October 22, 2024
I perceive a lull.
My usual method of blogging is turning up nothing this morning. It all looks like stupid fake filler right now. Interpret that as you will. I'll just put up a sunrise picture — from 6:54 this morning — and declare this a "café." Say what you like or just rest for now. That's what I'm doing.

I really wish that the both of you would attend the Obama-Walz rally. Your take on that fakery and lying would be epic!!
I'm starting to see the expected "If x thinks they are losing, here's what we're going to see in the next few days" articles.
It's so quiet.
Nothing about Trump's awful, staged, DESPICABLE appearance at McDonald's? I'm so disappointed.
Giancarlo Stanton returns to his hometown this weekend for a business trip. Here's hoping that he crushes a couple of 440-foot bombs in Chavez Ravine.
Yes. I too perceive a disturbance in the force.
It's oh, so quiet
Shhhh, shhhh
It's oh, so still
Shhhh, shhhh
You're all alone
Shhhh, shhhh
And so peaceful until
You fall in love
Zing, boom
The sky up above
Zing, boom
Is caving in
Wow, bam
First there has to be one.
I got up early to view the last of the Orionid meteor shower. It was a bust.
Home owner tip; If you have window wells use your leaf blower to remove debris.
They are busing in the people. They don't want any actually people from Wisconsin causing problems.
A lull, like Kamala’s campaign
Is this all there is?!?!? I want my money back!
Oh, I’m not spending any money. Well okay, then. Carry on.
Professor, what were you blogging about 2 weeks before the election in 2020, or 2016? Was it that quiet then....?
See for yourself ...
There may be a lull in punditland, but if you are watching television, it's Harris ads and ballot proposition ads almost nonstop in Southern California. When a candidate for lesser office has an ad, the party of the candidate isn't shown or mentioned. And the content of that ad is always proclaimed to be the responsibility of something called "HPM". I have no idea what HPM is.
Shorter Carol: OMG!! Kamala is such a hopeless loser. Defeated by a bag of fries.
It is only a lull in Regime Media because there is no good news for the Regime candidates.
It's quiet out there. Too quiet
I spent Sunday afternoon in a sports bar in Hamilton, ON and, as always happens these days, talk turned to US politics (Canadians seem to talk about US politics more than they talk about Canadian politics; despite being mostly ignorant about it). Usually I say very little because it's not worth the trouble, but this time, they asked me who I'm voting for.
They were not happy with the response. These four die-hard lefties who wish they could vote for Harris but can't and the one guy who can vote is voting for the hated orange man. I missed the whole 3rd quarter of the Bills game listening to how Trump will just appoint more bad supreme court justices.
Would think the NYT's self own ""He doesn’t seem to know how to do it."
After Donald Trump served fast food during a campaign stop at a McDonald’s, several actual McDonald’s workers who examined a video of his performance earned mixed reviews from workers and patrons alike." is worthy of noticing/commenting?
Thank you for sharing this link! From posts on 10/20/20: FB, Twitter, and the Hunter Biden story; naked man in the woods; salivary glands; Rush Limbaugh on cancer and do-overs in life; Jeffrey Toobin; DOJ accusing Google of antitrust; and Instagram censorship. Looks like 4 years later, some topics/people are still newsworthy....
Honestly, I think the "doth protest too much" applies to the left's response to Trump's McDonald's shift, lol.
Supreme Court justices are one of the only reasons to vote for the orange man. Is Nov 6th gonna be Sotomayor's retirement announcement or not?
NYT's has a predictable puff piece on Harris' religion. She's incredibly "Diverse" and "Multi-faith". LOL. Her mother was a Hindu, her father was an athiest, her friends at Howard were Baptists, and her husband is a jew.
Her "Home Church" is a black baptist church in SF, headed by a "Civil Rights Activist". Nowhere in the article does it say how many times she went to Baptist church - when not campaigning. Or how often she goes to Synagogue with her Husband.
Trump has stated he's rediscoved his Chrisitian faith, and there's no reason to doubt him. People often 'Find Jesus" when they get older. Or have brushes with death.
Anyway, the article on Harris is primarily of interest for the NYT's spin. Evidenty everything Harris does is a positive, just like everything about Trump is always a negative.
Sasha Stone's latest post includes a TikTok compilation of Trump supporters doing the Trump dance. Very wholesome and diverse. I didn't know this was a trend and I'm jealous I haven't been doing the dance myself.
Trump’s closing argument to America:
I can make french fries and tell you all about the penis sizes of famous men.
The reason why we know that Trump didn’t see Arnold Palmer in the shower himself is because he would never remove his shirt in public or go into a shower in a locker room with other people because he’s too insecure and self-conscious about his physical appearance.
Other blogs I visit are having no trouble finding material to blog about. Maybe it's WAPO and the NYT who are letting you down?
Deer-hunting season started. I'm not one for the taste of venison nor prion disease, so I think every deer in North Georgia is hiding in my woods.
Already had to chase off a bunch of guys who crept over here with shotguns. It's funny that I didn't even think twice about yelling at a bunch of guys with rifles "get off my land."
Do I get my honorary southerner card yet? Come on. It's been 40 years.
I imagine Ann is just over it at this point. Total election fatigue.
I keep bringing up that the Dems have a much better ground game and a lot more money, so Harris is more likely to win than most people think.
But now, some info from early voting is coming in about the effectiveness of the Dem ground game, and it's not looking as rosy as I thought for Harris.
Mark Halperin, a sane commentater, talks about that here:
I got out of the daily blog read and comment habit on my trip recently, and even told my D traveling companions that I had no intention of talking politics or even hearing about politics if I could help it. They generally respected that. And since my return, most of the posting and commenting here has been political, including one of mine.
A lull of exhaustion perhaps, but somewhere something is on the move.
The article also show the current attitude of the MSM toward Christianity. Black Christianity is a good thing. White Chrisitianity, however, is either ignored or attacked. Unless....its a liberal Christian attacking the hated "Religious right".
Or if you're a Catholic who has a beef with Church's teachings on Gays, abortion, or whatever. Then you're cool. The coverage of the current Pope has been fairly positive, since he's been pushing for open borders, and can't help supporting liberal/left positions.
Please Nancy Pelosi - Bring Back Biden. Undo what you did. It’s not too late.
So Jack Smith's "evidence" dump seems to have been just a big nothingburger I take it.
Now’s time for the October Surprise; the lull’s the frame.
In western Pennsylvania, I usually try to keep the furnace off until Halloween. We'll hit 80 today, and I'm sleeping with the windows open.
O yeah, the guy who got shot, stood up and yelled “Fight! Fight! Fight!” is insecure.
The news media is trying to process a Trump win. Waiting on what the narrative will be- Russia again? or who knows. Important to start the impeachment talk, the howls of rage against the EC and the urging to not cast your electoral vote for Trump. Time to motivate, as in pay, antifa, blm, and the useful apparatchiks , like the ones on this blog, to be shocked and dismayed. Harris is such a despicable candidate even the party faithful are out of words now. Biden has meandered off into the haze. Obama, who fooled most of this country, but especially white feminists, is old, cringy, and clearly wants to resume his life of being a closet homosexual.
The voter fraud will be epic\followed by attempts to keep Trump from being certified. expect the usual riots, peaceful of course, supported and funded by the democracy loving Dems, and their supporters on this blog.
Kennedy, Musk, Tulsi are impatient, and can't wait to start cleaning out the garbage. will be interesting to watch leftists talk of impeachment etc, while Musk, Vivek gut the federal work force, and Kennedy begins the epic destruction of big pharma.
This time it will be different. I'm ordering extra large popcorn to watch as the edifice the left has spent decades constructing, is destroyed.
I think the only ground game the gop ever had was Ohio 2004. It was recycled everywhere else and it was awful. Only works with evangelicals imo.
Stupid fake filler?
“ Nothing about Trump's awful, staged, DESPICABLE appearance at McDonald's?”
I refer you to yesterday
Calling a lid on the day at 10 AM?
That's how it started with Biden.
I'm sure you'd be OK with him sporting his beef in a women's locker room.
Let's hope Obama says something stupid/newsworthy that she can blog about. During the rush to finish a campaign, a day with no new news is definitely not good news for the incumbent. I'm lovin' it.
tcrosse commented:
“I'm sure you'd be OK with him sporting his beef in a women's locker room.”
What the heck? You boys and your fantasies.
It was the most bizarre overreaction to a routine campaign stunt I can recall. Harris's handlers must have insisted the media go apeshit to try and gin up controversy, but it Streisand effected the stunt into a major campaign boost for Trump. It's like the Harris campaign is wearing clown shoes in a yard littered with rakes. Boing!
What more do you need to know? The two biggest surrogates, the former 2-term President and VP candidate, are in a deep blue city in a must win state for Democrats. They must turn out the vote, in Wisconsin. And if that’s the case, anything not next to the University to boost 20-something to GOTV, means they are grasping at straws, in a must win, deep blue city.
Somebody commenting here sure seems to be perseverating on Donald Trump's body and the junk of Latrobe, PA's favorite son. It's one thing to make a harmless little joke, another thing to go on and on about it for days.
The Democrat ground game still required enthusiasm on the part of the voters, which Harris doesn't seem to inspire.
I would say so. what Jack Smith felony is coming down the pipeline? Or perhaps another women raped by Trump in the dressing room at Neimans. Stormy Daniels refuses to give the money back - and somehow, according to "sources" on Maddow -that constitutes "money laundering". Felony! There is a stack of potential Trump felonies on Pelosi's desk - procured by Merrick Garland.
Anybody who has written a potboiler novel knows what is coming.
“Other blogs I visit are having no trouble finding material to blog about. Maybe it's WAPO and the NYT who are letting you down?”
It’s more likely that they are not following my blogging method. I don’t know who exactly you’re reading, but I suspect them of being part of the stupid fake filler that I’m seeing everywhere. Prove me wrong.
You must be a transphobe. Shame on you.
It's all lies, all the time. How can you tell when the MSM is lying? They are making words. It does get tiresome. The truth takes days, weeks, or months, or even years to come out. Lies take minutes. The news media deals in lies, and generally the first lie wins, that's why they are so eager to get the lies out there immediately.
Taking a break is vitalizing. Enjoy the relaxation. Maybe you will stumble onto a new source.
You really are obsessed with penises! Trump is a master at comic timing and his Palmer riffs were hilarious. Nothing at all like you and the psychotically repetitious far left media portray. I'm surprised you still don't understand that all these lies just drive people to watch the original video* of events, which always (but only every time) reveal a kinder, gentler funnier side of Trump. That was what your party-wide freakout over french fries did too: millions went on X and saw Trump carefully watching the young trainer dude, all the while being very respectful, doing a praiseworthy job and connecting on a human level with people. Sure the "customers" were vetted, but only because your side keeps trying to kill our candidate.
*One of the top 10 videos on X this week is a black guy who hated Trump, but got curious about the "Charlottesville hoax" and so sought out the original video, which of course shows the exact opposite of what lying leftist media say it shows. He was converted. By a FIVE-YEAR-OLD VIDEO of Charlottesville! If Biden and Harris and their media enablers didn't keep repeating their Big Lies fewer people would be curious like that black man. But now he's Trump's biggest fan. He's converting his whole family, his church, his neighborhood.
Thanks to lying leftists who just can't stop with their ridiculous mythologies. Irony ain't dead. He's hiding in plain sight!
Oh look! The Chinese and the Indians have resolved their border dispute! The "Divide and Dominate" strategy that the British Empire invented, and the US has been pursuing since we inherited their empire is actually an open book. Guess what neocons! The Chinese and the Indians can read books in English too!
This is actually big news.
You think she's serious, Questor? Really? I was sure it was parody.
The media seem to have run out of kitchen sinks.
Look for an attempt at regime change in India after this, because peaceful coexistence is the enemy of US imperial domination.
Tim, he changed his handle to allude to the member in question. He can't enough penis talk! Surprised his profile photo isn't a dick.
I agree. The reaction to a fairly typical "meet the people" campaign stop has been fascinating. While some on the Right may have overhyped it, the legacy media went absolutely bonkers. The top story on memeorandum.com this morning was still about the event, with the top story from Newsweek "reporting" on how trolls were giving negative reviews on Yelp. Trump has broke these people.
Then why has total black vote (reliable early voters, usually on Saturdays) dropped 20 points over 2020 numbers, Gerd? Look at Louisiana!
From Instapundit: “Should the Great Pacific War come in the next decade—which I believe has a better than even chance—we will either have to decide to pass on the fight and resign ourselves to decline, or fund the fight that will find ourselves as bankrupt as the British Empire was in 1945, with a decline to follow. These debt levels simply are not economically, culturally, or morally sustainable.”
And those dastardly ChiComs are trying to make peace with India, between Iran and Saudi Arabia, etc, etc.
We are cooked, and we should accept it and kick the neocons to the curb. The best thing about this election is that the Cold Warriors are finally being kicked to the curb. According to Bloomberg, Harris is almost as intent on winding down our misadventure in Ukraine as Trump is. Good! I can't lose this election!
"Good by Joe, me gotta go, me oh my oh!"
Similar story here. Had ten days off for gigs and sightseeing, with our bass player flying in from California. He's the only "leans D" in our circle of friends and players. My lady friend from CA also came in, and she shares my politics, but we didn't really say anything around Chris other than to laugh at the stupid commercials on FL stations. Once I honked for some pro-Trump protesters that were very enthusiastic at an intersection and later I flipped off the Harris-Walz cheerleaders, but other than that....
...they asked me who I'm voting for.
That's bad form on their part. When in a bar, have a few cold ones, enjoy the camaraderie, and watch the f***ing football game.
The betting markets are now 60/40 Trump/Harris, so it's not quite a tossup anymore. BUT, it is still very close and could go either way.
Nothing refreshes the senses like a late afternoon walk in the woods in the fall. The light is simply amazing. And the sounds of the leaves...
@ Mike (MJB Wolf)
Sorry. I'll refrain from meta-parody from now on.
Rich never recovered from the last argument he had with his wife. He got so upset, he told his wife he was leaving to find a new love.
She told Rich - and I quote - “if you had two more inches of dick you’d find some new pussy around here!”
I don't think the October Surprise gambit is as effective as it used to be, now that we have Election Month and fraud-by-mail.
It was a lively discussion, still trickling in this morning.
I fear the October Surprise may be a successful assassination attempt. Democrats never dialed back the Hitler rhetoric, so they're obviously still hoping somebody takes care of their problem for them.
Maybe fake filler is just the theme of the day. The news; the rally.
I hate elections, but I have to work them. Hate, hate, hate elections but must granularly analyze outcomes. Afterwards.
I have a giant bucket of assorted hardware -- nails, screws, metal screws, roofing nails, nuts, bolts, washers, tapcons (fitting), hinges, etc. My ex started it, and I threw in my stuff and my dad's and grandpa's stuff, and, as the Mets went down to the Brooklyn Dodgers, the worst possible outcome except Dodgers now playing the Yankees, a perversion, I plan to do what I always do between now and presidential election days: sit in my shed listening to re-runs of In Our Time, occasionally cry when I find a particularly nostalgic piece, and sort my nuts and bolts. It wards off presentism and is as close to zen as I can achieve. It works for me.
I don't know if Narr thinks this makes me ineligible to vote, but I could probably still frame a roof faster than him. I'm down two gallons out of five since 2016, which, trust me, is one hell of a lot.
Remember when Kamala staged a visit to the border and was there for 40 entire minutes for the first time in 3.5 years?
Good times, good times.
Almost as good as Homeland Security Chief visiting Ashville's rubble for 6 hours, then flying back to DC for dinner at NOBU and purchasing a $6,000 suit.
Maybe Kamala could do a shift at Five Guys. All's fair in french fries and gangbangs.
tcrosse said:
“You must be a transphobe. Shame on you”
No, I think that’s on you.
Questions for perplexity.ai: Assume the only thing that matters are calories. How many people could survive eating only bananas thrown away in the usa?
A:Number of bananas wasted annually in the USA: 5 billion34
Average calories per banana: 105 calories12
Total calories from wasted bananas: 5,000,000,000 × 105 = 525,000,000,000 calories
Minimum daily calorie intake for survival: 2,000 calories per person per day
Annual calorie requirement per person: 2,000 × 365 = 730,000 calories
To find out how many people could survive on these wasted bananas:
525,000,000,000 ÷ 730,000 ≈ 719,178 people
I was expecting about twice that many.
There's also In-N-Out
Given your last sentence, don’t stray too far from teh restroom “facilities”, narr!
There's also In-N-Out
She already did that with Biden.
I like doing massive calculations like that. About 5 years ago when I was working on a project to convert rendering plant waste into organic fertilizer I ran the numbers and determine that if instead of dog food we decided to digest all rendering inputs into fertilizer it would completely replace conventional ammonia type fertilizers created via the haber bosch process
Russia, India, Iran, and China are all resolving their differences due to the USA neo-con imperialism pushing them together. The USA keeps tweaking China's nose about taiwan, and is in a cold war with both Iran and Russia. India sees benefits to playing both sides.
The other "outlaw" nations North korea and Venz. are joining in. I've often wondered why Russia doesn't just give Iran a few Nukes, but I think Putin is holding that Ace in this hand.
The days of the USA being the lone superpower and pushing the world around are over. I wonder if the Neo-cons and warmongering boomers like Bush will be able to handle it.
There once was a man who said "Hush!
I perceive a young bird in that bush!"
When they asked "Is it small?"
He replied "Not at all!
It is three times as large as the bush!"
It's always been stupid fake filler. Better than stupid fake filler is a high bar.
Halperin gets apo about ‘J6’. It’s a real thing…
tcrosse gets the spirit of the times, lol.
#BriBaBi in 2024 !
How many times can you impeach a president-elect between can’t find/manufacture the votes day and inauguration day?
On November 5th, the Democrats will be McFucked.
Discussing penis size is a felony. In Soviet USA>
Some news site pointed out that while Walz provided a response about the McDonald’s stunt and criticized Trump, Kamala doesn’t seem to have anything to say. As a former employee, her view on this would be more interesting.
"My usual method of blogging is turning up nothing this morning. It all looks like stupid fake filler right now."
When I was a teen-ager, I encountered dexedrine. And I really liked dexedrine. For a while. But then I started having moments, when I would suddenly realize that the pleasant emotions I was experiencing were entirely synthetic, mere chemistry pushing my buttons. After that, I really couldn't enjoy dexedrine the same way.
It sounds like you are having a similar problem with WaPo, NYT, etc. Your usual fix isn't working any more.
I don't think there's going to be any serious final push on the part of the Harris campaign. The main problem is that she's just an awful campaigner, separate and apart from her other weaknesses as a candidate. There's obviously a large delta between the confident, sharp, and composed professional woman she's trying to hold herself out as and the insecure dimwit she actually is.
Her inner circle knows by now that, if they come up with some new idea for an event or appearance, she won't be comfortable or nimble enough to pull it off successfully. Far easier at this point for everyone around her to keep their heads down and just go through the motions for another two weeks.
Is Kamalamadingdong day drinkinig?
Boy, you learn all sorts of things on this blog.
There's an Abercrombie & Fitch story in the news.
Lot's of sex, abusive menpigs, and a veritable plethora of homosexuality.
Right up Althouse Alley if you ask me.
I know, right? I'm trying to watch a game here and I don't feel like going through the layers of education necessary to bring you up to speed on why the Harris is not the right choice no matter what your media sources are telling you about Trump.
There's also In-N-Out
She already did that with Biden.
And Willie B.
I know, right? I'm trying to watch a game here and I don't feel like going through the layers of education necessary to bring you up to speed on why the Harris is not the right choice no matter what your media sources are telling you about Trump.
Just tell those Canadios to take off, eh?
"[...]examined a video of his performance]...]"
Like it's the fucking Zapruder Film.
If Kamala is saturating California with ads, she must be just hoping for the consolation prize of winning the popular vote. Thank God, and the Founding Fathers, for the Electoral College.
I encountered dexedrine. And I really liked dexedrine.
You were one of the original Midnight Runners, weren't you?
I've spent most of my adult life as the only conservative in the room. That's just the way it goes in some fields. I spent 17 years in NYC, where I'd joke that "socialist" is the moderate position, to 12 years and counting in Toronto, where it actually is. (I vote in Brooklyn as my last US domicile and every 4 years my wife and I walk to the mailbox together to cancel out each other's vote.)
If it were legal to bet in these markets in the US, I might put a bunch down on Harris--as a hedge. I'd be happy to lose, but at least would get some compensation for the country going over the cliff if Harris wins.
"I fear the October Surprise may be a successful assassination attempt."
Maybe, or perhaps post-election if Method 1 doesn't work as planned. The three likely methods to ensure Donald Trump never takes office again:
-Fraud Kamala across the line. I rate this most likely, almost a lock.
-Prison. He has 243 felony convictions, after all.
-Murder. Last resort now, but at one time it was Option 1
Just got my copy of THE DEMOCRAT’S SECRET by R. C. O’LEARY. from Amazon via Althouse portal.
Can’t wait to read it. The author is my son-in-law. He is a U. Penn and a Duke Law School grad atty. He is wealthy enough to retire at 50 it seems. Good prep schools were the best money my generation spent.
Bummer! We all remember commenter "Rich" disclosing how he cried when wife brought up movie An affair to Remember. Hang in there buddy.
If you cry at movies you could be more likely to die young
I think JD might reduce the likelihood of that last resort. Better (in their fevered minds) four years of Trump, burdened by lawfare, and backstabbing RINOs and Deep Staters, then eight years of JD.
Rudi giving his condolences, TV, silverware and other sundries to the FREEMANS for his bullshit defamations.He still up for fraud in Georgia and other goodies.This fella is on a downbound train to the Bowery..maybe Donald will pay him what he owes but Wouldn't count on that.Keeping hanging with group of people lost yor ability to lawyer and going g down for other crimes.This guy is pathetic and KARMA is a bitch.Howmany trump lawyers lost their licenses? A d how many more to come?
On days like this, I really miss Andy Sidaris.
Bazooka, Skateboard, Blow Up Doll
I dropped off my mail-in ballot at the polling place here in Las Vegas. A woman checked that I had signed the envelope before letting me put it in the slot. Does this make me exempt from campaign ads and literature?
IF there was a market for overripe bananas, yes. But no one I know ever throws out green or just-ripe bananas.
lulz > lulls
A lull in the farce is a stare wares meme.
I perceive a crack in the rock.
Tim Walz hardest hit, though he probably only cries at movies like Brokeback Mountain.
Tina Trent: sorting hardware in your shed while listening to Radio 4? Are you transitioning into a 60-year-old Englishman?
Post it. Your land that is. Put up signs and call the sheriff when you find hunters on your property.
"Does this make me exempt from campaign ads and literature?"
Somewhat. Both get-out-the-vote organizations know you've now voted.
I don't have a shed. So I go downstairs and tie flies or reload shotgun shells and find a game on the radio.
Sorting hardware is theraputic. And in the end everything is in its own container, (misc. stuff goes back into the bucket as starter hardware) and you know what you have and where it is.
I perceive a lull
Trumps' going on Rogan this Friday.
I heard an interview of a GOP get-out-the-vote organizer and his pitch was to get everyone to vote early so they can stop spending resources on you. So, maybe you'll see less mail and knocks on the door.
Personally, voting on election day is a tradition for me. And I don't trust Madison election officials with my early vote.
C’mon Mikeski…
Early returns in Nevada are yuge
“A few more days like this...and the Democratic bedwetting will reach epic proportions"
"And I don't trust Madison election officials with my early vote."
You could check with folks in Phoenix about trust and voting on election day.
You've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?"
Nothing's happening in the news until after the election when we find out how much ballot stuffing there has been.
Tit for tat. Or maybe escalation.
Did the NYT explain how a person brought up in a Hindu household chose to work at a burger joint?
This is the week when Bret Stephens, David Brooks and the rest of them finally come out and endorse Kamala and Tim, so yes -- it's stupid fake filler 24/7.
I just dropped off our ballots and I’m on top of the World, Ma!
By all means take the day off
Early polling place update: Swung by again to see if it would be convenient: Nope. Cars still overflow-parking in the street, a line of people stretched out the door and into the parking lot. I asked a couple heading back to their car what the wait time was: 35 minutes. So, moving along, but a wait.
One of Kamala's central problems is that she is a person of only somewhat above average intelligence who has become convinced that she possesses exceptional insights and oracular wisdom. Enjoy yesterday's salad: https://twitter.com/PolitiBunny/status/1848502733600436248?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1848621220453093761%7Ctwgr%5Eb3e547c710988473560d00e4bf7aba3e67611064%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kausfiles.com%2F
Trump is going on Rogan’s podcast Friday. The heavens will shake and many teeth will gnash over this interview. October surprise that cements the end for you know who?
I wouldn't swear that she was drunk, but I sure wouldn't use that clip as evidence that she was sober.
JaimeRoberto (4:32):
Interesting question. She said she worked at McDonald's in college. She graduated from college in 1986, from Law School in 1989. McDonald's stopped frying their fries in beef tallow in 1990, as I recall partly because vegetarians and Hindus were horrified and disgusted to learn that they'd been consuming beef without knowing it. Did Hindu (or at least Hindu-positive) Kamala feed people beef tallow against their will? That would arguably be worse than pretending to have done so by lying about working at McDonald's.
Mason, I live in a heavily democrat district. The polling machines will be working.
Lee Gye-hwa Liszt Mephisto Waltz 1. Not just thin Korean ladies maintaining Western culture.
The BRICS nations, meeting in Russia, and representing half of the world's population, and many of its largest economies, just set up a new payment system and messaging system outside of the US dollar and SWIFT. Both of which the US has weaponized against countries all over the world who don't toe our line.
It will take a little while to work out the kinks, I am sure, and not even Russia wants the collapse of the dollar to happen overnight, but my bet is that it happens gradually, then suddenly. It's easy to say that there is no theoretical limit on how much debt is too much debt, and there is no reason that the US can't keep borrowing a trillion dollars every three months, as long as people are willing to buy the debt, but when half the population of the planet wants out of the dollar system...
This wasn't Trump's doing, this was Joe Biden, all the way.
I wonder how many great pianists we're missing because North Korea is closed off and starving.
It's not people buying the debt - the US can always pay it since it's in dollars even if it even wanted to - but holders of the debt simply roll it over at maturity. The problem is financing the debt - the interest payments more or less track the rate of expected inflation on that amount because holders insist on at least that. If inflation goes up, so does the cost of the debt, and that can be a large amount. This can go unstable if they start borrowing to pay the debt, with inflation and interest both on a run-away path. You can still find buyers always though.
Screw the pianists. Think of the ophthalmologists!
At some point S. Korea is going to need N. Korea's people. It'll be fascinating (or horrifying) to watch all that play out.
News claims to know what is important and that you don't. It's not a filler problem exactly but one mistake about what is important against another mistake about what is important.
No, you don't. Shotguns are not rifles.
Ampersand said…
“I have no idea what HPM is.”
I think it’s a sexually transmitted disease. Or at least a politically transmitted one.
China has made its bet: They refuse to endorse Kamala Harris. The Los Angeles Times is owned by China through a cutout. They know that Donald Trump is about to be President.
Dr Weevil, I suspect the answer is either 1) she never worked at McD's, or b) her mom wasn't really a practicing Hindu, so it didn't matter. I know Hindus who eat beef just as I know Jews who eat pork. But it's kind of interesting that nobody in the media has even thought to pose the question.
At my age, proximity to the porcelain convenience is ever top of mind.
Actually, snow-shoeing by moonlight in the forest in Vermont. Ten feet of snow would cover all the underbrush, you could zoom all over the place.
Ineligible to vote? Why would I think that?
I don't have any soothing rituals, unless having a dog sprawled across my lap counts.
HPV = human papilloma virus
Oh, I absolutely agree that she's almost certainly lying about working at McDonald's. I just think it would be an effective tactic to pretend to believe her and then demand answers as to how many unsuspecting Hindus and vegetarians and vegans she fed bits of beef tallow to. If she was working the counter in a university neighborhood in California in the 1980s, they would have been a large percentage of the clientele.
do the 5 guys bused in know what awaits?
will the turkey explode by the time counting is finished??
Is Nov 6th gonna be Sotomayor's retirement announcement or not?
Sotomayor will retire if Harris loses.
We have the winner!
1. Is the book good? Be honest now.
2. Is R.C. O'Leary his real name? I see there's a pix on the page.
I heard this story on news radio this morning.
Headline: "Squatters take over dead man’s home with his body inside and continue to live there for weeks"
"The detective said the home had been turned inside out by the squatters while they searched for any items of value. In addition to anything they took from inside his house, they also allegedly stole his car."
“It’s unfortunate they preyed on somebody who was obviously deceased and took his belongings and used his money," the detective said."
"Police tried to find members of the victim's family, but learned that they were all dead."
Clearly, Althouse isn't up to the job any longer, calling a lid to the day at 10 AM like Sleepy Joe Biden, so I am calling on Meade to invoke the blog's 25th Amendment and take over.
This is a story Norm Macdonald would kill with. It's just breaming with comedic potential.
14 days before the election, United States President Joseph Biden, Jr. has called on the American People to IMPRISON Donald Trump.
If they do it, meet me at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and 14th Street, Washington DC.
Do NOT bring your cell phones.
So Rich has been harping on Trump and Arnold Palmer for days now. I wonder: when Obama made jokes about Trump's junk at the DNC convention, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTj02fFl1RE , was Rich hyperventilating then? No? So Rich is a total hypocrite, of course.
I hear you, brother! 😆
@Yancey 7:07
"Fake filler." Interesting. Maybe early voting has changed the real meaning of these last weeks which used to be: "the run-up to Election Day." But once the voting starts, you don' t want to hear about the polling, you want to hear about the voting. So Election "Day" is here; it's just that the "Day" is two weeks long like some strange northern summer day. On October 22 all day, it's 7:30 pm on November 5th because it's 7:30 pm on an early-voting type Election "Day." At this early hour, there's a few scraps of information and the early news guys are tugging away at the meaning of these tiny infornation dots. Only it isn' the early news guys tugging away, it's the big political news analysts with their function altered by a two-week long election "Day" and their timing thrown off.
Mark Halperin was saying that, if the early voting trends continue, Trump is going to win. See, that's what I mean. That used to be used to be "7:30 on election day talk." "34 people from Crawford Notch, New Hampshire have voted and it's rumored that Trump's ahead. If this trend continues ... blah, blah."
No more guessing, i.e. polling, I don't want to hear it. Just the facts. The Election is happening.
Jupiter @ 6:17 PM,
Surely you know there numerous places where hunting is restricted to buckshot or slugs, due to distance safety concerns.
Does that qualify as a Kinsley Gaffe?
oracular.. WOTD
We’re Americans. The perfectly ordinary word cafe needs an accent the same way the perfectly ordinary word reelection needs an ersatz umlaut.
Sorry, Narr. I meant RH Hardin, who thinks women shouldn't vote.
"At my age, proximity to the porcelain convenience is ever top of mind."
LOL. There's always that time just before you leave the house, "Maybe I better go now."
Althouse, when ya got nuthin, you really got sumptin, and you can do whatever ya wants with it.
But does he think women shouldn't frame roofs?
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