August 15, 2024

The Washington Post gives Tim Walz 4 Pinnochios.

"Speaking to a union audience, Walz swung too hard for the fences. He claimed that Vance has not voted for any 'pro-worker bills,' and his source was a union report card that covered only two bills in one year. As we have documented, Vance has voted for at least two bills that helped workers and had union support. On top of that, claiming that Vance knows nothing about working people, when that’s the subject of his book, is also false."


RMc said...

I guess ol' Glenn's gonna be looking for work soon.

gilbar said...

What's up with the Wa Poo? Is this the stopped clock effect?
Or the "we HAVE TO occasionally mention Obvious democrat party lies.. OCCASIONALLY"

Shouting Thomas said...

I don’t want the government to help me. I was never in a union, by choice. My tech skills enabled me to freelance or do contract work for all but about 6 years of my 45 year working career. Why would I give my money to a union? I kept it for myself. My employers paid me well. When one job was over, I moved on to another. I don’t see “helping workers” as a legitimate function of our government.

mezzrow said...

The ghost of Jimmy Petrillo is still hunting you down for dues money, ST. lol

Temujin said...

When you're a Democrat and you can't even get WaPo to go along with you, your charm has worn off.

Howard said...

Stolen slander

Lawnerd said...

Being in a union converted me from a democrat to a republican. In the 80s I had a summer job that was union. I was forced to pay the union dues which were used to support political positions that I didn’t agree with, and even when I did agree with the position, I hated the idea that I had zero say in how my dues money was being used. At that time republicans were not putting up with union bullshit and this sole issue changed my voting.

tim in vermont said...

Remember when Joe Biden broke the rail workers' strike because he thought it would make inflation worse and hurt his party's prospects in the mid-terms?

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

What a gentle start to rebuking such a huge liar. Glenn sure is a lazy sumbitch.

tim in vermont said...

I remember in the '60s my brother got a union job, and he was told to carry an amount of cash with him at all times for when some wise guy showed up to collect it, which happened.

Lawnerd said...

It’s interesting that a key democratic demographic, college educated white people, are least likely to be union members. MAGA in contrast draws highly on non-college educated whites, which traditionally have been pro-union. The shift in the parties over the past twenty years is amazing. Maybe this is why WaPo is willing to slam Walz on this issue, because it may play well with their key demographic by painting republicans as too pro-union.

Oso Negro said...

No matter. America has clearly been yearning for an all communist ticket running on a platform of “joy”. The polls will conceal the steal.

Political Junkie said...

Although government unions have been growing over the decades. Lots of white folks with college degrees in those. Think AFSCME.

rhhardin said...

Unions are all conflict of interest across members - the seniors get all the benefits at the expense of the new members. It's guaranteed because they don't have the same interests. Rather than bidding for their own interest they're stuck with the power structure of the union.

That's not to mention how unions screw non-union workers by restraint of trade.

Mr. D said...

Ask any Minnesotan who isn't on the DFL payroll and they'll tell you Walz is a 55-gallon drum of duck vomit.

Lawnerd said...

There is a difference between public workers unions and non-public workers unions. MAGA is the blue collar, gun owning, Teamster kind of guy. Dems are the purple haired, ban all guns, drag queen story time, teachers union kind of assigned female at birth person. Their interests are not aligned.

Lawnerd said...

There is a difference between public workers unions and non-public workers unions. MAGA is the blue collar, gun owning, Teamster kind of guy. Dems are the purple haired, ban all guns, drag queen story time, teachers union kind of assigned female at birth person. Their interests are not aligned.

Political Junkie said...

You are spot on, Lawnerd.

rehajm said...

Shorter WaPoo- “Democrats are on your side!” (At least until the election’s over)

Jersey Fled said...

Walz is a disaster.

EdwdLny said...

Regarding walz, to be honest, fascists gotta fascist. You vil own nothing and be happy.........or else. Yea, how about kiss my ass, turd bucket.

Jersey Fled said...

Walz grew up in a political environment (Minnesota) where he could lie with impunity and be applauded for it.

Different game now, big boy.

Jersey Fled said...

Further to Governor Walz’s leadership:,+New+Study+Reveals+-+New+Jersey+Digest&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=814

Minneapolis metro area had the the second highest inflation over the past year in the U.S.

Second only to NY metro area.

Static Ping said...

The Washington Post fact checking is established to be in bad faith. With that in mind, the explanation for calling this out goes down several different paths:

1. In order to at least keep a facade that they are an objective fact checking operation, they do need to call out their side occasionally. This topic is obscure so it is a fact check that causes minimal damage. This allows them to lie about something far more important later on in the campaign and still claim to be non-partisan.

2. Walz is proving to be a liability, so the knives are out for him.

3. They think that this helps Harris somehow.

ron winkleheimer said...

My union member neighbor found this joke funny.

A railroad worker stops by a house of ill repute and while there finds out that is non-union. As a good union man he is offended by that and immediately organizes a union with the girls working there.

The next month he stops by the house and says he wants a liaison with Jennifer, a very lithesome, attractive 19 year old girl.

The madam informs him that he may want Jennifer's services, but he will have to settle for Myrtle, a 93 year old women.

"Why", he asks.

"Because," the madam informs him, "Myrtle has seniority."

stlcdr said...

WaPo is probably trying out telling the truth to see what effect it has on their voter base (readership).

hombre said...

One has to wonder if in Kessler's mind there is a tiny suspicion that the leftmediaswine may have gone too far.

Rosalyn C. said...

Static Ping said...
The Washington Post fact checking is established to be in bad faith. With that in mind, the explanation for calling this out goes down several different paths:

1. In order to at least keep a facade that they are an objective fact checking operation, they do need to call out their side occasionally. This topic is obscure so it is a fact check that causes minimal damage. This allows them to lie about something far more important later on in the campaign and still claim to be non-partisan.

I vote for #1. This lapse in accuracy by Walz is due to a benign negligence or his carelessness with details. He just didn't do sufficient research and made a insignificant mistake, it's not that he's a bad guy or is a flat out lying creep as we've been thinking due to his stolen valor.

walter said...

Meanwhile ads are claiming Kamaflage has been hard on the border.

One Fine Day said...

Not bad. 31 minutes from the first comment to the first paid Dem talking point.

papper said...

Kessler is trying to make believe he is evenhanded

Iman said...

Just consider the source. You can’t expect wisdom from such an individual.