Writes Trump, at Truth Social.
Full text:
….As everyone knows, the Democrats have Unconstitutionally taken a Candidate, who was acknowledged to be defeated, and unceremoniously replaced him with a new Candidate. This has never been done before, and is a Threat to Democracy, but I am totally prepared to accept the results of this “coup,” and replace Joe on the Debate stage with Crazy Kamala Harris. I spent Hundreds of Millions of Dollars, Time, and Effort fighting Joe, and when I won the Debate, they threw a new Candidate into the ring. Not fair, but it is what it is! Nevertheless, different Candidate or not, their bad Policies are the same, and this will be strongly revealed at the September 4th Debate. I look forward to meeting and debating Kamala Harris on September 4th. This date is convenient and appropriate in that it is just prior to the September 6th start of Early Voting in the 2024 Presidential Election. I look forward to seeing everyone on September 4th, in the Great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania!
The September 4th debate is Trump's newly proposed debate, which, as I said in this earlier post, I don't believe Harris will accept. The previously agreed-on debate was set for September 10th. He's writing, confusingly, about the new proposal as if Harris had already agreed, which she hasn't.
I think the use of the word "coup" is interesting, but it is in scare quotes.
Also interesting: the new nickname, Crazy Kamala Harris. I don't know if that one will stick. Does she seem at all "crazy"? I have heard him say that her laugh sounds like the laugh of a person afflicted with insanity. At a recent rally:
“I call her Laughing Kamala. You ever watched her laugh? She’s crazy. You know, you can tell a lot by a laugh. No, she’s crazy. She’s nuts.”
That kind of loose talk is itself crazy.
१०२ टिप्पण्या:
They threw a vapid weirdo into the ring.
And then the Maduro-Media went all in.
Americans like fair play. He's right to emphasize this.
Trump: She’s crazy. You know, you can tell a lot by a laugh. No, she’s crazy. She’s nuts.”
Althouse: That kind of loose talk is itself crazy.
That's not loose talk, it's truth talk. Your feminist bias is showing but is misplaced. After all, we're dealing with "word salad Kammie" here.
Love Crazy Kamala.
It seems to me that you can reasonably view the debate question two ways: either the original Sept. 10 agreement was between Trump and Biden, not Harris, and therefore is void, or 2. The incumbent side got to choose the terms of the first debate so the challenger side should get to choose the terms of the second.
Why should Harris receive any deference either way?
And furthermore - Trump is proposing an earlier date. Is Harris scared because she doesn't have enough time to prepare?
And furthermore - regardless of the subject of the lawsuit, isn't the fact of it a valid reason for Trump to claim, or for us to believe, that George S as moderator is in fact biased against him? So Harris's claim would have to be that Fox is biased against her in order to refuse a debate on Fox... but if Trump's claim, backed by an actual lawsuit, is not sufficient, why should Harris's claim, backed only by her perceptions, be sufficient?
Hold an open debate and let demos-cracy decide who is more fit to purpose.
They brayed about opposition research. The JournoLists et al are hoisted by their own Fani.
ask Trump all the questions on 9/4
Harris can respond on 9/10 with another week to prepare!
[ABC would have told Q's anyway]
voters can still decide later
Althouse wrote: "I don't believe Harris will accept."
She won't. Trump would wipe the floor with her and she knows it. She also knows she doesn't have to debate because our elections are rigged and fake and so what's the point? Why take chance and say something disqualifying? She needs to go in with the fake veneer of intelligence that has been plastered on her by the real people running this country.
So no, she will never debate Trump, even on ABC. Or do any sort of substantive interviews with the press before the Fake Election date.
Plus, she knows Trump is going to be murdered before the Fake Election anyway. Why debate a dead man?
Trump: “As everyone knows, the Democrats have Unconstitutionally taken a Candidate, who was acknowledged to be defeated, and unceremoniously replaced him with a new Candidate.”
Where in the Constitution does it say that a party cannot replace its candidate? Once again Trump displays his ignorance in a stunning manner.
After the Democrat plot to hide Joe’s condition from the public failed there was not a chance in hell that Biden was going to stay on the ticket. It is obvious that the Trump campaign did not plan for this eventuality which is their fault. But that is to be expected from a campaign that let Uday and Qusay pick the Veep nominee and decide that the really bad thing about California Kamala is not her stand on issues or incompetence but how she identifies herself.
Another observation - Given the freaks and losers that primaries have foisted on the party (Kari Lake, Herschel Walker, Blake Masters, etc.) returning to the smoke filled room might not be the worst idea in the world.
The candidate was not democratically selected. The candidate was appointed, then effectively coronated, by a dementia-ridden acting President on behalf of a behind-the-scenes selection committee. Earlier, the primary process was intentionally circumnavigated, and then this tactic was exploited, with the dementia-ridden acting President being shunted aside, opportunistically.
In a normal world, that might seem harsh, but.... here we are. Are Democrat voters smart enough to realize their say in the matter has been deemed irrelevant?
Shouldn't there be two debates with Harris? Especially since she is such an unknown? Don't we need more time to interrogate her positions? Wouldn't this suggest a change in scheduling to be able to fit in another debate?
A person could read that as saying Sept 4 was already agreed upon, but it’s not necessary to read it that way. On twitter, the Dems are trying to pressure Trump to keep the Biden debate plan, and the media is dishonestly claiming he backed out of it, as though the agreement with Biden applies to Harris.
Trump makes a great point that the 2nd Biden debate takes place after early voting starts. Since it is the 1st Harris debate, it should be moved up.
The significance of the way in which she came to be the Democratic nominee for US President is significant because no one has voted for her yet so that requires her to significantly and completely speak to all the voters in all appropriate forums so that they may make one of the most significant decisions of our time. And she needs to do this as early and as often as possible over the next passage of time. Otherwise we would possibly have a significantly unvetted person leading the free world. And then the whole world would be cackling at our significantly perilous, yet chosen, fate.
Maybe Kamala Harris is crazy and maybe she's not.
It's been claimed that Socrates stood proud at the performance of The Clouds so the spectators could judge the truth for themselves.
I'm not sure whether you were allowed to throw rotten fruit back in those days.
Ideally, most of a candidate's money should be spent presenting and promoting themselves and building an organization. Attacking the other candidate should be the lesser expense. Unless your basic arugment is the other candidate is even worse than me. That seems to be where we are on both sides.
Democrats are playing tag team politics. Who will be inserted after Harris takes a knee?
I can’t recall the Pence/Harris debate in 2020.
How did that go?.
I would suggest, to view Trump through the lens of political business as usual.
Charles Lindbergh and the American Firsters were all in with their admiration for the new Nazi order and its strength before they weren't, although the Heartlanders wanted a Japan First war policy rather than the Roosevelt-Churchill Europe First war-winning strategy. The Heartlanders threw their efforts into in-depth Congressional hearings searching out a Roosevelt-complicit conspiracy strategy behind the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, an effort that went full bore until 1946 and only had its last gasp in 1995 with one last peek. They knew Roosevelt was in there somewhere.
History may rhyme in its iterations, but paranoia pretty much repeats, often word for word. Trump knows no history; he marvels at the originalism of his blathering and wonders why the scribes don't fall into adulation at the uniqueness of his great man insights. The followers do.
What accompanies Republican tribalism is insularity. Republican foreign policy is shaped by the domestic perceptions of forces and threats "over there," never by an assessment of the messy realities of what is actually going on over there. How it plays in Peoria is everything. If it sells Hearst papers or boosts Murdoch ratings, then that story is the reality of "over there" that plays out "over here.”
Against Biden this election was Trump’s to win or lose based on his own performance and how far he balanced the push down the populist road. Same as in 2020 — I’d suggest Biden didn’t really win. Trump lost because people were tired of him and his demagoguery. Against Harris, he faces a situation where she might soundly beat him. He doesn’t know how to cope with that.
Leftists are too pussy, coddled, and weak to agree to go on Fox.
Leftists are too pussy, coddled, and weak to agree to go on Fox.
Blogger Aggie said...
The candidate was not democratically selected. The candidate was appointed, then effectively coronated, by a dementia-ridden acting President on behalf of a behind-the-scenes selection committee. Earlier, the primary process was intentionally circumnavigated, and then this tactic was exploited, with the dementia-ridden acting President being shunted aside, opportunistically.
In a normal world, that might seem harsh, but.... here we are. Are Democrat voters smart enough to realize their say in the matter has been deemed irrelevant?
8/3/24, 9:13 AM
There is no law that requires a parties nominee to be democratically selected.
This is a stupid argument for Republicans to make. Polls were overwhelmingly in favor of Biden dropping going back a year.
Outside of Biden’s family, the only people who are troubled by the turn of events are Trump supporters.
Whiny baby.
Vicki from Pasadena
I actually agree that Trump is whining here. He could have couched it differently -but he is unable to get past his notion that he needs to find more voters than just his base.
"Loose talk" Good grief. You mean like calling Trump, a victim of an assassination attempt, a nazi/fascist/racist/bigot who will "destroy Democracy"?
Calling Kamala "crazy laughing lady" seems pretty mild. I hope Althouse isn't going to playing the "Dont pick on a girl" card.
A capsule summary of the Democrats frenetic attempts to save their democracy. It is to laugh and then vote these clowns out!
If Trump hadn't moved his head 1 mm, we'd be looking at a new Republican nominee. To go with our new Democrat Nominee.
If I was a conspiracy nut, I'd be pushing a conspiracy. Although who was behind the conspiracy is unclear. Would Harris be complaining if a new Republican, say Haley, had replaced a murdered Trump? Of course not, that would be unseemly. But it is strange, the way that Biden was pushed out at the last moment without consulting the D voters.
But then why talk to the sheep? They don't care.
I'm happy to moderate the debate. I will ignore "weird" and focus on policy. Most importantly, I will ask both candidates if they plan to rule by executive order, and from where they derive authority for such practice.
Looks like evolving economic developments are likely to swap other issues and decide this election.
If Harris somehow squeaks-by into office, the downturn will accelerate and her presidency will be a disaster.
It was a coup, and Trump had better be hammering that constantly.
As for a debate, he needs to have a list of all of Kamala's radical positions, and no matter what the question, rattle those off.
At the beginning and at the end. Put her on defense. Make her defend Marxism.
Blogger Joe Smith said...
It was a coup, and Trump had better be hammering that constantly.
As for a debate, he needs to have a list of all of Kamala's radical positions, and no matter what the question, rattle those off.
At the beginning and at the end. Put her on defense. Make her defend Marxism.
8/3/24, 10:50 AM
No, was not a coup. There is no law requiring primaries to nominate a candidate.
The polls have shown for over a year that a significant majority of Democrats wanted another candidate. It is quite evident that Democrats are delighted by the easily foreseen turn of events.
The only people upset by this turn of events are members of the Biden family and Trump supporters. That should tell you something.
California Kamala is a target rich candidate. However, wasting one second of a campaign on the circumstances of her nomination or how she identifies herself will not move a single voter into the Trump camp. It will be a sinful waste of time and resources.
Things to focus on:
The unpopular positions that she has taken in the past that she is trying stealthily bury.
Her participation in a coverup of an enfeebled President’s condition during a time of heightened world tension.
Her clear desire to do to America what Democrats have spent spent 30 years doing in California - destroying the middle class.
That’s it.
Donald claims everyone who opposes him in one way or another is crazy. He needs to find better criticisms, his schtick is old and tired.
Trump needs to hammer Kamala's radical extremist past... and he needs to hammer policy and economics.
Trump need to hammer the lies from both Biden and Harris - and what Lance said @10:45.
Kamala has already admitted she will rule as a Fascist with her phone and pen... via executive order.
AMDG - agreed.
I don't watch debates anymore. The only ones I ever looked forward to were the debates in 1992 (Pres and VP).As Dennis Miller joked about in his standup, Admiral Stockdale became a joke, a punchline. However, I believe out of all the men on stage for Pres & VP in 1992 he would have made the best president.
From what I hear/saw from clips, sounds like SOB Joe lost rather than DJT won.
The Dullard points out that Trump is right about the Biden\Kamala voters. Most of them are crazy. She is an example. Tell us again how Putin got Trump elect.
Their obvious goal is to shield Crazy Kamala from answering any policy questions prior to the start of early voting.
Kamala is as crazy as her voters.
An argument for running against the policies and failures of the cabal of Democrats, staffers or career bureaucrats, who were running things with Biden as the beard. Those with the true power just needed a different nominal president.
Trump is still running against the DC cabal
Calling her names is not going to cut it.
Trump needs to up his game. Sadly - I don't think he really wants to win.
Proof Trump is extraordinarily fluid in his femininity: He has yet to learn there’s no crying in politics.
"Cackling Kamala" That alliterates and describes her perfectly.
Whiny old man.. the "black job' people are gonna send him packing to the Hague! NO CRYING IN BASEBALL!
No surprise. Trump has always been--among other many other worse things--a peevish crybaby.
Of course there's no law that requires voters be allowed to vote on their nominee. But it's awfully ironic, don't you think, that the party that isn't letting its own voters decide who they want the nominee to be is also the party claiming that if their opponent wins it'll be the end of democracy.
Yes indeed, there were calls for Biden to drop out! Go back to 2020 - to the extent that Democrat primary voters had a chance to speak, it was far from clear that they wanted him then. Yet the Democrats, who spent the three weeks between the debate and Biden's withdrawal as a candidate desperately trying to find a way around making Harris, the most unpopular VP since record-keeping began, his replacement, are now claiming that she's the people's choice. Are there even turnip trucks any more for people to fall off of?
God, I know I'm going to regret this, but... Victoria, surely you understand that Trump is not saying any of this on his own behalf. He's pointing out to all voters, Democrat, Republican, independent, that we are being railroaded into accepting as a candidate a person who just two weeks ago was the LAST person even her own party, to say nothing of the rest of the undecided voters, wanted.
Trump's use of capital letters is, er, unpredictable.
I disagree - see my comment to Vicki. I think Trump is attempting to remind voters, not just Democrats but certainly primarily Democrats, that Harris wasn't their choice in 2020 and has been historically unpopular with them (and everybody else) ever since, yet now they are being told they have no choice but to vote for her.
However, wasting one second of a campaign on the circumstances of her nomination or how she identifies herself will not move a single voter into the Trump camp
Are you sure? Because it pisses me off quite a bit when I'm first lied to and then railroaded, and it might... just... make me stay home, at any rate, if not vote for Stein or Kennedy or even - if I've just had enough of these clowns - Trump, given that I can look back at his administration and remember that things were pretty damn good until COVID hit, and certainly that democracy did not die.
FWIW, I entirely agree about everything else to hit her with, especially her role in the Biden cover-up .
Whiney Trump! They try to impoverish him, imprison him, and kill him, but he whines! At least they didn't misgender him.
Donald Trump was literally proven to be brave with monstrous brass balls of steel and Cook is desperately holding g I. To crybaby. Dipshit.
On what planet does anyone trying to run an honest election need two freaking months of early voting? Time for that bs to end. I’m willing to support the weekend before Election Day but the rest is just to enable fraud.
Vicky doesnt understand anything
Cackling Kamala or The Kamala Cackle
Harris declined the September 4 debate, saying she’ll be at the September 10 one, whether or not he’s there….
Wow. Now a third date will need to be negotiated, it appears.
She asked for Trump to tell her to her face, but she won’t attend the debate that he will be at, LOL. The one on the 10th has effectively been cancelled. I guess it was just another bait and switch on her part. You can’t taunt someone like that then not show up for it! She’s a wreck, politically. And a chicken.
Camouflage Kamala was also supposed to be at that B/black journalist ambush.
Given the identity focused context, not so "crazy" to point out her flip-flopping on her identity..as well as her hiding.
"Trump needs to up his game. Sadly - I don't think he really wants to win."
He just got shot and goes right back out there. If he doesn't want to win, he must have a deathwish.
"Crazy Kamala" is too vague and generic. If candidates have to have insulting monickers, "Cackling Kamala" is far better.
Trump has to watch how he treats Harris, though. For all the talk about whiny, sensitive, crybaby Trump, there'll be a chorus of howling and shrieking from the media if Trump is seen as calling a "girl" names and making fun of her.
"The only people upset by this turn of events are members of the Biden family and Trump supporters. That should tell you something."
If, God forbid, Trump had been killed by the assassin and the RNC had replaced him with Mike Pence with no opportunity for the voters to have a say, I would be quite upset.
That the Democrats aren't upset should tell you something.
There is no law that requires a parties nominee to be democratically selected.
This is a stupid argument for Republicans to make. Polls were overwhelmingly in favor of Biden dropping going back a year.
There is no law that prevents the Republicans from pointing out that the party which claims to be the party promoting 'Democracy' is attempting to completely bypass the 'democratic' process.
Too whiny. He should have gone with something like "I'm ready to debate Harris or whatever other desperation pick they swap in next."
Blogger boatbuilder said...
There is no law that requires a parties nominee to be democratically selected.
This is a stupid argument for Republicans to make. Polls were overwhelmingly in favor of Biden dropping going back a year.
There is no law that prevents the Republicans from pointing out that the party which claims to be the party promoting 'Democracy' is attempting to completely bypass the 'democratic' process.
8/3/24, 2:07 PM
But if it is not going to move voters from California Kamala why bother. It is a waste of time and resources.
If you asked to do a man on the street interview and are given 30 seconds to say why Kamala is bad what would you go with?
Blogger Rabel said...
"The only people upset by this turn of events are members of the Biden family and Trump supporters. That should tell you something."
If, God forbid, Trump had been killed by the assassin and the RNC had replaced him with Mike Pence with no opportunity for the voters to have a say, I would be quite upset.
That the Democrats aren't upset should tell you something.
8/3/24, 2:00 PM
It says that they are focused on winning as opposed to whatever the hell the Republicans have been doing since 2017.
you are more clueless than I thought possible,
they have conducted a fraud for the better part of four years, before the people
Blogger Mr Wibble said...
California Kamala is a target rich candidate. However, wasting one second of a campaign on the circumstances of her nomination or how she identifies herself will not move a single voter into the Trump camp. It will be a sinful waste of time and resources.
You are wrong. People will excuse a lot more from someone they like than someone whom they dislike. Hence all the "Momala" and black heritage stuff: it's a way of trying to armor her against attacks on her competence and policy. If black Americans see Harris as One Of Them, they will turn out to vote for her, no matter how awful her record. If they see her as an outsider who is cynically claiming a black identity after decades of embracing her Indian heritage instead, they will be more receptive to arguments about how awful her policies are.
Ditto her early political career and her nomination: they're about reducing personal support for her among women and moderates, leaving them open to arguments about her awfulness as a politician.
8/3/24, 2:01 PM
Trump is the last person in the world who should run a character based campaign.
Racializing the campaign will turn off moderates in droves.
What will resonate more with persuadable voters:
1. That Kamala’s policy preferences will make everybody, especially middle class voters, poorer.
2. That Kamala sometimes emphasizes her blackness and sometimes she emphasizes her Indian heritage.
Again, when you are way ahead on the issues that matter to voters that is what you campaign on.
They all knew who he was.
Poor Donald, so misunderstood, not. Tells you what a bunch of hypocrites and coattail riders these folks are.
Think back to Hillary and the MSM crying about "fake news". Trump turned it totally around to use against the left. Is he going to do it again, or was this a happy accident?
This has never been done before, and is a Threat to Democracy,... "
hes doing it all backwards and in heels
Kamala sucked a co&%
To put a finer point on it, Americans loathe whining.
shes running or race and as a woman, she has no accomplishments to speak of
consider the chips bill, that laid a giant egg yesterday, with 15,000 lost intel jobs
Crazy Horse Harris. Hey, she's Indian!
The Canadian Cackler… Kamala teh Katzenjammer Kid…
Spare us from Harris.
Between Biden being wrong on every significant policy issue of the last half century and Harris wrong about those and every other issue, they should find some more personal things to fuck up as they exit the stage.
So, they want to say Trump is reneging on the debate deal. Nonsense, the deal was with Biden. New player, new deal. Trump took the original highly biased in favor of Biden deal because he knew two key things:
1) the Democrats had foolishly begun to believe what they said about him
2) the Democrats had foolishly begun to believe what they were saying about Biden
The Dems thought Trump would act out and that Joe was really all right. That mistake was deadly.
“shes running or race and as a woman, she has no accomplishments to speak of”
What are your accomplishments narciso? You still can’t figure out how to create a hyperlink (despite how many times I and other people tried to teach you), or even spell most words correctly.
“To put a finer point on it, Americans loathe whining.”
What i loathe is politicians who say others are whining when they have nothing concrete to say themselves.
If he was confident he'd have stuck to the original debate terms. Between this and the black/Indian discussion, he seems desperate. I'm no fan, but I've never questioned his media savvy or political instincts. Is age catching up with him?
Blogger Earnest Prole said...
To put a finer point on it, Americans loathe whining.
8/3/24, 2:57 PM
I have a negative physical reaction to chronic whining.
It is a healthy thing to exorcise whiners from your life.
"What are your accomplishments narciso? You still can’t figure out how to create a hyperlink"
Shots fired!
I just wish she would share the link to her open doors "migrant" hostel page.
But if it is not going to move voters from California Kamala why bother. It is a waste of time and resources.
[shrug] Considering that this whole foofooraw is about a couple of Truth Social posts and a couple of lines in an extremely hostile interview where anything Trump said was going to be reported as RACIST!! and/or SEXIST!! and/or LIES!!, I don't see that there's been a significance expenditure of time or resources. I guess you can make the argument that some Republicans seem to feel obliged to defend Trump and that takes up their time and resources, but maybe they should take a page from Trump's book and stay on offense, in hopes that some of it will land - that some people will be offended by Harris's cynical packaging and repackaging of her own racial identity and that some Democrats will suddenly realize that hey, Republican voters actually chose their candidate, twice, over a LOT of objections from their own party's "elite," whereas they themselves haven't been allowed to choose a candidate since at least 2016 (and maybe not then, depending on how you view Clinton's campaign strategies).
I could never be a politician. Hell, I don't even like chess.
But the real-time odds are staying stable - Trump at -114, a hair better than last time I checked, and Harris at +126, which I believe is a hair worse. (I go to only one odds site so that I'm looking at the same data set each time.)
tell us what she has done, that is worthy of merit
fundraising for rioters, and terrorists, thats the family business,
arranging for the funding of bridges that collapsed,
how about failing to charge criminal clergy, and charging low rank offenders,
tell us oh Bavarian bard, of her accomplishments,
If he was confident he'd have stuck to the original debate terms. Between this and the black/Indian discussion, he seems desperate.
He's actually moving the proposed date up, so that it would be before PA early voting. Does that sound desperate to you? Or does it make Harris sound desperate that she doesn't want to face him until a week's worth of early voters who haven't heard her debate have cast their ballots? She could easily counter with, "Let's do it - Sept. 4, but on CNN again."
But no. She's sticking with the very compromised George S, and almost a week after early voting begins in a must-win state for her.
And the Black/Indian discussion seems tactical to me. Trump never has to say anything about it again (though, knowing him, he probably will) - the media will take it upon themselves to hammer home her Black bona fides. If their recent performance is any guide, they'll overdo it - "Kamala Harris is the Blackest Black politician ever!" - in the same way that Biden was the best Biden. And we'll see how many people can keep their eyeballs from rolling back in their heads.
For the record, I still think Trump won't be allowed to take office, one way or another, even if he wins.
“For the record, I still think Trump won't be allowed to take office, one way or another, even if he wins.”
I think he will try to claim he won even if he loses, just like he did in 2020. It will be interesting if he tries to incite more violence and rioting again. I wouldn’t be surprised.
If any violence were to happen due to a fraud laden election, Trump again would have nothing to do with it. People hate cheaters and hate being cheated even more. Not sure why that’s such a foreign concept to some.
Avoid election-related violence by not cheating. Follow all state laws to a T. Easy.
What are your accomplishments narciso? You still can’t figure out how to create a hyperlink (despite how many times I and other people tried to teach you), or even spell most words correctly.
I suspect that, like me, he could create a hyperlink but does not think it worth the effort.
I post a lot from my phone and creating a hyperlink is a lot of effort.
I read a lot on my phone, Android, Samsung browser, and following an unformatted hyperlink requires 2 clicks. Long press to select the link, when the dialog opens for copy, cut etc, select search, and the link opens in a new tab. It doesn't even need the WWW or HTTP.
If you can't figure that out, shame on you. But no surprise. You are the nurse who does not know the difference between bleach and disinfectant. I would assume that the hospitals you worked in used a lot of disinfectants. I would hope so anyway. Did they ever use bleach for disinfection? Is bleach even approved by health agencies for use in hospitals as a disinfectant?
John Henry
“I call her Laughing Kamala. You ever watched her laugh? She’s crazy. You know, you can tell a lot by a laugh. No, she’s crazy. She’s nuts.”
That kind of loose talk is itself crazy.
Exactly. If Trump and Vance make this election about her laugh, calling her crazy, questioning her birth certificate, questioning whether she is Black or not, whether she has slept her way to power, whether all the women who support her are childless cat ladies, then Trump will lose. He needs to be laser focused on the economy, the border, inflation, China, national defense. But I doubt that Trump has the discipline to do this. I think Trump has the singular ability to lose this election.
Inga said...
“shes running or race and as a woman, she has no accomplishments to speak of”
What are your accomplishments narciso? You still can’t figure out how to create a hyperlink (despite how many times I and other people tried to teach you), or even spell most words correctly.
8/3/24, 3:23 PM
LMAO! I love narciso, but as a decades-long follower of the Althouse blog and the cast of characters that populate the comment section, that comment by Inga had me pissing my pants -and I can't make a hyperlink either!
Inga takes a ton of fire here but comes across to me as a happy warrior, so I really like what she brings to the blog. I love Inga and I love narciso, two of the longtime stalwarts of the Althouse commenters. Don't ever change, you two!
President Trump only had to question the blackness once. He went before an organization that defines itself based on race "National Association of BLACK Journalists" and asked the question if she qualifies as black. He didn't do it before a white audience or on tv or at a rally, he did it before group defining itself by race.
Scott Adams talked about it, there is a name for what he did in persuasion theory which I now forget. Adams framed it as "President Trump went into their living room and took a giant shit in the middle of their rug." (quoting from memory) He explained that now that this giant turd is in the middle of their living room, they can't ignore it.
And they are not. I just saw a CNN piece where a white reporter when into a black barbarshop (though it had a white barber) and asked several blacks if Kamala was black. They said no. The white expert anchor back at CNN called them low info voters and said they did not represent blacks.
There was a cool discussion with Don Lemon and some black lady about whether she is black or not. Don Lemon said Kamala is black but not African-American. Or maybe the other way round. Based on not being ADOS nor raised in the black community.
The woman got really huffy and shouty and and it was hard to follow what she said except that she disagreed with Lemon.
Sitting between them were 2 white guys with the most priceless "I have absolutely nothing to say here" looks on their faces.
I think this may be getting some traction.
John Henry
I predict Kamala's blackness will come up in the debate, if it happens.
President Trump will not raise it, she will. She will try to defend herself that she really is black. She will make it even worse, causing people to question it. Why does she have to defend being black? Methinks the lady doth protest too much. Then all the presstitutes will jump in defending her blackness making it worse still.
And that turd will still be sitting in the middle of the living room.
And note that Inga has not answered the question Narciso posed.
So Inga, just what are Harriss's 3 greatest accomplishments in your opinion?
John Henry
John Henry
The dullard still thinks that Trump is going to lose, like 2020 and she may know something about how that was done. I doubt it though. I doubt the real experts in fraud would confide in such a dummy.
Looking like Trump made a mistake debating Biden after trumpeting that Biden was not fit to run/debate. And that someone in the Biden campaign was correct to schedule the first debate in June before either Convention. No wonder Trump is claiming unfairness. (Which is not a good look.)
I don't know who is going to call the other's bluff now, but early voting means both have an interest in debating in September.
So Kampala runs for President and loses in November. Throughout the two months prior to the election, Biden's condition continues to worsen. By November everyone agrees something needs to be done, but his replacement just lost the election has no interest in being the lamest of ducks and resigns the vice presidency to take the lead in a well funded activist organization. There is no one to recommend an alternative VP or get them approved. Third in line of succession is Speaker of the House, a Republican. So, for about 2 months the country stays with Biden and no VP or a Republican - who didn't win the election - While he tries to implement the 25th without Americans thinking its a real coup.
I think there was a episode of West Wing with a similar plot.
“I post a lot from my phone and creating a hyperlink is a lot of effort.”
So how do you know what sort of device narciso posts from? Are you guessing it the same as your phone?
I post exclusively from an iPad and making a hyperlink is quite simple and fast. I’m sorry you have trouble making one on your Android/Samsung phone. As for your bleach comment, what the hell are you talking about? I haven’t ever opined on the difference between bleach or disinfectant of any sort. Are you confusing me with a different commenter?
Remember Inga is famous for spreading a hyperlink over a half page of text, making it harder to read, so proficient she is.
But I do want that Inga's migrant hostel link so I can distribute it.
Readering said...
"Looking like Trump made a mistake debating Biden after trumpeting that Biden was not fit to run/debate. "
And as you found out, much to your amazement, Biden IS unfit for office. However he is still President. But since you believe as gospel everything you are told by your political betters Kamala Harris is now your candidate for president. Even if had a better candidate in mind you now have no other choice.Democracy dies at the DNC. What has VP Harris accomplished in her political life? Let's have a debate between Trump and Harris and find out.
Not to my amazement. My only amazement is that Biden agreed to debate Trump when he could he could have insisted on using the Debate Commision Trump rejected. Happy he was persuaded otherwise, and figure Harris and Trump will work something out.
FYI - I can’t speak for non-Apple users, but Apple users no longer need the hyperlink to get to a link quickly. IOS will recognize any portion of a link as a link, so all you have to do is select a couple characters within the link, and an “Open Link” command will pop up. Once you hit that command, you’re off to the full link. So it’s 2 clicks instead of one for a hyperlink, but no where near the bother is used to be.
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