kamala's cackle (along with her lies) turned people off

wendybar said...

But no fine, for the kneeler who wore Cop Pig socks on the field...sure it was practice, but not the kneeling. Where are THEIR fines??

rehajm said...

‘equal enforcement’. Yes. Asymmetry is a major issue…

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

People insist on talking about Trump as if he were some kind of alien. Boomers figured out that they could get laid without knowing how to dance. So they generally didn't learn. Trump is doing the well-known boomer shuffle.

FormerLawClerk said...

The funniest part of this story is that CBS Sports is now cutting away the video any time anybody does the Trump Dance.

Tiffany Network, folks.

Home of Dan Rather and his IBM Selectric typewriter for whipping out those Texas Air National Guard memos whenever one is needed.

FormerLawClerk said...

Here's an example of what CBS is now doing (this one from an English soccer club, of all things ... as players started doing the Trump Dance):

rastajenk said...

In Ohio, as well as many other states I imagine, you can't be sporting partisan pins, signs, t-shirts etc while in line to vote. So I did the Trump shimmy while in the short line at our precinct and felt like I got away with something.

deepelemblues said...

Seen it many times, especially with dancing. When you don't care what you *might* look like to someone else, you're enjoying yourself, it attracts people. They like it. They admire it.

Howard said...

You're supposed to dance like nobody's looking. So even if it's clunky and awkward you get a pass because it's authentically you. That's why we all love thee Elaine Benes dance

BUMBLE BEE said...

For the unacquainted, the Trump Dance is becoming an international cultural phenom.

Peachy said...

The Happy dance

The Soviet Nazi-Scum Lying Liars who Lie D-MSNBC network are crying.

Wince said...

"Sweet fancy Moses."

BUMBLE BEE said...

Getting as famous as Queen's "Another One Bites The Dust" celebrations.
Can't have that.

wendybar said...

In Progressive land, it's cute that the NFL authorized BLM, and all the other progressive jargon to be used on the end fields, and on the helmets of the Progress Racists like Kaepernick.

Howard said...

I don't know what part of the world you grew up in during the Boomer teen era but in junior high and high school we had dances almost every Friday. In addition during 6th grade we had to practice square dancing multiple times a week in the morning before school started and then put on a dancing performance for our parents on graduation day.

Jaq said...

"We'll see what they do."

Whatever it is, it will help Trump. It's the Trumpain dialectic.

Howard said...

Schadenfreude is the new light beer. Tastes great, less filling.

Money Manger said...

I'm not a fan of the cheesy choreographed dances in the end-zone after a touchdown. Real football players just nonchalantly drop the ball to the ground (years ago it was all about spiking the ball, until that got out of hand).

Somewhat off topic, I'm also not a fan of letting the steady-cam camera guy onto the infield to follow the home-run hitter in-his-face on his way from third to home. Does the guy wear a special on-field pass on a lanyard ?

Jaq said...

For instance, you send a goon squad out to knock off P-Nut the Squirrel in order to show some guy "who's boss here."

wendybar said...

Sorry. That is Basketball that had BLM at the end of their court. End Racism, and It takes all of us is printed at the end zones of NFL, Funny, since most of the racism is COMING from the left against whitey lately..

Leland said...

Trump’s dancing is good enough to be an Olympian if he was Australian.

Rob C said...

Maybe Charlie Brown and the gang can sue Trump for taking their dance moves.

Peachy said...

Exactly. Heads - the left lose. Tails - the left lose.

rhhardin said...

I can't believe anybody's watching sports. It's all hype.

Rob C said...

Didn't they also start the "Let's go Brandon" routine when a sports caster mis-heard a cheer?

gilbar said...

the kind of stiff swivel often employed by arrhythmic wedding guests or awkward, one-too-many conventioneers."

now do Tampon Tim Waltz' arm flapping?
not dancing?
then now do Kammy's Dancing?

wild chicken said...

Oh those poor NYT readers, waking up to this lighthearted fare, when the planet is in in peril! Will no one think of Democracy? Cancel my subscription again!

HistoryDoc said...

Politics are down stream from culture, and Trump has captured the culture.

Expect democrats to lose their shit over this.

Christopher B said...

Nick Bosa photobombed another player's interview in a MAGA hat. It took some guts to do that because there was no way the NFL wasn't going to fine him for it, though it could also be an indication of just how strong support for Donald Trump is. I know of no similar incident with Harris gear.

narciso said...

When you think carlos slims cant get any lamer

Ann Althouse said...

I don't care what they do as long as it's viewpoint neutral. I don't watch football and I'm not in the football business. They can be more individually expressive or more disciplined and uniform. They're trying to make money and they need to entertain the fans.

JAORE said...

One party declares joy. The other expresses joy.

pacwest said...

I'm in the running for the worst dancer in the world. I know the steps since my wife and I have taken a lot of lessons, but I've got no rhythm. I do great for for four or five bars but then lose it entirely and have to restart. But I enjoy it anyway. We have been to a lot of places and events with a dance floor that is entirely empty. We are generally the first ones out on the floor doing our (inadequate would be a polite description) routine. Almost every time the floor is filled on the next dance. We came to the conclusion that people see us having fun and laughing at ourselves and say to themselves 'I can't do any worse than that!'.

pacwest said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rehajm said...

The Barry Sanders touchdown celebration is the best- hand the ball to the official.

Quaestor said...

"Good topics, all."

More subtle humor better done.

Curious George said...

NFL players have slogans on the back of their helmet in addition to slogans on the field.

Lilly, a dog said...

It isn't called the No Fun League for nothing. Maybe NFL players are just demonstrating that they like jerkin' off other guys.

planetgeo said...

People who have lived under authoritarian governments/cultures and are repressed from openly expressing their true feelings always find simple ways to signal their rebellion to others in a manner that can be plausibly denied to the repressive authorities. Thus, the "Trump dance," which can easily be explained as a tic, loss of balance, or muscle spasm. And once everyone knows it's the perfect and perfectly safe FU, it becomes viral.

phantommut said...

Go back to the original meaning. To be cool is to be calm, comfortable, confident and competent.

Trumps dance is akin to moonwalking. Kamala's was akin to twerking.

EAB said...

NFL players have taken to doing all sorts of coordinated celebrations in the end zone. Some complicated, some not. The Trump dance is just another short-term iteration. Like the guy who mimicked Raygun, the NZ break dancer from the Olympics. It’s just a “thing” to do something current, which means it’s replaced quickly.

Maynard said...

It was Microsoft Word.

Ice Nine said...

Somewhere, Nick Bosa is smiling.

Mason G said...

"One party declares joy."

Democrats are Clark Griswold:

"Well I'll tell you something. This is no longer a vacation. It's a quest. It's a quest for fun. You're gonna have fun, and I'm gonna have fun... We're all gonna have so much fucking fun we're gonna need plastic surgery to remove our goddamn smiles! You'll be whistling 'Zip-A-Dee Doo-Dah' out of your assholes!"

donald said...

I’m going to work that into my modified pogo.

William50 said...

They’re even doing the Trump dance in China

Yancey Ward said...

I think it is hilarious that Trump stole the "Joy" label from the Harris Campaign and the Harris Campaign stole the weird label from Trump's.

Bill R said...

Donald Trump has had the most remarkable career since Julius Caesar.

He becomes a billionaire in the dog eat dog worlds of New York real estate
Tiring of that, he turns himself into an international TV star.
Tiring of THAT, without any organization, institutional support, party alliances and against the unanimous hostility of the bureaucracy, academia, press, and establishment, he makes himself President of the United States.
He fights off relentless and dedicated lawfare in multiple jurisdictions all over the United States, risking his life, liberty, and sacred honor every time.
He is re-elected in a decisive landslide.
At 78 years old, he launches a dance craze.

Lazarus said...

Note: This is the prestige media that we are supposed to respect, and listen to, and help survive.

Bob Boyd said...

Young man, there's no need to feel down
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground
There's no need to be unhappy

Make being a young man great again.

MikeD said...

I'll take a silly dance moves over the ape like chest beating and howling at the sky.

Birches said...

Here's Trump doing a proto version of his dance, mentioned above

I think people like it because it's authentic.

Tina Trent said...

What can’t this man do? He’s bringing back the happy tackiness of the Seventies. And secretly, we all know we missed it.

Tina Trent said...

I have nothing to add to this reply.

Tina Trent said...

Agreed. I unironically want a golden toilet. You only live twice. But this guy’s a cat.

The Middle Coast said...

A good tactic is one that your people en-JOY.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

If you look up "dance like you just care" in the dictionary there's a photo of Trump.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

I'm partial to the Lambeau Leap.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Good catch.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Yes, and it has spread organically, virally. The Ruling Class is so angry that Trump can go around all the gatekeepers and scolds and Karens and just reach everywhere to become a genuine cultural phenomenon. They hate this fact. Black people dancing the Trump! Foreigners dancing the Trump! Babies dancing the Trump! It's out of their control. They can't stop it the way they couldn't stop him! Everybody laughed at stupid Jazz-handsy Tampon Timmy, but the wider culture has embraced Trump. The cool people are doing the Trump. Winners are doing the Trump. It's become synonymous with celebration.

The Left always hates what it can't control. Watch them seethe more. Or they'll ghost the scene like Igna did.

PM said...

Joe, Mika, you're up.

FormerLawClerk said...

The NFL has today announced they will not fine players for doing the Trump Dance in the endzone after touchdowns.

William said...

Trump triumphed in a hostile environment. I can see how athletes would be attracted to those moves for a celebratory dance. I can also see how the network executives would like to suppress any broadcast of those moves. Trump is an existential threat to democracy and it is imperative that any mention or even allusion to him be couched in derogatory or contemptuous terms. The preferred prefix when writing about him is "convicted felon" . "Alleged rapist" can sometimes be used later in the article, but "convicted felon" is the preferred title. This victory dance is not innocuous. It's a threat to women's reproductive rights and should be suppressed with heavy fines. If athletes want to do a celebratory dance, let them imitate the Biden shuffle upon entering the end zone.

Leora said...

The Trump dance is the way I remember the prep school boys dancing in the 70's.

JK Brown said...

This dance just confirms my suspicion all along, Trump's elections have been Caddyshack elections

Here is the OG dancer from the movie

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