२५ सप्टेंबर, २०२४

"Big threats on my life by Iran. The entire U.S. Military is watching and waiting. Moves were already made by Iran that didn’t work out..."

"... but they will try again. Not a good situation for anyone. I am surrounded by more men, guns, and weapons than I have ever seen before. Thank you to Congress for unanimously approving far more money to Secret Service - Zero 'NO' Votes, strictly bipartisan. Nice to see Republicans and Democrats get together on something. An attack on a former President is a Death Wish for the attacker!"

Here's some background at Axios:
Trump campaign communications director Steven Cheung said in a Tuesday evening statement that officials from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) had briefed the ex-president "regarding real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate him in an effort to destabilize and sow chaos" in the U.S." 
  • Intelligence officials have identified that these continued and coordinated attacks have heightened in the past few months, and law enforcement officials across all agencies are working to ensure President Trump is protected and the election is free from interference," Cheung said. 
  • An ODNI spokesperson in a Tuesday night email acknowledged the briefing, but declined to address any specifics.

६२ टिप्पण्या:

Ice Nine म्हणाले...

If the Iranians don't get him, the Democrats/Deep State will, eventually.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

Salman Rushdie lost and eye and has permanent damage to his liver from the fatwa attack on him in 2022. There is no statute of limitations on Iranian threats, and they should be taken seriously.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Yes, good cover for the deep state Democrats if/when they are ratted out. Nice job by Republican Congress for finding a way to hold Democrats feet to the fire, if only for a moment. Later we’ll learn what Republicans gave up to get it passed…

mikee म्हणाले...

A death threat should be treated the same as an attempted murder. This is not a legal matter, it is a political matter, a declaration of war against the US. Treat it as such for once, and eliminate the threat makers in Iran. If martyrdom is what they want, give it to them until the survivors change their mind about it.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

Trump is always bragging, and that's all this is. Bragging. It's another way by which he inflates his own standing and importance. "I am so dangerous to Iran, so great a threat to their continued existence (as currently configured), they deem it crucial to take me out to ensure their continued existence!" So grandiose and silly.

Sally327 म्हणाले...

I think he should keep his mouth shut. It's not necessarily fair that it works out this way but this doesn't help his reelection. More chaos, more drama, it wears everyone out. I wonder why he doesn't push the idea that he can bring the Mullahs around, though, the way he does with the little man in North Korea and the puffy faced one in Moscow.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) had briefed the ex-president "regarding real and specific threats from Iran to assassinate him""

"Are you sure about this intelligence?"
"It's a slam-dunk."

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

Trump is always bragging, and that is what this is: bragging. "Iran fears and hates me so much and are so sure I will end their continued existence (as currently configured) they feel they must take me out to endure their survival!" So silly...so pathetic.

Gerda Sprinchorn म्हणाले...

So Iran is interfering in US elections to help Harris. Hmmm. Why would they do that?

Ann Althouse म्हणाले...

straighten up

AnotherJim म्हणाले...

"Intelligence officials have identified that these continued and coordinated attacks have heightened in the past few months, and law enforcement officials across all agencies are working to ensure President Trump is protected and the election is free from...."

Was this all 51 of them, or what? Does "all agencies" include the DOJ, IRS, DHS and FEC or just all the other ones?

rehajm म्हणाले...

I don’t agree. Winning doesn’t cause fatigue…

hombre म्हणाले...

Nice cover for the Dems.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Um, it's the intelligence agencies making this claim.

Michael K म्हणाले...

We will see nothing until the Iran loving regime is gone.

Drago म्हणाले...

Robert Cook is very, very, very upset at Donald Trump over the islamic supremacist dictator mullahs in Tehran targeting Trump.

Kate म्हणाले...

Partly I agree. Trump can be exhausting. Partly, though, I disagree. If Trump anticipates winning, then he's already beginning the kind of diplomacy that worked with Rocket Man. A pissing match is his strength.

Michael K म्हणाले...

So true. Another commie opinion from the commie.

hombre म्हणाले...

The Hamas attack was untimely for global jihad. Israel is putting pressure on Iran and her consorts. Iran can no longer wait for Democrats to finish destabilizing the US.

Drago म्हणाले...

The obambi/biden/harris brigade worked hard to deliver hundreds of billions of dollars to the islamic supremacist dictator mullahs in Tehran to fund mad mullah terrorist activities, including direct support for Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis.

Mary Beth म्हणाले...

If Trump were an "existential threat to democracy", I would think that Iran would be for his election rather than trying to kill him.

RideSpaceMountain म्हणाले...

The man's been shot at twice, one coming within centimeters of killing him. There's an old saying that your importance is determined by how mighty your enemies are, and Trump's enemies mightily want him dead.

You're one spiteful kook, Cook.

hombre म्हणाले...

Tel Aviv has been attacked today by some Iranian envoy.

n.n म्हणाले...

The Persian Spring was a success. They will never forgive him for aborting the Arab Spring, exposing the Slavic Spring, and aiding and abetting Jewish community organizers is an Obamanation.

TreeJoe म्हणाले...

If you were a hostile foreign power with a long history of promoting matyrdom suicide attacks, and you saw an untrained yahoo with a rifle literally show tons of red flags and then spend 10 minutes in a highly visible position before taking a successful headshot at Trump (and then 5-7 more shots before being neutralized)...

Yeah, It makes sense they are suddenly much more interested in "destabilization"

Kevin म्हणाले...

What is the Biden-Harris Administration doing to Iran in response? #Nothing

William म्हणाले...

The Butler shooter looked like a lone crazy, but Routh was definitely getting some kind of support. I don't know what the conspiracy is, but there's definitely a conspiracy and maybe even a meta- conspiracy to keep the conspiracy secret.......

William म्हणाले...

He had a bullet pass through his ear and then, just a while later, another shooter is spotted waiting in ambush. That's got to have an effect on Trump's behavior. . ( For that matter, it probably effects the behavior of people sitting behind him at rallies or his golf partners.) Trump deserves some credit for the unperturbed way he continues to campaign. He's got his share of faults, but he's not a coward nor a hypocrite.

Vance म्हणाले...

I note Robert Cook is very much on the side of Iran in this.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

"So grandiose and silly."

Except that Iran has been saying this ever since Trump approved the killing of Soleimani. At that time they promised to assassinate him. But it's more fun to comment on the news knowing nothing, than keeping up with current events, right?

Michael K म्हणाले...

Stalin was very interested in Iran, so of course Cook is too.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

Merchant’s arrest, by contrast, has drawn relatively little attention. Of the three assassination plots exposed in as many months, it is the only one detected in advance, and described in detail by a U.S. government already acutely aware of the threat. Iran’s leaders have been vowing to kill Trump for years, since he ordered the January 2020 death of Gen. Qasem Soleimani. The documents released after Merchant's arrest tell a story of how serious that vow has proved to be. - Time Magazine

Of course an attempt by Iran to assassinate Trump, the third one in "as many months" isn't mentioned by the press, which was obsessed with "election interference" when Hillary told them it was Russia. A good rule that would have gotten us to the bottom of that story quickly is "[S]he who smelt it, dealt it." Anyway, it would have helped Trump to report the story widely, so it's not surprising that Cookie didn't know about it.

Interested Bystander म्हणाले...

A shortage of money was never the issue. The USSS has a budget of over $3 billion. Somehow, some way they could find enough people to protect the former president if they wanted to.

narciso म्हणाले...

he was allowed to saunter around the country for three months, it was only when he left the country, that they flagged the day before Butler,

Inga म्हणाले...

How refreshing to hear Trump finally be grateful to those he formerly blamed for trying to assassinate him. Maybe his followers will follow suit, but I doubt it.

narciso म्हणाले...

assasins even sloppy ones like the one went after Rushdie, are very patient, this last one happened 30 years after the original fatwa, if it had happened in the UK or France, he would have availed himself of the RAID or MI-5, but he was stuck in Chattaqua,

narciso म्हणाले...

the shooter in palm beach, according to his cellphone, had been in the vecinity of the club for the better part of a month, if that isn't gross negligence,

Iman म्हणाले...

Tel Aviv has been attacked today by some Iranian envoy in Iran’s desperate search for peace. /sarc

Iman म्हणाले...

That’s just your amphetamines kicking in, Igna. One would think you’d be used to it by now.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"How refreshing to hear Trump finally be grateful to those he formerly blamed for trying to assassinate him."

Who are you referring to, Inga?

Inga म्हणाले...

I(ain’t a) man…
Try not to be such an asshole, it will make your man boobs less noticeable.

Kay म्हणाले...

No new wars is supposed to be a selling point for trump. I’m holding him to it if he gets elected.

Inga म्हणाले...


“In a separate post on his Truth Social platform Tuesday evening, Trump further said he was "shown Reports" that Biden's DOJ "AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE" in their search of the property for classified documents.

The FBI has issued a rare statement after former President Donald Trump and several GOP lawmakers spread false claims suggesting President Joe Biden authorized his assassination during the search of his Mar-a-Lago resort in 2022.

In a fundraising email responding to right-wing media reports that offered a distorted reading of a newly-unsealed court filing in Trump's classified documents case, Trump falsely claimed Biden was "locked & loaded ready to take me out."‘


doctrev म्हणाले...

I don't believe the last two (!!) assassination attempts were by Iran, and I don't think President Trump does either. It's hard to imagine that the oligarchs and their flunkies are really stupid enough to think they fooled anyone. But that's the problem with being an aggressive idiot for too long: eventually you think all problems can be solved with widespread repression and global warfare.

I mean, we're seeing the trend in comments here. Which is fine, but I suspect people will be very surprised by what President Trump actually does in a second term.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Was the report that the DOJ authorized deadly force during the Mar-a-Lago raid true? (I honestly don't know.)

narciso म्हणाले...

yes I have some expectations of professionalism thats why this clown show with the secret service is concerning,

narciso म्हणाले...

yes they sent a swat team over an administrative dispute over documents, meanwhile there have been at least two assassins who have been allowed to roam for years, not to mention the two shooters targeing justices,

Michael K म्हणाले...

The Dullard has more lies to share. It makes it easy to know they are lies as she credits ABC, famous debate moderator.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

Appalling. Indefensible.

Marcus Bressler म्हणाले...

https://www.yahoo.com/news/deadly-force-lie-swept-maga-064500322.html This is from a site that calls Trump's defense team's allegations about use of deadly force to be false, but mentions that the so-called "boilerplate language" was right there in the docs.
Oh, never mind, we never expected to shoot DJT when we were rummaging through Melania's underwear drawer after keeping the Secret Service in the dark.

Inga म्हणाले...

The troll thinks everything he doesn’t agree with is a “lie”. Michael, your conspiracy theory mindset is getting worse year by year.

Political Junkie म्हणाले...

DJT's last sentence should have included "death wish for the attacker and the sponsor of the attack". On a releated matter, Saddam's attempted assassination of the first Pres Bush was enough grounds for removing Saddam from power, IMO. To me, if a foreign power or group kills a current president or former president that is equivalent to an attack on the American people.

Inga म्हणाले...

The troll Michael just can’t help calling people who aren’t Trumpists “commies”. He doesn’t realize how crazy that makes him sound.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"Oh, never mind, we never expected to shoot DJT when we were rummaging through Melania's underwear drawer after keeping the Secret Service in the dark."

The DOJ kept the SS in the dark?

rehajm म्हणाले...

reason #4573 to get them out of power and sorting them later

Maynard म्हणाले...

Inga calls Michael K a troll on this site?

All the JOY in her life has made her truly delusional. Maybe that is the target Kamala-lala-ding-dong voter.

If you look at the Harris-Walz ads, you gotta wonder how crazy and delusional the voters that they are targeting are.

Spiros म्हणाले...

Holy cow, the neocons and the Democrats really wanted Trump dead. It didn't matter who pulled the trigger, Iran would get the blame. Because Iranian diplomats are on tape setting up Trump's assassination with "mafia hitmen" (I.e., G-men), the American public would easily be persuaded into believing Iran was responsible and not some crazy lone wolf whipped into a fury by the unhinged rhetoric coming from the Democrats and legacy media. And then the neocons would work their magic, using our vast military power to quickly transform Iran into a docile pro-American democracy. (Sarcasm!)

boatbuilder म्हणाले...

In a separate post on his Truth Social platform Tuesday evening, Trump further said he was "shown Reports" that Biden's DOJ "AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE" in their search of the property for classified documents.
What were the guns for, Inga?

Marcus Bressler म्हणाले...

THe DOJ certainly did not coordinate the raid with the SS. It was a surprise, remember? They could have worked the handover of the docs in a gentlemanly fashion but Garland wanted his gestapo in Mar-A-Lage

Static Ping म्हणाले...

I think RideSpaceMountain says it well. Robert, you keep acting like things are normal when they are not remotely normal. People are trying to kill Trump, the DOJ essentially just put a bounty on him, and you are worried about Trump bragging (accurately) about people literally trying to kill him. Did you miss the literally trying to kill him part? Because I sense you are.

Anyway, countries do not send out hit squads to kill former and potentially future heads of state unless they consider it essential to their continued survival. It's an act of war. If anything, Trump is being understated. Somehow.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Maybe if we quit sending them money...........

Rusty म्हणाले...

Speaking of trolls. How many times have you been banned here, Inga? I know it hasn't been for telling the truth.