"... who asks her why she didn’t have him. But... being able to end a pregnancy can be a necessary condition of women’s flourishing. Moore remembers reciting her 'matrilineage' in a circle with a women’s theater group in the 1970s: 'I am Honor, daughter of Jenny, granddaughter of Fanny and Margarett,' she declared. Moore wrote a biography of Margarett (
the painter Margarett Sargent) and a memoir of Jenny, but she has not become a biological mother herself. After she recounted her inheritance, everyone in the circle recited the same sentence: 'I am a woman giving birth to myself.'"
"At 23, She Had a Termination. 55 Years Later, She’s Ready to Write About It. In 1969, Honor Moore was granted an abortion by a Connecticut psychiatrist, and went on with her life. In 2024, she reckons with the fallout" (NYT).
७९ टिप्पण्या:
I'm sure I'm not the first to point out that abortion has a kind of importance to the feminist left verging on a black sacrament. And that was before I knew about the fetal tissue/ organ trafficking. From Breitbart, of all places!
Most Americans are quite unaware of how many millions not only see this, but therefore conclude the country is run by Satanists.
What a shame that Chelsea Clinton's Gramma was not able to get an abortion. See ? I'm pro-choice.
Well, I'm sure we all know what the ending is. The fetus in her head tells her it's ok and she was right to do it. It's amazing how predictable this all gets.
An unPlanned "burden" evolves as a carbon composite of his mother and father. Queer and weird. #NoJudgment #NoLabels #LoveWins
A twist on Sophie’s Choice
“In her head the aborted fetus has grown ” evokes a grotesque image. Like Athena and Zeus. Spare me the bullshit, lass
Not having read her memoir, I can't really comment on it, and it is probably inappropriate for me to, anyway. I have no basis in which to relate and can only address it from an academic perspective. But in my understanding of human nature, there are many unknown consequences when we purposely interrupt the natural order of our biological imperatives. Whether one likes it or not, women are made to reproduce. We can justify and rationalize all we want, but that is their highest purpose, everything else is a sideshow. We think we have evolved beyond that, but we see how many people learn too late the loss they suffered from their ignorance, after it was too late to fix.
I don't know if this person is suffering from a deep regret or if she is rationalizing. (Another advanced trait of our, to justify past actions as morally good or necessary, to reconcile and soften the blow of later regret.)
If there is regret, she is better to fully embrace it, cry her heart out and forgive herself rather than make excuses. Repentance is the healthiest reaction to a past error.
Revealing that she visualizes the aborted fetus as male. A true East Coast 70s feminist.
“But... being able to end a pregnancy can be a necessary condition of women’s flourishing.”
I can’t imagine a more evil statement.
Women are emotional wrecks whether they have an abortion or not, just from looking back. There's never anything of importance so they make do with fantasy.
I myself spent the morning figuring out how to listen to scott adams on my bicycle chores without incurring data limits. Start streaming on the desktop, put landline phone by speaker. Dial landline phone on my cell phone, which then hears Adams. Put cell phone on speaker in a very small cloth bag with tie closure, tie tie closure with square knot inside one-size-fits-all hat band in the back of a baseball hat which fits under bike helmet, put on bike helmet and there's a no-hands phone on speaker next to your left ear that overcomes traffic noise and wind noise, for the price of a cell phone call - zero.
Also you can hear the dog when she barks.
There was no time to look back over life nor any reason to.
That's a guy's day.
Yeah, imagine that your fetus would evolve to become a fuhrer. Just imagine... it would be a social good.
"But... being able to end a pregnancy can be a necessary condition of women’s flourishing. "
Flourishing as on not being tied down? Not having the child and handing him off to adoptive parents unknown to her? Passing on the distraction of caring for your continued lineage? Not sure I get it, but I'm a guy, so...
"Moore remembers reciting her 'matrilineage' in a circle with a women’s theater group in the 1970s: 'I am Honor, daughter of Jenny, granddaughter of Fanny and Margarett,' she declared."
Matrilineage as described here is only half the story. I'll grant that it can get short shrift when it comes to genealogy, though it need not be so. I just think leaving patrilineage out of the story is skewed, unless there's a history of absent fathers.
"Moore wrote a biography of Margarett (the painter Margarett Sargent) and a memoir of Jenny, but she has not become a biological mother herself. After she recounted her inheritance, everyone in the circle recited the same sentence: 'I am a woman giving birth to myself.'"
That's weird, and more than a bit self-centered. I still am of the opinion that abortion is seen as a means for controlling the population of the deplorables, from Margaret Sanger on down. Yes, Sanger was opposed to abortion, but she was sure enough a eugenicist.
Uh oh. Now we get to talk about the 800 lbs gorilla in the corner. What about the baby’s choice?
She still wants to be the important one. She flourishes and her loving child is snuffed. But she wants sympathy.
We recently spent a magical evening eating and drinking 3 hours at Rays on the River arranged by a daughter in Tampa and a son in Lake Oconee picked up in a limo arranged for wife’s birthday. All were happy and honored us totally. Between them we have 6 grandchildren.
Boy I’m glad no one wanted them murdered 50 years ago. We never thought of that.
It’s not about guilt. It’s about the enjoyment of the blessings of children.
So this woman is in her 70's and has no children to have grandchildren. She had her life and is alone. No children to call her and no grandchildren to enjoy. Sounds like she is mourning her choices.
Feminist flourishing and dried flower arrangements have much in common.
I'm surprised Scott Adams is that important to you. Seriously.
She was (is?) a biological mother. She chose to end the baby's life.
Ectopic pregnancy
Here's an easier way rh hardin
Download the Podcast Addict (my choice but there's others)it's free
Subscribe to Coffee with Scott Adams and any other podcasts (all free)
Set podcast to only do over wifo
It will download a list of available episodes and keep it up to date. Press a button to download an episode.
Listen offline.
Or just download the Adam's podcast as an mp3 to your desktop, xfer to the phone and play it in your music player.
Podcast addict work much better though
John Henry
I guess the question is, Did she ever have children? No hint in her Wikipedia page.
How many cats does she have?
John Henry
shame, fear, sadness, sense of freedom, emotions to be tasted like wine.
I'd go with chewy.
"At 23, She Had a Termination."
No. The woman had an abortion. Her child was terminated.
Wall St. Blogger..... AMEN
Trad Guy...... AMEN and AMEN
Termination, with extreme prejudice, no doubt. They need their euphemisms or else they'd jump off a bridge.
Good guess, except she envisions a full grown man. He agrees he should not be born. Wouldn’t want to impose like those born men do.
We have reached peak Hardin.
I'm going to quote from a Facebook post that remarkably turned up at the same time as I was reading this:
I am asking this for someone else who just got her ancestry test back. She has come up with a man who shares 51% of her dna. ... she had a brother born a little over a year before her who they said died at birth - her dad was not in the room when he came and he demanded he see him so they took him and he held the baby who appeared to have nothing wrong but was dead. her other refused to see him. but the baby her father held was dead! Her parents are both dead and her mother always told her that she reuined her life by being born.
Why would her birth have ruined her mother's life? Well, the first comment on post answers that- maybe:
wouldnt that be a father? Who shares 51% of DNA? Maybe the man who raised her was not her father...
You share, on average, 50% with full siblings who aren't your identical twin, 50% with parents, 25% with half-siblings. Full siblings can be 38-61%... If both her parents are dead, that means DNA wasn't available when she was born, paternity could be disproven by blood typing, but not proven... so maybe the man who raised her knew she wasn't his daughter. But to tell your child You ruined my life! is mental child abuse. When someone screws up- they ruined their own life. If the screw up results in a child, the child is blameless.
If she was an only child- the two possibilities are- the hospital showed the father a dead baby that wasn't his, or someone else is her father. But would it be a hospital screw-up or something deliberate? Or they had another child and let it out for adoption. In any case- the DNA tested lady has a screwed up situation to deal with.
Average woman from what I've seen end up regretting abortion at a later time in their lives. Those who continue to celibrate their abortions, because it's usually more then one, are demented.
I hate to break it to this lady, but as the seventh child in a family even larger, and without much money, I probably should have been aborted, but you know what? I am glad I wasn't, I mean really glad, even though I was certainly an imposition on my mother and a burden on my father.
Psychotic presentation thus the handmade tales to relieve reality breaks. Keeping women affordable, available, reusable, and taxable is a compelling cause.
Ectopic pregnancy can occur with medical abortion, so be sure to visit your "doctor" to ensure the child has been terminated and flushed. You don't want to be burdened by unPlanned carbon deposits that may be carcinogenic or an undocumented migration of an mRNA strand.
There is nothing “lyric” about killing your unborn child. She is monetizing her abortion from long, long ago. Still rationalizing after all these years.
There is nothing “lyric” about killing your unborn child. She is monetizing her abortion from long, long ago. Still rationalizing after all these years.
being able to end a pregnancy can be a necessary condition of women’s flourishing
I now understand why the feminist left lost their minds over Ballerina Farm, an Instagram influencer and business woman who gave up a careers in ballet to have 8 children, a husband and a farm. If she can have 8 babies and still be wildly successful, it disproves the notion that abortion is necessary for women flourishing.
So the knives come out.
I'm glad she murdered her child. I don't want people like her (i.e., child murderers) to reproduce. She's about to go extinct and the rest of us will be better off. Nits make lice.
I wish I could "like" Althouse's comment at 3:21. The comment and the reply should be framed.
"In her head the aborted fetus has grown into an adult man who asks her why she didn’t have him."
As robother said earlier in this thread, it is interesting that she chose to visualize her aborted child as an adult man. It's at least as likely that the child would have grown into a female (cis or trans, no matter) feminist activist.
"Moore remembers reciting her “matrilineage” in a circle with a women’s theater group in the 1970s...After she recounted her inheritance, everyone in the circle recited the same sentence: 'I am a woman giving birth to myself.'"
...and the matrilineage ends there, unless you count the memoir as a child.
Why do so many of the people who think abortion is an acceptable option for dealing with a pregnancy also go to a lot of effort to use language that disguises what an abortion actually is?
Never download any app.
It seemed like a good point to me. If you're working in the present it's quite different from indulging yourself in whatever she's indulging herself in. It would probably work for women too if they weren't much more interested in their feelings. Here's my day, compare and contrast.
Abortion is an ethical dilemma, putting the rights of the mother against those of the child. It was traditional to agree on a point at which the fetus gained personhood, before which abortion was permissible, and after which not. But absolutists will insist that the point of quickening is either at conception or at birth, and that the rights of one or the other do not matter.
Ehh he has a point. We were raised to think talking, revealing all helped but it really doesn't. Just makes you feel worse. So, open up X and see what's up.
There is a guy on ham radio that retransmits Scott Adams' podcasts using Morse Code that is free.
Six weeks by statute in all 50 states. That said, there is no mystery in sex and conception. There are alternatives to performing human rites.
Semantic games are often played jointly with apologies sustained through appeal to emotion.
My father was a Connecticut psychiatrist. Before the Supreme Court federalized and legalized abortion, Conn. law prohibited abortion except for health reasons, but the reasons could include mental health. It took three doctors to certify that the abortion was necessary for "health" reasons, and if the "health" issue was mental health, one of the doctors had to be a psychiatrist. Of course, it wasn't hard to find doctors to conclude that having a child out of wedlock wasn't good for the health (including mental health) of the daughter of a well-to-do family (and Doctors were expensive and shrinks particularly expensive, so legal abortion in Connecticut was pretty much limited to daughters of the well-to-do). My father refused to participate in that game. He urged pregnant girls to have the child and put him/her up for adoption. His experience was that girls who followed this approach had better outcomes in their lives than those aborted.
We had almost a half a century under a "right to abort" regime. Do you think that's had an effect on our attitudes toward children, born and unborn? Positive or negative?
I'll cut the writer some slack. An abortion--or a miscarriage, can leave one with lasting regrets and sorrow. Fiftysix years ago my wife and I were in the second year of our marriage. She was three or four months pregnant with what would have been our first child when she miscarried. We wanted that child. We went on to have two daughters, and a second miscarriage. I love our daughters--both now in their 50s--but that first miscarriage hit me hard--perhaps harder than it did my wife. The second miscarriage wasn't so bad since we already had two great young kids.
Substitute Aryan for woman and this paean to Baal Hammon reveals much ugliness.
A miscarriage is a personal tragedy. You are fortunate to have two daughters.
I have WIttgenstein's Philosophical Investigations in Morse Code at 50wpm available on my bicycle, in fact. I typed the thing in in the 80s as text and just converted it to Morse with a utility that some Ham wrote. It takes several weeks of bicycle chores to go through the whole thing. A portable radio I have has a slot for an SD card.
Romantic fiction. Any man would rather be alive, and dealing with life.
This sounds like the branch of Feminism that gives us Healthy at Any Size only now it is Virtuous with Any Choice.
Always Be Peaking.
RH said
I myself spent the morning figuring out how to listen to scott adams on my bicycle chores without incurring data limits. Start streaming on the desktop, put landline phone by speaker. Dial landline phone on my cell phone, which then hears Adams. Put cell phone on speaker in a very small cloth bag with tie closure, tie tie closure with square knot inside one-size-fits-all hat band in the back of a baseball hat which fits under bike helmet, put on bike helmet and there's a no-hands phone on speaker next to your left ear that overcomes traffic noise and wind noise, for the price of a cell phone call - zero.
Also you can hear the dog when she barks.
"Yancey Ward said...
There is a guy on ham radio that retransmits Scott Adams' podcasts using Morse Code that is free.
8/10/24, 5:16 PM "
rhhardin said...
I have WIttgenstein's Philosophical Investigations in Morse Code at 50wpm available on my bicycle, in fact. I typed the thing in in the 80s as text and just converted it to Morse with a utility that some Ham wrote. It takes several weeks of bicycle chores to go through the whole thing. A portable radio I have has a slot for an SD card.
8/10/24, 5:48 PM
How many who chose not to abort spend their life on welfare and food stamps instead of getting educated and writing books? Abortion sometimes a sadly necessary evil.
It occurred to me today that if God intervened in the affairs of men and women and trans men and women, then he would cease to be God and just be... someone aborting their baby.
How many people on welfare get off it and manage to make something of their lives?
She's the daughter of NYC Bishop Paul Moore. Her grandparents were very wealthy, and her grandmother was involved in Planned Parenthood early on. Bishops' and billionaires' children often don't turn out well.
"Fetus" is latin for offspring.
Ya wanta flourish? Have kids.
Trump's kids seem to have turned out alright. Better than Brandon's, but then he's just a millionaire, isn't he?
When I was at university , ministers' daughters were considered an Easy Lay.
And if you moaned "God! God! God! at the critical moment, they were up for an immediate second round.
Four billion years of uninterrupted life begetting life, and her lineage ends with her—a fitting end for someone who murdered her child.
"She had a termination". WTF?
The feelings of men whose progeny are terminated are so seldom considered. I have been the splooge stooge for multiple such events and I profoundly regret the loss of the children that might have been. As it is, the ones that have grown to adulthood are fine citizens, clearly establishing my credentials as a superior inseminator of fertile females. Yeah, my offspring will continue the human experiment into the future. I have suggested to my current wife that she rent me out like a proven old bull to local women who want to upgrade. No such action so far.
But... being able to end a pregnancy can be a necessary condition of women’s flourishing.
But... being able to end a life can be a necessary condition of a man’s flourishing.
i literally can't count the number of people i had to terminate, in order to flourish in comfort and wealth. If i hadn't been able to murder people, my life would have been VERY inconvenient. Thankfully, as a MAN, i was able to murder and enslave at will.. Which has made me VERY RICH and SUCCESSFUL
"I have memory and awareness, but I have no shape or form. As a disembodied spirit, I am dead and yet unborn. I have passed into Olympus, as was told in tales of old, to the City of Immortals; marble white and purest gold." Rush - Cyngus X - Hemospheres.
Oh.what did Clott Adams have to say? More self-back slapping re his primo predictions?
Her compulsion to post this article says it all. She is asuamed.
Ann Althouse Good guess, except she envisions a full grown man. He agrees he should not be born. Wouldn’t want to impose like those born men do.
Which is why it’s so important that the fetus be a man. Where’s the empowerment in killing one woman so another woman can be her best self?
How many aborted people spend their lives getting educated and writing books? None of them.
Sure, why face consequences for your choices when you can visit those consequences 10-fold on an innocent bystander?
Luke, as I read it, he engrossed himself in solving a problem instead of crying that he had a problem and now he experiences the satisfaction of accomplishment. I don’t think it’s important that the podcast was Scott Adams.
"First she had an abortion, now she's got the blues"
Sheila E., "Koo Koo"
It’s good that the woman could make some money off the vision of her long and gratefully aborted child. And there is meta money to be made with the commission earned on this cherished sorrow!
"[A]borted fetus" = murdered child
The left really, really hates the truth.
I bet she made them feel guilty.
"Whatever is true of the female will be presented as good." A.A.
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