१६ ऑक्टोबर, २०२४

Sunrise — 7:15.


१८ टिप्पण्या:

Drago म्हणाले...

FBI stealthily adjusts crime statistics to reflect that indeed, as we all knew, violent crime in the US increased by over 4% and not "decreased" by 2.1%...as the New Soviet Democraticals have been lying about for several years.

Just like the job numbers....just like the inflation numbers....just like the illegal immigrant numbers....

See a pattern?

There is zero difference between the Old Soviets and the New Soviet Democratical Party.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Traveled west of Madison this evening to observe the comet. Unfortunately, there were high clouds and a full moon, but still quite the sight. Just barely visible naked eye, but is a beauty in binoculars. Bright nucleus and about a 5-degree long, fat tail.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Was that Kamalamadingbat's campaign crashing into the lake?

DINKY DAU 45 म्हणाले...

Former President Donald Trump was reminded of his advanced age on Tuesday after arguing that "only stupid people" appoint older judges to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Trump, 78, made the remarks while touting his three Supreme Court picks—Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett—during an interview with Bloomberg Editor-In-Chief John Micklethwait at the Economic Club of Chicago.
It's amazing, because I got three in four years," Trump said. "Most people get none. Because, you know, you put them in, they're young. You tend to put them in young."
"Only stupid people put old," he continued. "You know, you don't put old in, because they're there for two years or three years, right?"
Micklethwait then interjected by telling the former president, "You're a 78-year-old man running for president." STUPID PEOPLE PUT IN OLD PEOPLE MIC DROP the orange perp is too old and definitely senile(see his last show where he stood looking like "Weekend at Bernies" FOR 39 minutes supposed to be a question and answer format. YMCA ....the fella dont even know what the song is about.

wendybar म्हणाले...

End Wokeness
Kamala Harris to black men in Detroit:

"You may not know this, but you would appreciate this. I grow chili peppers."


wendybar म्हणाले...

"Funny how the first releases that need revising are always there to politically boost Democrats."


Political Junkie म्हणाले...

What does everybody think about the "Jimmy Carter voted early" story? IMO, it is proof of his incapacity to vote. This is an example of how D's work mail in voting and elderly home voting. I propose one day national election holiday. Eliminate early voting and all must be done in person. And of course, only one person in a voting booth.

Political Junkie म्हणाले...

Drago referenced Dinah Shore in another post. Lots of similarities between Dinah and Kamala, if you know what I mean about Dinah. But, Dinah was very smart and genuinely warm and kind. Burt messed up by not staying with Dinah. Burt needed to be with an older warm woman, not Sally Field or Loni Anderson.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

X Video: Oops

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

Federal Judge Blocks Alabama Effort to Remove Noncitizens From Voter Rolls

"The Justice Department had sued the state, alleging that it violated a federal law prohibiting systematic changes 90 days before an election.

A federal judge on Oct. 16 ordered Alabama’s secretary of state to halt its effort to inactivate and move toward removing noncitizens from its voter rolls because doing so violated a federal prohibition on systematic changes 90 days prior to an election.

“For decades, federal law has given states a hard deadline to complete systematic purges of ineligible persons from voter rolls: no later than ninety days before a federal election,” Judge Anna Manasco of the Northern District of Alabama wrote in her preliminary injunction.
“This year, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen ... blew the deadline when he announced a purge program to begin eighty-four days before the 2024 general election.”

Her order also requires Allen to issue guidance to each of the state’s 67 counties for them to restore the status of individuals inactivated as part of the program as well as provide a remedial mailing to those individuals.

The U.S. Justice Department (DOJ) sued Alabama in September, alleging that the state violated the 90-day Quiet Period Provision included in the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA).
Allen had announced on Aug. 13 that the state had “identified 3,251 individuals who are registered to vote in Alabama who have been issued noncitizen identification numbers by the Department of Homeland Security.” He would direct counties to “inactivate and initiate steps necessary to remove all individuals who are not United States citizens.”

In her order, Manasco said Allen “later admitted that his purge list included thousands of United States citizens.”

The district court had consolidated the Justice Department’s case with another lawsuit filed by a group of organizations that included the Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice, League of Women Voters, and others.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall filed a motion to dismiss, claiming on Oct. 2 that the organizations lacked standing, the legal concept that a party is sufficiently harmed to bring a complaint under Article III of the Constitution.
It also argued that both groups of plaintiffs misinterpreted the NVRA.

Passed in 1993, the NVRA reads in part: “A state shall complete, not later than 90 days prior to the date of a primary or general election for federal office, any program the purpose of which is to systematically remove the names of ineligible voters from the official lists of eligible voters.”
Marshall’s motion argued, among other things, that removal was a “term of art,” which only occurs after eligible voters no longer appear on the official lists of eligible voters.

Allen’s letters, Marshall said, merely directed inactivation and that inactive status didn’t constitute removal under state or federal law. “Secretary Allen’s noncitizen letter process does not call for administrative removal of anyone from the voter rolls before the 2024 General Election,” the motion reads.
The DOJ responded on Oct. 9 by telling the court that Alabama was ignoring the plain text of the NVRA, which encompassed programs whose purpose was systemic removal—regardless of whether that removal would occur 90 days prior to an election.
In its complaint against Alabama, the DOJ alleged that voters within the state faced potential disenfranchisement.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Driving into the village this morning to get an egg sandwich and a cup of coffee was like driving through a glossy magazine spread. The leaves are changing, the sun was bright because the sky was so clear. There were wisps of fog lying over open cornfields and wending through the little glades the road to the café passes through. When I got to the village, there were two people, both with out of state plates and fancy cameras, taking pictures of the steaming lake and the forested island a couple of miles out. The light fog was brilliantly lit by the rising sun. One of the photographers looked like she could have been a movie actress, but maybe she was a trophy wife, since she had free time to do stuff like this, or maybe she was a professional photographer, who knows. The other was a retired type guy who didn't need a backstory to explain why he had the time to be doing this.

Last night was a bit over the top too, that same clear sky, after over a week of the clouds and fog that had hidden the comet and the northern lights, and a full moon presiding over the glassy calm lake; there must have been 500 geese settled on its surface. The geese were in quiet conversation and the way the blue white moonlight hit the white balusters of the little balcony outside my bedroom, I left the French doors open, and the way it shone off of the window sills and made the hardwood of the floor glisten a tiny bit, well, it was almost too much. If the geese had been snow geese, and white in the moonlight, instead of plain old Canada geese, who were more hidden in the darkness and only heard, it would have been overdone. That I can say with confidence.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Six more rewrites and I might have it right! For some reason I use this blog for a journal.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

I asked Chat to rewrite the first paragraph in the style of Hemingway, and this is what I got:

The road was empty and the sky was clear. The morning light was bright over the cornfields and the trees were red and gold. Wisps of fog clung to the low ground, drifting through the glades along the road to the café.

When I reached the village, there were two people by the lake, both of them with out-of-state plates and cameras with big lenses. They pointed them at the water, at the fog burning off the surface. The island sat out there, quiet and dark against the bright lake.

One of them was a woman with sunglasses and dark hair, tall and elegant. She looked like she could have been in the movies. Maybe she was a model or a photographer. Maybe just someone with money and time. The other was a man, older, with a lined face and white hair. He looked like he was retired and had come out here for the peace of it. They didn’t say anything to each other, and I didn’t say anything to them.

Aggie म्हणाले...

You are blessed, as I'm sure you are aware.

Creola Soul म्हणाले...

Ann, I’ve lived in the Deep South now for the last six years after living in Northern Virginia for thirty years. I miss the change of seasons, the fall colors and the snow. Since I’ve moved I’ve been living the seasons vicariously through your posts of pictures of trails, meadows and forests. Please post more! Thank you!

tim maguire म्हणाले...

Nonsense. Trump is running for a 4-year position. Judges are lifetime appointments. Totally different situations and priorities.

DINKY DAU 45 म्हणाले...

This perp just never learns ,he has to go, Donald Trump has tried to strike yet another hush money deal with adult film star Stormy Daniels in exchange for her silence ahead of the 2024 presidential election, according to a report.
The former president’s attorneys allegedly sent Daniels an offer where the amount she owed him over a defamation suit would be lowered if she agreed not to make “defamatory or disparaging statements” about him.
“Twenty days before this election, it is reported that he is once again trying to pay Stormy Daniels to be quiet.
In 2016, Trump’s then-attorney and “fixer” Michael Cohen paid Daniels a separate $130,000 hush money payment, in order to silence her about an alleged affair 10 years earlier, when Trump was first running for the White House.There is a file with al the real lurid details sealed that trump and his lawyers are said to be afraid Stormy will get unsealed through the courts and spread the news.Another bribe by the already indicted and convicted perp ,yes the guy the Right wants to be president again. WTF.. Beaucoup Dinky Dau ,dan don 45 :(

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

On X:
Nearly 100 current and former Labour Party staff are going to battleground states in the US election to campaign for Kamala Harris, with the party offering to ‘sort your housing’

Foreign election manipulation?