"I am ashamed at what this Harris administration has done, and I promise it’s gonna get better in about six months,” Vance said.
And Trump is leaning into his "Indian heritage" chaos:
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
"I am ashamed at what this Harris administration has done, and I promise it’s gonna get better in about six months,” Vance said.
And Trump is leaning into his "Indian heritage" chaos:
९४ टिप्पण्या:
JD Vance... criticized the immigration policies of the Biden administration, which he repeatedly referred to as the 'Harris administration.
Kamala Harris was never part of the Biden Administration.
The NYT archives are actively being scrubbed of any evidence to the contrary.
DERP She's always been black! Um, here's a video of her calling herself Indian, and a picture of her family in Indian dress. DERP! Her dad's Jamaican, obviously he's black. Um, no he's Irish Indian so HE claims. DERP TRUMP IS A RACIST!!!
Well, since Joe Biden went underground, and Kamala has been out visiting sororities, what are we supposed to think?? I mean, wasn't her election as VP historical?? What has she done to earn the Presidency??
"JD Vance... criticized the immigration policies of the Biden administration, which he repeatedly referred to as the 'Harris administration.'"
Riiight, Harris objected to Biden's wide open border policies.
Got it.
One thing that you can say about Trump is that he knows how to push an advantage.
Plus, the media can't have it both ways. They can't make it look like Harris was a key part of the Biden/Harris administration and then pretend that she wasn't involved in any of mistakes that the Biden/Harris administration made.
I watched that session at the black journalist convention. The audience reaction did not sound all hostile when he said that Kamala was Indian until recently. There was a lot of doubt about Obama until he looked like a winner.
So is Trump more likely to have been photographed in a kilt or lederhosen?
Live by fake racial traits, die by real traits. (See, MLKs I Have a Dream Speech).
That’s because people are not their skin color. People are their culture. And culture is a community religious belief system teaching to worship high authority.
And Christianity is a small sect among India’s pantheon of gods. Trump was right again.
Readering: "So is Trump more likely to have been photographed in a kilt or lederhosen?"
Shorter readering: They got Kamala cold on this one so its time to try and change the subject.
After the Olympic women's boxing fiasco, I wonder if she will disavow her support of the changes to Title IX
Dementia Joe just snuck another sniff of a pre-teen girl on stage… you go for it, oldtimer!
That's a bold strategy, Cotton.
On the other hand, why not treat the people who hate you with the degree of contempt you genuinely feel? If you think that they're trying to kill you, why would you care? You're trying to get YOUR voters to the polls. All of them. A lot of them are people who NEVER vote. You're also trying to provoke the other side into doing something stupid.
We'll know more in December. The only question is whether Trump can make it work. You never know.
Lots and lots of events to come between now and the election month. Vote early, vote often.
Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism) hurts all people... persons. CAIR is a violation of civil rights and lives of all Americans: black, albino, Christian, Muslim, transgender, etc. Emigration reform to mitigate progress at both ends of the bridge and throughout.
Jamaica also has a sizable Chinese population as a result of being a British colony. Not all “Jamaicans” are black in the sense we are being expected to assume here. That picture, of presumably, her family, doesn’t exactly clear things up.
Time goes slowly, but carries on
And now her best years have come and gone
She still looks so surprised
They didn't realize that she was cackling
Cackling, she’s committing a fraud
Cackling, only fit for The Squad
She’ll piss away everything we have
She’ll put the hurt on us
h/t Burton Cummings, Randy Bachman
She ain't Black!
Can anyone argue that this post from Trump is not masterful?
Thank you Kamala for the nice picture you sent from many years ago. Your warmth, friendship, and love of your Indian Heritage are very much appreciated.
There is nothing to object to, and it implies that Kamala sent it to Trump back in the day, bolstering his claim that he has known her, indirectly, for a long time.
No wonder they hate him.
It is hard to gauge outrage when it comes to Trump. The media thinks that Trump avoiding a bullet is an outrage and he should be condemned for not dying.
I have seen a video where a black woman admitted she is going to vote for Kamala only because Kamala is a black woman. This was despite the fact that she dislikes the Biden-Harris administration's policies. Trump has hit a nerve here. Whether it will be the right or wrong tack is hard to say, but Trump has very good instincts. It does help that Kamala is phony, not to mention dumb, which is both obvious and inconvenient.
Yes, everyone knows that one only can choose a single grandparent to claim ancestry from.
I think it's fair rhetoric for Vance to refer to the Harris Administration, but then shouldn't he and Trump start figuring out the dates for their debates?
On Vance's "Harris Administration" comments, if we had a real press corps (yes, I know, that could and has started many complaints), they would be asking what's going on in the white house, who is sitting in the oval office.
Biden has fallen off the face of the earth such that I'd bet a good percentage of the public has forgotten that he's president. Where is Biden? What is he doing? Who is running the executive?
Dumb Lefty Mark: "Yes, everyone knows that one only can choose a single grandparent to claim ancestry from."
Its not our fault your newest democratical messiah, has, over the years, done precisely that to advance her political image making. Perhaps you should address a question to the DNC asking them why Kamala did that.
Or is the problem, once again, as always, those of us who dared to simply notice what you New Soviet Democraticals have been doing?
Those administration policies have let thousands of terrorists into this country. They wait the signal. BUT the Pennsylvania shooter missed whereas Israel did not. Those people who were killed had been in talks with China and were in regular communication with Russia. So that if something was planned they knew the whole shape. Now others must be briefed. Perhaps the plans must be changed. How much does Israel know? Of course Israel passes everything on to Biden but that's OK because he can't remember what they said. And, of course, he's well protected by the Secret Service from coups and assassinations. Besides, KJP has taken pains to explain that he is talking divisive Supreme Court reform and visiting the beach. That's all. No nonsense about meeting with the Secretary of State or the Cabinet. Where then will Iran strike? Is Peoria a tempting target? Marie Antoinette" Harris might be there visiting a high school though certainly a mansion housing wealthy supporters of Hamas is more likely than even the most fleeting contact with voters. But Iran likes to get the biggest bang for its buck and "Death to Indianapolis" doesn't resonate. And this is a much bigger country than people realize. Gaza and DC are in scale with each other but Montana?
As the Classic comic version of a Tale of Two Cities said so many years ago: "from the palace came the fatal words of a laughing Queen: "They have no money; why don't we print some more.")
Readering said...I think it's fair rhetoric for Vance to refer to the Harris Administration, but then shouldn't he and Trump start figuring out the dates for their debates?
Is that how the Democrats decide who their nominee is? By who JD Vance describes as running the executive branch?
Both Trump and Harris have a communication problem from oposite ends of a political rhetoric spectrum.
Harris just seems never prepared and tries to do too much with a single bullet point, devolving into word salad. She could solve this by preparing like Karen Crowder in Michael Clayton. Harris problem is that it might be too late for her to pick up this habit. Harris probably never had to prepare before, so, she might figure, I'm just going to go on doing what I'm doing, because look where I am.
Trump is in the other end, and he also wings it, but without the sophistry of a Bill Clinton. Clinton could smoothly bullshit any position into being with sophistry and guile, because he was probably never unprepared.
I put Clinton at the middle of my imaginary command rhetoric spectrum. Trump lacks the Clintonian smoothness, because he never needed it to make a deal. Trump was just better prepared to negotiate than his rivals. However, that negotiating skill doesn't necessarily work in front of an Association of Black Journos. Treating blacks as equals can be and often is sold as racist.
Pass the spicy curry and hold the yogurt!
Tim Maguire: I think Vance knows how the Democrats do it since it's same as Republicans. Delegates vote, and for veep they vote for whom they are told, whatever their misgivings.
"Those administration policies have let thousands of terrorists into this country. They wait the signal. BUT the Pennsylvania shooter missed whereas Israel did not."
Umm...pretty sure the Pennsylvania shooter was born here.
I have been under the impression that the capitalization of "Black" is intended to reflect a person's uniquely black-community experience. The fact that Harris chose to go to Howard in order to connect with her Black heritage - not, if I understand her statements about that decision correctly, because that HBCU environment was her comfort zone - suggests that she felt more connected with her Indian heritage up to that point. Is that a plausible read?
I'm sure that her experiences at Howard as a Black person were genuine. But is it so unfair to notice that she undertook to create those experiences for herself rather than just having them organically? Maybe, for some Black people, that decision is a positive - showing her commitment to them and to the American Black experience. But to me it's reasonable to think she was being strategic rather than personally genuine.
I'm having a good deal of compositional difficulty because of the comment structure at this moment (it's been switching back and forth all day for me), so I'm hoping I'm halfway making sense.
Readering: "Tim Maguire: I think Vance knows how the Democrats do it since it's same as Republicans."
How many Black voters were convinced to vote against Obama by the argument that he's actually biracial? If Trump is going to peel away some votes among Black men, it's not likely to be because of this.
At times like this I ask myself, “What would Fred Sanford say?”
Readering said...Tim Maguire: I think Vance knows how the Democrats do it since it's same as Republicans. Delegates vote, and for veep they vote for whom they are told, whatever their misgivings.
Are you sure? Because earlier you said that J.D. Vance gets to pick the Dem nominee.
That's not the point. The point is that she appears not just to code switch but to ethnicity-switch optimistically.
Maybe it would be more courteous for them to wait until they know who the ticket actually is, so they can confer with their opponents about their undoubtedly full schedules, given the short time to the election.
Blogger Readering said...
I think it's fair rhetoric for Vance to refer to the Harris Administration, but then shouldn't he and Trump start figuring out the dates for their debates?
This is the height of faux cluelessness. Harris is not yet the Democrat nominee. And it's not impossible that she might still be replaced. If you lefties wish to believe that he is afraid of her, be my guest. I hope she agrees with you.
"That’s because people are not their skin color. People are their culture. And culture is a community religious belief system teaching to worship high authority."
Why won't the Democrats consider any candidates with African American ancestry?
As a Californian, I never knew Harris was 'Black' until she ran for statewide office.
I always assumed she was some sort of Hispanic or Italian...the usual mishmash.
She is pandering for votes.
The biggest issue with Harris is that she's dumb.
As in, would be flipping burgers but for Willie Brown dumb.
So a perfect democrat representative.
Sari/Not Sari.
Listen to today's Scott Adams's line-by-line over the top praise of Trump's interview with the BJs. It's the first topic so you don't have to sit through the design of future cities and the Simulation crap.
The Althouse physiognomists are back with their calipers and their phrenology heads now… You can hear the calipers clacking.
Harris isn't dumb. I'd say she's smarter than most whites, but also that's not a high bar, and she's way below what counts as smart.
Readering said...
Tim Maguire: I think Vance knows how the Democrats do it since it's same as Republicans. Delegates vote, and for veep they vote for whom they are told, whatever their misgivings.
How many Delegates did Kamala get in the primary?
Trump is anticipating that the "backlash" will inevitably include lots of testimonials about how supportive Kamala was of Jussie Smollett and all of those George Floyd/BLM rioters.
Trump probably wants to set the date as late as possible, so that when Kamala tanks it will be too late for the Dems to do another switcheroo.
Rich said...
The Althouse physiognomists are back with their calipers and their phrenology heads now… You can hear the calipers clacking.
Can someone fill me in on the context of calipers clacking?
The idiots that are coping and seething about Trump pointing out Kamala's bait and switch on race keep bringing up calipers.
I still feel like this was an own goal for Trump. But I’m open to notion that Trump read the room much better than I can and just took back control of the media. We went from all Kamala all the time to “what did Trump just say”? And the people that Trump was speaking to at the time get it, not the least of which because he took the time to speak to them while Kamala did not.
Well done!
If Trump cared so much about making Vance part of the government, why not just make him Chief of Staff or an advisor? VP is a popularity contest. The Democrats know this.
In that photo, she looks like a half-Italian and half-Scottish aquaintance of mine in college. If the picture was taken in the spring, that is. She worked outdoors at what we would call a garden center today and would be much tanner by the end of summer.
I mean, in the context of physiognomy, the calipers are for taking extensive precise measurements of a person's head. But I don't get what that has to do with Harris's use of her ethnicity rather than showing competence at something
Achilles: "Can someone fill me in on the context of calipers clacking?"
LLR-democratical Rich spit it out the other day after his leftist amigos failed in their attempt to re-launch, again, as always, the racist accusation against Trump and Vance.
Unfortunately for our New Soviet Democraticals, we saw with the typically idiotic and ignorant morning attack by Molly Jong-Fast on MSNBC declaring JD Vance ONLY wants WHITE babies born in the US......before someone finally, behind the scenes, clued her in that JD's wife and kiddo are not exactly the most caucausian folks you might see on the street. Molly was blown out of the water on social media, similar to what happens to Rich everyday her at Althouse, and she took her social media private.
So a little later in the day, Trump shows up at the NABJ and turns the tables on the lefty buffoons and so Rich and his pals, awaiting DNC talking points that they can use but found non forthcoming, led Abacus Boy Rich to rhetorically venture out on his own and he came up with a "gem" that boils down to -- wait until Trump, using racial calipars, figures out that JD's kids aren't white!!!--
That's all it took for our lefty losers to run with it.
I guess they figured they had no where else to go.
Trump's caregivers need more help. The caregivers need caregivers like his lawyers need lawyers.
Good commanders find and exploit boundaries between enemy units.
Trump is exploiting the boundary Kommie straddles: between 1619 blacks and 1965 South Asians.
They don’t like each other.
Go to a tech company in the DC area. Descendants of slaves who have busted their asses educating themselves in STEM fields get a prized job and find themselves surrounded by H1Bs. Do you think any of them ever wonder “hmmm…is this why my public schools sucked so bad - because the companies can just mail-order these guys? Why the hell was my brother in law Rollo locked up by a prosecutor and judge who weren’t even here ten years ago?” Etc.
And the South Asians who overcame the odds in a billion-plus population, spent the money to come here, and just want to live calmly and comfortably like brown Brits, have to share the lower-middle-class areas with Rollo and the other hootin and hollerin 1619ers.
Trump can’t say any of this out loud because he wants people from both groups to join him.
But he also doesn’t need to say it out loud. Just reminding everyone of Kommie’s parentage does it for him.
Someone get me the number of whoever owns Culture Club's royalty rights, stat!
"Kama, Kama, Kama, Kama, Kama Kameleon
You come and go, you sometimes blow ..."
The parody practically writes itself.
Gunner said...
If Trump cared so much about making Vance part of the government, why not just make him Chief of Staff or an advisor? VP is a popularity contest. The Democrats know this.
Because this race explicitly hangs on rural midwestern voters in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania.
Many of those people specifically connect to Vance's childhood because they lived it too.
What's worse: rabid Diversity (e.g. racism, sexism) or opportunistic Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry)? Can they abort the baby, cannibalize her profitable parts, sequester her carbon pollutants, and have her, too?
Harris just seems never prepared and tries to do too much with a single bullet point, devolving into word salad. She could solve this by preparing like Karen Crowder in Michael Clayton. Harris problem is that it might be too late for her to pick up this habit. Harris probably never had to prepare before, so, she might figure, I'm just going to go on doing what I'm doing, because look where I am.
She was a f*cking prosecutor! If that is the reality [that she has no habit of preparing then] every single case she won was a small miracle and proof there is a God!
As for the topic of Kamala's ethnicity, Take a look at her bragging about it.
All you have to do is create questions. Trump learned that from what they’ve done to him over the last eight years. No more mister nice guy. I like it.
Chris said…
“Um, no he's Irish Indian so HE claims. “
I’m confused. Is Kamala not “Black” at all? Is her father not a black Jamaican? I hate this type of nitpicking but it’s her fault we have to know now.
It’s not too late to replace Vance.
but then shouldn't he and Trump start figuring out the dates for their debates?
I may have missed it, but I don't believe the democratic nominee has been chosen. I think the term here is 'presumptive nominee', but...they kicked one presumptive nominee to the curb already, there is still time to do it to another one. Presumptive nominee Harris will likely, but not 100% necessarily, win the roll call vote today (the results of which have not been released as of this comment submittal).
Why schedule a debate if you don't even know who is going to be involved? DNC really screwed things up for the presidential debate commission this year. As I recall, Biden (Harris adjacent?) was the one who pushed for that odd first debate before the nominees had been selected, right? And had supposedly limited the series to 2 debates.
As an aside, the Trump campaign should produce a parody of that classic South Park: The Movie song Blame Canada. They should call it: Blame Kamela. A parody of a parody. It would probably play well with those fans at the intersection of South Park and Weird Al, in Venn Diagram speak.
Kamala is a phony, and Trump is just calling it out.
LLR-democratical Rich: "Trump's caregivers need more help. The caregivers need caregivers like his lawyers need lawyers."
Rich is clearly still waiting for DNC talking points to be issued.
What's taking them so long Rich?
Achilles, I hope you are right but his numbers in the Midwest have been static or going down the last two weeks. Are there hidden Vance supporters?
TRUTH hurts.
If Kamala is willing to flip-flop on her race, she is obviously willing to flip-flop on other, more important Presidential issues.
I'm sure the attacks point out how many black men she locked up in California for marijuana offenses will be coming soon.
After the killing of Druze children in Golan, the White House statement said VP Harris had been informed.
No mention of Biden, or a President.
I took two things from that: Biden is not the public face of the administration anymore, and The actual administration boss doesn't care about hiding that fact.
Clyde said...
Sari/Not Sari.
Heh. *chef's kiss*
I see numerous Russian held hostages have been released. Have no idea if Joementia had any personal involvement but he, as POTUS, can rightfully take credit. That said, since they gaslight us 24/7 they should have explained how the Kamal worked tirelessly behind the scenes to bring this about.
She was a f*cking prosecutor! If that is the reality [that she has no habit of preparing then] every single case she won was a small miracle and proof there is a God!
Are you familiar with the term "Assistant DA?" They do the work.
People related to legal immigrants (like Vance's parents-in-law) are often horrified by the mess with illegal immigration.
They had to pay lawyers, work, go to court dates and meetings and fill out forms, yet this new wave gets to wander in and get all the benefits of the US without waiting in line and following the rules?
It's unfair, and a smart Trump will hit this harder to pull Asians and South Asians away from the Dem tent.
Harris is Black like Warren is Native American.
"I’m confused. Is Kamala not “Black” at all? Is her father not a black Jamaican? I hate this type of nitpicking but it’s her fault we have to know now."
Her father is Jamaican with mixed black and white ancestry, the latter including slaveholders. So she's 50% Asian Indian and some indeterminate percentage (let's say 25% each) black and white.
She was a f*cking prosecutor! If that is the reality [that she has no habit of preparing then] every single case she won was a small miracle and proof there is a God!
Believe it or not, she was on her college debate team. Normally that involves a lot of preparation, but in her case, I have my doubts.
“She was a f*cking prosecutor! If that is the reality [that she has no habit of preparing then] every single case she won was a small miracle and proof there is a God!”
“Are you familiar with the term "Assistant DA?" They do the work.”
“Early career (1990–2004)
In 1990, Harris was hired as a deputy district attorney in Alameda County, California, where she was described as "an able prosecutor on the way up".”
“A district attorney (or state attorney) leads a staff of prosecutors, who are most commonly known as assistant district attorneys (ADAs) or deputy district attorneys (DDAs); in states which have state attorneys the staff attorneys are usually referred to as Assistant State Attorneys (ASAs).”
The White Husband poses a problem for Kamala.
“I’m confused. Is Kamala not “Black” at all? Is her father not a black Jamaican?”
Harris’ father is mixed with Black/African. Almost 90% of Jamaicans are. Take a look at pictures of Donald Harris’ older relatives, they have dark skin, definitely not pure Irish, or indigenous Jamaican, or an Irish /Indigenous Jamaican combo. There is Black African heritage there.
Reflections of a Jamaican Father
By Donald J. Harris
The dullard is again posting links she doesn't know what they say. Did you run across his statement that his family owned slaves ?
"Katie Scarlet" Inga invokes the racist one drop rule. Tell us, Inga, is Harris a quadroon or an octaroon?
Confronting socially liberal bitter clingers to the diverse incongruities of Diversity doctrine and other progressive themes. Yeah, baby... I mean fetus, if you're deemed a "burden" on quality of life.
In the link Michael K provided to a CNN report I missed all pictures of her and her family celebrating Kwanzaa. How could they leave that out?
Nice picture.
But where's the watermelon and fried chicken?
Thanks for the help with Harris’s ancestry. If she’s 50% Indian and 50% mixed, including some black and some white, then she is really like a lot of us - mutt-like. It is better than I feared - when I worried she had no black ancestry. I do think she should be transparent with her background, though, and not pretend she is of the black American culture when she was raised in a South-Asian one. It does reek of pandering of the worst sort. Plus, she’s seems to have succeeded is angering a good number of both Indian Americans and Black Americans, by her chameleon-like behavior. I think culture is more important than race in attempting to describe your norms and values, particularly when your dna is mixed.
I wonder if MAGATs realize someone can be more than one thing. For example Trump is obese AND has dementia.
Blogger MikeD said...
I see numerous Russian held hostages have been released. Have no idea if Joementia had any personal involvement but he, as POTUS, can rightfully take credit. That said, since they gaslight us 24/7 they
Biden himself went with "why couldn't Trump get them out when he was President?" Ignoring that only 1 of the 4 released hostages was a hostage, if that, when Trump was President. Really, they were Americans held on criminal charges and incarcerated in Russia. Maybe the charges were legit and maybe they were not, but these weren't people plucked off the battlefield and held as POWs or taken off non-Russian streets and ransomed back. Well they weren't necessarily ransomed back, but apparently we paid up to get them back.
After the Olympic women's boxing fiasco, I wonder if she will disavow her support of the changes to Title IX
Of course not. They support what happened today.
Tea Baggin’ Hag… pencil-necked geek
Lives in the bag, got a lousy physique
“Did you run across his statement that his family owned slaves ?”
And are you too senile to think that the slave owner probably raped his slave, the woman whose African ancestry was reflected in her progeny?
She got hot sauce in her purse.
Is it working?
Rich is just here to throw out distraction. No caliper made us small enough to measure his..integrity. Shilling for empty pant suit word salad Kammy, because Truuuuummmmp.
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