३ ऑक्टोबर, २०२४

Trump's word: "fight."

I have a simple point to make, but before I do, I want to acknowledge that "fight" was also Hillary Clinton's word, and here we see the music video shown at the 2016 Democratic National Conviction and it's full of celebrities brimming with determination to fight (for what we know they went on to lose):

Trump won in 2016, and he went on to lose — or are you one of the millions who think he won? — in 2020, and now he's fighting to win again. Out there fighting, we know what happened in Butler, Pennsylvania, and we know that "fight" was Trump's word in the most immediate dire moment:

If you had one word left to say, what would it be? We know, for Trump, it was: "Fight."

The article begins with 3 quotes that someone said Trump said. This was one:
On a flight with Mr. Trump and his family after the election, an Oval Office assistant heard Mr. Trump say: “It doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell.

Did he say that? I'll assume he did. The assistant could have misheard or misunderstood the context or have misremembered or be lying. And how do I know this assistant is a real person who is saying precisely that? But let's assume Trump said it — in private, to his family. What does it say about him? You fight until the end. You fight and win or you go down fighting, but you don't give up. That's Trump's mindset.

On the debate stage in 2016, asked to say something nice about Hillary, Trump said "She doesn't quit. She doesn't give up. I respect that":


And in 2020, before the election, Hillary Clinton was still manifesting that fighting spirit that Trump respected as she sternly warned Democrats: "Joe Biden should not concede under any circumstances!" Don't give an inch! Be... relentless," she said:

Do you believe in fighting for your cause to the bitter end? Maybe it's better to concede when you can see defeat ahead, but some people fight until there's no conceivably possible route to success. Is there one last attenuated legal path of relief? That's how far Trump fought. And what about the additional moves, the grasping at illegitimate power? That's what the prosecutors mean to prove, using material like "It doesn’t matter if you won or lost the election. You still have to fight like hell."


And I don't really care if nobody else believes/'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me....

२४५ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   245 पैकी 201 – 245
Mason G म्हणाले...

"But don't worry Kook, we know that you and your kind need it desperately to build an edifice of dirt because there's nothing else there."

That's not dirt. Best keep it off your shoes.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

It's why they're susceptible to groupthink and manufactured consensus. It's almost...what's a good word...cultish!

Mary Beth म्हणाले...

Here - Why Non-Citizens Should Be Allowed to Vote

Mutaman म्हणाले...

"If Trump can’t manage his own wife from publicly coming out in favor of abortion one month before the election, he definitely can’t manage this country. "

Stew Peters

Michael K म्हणाले...

We all know that this is the reason for the invasion or illegals and the support from NGOs and Biden/Harris. Ruy Texeira has a couple of books and some articles about it although he seems less enthusiastic lately.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Enter another lefty troll.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Mutant Man thinks Trump will ban abortion. He has said no but you lefty mind readers know better.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

Stew Peters is pro "wife-managing" eh? Is his pimphand firmer than Doug Emhoff's? Maybe they could be buddies!

Jim at म्हणाले...

Please, Steven, list the facts that were ignored by Trump.

Please, no. I barely made it through his first paragraph of bullshit before scrolling on.

narciso म्हणाले...

Stew peters is a hamas apologist

Jim at म्हणाले...

It didn't use to be this way until Trump.

It's not Trump's fault you people have lost your fucking minds. Nor is it his fault you're trying to kill him.

Leland म्हणाले...

Fredster Troll, you actually cited nothing at all. You put quotes around something you wrote and claimed with no evidence, no citation, no context that Trump said it. You might as well tell us how Trump grabbed at the steering wheel of “the beast” on Jan. 6th to try and figh at the Capitol. It still is a baseless lie, but someone in Trump’s White House did at least make such a statement. You are useless waste of Althouse commenters time.

Inga म्हणाले...

Oh brother. Jim, it is YOU people who have lost your fucking minds. Listen to yourselves, the accusations, the fervent belief in the Big Lie and all manner of crazy conspiracy theories.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

How would Trump manage to ban abortion nationwide, especially in those states where it is legal? And who would enforce it? Or is it just an outright lie?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

DJT DC case.

“Facts” & allegations “supported” by evidence (testimony, statements, documents) that hasn’t been subject to cross examination or confrontational techniques are not properly or constitutionally established.

They thus cannot satisfy the govt’s burden of proof."

Barney Owasco म्हणाले...

If you recall Katy Perry was supposed to perfrom at the victory party in the Javits Center - the one with the glass ceiling. The one that didn't become a virotcy party. Some of the press noted Katy Perry arriving at the Javits Center that evening, but nobody described her departure. I would love to see all the raw footage from that evening as the air was let out of their balloon. It was a beautiful moment. Earlier that day I went to the church that was used as our polling place, on the small Gulf coast island where I was living at the time and stood in line to vote. I recall thinking that Hillary was going to win, but what I was goign to do was to reduce her margin of victory by one vote in the State of Florida. That evening as the results began to shape up there was that moment when you thought, hey...wait a minute, he still has a chance... Some seem to have forgotten that Trump poured concrete six feet thick all over Hillary's chances of ever being an elected national leader. It was a great thing. And all the bullshit that was scripted and cued and ready to flow at the Javits center that evening got the big cut and never happened, including this stupid song. DJT, you magnificent bastard!

loudogblog म्हणाले...

"Trump was convicted on 34 counts of falsifying business records."

Robert, no, he wasn't. That's a misdemeanor crime in New York. You need to tell us what the felonies are that Trump was convicted of.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Cook - the Democrats are the party of the rich. ..and the party of grift and corruption.
FEMA is broke because Biden Harris spent all of it on Illegals.
Folks impacted by the violent storms - are being held hostage by FEMA. Waht are FEMA doing? Asking for donations. LOL. Anyone with a brain - DO NOT DOMATE TO FEMA!

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Election Interference:
"DJT DC case.

“Facts” & allegations “supported” by evidence (testimony, statements, documents) that hasn’t been subject to cross examination or confrontational techniques are not properly or constitutionally established.

They thus cannot satisfy the govt’s burden of proof."
-Leslie McAdoo Gordon
more to come...

Iman म्हणाले...

F-off with your Mutt ’splaining, Mutt.

Earnest Prole म्हणाले...

Apparently you’re oblivious that ballot harvesting was legalized between the Obama and Biden elections. Trump stupidly discouraged early voting in 2020, a mistake he’s attempting to reverse this year.

Iman म्हणाले...

Given the current state of affairs, the incompetence we’ve witnessed and what ALL we’ve had to live through these last 44 months, if you think things will improve under a Kamala Harris presidency (spits on the ground), you must have excrement for brains.

Inga म्हणाले...

Kamala Harris and Liz Cheney are together at an event in Ripon WI, the birthplace of the Republican Party. Seeing them together gives me hope that this long nightmare of Trumpism may soon really be over. The Trumpublican party can’t be gone soon enough. And when the election is over, wouldn’t it be wonderful if the Trump’s quietly leave the country and seek refuge in one of their favorite authoritarian countries, but Trump may be in jail by then. Maybe he could be given the option of jail or banishment.

Maynard म्हणाले...

it is YOU people who have lost your fucking minds. Listen to yourselves, the accusations, the fervent belief in the Big Lie and all manner of crazy conspiracy theories.

As a retired psychologist, it is my opinion that the two most primitive defense mechanisms are projection and denial.

By primitive, I refer to people with limited cognitive ability and sophistication.

The level of projection coming from Democrats in this election cycle indicates their sense of desperation as it also does their intense appeal to primitive thinkers.

Inga is an obvious example, but the DNC believes that such individuals are the base of their party.

Iman म्हणाले...

Good to see Harris embracing a loser overwhelmingly rejected by voters in the state she represented and by the Republican Party.

A couple of nefarious individuals.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

I hear they're bussing in the crowd as usual, Inag. Will you be aboard?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Tina Peters is a delusional moron. That said - CO is very blue and what she did amounted to jack squat.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Iman म्हणाले...

Good to see Harris clutching Cheney to her bosom. It takes a courageous cluelessness to glom on to a politician so overwhelmingly rejected - with extreme prejudice - by her state’s voters and the Republican Party.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

They know their bench is hollow and that they've parted with fundamental American values long ago. They traded independence for safety and they know admitting that means the destruction of their party for decades if not all time (this used to happen frequently in American politics...no one remembers the free soil whigs anymore).

They'd rather die. Independence for security...they'll have neither.

Inga म्हणाले...

If there are any classical Republicans left in these comments sections, it’s worth finding the event in Ripon, WI on YouTube and listening to Liz Cheney’s remarks.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...


MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

From the post:

"IDemocratic National Conviction."

If ever there was a fortuitous typo, this is tops.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Fredo Thinks that all these lawfare cases will survive appeal.

Michael K म्हणाले...

No, Cook, you are just lying.

Michael K म्हणाले...

Now we learn why Bich is hanging around a place where he is not welcome.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Seeing them together gives me hope that this long nightmare of Trumpism may soon really be over. The Trumpublican party can’t be gone soon enough.

Seventy five million people voted for Trump. If you think we're going away post-Trump, you're dumber than I thought.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Oh brother. Jim, it is YOU people who have lost your fucking minds. Listen to yourselves, the accusations, the fervent belief in the Big Lie and all manner of crazy conspiracy theories.

You're talking about conspiracy theories? YOU, of all people?

Your insane hatred of Trump and Trump supporters speaks volumes. And none of it good.

In short, you're nuts. And not very bright.
Getting your clock cleaned in November will drive you over the edge.

Inga म्हणाले...

Oh no doubt you Trumpublicans will still be here in these comments sections blabbering away about the latest conspiracy theory and at the usual right wing hangouts and the more extreme right wing hangouts, but Trumpism without Trump is going to go away with a whimper eventually and not with a bang the way you would like to think. Classical Republicans have already been leaving the Trumpublican party in droves.

n.n म्हणाले...

All's fair in lust and abortion.

rehajm म्हणाले...

She’s always quick with an ‘of course meant to say’ to help out the disabled on the left…

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Read this Thread

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Liz Cheney is a fraud. How she handled the Jan 6 committee proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
YOU radical leftists can have her.

boatbuilder म्हणाले...

Putting aside, for a moment, the questions of whether there was or was not significant vote fraud and/or manipulation in the 2020 election, it is undeniable that, by my own conservative estimate, at least 50 million American voters strongly believe that the current voting system is broken, corrupted and untrustworthy.
In response to this, rather than pledging to investigate the issue and address those concerns, to ensure transparency, reliability and trust, the political class has turned on the questioners, denouncing them as kooks and conspiracy theorists, and viciously punishing anyone of political prominence who has the temerity to dispute the claim that the election, and the election system, was and is completely fair and above board.
While we have the largest and most rapid expansion of the use of absentee balloting (the method most susceptible to fraud) in history.
If you don't have questions about this, you aren't paying attention.

«सर्वात जुने ‹थोडे जुने   245 पैकी 201 – 245   नवीन› नवीनतम»