Writes Byron York, in "Remember when Democrats (and everybody else) thought Kamala Harris was a bad vice president?" (Washington Examiner). Discussion of other articles at the link and the statement that "there were many more, all of which could be summarized by one, brief sentence: Kamala Harris made a mess of the vice presidency."
These days, the press have tried to boost Harris, but even though they seem to want to help her, she's avoiding them. As for the NYT, it's still musing about Harris's need to "define" herself. There's this, from "Harris Says She’s Ready for Debate as Poll Shows a Tight Race: Election Updates":
Yeah, thanks for the "reminder." How about an expression of outrage that she has shirked serious engagement with the voters? She took the nomination away from the man who'd dragged himself through the primaries and won the votes of the people. How can she not feel obligated to subject herself to tough interviews? And yet here's the NYT calling that "room for growth" and merely noting the condition of being "less defined"! Where's the outrage?
At least she's going to do that debate tomorrow... isn't she?
९४ टिप्पण्या:
Harris knows this election won't be decided by voter opinions, but by mail-in ballot harvesting by her party, versus mail-in ballot harvesting by Trump's party. Her party won that competition last time around, hands down, and has been working on improving their performance nonstop ever since. That the Republicans don't make more of an issue of this indicates they plan to, and will once again, lose, nobly and with good grace, even with Trump as candidate.
I was stunned at Biden's performance in the Disastrous Debate. They successfully hid his true condition from me for months, perhaps years. I sincerely thought he was ok (if not tip top).
Now they are hiding Harris from me. Why should I not take the lesson I learned from Biden and apply it to Harris? I know they can hide very bad things for a very long time. I know she can't handle even a pandering CNN interview. I know they have had plenty of opportunities to address this issue and didn't.
you guys so serious so fnny haaha
I would hardly call the aftermath of the 2020 election losing "nobly and with good grace".
Her stances are all radical left. She can be defined as a De-fund the police authoritarian. She openly campaigned for others to give money to fund the release of street terrorists.
Speaking of how Harris has "shirked serious engagement with the voters," this AM on CNBC the Sec. of Commerce had the gall to say that Harris has meet with voters. The Dem shill Andrew Sorkin didn't push back but Jesuit school alum Joe Kernan did.
I would have told Gina Raimondo that she could reach millions of voters by regularly engaging with the Press.
Gina prattled on about Trump and chaos. Same old story lines.
Again - talk to any democrat/ liberal / or leftist. They all discuss issues as if Trump were president for the last 4 years.
Biden/Kamala inflation, wars, ON-PURPOSE Open border, tax payer funded free stuff of illegals.. and crime crime crime = never happened!
Kamala is thinking like a woman, which is popular with half the population.
Does anyone remember Kamala Harris' public approval a year ago? Her positive approval was below 40%, and the Democrats were getting increasingly loud about why Biden needed a new VP candidate. Biden, having hired Kamala as insurance against being pushed out of the presidency, rejected all the arguments.
She was and is garbage. If the election was held today she might win, but two months can feel like years. And there is no pandemic to protect her from scrutiny.
Nate Silver:
"Harris’s articulation of highly progressive positions on immigration and health care have become a talking point for the Trump campaign and one where the facts are mostly on their side. Harris has flip-flopped on some of these positions, like on Medicare for All and decriminalizing border crossings. Still, you’ll probably see clips like the one above in heavy rotation in Republican attack ads."
Oh no!
We all know the left's answer: Ban all the speech, ads, and factual info that attack the holy and precious Authoritarian Democratic liars. The left could go out in unison and say Kamala's own words are "Russian disinformation."
Four words: Regression to the mean.
I think the pundit class has been set aside. Ever since The Making of the President 1964 was published, Political "pundits" have been making a living by showing how one side or the other was assembling a coalition and "making a President." But an Executive Order has required all welfare offices to register all their clients as voters without ridiculous questions about nationality, including offices dealing with illegal immigrants. This was already true of DMV's. This, together with ballot harvesting based on Big Data could have upended the process of "making a President." The question for the pundits is this: have these illegally registered voters been dispersed such that they would overwhelm the legal voters in battleground states or counties in a divided nation? and are they going to vote by ballot harvesting? The pundits are ignoring this question and discussing the making of the Presidentess 2024 making Micah, Joe, the Cook Report and all the rest look like children dressed in the clothes of the past and doing a charade. And this same registration of the illegals is why Kamala is ignoring citizen voters' pleas to inform them of her policy positions.
America, the golden,
With tricks and money damned;
Like Altgeld, dead and moulden,
We love thee, bitter land.
‘Donald Trump Is Not A Conservative’: Liz Cheney
September 9, 2024
hahahahahaa. Kamala is? Good gravy. It's not about Conservative v liberal anymore anyway. It's about mob-like government grifters. Like the Cheney's, the Biden's and soon to be Kamala.
Democrats know if they can drag this nincompoop across the line they can elect anybody. They could run my dog for president and win. If this third-rate birdbrain "wins," we can ponder about who will actually be president. Same as with Biden, I suppose. At least Biden has the excuse of being senile. Harris will just be the teenager at the adult table, wondering what they're talking about. The folks in charge probably won't bother to tell her what "her" decisions are.
Textbook case of a career built on “failing upward”. Trouble is, it’s not just the State that is hobbled by DE I idiocy. Industry and all of our institutions are teeming with “leaders” who have been advanced on the chessboard ahead of their proving ground, and of course, shielded from scrutiny or criticism for their entire career. We all know people like that, and we likewise know the people who end up having to “fill in the gaps”. It’s the Great Unspoken Fact of our time.
This exactly. In 2020 Trump discouraged Republican absentee voting and fell short by the slimmest of margins. There’s a word for those who fail to take every possible advantage: Losers.
So Harris retreated to a bunker for a year. Yipes!
Somebody who supports Harris needs to explain what made her do that. To put it another way, supporters need to explain what is wrong with her and why it is not disqualifying. The obvious explanation is that something is seriously wrong with her but Trump is worse. But what is wrong with her? Give me a reason that would explain such extreme behavior.
Some possibilities:
1. Alchohol/substance abuse.
2. Severe anxiety. Is she taking medication for it?
3. DEI promotion beyond her ability / imposter syndrome / low intelligence.
My guess is all three, which would explain her past juvenile policy positions. If so, what is the plan to keep her from making any decisions if elected president?
@ Gerda Sprinchorn - I have yet to decide if you are a troll or a parody account. But this "I was stunned at Biden's performance in the Disastrous Debate. They successfully hid his true condition from me for months, perhaps years. I sincerely thought he was ok (if not tip top)." leads me to believe that you are a college freshman fiddling with AI. Try Glee Club. A lot of nice boys there.
"Room for growth" is HR-speak for "not currently up to the job".
They are just NPCs
Well, we DON'T KNOW if Harris will be a good, middling, or bad POTUS if she wins the election, as we never know with any first time POTUS. We KNOW Trump is a TERRIBLE person, narcissistic, a liar, a grifter, and abuser of women, and pretty much a moron. He was no great shakes as POTUS--as he had not been as a businessman--(witness his numerous bankruptcies and failed businesses...or was that all intentional, part of the larger grift?). He didn't bring jobs back to the US, he didn't "build the wall," he did not add any additional ooomph! to the economy that was not already a continuation of Obama's eight years of bringing the economy back from the Wall Street collapse at the end of Bush's second term. He implemented tax changes that he boasted was a godsend to American, but which mostly gifted wealthy individuals and businesses, leaving the rest of us holding the bag for the debt.
I'm not voting FOR Harris; I'm voting for NOT TRUMP. Harris might be a bad person and she might turn out to be a bad president, but she can't be as bad in any respects as Trump.
doctrev said..
but two months can feel like years.
imagine How Long the next four years will feel?
you DO Realize? that mail-in voting has ALREADY Started?
If victory for the Democrats in a national presidential election depends upon a charismatic connection between the candidate and the people, then some form of national primary between contending candidates on the national stage was absolutely required. This is precisely what James Carville recommended when he called for Biden to step down and for the Democrats to use the national convention and its runup as a forum for multiple candidates to showcase themselves. Public attention would have been riveted on which candidate connected with the public preference the best. And this precisely didn't happen. Instead an insider-orchestrated coronation was launched on the wave of relief that Biden's withdrawal triggered. The public watched with wide-eyed amazement but apparently without a lot of "buy in" because they were an audience, not participants in a process. It was like watching a big Wheel of Fortune gameshow.
Kamala Harris across her entire political career has been a doyenne of the powerful California donor class, a foundational piece of the national donor class that controls incumbency in Washington DC and access to this incumbency. The donor class is neoliberal and neoconservative; therefore Washington is both neoliberal and neoconservative although national voters exhibit increasing alienation with both political orientations. But the Supreme Court's Citizens United decision launched a multi-billion dollar flood of plutocratic donor class money into the system. The result has been to separate the American people from the incumbent political power entrenched in Washington.
So the basic dynamic in the election is voter alienation with a Washington that does not reflect their interests and a donor class that dominates the political showcase from which candidates are elected.
If voters don't want to buy in to the donor-class dominated Washington incumbency, then Donald Trump gets that job done. It will take more than "dazzle" for Harris to break though.
So what do you think is wrong with Harris?
@ GS: One of the main policies of hers that I do support is the one where she’s not Donald Trump.
Freder, as usual, ignores the Nancy Pelosi planned event, as if there was no evidence.
Dick Cheney, aren't you?
These people posting this crap are just stupid people.
Just some facts about 2020:
- At 12:00AM November 4th at the close of election day Trump has well over 70 million votes and Biden has ~62 million votes.
At ~3:00 AM Novermber 4th the "counting" "stops" in 6 locations around the country simultaneously.
All poll watchers are forcefully ejected from these locations by police in 6 explicitly democrat controlled cities.
At ~6:00 AM Novermber 4th "counting" "resumes" and Joe Biden has taken the lead getting ~90% of mail in ballots being counted.
Several days later it is announced that Joe Biden got 81 million votes. 16 million more votes than Barrack Obama got in 2008 and the highest previous number ever.
Nobody outside the system has ever been allowed to audit these 6 election sites or the ballots they "counted."
Nobody outside the system has ever been allowed to interview poll workers about the closures, or do any kind of investigation into the boarding of windows and ejection of poll observers.
But if you question any of this you are an insurrectionist.
None of this is editorial. There are no opinions in my list. The real problem here is that these are evil people at this point.
You say Joe Biden got 81 million votes in 2020.
Either you know that was a mathematical impossibility or you are stupid. You are just a joke.
Cook is just a dishonest clown. He is a loyal foot soldier for open borders, destroying the American working class, and starting wars all over the world.
I heard Trump won the coin-toss to give the closing statement last.
There are other instances of seditious activities by Democrats, but how can these people ignore the precarious and dangerous position they placed this nation in!?
D-bag progressives may not have much shelf life left.
Goofy looking biatchola.
Cook is not dishonest, he has a different perspective than you (or I).
I'm not voting for Trump, I'm voting against Harris. There are three primary reasons:
-Harris favors open borders. I do not.
-She favors price controls. They are economically destructive.
-Harris and her running mate are opposed to free speech. That's a disqualifier for me.
Those tax cuts benefitted ALL taxpayers. This is well-documented.
All sizzle, no steak.
All prattle from the Rattled.
"you DO Realize? that mail-in voting has ALREADY Started?"
And with all that time to get those ballots in the mail, somehow, all the ones for Kamala that arrive after the deadline (and after it's known how many more ballots are needed to win) will still be counted.
Liz Cheney spent her high school years in McLean, VA, in the D.C. suburbs. This is where stereotypical inside-the-beltway female federal careerist are grown. They have great faith in the Great Federal Government Employer, and earn $$$$$$$$$$$ and fancy job titles for relatively weak skills.
I wonder if the Dems will embrace Liz and her "drunken friendly fire" daddy Dick, as Dick Cheney was considered to be a demonic puppet master during the G.W. Bush era.
Achilles, yes they consider J6 the worst day ever, but everything that happened prior is even worse, As you point out on your timeline of (truly despicable) events. J6 doesn't happen if Democrats don't conspire to cheat.
How can she not feel obligated to subject herself to tough interviews?
Very, very easily.
When Trump said last week that he lost by a whisker in 2020, he didn’t mention any of that Trufer stuff, so it looks like you’ll have to take it up with him.
"The rest of us" are still "holding the bag" for the debt Democrat spending has created, but we aren't doing as well as we were in the Trump years.
You're not entirely wrong there.
At least she's going to do that debate tomorrow... isn't she?
Given the way her poll numbers are imploding (the reason why we haven't been getting polls released since the DNC is NOT because no one is doing them it's because they're doing them, and they're consistently bad for Harris), I think "her" team accepts that they don't have a choice, they have to do the debate.
I don't believe we'll get a demented "we defeated Medicare!" line out of her, but we will get babbling stupidity, and I expect that after one particularly choice roll of stupidity by her we'll get a repeat line from Trump "I don't know what she said just there, and I don't think she does, either, so I have nothing to respond to."
Because IMAO that was the killing line of the last debate, so I expect Trump will be trying to use it again
She's black(ish) and has a vagina (reputedly). What else does she need?
Thank you for sharing what a fundamentally unserious and worthless human being you are, Rich.
Putin "isn't Trump", either, so I guess that means you support him, too. Right?
I guess "dragging himself through the primaries" is a decent description of what Biden was doing for months, but it was all so lackluster, pro forma or perfunctory. Joe wasn't all there. Neither was any serious opposition or any enthusiasm for Biden. So maybe the Politburo's replacing Biden with Harris was just replacing one sham with another.
As for the NYT, it's still musing about Harris's need to "define" herself.
But she has defined herself. She’s terrible.
"How can she not feel obligated to subject herself to tough interviews?"
Bobby Kennedy is very strong on this point. You put yourself out there as a candidate because you have a vision of governance and what the country needs to do moving forward. And you relish debate because it's an opportunity to persuade your fellow citizens to believe what you believe.
If you don't do this, all you're after is power.
Maybe he means IQ with Kamala, Achilles.
You may not like Trump personally -he's not eloquent like JFK, he's not a policy wonk, his personal attacks are childish, he has an ego - but most of his policies were very good for America. He didn't invent the temporary Middle East immigration bans - Obama started that policy. He didn't invent the detention of illegal unaccompanied children - that started under Bill Clinton. The American Tax act lowered taxes for a wide swath of Americans, fueling a robust economy. His "loose cannon" persona certainly gave pause to those countries thinking of military excursions. And his Abraham Accords treaties were a pathway to peace in the Middle East.
He will gladly sit down with any journalist for a live interview and tell you what he intends to do.
Why Democrat voters aren't demanding Harris do the same speaks volumes, and shame on you for not doing so. Why she won't by her own initiative also speaks volumes. Instead, the propaganda media is just shilling and dumping out pamphlets of lies and innuendo.
Trump pledged a 100% tariff on countries that shift away from using the US dollar at a rally in Mosinee, Wisconsin
He forget his tariffs didn’t work the first time around?
I would say he’s an idiot, but that’s not fair to actual idiots.
According the the cashflow argument, Harris was already on the ticket before Biden dropped out. That's how they justify her taking the war chest donated to Biden. But she was definitely not out there giving interviews supporting the Biden four-years, much less him as the 2024 candidate. Odd since that would have been a far stronger position to be in when she was anointed by Nancy.
And now, she's giving not value to her loyal news media and it is starting to cost them money. Can the Democrat media complex survive another four years of No-Content from the White House?
Like it or not, Trump is a rainmaker for the dying news media. If he loses, his best play is to go very quiet for 2025 and let them bleed out.
C'mon. Liz is a rootin' tootin' Wyoming cowgirl! Yeee haw!
Just some facts about 2020:
- At 12:00AM November 4th at the close of election day Trump has well over 70 million votes and Biden has ~62 million votes.
At ~3:00 AM Novermber 4th the "counting" "stops" in 6 locations around the country simultaneously.
All poll watchers are forcefully ejected from these locations by police in 6 explicitly democrat controlled cities.
At ~6:00 AM Novermber 4th "counting" "resumes" and Joe Biden has taken the lead getting ~90% of mail in ballots being counted.
Several days later it is announced that Joe Biden got 81 million votes. 16 million more votes than Barrack Obama got in 2008 and the highest previous number ever.
Nobody outside the system has ever been allowed to audit these 6 election sites or the ballots they "counted."
Nobody outside the system has ever been allowed to interview poll workers about the closures, or do any kind of investigation into the boarding of windows and ejection of poll observers.
Of course, every one of these points is a lie.
At Kamala Harris’ very worst, she is still far better than Trump. She is a decent human being, she is not a criminal, she isn’t a narcissistic asshole, she isn’t a misogynistic pig, she is intelligent, far more intelligent than the aging and failing “intellect” of Trump, she isn’t an enabler of white supremacists and QAnon. She is not Trump and she will make a good president.
And to those of you demanding she present herself to you, haven’t you watched any of her rally speeches? Where is the outrage at Trump’s many crazy and ominous threats he posts? Where is the outrage when Trump reposts nutty QAnon “truths”? Where is the outrage when Trump makes fun of Paul Pelosi almost being killed with a hammer by a nutcase who hated Pelosi because of the shit Trump spewed about her? Where is the outrage that Trump now says he lost, after his “ Stop the Steal” in which he encouraged his crazy followers (who are now in jail) to go to the Capitol to stop the certification of the election? Ugh.
At Harris very worst, she will be better than Trump. At her very best she will be a great president.
Also, where is the outrage at Trump setting up another LIE about why he will lose the election? It’s evident that he will accept no result unless he wins. The same scenario as in 2020. Where is the outrage indeed?
Trump hasn’t done any tough interviews except maybe the one with the Black Jouralists, where he acted like a petulant asshole and called everyone who gave him a tough question “nasty”.
Trump will not go away quietly. He will try the same shit he did in 2020. Hopefully his followers won’t be as stupid as they were then when they tried to stop the certification of the election by rioting at the Capitol.
Freder now tells us that Brandon's 81 million votes was "a lie." NOW you tell us !
The dullard notes that Trump did appear before the black journalists, a hostile crowd and an even more hostile first "Question." Kamala has done NO interviews except the edited one on CNN.
"Rich," I'd say you were an idiot but.......
The dullard is still carrying on the same bullshit.
Another "Crazy Inga" thread.
Achilles said: "Nobody outside the system has ever been allowed to audit these 6 election sites or the ballots they "counted."
Nobody outside the system has ever been allowed to interview poll workers about the closures, or do any kind of investigation into the boarding of windows and ejection of poll observers."
Freder said: "Of course, every one of these points is a lie."
So you can link to the audits and the interviews? Sincere question.
Trump’s tariff strategy is like a bad consultant who only knows one move to slap on tariffs. Got an economic problem? Tariffs! Trade imbalance? More tariffs! Bad hair day? tariffs!
I'm not sure one can take the Trump/ Vance ticket serious on economic policies. Either they have no clue or they say whatever it takes to get any votes but won't follow through anyway. Not sure which is worse.
On this specific subject they don't like the 'overvalued' USD and want to lower the FX rate to export more of what the US isn't producing and import less (but at a higher price) of what the US isn't producing. Then they want to take control of the Fed because these economics clowns won't listen to their wisdom, namely that the US needs low interest rates during Trump's term and high interest rates when Democrats are in power, best applied even at state level.. Then .... they want to punish those foreign countries that use less USD than they did when the world was trading and the USD was an institutions and rules based anchor. Go figure.
Feel sorry for the Republicans…
can elector certification be challenged at state level ? so instead of 25J-dd we have multiple 24Dec-dd's? Will DOJ have any juridiction-say in them then?
John Kennedy
Reminder: The Biden-Harris White House wrote nearly 300 executive orders to open our border in just their FIRST YEAR in office.
9:20 AM · Sep 9, 2024
Either you know that was a mathematical impossibility or you are stupid. You are just a joke.
About 61.5 of eligible voters voted in 2020. High by U.S. standards but certainly not "mathematically impossible".
Undefined with a pile of burdens and "burdens" to her name.
Of course, every one of these points is a lie.
And this is precisely why there's no reason to even TRY to make peace with these people.
Everything he listed is a verifiable fact and yet Freder calls them lies.
Just light the damn fuse already.
“Can a steady diet of lies and innuendo overcome the truth?
In November 2020, former President Donald Trump asserted that voter fraud had altered the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The day after the election, his campaign hired an expert in voter data to attempt to prove Trump’s allegations and put him back in the White House.
I am the expert who was hired by the Trump campaign.
The findings of my company’s in-depth analysis are detailed in the depositions taken by the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol. The transcripts show that the campaign found no evidence of voter fraud sufficient to change the outcome of any election. That message was communicated directly to White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.
My company’s contract with the campaign obligated us to deliver evidence of voter fraud that could be defended in a court of law. The small amount of voter fraud I found was bipartisan, with about as many Republicans casting duplicate votes as Democrats.
If voter fraud had impacted the 2020 election, it would already have been proven. Maintaining the lies undermines faith in the foundation of our democracy.“
Where is the outrage when Trump makes fun of Paul Pelosi almost being killed with a hammer by a nutcase who hated Pelosi because of the shit Trump spewed about her?
Imagine how dumb one must be to actually believe this.
Imagine how dumb one must be to still believe that the 2020 election was stolen and Trump won.
Inga is off her meds again.
Maynard, put down the bottle, before you start mentioning you know what.
Michel K has a new hobby, trolling the Althouse comments sections.
Wife is watching news because of new TS Francine. NBC News talked about Kamala arriving to the debate town and her preparation. It mentioned her intentions to agitate Trump and get him to react. Apparently she didn’t spend prep time on policy issues.
The mind reels, Jim at.
Inga is off her meds again.
9/9/24, 4:37 PM
Actually, Inga is on the latest diet, where you skip a day of eating. She will be her normal humorous, rational, and interesting self tomorrow.
I prefer an economy under the centralized control of the state. Wage and price controls. Production targets set by Washington in a five-year plan. We all know this hasn't worked out well historically, but it just hasn't been done right. I trust Harris and Walz to do it properly
What's she going to do to agitate Trump? Flash him?
How many "migrants" will you take into your weed complex?
Joe Biden under performed Barrack in over 70% of counties and somehow magically over performed massively in less than a 1000 counties that were all surrounding the counting sites that observers were removed from.
Joe Biden did not get as many voters as Barrack Obama got in 2008. Period. They obviously and blatantly mailed in 20 million votes at a select few corrupt site.
How can he help it when you take over the whole comment section ranting MSNBC's talking points nonstop??
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