Did I miss the comments about Inga and Rich's close friend in Alaska trying to kill the Supreme Court? Or their close trans friend arrested before "they" could storm an elementary school and gun down all the kids at lunch?
Via CPS: is this story true? BREAKING: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic; Says New Yorkers Would Have Been “Pissed” If They Found Out Because He Was Running Entire Covid Response For City
I don't know if it's true, but I know the response from our leftists: "Who cares? The Party has the right to party as our betters while you lowly peons suffer! It's their Democrat aristocratic right to do whatever they want! Only you idiots who don't know better must suffer!"
Sounds exactly like our leftists there. DD probably.
"The Federal Aviation Administration alleged Tuesday that SpaceX violated its launch license requirements on two occasions last year by using an unauthorized launch control center and fuel farm at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
The regulator seeks to fine SpaceX $633,009 for the alleged violations, which occurred during a Falcon 9 launch and a Falcon Heavy launch last year. Combined, the proposed fines make up the largest civil penalty ever imposed by the FAA's commercial spaceflight division.
The FAA rarely imposes fines on commercial space companies. The agency oversees the licensing of commercial launch and reentry operations by US companies and is responsible for ensuring spaceflight activities do not endanger the uninvolved public or go against US national security and foreign policy interests.
Last week, SpaceX accused the FAA of delaying the next test flight of the company's giant Starship rocket "for unreasonable and exasperating reasons." The FAA said it doesn't expect to decide on approving SpaceX's request for a commercial launch license for the next Starship launch until late November, two months later than the FAA's previous estimate.
The FAA's commercial space division has struggled to keep pace with SpaceX's rapid-fire launch cadence. SpaceX and other space industry advocates have called for Congress to appropriate more money for the FAA space office. Lawmakers approved an increase in funding for the FAA's Office of Commercial Space Transportation to $42 million for fiscal year 2024.
This allowed the FAA's space office to hire approximately 35 new workers, bringing the total staffing level to 158 employees, said Kelvin Coleman, the FAA's associate administrator for space transportation, in a hearing last week before the House Space and Aeronautics subcommittee. The Biden administration requested another funding increase for the FAA space office in fiscal year 2025.
What did they do? According to the FAA, SpaceX violated its launch license requirements twice during a Falcon 9 launch of an Indonesian communications satellite on June 18, 2023. SpaceX's launch team used a new control room at the company's Hangar X facility at Kennedy Space Center instead of the FAA-approved control rooms SpaceX previously used at the Florida spaceport. In addition, SpaceX's launch team did not conduct a readiness poll two hours before liftoff.
More than a month before this launch, SpaceX requested FAA approval to use the new launch control room and remove the readiness poll from its countdown procedures. The FAA says it informed SpaceX it would not approve the changes in time for the June 18 launch last year, but SpaceX went ahead with the mission.
The new control center at Hangar X debuted last year, and NASA approved its use for the launch of an astronaut crew to the International Space Station in August 2023.
On a separate launch of a Falcon Heavy rocket a month later, the FAA alleges SpaceX used an "unapproved rocket propellant farm" located at Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy. Nine days before the Falcon Heavy mission, SpaceX asked the FAA for an update to its launch license nine days prior to reflect the change to the ground fuel facility at the launch pad. Similar to the situation a month before, the FAA says it told SpaceX it would not grant the company's request in time for the launch.
The FAA said SpaceX has 30 days to respond to the allegations."
Lots of Democrats endorsed Andrew Gillum for governor of Florida. After losing narrowly to De Santis, Gillum was found passed out drunk in a hotel room with two men, at least one of them a male prostitute overdosing on crystal meth. Of course, the Democrats didn't know about that when they endorsed him, so only a complete asshole would say that they endorsed a bisexual whoremonger and druggie, as if they did know. I leave it to the reader to draw the comparison.
In the last two weeks I drove from CNY to WV, then Virginia Beach, then FL, back to Virginia Beach, and back to CNY. Do different route back then down. Saw zero Harris billboards. 3 or 4 Trump billboard- all with disclaimer that they were paid for by an individual not associated with any campaign or campaign committee. That was an interesting tidbit. And one other that had the following words scattered on a red background- again, paid for by an individual- Harris (War!) Hee. Hee. Hee. Two homemade billboard sized Trump signs on private property, not actual billboards,
At least 4 businesses (not including farms) had large Trump signs up. None had Harris signs. Farms in all the states I passed through either had Trump signs or no signs.
I know in VA Hung Cao is running for senator. I knew that anyway- but there were lots of Hung Cao signs- usually with Trump or near Trump signs. Don't know who the Democrat running is. And in the other states I passed through, DE, WV, MD, PA, I couldn't tell you from yard signs who, if anyone, is running for the senate. Hung Cano is- and signs clearly tie him to Trump. I find it somewhat interesting that other senate candidates aren't associating themselves with their party's presidential nominee.
Reading some things about polling and Trump's rallies in NY, I'm wondering if the DemoncRATs are going to be sorry they used lawfare to remove Kennedy from the general election ballot in NY.
Some small areas had seemingly equal numbers of Trump or Harris signs. But overall, if yard signs determined the winner- Trump in a landslide. In my area of CNY I regularly pass by two homes decorated with Trump signs the way some people decorate for Halloween or Christmas. Passed by at least one in each state. Have passed by none decorated in that manner for Harris.
"Have we not also reached our “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” political moment? If President Trump must spend millions of dollars defending himself against mercenary prosecutors intent on locking him up for the remainder of his life because of the “dangerous” words that come out of his mouth, then surely those people who use their speech to beg for someone — anyone — to rid the country of the once and future president should be held similarly liable." https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/09/leftists_deserve_the_j6_treatment.html
A person close to Nuzzi said the relationship did not begin until after a November 2023 profile [The Mind-Bending Politics of RFK Jr.’s Spoiler Campaign] she wrote on Kennedy had been published. The person close to Nuzzi added that she did not use Kennedy as a source while covering the 2024 campaign [but the Nuzzi piece resulted from a face-to-face visit]. A second person familiar with the matter said the relationship is thought to have started around the new year.
Bobby Jr, is on his third marriage, having wed actress Cheryl Hines 10 years ago. When in the Trump cult, emulate the boss, I suppose.
Amuse account on X: “Why was MSNBC filming Trump on his golf course moments before he was [almost] shot? How did they know to be there? Who told them? Remember, CNN hadn't covered a Trump rally live until the Butler Rally. Is it weird left-wing media seems to be there every time?”
I'm not sure how much I'd read into this, or the fact that CNN was broadcasting the Butler rally.
For Butler, I recall lots of rumors swirling around that Trump might announce his VP pick shortly before the convention. As things turned out it was made on the first day of the convention, 15 July. Trump could have intended to do it at Butler or possibly dropped more hints.
As far as filming in Florida, could have been anything from getting stock footage or to hoping to be able to pick up Trump saying something in an unguarded moment.
You’re right. But this quote stays with me: “This is like the plane flying into the second tower. The situation is suddenly totally clear. We are under attack." - X user Diana Allocco There really is a desire to do harm and to make sure it’s captured on film.
Christopher is RIGHT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence. it IS true, that EVERY TIME Trump has been shot at, there has been a news crew FILMING it.. BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence!
i mean, YEAH; the only rally they put on live TV was the one they told him he'd be shot at.. BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence! they thought that he might (or, might not) make an announcement!
and, i mean YEAH; who EVER hear of them wanting footage of Trump playing golf? but, they just wanted 'stock footage' of the President being shot.. BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence!
I had to check this and I found this Olivia Nuzzi quote: “Then something amazing happened. Hunter Walker, a reporter for Talking Points Memo, called. He said he had called the Weiner campaign to talk about fundraising numbers or something, and the spokeswoman, Barbara Morgan, started ranting and calling me a ‘slutbag,’ which I had never heard before, a ‘f—ing twat,’ and a ‘little c—’ who ‘sucked’ at my job. Which was true—I did suck at my job.” OK then.
Having worked for the FAA (for a short time), I'm gonna say they do. You don't want spacecraft conflicting with aviation - but using regulations as lawfare shouldn't be part of the equation. Delaying the launch to rescue the astronauts on the ISS, based on regulation overreach, is reprehensible. Does the latestChevron decision apply here?
The effort to regulate SpaceX puts me in mind of a person with a badly trained dog who tells the dog, "Sit! Ok, I mean, lie down! Or... roll over! Scratch yourself!... Walk away!"
The Ruby: A Floating Time Bomb Near Norway’s Critical Infrastructure
The Ruby, a Malta-flagged Russian-linked cargo ship, currently floats off Norway's northeast coast, casting a long shadow over the region's security and environmental landscape. Laden with a staggering 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate—a substance infamous for its role in catastrophic explosions—the ship represents an alarming threat due to its proximity to key military and civilian installations. The Ruby has been broadcasting "not under command" on its Automatic Identification System (AIS), meaning that it is effectively adrift and uncontrollable. Russia has officially claimed to have lost control of the vessel, further heightening tensions.
The Ruby (37,000 dwt) registered in Malta is reportedly owned by interests in Syria but operating under a time charter to a company based in the UAE. The ship loaded 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate in Russia in August and was reporting a destination of the Canary Islands.
@Jersey Fled, I wonder if Florida could join the suit, similar to what the Texas AG has done regarding the border? Launch ops require a lot more land-based infrastructure.
According to the Goebbels principles of propaganda, one must project one's own weaknesses on the opposition, because the fact of this weakness cannot be fully suppressed, so pinning it on the other side becomes essential.
It is for this reason that Mutaman, supporter of Kamala Harris, who refuses to answer any question not prepared by her team for reporters or "debate moderators" in order to cover her shocking lack of knowledge, must continually harp on the canard that Donald Trump, who has gladly sat for hostile interviews, speaks extemporaneously for hours, and answers all questions is somehow ignorant.
If Mutaman knows so much, how about answering this? How is Harris going to keep all of her lavish promises at a time when interest on the national debt exceeds a trillion dollars a year, more than the defense budget, and we are falling a further trillion dollars in debt every three months.
Mutaman's answer: "I know nothing! I see nothing! I hear nothing!"
This is from a man who defends a man, Joe Biden, whose own daughter has claimed that he inappropriately showered with her, which has led to a life of unfortunate sexual choices and drug addiction which landed her in rehab, where like her brother Hunter, she left behind a document where it could be found that laid out the abuses of her parent.
Ask Mutaman about this and he will say "I know nothing! I see nothing! I hear nothing!" and yet the FBI seized this document and arrested the holders of it. Which would be pretty strange action were it a work of fiction. No, it was an admission that the document is genuine.
I know, I know your response, Mutaman: "I know nothing!"
If these critical fertilizer shipments are being handled dangerously by buyers, you can thank sanctions. Believe it or not, people need to eat, and fertilizer is necessary to grow food, and people will do what they need to to lay their hands on fertilizer to prevent their populations from starving, even if the United States declares that they may not buy it from possibly the world's leading producer of the commodity.
The more. I think about it, the more I wonder what happened to the crew of that ship? Aren't these the same waters where Ukrainians, per their own admissions, blew up a pipeline carrying Russian exports? This ship was carrying Russian exports as well.
Dewine(worm) and the mayor of OHIO ,rightsd article telling trump and Vance to stop bullshit lies on Haitian migrants.Vance says he dont care that they are legal he'll still call them illegal. Two S bags who dont give a fuk About anyone but themselves. These guys are really nothing its the sheep who believe the lies especially with no proof or validation just like trump won. trump won debate, 2020 was rigged and trump now says he'll only agree to election if he wins HIM AND MADURPO having dinner at Laura Loomers house..Melaney on vacation...What a group of losers...yikes
Hardly 'suspicious' the media always present when something bad happen to Trump.
I think the simple answer is the media follows and records Trump all the time, but only shows negative or sensational clips. Seriously, do you expect regular reports of "Another massive Trump rally, good times were had by all"?
'tim in vermont' once again repeats the Russian propaganda line. He cannot possibly be stupid enough to believe the lies he repeats.
Reminder: just last year a warehouse containing 2,750 tons of fertilizer blew up in the port area of Beirut, "causing at least 218 deaths, 7,000 injuries, and US$15 billion in property damage, as well as leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless". This ship is carrying 7.25 times as much. If the ship is disabled, why is the crew insisting on docking in a large city with a military base? Couldn't they find an uninhabited fjord instead?
Another ship loaded with Russian fertilizer was trying to dock in Lithuania's only port a few weeks ago, next to the LNG terminal. It may still be there or close by: I haven't heard any updates. Either one would cause a nuclear-scale explosion if it blew up, and totally wreck the economy of a NATO country. And 'tim' finds nothing suspicious about that.
The Ukrainians have admitted no such thing. And the very people who insisted that it was absolute fact that the US blew up the pipeline are now insisting as an absolute fact that Ukraine did it. They can't both be true, they can both be false, and those who insist on either as a fact are liars. Like 'tim in vermont', who never says anything contrary to Russian propaganda, almost as if he's being paid to post here.
Oh no What did Ronnie Ray Guns Reagan Used to say" Now there you go again! Jesse Watters on FOX indoctrination channel " on The CINO (Christian in Name Only) fella on porn sites and foulness deluxe Mark Robinson , a trump PICK, "Fox News host Jesse Watters claimed he’s never heard of Mark Robinson, despite interviewing him earlier this year. Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican candidate for governor, is fighting for his political career after a bombshell report by CNN’s KFile said he referred to himself as a “black Nazi” and said “slavery is good,” among other shocking remarks, on a porn forum.Watters stayed mostly silent on The Five when the subject was brought up by co-host Jessica Tarlov, who described North Carolina as “a big target for the Democrats.” She said: “And we just found out an hour ago that the lieutenant governor there, Mark Robinson, who’s running for governor…”
“Never heard of him,” Watters interrupted. But the controversial host had actually interviewed Robinson in January on his show Jesse Watters Primetime. At the time, Robinson was interviewed by Watters regarding rumors Michelle Obama was running for office and whether Republicans “should be concerned” about her. FOXERS will go oh yeah never heard of him,,trump will say WHO? spin,rinse and repeat..What a group where do find these people and have you ever heard of looking these BLACK NAZIS as he likes to refer to himself as, you know like vetting before you hire a fella like this? c'mon man If NC was getting close in the polls they would just overlook this "religious guy" you know the guys who come on Sundays,The Lords day ,and spew controversies ,lies, and made up shit..Check out the Lords day up in here you'll spot the CINO'S..Hey be a sinner but not a hypocrite,one you can get forgiven for the other, follows you around and shows real lack of credibility, Beaucoup Dinky Dau back to your hooch......
Why don't you concentrate on showing that I am saying things that are false, if you can. You cantch me being sloppy sometimes with my grammar, etc, but you don't seem to be having great success in proving me wrong with stuff.
This war is none of America's business, and it is in America's best interest not to be dragged into a war "The Sum of All Fears" style, by Ukraine, even if our intelligence agencies have strung Ukraine along, you know, the same that we struck along those poor Afghans who helped us, and left them to the tender mercies of the US created Taliban. I don't care about Russia, or their problems, my only concern is that we don't provoke Russia to the point where WW3 breaks out over some bizarre attempt by the neocons to create the President of the United States as World Emperor.
Poor stupid propagandist thinks we didn't notice that he was absolutely certain the US did it, and is now absolutely certain Ukraine did (over US objections, says WSJ), and that both can't be true. Now he admits that the open declaration is only a leak, apparently unaware that supposed leaks are often in fact fraudulent. Or maybe I should say "supposedly" unaware. Again, 'tim' is a lying propagandist for Putin, who can't even be bothered to make his lies consistent with each other, much less with the truth.
Of course, 'tim in vermont' knows that this war is very much our business, ever since President Bill Clinton signed his name to an agreement guaranteeing the defense of Ukraine's 1991 boundaries in return for their giving up all their nuclear weapons and strategic bombers - the same kind of bombers Russia uses to kill Ukrainian civilians every night. They hit an old folks' home in Sumy yesterday, and 'tim in vermont' supports that.
That happened in 2020, Weev. Minor point. This is an interesting story though, isn't it? Not much coverage. Is it an op? If so, who's? Russia? Iran? Al Qaeda? CIA? Or maybe it's just a rusty old POS stuffed with fertilizer. After all, Russia does produce 2/3's of the world's Ammonium Nitrate and most of it leaves via that same northern port.
If it is a weapon, it's similar in a way to the exploding pagers, a weaponization of the civilian supply chain, something governments generally don't do because of where it leads once it starts. Obviously, the pager op was much more surgical than this would be. It's probably not a weapon, just a thorny problem. Maybe they should tow it to sea and pull the plugs.
"President Bill Clinton signed his name to an agreement guaranteeing the defense of Ukraine's 1991 boundaries in return for their giving up all their nuclear weapons and strategic bombers"
That didn't happen. There's no Article 5 type provision in that agreement. The US agreed to recognize Ukraine and basically to have talks if their sovereignty was violated. If there were such provisions, we wouldn't be wanting Ukraine to join NATO and we wouldn't be arguing about whether and how much assistance to provide.
What do you mean it "didn't happen"? If you're saying it's not legally binding as a treaty ratified by the Senate would be, so what? It's sure as Hell morally and ethically binding, and that should be enough. People who wiggle out of obligations on technicalities are assholes, and the same goes for nations.
Is this the same 'Dr Weevil' who is certain that the Soviets were behind a coup in Afghanistan in the seventies, and is also certain that the US was not behind the coup in Kiev in 2014, where within days, per the New York Times, our CIA moved in and took over Ukrainian intelligence and established 12 bases on the Russian border used to train operatives in assassination, disinformation, and techniques to infiltrate and operate inside of Russia?
Is the Washington Post, who has printed the leaks from their Ukrainian sources suddenly a Moscow mouthpiece? I originally thought that the Hersch piece was probably pretty close to the truth, but later information came out, for instance, that they missed one pipeline, and blew up another of them twice, that suggested that it was probably not the US Navy operation that Hersh described, and indeed could have been done on the cheap, as long as no absolute guarantee of the diver's survival of the mission was required. Also, by placing the explosives on welded joints, it did not require that large or sophisticated a bomb. We found this out because when the second bomb on that one pipe went off, there was no longer any gas in it, so there remained evidence.
So read us the part about this agreement that binds us to defend Ukraine, and especially even if Ukraine joins a hostile military bloc.
This is Bill Clinton you are talking about. The list of countries sold out by the US is long and storied. At our very founding, the Oneida. Indians fought on our side in our Revolution, and the first thing we did was drove them off of their ancestral lands in what is now New York State. It goes on from there. Look at those we left behind in Afghanistan who helped us in our war there for a more recent example. Look what we did to China after WWII, when they helped us to bomb Japan, using our navy to intervene in their civil war and to split off Taiwan. There is an inexhaustible trove of examples.
Jim Acosta's brain would have melted down on camera if this was Melania Trump Kate Hyde @KateHydeNY Jill Biden is kicking off the first cabinet meeting the White House has had in almost a year and we’re expected to act like this is normal.
The Republican Party could have found a more sober-minded [North Carolina gubernatorial] candidate than Robinson even if it had confined its recruitment entirely to the NudeAfrica posting community.~Jonathan Chait, NY Magazine
I mean President Bill Clinton did not sign his name to an agreement guaranteeing the defense of Ukraine. We recognized Ukraine as a sovereign nation. Russia signed it too. There was no defense commitment language. That is just a fact. Calling me an asshole doesn't change it and IMHO it's beneath you as a respected Althouse commenter.
Only a Russian or Russian ally (Iranian, Belarusian, or North Korean), or someone paid by the Russians, could possibly accuse Ukraine of "join[ing] a hostile military bloc". NATO is no such thing to any American who's not a traitor or a fool.
And only a lying propagandist could accuse us of betraying China when we protected Taiwan from Mao's genocidal murderers. The Chinese who helped us bomb Japan were the Nationalists, not the Communists. Protecting them from slaughter when they lost the battle for the mainland was the least we could do.
Of course, this is the same 'tim in vermont' who told us just a few days that Russia has been invaded by Sweden, France, and Germany (true, but Sweden was a long time ago), and has only invaded someone else once (Germany in 1944). I pointed out that he'd forgotten five separate invasions of Poland in the last 260 years (three Partitions, Polish-Soviet War of 1920, and - how could he forget this one? - Hitler-Stalin Pact), not to mention all the other countries they've invaded just in the last century. No reply from him there. That's his modus operandi: when caught red-handed telling obvious historical lies, he just waits a few days or weeks and tells them again.
Of course, it wasn't Bill Clinton who broke the agreement he signed. It was Obama-Biden, and now Biden by himself. And any decent American thinks a list of broken promises is an embarrassment we should avoid extending whenever possible. Gloating and wishing to extend the list is the mark of a swine.
Bob Boyd: I didn't call you an asshole. Unless 'Bob Boyd' is a pseudonym for Jake Sullivan, you're not the one failing to supply Ukraine with adequate weapons to defend their 1991 borders without nuclear weapons or strategic bombers.
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१०७ टिप्पण्या:
Sports, NFL all hiding their crazy this election season. It will be back, and in greater numbers
Did I miss the comments about Inga and Rich's close friend in Alaska trying to kill the Supreme Court? Or their close trans friend arrested before "they" could storm an elementary school and gun down all the kids at lunch?
If I were to talk about Kamala the way her campaign talks about Trump, I would probably get a visit from the FBI or Secret Service.
Well that mostly harmless
There's no "probably" about it.
You would probably be in jail over night.
Via CPS: is this story true? BREAKING: Former NYC Covid Czar Held Secret Drug-Fueled Sex Parties During Global Pandemic; Says New Yorkers Would Have Been “Pissed” If They Found Out Because He Was Running Entire Covid Response For City
I don't know if it's true, but I know the response from our leftists: "Who cares? The Party has the right to party as our betters while you lowly peons suffer! It's their Democrat aristocratic right to do whatever they want! Only you idiots who don't know better must suffer!"
Sounds exactly like our leftists there. DD probably.
Bloodshot at dawn.
My mistake. It’s via CFP
Sorry narciso. I didn’t realize you already posted this.
Elon Musk threatens to sue FAA after feds propose fining SpaceX $633,000
"The Federal Aviation Administration alleged Tuesday that SpaceX violated its launch license requirements on two occasions last year by using an unauthorized launch control center and fuel farm at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida.
The regulator seeks to fine SpaceX $633,009 for the alleged violations, which occurred during a Falcon 9 launch and a Falcon Heavy launch last year. Combined, the proposed fines make up the largest civil penalty ever imposed by the FAA's commercial spaceflight division.
The FAA rarely imposes fines on commercial space companies. The agency oversees the licensing of commercial launch and reentry operations by US companies and is responsible for ensuring spaceflight activities do not endanger the uninvolved public or go against US national security and foreign policy interests.
Last week, SpaceX accused the FAA of delaying the next test flight of the company's giant Starship rocket "for unreasonable and exasperating reasons." The FAA said it doesn't expect to decide on approving SpaceX's request for a commercial launch license for the next Starship launch until late November, two months later than the FAA's previous estimate.
The FAA's commercial space division has struggled to keep pace with SpaceX's rapid-fire launch cadence. SpaceX and other space industry advocates have called for Congress to appropriate more money for the FAA space office. Lawmakers approved an increase in funding for the FAA's Office of Commercial Space Transportation to $42 million for fiscal year 2024.
This allowed the FAA's space office to hire approximately 35 new workers, bringing the total staffing level to 158 employees, said Kelvin Coleman, the FAA's associate administrator for space transportation, in a hearing last week before the House Space and Aeronautics subcommittee. The Biden administration requested another funding increase for the FAA space office in fiscal year 2025.
What did they do?
According to the FAA, SpaceX violated its launch license requirements twice during a Falcon 9 launch of an Indonesian communications satellite on June 18, 2023. SpaceX's launch team used a new control room at the company's Hangar X facility at Kennedy Space Center instead of the FAA-approved control rooms SpaceX previously used at the Florida spaceport. In addition, SpaceX's launch team did not conduct a readiness poll two hours before liftoff.
More than a month before this launch, SpaceX requested FAA approval to use the new launch control room and remove the readiness poll from its countdown procedures. The FAA says it informed SpaceX it would not approve the changes in time for the June 18 launch last year, but SpaceX went ahead with the mission.
The new control center at Hangar X debuted last year, and NASA approved its use for the launch of an astronaut crew to the International Space Station in August 2023.
On a separate launch of a Falcon Heavy rocket a month later, the FAA alleges SpaceX used an "unapproved rocket propellant farm" located at Launch Complex 39A at Kennedy. Nine days before the Falcon Heavy mission, SpaceX asked the FAA for an update to its launch license nine days prior to reflect the change to the ground fuel facility at the launch pad. Similar to the situation a month before, the FAA says it told SpaceX it would not grant the company's request in time for the launch.
The FAA said SpaceX has 30 days to respond to the allegations."
Twenty eight percent of Democrats surveyed think the nation would be better off if Trump were to be assassinated.
And only 48 percent of Democrats surveyed think the country would be better of if he isn't killed.
Keep those numbers in mind anytime one of our resident leftists claim they're better than that. Or that those people don't represent them.
So, Trump endorsed a self-described “Black Nazi” with a trans porn fetish to be Governor of North Carolina?
Do I have that right?
X: "Former Chief BP Agent Aaron Heitke was ordered by Biden-Harris to cover up the disaster at the border"
eat teh cat, eat teh turd… eat, eat teh cat, rich.
Was a parallel question asked about Kamala being assa*******ated?
They put targets on their backs, donchaknow..
Did he shower with his daughter?
Watched Trump on Gutfeld. Substance aside, no way could Harris or Biden sit and converse like Trump did. Trump on Gutfield
Lots of Democrats endorsed Andrew Gillum for governor of Florida. After losing narrowly to De Santis, Gillum was found passed out drunk in a hotel room with two men, at least one of them a male prostitute overdosing on crystal meth. Of course, the Democrats didn't know about that when they endorsed him, so only a complete asshole would say that they endorsed a bisexual whoremonger and druggie, as if they did know. I leave it to the reader to draw the comparison.
Was a parallel question asked about Kamala being assa*******ated?
I don't know. Rasmussen has it. But I doubt it because it's not even a consideration. Whereas .....
Good news for the Know Nothings : Kennedy Junior getting Mark Robinson off the front page.
"I don't know if it's true, but I know the response from our leftists: "Who cares? "
You mean like the Know Nothings say whenever someone mentions their candidate's long history of cheating on one of his three wives?
In the last two weeks I drove from CNY to WV, then Virginia Beach, then FL, back to Virginia Beach, and back to CNY. Do different route back then down. Saw zero Harris billboards. 3 or 4 Trump billboard- all with disclaimer that they were paid for by an individual not associated with any campaign or campaign committee. That was an interesting tidbit. And one other that had the following words scattered on a red background- again, paid for by an individual-
Harris (War!) Hee. Hee. Hee.
Two homemade billboard sized Trump signs on private property, not actual billboards,
At least 4 businesses (not including farms) had large Trump signs up. None had Harris signs. Farms in all the states I passed through either had Trump signs or no signs.
I know in VA Hung Cao is running for senator. I knew that anyway- but there were lots of Hung Cao signs- usually with Trump or near Trump signs. Don't know who the Democrat running is. And in the other states I passed through, DE, WV, MD, PA, I couldn't tell you from yard signs who, if anyone, is running for the senate. Hung Cano is- and signs clearly tie him to Trump. I find it somewhat interesting that other senate candidates aren't associating themselves with their party's presidential nominee.
Reading some things about polling and Trump's rallies in NY, I'm wondering if the DemoncRATs are going to be sorry they used lawfare to remove Kennedy from the general election ballot in NY.
Some small areas had seemingly equal numbers of Trump or Harris signs. But overall, if yard signs determined the winner- Trump in a landslide. In my area of CNY I regularly pass by two homes decorated with Trump signs the way some people decorate for Halloween or Christmas. Passed by at least one in each state. Have passed by none decorated in that manner for Harris.
Your observations may vary. That's what I saw.
Does China Tim have some explaining to do?? WHAT is it with Progressives and their love for China??
The top picture is my favorite. It is mesmerizing!!!
Is America finally waking up??
"Have we not also reached our “what’s good for the goose is good for the gander” political moment? If President Trump must spend millions of dollars defending himself against mercenary prosecutors intent on locking him up for the remainder of his life because of the “dangerous” words that come out of his mouth, then surely those people who use their speech to beg for someone — anyone — to rid the country of the once and future president should be held similarly liable."
New York magazine on Thursday [9/19/24] said its Washington correspondent, Olivia Nuzzi, is on leave after learning the star journalist had allegedly engaged in a romantic relationship with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
A person close to Nuzzi said the relationship did not begin until after a November 2023 profile [The Mind-Bending Politics of RFK Jr.’s Spoiler Campaign] she wrote on Kennedy had been published. The person close to Nuzzi added that she did not use Kennedy as a source while covering the 2024 campaign [but the Nuzzi piece resulted from a face-to-face visit]. A second person familiar with the matter said the relationship is thought to have started around the new year.
Bobby Jr, is on his third marriage, having wed actress Cheryl Hines 10 years ago. When in the Trump cult, emulate the boss, I suppose.
Does he grope children?
@ the gad, does the son, that would be Hunter Biden, emulate the dad in his sexual proclivities? Or is it the other way around?
Amuse account on X:
“Why was MSNBC filming Trump on his golf course moments before he was [almost] shot? How did they know to be there? Who told them? Remember, CNN hadn't covered a Trump rally live until the Butler Rally. Is it weird left-wing media seems to be there every time?”
I'm surprised that gad is surprised that a Kennedy is a cheater. Were you born yesterday??
From the interwebs: “If Harris wins, a cat in every pot”.
As an aside, I saw a little old lady yesterday in the supermarket checkout line wearing a “Cats for Trump” shirt.
The FAA has no business regulating space flight.
is cheater = babe magnet?
I'm not sure how much I'd read into this, or the fact that CNN was broadcasting the Butler rally.
For Butler, I recall lots of rumors swirling around that Trump might announce his VP pick shortly before the convention. As things turned out it was made on the first day of the convention, 15 July. Trump could have intended to do it at Butler or possibly dropped more hints.
As far as filming in Florida, could have been anything from getting stock footage or to hoping to be able to pick up Trump saying something in an unguarded moment.
Ed Driscoll @ Instapundit puts the burn on Olivia Nuzzi (scroll to the bottom of the post)
You’re right. But this quote stays with me:
“This is like the plane flying into the second tower. The situation is suddenly totally clear. We are under attack." - X user Diana Allocco
There really is a desire to do harm and to make sure it’s captured on film.
Christopher is RIGHT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence.
it IS true, that EVERY TIME Trump has been shot at, there has been a news crew FILMING it..
BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence!
i mean, YEAH; the only rally they put on live TV was the one they told him he'd be shot at..
BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence!
they thought that he might (or, might not) make an announcement!
and, i mean YEAH; who EVER hear of them wanting footage of Trump playing golf?
but, they just wanted 'stock footage' of the President being shot..
BUT! it was ALL JUST a coincidence!
Olivia has shown bad judgement for 10 years
Remember when she went to work for wiener the first time
Selenski === how Deutchland spells [compared to all the nitpicking in US media]
I had to check this and I found this Olivia Nuzzi quote:
“Then something amazing happened. Hunter Walker, a reporter for Talking Points Memo, called. He said he had called the Weiner campaign to talk about fundraising numbers or something, and the spokeswoman, Barbara Morgan, started ranting and calling me a ‘slutbag,’ which I had never heard before, a ‘f—ing twat,’ and a ‘little c—’ who ‘sucked’ at my job. Which was true—I did suck at my job.”
OK then.
Rich Lowery cancelled by the Badger Institute.
We dont need no stinking badgers
Having worked for the FAA (for a short time), I'm gonna say they do. You don't want spacecraft conflicting with aviation - but using regulations as lawfare shouldn't be part of the equation. Delaying the launch to rescue the astronauts on the ISS, based on regulation overreach, is reprehensible. Does the latestChevron decision apply here?
so if it is male breaking in - off[er]ing to cut his balls off is acceptable? and not hate speech!
The FAA has no business regulating space flight.
The effort to regulate SpaceX puts me in mind of a person with a badly trained dog who tells the dog, "Sit! Ok, I mean, lie down! Or... roll over! Scratch yourself!... Walk away!"
LAWFARE again to take down Musk. It’s like watching the last 3 months of the Third Reich determined to destroy Germans for losing,
Help me here. When was the last time the NYT suspended anyone for having a romantic relationship with someone they covered?
One free pager
Time for Elon to move launch operations offshore
Lol. Gadfly feeling spurned. In love with Bobby for years and now this happens..
Well that’s the story. Whether it’s true or not is in question. What is the evidence? How much was manufactured by lefty extremists?
At this point the story has all the hallmarks of a high tech lynching.
Oh Ruuuuby
Don't take your love to town
The Ruby: A Floating Time Bomb Near Norway’s Critical Infrastructure
The Ruby, a Malta-flagged Russian-linked cargo ship, currently floats off Norway's northeast coast, casting a long shadow over the region's security and environmental landscape. Laden with a staggering 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate—a substance infamous for its role in catastrophic explosions—the ship represents an alarming threat due to its proximity to key military and civilian installations. The Ruby has been broadcasting "not under command" on its Automatic Identification System (AIS), meaning that it is effectively adrift and uncontrollable. Russia has officially claimed to have lost control of the vessel, further heightening tensions.
Of course not, bich!
Lefties have awakened and have begun to lie.
The leftist Maduro-Authoritarian cancer... spreads like a cancer.
Maybe it was even closer than"face to face," gadfly.
Mutant man is annoyed already and the sun is barely up.
Not a bad comparison. The Regime would let the two astronauts in the ISS die to get Musk.
without evidence. Agree - the left have no credibility. You are all lying liars who lie.
The Ruby (37,000 dwt) registered in Malta is reportedly owned by interests in Syria but operating under a time charter to a company based in the UAE. The ship loaded 20,000 tons of ammonium nitrate in Russia in August and was reporting a destination of the Canary Islands.
Yes, Russia sells fertilizer.
I'm starting to worry. Did the Prof sleep in, or the Sun?
@Jersey Fled, I wonder if Florida could join the suit, similar to what the Texas AG has done regarding the border? Launch ops require a lot more land-based infrastructure.
According to the Goebbels principles of propaganda, one must project one's own weaknesses on the opposition, because the fact of this weakness cannot be fully suppressed, so pinning it on the other side becomes essential.
It is for this reason that Mutaman, supporter of Kamala Harris, who refuses to answer any question not prepared by her team for reporters or "debate moderators" in order to cover her shocking lack of knowledge, must continually harp on the canard that Donald Trump, who has gladly sat for hostile interviews, speaks extemporaneously for hours, and answers all questions is somehow ignorant.
If Mutaman knows so much, how about answering this? How is Harris going to keep all of her lavish promises at a time when interest on the national debt exceeds a trillion dollars a year, more than the defense budget, and we are falling a further trillion dollars in debt every three months.
Mutaman's answer: "I know nothing! I see nothing! I hear nothing!"
This is from a man who defends a man, Joe Biden, whose own daughter has claimed that he inappropriately showered with her, which has led to a life of unfortunate sexual choices and drug addiction which landed her in rehab, where like her brother Hunter, she left behind a document where it could be found that laid out the abuses of her parent.
Ask Mutaman about this and he will say "I know nothing! I see nothing! I hear nothing!" and yet the FBI seized this document and arrested the holders of it. Which would be pretty strange action were it a work of fiction. No, it was an admission that the document is genuine.
I know, I know your response, Mutaman: "I know nothing!"
If these critical fertilizer shipments are being handled dangerously by buyers, you can thank sanctions. Believe it or not, people need to eat, and fertilizer is necessary to grow food, and people will do what they need to to lay their hands on fertilizer to prevent their populations from starving, even if the United States declares that they may not buy it from possibly the world's leading producer of the commodity.
You do realize that the Kennedys got there first.
RFK Jr. did all that when he was a Democrat.
He’s a mutt.
The more. I think about it, the more I wonder what happened to the crew of that ship? Aren't these the same waters where Ukrainians, per their own admissions, blew up a pipeline carrying Russian exports? This ship was carrying Russian exports as well.
Dewine(worm) and the mayor of OHIO ,rightsd article telling
trump and Vance to stop bullshit lies on Haitian migrants.Vance says he dont care that they are legal he'll still call them illegal.
Two S bags who dont give a fuk About anyone but themselves. These guys are really nothing its the sheep who believe the lies especially with no proof or validation just like trump won.
trump won debate, 2020 was rigged and trump now says he'll only agree to election if he wins HIM AND MADURPO having dinner at Laura Loomers house..Melaney on vacation...What a group of losers...yikes
Is that the Mayor who has the contract to house all those "migrants" for $50, 000 A year?
Your post was helpful, Eva. A lot of us don't follow narciso's mystery links.
Hardly 'suspicious' the media always present when something bad happen to Trump.
I think the simple answer is the media follows and records Trump all the time, but only shows negative or sensational clips. Seriously, do you expect regular reports of "Another massive Trump rally, good times were had by all"?
'tim in vermont' once again repeats the Russian propaganda line. He cannot possibly be stupid enough to believe the lies he repeats.
Reminder: just last year a warehouse containing 2,750 tons of fertilizer blew up in the port area of Beirut, "causing at least 218 deaths, 7,000 injuries, and US$15 billion in property damage, as well as leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless". This ship is carrying 7.25 times as much. If the ship is disabled, why is the crew insisting on docking in a large city with a military base? Couldn't they find an uninhabited fjord instead?
Another ship loaded with Russian fertilizer was trying to dock in Lithuania's only port a few weeks ago, next to the LNG terminal. It may still be there or close by: I haven't heard any updates. Either one would cause a nuclear-scale explosion if it blew up, and totally wreck the economy of a NATO country. And 'tim' finds nothing suspicious about that.
The Ukrainians have admitted no such thing. And the very people who insisted that it was absolute fact that the US blew up the pipeline are now insisting as an absolute fact that Ukraine did it. They can't both be true, they can both be false, and those who insist on either as a fact are liars. Like 'tim in vermont', who never says anything contrary to Russian propaganda, almost as if he's being paid to post here.
Oh no What did Ronnie Ray Guns Reagan Used to say" Now there you go again! Jesse Watters on FOX indoctrination channel " on The CINO (Christian in Name Only) fella on porn sites and foulness deluxe Mark Robinson , a trump PICK, "Fox News host Jesse Watters claimed he’s never heard of Mark Robinson, despite interviewing him earlier this year.
Robinson, North Carolina’s Republican candidate for governor, is fighting for his political career after a bombshell report by CNN’s KFile said he referred to himself as a “black Nazi” and said “slavery is good,” among other shocking remarks, on a porn forum.Watters stayed mostly silent on The Five when the subject was brought up by co-host Jessica Tarlov, who described North Carolina as “a big target for the Democrats.”
She said: “And we just found out an hour ago that the lieutenant governor there, Mark Robinson, who’s running for governor…”
“Never heard of him,” Watters interrupted.
But the controversial host had actually interviewed Robinson in January on his show Jesse Watters Primetime. At the time, Robinson was interviewed by Watters regarding rumors Michelle Obama was running for office and whether Republicans “should be concerned” about her.
FOXERS will go oh yeah never heard of him,,trump will say WHO? spin,rinse and repeat..What a group where do find these people and have you ever heard of looking these BLACK NAZIS as he likes to refer to himself as, you know like vetting before you hire a fella like this? c'mon man If NC was getting close in the polls they would just overlook this "religious guy" you know the guys who come on Sundays,The Lords day ,and spew controversies ,lies, and made up shit..Check out the Lords day up in here you'll spot the CINO'S..Hey be a sinner but not a hypocrite,one you can get forgiven for the other, follows you around and shows real lack of credibility, Beaucoup Dinky Dau back to your hooch......
You can't prove a negative by declaring that you haven't read a story, so it must not be true.
Even the CIA front "The Moscow Times" is saying it. OK, the Ukrainians are "leaking" it, not openly declaring it.
Why don't you concentrate on showing that I am saying things that are false, if you can. You cantch me being sloppy sometimes with my grammar, etc, but you don't seem to be having great success in proving me wrong with stuff.
This war is none of America's business, and it is in America's best interest not to be dragged into a war "The Sum of All Fears" style, by Ukraine, even if our intelligence agencies have strung Ukraine along, you know, the same that we struck along those poor Afghans who helped us, and left them to the tender mercies of the US created Taliban. I don't care about Russia, or their problems, my only concern is that we don't provoke Russia to the point where WW3 breaks out over some bizarre attempt by the neocons to create the President of the United States as World Emperor.
I hope there's not a Lebanese sailor on board who accidentally drops his pager into the cargo hold.
Poor stupid propagandist thinks we didn't notice that he was absolutely certain the US did it, and is now absolutely certain Ukraine did (over US objections, says WSJ), and that both can't be true. Now he admits that the open declaration is only a leak, apparently unaware that supposed leaks are often in fact fraudulent. Or maybe I should say "supposedly" unaware. Again, 'tim' is a lying propagandist for Putin, who can't even be bothered to make his lies consistent with each other, much less with the truth.
Of course, 'tim in vermont' knows that this war is very much our business, ever since President Bill Clinton signed his name to an agreement guaranteeing the defense of Ukraine's 1991 boundaries in return for their giving up all their nuclear weapons and strategic bombers - the same kind of bombers Russia uses to kill Ukrainian civilians every night. They hit an old folks' home in Sumy yesterday, and 'tim in vermont' supports that.
"Reminder: just last year a warehouse...blew up"
That happened in 2020, Weev. Minor point.
This is an interesting story though, isn't it? Not much coverage.
Is it an op? If so, who's? Russia? Iran? Al Qaeda? CIA? Or maybe it's just a rusty old POS stuffed with fertilizer. After all, Russia does produce 2/3's of the world's Ammonium Nitrate and most of it leaves via that same northern port.
If it is a weapon, it's similar in a way to the exploding pagers, a weaponization of the civilian supply chain, something governments generally don't do because of where it leads once it starts. Obviously, the pager op was much more surgical than this would be.
It's probably not a weapon, just a thorny problem. Maybe they should tow it to sea and pull the plugs.
"President Bill Clinton signed his name to an agreement guaranteeing the defense of Ukraine's 1991 boundaries in return for their giving up all their nuclear weapons and strategic bombers"
That didn't happen. There's no Article 5 type provision in that agreement. The US agreed to recognize Ukraine and basically to have talks if their sovereignty was violated.
If there were such provisions, we wouldn't be wanting Ukraine to join NATO and we wouldn't be arguing about whether and how much assistance to provide.
What do you mean it "didn't happen"? If you're saying it's not legally binding as a treaty ratified by the Senate would be, so what? It's sure as Hell morally and ethically binding, and that should be enough. People who wiggle out of obligations on technicalities are assholes, and the same goes for nations.
Is this the same 'Dr Weevil' who is certain that the Soviets were behind a coup in Afghanistan in the seventies, and is also certain that the US was not behind the coup in Kiev in 2014, where within days, per the New York Times, our CIA moved in and took over Ukrainian intelligence and established 12 bases on the Russian border used to train operatives in assassination, disinformation, and techniques to infiltrate and operate inside of Russia?
Is the Washington Post, who has printed the leaks from their Ukrainian sources suddenly a Moscow mouthpiece? I originally thought that the Hersch piece was probably pretty close to the truth, but later information came out, for instance, that they missed one pipeline, and blew up another of them twice, that suggested that it was probably not the US Navy operation that Hersh described, and indeed could have been done on the cheap, as long as no absolute guarantee of the diver's survival of the mission was required. Also, by placing the explosives on welded joints, it did not require that large or sophisticated a bomb. We found this out because when the second bomb on that one pipe went off, there was no longer any gas in it, so there remained evidence.
What do you do when new information comes out?
"t's sure as Hell morally and ethically binding"
So read us the part about this agreement that binds us to defend Ukraine, and especially even if Ukraine joins a hostile military bloc.
This is Bill Clinton you are talking about. The list of countries sold out by the US is long and storied. At our very founding, the Oneida. Indians fought on our side in our Revolution, and the first thing we did was drove them off of their ancestral lands in what is now New York State. It goes on from there. Look at those we left behind in Afghanistan who helped us in our war there for a more recent example. Look what we did to China after WWII, when they helped us to bomb Japan, using our navy to intervene in their civil war and to split off Taiwan. There is an inexhaustible trove of examples.
Did Joe Biden Die??
Kate Hyde
Jill Biden is kicking off the first cabinet meeting the White House has had in almost a year and we’re expected to act like this is normal.
Comfortably Smug
Biden's honorary legislation folders have Jill's emblazoned signature
When did we elect her President?
Jim Acosta's brain would have melted down on camera if this was Melania Trump
Kate Hyde
Jill Biden is kicking off the first cabinet meeting the White House has had in almost a year and we’re expected to act like this is normal.
The Republican Party could have found a more sober-minded [North Carolina gubernatorial] candidate than Robinson even if it had confined its recruitment entirely to the NudeAfrica posting community.~Jonathan Chait, NY Magazine
"What do you mean it "didn't happen"?"
I mean President Bill Clinton did not sign his name to an agreement guaranteeing the defense of Ukraine.
We recognized Ukraine as a sovereign nation. Russia signed it too. There was no defense commitment language. That is just a fact. Calling me an asshole doesn't change it and IMHO it's beneath you as a respected Althouse commenter.
Only a Russian or Russian ally (Iranian, Belarusian, or North Korean), or someone paid by the Russians, could possibly accuse Ukraine of "join[ing] a hostile military bloc". NATO is no such thing to any American who's not a traitor or a fool.
And only a lying propagandist could accuse us of betraying China when we protected Taiwan from Mao's genocidal murderers. The Chinese who helped us bomb Japan were the Nationalists, not the Communists. Protecting them from slaughter when they lost the battle for the mainland was the least we could do.
Of course, this is the same 'tim in vermont' who told us just a few days that Russia has been invaded by Sweden, France, and Germany (true, but Sweden was a long time ago), and has only invaded someone else once (Germany in 1944). I pointed out that he'd forgotten five separate invasions of Poland in the last 260 years (three Partitions, Polish-Soviet War of 1920, and - how could he forget this one? - Hitler-Stalin Pact), not to mention all the other countries they've invaded just in the last century. No reply from him there. That's his modus operandi: when caught red-handed telling obvious historical lies, he just waits a few days or weeks and tells them again.
Of course, it wasn't Bill Clinton who broke the agreement he signed. It was Obama-Biden, and now Biden by himself. And any decent American thinks a list of broken promises is an embarrassment we should avoid extending whenever possible. Gloating and wishing to extend the list is the mark of a swine.
Bob Boyd: I didn't call you an asshole. Unless 'Bob Boyd' is a pseudonym for Jake Sullivan, you're not the one failing to supply Ukraine with adequate weapons to defend their 1991 borders without nuclear weapons or strategic bombers.
Gadfly carefully studies all those left-wing sources if his DNC memo is delayed.
Well, anyways...the Ruby...she's a bobbin' around out there.
Of course this is only news because Robinson is GOP and black. If he was Dem it would just be par for the course.
It's clear that the main motivation for ol' gaddy is racism because Robinson is black.
The FAA is very good at regulating aircraft traffic. NASA is very good a rocket flight.
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