The NYT reports.
At the Nate Cohn link, the key point seems to be that Biden was a terrible candidate:
Views of Mr. Trump haven’t diminished. In fact, his favorability rating ticked up slightly, to 46 percent across the three states — just enough to represent his highest rating in the history of Times/Siena polling. It’s a tally that might have been enough for a clear lead against Mr. Biden, whose ratings had fallen into the 30s in early July. But for now it’s not enough against the surging Ms. Harris.
One way to think about her position is that she has become something like a “generic” Democrat. This might sound like an insult, but it’s really not. In fact, nothing is more coveted. An unnamed generic candidate — whether it’s a Democrat or a Republican — almost always fares better in the polls than named candidates, who are inevitably burdened by all the imperfections voters learn about in the process of a campaign....
On question after question, the poll finds that voters don’t seem to have any major reservations about her.... A majority doesn’t think she’s too far to the left, either: Only 44 percent of likely voters say she’s too liberal or progressive.... Ms. Harris may be polling like a generic Democrat, but she’ll now be subject to much more scrutiny and attack. To this point, she’s benefited from a few weeks of very favorable media coverage....
८९ टिप्पण्या:
Ms. Harris may be polling like a generic Democrat, but she’ll now be subject to much more scrutiny and attack.
from WHO? from the Democrat Party's Press? Seems Unlikely
Sadly, it is true that a majority of voters are quite stupid and uninformed. She may well be our next president. The world won't end if she is, but it will take a turn for the worse in the US, and that is something we can ill afford. I'm sick of this whole game. I try to remain charitable toward my fellow Americans, and it helps if I avoid both X and Internet comments in general.
This is great news. It will lock in Harris and Walz for the DNC, and voters are starting to get a good look at them. CNBC is showing the honeymoon fading with Trump up 2.
This would be bad news for Trump, if the election was tomorrow. Which it isn't.
Our Soviet Press... smile. The non-stop hate barrage against Trump - and the soft-touch towards the generic democratic - it works.
Rasmussen has Trump up by 5. Who to believe? Maybe I should send more money to Trump.
Fantastic. I was actually worried that Walz might drop out after his record was examined. The hard left is really going to go full on copium with Kamala Harris as the new Barack Obama.
But there's a reason she isn't doing press conferences, and it's not because she's the kind of quick witted genius who can effortlessly dominate a debate.
Rasmussen and others had totally contrary takes on this yesterday and again today. I think Nate is telling NYT readers what they want to hear, perhaps as justification for the coup executed on Biden now that word is getting out. Maybe I’ll post a link to this morning’s poll showing that while Harris polls one point higher than Biden did, Trump has gained three points and widened his lead over the Democrat du jour.
Americans accept or excuse a lot if you look good, if you look the part. It's human nature, attractive people -and Kamala Harris IS attractive-- are often given a pass. She's better looking and more energetic than Donald Trump, it might be just as simple as that, kind of like the difference between Bill Clinton and Bob Dole back in the day. Or Barack Obama and John McCain. Plus I don't think her negatives outweigh Donald Trump's negatives.
Is there comfort for other nations knowing America is so far gone or does it make it worse?
The Ds are just glad to have anyone other than Biden running, hence the “irrational exuberance.”
REal Clear Politics has Kamala up.
Trump needs to up his game. Sadly - with the corrupt hack-D press in her corner - the boxed generic will be on deck to ruin our nation. The hack-D press+ will all still blame Trump - even after his is gone. That's what lying Soviets do.
Never fear, Trump is getting right on it. In terms of issues he leads in all polls except for abortion. He is taking this advantage on issues and hammering Harris/Walz like the Russian artillery unleashed on Berlin in 1945 . . . oh, I’m sorry that is what any conventional politician would do. Instead, the stable genius has decided the big issues that motivate Americans are Brian Kemp and.Joe Rogan.
And crypto.
No she isn’t. She seems attractive at first, especially in still photos when she’s smiling real big. But her resting face is not so hot. In fact it is off-putting in a way I find hard to describe. But it matches her policies which are mean and indifferent to the cruelty they impose on the rest of us.
Trump knows how to thrill his base. That's about it.
More evidence propaganda works, even when you’re told it is propaganda
This whole Harris surge (news feed) feels like psycho ops - a way to demoralize voters. And in a way it's working because it seems implausible how she would go from ignored to universally loved in so short of time even factoring in trump hatred.
Trump needs to stop whining about his grievances - and focus on American's grievances.
Right now - the very person who looked the other way while Biden's open border allowed millions of unvetted humans illegally across our southern border - is fake-promising to secure the border.
yeah - What we need is for Trump to whine about Paul Ryan. That will really inject some juice into his campaign.
I've had four white college-educated old ladies recently tell me that they're voting for Harris, that she "seems ok". They-re quite happy with choice. They seem blissfully unaware of Harris' history, her lackluster performance as VP and Border Czar, or her word-salad manner of public speaking. They express sadness that Biden isn't running, shock at Biden's terrible debate performance, and disinterest in legalities concerning Harris' irregular ascension to Pres candidate. Their effective brainwashing, poor information collection, and innate gullibility is astounding. These women are "The View" watchers, all are otherwise intelligent career women.
What about Brian Kemp and Joe Rogan?
Edit to note they're NOT "The View" watchers.
Edit to note they're NOT "The View" watchers.
We're doomed.
…well, they’re working when The View is on, so…
One way to think about her position is that she has become something like a “generic” Democrat. This might sound like an insult, but it’s really not. In fact, nothing is more coveted
Yes -- right now, she's just the idea of the candidate Kamala Harris, same as she was during the early primaries in 2019. And she's still experiencing a surge due to Democratic relief that she's not in her dotage. I expect that to bump up further after the Democratic convention. The challenge for Republicans is that there's like two months to early voting, so they don't have much time to remind voters what a dolt she is, the way Democratic primary voters did in 2019. Especially with the media running interference.
Buy no polls until Kamala actually speaks unscripted words, answering real questions about her past stated views on a number of topics.
This will happen. She cannot be covered and protected like Hunter's laptop.
She's 59 years old so, no she doesn't look like she did when she was 25 but she's in good shape and her hair and her skin look good and she dresses in a way that a lot of women will appreciate, it's the Hillary Clinton pantsuit look updated with some flair and worn by someone who has a decent figure. She clearly takes are of herself and she's got good genes.
I don't think it takes much to make people find a reason to vote for someone other than Trump, as superficial and as ridiculous as that reason might be.
To this point, she’s benefited from a few weeks of very favorable media coverage....
Points for admitting this.
I think Trump needs to start talking about how the crowds he draws are bigger than the one Jesus got at the Sermon on the Mount.
Have you seen the UK recently? Canada? The world is watching France right now, and it isn't looking good. We aren't leaders in this race to the bottom.
That's just it. She will be protected by the press indefinitely. They don't even care that she won't have a press conference. or answer unscripted questions. This is all the big show to get what they want.
I’m tranquil. Democrats always seem to be leading in early August, but never match their polling on Election Day, and Kamala’s lead is smaller and more fragile than any of her recent predecessors. Her candidacy is media-driven cotton candy. I expect Trump to be solidly back in the lead by Labor Day.
Kamala is the ultimate shiny object. She is the brand new made in China crap sitting on the shelf at Home Goods - and everyone is lined up to get it.
She is the latest puppet. The corrupt mob left have placed Trump and his supporters in the crosshairs... as it pertains to his rallies...
btw- if you go to a Trump rally - wear a helmet and a bullet proof vest.
The issues that come up in a campaign used to tell us about the candidates. Now their function is to tell us about the voters.
How do you tell who is a good person and who is a bad person?
A good person doesn't have any reservations about Kamala. A bad person has questions.
A good person doesn't ask about the border, a good person doesn't ask about Walz's stolen valor, etc. A good person votes Democrat. Bad people vote Republican. Deplorable, irredeemable people vote for Trump. Why complicate matters. Questions and reservations can only help the bad people. The good people can rest assured that any problems that come up for Kamala can be solved by the hard-working men and women of Journalism.
Never forget, Journalism is an ism.
Former Illinois Resident, it sounds like those old ladies were Biden base voters anyway. So how is Harris improving on them?
trump is an old tired person whose only crash is not with Willie Brown but in the eyes of the American people.He is a tired old song and low energy liar and keeps getting caught up in his own delusions. He will be gone soon and the nightmare of him (except an occasional charge of crime) will be an afterthought and all the followers will have another 4 years to complain about, This saga will soon be over,the guy is an old fossil with a tired play. Bon voyage Mr Drumpf YOU STILL GOT A LOT OF EM FOOLED BUT YOUR BACKSIDE IS SHOWING. Forward not backward...
She isn't generic Democrat any longer, she has a history.
Kamala is underwhelming and Walz is overweening. I'm tired of them both already. God forbid four years of those two.
Don’t worry, Trump will regain his dominant lead once Americans warm to his favorite issues: Whether he was telling the truth when he said he shared a helicopter ride with some black guy from the Democratic party years ago, and whether the current Republican governor of Georgia was once mean to him.
Post covid early voting, vote by mail... It's over folks. An entire corrupt media machine in her bed. I know Trump's supporters have hope, But you need to wake up.
Well as fate would have it, PowerLine blog ran a funny picture that perfectly illustrates my point. Once the smile fades she takes on a sinister characteristic. To your point there are plenty of women my age and Kamala's who are conventionally attractive even without the fake (IMO) "Joker" grin she affects. I've seen that "nice skin" is also easy to fake in public and you never really know unless you live with that person. Funny too that much of the criticism of Trump is "superficial and ridiculous." And the women I knew always hated Hillary's pant suit uniform. Same here.
Did you even listed to that hour-plus press conference he gave? You whine about him whining more than he whines about anything.
AMDG - I hear ya. Trump doesn't increase his support with his perpetual insular grievances. But his base love him no matter what - and think it's all glorious 3-d chess moves. Trump should be going after suburban moms who pay more for gas & groceries, and all other inflationary expenses that exsist because of the democrat party. Parents who are concerned about crime, deteriorating education in our schools, with sex and gender obsessions pushed by administrators. illegal immigrants getting free stuff... at tax payer expense. Crime is up - and Kamala and the left aided all of it with their defund the police antics and crime-lenient Soros D.A.s. THE OPEN BORDER... With the left's goal of importing an under-class (like in China) and getting illegals on the voter rolls. and on and on.
Trump may be running a poor campaign but he was an absolute excellent President. Don’t forget that fact.
That's why Trump needs to get her on stage live on TV. He needs that debate, even on her terms. I would be surprised if her handlers will let her do it.
He’s statistically tied with the Democrat even though she is propped up by the news media and every other center of power and influence from the CIA spooks to the Hollywood airheads. He ought to be persuaded to lay off the recriminations against fellow republicans, but otherwise he’s doing as well as any Republican could against the forces arrayed against him.
Mike (MJB Wolf)
But her resting face is not so hot. In fact it is off-putting in a way I find hard to describe.
the word to describe is: Resting Bitch Face.. It's a thing
I think Trump barely trailing after the honeymoon the adoring press have given Harris is pretty good, actually. The shift between August and November in 2016 and 2024 was swing of 2.5% to Trump. Hillary and Biden down 2.5%, Trump up 2.5%. Trump would win handily. But let's see. I understand the race really kicks off after the end of August.
It's worse than that generic term. I've settled on sinister. Of course YMMV!
I don't believe he is trailing as the polls have generously oversampled democrats. She can't win with just democrats. The raw numbers show Trump gaining with independents and especially the two youngest voter blocs. He has to stay beyond the margin of cheat of course. We'll see.
That is like saying that the Falcons had an excellent Super Bowl LI because they were up 28-3 in the third quarter. When it really counted Trump failed.
Let's wait and see what the polls say after the first debate. I find it strange that she hasn't done any interviews or press confrences. That must be by design.
There are more Democrats than Republicans so this strategy can work. It worked for Biden. However, there will be those debates. A lot of people are going to watch. She didn't do all that well in past debates, but maybe if she just mouths generic mush the media can convince people she won.
Strictly SOS from the media. They make as much noise as they can, but their sway keeps shrinking. Like the cavalry riding up under banners and bugles, and then, when you look, there are 30 or 40 wornout soldiers trailing along behind them.
How many dunderheads are left? We find out Nov. 5. Too many would mean big, big trouble; on that score, Trump is beyond argument. Can't see it from here, however, fwiw.
Let's wait and see what the polls say after the first debate.
the (only) debate will be in mid September.. after the close of the mail-in fake vote season.
By Sept 10th, Harris will have already received 100 million votes
Kai Akker
How many dunderheads are left? We find out Nov. 5.
Again.. Nov 5th will be TWO MONTHS after the close of the mail-in fake vote season
I believe that is still when we will find out the count of the numbers.
LOL, go ahead, have at it.
What a load of shit
Don't forget that Harris is also riding an extended convention bounce. (Since the virtual convention gave her enough delegate votes to win on two weeks ago.) She probably won't settle down to realistic poll numbers until after the Democratic convention is officially over in another two weeks.
Harris is obviously benefiting from being candidate in name only as she's not campaigning or speaking to the press. Can that last? In just over a week, it will be the "How Could You?" show of the DNC in Chicago. Still undetermined is whether the MSM will be showing old footage of the 1968 Chicago riots or if they'll have fresh newsreel.
And Trump, much the the MSM consternation, is relaxing at his Florida resort. He's killing their viewership and income by not making news. The question arises, can CNN or MSNBC continue as ongoing businesses under a Harris admin since they'll have no material to do stories on and Trump will be offline. They'd make money under a Trump presidency if only as complainers in chief.
The Joe Rogan thing was fake news. Rogan says that he did not endorse Kennedy.
Today’s polls on Real Clear Politics are even worse for Trump.
It is absolutely by design, Rusty. She has the kind of personality that makes people prefer to listen to fingernails on a chalkboard. If the Democrats can control her exposure she's got a real chance of making Trump go down. That would probably be a first for him, LOL
She’s not campaigning?? This week she held massive rallies in PA, WI, MI, IL, AZ.
I fully expect Harris to win the popular vote no matter how awful a candidate she is- she will accomplish this with the margin in California alone most likely. What Trump needs to do is to hold the national margin to less than 3% and he wins pretty easily in the electoral college. I again point out that Trump is still, even will these sudden spurt of pro-Harris polls, running almost 8% ahead of where he ran in 2016 and 2020 at the same point in the cycle.
Harris won't be able to run as the non-incumbent candidate- voters aren't generally as stupid as our lefty commenters- they know who the incumbent candidate is and it ain't Trump.
Mr Wibble: "Alternative headline: Harris performing worse against Trump than Hillary."
Correct. Harris is running lightyears behind where every other dem candidate nack to Clinton was in Aug against the republican.
But the cheat will be on across the board.
Current RCP map:
Current map pre-New Soviet Democratical cheat.
Someone ask Inga what a poll crosstab is and then sit back and prepare to laugh your arse off....
Even David Axelrod has seen the real numbers:
"As for NYT polls in PA, MI and WI today, some of the internal numbers seem improbable--42% for Harris among non-college whites, for one eg. If you adjust for them, you're probably looking at basically tied races (maybe a tick better for Harris in WI), which is where most, private, high-quality polling has them.
Still, this is a big shift."
Baris replies:
"Note Axelrod's honesty. It deserves accolade.
Harris' internal numbers have Trump up by 1 point in Michigan. He has obviously seen it."
Every election the democrat leads massively at this point. Then the polls return to reality.
She is a vapid moron. The copium is real.
These are just stupid people.
Here they are, Life's Terrific Successes telling everyone what Trump is doing wrong while simultaneously having no idea what Trump is doing. They are kith and kin to the anonymous losers here who feel they have to inform everyone that they consider themselves to be a better person than Donald Trump.
Wannabe DeSantis Online Influencer AMDG: "What about Brian Kemp and Joe Rogan?"
Glad you asked.
Within 24 hours after called out by Trump Rogan came out and stated he had not endorsed RFKjr and within the last 48 hours Kemp finally gave a full throated endirsement of Trump and publicly pledged to put his entire campaign and ground teams in service to winning GA for Trump.
Do you have any questions that are not borne of pure ignorance and pro-dem/globalist spite?
"Maine Gov’s Democrat Brother Admits ‘Republicans for Harris’ Organized by Harris Campaign"
Peter Mills, the former executive director of the Maine Turnpike Authority, emerged this week as one of the top faces of “Republicans for Harris.”
The group mirrored in Maine the sudden emergence of a supposed Republican outpouring of support nationally for far-left Vice President Kamala Harris’s presidential campaign.
But in secretly recorded audio obtained by the Maine Wire from a citizen journalist, Peter Mills revealed that the entire group is astroturf organized by Amy Cookson, a campaign staffer for Vice President Harris’s campaign."
This is happening across the nation. Plenty of democratical astroturf bucks floating around to pay people to attend rallies and bus them in as well as using AI to generate fake large crowds.
“She’s not campaigning?? This week she held massive rallies in PA, WI, MI, IL, AZ.”
You keep using that word, Igna. I don’t think it means what you think it means.
Yes, Biden's abysmal record goes down into the memory hole, and Harris runs -- and maybe wins -- as a "generic Democrat," unburdened by what has been.
Nate Cohn has written Harris:
"One way to think about her position is that she has become something like a 'generic' Democrat. This might sound like an insult, but it’s really not. In fact, nothing is more coveted."
Yes, Kamala as a generic Democrat might win the election but who exactly is going to be president? She seems like someone who is incompetent and incapable of answering questions.
Are Democrats really OK with allowing our country to be run by an unelected anonymous politburo like under Biden?
I agree, Howard. That' why I don't expect her handlers to allow it.
Wow, one poll said X. Therefore everything has changed! Never mind all the other polls!
Do remember that journalists are not competent at anything, including journalism. Statistics is well beyond them.
IGNORANCE IS BLISS...and Progressives prove it more and more every single day.
We've been subject to a massive psyop for the past couple of weeks. Hopefully folks are starting to realize that (a) there is no there there when it comes to Harris and (b) Walz would have been the pick for the Democrats if the Republicans could have made the selection. Walz has been a disaster for Minnesota public safety.
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