७ ऑगस्ट, २०२४

Devastating... or is there an answer to this? Better get it out quick.

३२३ टिप्पण्या:

«सर्वात जुने   ‹थोडे जुने   323 पैकी 201 – 323
effinayright म्हणाले...

So Walz will sing, "I can fling the slime, in three-quarter time...."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Burning down black neighborhoods in the name of leftist rage - was all the rage. Walz is a fighter. LOL

Static Ping म्हणाले...

The response has been to lie. They claim that Vance did not serve, and Walz served in Iraq. Of course, Vance did serve in Iraq and Walz quit the National Guard so he did not have to go to Iraq, but who cares about the truth?

Drago म्हणाले...

Its getting so much worse so fast its spiralling out of control...from Bloomberg's Joshua Green article

"Green discusses a 2004 visit from former President George W. Bush to Gov. Walz’s hometown, in which a protesting Walz (who was still serving in the military) told the reporter about him supposedly demanding to speak to the then commander in chief.

“Walz thought for a moment and asked the Bush staffers if they really wanted to arrest a command sergeant major who'd just returned from fighting the war on terrorism,” Green writes."


Gravel म्हणाले...

He buggered off when the rubber hit the road. This would be shameful for anyone, but for THE SENIOR NCO in his command, it's reprehensible.

Lawnerd म्हणाले...

Does anyone really make a decision based on the VP? I was going to vote for Trump regardless of his or Harris’ VP. Vance and Walz are irrelevant. Also, the notion that Walz is going to bring in the rural vote is laughable. I’ve lived in rural areas and I don’t think there is anything appealing about him that would counter how toxic Harris is to rural folk.

Lawnerd म्हणाले...

Does anyone really make a decision based on the VP? I was going to vote for Trump regardless of his or Harris’ VP. Vance and Walz are irrelevant. Also, the notion that Walz is going to bring in the rural vote is laughable. I’ve lived in rural areas and I don’t think there is anything appealing about him that would counter how toxic Harris is to rural folk.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs म्हणाले...

Guest Opinion | Tim Walz is overstating his military service.
by Donald Trump

Michael K म्हणाले...

I examined applicants for the military. Bone spurs are disqualifying and easily seen on X-Ray. Asthma is also disqualifying but is easily tested.

Derve Swanson म्हणाले...

Vance can plausibly go after Walz and score points.
He could had his contributions actually made a difference in Iraq.
He didn't. He got duped. A lot of guys didn't get to come home and collect free tuition as wall as all those paychecks for their "service". JDVance has been over-compensated for his military adventuring in Iraq... honestly sometimes I think those soldiers should have paid us for their adventures. They got fed, clothed and sheltered, and ... combat pay, all the perks that go with vet status? And for what... serving in a losing war that anybody with half a brain saw would not be won...

If he wanted to "nation build", he should have been a missionary. That wasn't soldier work what our military did over there. They were just grunts, taking orders, so the responsibility rests with Bush Cheney and all the military leaders above him....

Sounds like Walz was smart enough to know it was a junk war from the get go, committed to training her troops and got out -- under the rules -- in time to make something more of his life. JD did that too... he wouldn't be where he is today except for gloryriding on the WWII Marines say. They really honestly did nothing positive in Iraq, for all we taxpayers paid for the Bush Cheney follies starring young dumbs like Vance who thought they were protecting 'merica or something... (?)

Drago म्हणाले...

Rich continues to struggle as he awaits emails with the new talking points. Maintaining silence in the meanwhile would have beem a better course of action.

Pillage Idiot म्हणाले...

The link in blue truly clarifies the postings from Inga.

I am highly informed ... I get all of my information from Democrat Party press releases!

Michael K म्हणाले...

"Rich" prefers the deserter over the guy who never claimed he'd served.

Sebastian म्हणाले...

Walz is a great warrior in the same way that Harris has always been black and Biden was sharp as a tack.

Pillage Idiot म्हणाले...

I think there will be another version of "Swift Boat Veterans" against Walz in this election cycle. (The military boards I read are pissed at his Stolen Valor embellishments!)

The most interesting thing to me is going to be will Facebook, YouTube, and other Lefty social media allow people to post links to the Walz - Swift Boat videos, or will they censor and shadow ban that content?

Drago म्हणाले...

LLR-democratical Rich is every bit the business and technology "expert" as Chicken Hawk Walz-ed Away is a combat "expert" who carried "weapons of war" in a "war zone".....which apparently was one of the fruit markets in Rome.

Leland म्हणाले...

Inga mentioned the lines in Eau Claire. Well, unlike Harris or Walz, JD Vance walked the line, as in approached reporters and took their questions in front of Harris' plane. Devastating.

Pillage Idiot म्हणाले...

Wow Howard! Body shaming that is completely irrelevant to the post.

I used to think you were some type of intellectual with a different political view point than mine, and perhaps worth reading. However, you have now effectively disabused me of that notion!

RCOCEAN II म्हणाले...

Walz did what the hero in "The white feather" did. Decided to quit after hearing he might go fight in the middle east. Later redeemed himself by saving everyone who'd given him a feather. Good film. Perhaps they can do an update, whereby the hero just stays home, uses the white feathers for a comfy pillow, and becomes VP.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs म्हणाले...

In his defense: it's not easy dodging STDs.

Leland म्हणाले...

That puts Trump equal with Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden. The issue here is claiming a retirement rank he did not keep and duty he did not do, which is the problem Tim Walz has, and JD Vance does not. Also for Democrats that whined about George W. Bush, Tim Walz story is actually worse.

They’re eating the cats — They’re eating the dogs म्हणाले...

In his defense: it's not easy dodging STDs.

Pillage Idiot म्हणाले...

No where in his comment did Drago state or imply that "only right wing veterans are true veterans".

That is a strawman you made up completely from whole cloth.

Actually, Inga, it appears that you are the one that introduced "VoteVets" into this thread. An honest person might have noted that "this is a link from a left-leaning vets group".

I notice that you did not add that little clarification about the source. (But Drago did.)

More truth from Drago than from you, and you are dragging him!

MadisonMan म्हणाले...

Was kinda wondering what would happen when >200 comments occurred in the new format. Now I know! We can thank Walz's dubious military service.

Pillage Idiot म्हणाले...

Thank you for your service!

Joanne Jacobs म्हणाले...

Walz claimed during his first campaign that he'd gone overseas to "serve in the war on terror." He'd spent 6 months in Italy.

Pillage Idiot म्हणाले...

I think VP may be really important this time around.

If a hostile foreign power sends a trained sniper team to assassinate Trump, do you think the current incompetents in the Secret Service could prevent that?

PrimoStL म्हणाले...

You are an STD.

Drago म्हणाले...

"In his defense: it's not easy dodging STDs."

Well, that's a bit insulting regarding the Italian women that Chicken Hawk Walz might have encountered in Italy before he went Blue Falcon and then full Stolen Valor liar.

Goetz von Berlichingen म्हणाले...

In his defense: it's not easy dodging STDs.
If only your parents had been more careful!

minnesota farm guy म्हणाले...

I have to agree that leaving the service just when you are being called to do what you have trained for stinks. I tend to think of the National Guard as the guys who fill sand bags and spend a couple of weeks camping out in the summer. Not so much the case anymore. For 20 years Walz was paid to train for war and was rewarded with promotions to more responsible positions. I was taught that the first concern for those in responsible positions was the troops under their command. To abandon those troops just when they needed him most does not say good things about Walz' character.

Leland म्हणाले...

Serious question for all, but particularly Vets for Democrats. Who would you rather have at the top of ticket? Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, or Tulsi Gabbard? Remember, you didn't get any of these choices in a primary.

Michael K म्हणाले...

I'm assuming that there are videos of Walz claiming combat experience. They'll make great ads. I think Kamala's handlers are no more competent than she is.

Mason G म्हणाले...

" I think Kamala's handlers are no more competent than she is."

There's a video posted by the "Kamala HQ" account on X:


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves म्हणाले...

Heartbreaking testimony of a handicapped woman whose neighborhood was completely destroyed by George Floyd rioters.

Tim Waltz stoked these riots and allowed the violence to devastate her city. Imagine what he’d let happen to the country.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne म्हणाले...

Hmmm, this is still up on the Harris campaign's website:

For six terms, Governor Walz represented Minnesota’s First Congressional District – a conservative-leaning district where he was only the second Democrat elected since 1890. The son of an Army veteran and a retired Command Sergeant Major in the Army National Guard himself, Walz was the ranking member on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, where he passed legislation to help stem veterans’ suicides.

Guess they haven't got a clue about how bad this looks.


lonejustice म्हणाले...

Trump and his campaign supporters are making a mistake in making this a big issue. Yes, there is a real difference in the military service of Vance and Waltz. But the election is between Harris and Trump. Like it or not, whenever you bring up military service, voters will be reminded that Trump got 5 deferments from having to serve in Vietnam during the height of the Vietnam War. I'm old enough to have friends, relatives, and college roommates who were killed in Vietnam. To get 5 deferments you had to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth. Even John Kerry, a Democrat whom I despise, at least he served in Vietnam. I will vote for Trump because he is the lesser of two evils, which I have indicated before, but he is a coward and draft dodger who was afraid of war and being shot at. That is disgusting.

Kathryn51 म्हणाले...

Michael K said...
I'm assuming that there are videos of Walz claiming combat experience. They'll make great ads. I think Kamala's handlers are no more competent than she is.

I think there are many videos, but the one I see most often on X he says: "make sure those weapons of war that I carried in war. . "

One CNN commenter said this could be "interpreted" by some that he was actually claiming to be in combat. That tells me that he was thoroughly vetted and The Bubble didn't think it was a big deal. And the fact that he claimed that he retired at a rank (which was official but conditional??) and from which he was ultimately demoted is technically not a lie because at the time he "retired", they hadn't retroactively demoted him.

And I have many cat lady friends who will s rationalize it all because. . . Trump. So, I think the handlers knew and plan to ignore it. They know the press will.

Steve म्हणाले...

This was the first presidential debate I can remember that occurred before the conventions. The Dems knew exactly what they were doing and lead their lamb to the slaughter. They had to get him out before he was nominated.

This is the only time I have seen Trump's political instincts fail him utterly. His aggression lead him to take the early debate and to destroy Biden. He did exactly what the Dem's wanted. That debate after the convention would have lead to a 45 state rout and a massive red wave in the house and senate.

Drago म्हणाले...

"I will vote for Trump because he is the lesser of two evils, which I have indicated before..." (Wink wink!)


Chamneling Pure LLR-democratical Chuck. You aren't fooling anyone.

Paul म्हणाले...

George Bush Jr. flew F102s in the National Guard. Requested combat in Vietnam (but was turned down.) And Walz did exactly what with his service? Artillery Sgt? Doing what? His career is exposed by Newsweek (and they are very liberal!) https://www.newsweek.com/national-guard-disputes-tim-walzs-military-biography-1936038

Drago म्हणाले...

Lonejustice really, really wants to let this one go...in support of his New Soviet Democratical Party.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"Lonejustice really, really wants to let this one go..."

Sort of. What he really wants is to change the subject and make it about Trump so that people stop paying attention to Walz.

cronus titan म्हणाले...

Because it is true, there is nothing to say. Both Harris and Walz are unvetted and have zero intention of engaging beyond scripted comments and photo ops. The benefit is that they and the media can define them in any positive manner. The downside is that they are unprepared for negative information coming out. We'll see if the media can cocoon them for 3 months. They sure as heck are going to try.

Leland म्हणाले...

What, you think lonejustice really isn't sincere in his advice to Trump, or anyone for that matter?

effinayright म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Rabel म्हणाले...

Paul wrote:

"George Bush Jr. flew F102s in the National Guard. Requested combat in Vietnam (but was turned down.)"

Your second sentence is incorrect as far as I know.

The Godfather म्हणाले...

Walz and I are about a half generation apart (I'm older). When I was a young man, there was this thing called THE DRAFT. If you were male (in those days females weren't subject to THE DRAFT) you could be deferred from THE DRAFT while you were in college and graduate school, but when your education was completed, your name went to the top of the list for THE DRAFT. So, in my day, some guys joined the National Guard so they wouldn't be drafted, and most of them were, in fact, not "sent to war".

I have no information about why this guy joined the Minn. Nat. Guard (long after the end of the draft). My WILD SPECULATIVE GUESS is that he did it to advance his political career. If my guess is right, then advancing his political career was not important enough for him to risk his a** (sorry; life). That's fine with me, but he's got to come out an deal with it, right? Maybe he suckered those goobers In Minn., but do the rest of us have to allow ourselves to be suckered?

Kristo Miettinen म्हणाले...

I'm not seeing it brought up elsewhere, so let's just point out that as a battalion command sergeant major (CSM, his position, not his rank) Walz would have been equivalent to a Vice President of sorts. He's not second in command (that's the deputy commander), but then again Vice Presidents are so irrelevant that as CSM Walz was arguably more important to his unit than a VP is to the administration. Not a good look for someone running for president or VP, barely excusable in someone running for congress or some other position where you blend in to a crowd.

effinayright म्हणाले...

"To get 5 deferments you had to be born with a silver spoon in your mouth."

Oh bushwa: Four of those deferments were student deferments, which several million guys got automatically during the early Vietnam era. Then when later made 1-A Trump flunked a physical because of bone spurs, and was given a 1-y classification, then he had an operation for those bone spurs....but then he drew a very high number in the draft lottery and was in the clear.

Achilles म्हणाले...

No. He was the CSM of the unit. As an NCO, Non-Commissioned Officer, you have actual responsibility. It is inherent to being an NCO.

The Unit's readiness is based on you and others in your chain of command doing their duty. In war your unit acts as a well, unit. If you pull key pieces out of the unit readiness goes down. Walz as a leader betrayed everyone underneath him in the chain of command.

Betrayed. Period.

Achilles म्हणाले...

Because it is true?

Kristo Miettinen म्हणाले...

So, meh. What Bush volunteered for was a program called "Palace Alert", which could have sent him to Vietnam but also sent pilots to Europe, to Japan, etc, based on needs of the service. So not exactly volunteering for combat, but leaning that way. Granted, he was denied administratively because he lacked the minimum flight hours (1000), a fact he probably knew when volunteering.

Inga म्हणाले...

Ah yes, I knew this whole smear on Walz sounded familiar.

“The strategy, which Trump amplified Wednesday by calling Walz a “DISGRACE” on Truth Social, is a throwback to 2004, when Republicans attacked Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry’s record as a Navy officer in Vietnam. Chris LaCivita — who was a consultant to the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth group that helped sink Kerry’s bid — is a senior adviser to Trump’s campaign and has signaled an eagerness to reopen the playbook on Walz.

“And when his men needed him the most … as they headed into the Crucible that is combat … he deserted them … left them,” LaCivita posted Tuesday on X, shortly after Harris selected Walz to join her on the Democratic ticket. “Why? So he could run for Congress.”


guitar joe म्हणाले...

Neither Walz nor Vance saw combat. As for carrying combat weapons, unless he said he used them in combat, then he's not lying. He used them in training, he trained others in their use. He may be suggesting he did more than he actually did, but so is Vance. Unless you check the details, you wouldn't know he didn't see combat. The "stolen valor" claim is serious, and there are plenty of instances of it from public figures and it's appalling. I think folks are stretching the meaning of the term here. And I think Vance is.

Inga म्हणाले...

“Walz has faced such attacks before, including in his re-election campaign in 2022, when his GOP opponent questioned his decision to leave the service in 2005. Walz’s campaign responded with a letter signed by 50 veterans praising his record and leadership.

“Governor Walz secured additional funding for new veterans homes,” read the letter, a copy of which the Harris campaign shared Wednesday with NBC News. “In his first term, Minnesota was one of just seven states initially selected by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to participate in the ‘Governor’s Challenge’ to eliminate veteran deaths by suicide.”


Drago म्हणाले...

"The "stolen valor" claim is serious, and there are plenty of instances of it from public figures and it's appalling. I think folks are stretching the meaning of the term here. And I think Vance is."

Nope. Wrong.

"I carried weapons of war. In war"--Walz

And he repeated variations of this for years. But I appreciate your attempt at minimization. Simply read the Bloomberg article upthread. Where a lefty reporter captures Walz claiming to have fought in the War on Terror.

Its really astonishing. Had JD Vance done this all the Walz apologists would be screaming for JD's head.

Drago म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
rehajm म्हणाले...

It’s a sucker pin is also a golf saying…

Achilles म्हणाले...

I am quite sure you could find 50 other blue falcons to support Walz.

The people in his unit that he abandoned hate him though just like we all hate Blue Falcons.

If you could do us all a favor please post the 50 names. They are pieces of shit we would all like to know about.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war..." - T. Walz

War? Or training? Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to. I guess.

Drago म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Swede म्हणाले...

Ol' Cut and Run trained his entire career to go to war.
And when the time came, he cut and ran.
Hell, he got out of there so fast he didn't even finish the requirements to be a Sergeant Major. Which is why his retirement pay is for a Master Sergeant.
What a lily-livered chickenshit.

Drago म्हणाले...

"Ah yes, I knew this whole smear on Walz sounded familiar."


There is no turning back for the left/LLR-left. Their strategy will be to simply pretend all the Stolen Valor videos and Blue Falcon facts simply dont exist!

That tells us the obambi team looked at this and could never get anyone else to slot in...so its full speed ahead with lying and pretending it never happened!

Drago म्हणाले...

Inga is now claiming Trump campaign personnel forced Walz to make his Stolen Valor claims for decades! Maybe they held a tampon to his head!

Esteban म्हणाले...

Waltz’s DUI and subsequent BS excuse about thinking he was being chased and his military service leaving him deaf (he couldn’t understand the officer) despite being 31 army the time doesn’t help either.

Rusty म्हणाले...

Rich don't say much, but when he does, he don't say much.

Kevin म्हणाले...

Walz: "We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war."

Rusty म्हणाले...

It must be a habit. He abandoned Minneapolis.

Kevin म्हणाले...

Newsweek: "The Minnesota National Guard is disputing Governor Tim Walz's military biography, saying that the Democratic vice presidential candidate did not hold the rank of command sergeant major at the time of his retirement."

Inga म्हणाले...
ही टिप्पणी लेखकाना हलविली आहे.
Achilles म्हणाले...

This is perfect. Absolutely perfect.

All those stupid people that trusted the Democrats to pick good candidates for them look so absurd and stupid now.

Even Inga and Rich have to realize how stupid they look at this point.

Drago म्हणाले...

Everyone does know whats going to come next from Inga and the LLR-democratical crew, right?

It was the russkis that did it to Walz! He is a victim! The russkis created deep fakes and hacked Walz's records! LOL

Inga and crew would swallow that one whole, sight unseen. With gusto.

Mason G म्हणाले...

What's the over/under on the amount of time it'll take to scrub this from the "Office of Tim Walz" mn.gov website:

"After 24 years in the Army National Guard, Command Sergeant Major Walz retired from the 1-125th Field Artillery Battalion in 2005. "

guitar joe म्हणाले...

Yeah. I could only find one reference to it, but it does appear that he said that. Dumbass. F-ing politicians.

Mikey NTH म्हणाले...

Wrong one. The guy who walked off was someone else.

Mason G म्हणाले...

"With gusto."

Is that anything like pesto? Because, you know, pesto (IMO, anyway) kind of blows. So- swallowing that whole would be quite impressive.

Swede म्हणाले...

The baloon went up and Walz got out faster than a drunk driving 95 mph.

Drago म्हणाले...

"So, meh. What Bush volunteered for was a program called "Palace Alert", which could have sent him to Vietnam but also sent pilots to Europe, to Japan, etc, based on needs of the service. So not exactly volunteering for combat, but leaning that way. "

I will give Bush credit for this (and I think I may have relayed this story once before): I met Bush at a fundraiser for a local State Rep in Houston in '93. He was on his quest to knock Ann Richards out, probably due to that "Poor George" (HW) speech at the dem convention in 92. Rove was there and he was the cocky SOB he remains today but W was much less so then it appeared to me.

I was still Active Duty then simply back home for a visit and when I was introduced to W he was told I was a flight officer in the Nav. He had alot of questions, giving the timing obviously after Desert Storm, and he asked me how I liked serving under his father as CinC. What could I say, I told him I was proud to serve. You know, diplomacy.

Then W looked at me and he said "Do you know why I flew in the Air Guard and not the Navy?"

I said "no".

He said "I was too afraid to land on carriers".

Pretty humble for a jet jockey. Particularly since the F102 was not exactly a "safe" aircraft.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

He has a pretty large torso to have no guts anywhere in it.

Big Mike म्हणाले...

He has a pretty large torso to have no guts anywhere in it.

Mogget म्हणाले...

Honor Harrington

lonejustice म्हणाले...

I had 2 friends in my public university on my dormitory floor when I was an undergraduate, and their lottery numbers were so low that they knew they would be drafted. They applied for deferments but were denied. I think it was because they were working class white kids like myself. Donald Trump never had that problem. If you had money and political connections, then you could get deferments and avoid being drafted into the Vietnam War. Donald Trump dodged a bullet in Vietnam because he was rich and politically connected.

Mason G म्हणाले...

Another deflection. The topic is "Tim Walz lied about his military experience- what are the Democrats going to do about it?"

Try to keep up.

Political Junkie म्हणाले...

Good God. Hope they don't switch and give us Shapiro!

Swede म्हणाले...

They can't. The decision was made to appease the Jew-hater wing.
Which is vast.

Jim at म्हणाले...

Telling the truth about a Democrat = smear

Predictably pathetic.

effinayright म्हणाले...

So...noncombatant soldiers in a war zone bear no risks of death, injury or dismemberment, just like serving in a peaceful NATO country? SNORT

Aggie म्हणाले...

"Walz: "We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war."

What was Walz talking about in this case? Which 'weapons of war' was Walz advocating being banned?

Was Walz using the usual standard ignorant politician approach of trying to garner support for banning AR-15's, you-know-the-AR-stands-for-'Assault-Rifle', those horrible automatic weapons !? In addition to the Blue Falcon Stolen Valor issues - is he a know-nothing?

Mason G म्हणाले...

"Which 'weapons of war' was Walz advocating being banned?"

They want all guns banned. But they don't want to deal with the pushback from actually saying out loud what they're thinking, so they're starting out with 'weapons of war'.

guitar joe म्हणाले...

It does appear that Walz said he carried a combat weapon in combat. Dumbass.

Drago म्हणाले...

lonejustice may just be at gadfly level in terms of pathetic New Soviet Democratical trolling! Irs really just sad at this point and I have to believe lonejustice's co-LLR-democratical pals Rich and Chuck are literally cringing everytime they read one of lonejustice's deflection missives.

Drago म्हणाले...

lonejustice's moronic deflection attempts is reminscent of that Britney Spears fanboy that cried online to "Leave Britney alone!!!...except with lonejustice, its Leave Stolen Valor Walz Alone!!

Joe Bar म्हणाले...

Walz is the Bluest Falcon. What he did was pretty reprehensible.

cfs म्हणाले...

"Harris running mate Gov. Tim Walz owns no stocks, bonds or real estate, disclosure shows"


Who at age 60 owns no stock, bonds, or real estate? If Walz has been socking his money away in cash over the past 40 or so years, then inflation has taken a lot of it. Who wants a VP involved with policy that has no experience with the economic issues most homeowners, or bond/stock owners, deal with each day? No real estate? Where does he plan to live after leaving the governor's mansion?

Drago म्हणाले...

BTW, guess what Walz did when confronted by reporters over his now fully established and undeniable Stolen Valor lies told over years, Blue Falcon status for abandoning his unit, lying about his rank for years and repeated instances of wearing Army Special Forces garb?

Come on, you already know, dont you?

He ran away from the reporters!

cfs म्हणाले...

Walz apparently used a fake name -- Tim Mankato -- and an associated email address to hide what he did during the pandemic, including overseeing $250 million in federal food programs. I guess that is the same food program that stole millions for tax payers.

Was Walz even vetted? Ever?

Mason G म्हणाले...

Brave Sir Robin ran away? Who could have seen that coming?

chuck म्हणाले...

You would think Democrats would know better than to trust a Democrat.

OldManRick म्हणाले...

Even worse for Walz - From Not the Bee, a clip from 2023
Tim Walz: “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech and especially around our democracy”

Misinformation like:
COVID-19 “lab leak” theory
Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell” was not “Russian disinformation”
And any other thing the democrats/government does want to you think

But Kill the Zionists is not hate speech

The our in "our democracy” means the Democratic party not the citizens of the United States


Maynard म्हणाले...

I don't get the criticism of Walz. He seems like a typical Democrat.

Moondawggie म्हणाले...

I don't believe these revelations will adversely affect lefty vote turnout either, but chickening out out of a combat deployment, and later lying about being deployed to a combat zone will surely depress swing voter support for the Dems.

And IMHO this election is going to be determined by the swing voters.

Paul म्हणाले...

"Paul wrote:

"George Bush Jr. flew F102s in the National Guard. Requested combat in Vietnam (but was turned down.)"

Your second sentence is incorrect as far as I know."

I guess your Google hand is broke... so.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_W._Bush_military_service_controversy

8/7/24, 5:14 PM

Moondawggie म्हणाले...

We have a winner for quote of the day!

Darkisland म्हणाले...

Has Kamala actually said that Walz is her pick for VP candidate? I thought she did yesterday but I am beginning to wonder if I misheard it. Perhaps what she really said was that Walz was one of the people under consideration for VP and that no final decision has been made.

We'll find out tomorrow or Friday that she is still considering, Shapiro, Buttagieg, and John Fetterman (or some such stew)

Someone mentioned a Tom Eagleton vibe. I've thinking more a George Costanza/Larry David vibe. In a Seinfeld episode (and life always imitates Seinfeld) George flamboyantly quits his job then goes back 2 days later saying that he never quit and the boss misunderstood him. (Supposedly based on LD at SNL)


John Henry

Achilles म्हणाले...

You are a liar.

Walz is not a CSM. He resigned and was busted down to E8 because he did not complete the requirements to become CSM E9.

Walz signed a 6 year contract to become CSM. He broke the contract to avoid deployment. He was the Unit CSM. He abandoned the troops in his unit who all hate him now.

effinayright म्हणाले...

Millions are hoping Walz does the right thing, as Admiral Boorda did when he falsifed his service record, by falling on his sword in disgrace.

But wait! Leftnoids NEVER feel disgraced, only chagrined that their lies and perfidy have been found out. THEY'RE the real victims here!!

effinayright म्हणाले...

BULLSHIT. By the time the draft was based on a lottery, Trump had student deferments, just like the students you went to school with up to that point. Or are you claiming they didn't?

When he was classified 1-A upon graduation Trump's lottery number was so high, he was in the clear, just were the hundreds of thousands of others similarly lucky.

Connections had nothing to do with it---unless you are enough of crackpot to argue that the numbers pulled from that rotating drum were rigged.

God, you are one brainless sumbitch!

TaeJohnDo म्हणाले...

As a veteran, I can confidently state that waltz is a Whiskey Delta. 95% of veterans will loath his lying and his cowardice.

Marc in Eugene म्हणाले...

Most of the people who are, at the outset of the Harris-Walz campaign, inclined the way probably couldn't care less about Mr Walz's military service, whatever it was or wasn't ('honor? what's that? it doesn't sound very woke to me').

I know nothing about David French's military service but he did (last week?) try to twist JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings into the service of the encroaching Darkness so I can easily believe the worst about him.

Darkisland म्हणाले...

I went to Paul's link and found this from Dubya:

In his autobiography Bush states that he was willing to serve his country but preferred to do so as a combat pilot rather than "An infantryman wading across a paddy-field".

Yup. An awful lot of us around that time ('67 for me) felt similarly. I joined the Navy after having gotten a 1A classification and spending a day at Fort Holobird getting poked and prodded for my draft physical.

I know a lot of my shipmates were in the Navy specifically to avoid the draft. In basic training, one of the the threats our company commanders (BT1 Mason and BMC Bishop) used on us was that they would get us reclassified as Corpsmen and we would be sent to VN with the Marines where the VietCong would slice up our pansy asses for fishbait. They could get very colorful and explicit about it and go on at great length.

We didn't know any better and it scared the crap out of us

Navy and AF recruiting were so flush as the time, there was a wait list to get in. I had to wait 4 months from getting sworn in to going active.

John Henry.

jnseward म्हणाले...

I don't like Tim Walz, but I think he passed the IQ test.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

Inga will be along telling us Italy was more dangerous than Iraq.

Yancey Ward म्हणाले...

If Walz is replaced before the convention, Inga and Rich will be back claiming that it is a brilliant move because Harris doesn't tolerate people who lie about their military service.

walter म्हणाले...

"to pretend Walz served in Iraq and not Italy!" They are interchangeable....

Ralph L म्हणाले...

John Henry, my late father turned 18 in Oct '45 (I'm sure my grandparents were grateful for the Bomb), and frequently said 3 days at Fort Bragg for his pre-induction physical was what made him apply to Annapolis, thinking the Navy couldn't be worse. But he was interested in ships long before that, despite living 100+ miles from the coast. I took 37 boxes of books to the library book sale, and a large percentage were about navies and wars.

Jamie म्हणाले...

I don't understand, inga. Are you saying that because a veteran who objected to Kerry's stolen valor claims also objects to Walz's, they are unjustified? On what grounds? The service records exist, after all.

Jamie म्हणाले...

I would be looking for the LLC, myself.

MartyH म्हणाले...

Walz did the equivalent of putting Summa Cum Laude on his resume when he earned Magma Cum Laude.

My father served almost thirty years as an enlisted man in the Air Force. He retired as an E-9, which is the highest enlisted rank. E-9 is the rank Walz claims to have earned.

Making E-9 is a big deal. The rough equivalent officer rank is O-6 (Full Colonel or "Chicken Colonel.") The base commander where my father was stationed last oversees about 5500 personnel and is a Full Colonel.

My dad used to say "There are more Chickens than Chiefs," and it's true-there are more O-6 than E-9. Given that there are roughly 4-5 times as many enlisted as officers, it is harder to make E-9 than O-6.

Walz is claiming unearned membership in the most exclusive enlisted servicemember's club.

Kirk Parker म्हणाले...


I'd be a bit careful with the "ARs are not weapons of war" argument, as it proves too much.

While it's true that currently our services do not use semiauto rifles as standard infantry issue, "weapons of war", and particularly those that can be borne by an individual, very much are covered by the 2nd Amendment. Here's some founding-era thinking on the subject:

"Congress have no power to disarm the militia. Their swords, and every other terrible implement of the soldier, are the birthright of an American… The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments, but, where I trust in God it will ever remain, in the hands of the people."

--Tench Coxe

Rusty म्हणाले...

More people did that than ever fought. In my case I had 3 years of ROTC and when I went for the physical It was noted that I had a severe heart murmer. "Get out of here, kid. We don't want you."

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

Well, Walz aside, "George Bush's war" was unnecessary and criminal, based on lies.

Robert Cook म्हणाले...

Well, (with no implied opinion on Walz's actions intended), I will state that "George Bush's war" was unwarranted and criminal, founded entirely on lies. The blood of all the Americans (and allied fighters) and Iraqis who died and were maimed in that war is on the heads of Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rice, and other who were instrumental in our attack on Iraq.

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