Here's the Fox News story: "Video from Trump assassination attempt victim's POV shows figure moving on roof moments before gunfire/James Copenhaver was shot twice and critically wounded during the assassination attempt against Trump." Copenhaver, we're told, took the video (but he was not taking video at the time he was shot).
१ ऑगस्ट, २०२४
"The discussion revolves around a video showing a person moving on a rooftop near where President Trump was shot, leading to widespread speculation..."
"... that the incident was an inside job. Many users express disbelief that the Secret Service and FBI could have missed the shooter, suggesting intentional negligence or involvement. The video, obtained by Fox News, has fueled further theories and calls for accountability, with some users pointing to additional suspicious activities and connections related to the event. The overall sentiment is one of deep distrust in government and media, with a strong belief that the incident was orchestrated from within the security apparatus."
५० टिप्पण्या:
There’s something else floating around the Internet that supports the inside iob theory — people are asserting online that CNN “never” covers Trump rallies and yet they had a camera crew at a rally in Butler, a modest-sized town way out in the boondocks and not that easy to get to. It’s a sort of a “what did CNN know and when did they know it so why were they even there?” sort of thing. I don’t know. Does CNN regularly send camera crews to Trump rallies, or was this an amazing coincidence? Does anyone know?
I sure hope it wasn’t an inside job.
There was one job. Something that has been examined and planned for all possible scenarios over decades of analysis.
They flunked.
Who was in charge? A DEI, I'd wager.
My theory is that
USSS is spaarse on resources + CNN has superabundant resources = make do = profit
Like the fire department showing up to a three alarm without hoses.
Occam‘s razor says it is incompetence. But the bullshit answers coming from the higher ranks drops seeds of doubt everywhere. One simple question needs to be answered immediately: why was the shooter not dropped immediately on sighting? that SS team should have been immediately isolated from one another after the shooting.
"why was the shooter not dropped immediately on sighting?"
Apparently there was an almost complete lack of communication between the different agencies, so likely each agency thought that Crook was from the other group. I believe it was a combination of extreme incompetence combined with the SS not caring a whole lot if anything did happen to Trump.
Looks like we are back to the problematic comments formatting of the other day. Though it looks like it now works with android phone.
Let's see if this goes through
This to me is more evidence that chaos reigned within the security forces at the rally due to “malign neglect” (yes, “malign” not “benign” – the attitude from the Biden administration that basically amounts to “fuck that asshole Trump for running again; he’ll get what we give him and what happens, happens.”).
So many different law enforcement and Secret Service agents were pulled together at the last minute that no one had a good idea of who was who. If as reported a LEO was to be stationed on the roof the assassin used, then seeing a person up there would be expected. This is also why apparently a counter-sniper team did not kill the assassin – they weren’t sure he wasn’t a LEO. This is also why the security forces did not react to bystanders pointing out the “guy with a gun” on the roof; “that’s a LEO, relax.”
Now if the security forces had a common tactical communication channel on their radios (which apparently they didn’t), the identity of the person could be ascertained. That common channel could also have allowed local LEOs to alert the Secret Service agents to the danger and to get Trump off the stage. But no. Just more “malign neglect.”
Sometimes the discussion revolves around and sometimes it centers on so there's usually some guesswork involved.
Former CIA officer Larry Johnson managed to obtain an uncensored and gory picture of the dead assassin. And it's almost certainly Matthew Yearick, not Crooks. See for yourself.
I think Mr Cornelius states the case pretty well.
While not entirely ruling out the possibility that somebody (foreign or domestic) was grooming Crooks to attempt this, the Secret Service part of the *assassination attempt* (keep repeating that folks, it wasn't just a 'shooting') was planned incompetence. Denying security to RFKjr as well as other threatened individuals like the USSC justices is a clear indication that the Biden regime was using this to drain resources from and manipulate people they find to be threats to their hold on power.
It's despicable, and I'm really tired of Democrats and the usual idiots here bleating about how Trump running for reelection in the manner of all prior Presidential candidates (as opposed to the 'selected, not elected' Democrat nominee) is a 'threat to democracy'.
The DNC/Intel conspired to attempt to destroy Trump’s business and jail him through lawfare.
Occam’s Razor, in my opinion, says this was a deliberate assassination attempt, organized and executed by the same forces through the Secret Service.
Turns out there are almost as many ways to rig a security failure as there are ways to rig an election?
The former itself being a subset of the latter, like censorship or misinformation from “51 intelligence officials.”
rig (verb) = manage or conduct (something) fraudulently so as to produce a result or situation that is advantageous to a particular person.
And no recording of USSS radio comms. And no text messages. Both should exist.
The agent in charge on the ground that day remains unnamed and presumably unquestioned by the Congress. That person is the key to whether it was planned inadequacy, or more sinister
Did the shooter have a plan for getting away after doing the deed? Or was it a suicide mission? If the shooter was a hired CIA assassin, wouldn't there have been an escape plan? And if a paid deed, where's the money?
Inquiring minds want to know.
As enticing as the "it was an inside job" is to embrace by so many (which highlights the overall reduction in institutional faith across the country) it really need not have been to get this result.
You have an extremely monolithic government at the federal level where nearly all of the folks in the various institutions are center/left of center/far left of center/extremely far left of center politically speaking. As a group they dislike the right and despise Trump. This causes at best case not giving a sh*t when it comes to non-lefty "things" to worse case out right "sand in the gears" and intentionally trying to muck things up (see IRS with "extra" scrutiny for right leaning charities). Add on top DEI hires (you were never [on average] getting the best and brightest to start with) and now you are not hiring/promoting for merit but instead for more "hate the right".
With all of this going on, you really don't need a full blown conspiracy with a bunch of back-room planning. Every little drone is doing their part without being instructed. Add up all of these little, independent "f*ck you"s and things are ripe for things like this. Maybe a few hints were dropped to the right people but it does not need to be. The general attitudes and incompetence is enough to open space for things like this to happen.
A top to bottom cleaning is LONG over due. 50% to 75% of existing government departments/projects/three-letter-agencies can be eliminated with the average citizen not even noticing. Not only is the "machine" too large and overly complicated but it is filled with too much sand.
The Secret Service believes there was nothing untoward and is investigating thusly.
That is not how you run an unbiased investigation. It’s a recipe for allowing many “corrections” in the evidence to fit your predetermined conclusion.
The American people have no such bias. That’s why every inconvenient fact appears to be exposing a coverup.
I concur with Yukon. The best thing that could happen is heads start rolling immediately, starting with those in charge on the ground that day all the way up to Mayorkas. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen and distrust will only continue to grow.
typingtalker said...
Did the shooter have a plan for getting away after doing the deed? Or was it a suicide mission? If the shooter was a hired CIA assassin, wouldn't there have been an escape plan? And if a paid deed, where's the money?
Inquiring minds want to know.
8/1/24, 6:03 AM
He had a plan....
Occam’s razor points to Hanlon’s razor.
Disregard my 524 comment.
Blogger seems back to normal again 2 hours later.
Still form my Android phone.
Very strange
John Henry
According to the post Gazette article cited above, Senator Johnson of Wisconsin said “… sniper teams received pictures of Crooks and knew he was at the building from where he shot the president, and that the sniper teams did not use the radios they were given by local law enforcement.“ that there is grounds for a trial.
I have read that the new acting head of USSS was formerly in charge of the protective services. Which means by the "The buck stops here" the man in charge of this horrible cluster is now in charge of the agency and investigating himself.
You think that doesn't give people doubt? If they had any brains or integrity at all they'd have said "Appoint someone independent to investigate this!", but noooo...
we Already Knew that the Secret Service KNEW there was a threat, and let Trump go on anyway.
The ONLY REMAINING QUESTION IS: was the Secret Service THAT THREAT? or was the FBI acting alone?
I won’t rule out the team in place that day was incompetent, but I’m also not ruling out that they were intentionally incompetent and given rules that made them ineffective. I start with Democrats in Congress that were calling for them not to be there and were denying such protection to others such as RFK Jr. They didn’t want competition in the Primary and they didn’t want competition in the General.
As for the video, if a person can be seen from the ground running on a roof and taking position for 18 seconds, what does it take to get the agents to respond? There are other things than shooting that can be done, not least of all is getting on the stage and putting yourself between the suspicious activity and the protectee. That is why you stand with your back to the protectee and scan the crowd to be prepared to act. They didn’t act until afterwards. We start at incompetence.
Valentine Smith said...
One simple question needs to be answered immediately: why was the shooter not dropped immediately on sighting?
NOPE! the One Simple Question needing to be answered immediately is: WHY DID THEY ALLOW TRUMP ON STAGE?
as to CNN.. They didn't Just "have cameras there".. They were LIVE STREAMING IT.. As was MSNBC
there's other video, of MANY LEOs (in cars and trucks) coming and SURROUNDING the shooter's building. In that video, on the audio you can hear Trump speaking (because this was BEFORE the shooting). That video continues right up to and through the shooting. As i say, that video shows that law enforcement KNEW there was a threat, and was surrounding it..
DURING THAT WHOLE TIME.. Trump CONTINUED speaking.. And the Secret Service NEVER thought to tell him
It should be kept in mind that so far, the feds have not produced any evidence that Crooks did any shooting apart from a local LEO telling a USSS guy there were five casings on the roof with Crooks' body, later changed to eight. And a quick look even suggests they weren't where an AR would have ejected them to.
No forensic evidence, no bullet matches, no firearm info, no video of his gun firing, no witnesses saying he was firing, nothing.
And, based on the video available so far, the angle of Trump's head as he was struck does not appear to have his right ear available to Crook's position; it would have more likely been the left one.
There was a lot more shooting than that which was described, as Crooks could not possibly have shot all of the people and things struck in the timeline.
Much like those masks you wore to ward off that wet-market virus while you were distancing six feet, there ought not to be a single word from these people about what happened that day that you should take as true.
Bear with me a minute to lay a foundation:
In business personnel headcount is referred to as "FTE" - Full Time Equivalent. It is assumed that 1.0 people = 1.0 FTE, but in some endeavors, out "where the rubber meets the road" fractions rear their ugly head.
I don't know if anyone is still doing it this way, but some years back in the early years of field tech support - the people who go wherever the system is to maintain and fix it - we dealt with fractional FTEs. Installed inventory - what type of equipment, what size equipment, how complex was the equipment or system - was analyzed to arrive at "support territory workload" figures. Theoretically, a 1.0 workload could be successfully managed by a 1.0 FTE.
In actuality, some of those support territory workoads broke out into larger or smaller than 1.0, and individual techs performed at >1.0 and <1.0. The Ajax Company may have enough equipment to be a 1.25 workload, but people don't come in fractions, so 1.0 people would be assigned to support Ajax. And remember that "installed volume" alone is only one component, the complexity of the installed inventory is a very big factors.
Fortunately, some people excel at their jobs so you may have a 1.3 person on staff; matching him or her to Ajax is the goal. Occasionally, all that's available is .8 or .9 people so you scramble to organize support responsibilities to allow some overlap between a pair of .85s or .9s and add the training necessary to help them work together. No matter how much training you add, however, does not change the fact that at base you're working with 2X .85s. Ideally, you structure your assignments so a .85 tech carries a .8 - .9 workload territory. Some days that tech will get swamped, but temporarily rotating in another >1.0 or "almost 1.0" for a day or so is quite doable.
Most of the time that works, but a sudden demand increase that puts 1.0 to 1.4 workloads on those two .8s kills you. Acme Inc may build a branch office across the street from Ajax and geographically that makes a 1.5 workload. In a perfect world you have a Joe or Jane who performs at 1.8 - the "walk on water" employee we cherished - and you change support territory assignments to accommodate the new conditons.
Plug that 1.5 performing Joe or Jane into a <1.0 support territory will quickly lead to skill atrophy; put them in a 2.3 support environment and the frustration will drive them to your competitor, so you have the challenging burden of keeping the workload reasonably balanced to the indivdual.
I suspect the Secret Service, like everyone else, has a mix of .7s to 1.4s on staff. If all the 1.4s are occupied elsewhere you have no choice but to assign a group of .7s to 1.0s to a task. Unfortunately, skills are not additive - two .7s do not equal one 1.4, but government is incapable of differentiating between individual's capabilities - both must be counted as 1.0s because anything else is "discriminatory." A 1.4 will see the barest hint of a condition and very quickly identify the entire condition; neither .7 will see that because of the skills gap.
I'll suggest that the Secret Service either did not have any 1.0s or greater to assign to the Butler rally or deliberately did not assign any. Whether that is a shortcoming on the part of SS management responsible for the event - managers can be .7s or 1.4s just like the lower level employees, and are judged - or benefited - by the same "discriminatory" boundaries - or a fault with the entire system - corrupt/politically influenced employees or a corrupt/political operational system - is something Congress needs to determine PDQ.
gilbar said:
“the One Simple Question needing to be answered immediately is: WHY DID THEY ALLOW TRUMP ON STAGE?”
It takes zero training to know your immediate response would be to stop the event and get Trump off the stage. That’s. Occam’s Razor. That’s the simplest, easiest, most effective action that would have saved the life of Comperatore, as well as insured that Pres. Trump survived.
And that wasn’t done.
This will remain a mystery wrapped in an enigma — unless Trump is elected in November. If he is, there will be a stampede of snitches.
It seems that their incompetence in providing protection on that day is now matched by their incompetence in conducting the investigation of that incompetence. As is said in a different context, it's turtles all the way down.....As someone noted above, the fall guy should definitely be the person who was in charge that day. The fact that that person has not been named and is not publicly answering questions raises suspicions.....I've heard it said that the reason no one was stationed on the roof was because it was a hot day and the person assigned there decided it would be more effective to go somewhere and sit in the shade. I don't know if that's true, but that's generally how these things happen. If the government fucks up on so many different occasions and on so many different levels, it's hard to be believe that they engineered such an elaborate plot. You can't use Occam's razor to fashion a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
gilbar said...
Valentine Smith said...
One simple question needs to be answered immediately: why was the shooter not dropped immediately on sighting?
NOPE! the One Simple Question needing to be answered immediately is: WHY DID THEY ALLOW TRUMP ON STAGE?
as to CNN.. They didn't Just "have cameras there".. They were LIVE STREAMING IT.. As was MSNBC
8/1/24, 7:16 AM
And that is the strangest thing of all. Almost like CNN just happening to be at Roger Stones house before dawn catching the FBI raid that nobody knew about.
Why wasn’t Crooks shot earlier? Simplest explanation:
You won’t go to jail for not shooting him.
If you shoot him and you’re “reasonable but wrong,” ie all the info you had pointed to him being an imminent threat, and any reasonable person would agree with you, but it turned out in the end he wasn’t, you’ll go to jail.
In this day/age, even if you’re “reasonable and right,” you may still go to jail.
Until these perverse incentives for police inaction get corrected, presidents will join the thousands of other Americans each year who get shot because the police are afraid to confront the shooters.
Trump should run on that.
The shooter murdered someone in the crowd.
Media 100% silent.
The SS sniper took the Trump-shooter out in mere seconds. Good thing - gotta kill the evidence of the paid patsy.
Just as with Dems and the 2020 election, doesn't the SS realize their words and lack of actions since July 13 are only increasing suspicion of bad intent? Do they really believe they can wait until after the election to explain to us what happened?
CNN was probably there in case Trump announced his VP pick early. Wasn't it the last rally before the RNC began?
Someone here? posted a X video from Cory Mills? from the 2nd story window overlooking Crooks' perch. Why was no one there, if the roof was too hot? Why did Crooks believe he could walk around right under the window?
I had thought the bleachers blocked most of the roof's line of sight to Trump. Perhaps the angle to Trump's head was different from this video.
The "inside job" hypothesis has far more working parts than we can quickly investigate. I'm skeptical, because Crooks was an unlikely tool for such an enterprise, but that isn't dispositive.
Perhaps we can take baby steps and focus on whether there was an accomplice. The sophistication and planning (drone, ladder, bicycle, bomb, scrubbing of social media, etc) suggest to me the presence of an assistant or co-conspirator. If we can resolve that issue, we will go far toward resolving the larger question.
Did they ever resolve the issues around a white van with Arizona plates towed from the scene?
The things that are making people go hmmm and question whether it was an inside job include CNN coverage when purportedly CNN has not covered any other Trump rally in 2024 and reports of large short trades on Trump’s social media company and on stock indexes that were placed on Friday before the shooting and then closed on the following Monday.
Just watched the video. Good God, he was so fucking close to Trump and with a clear shot! Someone needs to get fired over this. No one has ever explained why some LEO wasn't posted on the roof, or a barrier put up.
BTW, the then SS Director was a friend Jill. The now acting SS director was a Democrat staffer on Joe Biden's Judiciary committee. Supposedly, the acting SS director was the one who refused to provide Trump with more SS agents. BTW, does RFK have SS protection yet?
@Unknown #4B Jr--
Will this be on the test?
Malicious indifference by Mayorkas and his subordinates made Trump's rallies far less secure than they needed to be. I am 100% certain that Cheatle's and Mayorkas' thought process was, "Fuck Trump- we will do the minimum amount of protection we can plausibly get away with and if he gets shot, he gets shot- C'est la vie." I also can't discount the possibility that some of personnel assigned to Trump weren't assigned because they were known to be anti-Trump and might well do little or nothing to protect him when a threat arose.
I don't believe the conspiracy theories, however, the way shit looks, I can completely understand why many of you think it's a conspiracy.
Howard, you are starting to make sense again. Be careful crossing streets after this until you can get back to the talking points.
To me, there were far too many incompetencies and ignoring basic security protocols to believe this was just an Oops. I am certain that parts of the government intentionally allowed this to happen. My only question now is to what extent the government was involved in preparing this guy to do it.
That makes me sad. It also makes me sad that a good chunk of the populace are fine with this. (Not to mention very angry)
No one has ever explained why some LEO wasn't posted on the roof, or a barrier put up.
Aside from that, there were two snipers on the roof behind Trump to his right, facing directly at the shooter. Have we heard from them? If not, why not? What were their ROEs? Why didn't they communicate to the agents with Trump to get him off the stage? Basic questions.
It saddens me that I am not willing to discount the possibility that someone in the Biden administration set Trump up. Demonize the target. Reduce the security. Fortunately, it's a one-off unless they are even more brazen than I think.
This may be an example of the stochastic terrorism the left keeps accusing Trump of, where you set up the opportunity for bad things to happen. Understaff the detail. Send inexperienced help. Don't coordinate with the LEOs. Refuse offered help. Fail to exercise caution when there was a question about a potential actor. All those are true about this event, from what we can tell because FBI/SS are stonewalling on questions, refusing to produce or identify those directly in charge and involved, deleting all recordings and texts and just acting indignant that anybody would question them. No wonder people are suspicious.
The Organs are investigating, and will conclude that The Organs did nothing wrong.
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