१८ ऑक्टोबर, २०२४

"Hamas has seemed at a loss over how to respond to the death of Yahya Sinwar, the latest in a long line of its leaders killed by Israel."

"For the past day, the group’s Telegram and WhatsApp channels have been silent on the matter, and officials declined or did not respond to requests for comment. On Friday afternoon, Basem Naim, a senior Hamas official living in exile, finally circulated a statement appearing to confirm Sinwar’s death. 'It’s very painful and distressing to lose beloved people, especially an extraordinary leader like Yahya Sinwar,' it read. 'But what we are sure of is that we are eventually victorious.' Moments later, Naim deleted the statement and then resent it — without Sinwar’s name."

The NYT reports.

५७ टिप्पण्या:

mccullough म्हणाले...

Either surrender or get killed.

John Borell म्हणाले...

Enjoy Hell.

Laurel म्हणाले...

“ Basem Naim, a senior Hamas official living in exile…”

Much like the late, unlamented Ayatollah Khomeini, these vermin continue their evil even while abroad.

It’s yet another failure of the west that accepting exiled corrupt-o-crats isn’t dependent upon cessation of all political agitation.

Earnest Prole म्हणाले...

You’d think a Gazan of all people would know denial is not just a river in Egypt.

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

"But what we are sure of is that we are eventually victorious." Out of touch with reality. That's why the IDF has to kill every last member of Hamas.

rehajm म्हणाले...

It's only a flesh wound...

rehajm म्हणाले...

I bet they fire their DC PR firm...

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Why don’t they come to an Ivy League university and pick a professor? There’s a lot of talent here waiting, begging to be chosen 😉

Tom T. म्हणाले...

"In exile" sounds silly. Better to say, "in safety." It's not like he wants to come back to Gaza and Israel's stopping him. I'll bet the Israelis would pay for his ticket if he came forward.

Real American म्हणाले...

Time for Qatar to round up these vermin and hand them over to Israel for extermination.

Aught Severn म्हणाले...

Open your wallet, Begley.
The younger Americans coming up do not have the same priorities with out tax dollars... Put YOUR money where your mouth is, tough talker??

I believe Israel buys what we send them, I don't believe it is charity. Regardless, the 'younger Americans coming up' have many, many years to go before they can turn off the spigot. With any luck, Hamas will cease to be anything more potent than a dream in the minds of student protestors before too long.

cubanbob म्हणाले...

Besides Iran, Qatar is bankrolling Hamas. We should turn a blind eye if Israel were to eliminate those terrorists that Qatar is hosting.

loudogblog म्हणाले...

It's amazing how many of these Hamas leaders literally stole billions from the Palestinian people and live very comfortable lives in other countries. But almost no one calls them out about that. Plus, it's a proven fact that Hamas steals the majority of foreign aid delivered to the Palestinians and then sells it to the Palestinians for 100% profit and almost no one calls them out about that either.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

“A video released by the Israel Defense Forces shows the building where Hamas' Chief Yahya Sinwar was…”

CNN YouTube clip: link to video

Dixcus म्हणाले...

Why in the world would anyone trust reporting from the NY Times. They told us Hunter's laptop with the kiddie porn on it was "Russia disinformation."

Dixcus म्हणाले...

America is MAKING $$$ on these deaths. We sell both sides the ammo.

Dixcus म्हणाले...

Offices of the Associated Press??

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

IDF ought to kill the Hamas leaders living in Qatar.

Drago म्हणाले...

This is a terrible blow to the New Soviet Democratical Party as they spent billions to fund Iran funding of proxies Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis.

And its a dead giveaway that kamala-la-la-la herself, her very self, directly Israel to NOT go into Rafah.....which is precisely where hostages were located AND where Sinwar was located....which is precisely why kamala-la-la-la told Israel to not go in.

kamala-la-la-la even went so far as to tell the Israeli's that she had "studied the maps" and knew Israel shouldn't go there!

But Israel, very wisely, did not listen to the drunken buffoon and continued carrying out their amazing operation and achieved these strategic results.

Because of course they did.

Immanuel Rant म्हणाले...

They offered to expel the top 2 after 10/7, but the Biden admin assured them it was not necessary.

Rabel म्हणाले...

Israel does buy military equipment from the US, like the F-35's they have, but we have given them about 20 billion in "charity" military aid since the Oct. 7 massacre.

I think that's in addition to the 3.8 billion in aid we give them annually.

FullMoon म्हणाले...

'But what we are sure of is that we are eventually victorious.'

Right. Thousands dead. 100s of building destroyed. Thousands homeless and suffering loss of friends and family.
And these heroic "terrorists" in administration hiding away talking tough. If they had any guts, they would commit suicide, with video, and say "We were wrong, peace is the solution"

hawkeyedjb म्हणाले...

Peace will come with victory, as it always does.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

How many more do you figure they'll have to kill before the Arabs stop hating their guts?

Iman म्हणाले...

From teh liver to the knees!

tim maguire म्हणाले...

You'd think by now they'd have a system down, maybe even a macro, for dealing with dead leaders.

Iman म्हणाले...

Don’t see Yahya. Still wouldn’t wanna be Yahya!

tim maguire म्हणाले...

However many it takes.

donald म्हणाले...

She wants to send thoughts and prayers but it’s kinda tough right now.

Mr. T. म्हणाले...

Not just stolen from Palestinian citizens, but citizens of the world including the USA through corrupt money laundering groups like UNWRA, CAIR & the HLRF, the AAUP, and the DNC.

Mr. T. म्हणाले...

Rich has been quiet on the thread thus far...

Perhaps he's off at the auditions for their new leader.

gspencer म्हणाले...

Shouldn't all these Muzzies should be happy that their famed warrior Sinwar, who hid behind Pali citizens, is enjoying all his doe-eyed, big breasted houris, gifts of their Allah?

n.n म्हणाले...

Hamasidols are selfie-identifying. What a "burden". Abort.

mikee म्हणाले...

If the location of Basem Naim is known, no matter where he is, why is he still breathing?

narciso म्हणाले...

Black knight strategy its only a flesh wound

narciso म्हणाले...

Is he john yahya or john smallberry

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

Time to call an executive search consultant so Hamas can find a new leader. Pay's not much and the job won't last long.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

How about "We agree to a two-state solution"?

Ampersand म्हणाले...

For years the consensus has been that killing terrorists, though emotionally satisfying, is strategically pointless because they are simply replaced by other terrorists of equal savagery. Israel is testing the consensus. The world will change for the better if it is seen that a terrorist movement can be eliminated.

Of course, Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis are all merely Iranian proxies. The question, as it is now shifting shape, is "how do we stop Iran from attacking us, either directly or through proxies?" A great deal of money, power, and death hangs in the balance as Israel answers that question.

Quaestor म्हणाले...

Unfortunately, the two-state solution isn't a solution at all. This war isn't about land. Never has been. It's about the afterlife. Hamas and its followers believe they will be rewarded in Paradise by killing and dying, preferably by killing Jews and dying in the act of killing more Jews. If not Jews, then it will be Christians. If not Christians, it will be the Druse. If not them, then the Yazidis. If not them, then the Parsis. Then the Hindus, and then the Buddhists. There's no end to the infidels. Out of gays and atheists? Kill the Shi'ites. No more Ismailis? Then check the next room. Infidelity is everywhere you look.

Vance म्हणाले...

I'd support them starting with your list in reverse. Make sure to purify the faith, brothers! As violently as need be! And as long as it takes.... centuries! And focus only on that, that's the important part.... can't let those infidels who claim to worship Allah the wrong way get away with it!

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

Every nation that mistreats its Jews ends in ruin. Many great empires that arrogantly thought otherwise now lie in ashes and rubble. Is it the hand of Divine Providence? I like to believe so. But you'd think that even those who mock the Word of God would have sense enough to take lessons from 3000 years of recorded history.

Interested Bystander म्हणाले...

Naim better watch his back. Someone is watching him. Hahaha. Can you imagine how the assholes in Iran are feeling about now.

Drago म्हणाले...

Not all Arabs are like the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians.

Iman म्हणाले...

OT… just watched Trump’s turn at the dinner… great job. I grew increasingly concerned that Bloomberg would have a major stroke given the shades of purple and gray he was turning. The dead-eyed prick anyway.

RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

What an absurd headline. So, the "News" is that Hamas hasn't responded. Thanks NYT. As for various Westerners guessing what Hamas will do, who gives a damn. What not write some real news about the USA?

rehajm म्हणाले...

It’s been done 🤨

hawkeyedjb म्हणाले...

My favorite Heinlein quote: "Throughout history, poverty is the normal condition of man. Advances which permit this norm to be exceeded — here and there, now and then — are the work of an extremely small minority, frequently despised, often condemned, and almost always opposed by all right-thinking people. Whenever this tiny minority is kept from creating, or (as sometimes happens) is driven out of a society, the people then slip back into abject poverty. This is known as "bad luck."

The Godfather म्हणाले...

Imagine a world in which the LEADERS of the warring sides become the targets, not the poor schlub citizens and grunt soldiers. The Israelis would go after the leaders of Hamas and whatever organizations supported the Oct. 7 attacks. Hamas would go after Netanyahu. And everyone would agree, once the leader on one side or the other was killed, that would be the end of the war. Might be tough on Netanyahu and other leaders of democratic countries, but I think it would be worth it, don't you?

Hassayamper म्हणाले...

Sending politicians into single combat is a sacrifice I am TOTALLY willing to make.

Oso Negro म्हणाले...

How do you know he hasn’t Derve? I have pizza and sandwiches for the IDF with bloodthirsty messages. How pleasant to think one of my sandwiches might have powered the boys who took him out.

TaeJohnDo म्हणाले...

"Hamas has seemed at a loss over how to respond to the death of Yahya Sinwar, the latest in a long line of its leaders killed by Israel." Women, children and democrats hardest hit ....

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

Hassayamper @5:12pm,

Personally, I would prefer some kind of assurance that they would take each other out.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Hamas called a meeting to pick a new leader but no one showed up.

wildswan म्हणाले...

All quiet on the Mid-Eastern Front? No, not yet. But the young men of Hamas have to be asking what the old men of Hamas have got them into.

john mosby म्हणाले...

Godfather, it is sort of happening already.

On the terrorist side, the leaders know they are the subject of the world’s most intense intelligence operation, dedicated to killing them, and not even very surgically.

On the Israeli side, they have a universal draft and reserve system. If you want a good civilian career, you try to get into the most elite military unit you can, because those are the old-boy networks of Israeli commerce, givernment and society. Then after your active duty commitment, knce you are in that great job, you are subject to activation in wars like this one.

And if this people’s army didnt really want to be in the fight, they have close to half the voters, so they could press for a no-confidence vote in the Knesset and new elections.

If we had foght Vietnam with the Israeli system, it would not have lasted long. We would either have won, because the real best and brightest would be fighting, or we would have voted the rascals out.


Tofu King म्हणाले...

The third Reich was done when Hitler was dead.