"... indeed, many parents of neurodivergent children have been harmful to their children and peddled harmful ideas, including the idea that vaccines cause autism. Rather, what makes the Walz family’s story so reassuring is that they seem to want to help Gus live a good life rather than change who he is.
According to the Child Mind Institute, nonverbal learning disorder, or NVLD, affects nonverbal forms of learning like the ability to notice patterns or learn concepts, including visual and social patterns as well as concepts in language and math. Because of the similar traits, people with NVLD are often confused as being on the autism spectrum and vice versa. Most recently, comedian Chris Rock disclosed that he received a diagnosis after a friend initially thought he might be somewhere on the autism spectrum...."
"What anxious parents of neurodivergent children can learn from Tim and Gwen Walz/The Walzes’ words and their embrace of their son may seem utterly unremarkable. But that’s the point" (MSNBC).
८१ टिप्पण्या:
My brother has an autistic son, but that doesn't mean he should be vice president.
They make a good complement with both belonging to the assassin targeting club. They both put their lives on the line for doing the right thing.
RFKjr would make a perfect CIA Director.
So the democrats are going to pretend that they don't normally encourage parents to abort a child like Gus.
indeed, many parents of neurodivergent children have been harmful to their children and peddled harmful ideas, including the idea that vaccines cause autism.
My son is "neurodivergent". Somewhere on the spectrum. I am appalled at America's lack of interest in finding the root cause to the autism spike. Maybe it not the vaccine cocktail. But to rule in out, without taking a serious look at the cocktail is bullshit. They have NEVER studied the cocktail. And the amount of crap injected into Generation Z, and their Generation X parents is significant.
Eliminating the vaccine cocktail without serious study is a moronic "harmful idea." In fact, it's evil.
Please just spare us. BTW, how many children does Harris have? Or was she too concerned about getting ahead and conducting affairs with married men?
many parents of neurodivergent children have been harmful to their children and peddled harmful ideas, including the idea that vaccines cause autism
Was it proven 'vaccines' don't cause autism, or are harmful to children in other ways? Where's that science, or is it just politics?
Rather, what makes the Walz family’s story so reassuring is that they seem to want to help Gus live a good life rather than change who he is.
Of course they want him to live a good life. They CAN'T change who he is. I can't change my son either.
But it's ok if I hope/wish/pray this doesn't happen to other kids.
Western Medicine can cure erectile dysfunction. It can break the Nuremberg code by pushing and mRNA clot shot. But...nobody at a University or in big pharma can figure out the cause of the Autism spike? Bullshit.
It's money driven. Just like the processed food that makes American fat, causes type II diabetes, which is a money maker for pharma just like the vaccines.
Part of the problem right off the bat is they like to lump all vaccines together, as if they are one and the same...
Because of the similar traits, people with NVLD are often confused as being on the autism spectrum and vice versa. Most recently, comedian Chris Rock disclosed that he received a diagnosis after a friend initially thought he might be somewhere on the autism spectrum...."
Great. NLVD has nothing to do with autism. So why does MSNBC include the line about "harmful ideas, including the idea that vaccines cause autism"? Just to take a jab at anyone who didn't get in line for the experimental clot shot in exchange for a burger and fries?? Article is not about autism, correct?
They're just throwing darts. Assholes.
Waltz is to be praised for the way he is raising his neurodivergent child. It’s the way he will govern our diverse nation, with love and joy which will propel us to exceed and lift up the least of us. Or maybe the media just doesn’t want to talk about his record.
because its msnbc, home of the loonies, like the assasination deniers, the multiple mask coven et al,
We have no idea what is causing these babies to be born without arms, fingers, and toes, but we do know its not the thalidomide. Thalidomide is safe and effective.
yes he's a totally compromised (lesuo) candidate in Xi's thrall,
"what makes the Walz family’s story so reassuring is that they seem to want to help Gus live a good life rather than change who he is" Doesn't take much to reassure Dems who want to celebrate Dems so that Dems can achieve power, does it? And an "excellent son" to boot!
Is it becoming slightly deplorable in lib circles to have a "normal" (sorry) non-depressed non-anorexic non-anxious non-divergent non-trans non-tattooed kid?
"America's lack of interest in finding the root cause to the autism spike"
Is it a lack of interest or a lack of thinking of it as a spike? My understanding (and humbly stated as I could be quite wrong) is it's a diagnosis spike. In past eras, neurodivergent people were around but could exist within their own framing of life in ways that we can't now in a more positive sense, or in a more negative sense likely were treated extremely poorly. I had a great uncle who almost certainly was neurodivergent, was an Air Force officer in WW2, and became a sod farmer in eastern Los Angeles county (from a family of farmers) and was always... odd. Every family has someone like that they know, I think. It just wasn't ever given a label besides "eccentric" if they were wealthy or "odd" if they weren't.
I also think of someone like Nikola Tesla, or so many other famous geniuses in art or science or scholarship or so much else. But no doubt there were many, many more who weren't famous and many who sadly suffered in life because society didn't know how to respond to them.
Well, if you are going to govern progressives you had better be good at governing the autistic.
we think we haven'e forgotten how they treated the Palin children 16 years ago
knock off film
yes everyone became adhd, and with peanut allergies and every kind of allergy, lets grow up here,
"...The Walzes’ words and their embrace of their son may seem utterly unremarkable. But that’s the point." Well... I partly agree - Walz is utterly unremarkable. But his words, his spoken record. Now, that's not unremarkable - in fact it's highly worthy of inspection and comment. Too bad he can't hide it.
He’s been ass raping the kid all his life so he shut down. 75% that’s true. I get a huge child molester vibe out of Walz.
It's sooo reassuring the Walz's aren't narrative divergent.
Paddy O
Is it a lack of interest or a lack of thinking of it as a spike?
If you live with someone on the spectrum, it is hard to look back your life, and think of the special needs kids you know in school that seem the same as kids/people on the autism spectrum. It's definatly a spectrum with many levels and variation of severity.
But there are common traits. Verbal social anxiety. Avolition. Sensitivity to textures. Severe resistance to change.
I don't believe it is just a diagnosis expansion. The numbers are too big. Plus, saying it's just a diagnosis expansion excuses the lack of interest in a root cause investigation.
Then society can just say, "autism existed before vaccines, we just didn't know how to diagnose it; therefore it can't be the vaccine cocktail. Waste of time to even look.
Generation X became a go along to get along generation after college, and especially during the McMansion boom, and introduction of social media. Generation X doesn't want to rock the boat. Saddest part is it's our kids and grandkids most affected. I say it's a lack of interest motivated by self-preservation.
I get a huge child molester vibe out of Walz.
Walz is definitely a strange guy. Expecially the over the top, exaggerated enthusiasm and gestures. If he's at the same tavern as you, he's the type of dude that makes you settle your tab and go to the pub next door.
Look at what the military people who served with him have said. Even the chaplain.
I'm sure that the Walz's were good parents and credit to them for that. I got the sense though that Walz was taking note of his son's disability not to increase tolerance for such disabilities but to increase his own political advantage. I think part of the strategy was hoping that some Republican would make a cruel comment, and they could use that comment to further maximize the political advantage. There's something manipulative about this.
we know no such thing, we know hes a shirker, an enabler of degenerates a gun grabber, a tool of China,
What does "neurodivergent" mean?
Yes, it refers to a person with mental functions that differ from everybody else. We are all unique, so have unique mental functions. People often use it as a sophisticated way of saying they are quirky or odd. Those cat ladies that JD Vance talks about, aren't weird, they are neurodivergent. So are incels.
Sometimes, neurodivergent means that someone is on the autistic spectrum. Other times, it doesn't. It's a word that doesn't inform.
It's always unpleasant when politicians use their children as political props. The MSNBC article is doing exactly that.
"Simply having a neurodivergent son is not enough reason for him to be praised"
The implication is that it clearly is a reason to praise Walz. The article leans heavily on how parents often treat neurodivergent children like shit. The specific example cited is how Paris Hilton, as a 16 year-old with a fabulously wealthy family, was treated thirty years ago. Yeah, that's relatable.
The MSNBC article and the People Magazine piece focus on Walz's son, but don't talk about any medication or techniques to mitigate the boy's learning disability. As a teacher, I read this as, "Our son is perfect just as he is, so the world has to adapt to him."
Neuroliberal including abortionists, Diversitists, transgender spectrum (e.g. homosexual), authoritarian, Dr. Levine/Mengele, etc.
Will their excellent son turn 18 in time to vote in this election? Here are the pertinent voter eligibility rules in Minnesota:
"Court Restrictions
As long as a judge did not restrict your right to vote through court order, you have the right to vote when:
you are under guardianship
you are under conservatorship
you gave someone power of attorney
you have a brain injury
you have a developmental disability
you have a cognitive impairment
you experience memory loss
No one else can make this decision on your behalf, including a spouse, children, attorneys, caregivers, doctors or nurses."
Works like the rules in Wisconsin. PA doesn't restrict eligibility even if you have a cognitive impairment.
Before they get into plying your emotions in favor of Tim Walz, the narrative machine wants to be sure your newfound sympathies don't spill over onto the wrong people. They want you to remember to loath and revile those wreckers, those peddlers, those wrongthinkers and their harmful ideas.
including the idea that vaccines cause autism
A basket full of neurological symptoms. They can, through inflammatory insults, adjuvant toxicity, mRNA propagation, which is why their administration is moderated and distributed, especially in young children.
Why is the 17-year-old son being made fodder for the news?
Em-pathetic/sym-pathetic appeals are a well established mode of damage control and diversion in Democratic politics.
Walz has a neodivergent child? Well then, by all means, let's all vote for Soviet-style communism.
“Those people,” Fred Trump said his uncle told him, “the shape they’re in, all the expenses, maybe those kinds of people should just die.”
“On another occasion, Fred Trump said he reached out to his uncle to ask for help with a medical fund that the family had set up for his son that was running low. After explaining the situation, Fred Trump recounts that the former president told him “I don’t know,” then let out a sigh and said, “He doesn’t recognize you. Maybe you should just let him die and move down to Florida.”
Who is making him fodder? Not Walz. I had no idea Walz’s son had this condition before last night.
You’re fucked up toots.
After what you said at 11:05 AM, I’d say you need to take a look in the mirror. Be careful, it may crack and shatter.
The camera cut to him when Walz was speaking and referring to his daughter and son and, well, the boy ain't right. I guess that needed explanation.
If they want to do the kid a favor they would get rid of his bowl cut which gives him an unfortunate Simple Jack look.
"... he's an excellent son." No doubt. However, he's also a child.
So OK to discuss the minor child son of the VP candidate, but not OK to bring up the adult son of the sitting President? Just trying to keep up with the rules as of this afternoon, they keep changing.
"Part of the problem right off the bat is they like to lump all vaccines together, as if they are one and the same...".
In an important way, they are. Most vaccines contain an "adjuvant", a substance intended to "stimulate" the immune system, to increase the immune response to the target. But it may also stimulate immune response to anything else that happens to be around. Further, common adjuvants contain aluminum, in a chemically active form. Chemically active aluminum was non-existent for almost all of human history, and it would hardly be surprising if injecting it directly into the body has dangerous effects.
THE FACTS: About 1 in 68 school-aged children has autism or related disorders.
“Melania’s main job has always been caring for Barron, and I think she may follow him wherever he goes to school. Barron is shy and reserved, and she has been a good mother to him for his years,” an unnamed source said.
So Barron has some form of autism or Melania is weird if she follows her 18-year-old to college.
On the other hand, the Walz family is open and proud of their son Gus, despite his ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions.
Greta Thunberg says her autism is her superpower too, so I'm not sure that's really a good thing.
Well if the parents tell you their son is excellent, then he must be. Why is it then that leftist mock Trump when he says such things about his children?
"Neurodivergent" isn't anything like "weird," is it?
Just want to make sure I understand the rules.
Even for you, Gadfly, that is pretty damned pathetic.
Do (did) walz' kids go to public or private school?
John Henry
We all have our trials and tribulations don't we?
Walz also has a Stolen Valor issue that doesn't have such a great tug at the heartstrings.
This must be part of the counter-offensive. Yes I'm that cynical. I lived through the Clinton saga(s). It was fun watching the swim move Bill employed to deflect having sex with an intern. Even more fun watching Hillary stand by her man.
an "unnamed source" thinks she may follow him wherever he goes. That's some thin soup. TDS doesn't need much to make a thought an absolute fact.
Looks like Russia Russia Russia Inga has her newest hoax to push with that hilariously transparent BS about Trump and the neuro-divergent.
Funny how all those lies (Stephanie Grisham, Cassidy Hutchinson, Vindman, the list is endless) get launched at just the right time in coordination with book sales (planned months and months in advance) and New Soviet Democraticals narrative building and wrap up smears with legacy media.
I have run across so many people claiming to be neurodivergent, I have to ask: if most of us are neurodivergent, what are we diverging from?
How did the press treat Trip Palin? Does anyone remember?
Using their disabled kid like true politicians do.
These comments are why Republicans are going to lose this election. I didn’t know until yesterday that Tim Walz’s son was “Neurodivergent.” It’s being discussed today because too many Republicans mocked Walz’s son for crying during his father’s speech. Y’all made fun of the “different” kid, and are now doubling down on your awfulness. Not a good look. This is how elections are lost.
Sigh- there was exactly one comment in this entire thread done in bad taste. So, what the fuck are you talking about?
Tim Walz has no problem calling people weird. Does Tim call his son weird?
She has three step children. Two from Doug’s first wife and the third from The Nanny.
Neurodiverse is more accurate and appropriate. Having to see your child struggle is about as tough as it gets. Hang in there, Gusty. Your frustration, putting it mildly, is completely understandable. I wish you and your son the best.
Well, Chris...do you have PROOF that Dems "normally encourage parents to abort (children) like Gus"?
Andrew Sullivan was the most vile, and the MSM piled on willingly. Absolutely disgusting.
Obsessed: preoccupy or fill the mind continually, intrusively, and to a troubling extent.
Concern troll says what?
Fathers a commie stooge thats all i Need to know
"It’s being discussed today because too many Republicans mocked Walz’s son for crying during his father’s speech."
And yet, here in this cesspit of horrible deplorables not one single comment does that.
One who mutilates children and lets cities burn
Shorter Inga: "Look! A squirrel!"
just to be CLEAR..
didn't we cover this yesterday?
“love alone cannot justify all things.”...
Waltz KNEW that his son Might have difficulties in life..
And yet INSISTED on NOT following reason and aborting this fetus
Only a MONSTER would insist on FORCING a fetus to term, when that fetus MIGHT (possibly (maybe (might))) have sadness and sorrow
What's a vaccine?
A giant squirrel with mounts
Robert Cook
"Well, Chris...do you have PROOF that Dems "normally encourage parents to abort (children) like Gus"? "
Proof has never been a big deal among the Know Nothings. Ever wonder why so few members of The Althouse community ever link to anything.
Imagine posting the things some of you are posting and thinking anyone's impressed by you trying to flex on a neurodivergent kid.
Watching him shake his wife's hand, then awkwardly try to hug her...
A lot of the people around him say this. He is clearly creepy as well as cowardly and dishonest about pretty much everything.
I think it was Iceland that celebrated eliminated Downs syndrome.
Guess how they did it.
Democrats just tried to kill Trump.
Inga is a terrible person who supports murdering her political opponents.
donald said...
He’s been ass raping the kid all his life so he shut down. 75% that’s true. I get a huge child molester vibe out of Walz.
8/22/24, 11:05 AM
Rabel said…
The camera cut to him when Walz was speaking and referring to his daughter and son and, well, the boy ain't right. I guess that needed explanation.
If they want to do the kid a favor they would get rid of his bowl cut which gives him an unfortunate Simple Jack look.
8/22/24, 12:50 PM
I guess "Neurodivergent" just means a little weird. My stepdaughter was neurodivergent. She overcame that, and is now a very productive adult. No worries.
Like I wrote, Inga- one comment about the kid that was out of bounds. Comments about the father don't count since Tampon Tim is fair game.
Imagine constructing a strawman, Rich, and think anyone is impressed or convinced by it?
Well. The "proof" Mutaman, is who is pushing for abortion ? It ain't conservatives. If you guys just keep you dicks in your pants or at least use a condom then we wouldn't have this problem. I hope , at least, you pony up the money for the scraping. Cheapskates.
Speaking of Abortion.......
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