११ ऑक्टोबर, २०२४

"Kamala was just caught using a teleprompter at her Univision town hall!"

"Producers panic and turn off the prompter midway through her answer. Why did Univision allow this?! This is egregious journalistic malpractice."

Writes Charlie Kirk, at X, with this video:

If it's a town hall, you're not supposed to have the questions in advance. It's supposed to test the candidates. If the answers are pre-written, the candidate is cheating on the test, posing as capable of spontaneity, when she is actively protecting herself from the risk of spontaneity, and hiding that self-protection from us. She's asking us to see her as our protector.

Further evidence of scripting and self-protection:
UPDATE: I'm seeing some people on social media saying that the teleprompter was displaying Spanish text and had some other function than to assist Kamala Harris. I've searched for a mainstream news site that provides this information, but I cannot find it. Since it's a big topic and damaging to KH, I believe that there would be mainstream stories if it were true that the text was in Spanish.

१०४ टिप्पण्या:

Big Mike म्हणाले...

This is a surprise because why? A fake candidate for something that used to be a political party.

R C Belaire म्हणाले...

She will still garner 50.01% of the vote come November.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

And why is a Spanish language network doing a town hall in English?

gadfly म्हणाले...

Former President Donald Trump faced backlash after a new clip went viral of the GOP nominee saying he doesn't need a teleprompter.

During a recent rally, the 78-year-old condemned the usage of the device to his audience, despite clearly having two of them right in front of him throughout his speech.

"Isn't it nice, by the way, to have a president who doesn't need a teleprompter?" he asked his crowd of supporters.

Several critics took to social media to ridicule the Republican leader for blatantly "denying reality" in front of everyone and repeating whatever gets his supporters to cheer for him.

Todd म्हणाले...

"caught" like it is a rare occurrence, a deviation from the norm. Please, Kamala is not allowed out of the closet without handlers/teleprompters/scripted audiences/scripted interviewers due to being an absolute train-wreck when left on her own. For someone that has risen so high and to be so absolutely unable to do anything even remotely related to the jobs she had, has, and wants is astounding and amazing, in a slow train wreck sort of way.

As much as Biden always was a dick, he could [when needed] present a veneer of rationality and understanding. How in the "wide, wide, world of sports" did Kamala EVER accomplish anything on her own during her prior jobs (and she has been in some serious positions)? She talks like a first gen chat AI, gyrates like a broken Disney animatronic, and any time anything goes the least little bit off the script, kackles like a lunatic. Least anyone forget, she did not even rank in the one primary she ran in and dropped out early due to performing so badly. The Biden team saw this and decided she was perfect as a Biden insurance policy just as Biden was Obama's. Now after 4 years of publicly f*cking up [only] every single thing she was put in charge of, the (D) were shamed into making her the nominee due to all their DIE policies/promotions. The rest of the democrats and the media all jumped in line and now we are less than 30 days away from possibly having this idiot as the leader (figurehead?) of the free world. This Jew hating, gun hating, free speech hating, illegal immigrant loving, lazy, tax and spend socialist/communist as POTUS. She can't even be bothered to try and memorize the crap the folks behind the curtain write for her to say. She just walks out there and reads the teleprompter [badly]. A second rate porn star takes more pride in their work than she does. On top of her vast ineptitude she is mean and nasty and takes out her frustrations at being completely out of her depth on her staff and those around her.

On the other hand, all the self-righteous lefties and the hard-core feminists will be able to get a POC woman as President.

At least in old England when a child was crowned, everyone knew who the advisers were that were really running things until the child became of age. We don't have that advantage today.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

And some people think the Dems don’t cheat in elections. They cheat at every chance they get.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Yes a fake candidate for a fake Presidency. She won’t be in charge of anything but pretending. Enough people will probably be okay with that…

tim maguire म्हणाले...

What’s the complaint? He doesn’t need a teleprompter. He speaks without them all the time (as you well know).

donald म्हणाले...

That’s pretty stupid there buddy. I

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

Fox just ran a segment on this so-called town hall. In a few shots, you could see the TelePrompter, but no mention of Kamala using it. That’s one of the reasons why I come to the Althouse blog.

Ralph L म्हणाले...

Those nasty Mexicans, sabotaging a strong black woman!

planetgeo म्हणाले...

Ooh, ooh...gadfly caught him!

He's talking about interviews and unscripted town halls, genius. He does all of those, and lots of them, without teleprompter, notes, collaborating interviewer, or communicating earrings...unlike Harris.

rehajm म्हणाले...

What was on them? Did they have canned answers to most topics or did they know what Olivia from Minneapolis was going to ask?

rehajm म्हणाले...

Stop faking the surprise Charlie. They aren’t journalists…

rehajm म्हणाले...

Fox plays the game like the rest of them…

rehajm म्हणाले...

I golf I sometimes have to give opponents with all their original limbs intact a stroke a hole. It’s like that.

Leland म्हणाले...

I remember during his first presidency when Trump would head out of the White House for some trip. He would stop on his way to Marine One and talk to the journalists there to report on his leaving and upcoming trip. Wouldn’t matter the weather and particularly the temperature, Trump was wearing his common blue suit and tie. He would stand there for 20 to 30 minutes taking questions and giving answers.
After Trump left, the press would whine about how hot it was and how Trump made them sit out there in the hot sun, many of them wearing short sleeve shirts and again provided seats. It was hard on them to do there job of sitting, listening, and asking questions.
Trump did that, often, without a teleprompter, and the left still whined about it.

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

Remember when Obama used a teleprompter on the fly--all the time? There was even a satirical blog about the hard life of Obama's teleprompter --TOTUS. Here is a Politico story about the mockery--even from Joe Biden and Jon Stewart:

Note that Obama even set up TOTUS in a sixth grade classroom. The Really Good Talker was a Really Good Reader.

Kevin म्हणाले...

It’s like that equity cartoon. Kamala needs to stand on a teleprompter to see over the fence.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

@gadfly Please redo your comment without the big space at the end and delete your first attempt (or I will delete).

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

I bet Obama uses TOTUS today. That media event Obama did yesterday sounded pretty scripted. TOTUS lives!

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

She also has her magic earrings on again.

RMc म्हणाले...

Delete, delete!

typingtalker म्हणाले...

When I was In High School my father told me that I should take a Public Speaking class. It has served me well out here in the real world.

gspencer म्हणाले...

"Why did Univision allow this?! This is egregious journalistic malpractice."

Yes, we can't allow the people to know that Kamala is phony."

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

I just went back and looked at 3 or 4 recent Kamala events. All with the same magic earrings, including the 60 Minutes interview. What woman does that?

gilbar म्हणाले...

The questioners were "preselected "

rehajm म्हणाले...

I ran the video- is that the public feed? If so they don’t make any attempts to hide the teleprompters. Either the cabal don’t care because they already know the outcome of the ‘election’ or like some have been speculating there are actors trying to sink her candidacy. I suspect the former but…

Dixcus म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Dixcus म्हणाले...

Univision is refusing to allow journalists access to the audience members who have been pre-selected to ask Kamala questions

A real journalist would have done two things when presented with this problem:

1) Never asked for permission to speak with those people.

2) Informed Univision that the story you're going to write is how they are FAKING a "town hall" for the benefit of one candidate, then ask for comment on that story.

3) Write the story not about the questions or answers ... but straight news as the Kamala Harris campaign and Univision faking a town hall for Kamala Harris.

The fact that no journalist did either of those things shows you how structurally deep the problem with journalism is in today's America.

Real journalism no longer exists.

TrespassersW म्हणाले...

Channeling Charlie Cowell, "She's a fake and she doesn't know the territory!"

Butkus51 म्हणाले...

She repeats about 8 things every time and needs notes.

The smart people nod.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand म्हणाले...

Hey, at least we didn't get a weird accent this time!

AMDG म्हणाले...

And that is entirely the fault of the Republicans who nominated a candidate despised by 52% of the electorate.

hawkeyedjb म्हणाले...

Kamala tried acting earlier in life, but couldn't make it when she was unable to remember her lines. She found another line of work where she didn't have to memorize dialogue - they spoon feed it to you. It used to be said that politics is show-biz for ugly people; it's more like cosplaying for stupid people.

offended by everything म्हणाले...

Can anyone confirm that the teleprompter is syncing with what she is saying? It fits my bias that she's cheating but I'd like to be sure.

Linda म्हणाले...

I saw a comment on X suggesting that it was for question translation, which I doubt since the clip I saw had the host interpreting the question asked in Spanish. I am sure that with the correct computer, the teleprompter screen can be enlarged so we can clearly see what it says.

Gusty Winds म्हणाले...

As Elon Musk said to Tucker recently "whoever controls her teleprompter control Kamala." Imagine their sinister plans if they can get here installed.

Aggie म्हणाले...

"Why did Univision allow this ?!" What? The teleprompter, or the clumsy camera work that revealed it? Some Assistant Producer's head is being kicked around the studio right about now.

Christopher B म्हणाले...

That doesn't make sense to me, either. A 'prompter is usually loaded with text so saying it was for question translation means the questions were pre-written ... which is essentially saying that Harris knew the questions.

Aggie म्हणाले...

We can thank Joe for this pageant. He got her as VP, and then 4 years later he endorsed her (I think, out of spite).

Obama loves to hear himself talk, but he really should have been listening harder when he wagged his finger and told his adorers to 'never underestimate Joe's ability to f*ck things up'.

Aggie म्हणाले...

Bus video at 11 ! If I were a journalist, I'd be starting each Kamala story in the parking lot, watching the buses roll up.

mikee म्हणाले...

Joe Biden, a demntia patient, had his campaign and his administration run via his handlers, without press interaction, and with active press coverup of his ongoing deterioration. Kamala, an apparently healthy woman under age 60, has the press covering for her lack of ability to campaign and will have the press covering for her administration, and whoever will be running the White House. Why is this surprising anyone? The press is part of the Party.

DavidD म्हणाले...

“Univision is refusing to allow journalists access to the audience members who have been pre-selected to ask Kamala questions.”

As if the media would do anything to expose Kamala.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Would it not depend on how he used the Teleprompter, Gadfly?

Is he reading the speech word for word off the teleprompter? Or is he just using it the same way many of us use notes when speaking to keep us on topic?

Ever spoken publicly, Gadfly? Like a 30-60 minute presentation or speech? Do you prepare a speech and read it word for word as many people do? Or do use notes of some sort to make sure you remember all the things you want to talk about and to keep you on schedule.

I spent a LOT of time in front of audiences. Nearly 30 years of teaching, 3-4 hour academic classes. My rule of thumb was 10 pages of lecture notes, 14 points, double spaced, 2 inch margins per class session. (No powerpoints at the time) Notes would be "Discuss LIFO vs FIFO" and that would keep me going for 20-30 minutes.

I teach a 3 day, 8hrs/day, course in packaging machinery twice a year. No notes at all, just 5-6GB of powerpoints. Lots of video, probably less than 1000 words in all 3 decks. Also notations showing the time I should be starting each section. I have a tendency to go long if I don't.

I suspect that if we could see President Trump's teleprompter, it would look like my academic class notes. Bullet points to remind him what he wants to talk about.

Could you speak to a group without something like that, Gadfly? Have you?

John Henry

Darkisland म्हणाले...

It is not just "today's America" Dixcus. "Real journalism", as I suspect you envision it has NEVER existed. Not in the US, not in the world, not in the 500 or so years we've had newspapers and media.

What did exist was a closed garden with nobody to call bullshit when Uncle Walter, or St Edward told us "And that's the way it is"

Now, we have a lot of voices and mediums calling "bullshit" and telling us why it is bullshit. Yes, a lot of that is bullshit too, of course. But much, pointing out that Kamala is using a teleprompter here, is not and is valuable.

Scott Adams made an interesting point yesterday. 50 years ago to reach even 100,000 people a day required a massive capital investment in a radio station, printing press and distribution and so on.

He reaches more than 100,000 people every day with an I-phone, a laptop and in internet connection. Total investment less than $1,000. In one sense. In another sense, because he already had the I-Phone, computer and internet, $0 marginal investment.

I used to get paid for making 5 minute YouTube videos. My investment in my studio was about $100 for a greenscreen kit with stands and lights, a $200 camera and $50 software.

Try that 30 years ago.

John Henry

Darkisland म्हणाले...


Real time voice to text has been around for at least 25 years. I had it included with Corel Word perfect and even used it in a pesentation in a Special Ed class I was taking in 2001. I did my presentation into a microphone and Dragon put the words up on screen in real time.

Rush Limbaugh went deaf in the early 2000's and continued doing his call in show using similar technology. Seeing what the callers would say in real time.

My Android phone has this built in where I talk and it is transcribed into an althouse comment.

I've not done much with it but it will also translate in real time. So I can pick up something in German and it will show in English on my screen. Pretty much zero latency.

John Henry

Nothing at all new or unusual.

Aught Severn म्हणाले...

And that is entirely the fault of the Republicans who nominated a candidate despised by 52% of the electorate.

Considering that an apparently significant and vocal portion of that 52% consider any Republican nominee to be literally Hitler and an existential threat to our democracy, I doubt that the number would shift too much no matter who the nominee is, from Jesus to Pol Pot and everyone in between.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

There is a story that the fellow that loaded LBJ's teleprompter got pissed off at him about something. In about the middle of a speech, LBJ suddenly read "You're on your own, you prick. I quit"

Too good a story to check, so I will not.

John Henry

“Bad Genes” म्हणाले...

I see right wing propagandists have now decided that Harris is fluent in Spanish.

When Trump records his in Miami next week at Univision and the moderator uses a teleprompter will they say the same? No. Because these people are not serious.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

OT but if anyone wants a teleprompter, there is a program called PromptDog that turns a laptop into a teleprompter. I used it for years when I was doing videos and it works really great. $69.00

I would put my laptop on a stand so the top of the screen was just below the lens. I would control the flow with my remote clicker.


Big Mike म्हणाले...


Christopher B म्हणाले...

And I will point out again that NO Republican candidate has cleared 51% of the popular vote since GHWB in 1988, not even W in 2004 (50.7%).

Christopher B म्हणाले...

True, it's technically possible to construct such as system but again, I don't believe I've heard of a teleprompter being used for real-time text. I don't recall any other townhalls or debates where either the participants or the moderators used a teleprompter.

And if the question is translated by the moderator, why would Harris also need an English language text translation to read?

Inga म्हणाले...


“The video is not clear enough to show what was written on the screen, but the vice president continues to speak uninterrupted after it goes off.

However, the event's moderator Enrique Acevedo took to X to deny the claim.

Acevedo said: "The prompter displayed my introduction (in Spanish) and then it switched to a timer. Any claim to the contrary is simply untrue."

Univision News president Daniel Coronell also denied the claim in a post on X, writing: "That's not true. The teleprompter that displays a text written in Spanish was a support element for the town hall moderator. I can tell you this with first-hand knowledge because I was in charge of the television program."

Christopher B म्हणाले...

The questions were translated by the moderator if necessary, as noted by Linda.

Inga म्हणाले...


Misinformation about Vice President Kamala Harris’ appearance at a town hall event broadcast by Univision is circulating on X, formerly Twitter, after right-wing influencers and figures falsely accused her, again without evidence, of using a teleprompter at an event.

Fox News host Sean Hannity reposted a clip of the town hall on X (now deleted), writing “Kamala uses teleprompter for ‘unscripted’ town hall.” Benny Johnson, a popular far-right influencer accused of receiving funding from Russia, also reposted the clip on X with the claim “Univision accidentally broadcast proof that Kamala used a teleprompter at her town hall” —which has received over 100,000 likes (he has not deleted the post).

The claim was debunked by Enrique Acevado, the moderator of the town hall, who reposted Johnson’s post and said the prompter displayed his introduction in Spanish before it switched to a timer: “Any claim to the contrary is simply untrue,” Acevado wrote.“

Inga म्हणाले...

Why do Trumpublicans so readily believe misinformation and pass it on as true without doing a bit of research of their own?

“Bad Genes” म्हणाले...

Looking forward to Althouse linking to more rightwing BS as she did with Chuck Kirk...

Gateway Pundit settles defamation suit filed by two Georgia election workers it lied about. I wasn't aware anyone paid attention to Gateway Pundit.

/"Settlement reached in Gateway Pundit defamation case, though details were not disclosed. The St. Louis-based conspiracy site published lies about election fraud that allegedly resulted in two poll workers facing death threats"/

AlbertAnonymous म्हणाले...

Why would a teleprompter showing the moderator’s speech be facing away from the moderator and toward the candidate? And does Que Marla read espanol? Yo no se, pero….

“Bad Genes” म्हणाले...

/"A jury in Washington, D.C., awarded the two women more than $148 million in a defamation suit they had filed against former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for telling the same lies about them that they accused the Gateway Pundit of spreading.

Some legal observers saw the prospect for a similar judgment by a St. Louis jury against the defendants in the suit here – TGP Communications, which does business as Gateway Pundit; Jim Hoft, the company’s sole owner; and his identical twin brother Joe, who is a contributor to the site.

The trial in St. Louis had been scheduled to start next March 10.

But it appears that the two women have yet to collect a dime from Giuliani, so the prospect of a settlement in the St. Louis case may have appeared to be worth taking. And the apparent settlement in the St. Louis case has a precedent – in April 2022 the two women settled their similar claims with One America News Network. The terms of that agreement were not disclosed. OANN did, however, later broadcast a statement that an investigation by Georgia officials had shown that the women “did not engage in ballot fraud or criminal misconduct while working at State Farm Arena on election night.”

What may have driven the Hofts to settle, one attorney familiar with these kinds of cases said, was the failure last July of their filing for bankruptcy in Florida. Had they been allowed bankruptcy protection, the St. Louis defamation case would have been stayed indefinitely.

But instead the U.S. Bankruptcy Court Southern District of Florida in West Palm Beach dismissed the case as a bad faith filing, “reflect(ing) the use of bankruptcy as a pure litigation tactic.”

During the bankruptcy proceedings, it was revealed that Gateway Pundit had a media insurance policy that carried $2 million in gross benefits, of which $700,000 had already been spent on legal fees in defending the St. Louis case. The attorney who is familiar with similar cases said it was possible the Hofts wanted to use the remaining insurance money to settle or help settle the case and put it behind them, rather than deplete it further by continuing to fight.

The settlement may mean escape for the Hofts from the potentially knockout punch that many observers thought a St. Louis jury might deal their website, one of the most influential on the far right. It also appears to mean that whatever information had been turned up by the two women’s lawyers in pre-trial discovery will never become public.

It was known, for example, that the lawyers were seeking the company’s financial records and searching for an understanding of how precisely the Gateway Pundit turned clicks on the site’s website into cash, and therefore the extent of their financial motive for repeating their lies.

It was also known that the lawyers were scheduled to depose the Hoft brothers — or perhaps even had by the time of the agreement to settle. Now whatever the Hofts may have said in those depositions, if they occurred, will remain under protective order."/

Inga म्हणाले...

“If a lie is repeated enough, people will believe it?

That’s what former Donald Trump White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said that her former boss told her when she spoke at the Democratic National Convention and said Trump had “no morals and no fidelity to the truth.”

[Trump] used to tell me, ‘It doesn’t matter what you say, Stephanie — say it enough and people will believe you.’ But it does matter — what you say matters, and what you don’t say matters,” Grisham recalled.“

Deep State Reformer म्हणाले...

So which is worse the candidate who speaks off the top of his head anything that comes to mind no matter how weird or sketchy it sounds, or the one that knows that she's not as verbally adroit and so tries to "compensate" (that is to say, cheat)? In other words our "knave or fool" conundrum yet again. I for one will be mighty glad when this s*** show of an election finally comes to an end. The American descent into idiocracy is almost enough to make one become a monarchist bc could kings do any worse?

“Bad Genes” म्हणाले...

The usual suspects spreading the lie as their disinformation machine kicks into high gear again.

Deevs म्हणाले...

Gadfly, the article you linked doesn't seem to include the clip it's talking about. I went through all the hyperlinks, and they all led to a publication called OK! Magazine, which boasts a "Reality TV" section. Beyond that, all the hyperlinks led to articles with titles like, "Donald Trump Brutally Mocked for Putting on Too Much 'Orange Bronzer' Ahead of 2024 Presidential Debate: 'Whoever Did His Makeup Needs to Be Fired'"

Since they didn't link the clip, I assume there's some context they wanted left out. I suspect Trump was alluding to (assuming this actually happened and OK! Magazine isn't just making stuff up) this event in Michigan earlier where his teleprompter went out:


That's in contrast to the clip where Harris' teleprompter goes out and she appears completely lost for words. Then again, I don't know how legitimate that narrative is regarding the teleprompter no longer working, but it was an extremely awkward moment regardless.

Sure wish the article you linked had included the actual clip, because right now that article feels like a waste of everyone's time.

Iman म्हणाले...

Pay no attention to teh pendejo behind the curtain.

Iman म्हणाले...

Garbage out! Garbage incoming!!!

Michael K म्हणाले...

More nonsense from you know who.

Lazarus म्हणाले...

What corporations, government agencies, and the news media tell you can also be "misinformation, disinformation, and malinformation." What they want you to believe isn't necessarily the gospel truth, so official denials don't automatically discredit the suspicions.

Michael K म्हणाले...

A wall of text by bich. Waste of time.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi म्हणाले...

Oh my. So much concern about “misinformation” from the same team that brought you the Russia Collusion Hoax and 51 Intelligence experts.

PM म्हणाले...

Unfortunately for Kamala, what she needs is Neuralink.

DKWalser म्हणाले...

IIRC, when Trump asked, "Isn't it nice, by the way, to have a president who doesn't need a teleprompter?" his teleprompter had just stopped working. Instead of repeating the last few words from the teleprompter, ala Kamala repeating "32 days" several times when her teleprompter froze, Trump seamlessly started ad-libbing his remarks. So, when he asked the question, Trump was in the middle of proving he didn't need a teleprompter.

n.n म्हणाले...

Harris is but a handmade tale, narrated in discontinuous acts.

CJinPA म्हणाले...

I think this is debunked: https://www.cnn.com/2024/10/11/politics/fact-check-harris-univision-teleprompter-false/index.html

loudogblog म्हणाले...

I wish that this video were longer so that we could see Harris' reaction to the teleprompter being shut down.

It is suspicious that the teleprompter shut down right after it came in view of the camera. If it just had Spanish subtitles or text, why shut it down?

loudogblog म्हणाले...

You need to watch the whole clip. He's not saying that he doesn't use a teleprompter, he says that he doesn't NEED a teleprompter. This observation by Trump was started because he said that his teleprompter had just gone out and he bragged to the audience that he didn't need it to continue and he didn't get flustered like Harris did. He just kept going.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Even this debunking story doesn't provide any evidence except for Univision's claim. I would be convinced by a clear blow-up of the text on that screen. I tried this myself but the resolution was too poor for me to make out what the text was.

William50 म्हणाले...

32 days...32days...32 days..........

Deevs म्हणाले...

I'll echo what Yancey Ward just wrote. The debunking is just a denial from two individuals in whose best interest it is to deny it. It's a plausible explanation, but I think they should probably do better than just a blanket denial if it's in their ability.

Then again, since we can't read the text, people, in turn, could be reading too much into it. The seemingly suspicious timing of the teleprompter cutting to black could just be coincidence.

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

And that is entirely the fault of the Republicans who nominated a candidate despised by 52% of the electorate.

Despised by 99% of those who print, collect, and count the ballots, you mean. "The electorate" is of little significance nowadays.

Inga म्हणाले...



This is false.
No, Harris did not use a teleprompter during her Univision town hall.

While there was a teleprompter in front of Harris during her town hall, Univision says the text was in Spanish and for the moderator. VERIFY reviewed footage from the event and found that the prompter was mostly blank or displayed a timer for the majority of the town hall.
“The prompter displayed my introduction (in Spanish) and then it switched to a timer,” Enrique Acevedo, the moderator of the town hall, said on X. “Any claim to the contrary is simply untrue.”
“The teleprompter that displays a text written in Spanish was a support element for the town hall moderator,” Daniel Coronell, the president of Univision News, said on X. “I can tell you this with first-hand knowledge because I was in charge of the television program.”
Univision’s official X account reposted Coronell’s post.
The segment of the town hall posted to X in the viral clip can be found six minutes into Univision’s YouTube full video of the event, during Harris’ answer to her first audience question, right after the introduction from Acevedo. While the words on the teleprompter are too blurry to be read in the video, the text remains static the entire time on screen until it eventually goes blank while Harris is still talking. Normally, teleprompters scroll through text to match the speed of the speaker as they read.
There are several other instances during the broadcast where the camera angle reveals what’s shown on the teleprompter.
At 9:09, the teleprompter is blank. It’s still blank when she begins answering a member of the audience at 9:51. She is looking at the audience member and is turned away from the teleprompter the entire time she gives her answer.

At 18:50, there’s a pair of red zeroes visible on the teleprompter with no other text. The teleprompter reads “01:20” in green when it appears on screen again at 21:13. It’s blank at 22:10, 41:12 and 50:49. While blurry, the teleprompter is again displaying some numbers in green at 53:26.“

Temujin म्हणाले...

There is not now, nor has there ever been, an ounce of anything approaching a real person with real thoughts of her own when it comes to Kamala Harris. She is the walking definition of vacuous, so of course...literally everything about her campaign is fake. It is a show. It is a Potemkin Village through and through.

The bigger question is. Why would any breathing adult ever listen to anything uttered by any 'news' person at CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, PBS, NPR, NYT, WaPo and the rest. Absolute embarrassment done this past week by CBS on 60 Minutes. Not to mention the fact checking by David Muir and Linsey Davis on Trump only- that was quite wrong. These and other 'coverages' for The LightThinker to put her in office are unforgivable sins. It is also election interference. It is also misinformation.
So much to dislike about all of them. So many reasons to make this a landslide election. It's time we got serious here.

Inga म्हणाले...


“Woodward writes that when he approached Milley at a reception, the general spoke first and told him: “We gotta talk.”

He told the journalist that “no one has ever been as dangerous to this country” as the former president.

He asked: “Do you realize, do you see what this man is?”

Milley, who had been a source for Woodward’s last book, Peril, said he’d “glimpsed” Trump’s true nature when they previously spoke during the writing of that 2021 release, but he said he now knew exactly what the ex-president is.

“He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country,” he said.

“A fascist to the core,” Milley repeated.”

Inga म्हणाले...


“Mark Milley, a retired US army general who was chair of the joint chiefs of staff under Donald Trump and Joe Biden, fears being recalled to uniform and court-martialed should Trump defeat Kamala Harris next month and return to power.

“He is a walking, talking advertisement of what he’s going to try to do,” Milley recently “warned former colleagues”, the veteran Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward writes in an upcoming book. “He’s saying it and it’s not just him, it’s the people around him.”

Woodward cites Steve Bannon, Trump’s former campaign chair and White House strategist now jailed for contempt of Congress, as saying of Milley: “We’re gonna hold him accountable.””

Anyone who still votes for Trump by now is so lost. I hope one day they get found.

Christopher B म्हणाले...

For what it's worth the town hall doesn't seem to be getting a good reaction (Instapundit). And it appears Charlie Kirk wasn't the only one who saw and misinterpreted the teleprompter.

loudogblog म्हणाले...

Boy, someone is really worried about Harris losing. But their concern is well placed. Harris cannot turn this disaster of a campaign around in time. Thanks to the Democrat's push on early voting, (California sends mail in ballots to 100% of the registered voters so voting here started three days ago.) Harris is toast. All this early voting will mean that the election will probably be mostly locked in well before election day. Plus, Harris has already had a few months to improve and she's only gotten worse at campaigning as the weeks have gone by.

Inga म्हणाले...


“A nine-minute, unedited, undercover interview with Roger Stone revealed some of the MAGA ally’s more disturbing goals for a second Trump administration.

The covert recording of a discussion between Stone and an undercover journalist at a meet and greet in Jacksonville, Florida, on August 4, published by documentarian Lauren Windsor, caught Stone admitting live on camera that he already intends to send “armed guards to dispute the election in Detroit” and to imprison “former Attorney General Bill Barr if Trump returns to power.”

Under the guise of discussing a far-right program to get more like-minded people back into the federal government, Stone shared his disdain for Barr, deriding him as a “traitorous piece of human garbage.” He also lamented that, while president, “Donald Trump never controlled the Justice Department.”

“He’s a CIA general counsel,” Stone said. “He’s a piece of shit. Trump read a law review article, never checked his background, and made him attorney general. Once we get back in, he has to go to prison! He has to go to prison. He’s a criminal.”

Fascists to the core.

Vance म्हणाले...

Hey Inga: why are you carrying water for Milley, who acknowledged that he was a traitor and would gleefully give China all our military information? The ONLY good thing Milley did was refuse Pelosi's coup attempt on Jan 7, 2021: the day after Jan 6, when Pelosi tried to get the Pentagon to arrest Trump. Milley said no.

Odd how you don't ever seem worried about Democrats arresting and overthrowing the duly elected president... you know, all fascist like. Because you LOVE facism, as long as it's your side being the jackbooted dictator.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

The best argument for why this wasn't Kamalamadingbat using a teleprompter is that what she actually provided as answers to the questions was her normal content free nonsense word salad. Maybe Inga should go with that argument instead of endlessly repeating what Univision claims- a network that openly supports Harris.

Aggie म्हणाले...

@Inga, has it ever occurred to you that you're being played, when well-insulated lifetime bureaucrats strut around, announcing their imminent doom? Have you never seen the 'old Booga-Booga'? Does it even occur to you, back in the feverish recesses of your mind, that maybe people like Milley, uniformed generals that are using social media to spread a message that is unrelated to their command, might, just might, be lying for a certain affect and effect? That they are essentially being political operatives, when they do this - and hiding within their professional sinecure? When he does this, he deserves to face a court-martial.

Aggie म्हणाले...

You know what would put this to bed? Pictures of the teleprompter screen, zoomed in to make the text that was there, readable. I notice this hasn't happened.

Aggie म्हणाले...

You voting for Kamala, AMDG? Just curious, you don't have to answer if it makes you uncomfortable (really).

Aggie म्हणाले...

"What woman does that?"

A woman that has earrings that connect to her ear bud, feeding her all of the committee's preferred answers, and occasional behavioral coaching.

Butkus51 म्हणाले...

Look how upset Inga is.

About a phucking teleprompter

I rest my case.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

A blow up of the screen that can be read would prove she wasn't using a teleprompter and Univision should be able to provide that given the cameras they used should have the resolution to do this. After reading the transcript of the townhall I am about 99.9% sure Harris either didn't have a teleprompter or the teleprompter cut out and never worked again once the townhall started because, as I noted before, that her answers were so damned stupid and non-responsive. Surely, if she had a teleprompter she could have provided something other than a house word salad with croutons.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Why do Trumpublicans so readily believe misinformation and pass it on as true without doing a bit of research of their own?

Consider the source of who wrote that and let it sink in.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Look how upset Inga is.

About a phucking teleprompter.

I'm telling ya, if Trump wins ... she's going over the edge. A short trip, to be sure. But she's going.

Inga म्हणाले...

Aggie, I would ask the same question of you. It never occurred to you that Trump is a con man and has played all you loyal followers? Has it occurred to you he actually REALLY broke laws that he deserves to be in jail for? Has it occurred to you that his henchmen are extremists? I’d say remove the scales from your own eyes.

Inga म्हणाले...

I’m not worried or upset about the teleprompter. I know this whole teleprompter brouhaha is pure Maga nonsense. But I would like to present to you blind followers some evidence of Trump and his henchmen’s fascism. Apparently that’s ok with you. If it’s your preferred autocrat you are all in.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Trump is doing a rally right now where he is saying KH had a teleprompter for her town hall.

Aggie म्हणाले...

"I know you are but what am I?" That's just a cheesy childish evasion to an honest question. Yes, I constantly evaluate what people in positions of authority say, and challenge both myself and them. I've done it with my evaluation of what Trump says, and Biden, and Harris, and Vance. I read what they have written. My conclusion with Trump, I've shared here before. I ignore what he says, and I watch what he actually does. And I don't find much wrong with what he does, although it's far from perfect. Not so with Harris. Certainly not so with Biden. And certainly not so with all the lawfare efforts, which have pretty much gotten the smack-downs that they deserve each time it comes before a judge that is generally respected to be non-partisan. And how many of those lawfare efforts were without precedent? And how many of those prosecutors ran for election based on promises to 'get Trump'?

Yes, I constantly challenge those beliefs and try to understand what the drivers are, and occasionally, I change my mind.

Your turn.

Aggie म्हणाले...

OK: Present the evidence of fascism, then. Let's get a good look at it.

Previously I suggested the best way to put this to bed is to show what the teleprompter says. Proof positive - right?

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Thems the rules that the Democrats themselves created- if there is no actual evidence something isn't true then it is fair to call it true. The entire Steele Dossier was treated this way by the media even after Mueller's team admitted it was all bullshit.