August 5, 2024

"Former U.S. President Donald Trump has claimed that Iran is planning to attack Israel tonight."

"This assertion has been widely discussed on social media, with various sources reporting on the potential for an attack and the U.S. government's efforts to prevent it...."

Grok summarizes the discussion on X.


Michael K said...

Maybe he knows Biden/Harris' check has cleared.

Doug said...

If Trump is right, why aren't we hearing this from FJB first? Rhetorical question.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our Puppet regime in action.

Dave Begley said...

If you want to avoid WW III, vote for Trump.

CNBC stock guru and Dem said today that if you want to protect your paycheck, vote Trump.

Cramer is a very smart guy and no Dem suck-up.

Dave Begley said...

Can you imagine what Biden is telling Bibi now?

mccullough said...

Iran has already attacked Israel.

So they are going to do it again.

Now Israel can kill all the Mullahs.

Something Carter should have gone in 1979.

Yancey Ward said...

I imagine an attack is coming- Iran can't really be seen to have done nothing in retaliation, from their, the Iranians, point of view. The degree of retaliation, however, is still up in the air. I also imagine the Biden puppeteers are working overtime to talk the Iranians down to, at most, an actual tit for tat rather than something much larger and more damaging.

Reddington said...

Oh I've heard this one before. Now we get two weeks of: "He's revealing classified information! What a blunder! He can't be trusted with state secrets! There needs to be a serious conversation about whether the Director of the NSA can continue to have candid briefings with him! This may be grounds for impeachment!"

narciso said...

because we don't have a President, it is head of state, by andrew marr,

The Vault Dweller said...

Blogger Dave Begley said...
Can you imagine what Biden is telling Bibi now?

"And then, when I was at the D-Day thing, a man fell from the sky. It was like he appeared out of nowhere. He was ok somehow but damned if I could explain it, still trying to figure that one out."

narciso said...

I'm guessing his adhoc staff like General Flynn or Rick Grenell has a better grasp on things that this camarilla,

narciso said...

and I beg to differ, Cramer is the easiest mark in the world, thats why his statements often sound like opposite day, Sam Bankman Fried is the next Morgan, wait where did everyone go?

M.E. said...

@Dave Begley - any chance you have a clip of Cramer saying that? Would love to send to some people I know. Thanks! (I searched for it but, surprise surprise, found nothing!

Dave Begley said...


The late Mark Haynes knew that Cramer was the perfect weathervane for what the Street thinks.

Dave Begley said...


Go to twitterX.

Gusty Winds said...

Just in time for today's stock market "Kamala Crash".

Static Ping said...

Iran has been attacking Israel through proxies for decades. Hamas is one of their clients.

I suppose we should thank Biden's diplomatic genius for this wonderful development.

narciso said...

yes but they don't really think, we give hezbollah almost a billion dollars through the lebanese armed forces a sieve, arranged by nejad fares of the Middle East institute,

narciso said...

this was probably why drawing down our strategic reserve was not such a smart move,

narciso said...

Leland said...

I suspect Iran is planning to attack Israel on any day or night. It is what they do.

narciso said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Tisha Bav which is supposed to be next monday,

rhhardin said...

It looks choreographed.

Drago said...

Begley: "Can you imagine what Biden is telling Bibi now?"

Vault Dweller: "And then, when I was at the D-Day thing, a man fell from the sky. It was like he appeared out of nowhere. He was ok somehow but damned if I could explain it, still trying to figure that one out."


It would be more along the lines of: Bibi, you just need to stop right now and surrender to my mad mullah pals in Tehran that my buddy obama loves so very very much and who are connected to Putin pal russkis who paid my family millions, long after Beau served as the first Honorary Hebrew Paratrooper for the IDF in 1948 and volunteered in Gaza where he lost his life fighting in hand to hand combat against the Gurkha's who weren't even supposed to be there. True Story. You have my word as a Biden.

RCOCEAN II said...

Why in the world is Trump the one saying this? He's not the President or in the State Department/Intelligence agencies. He must gotten this from foreign intelligence or sources inside the Biden Administration.

Anyway, Iran has vowed to retaliate for Israeli assassinating people on Iranian soil. If they attack, Zionists will spin it as if the attack was unprovoked and motivated by nothing more than malice.

No doubt Iran will let loose a few missiles/drones, that will kill no one except a few people at an Israeli Air base.

narciso said...

Its not surprising if youve been paying attention

tcrosse said...

Why in the world is Trump the one saying this? He's not the President..

So who IS the President? Anybody?

minnesota farm guy said...

"The U.S. State Department has reportedly sent messages to Iran through intermediaries, warning against escalation and stating that the U.S. would defend Israel if attacked."
So Blinken says we are going to defend Israel. Does that mean carrier aircraft- presuming it will be an aerial attack? We currently have 4 (count 'em)aircraft carriers in the middle east. Somewhere around 300 aircraft. If we launch will our pilots' rules of engagement be adequate to protect both the pilots and the Israelis we are defending? What's going to happen if the Iranians knock down a couple of US planes? As far as I can find out we have no "mutual defense agreements" with Israel. We do have obligations to provide the most advanced military equipment but not to put US bodies in harm's way. So is Blinken taking it upon himself to extend that privilege to the Israelis or is he like so many in DC just blowing smoke. Once again an initial wishy-washy response to aggression leads to worse, not better, conditions. Will Iran call our bluff and if they do, and we do nothing - or end up with a bunch of dead pilots - what happens next?

Terrific that we have been funding Iran's air force with repatriated funds. Really bright people in DC.

narciso said...

Kay said...

Cramer is a very smart guy and no Dem suck-up.

The same guy who got caught completely by surprise when the financial crisis of 2008 went down.

narciso said...

Dave Begley said...

One thing is fascinating, who are the people voting for Harris?

I can see the Greens, black tribalists/DEI people, race-industrial complex and the education-industrial complex, but who else?

narciso said...

JaimeRoberto said...

From the US Embassy in Beirut: "We encourage those who wish to depart Lebanon to book any ticket available to them, even if that flight does not depart immediately or does not follow their first-choice route. U.S. citizens who lack funds to return to the United States may contact the embassy for financial assistance via repatriation loans. We recommend that U.S. citizens who choose not to depart Lebanon prepare contingency plans for emergency situations and be prepared to shelter in place for an extended period of time."

Beirut is not Iran, but Iran's allies are in Lebanon, so it's pretty apparent something is likely in the works.

RCOCEAN II said...

Israel has been attacking Iran for decades. Bombing the country, assassinating scientists and any Iranian leader it dislikes, and using proxies like Sadaam to attack Iran. Its the Israel decision to murder Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Zahedi and his senior deputies, on April 1 in Syria in violation of international law, which started the recent round of violence between the two countries.

Israel never tries to negotiate a peace with Iran, because it knows its Zionist stooges in the USA will support ANYTHING it does. Even Genocide in Gaza.

PS - I just saw that Israel is warning of an attack too. So, Trump was just echoing what israel is saying.

narciso said...

Yes they want to prevent iran from building a bomb so israel doesnt have to nuke them which they can

Under the shah israel had no ptoblem with iran because they didnt want to kill every jew

narciso said...

Syria is effectively a colony of iran so there is no sovereignty issue there

narciso said...

When they attacked our barracks and embassy they used syrian territory

narciso said...

You could at least pretend to be less ignorant i know its a stretch

retail lawyer said...

Blogger Dave Begley said...

One thing is fascinating, who are the people voting for Harris?

Single women.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Erik Ericson was lamenting the stories that Donald Trump often has internet conspiracy theorists at his resort in Mar-a-lago, filling his head with stuff that is not going to help him. If anything, when Trump repeats what he hears, he turns people who won't vote for Kamala, start considering it because, 'she would only be able to do damage for two years, after which the GOP not only retains the House but get the Senate back, while The Supremes protect the country.'

It's really "Trump's election to lose", says David Axelrod.

narciso said...

Erickson has long since proven hes a moron at least since 2011

narciso said...

They want to push HR 1, they want to make puerto rico and dc states and destroy the Court

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

"Former U.S. President Donald Trump has claimed that Iran is planning to attack Israel tonight."


From the WSJ today:

"The Middle East braced for another round of violence Monday, after U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on a call Sunday with Group of Seven foreign ministers that Iran could attack Israel within 24 to 48 hours, according to two diplomats briefed on the call."

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs said...

Did he say what time?

Leland said...

It just seems that what Trump said was tautological. “Iran is planning to attack Israel tonight”. Whether Iran is attack doesn’t matter as much as it is most likely true Iran is planning, tonight like every other night and day. One hopes our own country is planning to respond to a China invasion of Taiwan, and perhaps that planning is happening tonight.

RCOCEAN II said...

Erick Erickson was OK with Hillary getting elected in 2016 and Biden in 2020. He also wanted to shoot J6 protesters dead. He's a clown.

minnesota farm guy said...

You guys are missing the point. We are in big trouble and are leaderless. Proof of that is that SecDef and SECState are making presidential decisions without so much as a sniff from the White House.

Ambrose said...

Is it telling that they did not say he had "falsely" claimed that.......

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Did he say what time?"

It would be whatever time the New Soviet Democraticals islamic supremacist mad mullah allies want it to be.

Obviously. That's what you guys have been setting up since 2009.

donald said...

Erickson is also the fat fuck, who spends at least a quarter of his show begging for other jobs. It’s a disgrace. He’s on WSB, the largest signal in the Southeast. Of course shame on WSB for having him and while I’m at it, fuck ‘em for hiring Erick Van Haessler and turning him all pussy so he can keep his job…which he makes sure you know at least twice a show. The only thing to be stomached on that station is the Georgia Bulldogs during football season. On
So happy to be out of that dump.

mikee said...

Iran can indeed attack Israel. Iran did attack Israel a few short months ago, launching hundreds of drones and missiles at Israel in a direct attack meant to inflict civilian casualties. Iran achieved exactly nothing except its own humiliation in that completely failed attack. And Israel then showed Iran that it could bomb any location in Iran with utter impunity.

Iran can attack Israel, again. Israel might not avoid retaliation against Iran should the mullahs be stupid enough to do so, again.

DINKY DAU 45 said...

Treasonous trump "thank you Putin for the hostage release" fuck you Joe Biden and the US. What an old grumpy glitching individual who will be sent packing by the "turned black" KAMALA and the people. This guys old stick is lost its fervor.Tresonous trump THANK YOU MR PUTIN. way too old and glitching to continue drop out dude before your run out!