The crimes Combs and his associates are accused of committing and covering up include sex trafficking, narcotics distribution, arson and kidnapping. Many of these alleged crimes took place at illegal sex parties that Combs referred to as “freak offs.” During these parties, Combs allegedly threw objects at the victims and dragged them by their hair.
His associates allegedly booked hotel suites, recruited male sex workers and distributed narcotics, including cocaine, methamphetamine and oxycodone, to coerce partygoers into sex, according to the indictment. His staff allegedly monitored and arranged travel for victims and scheduled the delivery of IV fluids to help victims recover from the intense drug use and physical exertion — on his orders. These parties were also taped, and Combs used the footage to pressure his victims to stay silent, the court filing says....The indictment highlights the vast extent to which the media mogul allegedly manipulated and abused those under his control for the entirety of his 30-year career....
So it wasn't merely 16 years. It was 30 years.
For some, these accusations aren’t just an indictment of a powerful man, but also an entire industry. In a January interview, [Mark Curry, author of a book about Combs] talked about spiking drinks at hip-hop parties and giving women pills — activities Combs has been accused of in recent lawsuits.
“[It] was part of the hip-hop culture. We didn’t see nothin’ wrong with it until Bill Cosby got in trouble,” he said.
८५ टिप्पण्या:
See the post below, at least in part.
"You do you"
This happens when you move out of the ranks of the Untouchable. We're using the term in the Chicago manner. (see R. Kelly) Welcome to our world, Sean.
Time to come to account. It comes to all men sooner or later. We will hear the reasons why soon enough.
1. Rich. 2. Black. 3. Fear. 4. Our rotten culture.
Maybe the words to the so-called songs had something to do with it. I’ll be waiting for Barack and Michelle to condemn the hip-hop culture. BTW, the Motown culture wasn’t like this at all.,
Bob Crane fan?
They became untouchable, yes. Imagine the feds going after them ten years ago. The outrage…
@Althouse, haven’t you lefties been telling us how marvelous multiculturalism is? What is “Hip Hop” if not just another — equally good! — culture?
He’ll be a star in the slammer. But seriously, old Diddy is intensely stupid. He knew this was coming. Why didn’t he get on his Gulfstream and move to Cuba or some other country that the US doesn’t have an extradition treaty with?
I still feel that his greatest crime was that song where he sampled Every Breath You Take.
“Do you remember the ad featuring Trump, Taylor Swift, Martha Stewart and Diddy?” asks CNN?
Yes, yes, yes and yes
I don’t recommend watching the linked video, in part because there’s an Intel video where the narrator is accompanied by video of their facial recognition technology identifying and tracking every member of a large crowd…
This is the popular music biz. Always has been, always will be. See Phil Spector.
"How does this go on for 16 years?"
Precisely the same chatter and questions surrounding Epstein....forcing one to ask some interesting questions regarding "elites", child trafficking, compromising individuals, how authorities allowed such publicly rumored activities to proceed unabated for years...etc.
I had always assumed that this is how high-end homosexuality worked.
How does the USA have a POTUS with dementia for years and no one notices until a debate?
Easy- no one who saw the behavior wanted to take official notice. They were benefiting from it.
It's acceptable alpha behavior. Genghis Kahn impregnated practically everybody.
Distributing narcotics, which is handing out drugs to willing participants is very different from spiking the drinks of the UNwilling. Did the "victims" travel and take the drugs voluntarily and now regret their behavior while using the drugs. As with Weinstein it seems to me that many of the charges are based on participant regret rather than actual crimes.
Because he had protection because' vote or die '
Darren beattie had the receipts
Where has the bureau been for eight years
There's always an admission charge to joining a club.
Also, I find that Upton Sinclair's statement - "It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it" - has so many applications if one changes a few words to fit the context.context.
Because, like Epstein before him, Diddy was supplying something for rich and famous perverts that they couldn't get elsewhere in secret.
You think after Cosby and R Kelly they would snap out of the illusion that it’s not going to happen to me. Could this be related to derangement syndrome? Another type maybe?
Because the cops and the FBI turn a blind eye to crimes committed by the Hollywood elite. Just ask Harvey Weinstein and his friends. Some people really should be too old to have this explained to them.
Lets see the evidence in discovery
Epstein weinstein raniere nxim funny how low they were allowed to get away
"But seriously, old Diddy is intensely stupid. He knew this was coming. Why didn’t he get on his Gulfstream and move to Cuba or some other country that the US doesn’t have an extradition treaty with?"
I'm guessing he was hoping he could work things out and that to make a move to flee would have led to a more immediate arrest. I wouldn't call him stupid. He has lawyers and they have been trying to settle things. He reached settlement with that woman he abused in view of the surveillance cameras — the incident that ultimately led to this indictment.
it's Amazing, that No one Ever Even SUSPECTED this sort of behavior!
it's Surprising, that the criminal never even mentioned it..
except EVERY DAY, in his songs that made him famous (and rich)
I mentioned raniere because his most recent lawyer agnafilo has him as a client but for the last seven? Years the bureau has been laser focused on trump
This is everywhere in Hollywood and the music industry. That's why it went on for so long. Girls aren't actually physically forced, they're unable to say no because their career prospects will be over.
Back when, he did face some charges in NYC. The evidence against him seemed far more substantial than the evidence presented against Donald Trump at his recent trial, but the jury found P. Diddy innocent. He had pulled out a gun and started shooting in a crowded club. The jury accepted his story that he did so because he felt his life was threatened and was thus justified to do so......On a positive note, I haven't yet seen anyone claiming that this current prosecution is racist. I guess that's progress of a sort.
What ever happened to the statute of limitations?
Good point…and isn’t it the way when one has schemed and escaped accountability it incentivizes to not only commit again, perhaps more bigly but also solidifies the expectation your team will allow you to continue to get away with it…
@Big Mike, one should know a good bit more than nothing about Althouse, or anyone, before attributing opinions to her.
Many of these alleged crimes took place at illegal sex parties that Combs referred to as “freak offs.”
First ... ewwwwww.
Second ... since when did it become illegal to have a freak off? What is an "illegal sex party?" What law got passed that outlawed freak offs?
Also, no bail? What happened to the theory of "innocent until proven guilty?"
The man has offered $50 million bail to assure his appearance and freely turned himself in prior to the indictment even being released to the public.
This is not America. This man should be freed until the state proves his guilt f something that's actually illegal.
And yes, Ann, this has been going on for 16 years because Democrat criminals run our government.
He's in a warehouse with Robert E. Lee.
I don't think our elites are re-enacting "The 120 Days of Sodom". But I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that our elites are re-enacting "The 120 Days of Sodom".
I dont trust gotham either as far as i can throw them
waiting for the right moment
"manipulated and abused those under his control" I'm sure the PTB will now go after him full force, confident that Dems have the black vote locked up. But in what sense was anyone involved "under his control"? What makes sex parties "illegal"? What law prohibits "manipulation"?
Man, all the people I voted for president are having these terrible scandals. First Yeezy and now P-Did. What’s next… will Mickey Mouse be caught in a money laundering scheme?
Katt Williams said the truth about Diddy would come out this year (and that people have to say “no” to Diddy, as Katt did).
Sean Combs is the most famous graduate of my father's high school, Mount St. Michael's Academy in the Bronx.
Did I miss where he endorsed Trump after 16 years?
"How does this go on for 16 years?"
Same way the Muslim Rochdale Grooming Scandal did. PC-favored people.
There is an old meme saying, "Remember when all that information about elite corruption came out in the [fill in blank here - Panama Papers, Epstein files, etc.] and NOTHING happened to anyone?" It is amazingly sad that now it is remarkable and newsworthy when long-term criminality is finally punished.
Real life clusterfucks
if he thinks he did nothing wrong why should he flee?
PDiddy done doodit
So the abusive-towards-women lyrics in just about all of his 'music', his bling lifestyle, his obvious disdain throughout his career, that was all just perfectly representative of his actual lifestyle? Wow, go figure, man. Go figure.
And it took the FBI more than a decade to figure it out. Was something else distracting them? I wonder if the prosecutors will pass any new laws on statute-of-limitations, just so they can prosecute him.
"How does this go on for 16 years?"
Same way the Muslim Rochdale Grooming Scandal did. PC-favored people.
9/18/24, 8:30 AM
Dave Begley
1. Rich. 2. Black. 3. Fear. 4. Our rotten culture.
Bullshit racism
How many years did Epstein buy young white flesh in Palm Beach, before and after his first sweetheart legal conviction...
It's like the boomers were busy watching tv and fell asleep at the switch... don't bitch now...
"How does this go on for 16 years?"
He was an FBI informant who led to many more valuable FBI informants and control over many prominent people?
P stands for Polanski or pedophile or progress, social? Was it sodomy or rape-rape? He had liberal patrons.
What is an "illegal sex party?"
One where you hire hookers
One where you hire underage hookers
One where you hire underage hookers, and then drug them and rape them
i'm sure there are Many Other types too
Cosby made the mistake of talking about the black family. like magic, he was now vulnerable.
As long as he was an asset of the left, Combs was lionized, indulged, and encouraged in whatever he did as genius and authentic. But he strayed off the plantation, and now he must be flogged.
Yes, yes I am. Once, in Scottsdale I went in pilgrimage to the apartment where he was bludgeoned. I know I have the photos here somewhere...
like when kamala lionized him, during the pandemic
It was the kidnapping, coercion, blackmail, racketeering, drugging, prostitution, and trafficking that was illegal.
Not the parties that went through gallons of baby oil and lasted for several days that required IVs for re-hydration.
How can the Clinton "suicides" go on for 30 years?
Friendship with "benefits". Also, diverse sexual orientations were largely tolerated, and now legal under Democratic law under penalty of hate crime.
"How does this go on for 16 years?" Well, it was only recently that the DOJ got word that Diddy might endorse Trump. /s
Hunter Thompson, quoted once again by me:
“The music business is a cruel and shallow money trench, a long plastic hallway where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a negative side.”
As for how he got away with it for 30 years? We will never know because the people who let him get away with it will never be indicted because they have governmental connections that protect them even better than they protected Diddy.
Fort Sexattackie the Bronx?
Puff Diddy?
. I wouldn't call him stupid. He has lawyers and they have been trying to settle things. He reached settlement with that woman he abused in view of the surveillance cameras — the incident that ultimately led to this indictment.
Maybe... maybe... that wasn't such a smart legal move, ann.
Maybe... mabye... some people aren't willing to "settle" at any price, though they'll take your money and sign your papers if you're that gullible...
She cracked the door. His lawyers shoved money through and now he's sitting in jail with no bail.
You boomers think your money will buy you out of all your troubles. Wait and see, the new people coming up don't always play that way...
"give it away, give it away, give it away now..." Try honest repentance, not cheap pay offs? This way lies Justice, capital J. Times are changing, ann.
You show us how you think just like your firstborn son's baby picture, surrounding by paper dollar bills... Priorities in life and all. (Did your Chrissy get paid well when he made his bargain? ;-)
Fame is a cocoon. It can make you feel invulnerable. It's the same with great wealth, especially when it didn't come from any great sagacity.
“Do you remember the ad featuring Trump, Taylor Swift, Martha Stewart and Diddy?” asks CNN?
Something broke up the old gang, but I don't think it was wedding bells ...
How does this go on for all those years? Maybe because, like me, the authorities kept confusing Diddy and Kanye.
As privacy and autonomy are sacrosanct, nobody over the last 30 years wants to be _that_ person who tells someone how to live their lives or rat out someone (especially an AA billionaire), lest they be labeled a Karen or, worse, a Christian.
Hey, NotABoomer, how bout you suck my dick, Motherfucker.
As long as Diddy came up with the goods (blackmail via the attendees of his parties) then all was fine. He was a protected asset. Then "Management" (to use the term coined in "Burn Notice") decided that his usefulness had come to an end and burned him.
You do it.
Wealthy, famous, black, and generous Michael Jackson was able to have his...sleepovers...with young boys when the money was flowing. When the 'victims' saw more value in a lawsuit they became offended by the (obvious) deal they made with the devil.
The 12-year-old 'sex crime victim' of Mary Kay Letourneau -- a teacher who he impregnated and then married -- flipped and flopped about that relationship too.
Our rotten, hedonistic, myopic, apathetic, and corrupt culture. Religious rules can be terrible, but Hollywood's rules are always worse. The sequel must outdo the original!
"How does this go on for 16 years?"
I spent a week in Hollywood in the late 80s when I was barely out of my teens. It was only a week, but it was eye-opening.
Whether we are talking about Combs or not, "it" has been going on much longer than 16 years...or 30 years...or 50 years...or...
How does one exactly go about hosting a *legal* sex party? Are there permits for these?
Gather a bunch of homosexuals together, lube them up with alcohol and poppers, and apparently some dick is going to be sucked.
These are debased people.
But do you imagine the "victims" did not consent?
I don't think most young women are able to imagine being treated as badly as they will be treated in DC and Hollywood. And when it happens, it happens once only to most of them. Most get out and never think about it again if they can help it. Anyhow that's how I imagine it; I do imagine the women victims do not consent. They have some simple idea of attraction, sex, advancement; they get brutality.
How does this go on for 16 years?
Ask the Rotherham police.
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