I'm reading, "Kid Rock Threw the Party. MAGA Faithful Brought the Joy, Rage and Smirnoff Ice. A music festival headlined by the pro-Trump musician offered a snapshot of a maturing American subculture, with a mash-up of hedonism, rebellion and beer-guzzling pursuit of happiness" (NYT).
Sample text: "The shows felt like Trump rallies without the former president, unburdened by policy talk, speeches from lesser-known G.O.P. players, and the buzz-kill tendencies of Mr. Trump himself, who tends to noodle at the lectern like a jam-band soloist. What remained was a snapshot of a maturing American subculture, with unwritten conventions rivaling those of Deadheads or Swifties, and a dizzying mash-up of hedonism and piety, angry rebellion and beer-guzzling pursuit of happiness."
Credit to the writer of this prose. It's Richard Fausset.
Have Trump people been compared to Deadheads before? On November 2, 2020, Variety had "'Wave That Flag': Meet the Deadheads Who Stump for Trump" ("I’m not a big fan of the president, but at the end of the day, Trump is about individual freedom and so was the Dead").
Meanwhile, 9 days ago, Rolling Stone came out with "You’ve Heard of White Dudes for Kamala. Now Come the Deadheads/Fans of one of the most enduring of classic-rock bands — along with Mandy Patinkin — will rally on Zoom in support of the presumptive Democratic presidential candidate."
And there goes Joy, down the same path as Weird.
Rally on Zoom? "Touch grass" means more than your afternoon backyard blunt.
Democrats = good.
Non-Democratics = bad.
“Credit to the writer of this prose. It's Richard Fausset”…agreed, but not the kind of creative writing what keeps you in good stead with your leftie friends and co-‘workers’…
Kamala = JOY!
Trump = Rage and anger.
of course, the anger ordinary normal Americans feel over the left's non-stop lies and demolition of our nation === JUST PIPE DOWN! AND OBEY!
I guess he threw Swifties in there to seem more up to date because otherwise it’s laughable. Deadheads and Swifties have nothing in common, totally different ethos. Jerry Garcia and Taylor Swift, wouldn’t it be something to see them perform together? He’s dead so obviously that won’t happen, just sayin’. Anyway why does everything have to be co-opted into politics? It drives me nuts.
It’s behind a paywall, so I didn’t read it, but do I detect a “gorillas in the mist” vibe — again?
"The shows felt like Trump rallies without the former president, unburdened by policy talk, speeches from lesser-known G.O.P. players, and the buzz-kill tendencies of Mr. Trump himself, who tends to noodle at the lectern like a jam-band soloist.
Was that "unburdened" reference a parody of Kamala?
The difference is that Harris needs to meld her rallies with the appearance of entertainers at her event to even have a substantial crowd show up.
More 'Gorillas in the Mist' from the NYT. Must be getting about time for another 'Hillbilly Women Eat Clay When They Are Pregnant' expose.
I think politicians have celebrities perform or appear because it shows support and influences voters, not just to get people to show up at a rally.
Authentic joy vs. the Left's required joy.
I honestly don't belong with either side but do still have the responsibility to vote. Our obsession with politics as THE answer to our woes steals my joy.
“I think the MAGA movement is probably bigger than Trump at the end of the day,” Trump is a symbol. The Tea Party predates him, but had no symbol. Obama used a corrupt IRS against it just as Democrats today are using corrupt prosecutors to destroy Trump. It's difficult to predict what will happen if they "get" Trump, but it won't be good. At best, the Harris/Walz regime will have zero support from about 35-40% of the country. If the country tries to fight a foreign war, the rainbow military will have a tough go without country boys, and more.
“What remained was a snapshot of a maturing American subculture, with unwritten conventions rivaling those of Deadheads or Swifties, and a dizzying mash-up of hedonism and piety, angry rebellion and beer-guzzling pursuit of happiness."
This is especially apt, I’ve seen these types, makes one wonder…WTH?
When 50% of the population is a "subculture."
Deadheads & Mandy Patinkin?
Deplorables - eh Soviet Inga? Perhaps they need ..."reprogramming" - as you've stated many times. That is due to your naturally leftist Soviet brain.
So now you resort to lying like your nemesis Drago? I’ve long thought you were one mixed up childless cat lady.
So now you resort to lying like your nemesis Drago? I’ve always thought you were one mixed up childless cat lady.
Inga - so you deny that you've ever said that people who support Trump need "deprogramming"?
Althouse writes "I’m not a big fan of the president, but at the end of the day, Trump is about individual freedom and so was the Dead"
I'm aware of the grammatical gray zone regarding conventionally plural nouns being treated as singular in some case, e.g. the people is if the people constitute a community. German makes this distinction as a hard rule since Luther's Bible if not earlier. Nevertheless, it clashes to my ears like yellow stripes on purple pants assails my eyes. Besides, are we certain of uncontested agreement on that principle among those rock-n-roll fossils?
I'm also confused regarding the quote marks. Who is speaking?
If Inga ruled she'd gas us along with the Jews.
Mandy Patinkin? Trump is doomed!
Yes, I deny saying “Trumpists need deprogramming”. I’ve said they are cultists who would benefit from breaking free of their cult all on their own. Don’t lie about what someone has said to make a point, or else you sink to Drago levels.
Yes, I deny saying “Trumpists need deprogramming”. I’ve said that they should wake up and realize they are in a cult and would benefit from leaving the cult on their own accord.
They had.a gay old time.
Journalists never use the word guzzling with any person or item don't hate..
Google Ren and Stimpy happy happy joy joy. Captures Harris’ demand for forced joy perfectly
...they should wake up and realize they are in a cult...
Cult-like behavior:
1. Believe everything that your leaders say
2. Think the current leader is without fault, until they are replaced with the next leader who, amazingly enough is without fault.
3. When shown that they are wrong about a point of fact, ignore that past inaccuracy and latch onto the shiny new "fact" that supports their belief.
I think all these describe Inga. I wonder if she should be woken up?
Inga knows that her 9+ years of hoax lies is not a good look for her and diminishes herself in hilarious fashion and so, like a child, she curls up in a ball, sticks her fingers in her ears and screeches I Never Said That I Never Said That!....despite having spent years saying those very things.
those words he is using
Inga quote:
From this very website:
Inga said:
"After reading this thread, I think you nutbags are are going to lose whatever marbles you still have left when the Mueller report is made public. I think whoever ends up in the role of President before 2020 might need to declare martial law, until you Cultists get yourselves deprogrammed. Have hope, there might still be a normal life after Trump for you poor souls."
Inga- you are a reliable leftist because you are a dedicated liar.
Describes Minnesota’s Democrat-Farmer-Labor party perfectly.
"a dizzying mash-up of hedonism and piety, angry rebellion and beer-guzzling pursuit of happiness."
A "maturing American subculture"
Did he never watch "The Dukes of Hazzard"? That subculture has been around a long time. It's only since Trump that one can reliably connect it to one side of the political aisle.
"Their walls are made from cannon balls. Their motto is; "Don't tread on me"".
"Nobody knows what Mueller knows!" (Especially Mueller, as it turned out.)
One of my first comments here was critical of La Merkel; Inga replied with something like "Yeah, but Trump!"
She's still like that.
“Cultists get yourselves deprogrammed .” What don’t you understand about me advocating for Trumpists to get THEMSELVES out of the cult. I didn’t say they should be deprogrammed by force. Huge difference you aren’t smart enough to see.
“Mandy Patinkin? Trump is doomed!”
I don’t think Mandy is as popular and influential as he thinks he is.
Oh, Mandy
Well, you came and you talked without impact
And they sent you away
Oh, Mandy
Well, your role as a spy chief
sucked weakly
They won’t need you today
Oh, Mandy
Ha! Good one, Narciso.
Remember, one of the Dead’s songwriters was John Perry Barlow, the ultimate libertarian. Doonesbury’s Zeke Brenner is loosely based on him, the way Uncle Duke is based on HST.
National Socialist Stormtrooperette Inga writes. "I didn't say they should be deprogrammed by force..." And by all means, get yourselves deloused. Hurry, hurry while the water is still warm!
Theresienstadt and Auschwitz, yes, we aren't smart enough to see the difference.
Inga, you've been caught in a flagrant lie, and your wriggling and squirming like a discouraged tapeworm avails you naught.
And I will reiterate, if you are a Trump cultist, it’s not too late for you to open your eyes and see the Cult Leader for what he is. Seek help, none one is irredeemable.
And speaking of rounding people up and putting them in concentration camps…
“JD Vance says mass deportations should 'start with 1 million.”
So how will the million illegal immigrant deportation be deployed? To fly a million people out of the country, they’d have to have massive amounts of planes, trains, buses, and cattle cars available. Or they would have to round them up and hold them in camps first until their number came up?
Inga, once again, shows that a brain is not necessary to post comments.
Same way Adolph Obama deported 2.5 million.
Google: “Obama Has Deported More People Than Any Other President”
You may think it impossible, but Comrade Drago’s mental state is going to get worse still.
When he sees the reaction to his delusional posts, he’s going to become even more delusional. He has crossed the psychological equivalent of the event horizon of a black hole.
"So how will the million illegal immigrant deportation be deployed?"
He answered that question during the hostile interview. However, simce you only read headlines and never understand any of the details, you are left squawking about things already addressed.
I was surprised to hear that Jerry Garcia died back in 1995. I knew kids who dropped everything to follow the Dead around. They may still be doing it for all I know.
What remained was a snapshot of a maturing American subculture, with unwritten conventions rivaling those of Deadheads or Swifties, and a dizzying mash-up of hedonism and piety, angry rebellion and beer-guzzling pursuit of happiness.
That's the kind of vapid caricaturing of political opponents that we could use less of. Reducing NYT writers and readers to a cliche is also easy enough, but such caricaturing doesn't contribute anything to political discourse.
Sadly I agree. I hope there aren’t many more like him out there, but there may be.
The last time Abacus Boy Rich tried playing "guy who knows some space terms" he went off on a rant where he screeched X was dying, Tesla was dying, Optimus robotics was fake, FSD was fake, SpaceX was failing, Starlink was fake...and on and on and on! That was a fun one.
This Boeing Starliner situation, though far too complex for Rich's limited capabilities to fully grasp, has got to be driving Rich around the bend.
“A straight numbers-by-numbers comparison doesn’t provide an accurate picture of what was going on in the administration,” Cecilia Muñoz, who was a top domestic policy adviser to Obama and is now with the left-leaning New America Foundation, said in a phone interview.
She argues that Obama prioritized deporting people convicted of serious crimes and recent arrivals who had no criminal records.
“If you’re not targeting and focused on people who recently arrived, then the border is effectively open,” Muñoz said, adding: “It is more humane to be removing people who have been here two weeks than it is to be removing people who have been here for 20 years and have families.”
Trump, by contrast, she said, has rejected the policy of focusing on new arrivals and criminals and instead wants to deport as many people as possible.
A why is Vance being so closed mouth about details of his “sequential approach”? No wonder he’s being called Shady Vance.
I didn’t say they should be deprogrammed by force.
Notice how she changed what she said. She went from denying it to deprogrammed BY FORCE
We aren't the ones in the cult, liar.
One of the things I love most about all the truth seeping out from behind the New Soviet Democratical wall re: biden et al is how it all puts the lie to every single claim Inga and Rich have made over 2+ years about the state of the candidates, the race, and what the neo-Soviets were actually up to and what they actually were thinking....with ALL of those things accurately described and assessed by the conservative side.
The details were provided along with where the prioities would start.
Because you aren't very bright, you missed it. Again.
The word "impenetrable" comes to mind.
If we simply stopped providing free shit to illegal aliens and enforced existing laws against employing them, they would rapidly deport themselves at no cost to us. We will not do this because Democrats love to subsidize what they view as a new constituency (see, great replacement), and Republican and Democrat politicians both like the downward pressure on wages. This "problem" is both simple and easy to solve, and that's a rare combination. Unfortunately, our so-called political leadership has NO desire to solve it.
Inga has trouble with memory. The Border Patrol has been unable to identify the illegals since Biden and Harris opened the border to the world. We have no idea who those 10 million are.
Nice Try - Soviet Inga. As always - no sale. Force is implied.
pffft- more of your Soviet "dark forces" loyal Soviet mouthpiece crapola.
btw everyone! Don't call Kamala a BITCH., You'll end up on the terrorist watch list.
Hey everyone! Don't call Kamala a bitch. Do NOT call her a BITCH.
Could it just be the case that democrats suck? Don't vote blue no matter who.
Rich is the blackest of holes, devoid of humanity but full of inanity.
And shit…
Would it be uncouth to say "I don't care." You have to start someplace. Deporting as many people WHO ARE IN OUR COUNTRY ILLEGALLY as possible is the policy. The policy is not "Let's do it so its fair to the people who have been breaking the law for a longer period of time." Get the word out. It is no longer legal to be illegally in this country. Time to leave.
Comrade Drago cannot tolerate failure, weakness, or loss of esteem, dominance or attention. Harris' rise—from her celebrity to her crowd size—is causing Drago to decompensate.
Meanwhile, Tom Cruise, Snoop Dog, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Billie Eilesh showed the world what America, or at least Los Angeles, will be presenting at the 2024 Olympics. At least their production values were good. I, for one, look forward to the ultracommercialized celebrity studded 2028 Los Angeles Olympics. And if looking that far ahead makes it easier to ignore the useless noises of this year's political BS, all the more reason to do so.
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