२४ सप्टेंबर, २०२४

An assessment of my cruel neutrality.

Yesterday, I asked "If Election Day were tomorrow, who would Althouse vote for? Who should she vote for?" I took a poll, with 9 combinations and 3 possible votes: Trump, Harris, and the ever-popular "no one."

What I really wanted to see was how I was perceived, that is, what level of neutrality or cover I'm pulling off. The second question gave me some ability to account for bias.

Here are the results:

The most obvious thing there isn't about me. It's that my readers support Trump: 81% of those of you who participated in the poll thought I should vote for Trump. And only 6% thought I should vote for Harris. "No one" came in second, with 14%.

I'm happy that the perception of how I would vote was much less skewed. 38% thought I would vote for  Trump, and that did not include most of the people who supported Trump. Great! I'm glad you're reading even though you don't think I agree with you. 48% of readers wanted me to vote for Trump but thought I'd vote for Harris or "no one." 

A decent percentage thought I'd vote for Harris: 22%. Good! 38/22 is a close enough split, especially since 41% of you think I'd go for "no one."

So I'm satisfied with my work denying readers the feeling that I'm on their side. That's what gets my longstanding tag "cruel neutrality." Feel free to argue, no, it's not cruel, it's delightful.

१११ टिप्पण्या:

Leland म्हणाले...

I opted to not be polled. Take it as you will.

rehajm म्हणाले...

Well done…though the alternative theory why they didn’t know who younwould support is that you are cray cray..

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

38 to 22 is a close split.

Sheesh, they must not teach math in Law School.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

'Exposure to other Trump voters... can improve our mood and enhance cognitive function. And Trump rallies can lead to healthy eating.'


MountainMan म्हणाले...

My wife is in the hospital so I didn’t have a chance to comment yesterday. But, did you ever regret that vote for Carter in 1980? I could understand a vote for him in 1976, but 1980? I never voted for him, and I was surprised my Dad never did either. He actually knew Jimmy Carter but wouldn’t vote for him either time.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

"The most obvious thing there isn't about me. It's that my readers support Trump: 81% of those of you who participated in the poll thought I should vote for Trump. And only 6% thought I should vote for Harris."

I know logic is tricky, but the most obvious thing that this info proves is that you provide a comfortable internet space for anti-Harris people. That is obviously about you.

Logic is tricky.

Virgil Hilts म्हणाले...

If you are the only one voting for DT in your family, you avoid political discussions, but just don't want to lie. What is the best one line explanation when cornered. Best I've heard so far - "I love my country more than I hate Trump."

Michael K म्हणाले...

The Harris supporters here do not encourage imitation.

Aggie म्हणाले...

Now let's turn the data around, and use it to map the country's mood. Have you ever done anything similar, for past presidential elections? Let's compare ! What is the informal coffee-shop forecast for 2024?

Aggie म्हणाले...

@Mountain Man, I hope your wife is on the mend and is home soon !

DINKY DAU 45 म्हणाले...

Yes trump land no doubt ,I would presume closer to 90% trumpers up in here,based on commentary. Hey they got a place to go its the way of the world now. When trump loses again,it can be another 8 years of cheated,rigged,deep state, and all other conspiracies(of course proofless) but so it goes..and they can be comforted with each other. Oh blah di oh blah da life goes on lalalala life goes on.. Cheer up, here today ,gone tomorrow.. :)

Jamie म्हणाले...

[shrug] I didn't participate, but my unscientific opinion of this site is that Althouse does lean and always has leaned left, quite center left by today's standards. But she also appears to be of that ilk of liberal that values open exchange of ideas.

And because a whole lot of us consider ourselves to be on the conservative side of classically liberal (I think), and we also value open exchange of ideas, we've congregated here over the decades because there aren't that many places where, for instance, people from across the political aisle feel comfortable openly agreeing on the beauty of a sunrise or a book review or a TikTok thing, but can engage in - shall we say spirited argument about topics on which we disagree.

When Althouse disabled comments, what, a couple of years ago, a bunch of us left to go somewhere where we could try to maintain this rather unique community. But it turns out that although I thought I was primarily here for the commentariat, Althouse's choice of what to post is what makes this commentariat possible.

So, thanks, boss.

The rule of Lemnity म्हणाले...

Althouse was moved by the Malaise speech 😉

Jamie म्हणाले...

Mountain Man, seconded - I hope your wife will soon be well and home.

Kit Carson म्हणाले...

Actually, professor, we are watching (over the years) as a high-minded, fair-minded garden variety progressive who supported what the democratic party used to be, grapples with first what the democratic party has become and second what a good progressive citizen should now do with her vote given that the stakes are way too high for sitting this one out.

Lilly, a dog म्हणाले...

You fooled a bunch of Trump supporters.

Babies in Madison better hold on extra tight to their candy, because Althouse is coming for it.

narciso म्हणाले...


Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

Doc Mike, did you read the post? Harris supporters barely exist at all here. This is a Harris-Hater magnet re the internet.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Trump's awfulness does not mitigate Kamala's awfulness, and vice versa. The one does not blind Althouse to the other. I cannot guess whether she votes with he head or her heart.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

I assume Althouse will not vote for Harris because she realizes that Harris would be such a terrible President that it would be at least fifty years, maybe even a century, before another woman is elected President of the United States.

I could be wrong.

Amexpat म्हणाले...

I don't get the term "cruel neutrality", as "cruel" implies intent to cause pain or suffering in others which I don't think applies to Althouse. I think it's more a matter of a brazen nuetrality where there is no concern about if other people may be offended, which is very different from trying to offend and enjoying other's discomfort and pain .

FTR, I voted no one on both parts. It's obvious to any nuetral, non partisan person that neither are suitable for POTUS. No offense intended.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

Big M, you're a softy. Way too nice to Harris. Obviously Harris being POTUS would be such a disaster that it'd be a thousand years before the US ever elected another woman. That's smart thinking you came up with, you just underestimated how long it would take for America to trust another woman re POTUS.


Mason G म्हणाले...

The same people who can't (or won't) say what they think a woman is think it's important to elect one.

tcrosse म्हणाले...

Me too.

Wa St Blogger म्हणाले...

I chose: No One/Trump. My preferred choice would be: Don't Know/Trump, but No One was as good as I could get. I don't think you are truly neutral as a person, but I believe your blog aims to be fair about presenting the issues fairly. You call balls and strikes sometimes and it is fun when you do.

For the dingbat that says Althouse creates a safe space for Harris hater's you really don't pay attention very well. Althouse creates a safe space to share ideas. The fact that she is not rabidly right and still allows the right to comment, free of censorship is the mark of a true believer in free expression.

The Left are just as free to present their views, and some do. It does make me wonder why a left leaning blogger with a balanced way of presenting the news does not garner (yes, I wrote that) more intellectual leftist contributors. I will rely on the argument from silence. There are no intellectual leftists who can stand up to a fair scrutiny of their ideas. Leftist prefer a curated comment section where they can hear their own echos.

I learn a lot from Alhouse posts, I learn very little from the left leaning contributors. Such a great opportunity wasted.

rhhardin म्हणाले...

It's incapable of learning, not cruel neutrality.

Rabel म्हणाले...

1292 voters but only 97 comments on the poll post, and those from about 40 commenters.

Why so shy, people?

Also, what explains the scarcity of Democrat readers. They may not want to engage in the comments, but the vote totals show clearly that they barely exist.

I have opinions on that, but don't want to start a fight.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"It's obvious to any nuetral, non partisan person that neither are suitable for POTUS."

Trump has already been president. What did he do then that would make him unsuitable to be elected again? List seven things.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

She has very explicitly explained this. If you really care, just start looking through the tag's history on the blog.

But, I can do a piss poor summary by saying that it's sorta like Romney being "severely conservative." Here Althouse is being neutral even though it is painful or harsh or whatever could be considered cruel.

100% I did a shitty job of explaining it, But the thing I can express for sure is that it's a perfect phrase for Althouse. Those two words together are sublime.


Inga म्हणाले...

Sprezz, doc just posts shit lately, I wonder if he even knows what he’s posting anymore. He’s become a troll.

Inga म्हणाले...

If Trump could be re-elected after his disastrous 4 years as president, no matter how bad Harris could be, she will do better than Trump on his best day. Having said that, I’m confident she’ll make a fine president.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

What we have is that 64 pct of wi internet responders say that Harris should not be voted for , or vote for trump. So Trump wins. But this is not a randomized poll.

Original Mike म्हणाले...

"If Trump could be re-elected after his disastrous 4 years as president,…"

Stated without evidence.

Josephbleau म्हणाले...

I should say and or instead of or. In the last clause of the first sentence.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"Also, what explains the scarcity of Democrat readers."

Many Democrats don't like to have their ideas challenged or to be expected to defend them. They prefer the pre-Musk Twitter format: Censor all dissenting views.

Narr म्हणाले...

I didn't vote because I have no idea what the Prof will do in the sanctity of the voting booth, and don't care that much. What's one retired law prof's vote worth anyway?

Inga म्हणाले...

Wa St Blogger…
Oh please. You would never be open to learning anything from any “leftist” anywhere, here or in the greater community. “Leftists” that do comment here have been here for years, most of us anyway. If we preferred a curated comments sections, why are we here and why do we stay, (although plenty have left).

Inga म्हणाले...

Me too. How she votes is none of my business and I don’t much care either.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...


Next to Althouse you're the best thing around here.

It's awesome that you hang around. I know you've been banned a bunch (maybe as not as many times as me, but I started here in April of 2008, so I have had more time.)

The coolest thing about Doc Mike is that he used to tell us when it was his bed time. Just thinking about that still makes me giggle. And Big M is cool too. It's funny that he doesn't understand that it's sexist to say one woman doing something is that same thing as all women doing stuff for up to a century.

Anywho, there are some funny folks in these threads. I suppose it's a bit sad that they aren't trying to be funny.

Inga म्हणाले...

Well thank you Sprezz! I’m going to say that I’m grateful that Althouse has a forgiving nature, mostly. Good to see your comments!

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

Imagine if we used Big M's logic for men:

Holy F, a man was bad as POTUS therefore no more men can be POTUS for up to a hundred years.

Thank the big guy upstairs that the woke mob has invented a hundred different genders, cause we're gonna run out of being able to only pick guys and gals as potential POTUSs. As soon as a guy or a gal is a bad POTUS that gender is in timeout for up to a century.

Then we get a Xer, maybe they turn out to be the best for the job of POTUS. If not they are out for up to a hundred years and we move on to whatever else it is that the woke mind virus has invented.

I suppose if JD puts on a dress again, he could be eligible.

Inga म्हणाले...

“Trump has already been president. What did he do then that would make him unsuitable to be elected again? List seven things.”

Seven reasons why Trump should never be president again…
1. Misuse/abuse of his authority as POTUS
2. Was impeached twice.
3. History of using the DOJ as his personal attack dog and attorneys.
4. He’s a FELON
5. His willingness to flaut or break the laws of the country.
6. Inciting a mob to stop the certification of the 2020 election.
7. Trying to defraud 81 million voters by using fake electors.
8. The BIG LIE that he lost the 2020 election
9. His willingness to “terminate the Consitution”.
10. Stealing and hiding classified documents.

Many more, but I’m not going to waste my time any further.

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

Inga, Althouse is amazing for sure. I know I frisk her a bit. But I do so very, very carefully because I know she can (figuratively) decapitate me if I'm sloppy.

When I first showed up here (under who knows what name?, cause I change it when I'm bored), she jumped in threads and cut me to shreds.

I'm a lot harder to cut to shreds now, for better and (definitely) worse, but that is thanks to Althouse schooling me.

Inga म्हणाले...

JD was so pretty in his blond wig and eyeliner. 😻

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

How many times have you been banned here?

If you're not beyond being banned at least a dozen times, you know less about the freedom of commenting on this blog than I do. But it is cute that you overstate your knowledge of this blog. I'm sure I speak (technically type) for many here when I note that you huff and puff quite impressively!

Carry on.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

“The man who intended to murder former President Donald Trump on Sept. 18 has explained in his own words why he wanted to do it. The words aren’t only his, though — they’re also the slogans and cliches of Trump’s Democratic opponents, virtually verbatim.”

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Perhaps it should be a felony to dress up for Halloween in Maduro-Putin-Kamala's America?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Inga provides a hot steaming plate of leftist pablum, breathless regurgitation and lame narrative-opinions - that signify nothing but the empty corruption of the democratic left.

Iman म्हणाले...

You may be right, Big Mike. The lefties that comment here speak of the disasters of the Trump administration and yet are extremely fussy and tightfisted with specifics. They talk and write a lot, but really have nothing to say. Their arguments are amusingly heavy on stock Dem platitudes and light, if not devoid, of logic.

OldManRick म्हणाले...

I had always looked at Althouse as a reasonable liberal and as a bell-weather who could object to the possible excesses of her natural home in the democratic party. As she went, so would thousands of other liberals who were other wise silent. Jonathan Turley is a great example of a classical liberal who I can disagree with on some issues but defends classical liberalism and represents another bell weather liberal. He also comments against the evil that the current democratic party is doing.

Althouse seems to insinuate by her selection of what she posts that she is getting fed up with the progressive take over of her party. If she wants her party back, she needs to punish it by showing that their current priorities are not acceptable.

That's why she should vote for Trump even though I think she will again sit this one out.

Iman म्हणाले...

Best wishes to you and your wife, Mountain Man!

Iman म्हणाले...

“Many more, but I’m not going to waste my time any further”

Why stop now? You’ve got much more time to waste. More breath, as well. And you seldom fail to amuse. So there’s that, lol. 😆

Original Mike म्हणाले...

I'm not going to address all your unsubstantiated "claims". I'll do 3.

2. Was impeached twice.
By democrats. This would give an honest person pause.

3. History of using the DOJ as his personal attack dog and attorneys.
IDK what you're talking about. William Barr was the model of probity.

4. He’s a FELON
Due to a partisan DA and judge. The problem with this prosecution are myriad. This should fill an honest person with fear.

Mason G म्हणाले...

2. Was impeached twice.
By democrats. This would give an honest person pause.

And, BTW... not convicted. Is just being accused by your enemies considered to be a crime, now?

"I'll do 3."

You did 4. Since Trump was acquitted in his second impeachment trial, #6 Inciting a mob to stop the certification of the 2020 election has not been demonstrated.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Well, Sprezzatura, you might note that Harris is explicitly running as “first black woman,” and not on her policies and her accomplishments as the “point person” on Border issues.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

Well, Sprezzatura, you might note that Harris is explicitly running as “first black woman,” and not on her policies and her accomplishments as the “point person” on Border issues.

Butkus51 म्हणाले...

I think Inga is E Jean Carrol, Rape Fantasizer

Hal Duston म्हणाले...

She didn't say that 38 to 22 is a close split. She said it was a close enough split. Very different.

gilbar म्हणाले...

that how *I* voted

Sprezzatura म्हणाले...

OMR, Yes!!! That is definitely why she should vote for DJT. Those pesky progressives are pushing We The People too far, with their evil Democratic Party.

Thankfully DJT is here to save us. He is not a POS that was the first POTUS ever to stoke (and then sit back and gleefully watch on TV) folks to attempt to delay/overturn our Constitutional transfer of power.

Nope DJT didn't do that. So only a moron that loves cutting dicks off of nine year olds wouldn't support DJT. Lucky for you you're smarter than those morons. Cause you are voting for DJT. Yur smart!!

Gerda Sprinchorn म्हणाले...

I guessed that abortion would be the pivotal issue in the Professor's thinking, so I guessed Harris/Trump in the would/should poll. I have seen a deep and genuine conviction in the Professor's comments on that issue that I haven't seen on many other issues.

But I'm probably wrong. Too much mind reading to be on the nose.

Jim at म्हणाले...

no matter how bad Harris could be, she will do better than Trump on his best day. Having said that, I’m confident she’ll make a fine president.

This is classic whistling past the graveyard.

Yes. The person who had to drop out of the primaries before the first vote was cast in Iowa - and has done absolutely nothing she was charged to do as VP - will make a 'fine' president.

Deep down, you know she'll be a disaster. Because she's been nothing BUT a disaster since she emerged onto the national scene. But your hatred of Trump blinds you to everything else.

If elected, this dingbat will set women back at least a generation. And you know it.

Cameron म्हणाले...

1. Misuse/abuse of his authority as POTUS - such as ? No details, no examples

2. Was impeached twice - aquitted twice which you conveniently leave out.. Was a political prosecution anway so not a valid point.

3. History of using the DOJ as his personal attack dog and attorneys - examples ? We have examples of Harris Biden using political prosecutions, using the IRS against charities and journalists (TwitterFiles!). But you can't name any.

4. He’s a FELON - political prosecutions for ancient crimes using novel legal theories in trump hating jurisidictions. Not an argument. In any event they've dramatically failed. He's also not a convicted felon until sentencing, which has not occurred due to delays because of how the biased judge treated the claims of presidential immunity.

5. His willingness to flaut or break the laws of the country - such as ? Again no examples just a claim that you believe to be self evident. This is the purpose of the political prosecutions.

6. Inciting a mob to stop the certification of the 2020 election. - "Peacefully and patriotically" isn't an incitement. Its also now clear that the riots were instigated and encouraged by the Democrats.

7. Trying to defraud 81 million voters by using fake electors. - If you explicitly state your electors are alternates its impossible to claim they are fake or attempting to defraud anyone.

8. The BIG LIE that he lost the 2020 election - again its becoming increasingly clear that he was right. None of his claims were examined on their merits and the cases were largely dismissed on technical grounds (standing, laches etc).

9. His willingness to “terminate the Consitution”. - quoted out of context.

10. Stealing and hiding classified documents - can't steal what you are legally authorised to have. By contrast Biden had no authority to hold the documents he had and yet no equivalent prosecutions of him occurred. even worse, the grounds for refusing the prosecute were that he was demented, and yet no one on the left called for his resignation as president if that were the case.

walter म्हणाले...

We knew she taught about constitution, but the morass of roe/constitution has been murky. Clenched sphinter/vag-centric tendency predominating. Keep it boring!

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

"disastrous 4 years..."

So, what was it you hated most about that dark time?

The low fuel prices?

The low grocery prices?

The low interest rates?

The low rate of inflation?

The highest black employment rate ever measured?

The lack of new wars?

Additional Arab states officially recognizing Israel?

We're all ears...

walter म्हणाले...

Sprezzy resurfacing just prior to election.

dwshelf म्हणाले...

What I would have voted for, but it was missing, is "I don't know how Althouse will vote, and I don't have anything hard to guess on".

Althouse clearly is entertained by her audience, and seeks to provide us with content we value, but valuing a conservative audience is not at all the same as agreeing with conservative notions.

We might be the tigers, and Althouse is the tamer.

Readering म्हणाले...

19 others went my way. No point in commenting.

wendybar म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
wendybar म्हणाले...

Thank you Cameron @10:58pm for posting what we are all thinking when Inga posts her Progressive talking points she got from The View

Readering म्हणाले...

But definitely don't think AA on my side.

Mr. Forward म्हणाले...

A shorter list. If election day were tomorrow, who would Meade vote for?

Inga म्हणाले...

1. Misuse/Abuse of his authority as POTUS…
Telling Zelensky he won’t get any military equipment if he doesn’t do Trump’s bidding and investigate Biden.

Breezy म्हणाले...

There’s a bit of cruel neutrality reflected in the progressive ideologies, such as enabling mass illegal immigration and transporting large numbers of same into cities and towns all over the country, allowing psychotic doctors to convince children they just need to permanently alter their bodies to feel better, and refuse to prosecute and jail criminals that wreak havoc in our neighborhoods. Perhaps that’s more cruel than neutral though. My bad, if so.

Inga म्हणाले...

9. Here is the entire quote, it’s NO BETTER. One would have to believe that a massive fraud had occurred, that’s part of the BIG LIE. Trump calling for the termination of the Constitution under any circumstance, especially a lie of his making is un-American.

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution, our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”

Your rebuttal sounds like right wing excuses for Trump that have been used and abused.

Inga म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
donald म्हणाले...

“Cruel neutrality”. Too many adjectives!

Rusty म्हणाले...

Yeah, MountainMan. Hope she gets better soon.

Rusty म्हणाले...

It isn't exactly Harris hating. It's just that the resident democrat cheerleaders haven't given this blog anything Harris stands for except hate Trump. I know what Trumps policies are. I don't know what Harris' policies are except to imitate Trumps policies while vilifying Trump.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Why, thank you Sprezzatura. I do try and make an effort.

Meade म्हणाले...

And so should every legal voter who values peace and prosperity for all.

Rusty म्हणाले...

I would guess if abortion is your main issue you're not being impacted by the economy or illegal immigration. Abortion is secondary to a job, putting food on the table and affording gas for your car.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Mine either, but I'm not gonna lose any sleep over it.

tim in vermont म्हणाले...

I was watching that "Johnny Carson Channel" for a minute, the one on Amazon, and Gore Vidal was the guest, and the subject was the Carter - Reagan election, and Vidal said that "the only thing that a patriotic person could do was not vote."

BtheNorth म्हणाले...

I think the most overlooked result of this poll is that you have scientifically verified that Trump supporters (the 81%) are not mindless deplorables. We are well read, interested in discussion, and are always willing to engage with opposing viewpoints. We may not know who you are going to vote for Ann and more importantly we don’t care! We’re here for the writing. So the MSM can insult out intelligence all they want but we know, and now have proven, who the deepthinkers are in the electorate.

traditionalguy म्हणाले...

I know. You secretly like Vance. Old J D will soon end up President if assassin prone Trump is elected. But if Harris wins we are a heartbeat away from true disaster.

john mosby म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
john mosby म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
mikee म्हणाले...

Vote as you will, Althouse. The election will be decided by mail in vote harvesting operations. These will be legal but unauditable and unprovable votes manufactured from nursing homes, and registered voters who don't vote. I predict over 160 million votes this election, which if true should indicate the level of manufactured but legal votes created to get Harris (my bet) elected. God save the Republic, because the politicians have thrown it in the trash.

Iman म्हणाले...

Igna and Spazz? Get a rock, you two.

Mr. Forward म्हणाले...

The only thing you can do in neutral is coast downhill.

Iman म्हणाले...

Hey! Bottom feeders need oxygen like scum rises to the top.

Howard (not that Howard) म्हणाले...

"Telling Zelensky he won’t get any military equipment if he doesn’t do Trump’s bidding and investigate Biden."

Sonofagun, he fired the prosecutor.

Cappy म्हणाले...

How about Harold Stassen?

Just an old country lawyer म्हणाले...

So, it looks like some of y'all had nothing better to do than stay up all night shit post fighting with Inga and Spezz. Why, bless your hearts.

Just an old country lawyer म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
ThatsGoingToLeaveA म्हणाले...

I read here for the grammatical analysis.

Unless Althouse actually votes for Trump, I can't agree with there being much neutrality. "No one" should be considered in context of "what would it take for Althouse to vote republican?". Otherwise, a non-vote/noone is effectively passive support of Harris. So, 40+20=60 which is not neutral.

kylos म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Biden is corrupt and we all know it. Only fools like you inga - choose your own truths and narratives. Biden made sure the person who did not commit to Biden family grifting in Ukraine - was fired.

Do tell us why Hunter Biden was on the Board of Burisma - Inga.

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

I-nag - the take down of the leftiwng B.
1. Shorter Inga - Power only belongs to holy and precious corrupt democrats
2. Impeached over complete BS.
3. You lie. Name what the hell you are talking about with specifics that are factual. YOU CANT. Liar.
4. 2 expired BS misdemeanors and a corrupt judge with a lefty jury.
But Stormy Daniels did black out in 2007. or something.
5. What laws? Name them.
6. Jan 6th - no one brought a gun. No one secured the area - as asked for by Trump. Ray Epps is FBI.
7. Trump left the White House on time and willingly.
8. So when Hillary says 2016 was stolen from her- that's OK? of course!Only leftists can whine about stolen elections.
9. 100% crap on a cracker. BS pablum as heard on Leftwing Liar Maddow
10. Turns out the FBI planted stuff/ BS photos. - and what say you on Biden's illegal document storage?

Bitter Clinger म्हणाले...

Maybe I misinterpreted your choices. I voted "Would vote for no one; should vote Trump" not because I think you support Trump, but because I think everyone should vote for Trump. I think you know how awful Kamala will be but won't be able to bring yourself to vote for Trump.

Ice Nine म्हणाले...

>Sprezzatura said...
...This is a Harris-Hater magnet re the internet.<

Wrong. We were here long before Harris was - she didn't draw us here. She dropped into our laps here and proceeded to cultivate that supposed "hate."

ussmidway म्हणाले...

Why is this all BOLD?

Democratic Paychecks for Perks/ Dems for Demolition of Democracy/ fake-cares 4-U म्हणाले...

Ashli Babbitt $30 million ‘wrongful death’ suit gets green light.

Jupiter म्हणाले...

"So I'm satisfied with my work denying readers the feeling that I'm on their side."
You would make a terrible politician.

wsw म्हणाले...

Delightful neutrality = Switzerland

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...

End of bold

Cormac Kehoe म्हणाले...

I've erad Althouse on and off for more than 20 years. She either votes for Trump (with reservations blunted by his 4 years in office) or no one.

Narr म्हणाले...

High praise for an academic.

Enigma म्हणाले...

I think you are misreading your reputation and the political standing of nominally left white USA voters today.

1. You developed a broad reputation during the Trump Derangement Syndrome era as an open-minded lefty who didn't always label Trump as the devil incarnate. This put you in bed with other nominally left white heretics such as James Howard Kunstler, Bari Weiss, Elon Musk, Joe Rogan, Tulsi Gabbard, Tim Pool, Bill Maher, Jerry Seinfeld, Krysten Sinema, Joe Manchin, and many more. By merely not falling for rabid TDS and maintaining old-school open-minded balance you became a "Trump Supporter." The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

2. In the racial intersectionality universe no white liberal/left can speak freely or be considered the "equal" of those higher on the reparations and victimhood hierarchy. The need for white "restorative justice" is a tautological fact per this ideological dogma. Your white skin color is an Original Sin per the evils of white colonists of hundreds of years ago. You cannot escape your guilt! Get in your place! Don't talk back!

Every nominally left white voter today must either be (a) a figurehead for the backroom intersectional puppet masters (e.g., James Clyburn and The Squad), as seen with the "safe" white guys Joe Biden, Gavin Newsom, Tim Walz, etc. They are given power only because they are bribed and/or castrated and/or leashed.

Any white LIBERAL must vote for preservation of LIBERAL (or libertarian) politics that allow free speech and that allow white lives to matter over the deranged delusions, corruption, and self-destruction of today's Wile-E-Coyote Democrats. See Elon Musk's very public ideological evolution (and perhaps Mark Zuckerberg's too).

Readering म्हणाले...

Obvious his view from every Meade political comment since 2021.