२४ सप्टेंबर, २०२४

"Our task, our test is to make sure that the forces holding us together are stronger than those that are pulling us apart."

"I truly believe we’re in another inflection point of world history. For the choices we make today will determine our future for decades to come."

Said Biden this morning, addressing the United Nations. That's the only quote I have at the moment. It's not something I went looking for, in some hare-brained quest for banality. That's what the NYT highlighted.

ADDED: Here is the full text of the speech. Video:

६३ टिप्पण्या:

Kate म्हणाले...

Helen Andrews, one of the great political journalists, has a piece at American Conservative about the utter disaster of Biden's sanctions against Russia. Yes, we're in an inflection point that will define geopolitics for generations, and Biden has absolutely sent us the wrong way.

Skeptical Voter म्हणाले...

Biden is now taking elocution lessons from the Queen of Word Salads.

rehajm म्हणाले...

…funny how they only mention the inflection point and invite you to assume they’re on the correct side of history. If one wanted to write the tome of productive policies for humanity you would list the policies of the people who run Joe…and write about doing the opposite.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

Buck Fiden. I want nothing to do with his vision for the future, his idea for the world, his "togetherness", his corruption, his party, his choices, or the inflection point that he is entirely responsible for. The tough guy that talked a big game about beating people up behind the school gym doesn't even know where he is half the time. Fuck that loudmouthed senile depends-wearing bully.

Oh, and fuck his elitist and talentless usurping wife too.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

OMG Kamala is writing his speeches now!

narciso म्हणाले...

says the man who said 'antifa was just an idea' who tells us Hamas protesters have the right idea, of course he doesn't say the idea is 'kill the jews'

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

"The arc of history bends toward banality"

Dave Begley म्हणाले...

What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

Certain countries will never co-operate with the West. China, in particular, wants to become the world's number one superpower. And, of course, many Muslim countries and terrorist organizations want to destroy Israel.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

Is this the same guy who staged a Nurenburg style-speech intentionally designed to divide with foreboding red lights and USMC praetorians in the background?

Tell me more about unity grandpa felonyfingers...I'm dying to hear more about "togetherness".

Gravel म्हणाले...

"The forces holding us together" are open trade routes, fair trade agreements, an unfettered marketplace of ideas, and the right to effectively defend your self, your family, and your community. Every one of these principles is actively opposed by today's democrats.

narciso म्हणाले...

Yes the Red wedding speech out of Mordor, formerly philadelphia

Maynard म्हणाले...

Joe is trying to say that he is unburdened by the past and understands the significance of the passage of time.

Well, that is the message his speech writers are trying to get across.

When you figure how stupid the average young liberal is these days, it makes complete sense.

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

Biden is in the same zone of wisdom that Kamala gets in when she's talking about "the passage of time" and the "significance of the passage of time."

So there's time, you know, and here we are, in time, in the present, and there was also the past, but then again, there is also the future, and the future is out there, in the future, which is not the past, which is back there, and yet we here, in the present, we can look back, into the past, and we can also look ahead, and to do that is to look to the future, and we will not go back.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

What oft was thought, but ne'er so well expressed. Words are like leaves; and where they most abound, Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

Ein volk
Ein Partei
Ein Reich
Seig Heil, President Dawdertucher!

Goebbel's would've been proud.

Ampersand म्हणाले...

Could the people of the United States possibly have done more to diminish the legitimacy of the US role in the world than to have put Biden into office?

Inga म्हणाले...

Maybe he should’ve mentioned sharks, electric boats, childcare is childcare, dontcha know.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Unburdened from the past is supposed to be in Marx somewhere.

n.n म्हणाले...

A political back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP to force us together. CMT at its best.

Inga म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
n.n म्हणाले...

The problem is that while black holes force us together, they are also destructive. Whereas white holes pull us apart, they are also constructive. Is Biden tilting at holes a misogynistic, transphobic epiphany in progressive culture?

Inga म्हणाले...

Anyone care to explain WTF n.n’s comments are supposed to mean? Are they the Great Mysteries of Life written in odd shorthand?

Inga म्हणाले...

Ahhhh, that explains Life Mystery #1

wendybar म्हणाले...

Funny Inga. We are all thinking the same thing about anything that has come out of Kamala's mouth lately.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Considering how Joe Biden, like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama before him, we’re at pains to sort people into identity groups and then set them at each others’ throats, I threw up a little in my mouth reading that.

Jersey Fled म्हणाले...

I remember saying something very similar in my Junior High graduation speech. Which leads me to believe Joe has a lot of junior high kids working for him.

narciso म्हणाले...

Hold my beer with his understudy,

rhhardin म्हणाले...

Orbits should be possible keeping us apart nevertheless. It would be like gravity.

Michael K म्हणाले...

The dullard liked his speech. No surprise.

Zavier Onasses म्हणाले...

So regarding military activity in the Middle East:
..Harris is on record as backing Hamas in the Gaza affair;
..Biden is promising troops to Israel in the Lebanon affair.
Do I have that right?

Lazarus म्हणाले...

Biden is assuming or calling for the kind of moral clarity that we had in WWII or the Cold War, but that's long gone. We can't trust what our own government is doing, let alone trust some global government.

Narayanan म्हणाले...

what dressing is being used on salad?

Rocco म्हणाले...

Biden is the party of the Strong Nuclear Force, which must be stronger than electricity.

One Fine Day म्हणाले...

No, you don't. Biden has not said where these troops are going. My money is they'll be sent to sit in a shithole location like Bumfuck, Iraq or Cameldiddle, Syria till ISIS drops a couple exploding drones on their heads.

One Fine Day म्हणाले...

Biden and his party spent the better part of the 70s and 80s trying to get rid of the US' strong nuclear force, so that can't be right.

Michael K म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Inga म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

I hope the death of Joe Biden unites us all in a hearty "Good riddance to bad rubbish."

Inga म्हणाले...

No, the Blogger Force is getting tired of your trolling.

mikee म्हणाले...

The best thing Joe could do for the country is leave office immediately. It would no doubt help the Harris campaign if she could keep things going for a month until the election unless she manages losing Taiwan or Ukraine or Hawaii or the Louisiana Territory, so it is a risk for her, but since she's winning the election anyway based on ballot harvests of unauditable mail in votes, let her try.

Inga म्हणाले...

I could say the same for Trump, but I’m wary of bad Karma.

narciso म्हणाले...

like Carter but much more senile, a tool of all these malefactors like the Qataris, Khamenei, Erdogan and Xi, and Putin was he bought off would it make a difference no one in the world fears or even respects us,

Original Mike म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Our task, our test is to make sure that the forces holding us together are stronger than those that are pulling us apart."

This from the man of the 'bulging neck veins'…

Bite me, Joe.

narciso म्हणाले...

those words you are using, don't mean what you think they do

One Fine Day म्हणाले...

The difference is Biden will die of natural causes while Trump will be assassinated by the Democrats and their Deep State functionaries.

Aggie म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Biff म्हणाले...

"Our task, our test is to make sure that the forces holding us together are stronger than those that are pulling us apart."

Call me clichéd and cynical, but the first words that popped into my mind were from the old Yeats poem:

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

RMc म्हणाले...

"Future events such as these will affect you in the future" -- Criswell, 1959

Rusty म्हणाले...

Probably not, Doc. Blogger does the same with some of my more innocuous posts. If it was truly censorship Inga wouldn't be here.

Rabel म्हणाले...

Yeah, Biden's speechwriter quoted Yeats as a lead-in to the Althouse quote.

Inga म्हणाले...

Crusty, my comments don’t seem to go into the nether like MK’s, or the FU lady, or you Crusty. I wonder why? Why would Blogger Force want to shut you and your Conspiracy Nutball friends up so often? Hmmmm…..

The Godfather म्हणाले...

I'm close enough to death myself not to wish it on even a guy like Joe Biden. I hope that, when the time comes, God's judgment on Joe is gentle, as befits a wandering fool.

The Godfather म्हणाले...

How many electoral votes does the Louisiana Territory have? Just asking for a friend.

Jim at म्हणाले...

I like Biden better when he's drooling at the beach.

Inga म्हणाले...

Trump appeared to wipe away drool at his mouth today at a rally in Savannah.

Speaking of old presidents drooling…

Lazarus म्हणाले...

Are we sure that the forces pushing us together are better than the forces pulling us apart?

rastajenk म्हणाले...

And, eventually, much more of modern civilization.

rastajenk म्हणाले...

I know ol' Joe got a lot of votes on his own, somehow, and too many states will go Dem no matter how bad a candidate is; but it wasn't 'the people' of the US who put him there. It was certain people in certain places willing to follow orders and see The Steal through to the end.

rastajenk म्हणाले...

It's probably not a lot, but most of them are R's

mikee म्हणाले...

How many electoral votes does the Louisiana Territory have?

None, if Harris were to lose them to invasion, secession, plague, Yellowstone caldera eruption or other disasters. You have heard of hyperbole, I presume, yet it seems you have a hard time recognizing it.

mikee म्हणाले...

Inga, after ignoring Biden's drooling since at least 2020, dares a "whatabout" argument. I hope she's paid well, to do such brazen foolishness.

Biff म्हणाले...

@Rabel - Thanks for pointing that out. For those who didn't read the transcript or watch the speech, here is the relevant section:

In 1919, the Irish poet William Butler Yeats described a world, and I quote, where “Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,” end of quote.

Some may say those words describe the world not just in 1919 but in 2024. But I see a cri- — a critical distinction.

In our time, the center has held. Leaders and people from every region and across the political spectrum have stood together. Turned the page — we turned the page on the worst pandemic in a century. We made sure COVID no longer controls our lives. We defended the U.N. Charter and ensured the survival of Ukraine as a free nation. My country made the largest investment in climate and clean energy ever, anywhere in history.

There will always be forces that pull our countries apart and the world apart: aggression, extremism, chaos, and cynicism, a desire to retreat from the world and go it alone.

Our task, our test is to make sure that the forces holding us together are stronger than those that are pulling us apart, that the principles of partnership that we came here each year to uphold can withstand the challenges, that the center holds once again.

Ironic, isn't it?