I'm using the "Trump shot" tag because it's another assassination attempt, and that's the tag I established for the first one.
१५ सप्टेंबर, २०२४
"Donald Trump has survived 'what appears to be an assassination attempt' after shots were fired at one of his golf courses in Florida, the FBI has said...."
"A Secret Service agent opened fire on a man as Trump was playing golf nearby, according to the agency. A man in his fifties was taken into custody by the West Palm Beach sheriff’s office after a traffic stop on I-95. In an email to supporters, Trump wrote: 'There were gunshots in my vicinity, but before rumours start spiralling out of control, I wanted you to hear this first: I AM SAFE AND WELL! Nothing will slow me down. I will NEVER SURRENDER! I will always love you for supporting me.'"
३३४ टिप्पण्या:
334 पैकी 1 – 200 नवीन› नवीनतम»"I'm using the "Trump shot" tag because it's another assassination attempt"
Who knew the "Trump shot" tag would get so much use?
Shooter seems really ukraine focused
"They" really really really want him dead. There hasn't been a man this dangerous to the "establishment" since JFK.
It's safe to say that there'll be more attempts, even after he's president again. Shit...maybe even more after he's president.
Well they did try two times against ford
Guess what msnbcs hot take was
Surviving is one better than just viving, though it's actually the same thing.
Florida cops already have the suspect in custody (thanks to an alert citizen who saw the man climb out of the bushes and into an awaiting black SUV getaway vehicle of the kind you'd expect the CIA or FBI to own.
Cops have found an elaborate sniper nest set up (so much for Secret Service sweeps of locations prior to Trump's arrival there). A backpack and other items shielded the all-black clad shooter, and he had a GoPro camera on hand to record the operation (GoPro will be able to link this to a buyer). The shooter was headed up I-95 (which goes towards Langley, Virginia) when he was captured.
Thank God this is all being investigated by FLORIDA cops and not the corrupt FBI.
A motive in the previous link
https://x.com/akafacehots/status/1835447875880587281 look qhat we have here
Teddy Roosevelt believed that his assassination attempt was due to the campaign’s inflamed political rhetoric: “It is a very natural thing,” he said, “that weak and vicious minds should be inflamed to acts of violence by the kind of awful mendacity and abuse that have been heaped upon me for the last three months by the papers.” Pick up today's crazy ass NY Times...
Didn’t take long for the panhandling to commence.
'The courts wont stop him, its up to the American people to stop him'
Maybe Elon Musk could loan Trump his private mini-Secret Service (as the NY Times laments that he has). It's pretty obvious the Ku Klux Klowns in the Biden Secret Service can't secure a perimeter.
C'mon. Trump is an existential threat and needs to be eliminated.
He will be eliminated BAMN.
Didn’t take long for the panhandling to commence.
Maybe you ought to sit this one out.
Trump will soon get tired of all the exhilarating.
The Secret Service opened fire. And missed.
I think a sizable majority of Harris supporters wish Trump would get shot, and many regardless of if he wins or not. I can't stand Harris, Biden, or Walz, but I don't want anything bad to happen to them outside the political, even if I have to accept them winning, which I oppose with all my soul. Violence to supersede voting is simply off the table. Imagine how I feel about election fraud.
Never mind that, did Trump sink the putt for birdie?
They claim it's only an "apparent" assassination attempt.
Let's see, cops have the gun, the sniper, his GoPro, his black SUV vehicle (gee, where do I remember those black SUVs from???), his backpack.
"Apparent" assassination attempt. They're waiting for "evidence."
If it's about Ukraine, remind me who wants to stop the killing there and who is advocating for more killing?
The Left will continue to try and kill Trump. It's by any means necessary for them. Just like Mao, they seek political power out of the barrel of a gun.
He eagled the fifth hole, yes.
Thank you narciso
The gunman reported to have donated to ActBlue 20 times so far this year (FoxNews).
I'm starting to think this Democrat Party thing might be a criminal organization in need of RICOing.
LEOs are notoriously bad shots. The gun is more jewelry for most of them and it comes out when they have to qualify and not once more till then. Same for the Federal Bureau of Incompetence...why else would they need to enlist outside help.
I doubt it's a majority, let alone sizeable, but there's a much larger minority than is healthy for the American republic.
Assassin ID from narciso link above
It is all like bile in the mouth of Concepts Bich.
Facebook just scrubbed his account.
Bagoh, you are projecting. I can’t stand Trump, but I wish for him to live peacefully and gently well into old age surrounded by his children and grandchildren and Laura Loomer.
Ah but caches are forevarr
Why does the London Times have so many of these details and not US media?
Apparently, this guy had a GoPro with him to record his actions. It sounds like another unhinged person who was desperate for attention.
They are waiting for their on-line download of talking points from the White House.
msnbc blamed trump.
Perhaps you forgot that Ukraine is a sovereign nation that has a right to defend itself. Trump doesn’t give a rat’s behind about the people of Ukraine and would give Ukraine to Putin as a show of his loyalty to Putin.
Seriously, Inga. The day President Trump survives a second assignation attempt you aim your snark at his wife, Melania. Wierd.
Why would anyone on the left want Trump shot? If he's incapacitated, the Know Nothings might replace him with someone competent who might actually be able to win the election.
Inga, your comment has all the crackle of Confederate money.
Yeah. He does look gay.
If they manage to kill Trump, what do they think happens next? Do all the MAGA deplorables disappear?
Rightfully so. He puts a target on his OWN back.
I haven’t said a word about Melania. She actually is far better off far away from him. Smart lady.
There is sooooo much projection among these Trumpublicans.
I have never seen rhetoric as bloodthirsty as this administrations' when it comes to Ukraine. Hundreds of thousands of dead and maimed Ukrainians merit hardly a peep of concern from them. It means nothing to them.
Harris accused Trump of loving dictators at the debate. How could it not have affected people scarred by all the death and destruction in Ukraine?
The Harris/Biden administration bungled and bullied their way into the death and destruction in Ukraine. They need to be held accountable. They thought they could put off the reckoning until after the election. But now, just a little bit of that death and destruction has come to US soil. Maybe people will care a little more now.
Trump needs to win if for no other reason than as a rebuke of assassination as a political strategy.
Backpack with ballistic panels.
Inga, that's a typical warmonger comment. Ukraine has a right to defend itself but why are NATO nations giving so much aid to Ukraine when it might lead to WW3? Ukraine is not a NATO nation so this war is none of our business. That money could be much better spent domestically. (Since we're already 34 trillion dollars in debt and counting.) The Democrats have become the new Neocons. (Which is why Dick Cheney has endorsed them.)
Fortunately, the abortionist had a wicked slice, and all lives remain viable. Fore! Four more years! For the TaylorMade candidate with a swift swing... vote
Ask steven scalise about projection
Inga and Dick Cheney, together at last
Oswald sirhan hinkley none of those were right wings how about the one who attacked rand paul
Bagoh, you are projecting.
Maybe you should check out what your people are saying on FB, X and other social media outlets. Your insincere protest to the contrary, your fellow leftists want him dead.
We're going to force them to read books and complete their high school education.
Inga, what kind of inappropriate comment are we going to get our of you next? Is the next thing that you're going to say that rape victims are really asking for it because of the way they dressed? Seriously, your inappropriateness is offending almost everyone here.
“The Harris/Biden administration bungled and bullied their way into the death and destruction in Ukraine.”
Right wing talking point.
“They need to be held accountable. They thought they could put off the reckoning until after the election.’
Ah, dreams of the “Great Reckoning” again from the peaceful Trumpublicans.
I can’t stand Trump, but I wish for him to live peacefully and gently well into old age surrounded by his children and grandchildren and Laura Loomer.
No you don't Inga. You want him to die in jail.
BTW, it's great that you have recovered from your hangover and can post in the daylight hours.
Remember, take your meds and change your Depends. I can smell your BS all the way from Wisconsin to Arizona.
Rightfully so. He puts a target on his OWN back.
You don't like what he says, so he'd better shut up or you're going to kill him.
You fucking idiots have no idea of the fire you're playing with. None.
If this is related to Ukraine, it is just one more way that war has been a complete disaster for the US.
1. Uncountable dead and maimed.
2. Widespread destruction in Ukraine.
3. Russia now allied with China and Iran. Imagine if we had been able to get some grudging help (or at least neutrality) from Russia against Iran and China.
4. Significant economic harm to Germany.
5. Exposure of US lack of war readiness and the weakness of US weapon systems.
Serious, clear-eyed diplomats should have been trying to avoid this war. Instead, they egged it on at every turn.
Put down the bottle and quit accusing others of your own moral failures. Get help for your alcoholism before your drunken sexual deviancy harms someone.
Hopefully it was completely screenshotted by plenty of people not FBI agents.
I haven’t said a word about Melania.
No. You made a snarky comment about Laura Loomer and anybody with a brain can see the connection you were trying to make.
But keep talking. This is going to be the thread where you fully show your ass once and for all.
A multiple act blue donor awkward
I’m going to “kill him”? You lunatic. So what are you going to do, you tough cough surfing warrior? You are laughable.
Man, you really gotta laugh your ass off at Inga, Mutaman, Bich- pure fucking desperation.
They are running out of white guys who want to shoot Trump.
Note that all of the leftists are either blaming Trump or mocking him or wishing he was dead. They aren't even pretending anymore, are they, Inga. Look at Mutaman: "After we kill Trump, we're going to force all his followers into re-education camps! This is what Democrats are all about!"
"Rightfully so. He puts a target on his OWN back."
Was James Hodgkinson attacking Trump? Was Rand Paul's neighbor attacking Trump?
The Left thinks the way to achieve their goals is to kill their opponents.
Just remember
Because it's true
What's good for someone
But bad for you?
Hes a threat to democracy so logically...
Inga, the CIA staged a coup in Ukraine in 2014. Ukraine is not a sovereign state and has not been ever since. It’s entirely a CIA puppet state. Biden is expected to approve endorsing, using the cover of that puppet state, launching U.S. manufactured long distance missiles at Russia cities. You’re not just deliriously stupid, vicious and rancid, you’re suicidal. Quit trying to win battle of will victories and pull your head out of your mangy ass. The U.S. is pushing for nuclear war against Russia.
Nah. There's always more Howard's where he came from.
Just last week, Harris welcomed Dick Cheney, architect of the Iraq bloodbath, into her camp. I'm seeing a pattern.
Inga, How much money would you donate to the statue building fund that Democrats would have to honor the person who assassinates Trump? More than a hundred? More than a thousand?
They gave a medal for shooting ashley babbitt what does that tell you
Inga, the psychotic monster.
A note to the left: your comments aren't even funny. I mean, not funny at all. Your comments, which you no-doubt thing are funny, are not. Let me tell you, they are terrible. To those of us watching, they read like the bilious belches that they are. Your indigestion comes from your foiled hopes. Suck on that.
Funny that. So do communists. Same methodolgy. Same ideology. Same decade.
Same energy.
louddog, on what planet do you live? The left is accused of assassination attempts on Trump and YOU say YOU’RE offended? That is highly inappropriate and bizarre. If you can’t understand that Trump’s own extremist rhetoric is dangerous and MOST dangerous to himself, you’re a fool.
Inga’s comments today might be the most murderously bloodthirsty, and batshit crazy, psychotic remarks I’ve ever read on the internet, and that takes some doing.
Ditto what Yancey posted.
The NY Post reports the shooter, Ryan Wesley Routh, is from Hawaii and "Routh frequently touted his do-gooder credentials and championed left-wing causes on social media."
So- not a far right wing nutjob, just a standard issue Democrat.
The Blue-Anon Hate Cult pays dividends (Maddow smiles)
Inga, you really need to find something else to do. Your daily relentless battle of wills has really fucked up your mind. Get off the internet. Pray or meditate. Quit reinforcing your battle of wills obsession for a while. This is a damnable stupid, self-destructive, addictive habit that has taken possession of you.
Interesting poll numbers
"Th[is] poll, from the Chicago Project on Security & Threats, released in June, showed that 6.9% of Americans — or the equivalent of 18 million adults — believed that it was justified to use force to restore Trump to the White House. In another question, 10% of Americans — or the equivalent of 26 million adults — said they believed political violence is justified to prevent Trump from becoming president again."
Mad cow maybe that worm in the brain
We have LVMPD cars with flashers bracketing the entrance to the Trump hotel in Las Vegas. Connected?
Inga’s mental problems aren’t really right/left. The internet is full of people suffering the same mental illness. Their obsession will winning, moment by moment, an imaginary battle of wills has rotted them out morally and intellectually. Inga’s is just one of the worst sufferers of this moral and intellectual evil.
In this case, missing means a live suspect to interrogate, and no other casualties mentioned.
Up next out of Blue-Anon Inga's mouth - 'The Jews marched themselves to the ovens.'
FU Inga- Maddow and your hate-cult did this.
So in the same thread, Inga pretends she wants Trump to live long but then says he put the target on his own back. She really can't conceal that writhing, hate-filled maggot brain.
Yes, I think Inga should be under watch by the FBI as a potential assassin, or contributor to inciting Trump’s assassination.
Inga a leftist loyalist Blue-Anon a-hole. She regurgitates. Nothing more.
The Hate Cult you created and worship - begs to differ.
Inga, you’ve gone completely psycho on this thread. You should be on the FBI watch list as a potential assassin.
So all the fake apologies from achumer harris et al
rh 😆
Vance said...
Look at Mutaman: "After we kill Trump, we're going to force all his followers into re-education camps! This is what Democrats are all about!"
Don't go putting false quotes after my name, asshole.
Soooo Inga relishes a target on Trumps back?
Congratulations there, you've made the list.
NC A&T is an HBCU, so Routh's either a DIE true believer, or he's a bit dim for a educator, or both.
How did he know Trump would be golfing today?
She’s locked now into a relentless daily obsession with winning a point by point battle of wills. It’s the most deadly internet disease, and it’s bipartisan.
Via Instapundit:
“We are not ruled by murderers, but only -- by their friends.” - Rudyard Kipling
System of a Clown 🤡 strikes again.
Mutaman said... my name, asshole.
Blue-Anon- Russia Russia Inga grabs hold of the all the left's inane pez dispenser obsessions. After the cemetery BS went bust... its now - the Loomer obsession. Like a well trained circus animal, Blue-Anon Inga has the junk.
oh look - Trump has a female supporter! He put his hand on her shoulder. Why - It's LOVE. Does Melania know? Big Story! Insider Blue-Anon - they have it good authority.
While Biden is corrupt, Hillary is corrupt. .. The left have to mine for inane BS to fill their souls. Childless Cate lady - ooo what a gold nugget.
But hey - The Biden family grifted millions from Burisma/Ukraine.. no biggie.
Morally bankrupt left happy to skip on by and obsess over Lara Loomer.
That's a good first step.
As I pointed out earlier today. He apparently had an AK 47.
Hey Inga!!!
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"Rich" were you in Florida today?
Live by the troll, die by the troll. Turnabout is fair play.
The NY Times was out with a story yesterday lamenting that their arch-enemy number 2: Elon Musk has outfitted himself with a mini-Secret Service made up of heavily armed Blackwater former-Seals. So they can't get close enough to kill him. That's where we are today with the media.
Routh voted for Trump in 2016, became disillusioned with him and supported Vivek Ramaswamy. Routh sounds as nutty as you folks here.
Shut the fuck up, Inga
I wouldn’t really call it an assassination attempt -- more like a concept of an assassination attempt. The networks didn't even interrupt the football games.
If you include the debate this is like number 3 for assassination attempts.
It's really hard to give an ounce of sympathy when less than 24 hours ago Trump and Vance were 100% fine with bomb threats in our own country.
Inga's fellow travelers are trying to murder Trump, and she's offended.
The FBI will just claim that any screenshots are "Russia disinformation."
Blue-Anon Inga says: "Rightfully so. He puts a target on his OWN back. "
Wow. After years of non-stop Trump HATE & Trump hate cult obsession.
Behold Inga's brain.
(all part of the *how dare Trump even run for office - the left OWN power - doesn't he understand?*) anti-constitutional insanity of the left.
STFU, inga.
Via X: The Trump assas*ination suspect was hiding in the bushes with an AK-47 with a scope, two backpacks, and a GoPro.
The Secret Service agents were one hole ahead of Trump, scoping out the area when they noticed the suspect.
The FBI is now investigating the incident as an "attempted assas*ination" making this the 2nd assas*ination attempt on Trump in 2 months.
Trump was taken to the ground by agents after the "pops" rang out.
According to the Secret Service, agents fired 4 shots at the suspect.
It is unclear if the suspect shot as well.
And Inga's.
I'm sure he's a "registered republican"
Did Routh give something away here? Was he trying to help Trump in some crazy way?
That is the real question here. And thus it will be last thing asked (much less answered) by our media steno pool or their masters in Homeland Security.
The corrupt war machine left want war. They democrats in power don't want diplomacy - they want war. Trump wants to the end the war.
War is lucrative for certain people.. certain industries... *cough* *Cheney war machine.*
MSNBC = Blue-Anon
Is Routh revealing something here? Did Routh think he was helping Trump?
Well, he was a Bernie Bro but once the FBI gets involved, you might be right.
Inga, stop. You’ve gone full psycho. Go smoke a doobie or whack off or something. Quit doing this to yourself.
I always check UK papers for US political news.
Shooter was set up to engage someone at a hole that Trump was due at soon, either his next hole or the one after. The SS advanced team spotted the barrel of the rifle and engaged.
“That money could be much better spent domestically”
Oh, I’m sure it is. By Democrat politicians taking backhanders from the defense industry. Isn’t a billion dollars of Ukraine “aid” unaccounted for?
Via X: Charlie Kirk : "President Trump's round of golf was NOT on any public schedule."
Is this true?
Please, shut the fuck up crazy bitch Inga!
You’re an imbecile Inga.
I’m going to “kill him”? You lunatic.
Not 'you' you, idiot. You in general. Leftists. The Cult of Trump Hate.
And you'd better hope and pray 'we' don't flip the switch. Because by the time that happens? It'll be far too late.
I heard the guy who shot Lincoln was also a Trump voter. Coincidence?
Time to vote Inga off the island, or whatever the fuck it was
Igna said..
Perhaps you forgot that Ukraine is a sovereign nation that has a right to defend itself.
did it have a right to defend itself, when our CIA sponsored a coup, and overthrew their democratically elected government? just asking
Mutaman and Inga. Only one more to get the IQ to 100.
Inga wants to make sure all the non-Stop MSNBC Maddow Russia Russia Blue-Anon Trump-HATE and LIES - that poured out like sewage over the last 7+ years - have nothing to do with any Insanity/uncontrolled rage/ violence or assassination attempts on Donald Trump.
igna? tell us more about how "she was just asking for it, with that short skirt"
Inga is really deranged now.
Nothing says HELP - like an AK-47 and a bullet to the brain. You really are an F-ed up leftist, Inga.
Mutaman said ...
We're going to force them to read books and complete their education.
which books will those be, groomer?
Yup. They can't resist showing their flags, like Hamas supporters.
Inga is feeling sensitive about the 8 years of Trump-Hate and lies. Maddow Blue-Anon Lies. Somehow - the Trump-Hate Cult is completely blameless.
Inga, stop. You’ve gone full psycho. Go smoke a doobie or whack off or something. Quit doing this to yourself.
No. She's showing her ass for all to see. Just like I said she would. She can't help it.
She is unhinged today.
From the NY Post:
“The Hawaii man suspected in former President Donald Trump’s assassination attempt on Sunday is a long-time Democrat, donating exclusively to the party’s candidates 19 times since 2019, records show. Between September 2019 and March 2020, Ryan Routh contributed more than $140 on the Democratic fundraising platform ActBlue, Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings show. The filings indicate he lived in Kaaawa, Hawaii, at the time of the donations. The records indicate that he was “not employed.” While the money went to ActBlue, it was earmarked for individual 2020 Democratic presidential primary candidates including former Rep. Beto O’Rourk (D-Texas), Andrew Yang and Tom Steyer of New York and Sen. Elizabeth Warren”
The shooter was headed up I-95 (which goes towards Langley, Virginia) when he was captured.
That is pretty thin gruel to hang a conspiracy on. Langley is 991 miles from West Palm Beach. "Rats, another 15 hours of driving and four states, I would have made it."
Funny how frantically Inga is trying to spin this. The Left must think this helps Trump.
The Babylon Bee :
"Party That Called Trump 'Hitler' For 8 Years Shocked As Someone Tries To Assassinate Him" https://buff.ly/4d0fZHm
Your link - there is no author stamp by Routh. How odd.
False quote? Asshole?
The shooters motive was unclear.
Liar, liar.
The FBI guy I trained with was shocked how little he was trained by the FBI
I'm going with "Saving Our Democracy.™"
Go away, commie!
No author stamp. Could be totally fake. Strange how desperate the left are to make sure they are not blamed.
Just a suggestion, but in the interest of mental health concerns that should cross party boundaries, I suggest that we consider refraining from comments that tend to infuriate what seems to have become a sort of ultra-partisan, political self-winding watch. Nothing good will come of it; let the fizz play out on its own. It's not so much different when you just ignore it.
Eric Weinstein : "As I said when you & I spoke on Monday before the debate:
I’m not sure that Trump will be “allowed” to assume office.
And I’m not sure that Kamala & Trump both make it to November.
It doesn’t matter how it sounds. The crazy part *is* happening. Now. Again.
I’d stop golfing..."
How else is he going to get back to Langley? Route 66???
“The shooters motive was unclear.”
Rand Paul was attacked because he had a long running feud with his neighbor over lawn maintenance. That's the kind of thing that happens between two rich assholes living in a gated community.
Because the UK media isn't trying to murder Donald Trump.
Desperate LIAR
Citizens screenshotted it before teh FBI could get it down. He's a life-long Democrat and a repeated Act-Blue donor. The View is attempting to hire him.
They have these new-fangled things called aeroplanes, I believe. Also, he could have taken Amtrak, then you would know he was a leftie.
"Nothing says HELP - like an AK-47 and a bullet to the brain."
Perfectly stated.
The would-be assassin has been identified as Ryan Routh @RyanRouth
"I just peeked at his account and he is a Bernie Democrat, and quite a fan of Ukraine.
Here is his LinkedIn account. You’ll notice his banner is a bunch of Ukraine flags.
Heavily brainwashed Dem. As expected."
I has a sad for Inga, she is irretrievably mental…
Seems this thread has been taken over by a bunch of Putin stooges.
You can just feel the seething rage within the left/dems base that their second assassination attempt fell short.
The would-be assassin has been identified as Ryan Routh @RyanRouth
I just peeked at his account and he is a Bernie Democrat, and quite a fan of Ukraine.
Here is his LinkedIn account. You’ll notice his banner is a bunch of Ukraine flags.
Heavily brainwashed Dem. As expected."
Of course, right-wingers are cherry-picking the Trump golf course guy's posts, but he's all over the place.
The would-be be assassin’s politics, based on a scan of his wacky Twitter account:
● Voted for Trump in 2016
● Became a big Tulsi guy in 2019
● Wanted Biden to beat Trump in 2020
● Wanted a Vivek-Nikki ticket in 2024
Clearly a nut. Lots of countries have a lot of nuts. Ours has nuts with easy access to assault rifles.
Trump shooting attempt suspect had criminal history in North Carolina, records show
I look forward to hearing how someone with his criminal background managed to purchase a firearm.
Excellent point!
Ah , The libel " Trump and Vance fine with bomb threats" No they were not . They clearly said so. So talking about the woes of a small town in Ohio makes them responsible for bomb threats. That is disgusting. Appears you want Trump killed. . The hate for Trump from the left incites theses people. I do not say Harris is responsible,. Her rhetoric does not help. At least she asks people to vote him out. Still the he is "danger to democracy" does not help tone down potential assassins.
He's donated to Act-Blue 20 times.
From the Daily Mail:
Routh’s son is quoted:
“He said his father, like him, hates Trump, as 'every reasonable person does,' he said. 'I don't like Trump either.'”
Routh was a huge Tulsi Gabbard fan.
Is it too early for jokes? From today on, the Harris-Walz campaign is going to be utterly Routhless.
Well, except for the son, I guess.
Crawl, maggot brain… CRAWL MAGGOT BRAIN!!!
Liar. There is a connection to Adam Kinzinger the disgraced ex Congressman
Ruh Roh, Mutt!
Yup, even Looney "Rich" is sounding as crazy as the dullard.
no author stamp
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