August 24, 2024

"One of the joys of my life in the social churn of New York is living with a son whose inability to read the room makes him incapable of telling anything but the truth."

"Once, as my husband, Harry Evans, and I left a pretentious social gathering in the Hamptons, Georgie told the host sunnily: 'Thank you very much. No one spoke to me really, so it was a very boring evening. The food was OK. I doubt I will come again.' 'I have never been prouder of you in my life!' shouted my husband in the car. How many times have all of us wanted to say that as we gushed about the fabulous time we just hadn’t had? Then there was the moment he went up to Anna Wintour at one of my book parties and asked if she was Camilla Parker Bowles. And the time at the intake meeting for a supported work program, when the therapist asked Georgie, 'Has anyone ever molested you?' 'Unfortunately not,' he replied. Georgie teaches me every day how much we depend on social lies to make the world go round...."

Writes Tina Brown, in "My Son and Gus Walz Deserve a Champion Like Tim Walz" (NYT)(free-access link).

Tina Brown, the famous author and editor, is the mother of "Georgie, a 38-year-old on the spectrum who still lives with me." She "recognized" Tim Walz's son Gus as "one of 'ours,' a sweet, unfiltered, slightly bewildered-looking young man who wasn’t quite sure what was expected of him in this epic moment of political adulation."

Imagine going to posh parties filled with celebrities at the Anna Wintour level and bringing along a 38-year-old man who does not — and seemingly cannot — refrain from saying insulting things to people. It's like being inside a Marx Brothers movie and forbidden to laugh. 


Mary Beth said...

Her son is bored at the parties. Why bring him along? Does she need a plus one that badly? I get not being able to read a room. Imagine not being able to read your own child.

Cacimbo said...

I remember when Sarah Palin was trashed for having a son with Down's syndrome. Anything Democrats do is just so cool and caring. UGH.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

Ah yes, Tim Walz -- champion of truth-tellers everywhere.

Kate said...

This is how people think of the neurodivergent. It's about boys and how they react. Girls exhibit a very different social face. They're not going to inadvertently insult the hostess. They're not going to draw attention to themselves at all.

If we must now discuss people on-spectrum, then let's have the full discussion. Parents extolling their charming, truth-telling boys has been fun. Move on.

pious agnostic said...

Four comments in, and we're already making this about girls. I suppose that's a record for restraint.

Leland said...

Tim Walz is the champion that kept schools closed far longer than they needed to be and sent the National Guard not when looters were destroying businesses, but to shoot paintballs at homeowners standing on their porch on a nice summer evening. That's Tim Walz and what he champions.

Achilles said...

So the lying stolen valor scum bag is still on the ticket even after everyone knows he is a stolen valor POS.

Time Walz tried to use his stolen valor to take our second amendment rights which is what actual veterans fought and died for. Tim Walz tried to use his stolen valor to push for censorship.

Tim Walz is a reprehensible human being and anyone who supports him is just a pure piece of crap.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

The nice thing about being a neurodivergent male is it's okay to be a compulsive masturbator.

rhhardin said...

"Best day of my life," says boy molested by teacher.

narciso said...

pepperidge farms remembers, also remember the witch sally quinn, it's not an insult it's what she calls herself, she admits she hexed her lover and boss to death,

Peachy said...

Exactly - Sarah Palin trashed for having children... and children with special needs. F the left.

Peachy said...

Tim Walz is a super hero! Come worship.

narciso said...

they don't want normal men, they want neurotic freaks,

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

She won't find anyone better qualified to teach her son the art of lying.

narciso said...

for us, history didn't start last week or last year,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Where were all these articles when the Left was making fun of Trig Palin? No matter how much they try to "normalize" Walz and satisfy their party's daddy issues, the facts of this guy's career are overwhelmingly negative:
1. Has lied for years and continues to lie about the rank he held when he retired.
2. Was a lockdown tyrant during COVID and ordered police to shoot paintballs at residents who dared to sit on their own porches in violation of his illegal "orders" but...
3. Allowed BLM rioters to burn his city (while Kamala bailed the rioters out of jail) in violation of his own orders to stay at home.
4. Oversaw the installation of tampon dispensers in every restroom in the state of MN, yes including boy's restrooms while overseeing the sharpest decline in test scores and reading comprehension ever seen.
5. Precipitated exodus of residents and businesses fleeing his tyrannical "leadership" and huge tax increases he unironically called "The Minnesota Miracle."
6. Because he's a commie (honeymooned in Red China and visited it 17 times as governor) he taught his high school students that "Communism is just sharing with your neighbor" (they always leave out the part "until he runs out of money to share with you").
7. Because he's a habitual political liar, he falsely claimed to have fathered children via IVF just to pounce on Republican "opposition" to IVF (which isn't even a real belief among my side but whatever). He only admitted the truth last week after his wife spilled the beans and said plainly "I never underwent IVF treatment."

No need to even recount the dozens of times he's claimed combat experience and deployment to Afghanistan and all the lies he's told about his sudden retirement from the guard. But if he's so proud of that record, why does he have to embellish it and falsify it?

M Jordan said...

I’m starting to believe those numbers showing liberal women in particular and liberals in general have a much higher rate of mental illness than the rest of the population. Actually I lied: I’ve always believed that.

Wince said...

Wasn't the viral take-away from the DNC appearance Walz's display of impatient physical aggressiveness toward his son, Gus?

Captioned: "Walz would like to jerk all of us around like we were Gus."

reader said...

It’s all ok. Unless you are really really smart and wear a bowling shirt with pinup girls on at while landing a robot on a comet (?). Then your social awkwardness is unforgivable. Maybe it would have been ok if they were trans women on his shirt?

I just want the same set of rules.

narciso said...

it is a mental disorder a brain parasitism

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Right on

narciso said...

not to mention his reverse brag because vance made it to ohio state then yale law,

Mike Petrik said...

Exactly. Poor chicks.

narciso said...

Harold Evans helped make the UK into the neurotic hell hole it is now,

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Cmon man Inga already explained why that was good jerk, a loving jerk, a necessary jerk.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...


Aggie said...

"Georgie teaches me every day how much we depend on social lies to make the world go round...." "My Son and Gus Walz Deserve a Champion Like Tim Walz" .

Just sitting here, sipping my coffee, and gazing at the juxtaposition of those two phrases, by the woman who, being completely clueless completely and unaware, publicly admires her son's cognitive shortcomings, unironically.

John henry said...


Good list but you left out that he got fired from his coaching/teaching job for drunk driving.

He got another teaching job in another county but the conviction prevented him from coaching.

Yet he still calls himself "coach"

That's your cue, Inga. Take it away!

John Henry


Tomcc said...

Really, only the best people have neurodivergent children. Celebrate neurodiversity!

Randomizer said...

Tina Brown brings her son along because she is bored at parties. What fun to bring a loose cannon to an engagement knowing that no one can fire back. Brown and her husband are so delighted to have this social weapon, that her husband praises their son, and Brown tells us about it.

I don't know Brown's son, but after teaching for 25 years, have had plenty of students on the spectrum. They are not idiots. They have trouble figuring out social conventions, but can understand if the time is taken to explain.

That's the problem I have with Tina Brown and Tim Walz. They seem to enjoy how virtuous they look with a neurodivergent child. Helping their children adapt to the world isn't nearly as fun as demanding that the world adapt to their children.

Peachy said...

Tim Walz was a Covid nazi.
Gus = his kid. What does his kid have to do with anything? Oh yeah - the emotional driven BS love affair between Democrats and the media.

narciso said...

Tina is like norma desmond, once upon a time, she was relevant to some one,

narciso said...

ah yes the Wildman of radio, who has become a shut in greater than howard hughes,

RMc said...

You don't understand the thought process of the left. Palin was a Republican, and was therefore evil, so her children, including the one with special needs, are also evil. Fruit, tree.

narciso said...

I was speaking of Howard Stern, also jesters like Jimmy Kimmel

Jamie said...

What is the deal about being "proud" of people for doing what they are simply ordinarily inclined to do?

And at what point is this person's son going to announce to one of those tony hostesses, "Last time I was here, my parents spent the whole drive home complaining about what a b*tch you are"?

Compulsive truth-telling is not a virtue. It's a compulsion. The son is doing what he can't help. Friends of ours whose son was diagnosed with Asperger's back when that was a thing expended huge amounts of time, effort, and money on therapy to help their son control his urge to say aloud whatever was in his head (as anyone who knows such a kid can tell you, the sexual or violent thoughts of a teenage boy in the throes of his first real wash of testosterone may come right on out). Now he's 30, and although it's quickly apparent that he is neurodivergent, he doesn't embarrass himself or his friends or loved ones by blurting out whatever is at the top of mind.

I am (and my kids are) fortunate that none of my kids has a disability, but I believe I can understand the desire to make lemonade out of whatever lemons you're given - the desire to find something to celebrate in a condition that's going to make your child's life inordinately difficult. It's like that progressive suggestion from decades ago to rebrand "disabled" as "handicapable," which to me is much more false advertising that "differently abled."

Bill, Republic of Texas said...

I wonder why Althouse didn't include that video of Waltz violently jerking his boy around while Waltz had a look of utter hatred on his face. You know he has physically abused that child over the years. The video must be a cheap fake.

Sally327 said...

Geesh, and here I was thinking that whole scene with Walz' son was staged. It's like with contestants on American Idol or The Voice, there always has to be some kind of trauma or hardship or condition that has to be overcome or managed. So we'll feel a connection, we'll be sympathetic and want to cheer the person on.

Walz has been the VP pick for a few weeks now and the whole Gus Walz "reveal" at the convention was obviously stage-managed for maximum effect. Hopefully they will let the kid get back to his life now. As for Tina Brown, careful you don't make your son sound like a circus animal, oh look...isn't that funny, he's licking his butt...tee hee...

PM said...

Forget calling out the lies and the bullshit because, you see, all that matters is that Trump is an " EXISTENTIAL THREAT".

Quaestor said...

Tina Brown writes, "My son and Gus Walz deserve a champion like Tim Walz."

Hmmmm... By that we must suspect Ms. Brown has been yanking and shoving Georgie for quite a long while. (Oh, come on, Tiny Tina, grant your nearly middle-aged son the dignity of not being called by a diminutive in public.) At least Sgt. Tampon has only been at it for 17 years, a relative piker in the field of handicapped abuse. After all, as is well-known among the ruling class, nothing is more efficacious for a grumpy 'tard than a good sharp yanking.

Quaestor said...

"Imagine going to posh parties filled with celebrities at the Anna Wintour level and bringing along a 38-year-old man who does not — and seemingly cannot — refrain from saying insulting things to people."

How does Tina Brown know she's been to a party attended by Anna Wintour? For that matter, how does anyone know? Who is Anna Wintour? Is there such a person, and is she free to attend social gatherings? Is Anna Wintour anything more than a pair of over-large sunglasses, a cheap-looking wig, and a Hermès bag?

Leslie Graves said...

White lies aren't really required to make the world go round, and it's juvenile to believe this. Finding something to say that is kind and appreciative (and a true representation of that part of your experience) should nearly always be possible.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Sure, democrat Party members are all about the kids when it serves them politically. But amongst their own, it serves them socially to abort them, mutilate their genitals, and have sex with them. Nice crowd, those democrats.

n.n said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Michael Fitzgerald said...

Party members defend their wickedness with projection and hypocrisy.

Mikey NTH said...

She uses her son like a pet performing tricks.

narciso said...

Anna Wintour, is a slithy tove, that Streep humanized if that were possible, remember she put the glamour on Miss Assad, back when she wasn't the designated hate object like the Shah's wife,

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Ah, but some MSM/Party member posted some alternate angle claiming that it vindicated Walz by showing that he was merely helping his neurodivergent spawn avoid colliding with a teleprompter Of course, that video did no such thing and had no explanation for the angry look on Walz's face, but The Party media pounced on it as a sufficient reason to put that story to rest.

Lawnerd said...

And the media continue to tongue Walz’s asshole. What a shock.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

I remember when Party members called Kav-brah a predator during his hearings because he coached his daughters teams.

Ann Althouse said...

Who wouldn't want a companion who is allowed to say anything — all the things etiquette forbids you to do? It reminds me of the standard Edgar Bergen/Charlie McCarthy ventriloquist act. The dummy says all the inappropriate hilarious things and the ventriloquist chides him. But Tina Brown doesn't express disapproval of Georgie. She lauds him.

Now, I wonder what would happen if Georgie expressed his straightforward negative opinion of a disabled person. Worlds would collide.

Nicholas said...

The lack of self-awareness makes me wonder who is the neurodivergent one - the son or Tina Brown. If he were not the son of Tina Brown, the very characteristics she celebrates would immediately make him persona non grata at these Sleb parties.

The essential trait of The Party is sycophancy and Walz's son means all acolytes must find "joy" in neurodivergency. For now.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

IKR. The Party holding the borders open to every alien evil-doer in the world calls the man under whose guidance America flourished, an existential threat.

Jamie said...

Now, I wonder what would happen if Georgie expressed his straightforward negative opinion of a disabled person. Worlds would collide.

One of my earliest memories was when I, at the age of maybe 3, was walking with my parents past a city bus stop. There was a "lady" there - that's what I called her in my mind; she was probably like 14 or 15 - who was grossly overweight. I pointed and said, in my loud little-kid voice, "Look at her fat!"

My parents, mortified, hustled me off as fast as they could, scolded me soundly, explained that I probably hurt the person's feelings - I've never forgotten it. I still feel terrible. The difference, of course, is that I am not neurodivergent and even at age 3 could put myself sufficiently into someone else's place to realize that I had broken a taboo intended to further kindness.

Peachy said...

That. Modern Democrat Party = all a big Hollywood production.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Yeah, brother, but that's the job of the actor in the drama, to humanize the villain.
"Slithy tove" I guessed Jabberwocky. Now I'm pretty impressed that Carroll was able to create a vocabulary for his poem that would make it recognizable even to someone who never read it.

Sebastian said...

"a son whose inability to read the room makes him incapable of telling anything but the truth."

Slight contradiction there. The room has a reality of its own; misreading it is not ipso facto truth.

Libs are very proud of their special kids, aren't they, as long as they are trans or divergent or depressed or addicted or something. Pretty much the new status symbol. God forbid they turn into deplorably evil cisheteronormative fraternity bros, the kind you really can't take to a Hamptons party.

Big Mike said...

I remember the pro-abortion women’s reaction to Sarah Palin’s son born with Downs. Feminists say that women have the right to choose, but apparently only so long as their choice is abortion.

Big Mike said...

I was wondering myself what would happen if Tim Walz angrily yanked a 38 year old man by the arm the way he yanked his son Gus. Would Walz be picking himself up from the floor while spitting out teeth?

FWIW, I think Tina Brown’s son “Georgie” seems on this very limited description to perhaps have Asperger’s syndrome — a condition which makes it difficult to read body language or understand how people will respond to what you do or say. A lot of them gravitate towards computers and tend towards being introverts, but why would Brown drag an introverted son to a big party? So perhaps I’m wrong.

walter said...

At least he's not creepily sniffing women's hair lilke our neurodivergent President, Pedo Pete.

Scott Patton said...

Lady: I've never been so insulted in my life!
Groucho: Wellll, it's early yet.

Audrey: It's amazing how many beautiful women live in New York...:
Kramer: You're as pretty as any of them, just need a nose job.

mxgreen said...

I thought that was Larry David's schtick.

MadTownGuy said...

Ann Althouse said...

'Who wouldn't want a companion who is allowed to say anything — all the things etiquette forbids you to do? It reminds me of the standard Edgar Bergen/Charlie McCarthy ventriloquist act. The dummy says all the inappropriate hilarious things and the ventriloquist chides him."

That's Jeff Dunham's schtick. Peanut, Walter, and Achmed the Dead Terrorist say things that no stand-up comedian could get away with.

minnesota farm guy said...

Jamie: Thanks. Nice comment.

minnesota farm guy said...

Jamie : the first one.

Lee Moore said...

"Then there was the moment he went up to Anna Wintour at one of my book parties and asked if she was Camilla Parker Bowles. "

Yeah that happened. Spectro Son just happens to compare Mom's Top Bitchfest Enemy to the ugliest woman in Christendom, to her face, at a party.

Why would anyone believe a single word of what Tina Brown says? Including "and" and "the".

B. said...

Good reason not to use sperm from some old guy.

mccullough said...

It was a hoot when Georgie said “my Daddy is older than Mommy’s Daddy”

mccullough said...

Georgie & Gus deserve better than Tina & Tim

mccullough said...

Georgie & Gus deserve better than Tina & Tim

Freeman Hunt said...

I love this. There must be some people in this circle who are excited to see this guy every time he shows up at a party.

Leland said...

How many times do you want her to post it? There is a post dedicated to it.

Megaera3 said...

Mike: it is a good list, but Walz keeps generating more entries for it, My choice for inclusion: that as governor he signed into law a statute designating pedophilia as a disorder ...thus setting the stage for the argument that it can no longer be considered a crime if the pedo acts on his/her desires.

And, re Georgie and Gus, what a difference a term (both political and linguistic) makes. Back in Palin's day the Left felt perfectly justified in attacking her for her squicky offspring -- but now, post Obama, and with the Comfortably Elegant-sounding designation NEURODIVERGENT at the forefront these body lice feel super good about themselves dragging their erstwhile problem kids out into the limelight and airing their social struggles because, hey, they're NEURODIVERGENT. Like a purse dog, only better, because they're political capital AND tax deductible.

mikee said...

I say let the young man speak to reporters about his father, uncensored. If we're gonna use the guy as a political prop, let the good times roll!

Michael K said...

Like those fraternity guys who defended the flag. Horrors !

MadisonMan said...

I'd rather hear his Dad speak to reporters. Or Harris. Who can vote for anyone who actively avoids the press?

Dr.Bunkypotatohead said...

Sounds like the Dems have the retard vote all sewed up. Or at least the parents of retard vote.

You have to wonder if Tina and son get any 2nd invites.

effinayright said...

Even if he can't lie to others, is that a bar to him lying to himself?

And if he can't lie to others, some GOP operative ought to get him on camera commenting on Walz's and Kumala's speechifying.

Wouldn't it be great to have him say , "Why, that''s bullshit! Bullshit, straight up!" Or....."I have to say it, every woman's ass in this room is too fat, including my mom's." ADORABLE!!

Big Mike said...

Then again, in the harsh light of a new day, I think I’m right about the Asperger’s and Tina Brown is just an asshole.

Krumhorn said...

Maybe someone will get the idea to promote Chauncey Gardner as a candidate.

- Krumhorn

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