August 8, 2024

"The vast majority of the memes circulating this week are in praise of Walz’s masculinity. Stereotypical masculinity, even."

"The kind conservatives perpetually worry that Democrats are trying to erase — the kind classically defined by such traits as stoicism, reliability, leadership and physical strength.... He is... offering to snowblow your walkway, map out the best driving routes to the airport and wait in the car until he’s sure you got inside safe.... The outpouring of love Walz is receiving — and the specific form it’s taking — makes it plain that masculinity isn’t under attack. Masculinity can be celebrated; people are longing to celebrate it. It’s the weird masculinity — the 'He-Man Woman Haters Club,' as Walz put it during an interview a few weeks ago — that people have a problem with. The kind that confuses leadership with authoritarianism, strength with domination, and protection with control.... I’d been trying to think of a better descriptor than Midwestern Dad to get at the aura Walz projects.... Soon I realized the perfect term had already been coined. 'Tim Walz has tonic masculinity,' I saw several fans write online."

Writes Monica Hesse, in "Masculinity’s check-engine light is on. Let Tim Walz have a look. Vice-presidential nominee Walz’s 'Midwestern dad vibe' comes with opportunities to rethink a whole tool kit of types" (WaPo)(free access link).

"Tonic masculinity" — did you know that term? My link goes to a Google search for the term, which doesn't have a Wikipedia article. I can see that it's one letter away from "toxic masculinity." And I can see that "tonic" can mean — to quote the OED — "Pertaining to, or maintaining, the tone or normal healthy condition of the tissues or organs." So... get your masculinity into a wholesome, healthy form, like that which his fans perceive in Tim Walz.


phantommut said...

His kind of masculinity looks like a myocardial infarction waiting to happen.

Achilles said...

Walz looks like a fat toad. Nobody thinks he is masculine in any way. He is a buddy fucker.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

"The kind conservatives perpetually worry that Democrats are trying to erase — the kind classically defined by such traits as stoicism, reliability, leadership and physical strength....

None of which is evident in Walz.

Peachy said...

He's a white left liar. Perfect for the dumbass masses. Eat your broccoli-D - sez the democrat media outlet called wapo. You're gonna like it!

tcrosse said...

Stalin was the Little Father. What does Walz intend to do with all the bad little boys and girls?

Mason G said...

"So... get your masculinity into a wholesome, healthy form, like that which his fans perceive in Tim Walz."

Is that before or after he takes off his pussy hat?

gilbar said...

just to be clear?
This Walz guy; is FAT, looks WAY older than he claims to be..
And promotes sex with children? Or just X-rated drag shows for children?

I'm just making sure we're talking about the Same Macho Man

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JaimeRoberto said...

Why bother taking questions from the media when you get this kind of press for free?

n.n said...

Masculine refers to male sex-correlated gender (e.g. sexual orientation).

tcrosse said...

Walz is a pussy.

Michael K said...

Typical of white suburban women to mistake a beta male for a macho man.

Mason G said...

"The vast majority of the memes circulating this week are in praise of Walz’s masculinity. Stereotypical masculinity, even."

I have absolutely no doubt Monica believes this.

Peachy said...

another theory - his awfulness diverts attention from her awfulness?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What's Kamala Harris fav adult beverage? Gin and Tonic?

Original Mike said...

WaPo wouldn't know masculinity if it bit her on the butt.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

This is a truly bizarre attempt to hype Walz. Who, if anyone, would buy this?
Clearly Trump's display of courage at the asassination has Democrats scratching for something they can offer as an "us, too". But this is pitiable.

Paddy O said...

Until he's shirtless on a horse, I don't believe it.

Jupiter said...

Well, yeah. Except that Monica Hesse is a cheap, lying whore, and most of the memes I've been seeing relate to either the fact that he gave up a promotion to get out of going to war, and then tried to lie about it. Any masculinity this shit-weasel evinces is of the toxic variety.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

another theory - his awfulness diverts attention from her awfulness?

Nah, Walz was supposed to be their hick/rube/hillbilly whisperer. Unfortunately, they formed their idea of what rural people are like by binge watching Hee-Haw.

narciso said...

Monica has long since removed all doubt

Prof. M. Drout said...

When I pointed out that Walz does the creepy Grinch-smile that people call "pedo-face," I didn't know that he supported the removal of anti-pedophile language out of a bill that "protected" (i.e., awarded privileges) for "sexual orientation."
(The bill said something like 'being sexually attracted to children shall not count as a "sexual orientation" for the purposes of this bill' -- that language was removed, and it is easy to imagine some creepy judge deciding that people can't be prosecuted for, say, child-sex images, because that's their "orientation," and "orientations" are now protected).

Ampersand said...

How long did it take Monica to create this useless fluffery? Is this what actually passes for journalism?

FormerLawClerk said...

If you need media help to claim that you are masculine ... well.

I've seen some grandpa bears in my time and I know exactly what they look like. There are a lot of high school wrestlers lining up to take this guy out when the time is right. They've been waiting for this for a long, long time.

Rocco said...

From the article...
"He is... offering to snowblow your walkway"

That's not what I meant when I told Walz to blow me.

RideSpaceMountain said...

There's only one thing that could make Walz more masculine. Shorts. Nothing is more masculine than men in shorts with knee-high socks, yacht shoes, a banana smoothie, and stolen valor accompanied by a wildly exaggerated sense of self-importance.

Gospace said...

Yep. Exactly. Gotta wonder where these popular memes are appearing. Even my brainwashed liberal friends left on Facebook haven't posted them... I somehow imagine they're just another example of "The Left Can't Meme". I've posted several memes from my leftist friends on other forums, all of which received hearty guffaws.

Kevin said...

To quote John McEnroe: You cannot be serious.

mccullough said...

Trump was shot and kept going. No one thinks Walz is masculine

Gospace said...

Some threads about Walz- from NG members.

chuck said...

Drunk and fleeing combat is masculinity for Democrats.

MikeD said...

Tough crowd tonite! And the best part, they're all 100% correct

wild chicken said...

The guy has a creeper vibe. A creepy perv teacher - yeah that's the ticket! CREEPY.

Pass it on!

Aggie said...

Think of a bunch of Democrat voters, and think of their minds being both empty and prone to suggestion - but I repeat myself. Begging for someone to fill the vacuum, primed to be enthusiastic and obedient (this has been the instruction all week, 'everybody's enthusiastic !') the minds are now ready to be pumped full of voter satisfaction. Here's a couple of rumpled, comfortable ideas for you to think about, and here are some homey images you should picture, as you're doing it !

No news conferences, though. No questions to be answered on domestic and foreign policy, on funding for foreign adventures, on supporting allies, by the actual candidates. Nope. It's all about the voter's 'excitement' of supporting somebody, and they're going to provide lots of helpful ideas that we should use - you know, in our heads.

The Democrats know their audience, and this is what they think of them.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

He's drag queen masculine.

Tom T. said...

Hesse tweeted a really weird remark in defense of Walz today: “Since #TamponTim is trending I’ll point out that in high school, any boy who casually was like ‘Oh you got ur period? I stashed a pad from the bathroom in my backpack in case one of my friends needed it’ — that boy would be king stud,” she wrote. “That boy would be drowning in prom invites.”

Tom T. said...

Article here:

Iman said...

Given the situation with the low-T Left, they’ll take what they can get.

BarrySanders20 said...

Thanks Monica for man-splaining that.

Iman said...

He has that square barrel look of Chris Farley as Lunch Lady working in Lunch Ladyland. Sans the laughs…

Milo Minderbinder said...

Walz looks like Uncle Fester for goodness’ sakes.

Quaestor said...

Medical fact: Masculinity toxins are completely filtered by belly fat.

Moondawggie said...

"(Not) the kind (of masculinity) that confuses leadership with authoritarianism, strength with domination, and protection with control."

Ah yes: a suburban white female college graduate's ideal man: strong, a leader, and (her) protector. Who will always back her up on whatever decisions she makes.

But not a guy who thinks for himself.

Mary Beth said...

When I think masculinity, the first image that pops into my head is of Tim Walz. Ick.

Moondawggie said...

Let me correct that to "many suburban white female college graduates..."

The Vault Dweller said...

I find it hard to believe that people who aren't paid to do so are generating memes for Walz because they are so enamored with Kamala's VP pick.

Moondawggie said...

Somehow during my 5 years of active duty in the USN, with deployments to Okinawa (twice), a float in the Indian Ocean with an Amphibious Assault Group, as well being on 2-hour alert status to go to Grenada, I never met a Command Master Chief who would have remotely considered retiring a few months before an obvious upcoming deployment. (Particularly into a combat zone.)
Of course, that was the Regular Navy and the Naval Reserve. I've got no idea about the customs and procedures of the Minnesota Army National Guard. But I doubt Walz's record is typical.

weh said...

I wish you wouldn’t say “that which” when you could say “what”.

Bob Boyd said...

The torch is passed. Walz's role is to be the symbolic old, white male who is now subordinate to the symbol of the new age.

Amadeus 48 said...

Mark Halpern says Walz's stupid joke about Vance won't be repeated because it was "off-brand". Let's see how that goes. Walz was clearly pleased with himself. I think he'll turn out to be the blowhard, wise-guy, low-grade, charismatic-to-the-back-row high school teacher that he appears to be. Keep calling him "Coach", Kamala. It fits the image.

Bob Boyd said...

Which makes Trump the symbol of the age that's ending.

Amadeus 48 said...

Is anyone else put off by Walz's grotesquely large mouth? A gaping maw it is. He looks as though he is going to eat all the pie.

Bob Boyd said...

Biden was effectively made into the same symbol as Walz, recognizing his time has ended, blessing and supporting that which replaces him.

Amadeus 48 said...

Kamala and Walz were born in the same year, 1964. Stunning. He is a wreck. She is lucky in her looks. He, not so.

Amadeus 48 said...

Interesting to me was Halpern's comment. He didn't say he was quoting anyone, but I wonder. Since he took COVID emergency powers, Walz has been extremely pleased with himself and has enjoyed ruling by decree. "Mind your own damn business" would never describe Tampon Tim's MN. Good line, but not applicable. Consider the COVID snitch lines set up so people could report their neighbors to the authorities.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Our friends in the media always lusting for just the right package to sell Marxism to the rubes.

Since they lack the self-awareness to be embarrassed by their own behavior, I have no choice but to be embarrassed for them.

Amadeus 48 said...

Re: Tampon Tim. Most teenage boys would know what to do with feminine products they found in their bathrooms once they figured out what they were--they would plaster and dangle them around the school, with special emphasis on embarrassing Coach Tim.

Nancy Reyes said...

this is the guy who let Minneapolis be destroyed. Did anyone outside of the Washington Beltway or the white suburbs of Minneapolis get asked about this? Of course, the schools were woke when I worked there 20 years ago, so he is probably quite popular with the anti American left.

Leora said...

I tend to agree with Scott Adams assessment. Walz is way too interested in making sure every child is sexually aware. Also he is either corrupt or incompetent given the major theft of funds for feeding children by Somalis in Minnesota.

Big Mike said...

Two more Walz “overstatements” of his CV popped up these past couple days. He has claimed that he was in Afghanistan, but not unless he was visiting on a tourist visa. He did get deployed to Italy, but that’s about 3000 miles west of Kabul.

The next one may be the campaign staff’s fault and not his. It was claimed that he chaired the House Committee on Veterans Affairs but he did not. As a congressman he was once the ranking member of that committee, meaning he was the most senior member of the minority party — not the Chairman.

So I’ll ask Althouse — is “tonic” a new buzz word for puffing up your CV when you’re a Democrat?

Josephbleau said...

“And I can see that "tonic" can mean — to quote the OED — "Pertaining to, or maintaining, the tone or normal healthy condition of the tissues or organs." So... get your masculinity into a wholesome, healthy form, like that which his fans perceive in Tim Walz.”

It’s not funny if you have to explain the joke.

Josephbleau said...

I see why google likes the new page format, when you log in and comment there used to be a button to log out of google, but now it’s gone. This will causes people to not log out so google can track you all day long on the internet. Ha ha. Google likes to apply friction to steal the data it wants. But there is nothing the blogger can do except find the google account page and log out.

planetgeo said...

Watching the hilarious efforts of the leftist cat lady journalists trying to convince us that this pompous tub of communist goo is now their ideal of masculinity is very entertaining. It's like watching Vulcan nerds cracking each other up with the most outrageous mind tricks they think they could play on the humans. But yeah, I can see why being able to control such a perfect stereotype of their most obnoxious rolly-poly middle school gym coach into total obsequiousness now makes them all dewy and moist in their yoga pants. Acceptance of subordination is sexay.

bobby said...

He's my gov. Masculine? No. I don't consider bullies to be masculine. He is a bully at heart. Minnesotans can tell you - never give a bully more power.

bobby said...

Funniest part of this: The Mpls Star Tribune - the Strib (a/k/a the Red Star) - has known the falsity of Walz's military-service claims for years, and hid the truth. They hid it so well, Harris's vetters missed it. So, it may work out that the socialists at the Strib have taken down Harris's campaign all on their own.

We will celebrate that in MN.

tim maguire said...

Monica seems not to realized that this “masculine” Walz isn’t evidence the left values healthy masculinity, because it’s not aimed at the left. It's not aimed at Democrats at all, it’s aimed at the non-political persuadable voter in the middle.

Besides, Walz was probably waiting in the car for the babysitter to get safely inside because she was carrying his baby.

wendybar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Oh. I get it. Walz is a man for the women who missed having a dad when they were girls. No one showed them how to check their engine oil, or shot hoops with them after work, or took turns mowing the lawn with them. No one taught them to throw frisbee while camping at the beach, or how to separate fighting dogs. No one taught them to drive stick while going round and round in the church parking lot.

Walz is their lost daddy. It's sad.

Scott Patton said...

The first rule of tonic masculinity - Don't be Rupublican

Ann Althouse said...

"I wish you wouldn’t say “that which” when you could say “what”"

Makes me want to open a fast food shop and serve something called the Thatwich.

Gunner said...

This bullcrap "tonic masculinity" sounds like what my mom did for me when I was a kid. Has nothing to do with being a man. More like a guardian/babysitter.

dbp said...

I've seen a number of memes from the left, some of which seem to embrace masculinity in a way that seems really fake, given that they're coming from people who've been deriding masculinity for a while now.

The memes on the right are divided between his far-left policies, like tampons in boy's bathrooms in public schools, embrace of censorship and being in favor of "gender affirming" care for minors--against the will of parents if need be and making fun of his looks: He looks well older than 60 and has that creepy look shared by every coach that's been caught molesting kids on his team. I'll note, he just has the look and I know of no allegations of misdeeds in that regard. He does give me the creeps though.

Narayanan said...

He does give me the creeps though
Friday 13th for 4 more years if D's win
[my offered as meme for Universal free use]

Rusty said...

All the beta males go out of their way to try and act alpha.

Rusty said...

He's got that wrestling coach Dennis Hastert vibe.

Rusty said...

And yet most masculine men are republican. If you were masculine you'd have known that.

Rusty said...


hombre said...

The mediaswine are on a crusade to turn sows' ears into silk purses, portraying the weaknesses of these two bums as strengths. Rank and file Democrats are stupid enough to buy it. The consorts, BLMers, Antifa, LGBTers, maybe even American Jews, etc., don't care. If they win, we will be left with the stench for another four years. The country we used to know can't survive it.

Pillage Idiot said...

After Butler, PA, Trump has seen more combat than Tim Walz!

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