August 24, 2024

Jon Stewart daringly but silently calls Bill Clinton a sexual predator... then coyly laughs about it.

Stewart is getting points for bravery.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Waiting for Jon to laugh about The Biden Crime family - and how they are above the law.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

speaking of..

Dr. Jill Stein🌻
We may disagree with RFK Jr. about many things, but he’s right about how the Democratic Party uses lawfare and dirty tricks to suppress democratic competition and voter choice.

The Dems preach about “saving democracy”, but in reality they’re working overtime to stamp it out.

Achilles said...

Stewart is a soulless status seeker who will do anything to be considered smart and popular.

He is the weather vane if you want to judge who the strong horse is in the beautiful person cult.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

ah - we are back to comments disappearing.

narciso said...

A denebian slime devil he iz

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

There was a quip on X from an effeminate pink-haired person earlier this week that said, referring to Bill Clinton at the DNC, "So nice to see him up there instead of some impeached rapist." I couldn't be certain it was meant ironically but I like to think so. Stewart's team might want to reach out to her (?) and offer her (?) a writing job.

John henry said...

How "daring" is it if he does it silently?

"brave" would be saying it out loud.

John Henry

rhhardin said...

Is sexual predator bad still? MeToo is crap. We never actually argued that out with, you know, arguments. It was decided by TV shows.

Mary Beth said...

I think it was clear in context. It would have just been another statement of hypocrisy and not a joke if he had said it. This way it was both.

Oso Negro said...

Brave would have been saying it a quarter century ago.

Rick.T. said...

No. The Clinton comment would have been “brave” 30 years ago. Or even 8 years ago. Now when the Clintons are almost offstage?

narciso said...

why did weinstein and epstein feel free to do what they did, and with whom,

doctrev said...

Maybe Leibowitz will tell the truth about the Biden regime three decades from now, if he lives through the coming difficulties. But it's not 2008. He's not a cultural touchstone. Move on, etc.

Wince said...

What's Frankie Valli doing hosting the Daily Show?

TosaGuy said...

Hyenas are not brave animals, they attack the old, weak, and defenseless. Bill Clinton is that old wildebeast on the African plain and Jon Stewart likes to laugh while he attacks.

William said...

I think Paula Jones picked up 600,000 for her violation. E. Jean Carroll is ahead by tens of millions. The punch line is always funnier when it's aimed at a Republican.

narciso said...

she could actually prove the offense, Carroll never could

Aggie said...
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Aggie said...

I just keep remembering the behavior he had on display, when rebelling on principle would have counted. Him, and a lot of others. He'll have to work quite a bit harder for any redemption, in my book.

Jamie said...

So, he does serve a purpose.

Another old lawyer said...

I'm reminded of Norm MacDonald discussing Patton Oswald's view about the worst thing about Bill Cosby in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee with Jerry Seinfeld. To paraphrase, I think the worst part was the sexual predation, not the hypocrisy.

Original Mike said...

"Stewart is getting points for bravery."

After 25 years?

Big Mike said...

Hilarious. Of course at the end of the day he’s still Jon Stewart so he’s still an asshole

narciso said...

was it actually or was it a DA Krasner who pledged his whole campaign on prosecuting Cosby, didn't that case fall apart, aren't these two minute hates tiring, they do me,

narciso said...

Don't even get me started on garden gnome patton oswalt

RCOCEAN II said...

Even when I agree with him, I still find Stewart incredibly unfunny. having a pack of hyenas in the audience screaming with laughter at every eyebrow raise doesn't help. Yeah, how brave to attack Bill "epstein island" Clinton, now that he's almost 80 and has been out of office for 24 years and has zero chance of being "The first Gentlemen".

Sebastian said...

So, in 25 years we'll hear that yes, after all, Hunter Biden was a depraved scumbag and the Bidens an utterly corrupt crime family?

Biden is in some danger, having become useless. Useful bastards get protection longer--JFK of sainted memory, and Teddy K, lion of the Senate.

Speaking of politics and sex, has Stewart done any Willie Brown jokes yet? Any Emhoff nanny jokes?

Michael Fitzgerald said...

What makes me sick about this, about Stewart and about the crowd, is that they're all having a laugh acknowledging the depravity of the scumbag they all have been admiring and following for decades, and still admire and still follow. There isn't a speck of regret or shame about unconditionally supporting someone they admit is a sexual predator and all-around lowlife scum. They all share a good laugh about their man getting gropey and naked with little girls on Epstein Island hahaha. Always remember folks, democrat Party members are The Good Guys!

Iman said...

🤡nose on or off, Liebowitz is meh.

Butkus51 said...

yeah, the cats out of the bag

so brave

Greg The Class Traitor said...

That was actually all funny.

Which is shocking

mccullough said...

Bill is at death’s door. Like Stewart’s career. Stewart should let them go

loudogblog said...

I do think that it was a weird attack to go after Vance for having gone to Yale when so many Democrat politicians have Ivy League degrees.

"Now I have the best of both worlds, a Harvard education and a Yale degree." - JFK on getting an honorary degree from Yale.

gilbar said...

So BJ Clinton RAPED numerous women..
So BJ Clinton routinely traveled on Lolita Airlines to Pedophile Island..
rhhardin thinks That's COOL! and wishes HE could do that stuff..
because rhhardin doesn't like Women

Lyle said...

Way too late.