September 30, 2024

"The debate has been a source of anxiety for Walz, according to people close to him..."

"... who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss his private mood. Walz conceded to Harris when she was evaluating him as a potential running mate that he was not an experienced debater, the people said, adding that he is concerned about letting the campaign down on Tuesday night. Asked shortly after the Harris-Trump debate whether he had started thinking about his own meeting with Vance, Walz said he had. 'Yes, I need to,' he told MSNBC. 'Look, he’s Yale Law guy. I’m a public school teacher. So we know where he’s at on that.'"

The hope seems to be that Walz can win on likability. We're told that "Some Democrats are less concerned" about Walz's lack of thinking/speaking ability, because "Walz is far more popular than Vance." The public school teacher would like to make the young guy seem like the nerd that "popular" kids shun? If that's a debate strategy, I hope to detect it in real time. 

I like the "probably" in this sentence: "Walz probably will be forced to defend not only his record — including his military service, his handling of racial justice protests as governor and his liberal policy positions — but also Harris’s record, as Vance is set to paint her as an out-of-touch California liberal."

Probably, there will be some serious questioning from the moderators, but you never know. He may be allowed to simply pose as popular... like he did at the football game on Saturday. Did you see that? 


“The benefit is, up here in the Midwest and Big Ten country, we love our football, we love our football coaches,” said Phil Skaggs, a Democratic member of the Michigan House who was eager to note that Michigan leads Minnesota in the Little Brown Jug rivalry that goes back to 1892. “The Midwest, and Michigan specifically, gets to see an authentic, regular Midwesterner in his natural habitat.”

As you know if you looked at social media yesterday, Walz was booed in Michigan. He got no love. Meanwhile, Trump was massively cheered in Georgia. The NYT 

It may be true that "in the Midwest and Big Ten country, we love our football," but the Big Ten are rivals, and Michigan — and Wisconsin and Penn State — are rivals of Minnesota. Did the coastal elites choose Walz in some vague, distanced way in which he is seen to represent football, generically?

By the way, I'm seeing in that NYT article that Wisconsin plays Penn State at home on October 26th, "an opportunity for either party to blend terrific tailgating with swing-state politicking." This is my neighborhood they're talking about.

The NYT did briefly note the wretched disparity between the 2 football efforts:

Trump showed his supporters here in Pennsylvania a clip from his appearance at last night’s college football showdown between Georgia and Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Ala., where he received a rousing reception, and mocked Gov. Tim Walz’s cameo at the Michigan-Minnesota game in Ann Arbor, Mich.

A Washington Post article — published the day after the games — seems to be pretending there was no problem. The article is "Democrats, with ‘Coach Walz’ as VP pick, embrace political power of football/Kamala Harris’s running mate attended the Michigan-Minnesota game Saturday, hours before Donald Trump appeared at Alabama-Georgia. Democrats’ embrace of the sport marks a shift."

That's a free-access link so you can wade through it and see if you can find any news of Walz getting booed in Michigan. 


That WaPo article linked to another WaPo article "Harris trolls Trump on second debate during Georgia-Alabama game/The campaign aimed to reach viewers in the key battleground state of Georgia" (free-access link), and I was interested to see material that resonated with my theme, above, of Democrats styling themselves as the popular kids who torment the nerds:

In recent weeks, the Harris campaign has been sending surrogates on cable news to mock Trump’s rejection of another meeting in increasingly blunt terms. David Plouffe, a top strategist for Harris, has called Trump “chicken man” on social media because of his decision to not agree to another debate.

“She took his lunch money last time,” Harris-Walz campaign co-chair Mitch Landrieu said Thursday on MSNBC. “He lost and he knows it and he’s afraid of being humiliated again,” Sen. Raphael G. Warnock (D-Ga.) said days earlier.


Iman said...

Big Boy Pants Energy!

Temujin said...

Democrats and their operatives in the press are setting the bar low. Anything Walz does above 'low' will be considered a victory.
Personally I'm hoping he pulls out his famous leg kick.

Jersey Fled said...

Walz is likable? More like goofy, I’d say.

rehajm said...

I’m old enough to remember when being articulate and public speaking were important requirements for the Presidency. One slip of tongue starts a war and all that. I’m not sure we’re all better off now that it’s only a requirement for Republicans. I mean not every Republican has a wife we can just slip in as President when they falter…

wendybar said...


Leland said...

The news media should be offended that they aren’t the ones that would make a candidate defend their record in a debate.

Dixcus said...

"I'm just a public school teacher." - Tim Walz

Well. Isn't that comforting? The man?? we've selected to teach our children cannot hold his own in a simple debate. Cannot form a premise and defend his assertions. Cannot argue that his policy prescriptions are best. And he admits this openly.

They are not sending their best.

rhhardin said...

Amy Wax has better credentials that Vance and is less inclined to believe in premises to conclusion as the model for thought.

I'm thinking of Valery's Dialogue between Socrates and his physician, Socrates wondering why Socrates' body talks to the doctor about Socrates' condition but speaks to Socrates only with physical abuse and insults.

Wax being a physician.

Walz is more a fart for Kamala's cackle, like the Cheshire Cat.

Vance and Walz will manage to avoid anything interesting.

Dixcus said...

I remember when being articulate and public speaking were important requirements to be a public school teacher. Much less a President.

Christopher B said...

As I said on another thread, the Harris campaign is desperate for another debate because that's the only forum structured to allow the "interviewers" to cut off Harris when she turns on the salad shooter, and to act as her direct allies in answering questions. She is completely incompetent at lying her way through a one-on-one interview as a 'moderate'. Nobody but the Kool aid drinkers are paying attention to her substance less speeches and other events. A debate is the only thing that will generate attention, and she looks increasingly desperate to generate some.

Dixcus said...

Members of the media have house notes. They have kids in school. They got bills to pay. They protect their families by not stepping out of line and putting their entire working life in danger by opposing a corrupt, horrid regime.

Dixcus said...

Kamala Harris ... excuse me ... I mean "the media" isn't getting another debate with Donald Trump.

Dixcus said...

Walz is there to shore up the gay vote and that's it.

Breezy said...

How can it be that a Governor has anxiety about speaking publicly about his agenda and reasons for running? He knows the myriad issues that dog him. There will be no surprises on that front. The way to quell speaking anxiety is to thoroughly understand your subject matter, including your weaknesses. Is he as lazy as Harris is on that front?

Mr. D said...

I'm in Minnesota and Walz has reason to worry. He isn't a good debater; he only agreed to one debate in the last cycle against his hapless opponent, Dr. Scott Jensen. The debate was in Rochester and was barely seen, but Jensen, who is a nice man but not a polished politician, cleaned Walz's clock. Walz is used to the air cover the Twin Cities media provides and one of the reasons he's taken some hits since he hit the trail is that he's never faced sustained, substantive criticism of his policies, persona or anything else. Vance will have to be careful not to be too snooty, but if he plays it correctly, Vance will win the debate handily.

John henry said...


He's been a professional politician longer than he was ever a teacher

John Henry

Political Junkie said...

If JD does well and defeats Walz, the media will say it was a tie or point out the negatives mostly on JD. We are fucked.

Iman said...

“If JD does well and defeats Walz, the media will say it was a tie or point out the negatives mostly on JD. We are fucked.”

The media doesn’t hold as much sway over popular opinion as it once did.

Gunner said...

This sounds like psyops to mislead Vance.

Cappy said...

... lack of thinking ability ...

The rule of Lemnity said...

“…who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss his private mood.”

They are hardly talking to the press publicly. The idea that ‘anonymity’ is another word for candor is ridiculous.

Ralph L said...

I looked up Walz's undergrad schooling after he was chosen. On Wikipedia, he went to Univ. of Houston in the mid 80s for an undisclosed amount of time. In '95 (earliest I could find) they were 70% selective with SAT average ~ 1100. After some factory work in Arkansas, he got his degree from a small, non-selective public U in Nebraska. He was in the National Guard of 4 states: TX, AR, NE, and MN. He then got advanced degrees in MN.

Vance got his OSU degree in a little over 2 calendar years. Their SAT average when he was there was over 1300, and I imagine he's well over that to get into YLS as a white male. Walz will be outclassed as far as brainpower goes.

Lloyd W. Robertson said...

If Dems think they can win on "Trump and Vance are nerds, whereas Harris and Walz have balls (in a good way)," they are probably taking too many drugs. Anyone who cracks a book, or speaks in sentences, is weird? Is this junior high school?

JRoberts said...

There ain't nothing more fun than tormenting the "nerds" when you seek to control (and expand) the DOJ and IRS!

Political Junkie said...

I wish you are right, but Walz is "more popular" than Vance in the polls. Did you see Walz at the Michigan-Minn football game. Walz is a clown.

Political Junkie said...

Reminds of the battlefied prep before debate 1 between Gore & Bush.

Dave Begley said...

Tim Walz is Chadron State; not Big Ten.

Duke Dan said...

Did you see the Trump stickers from Saturday. “They are eating the Dawgs”

Joe said...

Does America want Walz to be one step away from commander-in-chief?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOL the choice of Walz says so much about the executive decisions we would get from a president Harris. Choosing a VP was the first and most important decision she had to make and Walz was a lousy choice for strategic, tactical and political reasons. Like Biden selecting her and Obama selecting Biden, the VP choices on that side of the aisle are growing progressively worse. More Progressive. And worse executives. Harris has literally done nothing as VP except cast tie-breaking votes on policies she now won't defend or pretends to hold opposite views on.

That her emotional support governor is turning into jelly before his big night is just too perfect. File in the "truth is stranger than fiction" category. Maybe we need to employ Twain's entire quote: "Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; Truth isn't."

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

LOL literally. Sometimes I cringe at your quips but this is pitch perfect.

tommyesq said...

Everything about this suggests that he is fundamentally unfit for the office. "Walz's lack of thinking/speaking ability" - aren't these the two biggest criteria??

Kai Akker said...

--- A Washington Post article — published the day after the games — seems to be pretending there was no problem. The article is "Democrats, with ‘Coach Walz’ as VP pick, embrace political power of football"

They're so hopeful about their imaginary world.

Bob Boyd said...

Looking back, some the most despicable people I've encountered were those teachers who, having probably been bullied themselves as students, tried to suck up to the popular kids by bullying and tormenting the same kids they saw the popular kids mistreating.
I don't know if Walz is one of those or not.

wishfulthinking said...

On a different topic: Those of you who can and are willing to please donate to help the people of Western North Carolina. Things are bad here in Florida in places like Cedar Key and the upper west coast. But we have DeSantis and help had been staged around the state pre storm. NC, TN, parts of SC and GA are in dire conditions. I donate through Samaritans Purse. They seem to have their act together.

Gusty Winds said...

I'm a public school teacher Did Walz just call all public school teachers insecure dumbshits?

Do you think Walz is going to give us all the beta-male double hand wave when he walks on stage?

Gusty Winds said...

The only thing crazier than Tampon Tim in Minnesota is his batshit crazy wife. WOW! Have you seen her? Nightmare.

Gusty Winds said...

Seeing the coverage of Walz getting booed at the Michigan game has a "Sandusky returns to the scene of the crime" feel.

Former Illinois resident said...

"Liar, liar, pants on fire" - Walz has exaggerated and/or outright lied about his personal history, which suggests he has also has zero personal integrity. I'd not want him to be my children's teacher; he strikes me as both a bully and a creepy guy. Reminds me of the overpaid overfed middle-school gym teacher my kids had, a guy who favored certain boys, posh suburban school district paid him $150,000 plus benefits in mid 2000s for teaching kids to dribble and to run perimeter of school campus.

I think Vance will run circles around Walz. Only talent Walz has is to mug for the camera, and carry Harris' train on their joint campaign stops.

Balfegor said...

I don't think Yale Law is necessarily an advantage in the kind of "debate" that passes for candidate debates these days. Maybe on substance, but these debates have never been won on substance, at least not in my adult life. They're won or lost on optics and rhetoric, and the rhetorical mode prized in law school is not one that, I think, normal people find particularly appealing or even persuasive (think Ted Cruz, for example -- lawyerly, smart, and untrustworthy -- or Bill Clinton quibbling over definitions). And as far as I can tell, Vance's career hasn't involved making arguments to juries made up of normal people. He might be extremely effective in debate, but Yale probably had nothing to do with it, other than perhaps teaching him lawyerly habits he then had to unlearn.

Former Illinois resident said...

But remember, Biden chose Harris. Both chose VPs who made them feel intellectually superior, and who served as "term insurance".

Former Illinois resident said...

But will moderators question Walz regarding his many mistruths and false representations?

gilbar said...

The hope seems to be that Walz can win on likability.

serious question.. wouldn't Walz need to HAVE some likability to be able to win on it?
Other than Democrat Party regulars like Igna.. WHO do they think LIKES this skirtboy loser?

Former Illinois resident said...

Vance is doing podcast circuit, can speak at length on policy matters in great specific detail without notes. MSM doesn't want to cover him, because he remains calm, collected, and coherent when challenged.

Former Illinois resident said...

Major stumbling block remains; Walz doesn't present himself as sincere or likable.

n.n said...

Walz's premier job interview. The first one can cause anxiety for people who are green, wet behind the ears.

n.n said...

Walz hands out candy for attendance, sees his popularity soar.

Danno said...

"Trump was massively cheered in Georgia."

Game was at Alabama in Tuscaloosa.

Iman said...

Tim Walz is Tundra U., the fucking meathead.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Big Boy Pants on the Aw Shucks candidate! Gee Wilikers!

AMDG said...

Walz is an inviting target but Vance needs to keep in mind that Harris is the prime enemy. Make him do nothing but defend Harris.

The most famous Vice Presidential debate in history occurred in 1988. Lloyd Benson clearly won the debate and at the end of the day it did not matter a whit.

Sally327 said...

What's with the "coach" moniker? It makes me think of the character "Coach" on Cheers, Ernie Pantuzzo played by Nicholas Colasanto. The lovable dunce behind the bar, is that what they're going for with Walz? Maybe so with that goofy clapping Walz does and those spasmodic facial expressions, I guess that's smiling?

A public school teacher gets asked silly and pointless questions all day long so Walz should have have plenty experience to manage what he's likely to get at the debate.

narciso said...

She carries the burden of the biden administration

planetgeo said...

The Democrat puppet masters and their media continue to view the Midwest as though they are on Anthropology study of a gentle but potentially dangerous troop of lowland gorillas. Thus thinking if their candidate "blends in" with the camo hat, similar bodyfat composition, and makes credibly similar facial expressions and gesticulations the entire troop will accept him as one of their own. Well, Dian Fossey they ain't.

Walz exudes more Middle School gym teacher or girls (nice tie-game!) soccer coach than Big Ten toxic masculinity football. Who do they think they're kidding? That SNL Jim Gaffigan portrayal of Walz wasn't a parody, it was a documentary.

Mike_in_Cinci said...

I don't think he has been a "school teacher" since 2006. I guess Congressmen and Governors can't be expected to express any opinion or fact.

Darkisland said...

And "Coach"?

He's been a coach even less time than he was a teacher. He was a part time coach, in addition to being a geography teacher at one school. When he got nailed for drunk driving, he (got fired? had to?) moved to another school. He was a volunteer, unpaid, coach there.

I had trouble working out the timeline but it looks like he was employed as a coach for less than 5 years.

John Henry

planetgeo said...

One more thing to consider regarding this VP debate. Yes, it's normally inconsequential, but this one strikes me as potentially significant, particularly given the multiple attempts thus far to assassinate Trump. I believe that this debate will effectively certify which VP candidate is fit to serve a heartbeat away from being President and Commander-in-Chief? The joyful gym teacher or the Yale law and U.S. Marine? Frankly, of all 4 candidates, he appears to be the one best suited for the job.

traditionalguy said...

Tim and Gwen are life long Public HS teachers. That usually creates super cautious bureaucrats twisting rules to win small battles.

He maybe aggressive like a football coach, but his ability stops there.

Michael K said...

Walz has a history with debates. When he was running for Governor, he had a disastrous debate and refused to do another one until now.

Michael K said...

I plan to enjoy watching tampon Tim debate.

Butkus51 said...

Epstein was a teacher too.

Aggie said...

Assistant Coach.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

If KH went to a game in California, do you think she would be greeted as warmly as Trump was in Alabama?

Darkisland said...

His advanced degree is a Masters in Experiential Education. Masters degrees in education are education free. Other than showing up for classes, unless his was by distance ed, he probably did very little work.

Ed masters are a scam:

1) Revenue stream for colleges
2) Allow schools to toot their horns about how X% of their teachers have advanced degrees as if it make any difference in the quality of teaching
3) Allow school districts to scam the taxpayers out of more money to support all these teachers with advanced degrees
4) Allow teachers to demand higher pay

His Masters means nothing, no matter what school he went to.

It is on a par in meaningfulness with Jill Biden's Ed.D

Full disclosure, I have an MS in education from Southern New Hampshire U. As well as AS, BA and MA (Business Administration)

John Henry

Paddy O said...

So Tim Walz is like Mr. Heyman?

Darkisland said...

Why not? He was a sergeant, wasn't he? More experienced than Kamala. He has at least 40-50 weeks of active duty.

OTOH, Donald Trump went to Military school. That in itself probably makes him more qualified than Walz.

John Henry

Michael K said...

Vance has a life history that has prepared him for real people.

Aggie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael K said...

It is the old story of A people choosing A or B as associates. B people choose C or worse.

Darkisland said...

Picky, Picky, Aggie. :) But thanks for pointing that out.

I was officially an "Adjunct Instructor" at 3 universities and a community college. At all of them I was called, whenever a title was used "Professor"

Aggie said...

But...... Don't students learn all about developing debating skills in school? For a down-home, aw-shucks, regular-guy like Tim Walz, he would be the type of public school teacher that everybody looks up to as a font of such learning and traditions, not so?

"....adding that he is concerned about letting the campaign down...." Wait, wasn't this line used by the Harris Campaign, except against JD Vance? Walz ought to be concerned. Like many professional politicians, he's careful about choosing venues where his reception is guaranteed to be adoring. The Harris Campaign has managed this by staging rally events carefully, and hiring their audiences. Walz will only have some of these advantages granted to him for the debate, if it's anything like the last one. And still, he's nervous.

I saw it reported that somebody heckled Walz at the game by shouting 'Trump 2024 !' as he walked by, and he scowled and shot them the finger. Interesting - a very 'thin skinned' response, getting triggered by something so conventional - well, in the normal world anyway.

Michael K said...

Benson was lying but it worked. GHW Bush is an example of B choosing C or worse.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Hack-Soviet/Democrat Party press trash Vance, and promote White Walz.
Gee - hard to fathom why Walz is so amazingly popular!

Michael K said...

I saw that story about heckling, too. Interesting reaction.

narciso said...

Political Junkie said...

I strongly agree with your last sentence. I think of all the politicians we have seen this round, the best debate would be D Shapiro vs R Vance.

narciso said...

Or the kidnapper in the alex criss stories

Iman said...

I aim to disappoint, Mike! 😁

Where’s Chris Farley when we need him…

walter said...

Maybe he can drop some Mandarin here and there to look worldly.

Gusty Winds said...

The Harris campaign is hoping Tampon Tim can appeal to the toxic masculinity vote they despise; which is heavily is support of Trump.

Big Mike said...

I’m reading (on Daily Caller) that CNN’s Scott Jennings told a panel of his colleagues that in his opinion Tim Walz is a “buffoon,” and he expressed the hope that JD Vance would get under Walz’s skin. Apparently Walz has a hot temper and serious anger management issues. I might want to watch this debate after all.

Aggie said...

Sure, but that convention is not what I'm pointing out. I keep calling this out, because Walz has disingenuously capitalized on this self-aggrandizement and many many others, including wearing a cap on the campaign trail that bears a military rank he never attained. It's a counter-measure for a Phoney.

Gusty Winds said...

I'm pretty sure JD is going to highlight Walz' lies and stolen valor.

Aggie said...

Wouldn't it be ironic if Walz's anger management problem drove voters to conclude they wouldn't want him in line for the Presidency?

Deja Vu said...

Chicken man sounds suspiciously close to Bush ‘92 and his lame Bozo and Ozone nicknames for Clinton and Gore.

Original Mike said...

"The Midwest, and Michigan specifically, gets to see an authentic, regular Midwesterner in his natural habitat.”

Says the NYT. I bristle at the notion that Tim Walz is an authentic, regular Midwesterner.

Original Mike said...

"I'm just a public school teacher." - Tim Walz

Actually, he's a freaking governor.

Iman said...

Life is just a bowl of dry-roasted cherries with these leftwing yahoos.

Megthered said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Walz isn’t worried. He knows the “moderators” will do his work for him. Like almost every other aspect of the political process, these debates have become nothing more than rigged events designed to protect and promote Democrats. He could piss himself on stage and still be declared the overwhelming winner. The glowing reviews have already been written.

Iman said...

SOB comes across like a pedo serial killer busily dropping the bodies of his tiny victims in the cold, dark waters of the Land of 10,000 Lakes…

Iman said...

He’s found it works on small children and adults of limited intellect.

n.n said...

She carries the burden of the biden administration

A "burden" h/t Obama. They/She deemed him a candidate unworthy of president, and summarily aborted him as they are want to do.

Iman said...

Bingo! That this clown was elected “governor” does not speak well of Minnesotans.

Big Mike said...

Unsurprisingly the Washington Post seems to have missed the no point of the “Harris Trolls Trump” story. She supposedly hired a plane to tow a banner over the stadium demanding Trump debate her on CNN, but the apparently the plane was a no-show. And that sort of sums up Harris: pay good money get nothing in return.

In ,2021 $42 billion was authorized for bringing Internet access to poor communities. Three years later ZERO homes connected. (Elon Musk supposedly offered to do it via StarLink for a fraction of the $42 billion, but was told to go pound sand — this seems awfully plausible to me.)

In 2021 the Biden-Harris administration was given $7.5 billion to build half a million charging stations for EV automobiles. Last time anyone reported on this, in three years they had managed to build 8.

In 2021 the Biden-Harris administration set aside $9 billion for replacing all US diesel school buses with electric. How’s thst going? Not well. In northern states in winter months overnight isn’t long enough to get the buses fully recharged unless they’re recharged in heated garages. In New York City on any given day 20 out of 100 are down for maintenance. Their initial cost is more than three times what a new diesel bus costs, and I cannot imagine what it will cost the first time a school district has to replace one of those humongous batteries. Or what it will be like the first time one of those school buses has a battery fire with a load of children on board.

Big Mike said...

A freaking governor who let his capital city burn.