२४ सप्टेंबर, २०२४

How can we simultaneously believe in the resurrection of Joe Biden and in the legitimacy of depriving him of the nomination he won in the primaries?

I open the NYT this morning — it's 3 a.m. — and see this:

Biden isn't sleeping in the middle of the day on a beach in Delaware, he's working — if not around the clock, against the clock.

The last couple weeks I'd been fretting about whether we even had a President at the moment and fantasizing about asking Kamala Harris how she could justify refraining from using the 25th Amendment to fill the vacuum. If it was proper to engage in the bold strategy to displace him as her party's candidate, why is it acceptable to stand by and do nothing when you are the one with the power to oust him from the presidency? 

Maybe it's because of questions like mine that the NYT concocted the headline "Biden Works Against the Clock as Violence Escalates in the Middle East" and installed it at the top of the front page alongside that somber photo of the elderly man's serious, determined face. I read the subheadline and wonder if any newsworthy story even occurred: "President Biden is beginning to acknowledge that he is simply running out of time to help forge a cease-fire and hostage deal with Hamas, his aides say. And the risk of a wider war has never looked greater." That's a well-known, persistent condition. 
For a year now, Mr. Biden has warned publicly and privately about the need to avoid a regional war, one that could easily escalate into direct conflict between Israel and Iran.... Mr. Biden even held on to hope for the transformative peace deal... Now, Mr. Biden’s aides say, the president is beginning to acknowledge that he is simply running out of time. With only four months left in office, the chances of a cease-fire and hostage deal with Hamas look dimmer than at any time since Mr. Biden laid out a plan at the beginning of the summer....

Oh, he's running out of time because his term is almost over. But wouldn't he be handing off the task to Kamala Harris, if she wins? Are they not promising continuation of the effort? Harris's campaign theme is that she represents change, so we don't get a don't-change-horses-in-midstream message. We get: Biden is running out of time. 

The name Kamala Harris never even appears in the article!

In private... many members of Mr. Biden’s national security team make little effort these days to hide their exasperation with the prime minister. They talk more openly now about the president’s shouting matches in phone calls with Mr. Netanyahu....

Shouting matches! The old man is shouting at Netanyahu. And the other day we saw him unable to recognize that he was in the middle of a public appearance with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Why didn't the NYT put the news of the "shouting matches" in the headline instead of the "news" that Joe Biden is working and the clock is ticking.

[Members of Mr. Biden’s national security team] say it was telling that the White House announced no phone calls between the president and the prime minister as beepers exploded in the pockets of Hezbollah members and missiles flew. It seemed a sign of how little they had to say to each other....

Is President Biden capable of speaking on the phone effectively or is he given to shouting? Does he even understand the problems he'd need to purport to be lecturing Netanyahu about? I can see why Netanyahu might have "little... to say to" Biden. What's the point?

The article doesn't mention Kamala Harris, but it does mention Donald Trump:

[I]t is hard to imagine that Mr. Netanyahu will be able to eliminate Hezbollah, just as he has been unable to eliminate Hamas. And it is harder still to imagine that Mr. Netanyahu will spend much time worrying about crossing Mr. Biden. He knows that if former President Donald J. Trump is elected, he will have a far freer hand to prosecute the war against Hamas and Hezbollah the way he sees fit.

Will Mr. Netanyahu spend any time worrying about crossing Ms. Harris? She doesn't even seem to exist as far as this article is concerned.

२८ टिप्पण्या:

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

Both Biden and Harris appear to be constructs and not real people. NYT might as well be talking about President Jack Ryan. The opinions and deeds of both Biden and Harris are imaginary. Will they rally us when the shooting starts?

Big Mike म्हणाले...

How can we simultaneously believe in the resurrection of Joe Biden and in the legitimacy of depriving him of the nomination he won in the primaries?

You can’t. I don’t think Prime Minister Netanyahu has forgotten that Obama, with Biden as Vice President, and then Biden himself as President shoveled money to Hamas and Hezbollah via Iran, nor has he failed to notice Biden’s party accepting people who shout “Death to the Jews” into his coalition. With all of that, it naturally follows that America under Biden’s “leadership” cannot possibly be viewed by Israel as an honest broker for peace.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Their ideal fictional President is Charlie Sheen’s dad West Wing guy…

Big Mike म्हणाले...

I want to add that you’re up early — and you don’t even have the “old man with an enlarged prostate” excuse

rehajm म्हणाले...

I mean, there IS way to stop this madness…

rehajm म्हणाले...

Will fake President 1 be able to hold it together to hand over the reigns of no power to fake President 2? Will they just let Jill do it?

rehajm म्हणाले...

I had to start brining the fried chicken..

Amadeus 48 म्हणाले...

I still think Harris should have picked Julia Louis-Dreyfus as her Veep candidate. She has experience in the job and would add gravitas to the ticket.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Meanwhile, Tea Leoni takes walks in the woods…

Iman म्हणाले...

Feckless, reckless, mindless shitbird.

planetgeo म्हणाले...

At this moment, the United States is a perfect example of the enterprise that was started by hard-working, principled grandparents, turned into a huge success by appreciative, resourceful parents, and then kinda sorta run by the indolent, self-centered kids who just want to screw around and bang on de drum all day.

mezzrow म्हणाले...

Good thing we live in a world without existential risk, eh?

gilbar म्हणाले...

the REAL Anger about Donald Trump, is that he is a real person; and not an NPC like the government wants "running" it

Breezy म्हणाले...

Apt analogy!

MadTownGuy म्हणाले...

From the post: "Harris's campaign theme is that she represents change..."

The "change" she purports to represent is change from whatever Trump was doing. That's why the slogan "We're not going back" is part of the message.

typingtalker म्हणाले...

If your pilot becomes disabled, should the copilot to take over or should he/she sit back quietly while the semi-comatose drooler in the left seat tries to land the plane?

typingtalker म्हणाले...

"Shouting matches! The old man is shouting at Netanyahu."

It's OK. The White House has a trained and certified health-care professional who wipes the drool off the phone and sanitizes the area after the president finishes his calls.

tolkein म्हणाले...

I read yesterday that the Pentagon announced troops being sent to the Middle East. AP yesterday. "BREAKING: The U.S. will send additional troops to the Middle East amid escalation between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Pentagon says." Shouldn't the President announce this as I thought there no no US troops in war zones now?
Why are Harris/Walz (Zelensky) using foreign leaders as campaign backdrops> I thought that was why Trump was impeached>

Old and slow म्हणाले...

They hired professional managers of dubious reliability and honesty. Let's see how this works out for the family! The new managers are certainly thriving, and according to them, the enterprise has never been in better shape.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

The ever-ongoing Democrat Myth-making machinery at the NYT has settled on this. Joe vs Time. Similar to Joe vs Gravity, which we watched unfold before our eyes, but using Time as his nemesis creates a Sisyphean narrative, as he is surely going to lose to Time in the end. Thus the two Presidential myths of Biden-Harris have now diverged from each other. Happy Happy Joy Joy Kamala is Comedy (though how it ends in a "wedding" is still a plot twist yet to unfold) and Biden is Tragedy, the hero undone by an unconquerable Foe.

Democrats just love love LOVE them some mythology to undergird their state Religion of Marxism.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

That last clause is comedy gold, Amadeus.

Mike (MJB Wolf) म्हणाले...

I love how Walz over the weekend was screaming "We can't allow four more years of what's happening now!"

True dat, Fathead.

Lloyd W. Robertson म्हणाले...

Seems possible that sometime in Oct, the Dems will both invoke the 25th on Biden, and send troops into Russia.

RMc म्हणाले...

How can we simultaneously believe in the resurrection of Joe Biden and in the legitimacy of depriving him of the nomination he won in the primaries?

Simple...just be a Democrat, or a member of the press (but I repeat myself).

Tank म्हणाले...

It does not matter what Biden yells at Bibi as long as Hamas has the hostages (remember them?) and refuses to agree to a ceasefire. Biden is yelling at the wrong people. Who's next?

Leland म्हणाले...

The Ukraine war has been going on longer. What’s Biden and Harris doing to push for a ceasefire there?

narciso म्हणाले...

Talk about cracked fairy tales

Rusty म्हणाले...

The situation we find ourselves in today in the world and here at home are directly attributable to our current White House administration.
None of this had to happen. The people running Joe Biden made it happen.