Writes Maureen Dowd, in "After Biden Bloodletting, Dems Just Want to Have Fun!" (NYT).
1. "Shoved off the sled" — seems to refer to the notion that Biden was on a glide path to victory. There's no other mention of sledding.
2. "Jacquerie" — Wikipedia: "The Jacquerie was a popular revolt by peasants that took place in northern France in the early summer of 1358 during the Hundred Years' War.... This rebellion became known as 'the Jacquerie' because the nobles derided peasants as 'Jacques' or 'Jacques Bonhomme' for their padded surplice, called a 'jacque.'... The Jacquerie must be seen in the context of this period of internal instability. At a time of personal government, the absence of a charismatic king was detrimental to the still-feudal state."
3. "Bloodletting" — That word in the headline is supported by violent metaphor in the text of the essay: "It wasn’t exactly 'Julius Caesar' in Rehoboth Beach.... it was a jaw-dropping putsch.... [Pelosi] seemed sheepish about knifing her pal, and conflicted over whether to take credit. Et tu, Nancy? Biden must have thought."
ADDED: I wanted Grok to manufacture an image based on "seemed sheepish about knifing her pal" and asked for "Image of sheep stabbing a person with a knife."
Grok refused. It gave me a long answer, including: "Here's where I'd usually say, 'I could generate an image for you,' but considering the context and the nature of your request, let's not encourage the sheep to take up arms."
Defensively, I said "I find it distasteful too, but the image was created in words by Maureen Dowd in her New York Times column. She wrote that Nancy Pelosi 'seemed sheepish about knifing her pal.'"
I got some multi-faceted lecturing about metaphor, so here's what I asked and what Grok gave me:
Defensively, I said "I find it distasteful too, but the image was created in words by Maureen Dowd in her New York Times column. She wrote that Nancy Pelosi 'seemed sheepish about knifing her pal.'"
I got some multi-faceted lecturing about metaphor, so here's what I asked and what Grok gave me:
UPDATE: The headline for the column has changed. We're no longer seeing the word "Bloodletting." It's "The Dems Are Delighted. But a Coup Is Still a Coup."
८६ टिप्पण्या:
I am just happy the old cold warrior is gone. We are post democratic now, just like Europe, so this is the process. Sorry Joe, not sorry.
"Shoved off the sled" — seems to refer to the notion that Biden was on a glide path to victory. There's no other mention of sledding.
Shoved off the sled when someone, or something, is too much dead weight for the expedition to make it, otherwise? Unwanted ballast.
Biden was on a path to election loss and his dementia wasn't helping. If Harris wins (via partisan mail-in vote harvesting, nothing personal, but she isn't a good candidate either) the Dems will all claim the victory. If she loses (through Republican success in vote harvesting too) the Dems will all blame her personally. Success has a thousand parents, failure is an orphan.
To the people who keep insisting it is properly called the Democratic Party, is there anything that’s happened since the Trump-Biden debate that resembles anything democratic to you?
Democrats put the "ick" in Democratic.
The jacquerie! They're on us! (A shot of morning Saki.)
Gee up til then everyone was carrying on so, DO something, get rid of him, where's the leadership at? Then the party comes through and everyone's dumbfounded...they did it! Unfair! Lol
We are getting closer and closer to the MSM ( brought to you by Leviathan of course) admitting that the shed shoving was a coup. Here’s a bet if the Democrat convention in Chicago goes full 1968 next week, and the Kam Konvention Krashes, you are going to see more of this finger pointing erupt.
They took the action as they’ve always taken so many other self-serving actions, “FOR THE CHILDREN™…
I would really like to know who wrote the tweet on the Biden Twatter account endorsing Harris. That was the unexpected thing by the coup plotters Pelosi, Obama, and Schumer. They thought they had Biden's name on the withdrawal letter and no endorsement but someone gave all three a rear naked poke with the Harris endorsement.
To paraphrase Joe Biden when he wielded the cash....
If the prosecutor [president] is not fired, you’re not getting the money.’ Well, son of a bitch. [Laughter.] He got fired.”
The Cancerous Crew.
As noted everywhere, here are kamala-la-la-la's first 4 policy proposals:
1) Stealing President Trump's "no tax on tips" policy
2) Stealing J.D. Vance's tax credit for new parents.
3) Implementing communist price controls for food, which will make food a lot more expensive and cause rationing.
4) Giving new homeowners $25K down payments, which will make housing more expensive due to subsidizing demand
It's the tolerance and mild tut-tutting from hyperpartisan mediaswine like Dowd that has encouraged the Democrats to ignore the law and previous standards of decent behavior..
Any Democrat who wants to run in the 2028 will not lift a finger to help Harris, but they may give her one.
..."it was a jaw-dropping putsch.... [Pelosi] seemed sheepish about knifing her pal..."
'Sheepish'. Now, there's a word one doesn't often associate with reptiles.
"Shoved off the sled" — seems to refer to ..
tossing the oldest off to the wolves
"The jacquerie! They're on us! (A shot of morning Saki.)"
Thanks. That was excellent.
J6 could be considered a Jacquerie. What happened to Biden was a coup.
Joe Biden wasn't "pushed out" by donors and other politicians calling for his withdrawl.
He was THREATENED. Pelosi and Kamala (and other co-conspirators) gathered as a group and threatened BIden that if he did not remove himself from the campaign (after having WON the nomination) and endorse Kamala Harris and give her all his funds that he raised ... that they would use the 25th Amendment to remove him from his CURRENT office. That would put his SON in grave danger (as Biden's presidency is the only reason Hunter isn't in prison now.)
These threats are a FELONY CRIME. You can "convince" the President to resign. You cannot legally "threaten consequences" if he does not.
These people belong in federal prison. I think Donald Trump is coming around to that proposition. Soon, one would hope, he will announce that these are the first people that his Attorney General will place under arrest.
We cannot allow this coup to stand in the United States of America.
The return of TosaGuy!!
Less of a jacquerie and more of the trahison des clerics.
clercs damn autocorrect.
Thread winner!
Shoved off the sled. Think Russia, horse drawn sled, what you do when the wolves are getting close, the horses getting tired and you know what will happen if those wolves take down one of the horses. Goodbye, grandpa.
"She wrote that Nancy Pelosi 'seemed sheepish about knifing her pal.'"
way to ram home the puns Leland! Any more, and you'll have to go on the lam
speakers at DNC Obama Biden,Shumer, Clinton etc RNC Chaci,, Ted Nugent Lara trump etc JV squad next to VARSITY no bump from that group for trump the guy is losing Again watch DNC HARRIS/WALZ bump trump will be wetting his depends after watching this...guarantee
Those hands are Class A creepy. Yikes!
Raising sheep is shear pleasure.
Biden's self-certainty that he could have defeated Donald Trump is simply selfish delusion on his part. Yes, there is a faint chance he could have, but only if enough "Never Trumpers" flooded the polls to defeat Trump...which I think was unlikely, at best. And the Dems have long been sabotaging themselves by being so obsessed with putting forth "moderate" candidates. A perfect result of that tactic is Obama, who could easily have fit on a Republican ticket of not too long ago in our modern history. I don't see anything particularly non-moderate about Harris, but, shit...if the alternative is Trump, I'd vote for Casper Milquetoast if he were the Dem candidate. (I'd have loved to have seen Katie Porter as the candidate, but she may be too frumpy and not soft enough to have attracted enough votes to defeat Trump.)
This seems 100% correct given the conspiracy of silence about what exactly was said by whom. Unless the old coot blurts out the truth we are unlikely to know. The 25th Amendment whispers seem less and less likely as Joe continues to act senile with no D Party members appearing to notice and the simultaneous reappearance of the Burisma story.
Of course they hesitated. She has nothing to recomend her except her vagina.
I have always understood "pushed off the sled" to be an Eastern Europe metaphor, referring to a sled chased by wolves, where someone needed to be pushed off to lighten the load. See "thrown to the wolves."
I'd love to hear your description of how you happened to be at the scene mingling with "Pelosi and Kamala (and other co-conspirators)" when they "gathered as a group and threatened (emphasis added) Biden" to compel him to withdraw. That MUST be a fantastic part of history that future scholars will enshrine in our nation's annals.
Such symmetry. Trump has nothing to recommend him except that he is a dick.
Bill Ackman asks the obvious question:
"The Biden/@KamalaHarris administration charging station plan delivered seven out of 500k promised stations and cost $7.5 billion.
In 2021, Biden/Harris set aside $65 billion for rural internet access (unclear how much if any progress we have made to date) when
Starlink could do a better job with minimal taxpayer funding.
Now, @KamalaHarris promises to build 3 million housing units in four years.
How is that going to work?"
We already know the answer.
"Kamala can’t be thrilled" Why? She beat them at their own game just by being in the right place at the right time. They're stuck with her and now have to fall in line, as all good Dems do instantly, of course. The whole O game is to run "moderate," than govern left, as they did with Joe to perfection, and Harris is already showing she has learned the lesson well. Flip-flop now to bamboozle the anti-Trumpers, then go right back to to straight prog after January. O and Nancy may be pissed that they don't run the show at the moment, but in practical terms it won't make much difference.
Thanks for the Saki link. Somewhere in my 'to-be-read' kindle list is a Saki collection. I'd heard of him but never read any. Now that I've read that, I'm excited to get to him.
Unsurprisingly, unreconstructed Stalinist Cook goes all in on Politburo style installment of "candidates" who were installed based on publicly announced criteria, in harris' case 50% of the criteria being she has a vagina, over candidates actually being nominated via voters.
Stalinists always gonna Stalin I guess...and with the democraticals now The New Soviet Democraticals, why wouldnt cookie be white-knighting for kamala?
Grok’s sheep has wolf paws. It may be cleverer than we thought.
"The Biden/@KamalaHarris administration charging station plan delivered seven out of 500k promised stations and cost $7.5 billion."
The seven charging stations did not cost $7.5 billion. That figure is total cost if they all get built. I had a client who wanted to take advantage of the program but was denied because of his location. They want locations where there is existing infrastructure like hotels, restaurants, etc. Because there is nothing but his gas station/general store they denied the application. So there still aren't any fast chargers off I94 between Milwaukee and Madison.
Pelosi (aka Brutus) added a cynical touch after the putsch by saying Biden should be on Mount Rushmore. Ha Ha Ha. I can hear him repeating that story many times in his demented state.
Maybe they meant something like this
"they had finally reached the top of Mount Doom. The other side was invisible from mist and smoke.
They had come to far and burnt so many bridges there was no turning back now. All climbed aboard and shoved off the sled on a wild ride into the unknown.
John Henry
Another meaning of bloodletting is medical /surgical. Surgeons used to bleed patients as a cure. They would use leeches or just cut.
Could that be the meaning she had in mind?
John Henry
I am going way OT, but I don't know any other way to make sure Inga sees this which explains in simple terms what the Biden/Fed inflation is all about.
Saki’s “Sredni Vashtar” is a brilliant story.
Wait...The left wing Progressives who fundamentally transformed America for the worse wants Kamala to be more moderate?? And you believe that line of Bullshit???
I keep hearing about how there could be a 25th amendment attempt. But could there be?
First it requires the vp and a a majority of "principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide," to tell the senate that the prez is no longer capable.
But then, athe vp takes over as acting prez
But as soon as that letter is transmitted, the prez (Biden) can tell the senate i'm OK" and reclaim the presidency.
Then the vp can try again but this time it requires a vote by Congress. Would a majority vote him incompetent. I rather doubt it for a number of reasons.
I suspect that unless Joe falls into a coma there is no way the 25th amendment could be implemented
John Henry
"Jacquerie." Whenever an obscure, maybe historical, possibly meaningless term is jammed into a key sentence in commentary, I'm annoyed and suspect. There should be an Althouse file of such what? huh? terms. Or at least there would be in a pleiotropia.
i'm pretty sure, that by "25th amendment attempt" they Really Meant: suicide by Hillary.
Elon knows what's coming under a New Soviet Democratical Administration:
"HOLY MOLY! Kamala Harris wants to confiscate patents owned by individuals and companies for their products
"I will snatch their patent so that we [the federal government] will take over."
I hope all the businessmen are listening"
"Savaged by a dead sheep" became a familiar meme in British political journalism after Denis Healey compared criticism from Geoffrey Howe to "being savaged by a dead sheep."
Maybe Pelosi's "threat" was "Don't worry, Joe. I'll be here for you, side by side or face to face, every day 24/7 morning noon and night, to talk you through this down to the minutest detail for as long as you want to run." Spending that much time with Nancy and hearing her talk non-stop would drive anyone out of politics.
FWIW, Pelosi was something of a protegee of Philip and Sala Burton. Phil was a big liberal reformer, and Sala succeeded him in Congress. Wikipedia writes:
"In 1973, Burton allowed a bill to go to the floor without a "closed rule"—a stipulation that there could be no amendments proposed to it—for the first time since the 1920s. The ending of the closed rule created an infusion of federal lobbyists at the Capitol building; the lobbyists targeted members of Congress to add funding for lobbyists' favorite projects into bills. For this reason, David Frum wrote that Burton "created the modern Congress" more than anyone else."
So much for liberal reformers.
"Pushed from the sled" brings to mind the Russian sleigh being pursued by wolves and one passenger is sacrificed so the rest can escape.
Per Wikipedia "[Mike Donilon] Donilon has been an advisor and consultant to Biden since 1981.[7] He has been described as Biden's "conscience, alter ego and shared brain" by the Washington Post.[8],
On last Sunday's No Agenda podcast (noagendashow.com) they played a clip of Nancy Pelosi expressing disbelief that joe Biden wrote the resignation letter.
John Dvorak said that he had looked into it and found that Donilon was claiming credit.
Wikipedia says he helped draft the letter which makes sense since he was running Biden's campaign
Donilon's brother is chairman of Blackrock investment trust. He was chief of staff to bill Clinton and national security advisor to Obama.
A pretty connected family it seems.
There is that, gilbar. Always a possibility. I was referring only to legal means
That is my understanding as well. The 25th is harder to pull off than impeachment.
There is a whole genre of novels and stories where someone gets pushed from the sled to feed the wolves (metaphorically) but survives.
Then tracks down the pushers and eats revenge. I think poe wrote a couple. Clint Eastwood made his bones with this story line in several Leone movies.
Joe Biden strikes me as particularly petty and vengeful. Not the kid to go quietly.
This convention will be fun.
John Henry
There is a whole genre of novels and stories where someone gets pushed from the sled to feed the wolves (metaphorically) but survives.
Then tracks down the pushers and eats revenge. I think poe wrote a couple. Clint Eastwood made his bones with this story line in several Leone movies.
Joe Biden strikes me as particularly petty and vengeful. Not the kid to go quietly.
This convention will be fun.
John Henry
"I will snatch their patent so that we [the federal government] will take over."
Kommie really shouldn’t be saying “snatch.”
Reminds people of how she got here.
Good stuff - thanks for the link!
The plan for Biden was never to win. It was to imprison or kill Trump.
It was only after those attempts failed that polls became relevant.
He wasn't pushed out by peasants. He was overthrown by a cabal of nobles and rich merchants.
I’ve lived in Florida for 35 years, but I still remember that sleds go downhill.
Biden is a Quitter.
Have not heard much from Doctor Jill recently.
She is about to become a nobody, and she will not like it.
Is she mean enough to spill the beans, even privately, to Seymour Hersh or similar? Before or after the election?- a great October surprise.
Here is the true, inside story of the sled shoving. The names have been changed to protect the guilty.
I hope they’ve lined up enough lipstick to service that lineup of pigs!
Remember when the press pretended to be horrified about the word "bloodbath"?
Trump is a moderate, Cook.
Nancy D'Alesandro Borgia. Still, all the Democrats did was prevent an octogenarian with dementia from running for the presidency again. There is nothing wrong with party leaders recognizing that the most likely candidate is a loser, and nominating someone else. That their typical charade of democracy in the nominating had to go by the boards was forced by circumstance. It all flows directly from the original 2020 scheming and electoral fraud, and hopefully their karma will outdo their Kamala. Everything the Democrats do, usually in underhanded manner, does seem to contain the seeds of its own destruction.
The argument is that he got 14 million votes? What happened to the 80 plus million votes from 2020?
My first thought when I read "Shoved off the sled" was how Dems liked to imagine Paul Ryan shoving grandma off a cliff in a wheelchair. Old people are always being shoved I guess.
Willa Cather wrote a novel including throwing servants off the sled too the wolves so historic women authors who should be vagina blameless can’t be wrong.
I've enjoyed my Complete Saki several times, except for "The Unbearable Bassington," which wasn't up to snuff. "When William Came" is serious and interesting but mildly antisemitic.
Cook believes everything he reads in, Battle Cry" or whatever commie rag he subscribes to.
Cook thinks the democrat party is pure. LOL.
No, I don't.
No, Trump is not a moderate. I don't even think he has any political or policy views at all. He is completely amoral. He's simply in it for his own benefit, (including the hope he will avoid a prison sentence). He will say anything, make any promise, tell any lie, pander to (or attack) any person or mass of persons that he believes will result in what he wants. He doesn't personally care one shit about any other human being alive, including any of his spouses, siblings, nephews, nieces, children, grandchildren, etc. Without any hyperbole, I believe Trump is a sociopath.
Grok refused. It gave me a long answer, including: "Here's where I'd usually say, 'I could generate an image for you,' but considering the context and the nature of your request, let's not encourage the sheep to take up arms."
Sounds like somebody's non-artificial paws on the AI keyboard.
There are no longer any moderates in the Democrat party. Exactly who would they be talking about as a moderate replacement for Kamala? Liberal white women will not vote for any woman who isn't far left, and the Democrats certainly aren't going to piss off that segment of voters! Can you imagine the media having to promote someone who is truly in the center? I don't think they could do it.
Robert Cook
"No, Trump is not a moderate. I don't even think................" That's becoming more and more evident every time you post.
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