His speaking ability really is fantastic. The tone of his voice, the speed, the substance... whether you agree with him or not, you really ought to admit that he's the best at speaking. The others in contention for VP pick are nowhere near him in this skill, which is not the only skill involved in government, even though we often act as if it is. I consider Trump a genius at speaking, but it's a wild and entertaining form of speech that makes some people worry he lacks the proper temperament to serve as President. Buttigieg sounds exactly presidential.
August 1, 2024
"But while he is seen as a long shot for VP, the blizzard of Buttigieg appearances is thrilling his legions of fans on social media..."
"... who see the young Midwestern mayor turned transportation secretary as an adept messenger for a reshaped, post-Biden campaign.
Fans who have stuck by Buttigieg since his 2020 White House bid often identify themselves with a bee emoji — an insider reference to his memorable encounter with a bee during an Iowa campaign rally — or recently more simply with a dragon. Across TikTok, X, YouTube and Threads, they share videos of his appearances and boost his remarks, adding notes saying he 'NAILS it,' 'SCHOOLS Fox host' or simply 'slays.'"
He doesn’t say anything when he uses those marvelous speaking skills, only inanities.
"But while he is seen as a long shot for VP, the blizzard of Buttigieg appearances is thrilling his legions of fans on social media..."
All both of them?
I heard him in an interview on NPR a couple of weeks ago, and I think it's the first time I heard him at any length. He's articulate, measured in his responses, speaks in clear sentences, and sounds reasoned in his thought. That will probably change if he gets pulled into something like veep or ends up having a larger national role, where mealy-mouthedness seems to be required. Give Trump his due, you can't say that about him.
Buttigieg is a fraud, but at least he is weird.
Is his speaking ability a sufficient distraction from his actual record?
Oh, jeez. What has he DONE as Sec of Transportation that would merit (yes, I used that word intentionally) consideration for advancement?
his legions of fans on social media...
LEGIONS? really? or, was that just their name? since they were "many"?
i'm guessing that the "legions of fans" were REALLY just a man with an unclean spirit.
Nothing that a herd of pigs on a mountain side couldn't take care of
That will really lock in the Black male vote.
"Buttigieg sounds exactly presidential."
To me that's scary.
Doesn't the fact that he was a failure as Transportation Secretary count for anything?
Why is it in government, especially Democrats in government, that being terrible at your job is no barrier to getting a higher profile job with more responsibility?
Professor, you appear to view Americans as dullards who are easily swayed by a smooth-speaking carney man. Perhaps a throwback to the depiction of midwesterners at county fairs? I expect snake oil from a snake oil salesman. Buttegeig doesn't even offer that. How many billions for 9 EV charging stations? Massive incompetence.
He is the favorite of those who place being gay as the top criteria for higher office.
Translation: TNR and Michael Moore coming out against Josh Shapiro means we need someone, anyone, and we need him fast.
A covey of quail, a pod of whales, a blizzard of appearances.
I agree that Buttigieg is articulate. But when I see him testify before Congress he's been articulate in defending egregiously wrong positions (and sometimes scientifically impossible positions re EVs and such) that I question his brains--or his honesty--or both.
He is a politician of the Huey P. Long school--a smooth orator selling Low Cockahirum on one day, and High Cockalowrum the next. All done with a smarmy smile and his absolute certainty that what he's saying is correct. Never believe your own bull dung. But he does. And he's weird.
Miranda Devine has a column in the New York Post today about Kamala and her "Mean Girls" campaign. There is a gem at the end where Ms. Devine reports Buttigieg's position on abortion, Supposedly one of the benefits of abortion rights is that it frees men up from worrying about having to pay for children they otherwise might have fathered. Somehow I don't think Petey has ever had to worry about that. He plays for the other team. Not that there is anything wrong with that. But Petey is weird.
Butplug has done so poorly at his one job that everybody knows who the Transportation Sec is. The EV stuff is imploding as we speak.
So incompetent as Sec Transport that people actually know his name. Now **that** is quite an accomplishment.
Blacks in general, and black women who are usually very religious, aren't big fans of the gays.
His speaking ability really is fantastic. The tone of his voice, the speed, the substance... whether you agree with him or not, you really ought to admit that he's the best at speaking.
Most demagogues are good at speaking.
But Buttigieg has shown repeatedly he is utterly incompetent.
I consider Trump a genius at speaking, but it's a wild and entertaining form of speech that makes some people worry he lacks the proper temperament to serve as President. Buttigieg sounds exactly presidential.
Some people, i.e. women. Women are structural morons.
Women vote on whether he seems to mean well.
A guy says Buttigieg is coming from behind and votes for Trump.
And then are are the potholes, remember those?
"But Buttigieg has shown repeatedly he is utterly incompetent."
As everyone can see, not a dealbreaker for a Democrat.
He does speak very well. And calmly. When you hear him defend 8 EV stations done with $7.2 B dollars though, you have his number.
This will either be the last election not determined by social media or the first one that is.
Please pick Buttigieg, please oh please. Make it so.
Because of your gay son(s), your outlook at this point is queer normal, if not queer ally. That photo of Mayor Pete “chest feeding” with the fake boobs brings the word “abomination” to mind. But go ahead! Run Mayor Pete. Let’s just get it all out on the table and see how America really feels about it.
Could there be a more transparent wielding of identity politics than a Harris-Buttigieg ticket?
He can't possibly be the choice. Too much opportunity for absolutely justified criticism. I wasn't convinced about Vance as VP, but at least he'd held national office and had the potential to bring in votes in a category not traditionally Republican-friendly. Small-town mayor and occasional and almost universally maligned Transportation Secretary is an even less impressive resume than Harris's, and does anyone doubt that the gay folk are going to break for the Democrat ticket in Black-like proportions?
He is so articulate. A unicorn. A rare talent.
He worked at McKinsey, of course he can bullshit.
I still say a head of cabbage.
Just for the momentum.
The same people downplaying Vance's military experience think that Bootyjudge was a grunt on the front lines.
“His speaking ability really is fantastic. The tone of his voice, the speed, the substance... whether you agree with him or not, you really ought to admit that he's the best at speaking. The others in contention for VP pick are nowhere near him in this skill, which is not the only skill involved in government, even though we often act as if it is…Buttigieg sounds exactly presidential.”
It is the view of many thoughtful Democrats that the Republican Party is comprised mostly of violent, gun addicted white men who hate women and minorities. And it is a fact that the Secret Service is not, at this present moment, all that they can be. It would, therefore, behoove Kamala to consider who she wants to put next in the line of succession. Using these metrics, Buttigieg definitely has more appeal than the other white men whose names are under consideration. I think it's possible that in an open primary Kamala could actually win more votes than Mayor Pete. I think Shapiro, Kelly, Beshear etc. would trounce her and that many, gun addicted white Republicans would prefer them to her. No so much with Mayor Pete. So that should be a big item in the calculus.....On the other hand, she could do what Bill Clinton did. Bill Clinton went southern white man squared when he chose Gore as his running mate. Kamala could chose Stacy Abrams. Now there's a woman who's authentically Black. Give her a choice between Popeye's and tandoori chicken, you know which side she'll come down on. And I honestly think that Stacy would make a worse President than Kamala. There aren't that many people in Democratic Party you can say that about. So go with Stacy. She's the safe choice.
No way. This is a DEI pick. It's going to be a cis gender white guy.
They're not going to put a gay guy on the ticket.
Black men will flee.
White Savior Karen Inga: "That photo you speak of is a fake, digitally altered."
Would you say its faker than your continued claims of russian collusion and the truth of the hoax dossier and the "drink bleach" hoax and the "fine people" hoax and the "losers and suckers" hoax and all the other hoaxes.
“That photo of Mayor Pete “chest feeding” with the fake boobs brings the word “abomination” to mind.”
That photo you speak of is a fake.
Image of Pete Buttigieg wearing a breastfeeding device is digitally altered
“His speaking ability really is fantastic."
Inga: "Indeed"
You know who else was really good at speaking?
“…his legions of fans on social media...”
You too can join Buttigieg’s Legio IX Meridianam Flexuram
While I concede he speaks well, from an executive, managerial, and policy standpoint, he's a disaster. He's objectively just exceptionally bad at his job. One might even use the term clueless.
Will Democrats have to re-write history and claim Mayor Pete was never really the Secretary of Transportation?
The dude's tenure has been worse than Kamala's as border czar.
"Oh, jeez. What has he DONE as Sec of Transportation that would merit (yes, I used that word intentionally) consideration for advancement?"
One might say the same of Vance in Congress.
His speaking ability really is fantastic. The tone of his voice, the speed, the substance...
Also a common trait among con artists.
Do Buttigieg’s oration skills surpass Kamala’s?
Great. Another clever-speaking empty suit. Gee, when did we see that act before?
He's a DNC company man. Clean and well spoken, always making the party line sound reasonable and appropriate. He was a stalking horse for Biden in the 2020 primaries staying in the race long enough to make sure nobody else could possibly challenge him along with Amy Klobucher then they posted a dual dropout to put Biden over the top.
I'd like to think that the Democrats are not stupid enough to put him on the ticket with Harris. These days no one is getting wealthy overestimating the intelligence of the DNC.
Secretary of trans/portation, and a social progressive in the realm of rent-a-woman. One step forward, two steps backward.
Kamala is running out of potential running mates who are willing to join in a political suicide pact with her. So he might get the nod.
I’m more interested in his apparent lack of concern during major transport disruptions. East Palestine, OH. The major railway hack. Crowdstrike. What did Little Petey do? Pretty much nothing.
Blogger Inga said...
That photo you speak of is a fake.
Doesn't matter if it's fake. Those boobs fit him like a glove.
However the photo of Pete and his husband sitting next to each other in a hospital bed with their adopted twins is not fake. And I'm all for kids getting adopted by anybody that will love them and take care of them.
But taking the photo in a hospital bed like they both just gave birth is ridiculous. It's actually really gay.
Uptown got its hustlers
Indiana got its bums
Biden’s cabinet got Mayor Pete Booty
He's a chest-feeding son of a gun
Yeah, he small and weird
Can barely grow a beard
But he claims that he’s a mother now
And when the sane folks all get together at night
You know they all call him Mayor "Pete", ‘cause he’s effete
And they say
"You don't tug on Mayor Pete’s skirt
You don't spit into the wind
You don't say he looks like Alfred E. Neuman
Even though he got a gap-toothed grin”
h/t Jim Croce
Instead of siege weapons like catapults and battering rams, Buttigieg’s legion was issued 7 EV charging stations.
"His speaking ability really is fantastic. The tone of his voice, the speed, the substance... whether you agree with him or not, you really ought to admit that he's the best at speaking."
Jim Jones was good at speaking.
Adolf Hitler was good at speaking.
Any airhead, low IQ actor in Hollywood is good at speaking.
Gusty Winds said...
But taking the photo in a hospital bed like they both just gave birth is ridiculous. It's actually really
8/1/24, 1:02 PM
Come now, two men getting into a hospital bed and taking pics of their adopted babies is the most normal and hetero thing you can do.
I would ordinarily say Butyguy has no chance, but he has no risk of overshadowing Harris, so he might be a safe choice.
Buttigieg has some virtues as a VP
1. He adds some diversity by being gay.
2. While he talks real purty, he has no real accomplishments and so, unlike all the other contenders, won't outshine Harris who also has no accomplishments.
Buttplug has legions of fans?
Russia Collusion hoax girl is very very concerned that something fake about Li'l petey might be floating about Teh Interwebs.
Pete is glib and gay. That's it. A total failure as Secretary of Transportation.
Of course, his EV charging station program has failed. But shouldn't the great Harvard and McKinsey man have anticipated all the problems in the airline industry and sea ports?
What has he accomplished in his job that is good for America. He handed out loads of cash, but was it spent effectively? Too bad the Press won't do its job.
Pete's dad taught at Notre Dame. From his well-paid tenured role, he became the world's leading expert on the Italian Communist Antonio Gramasci. Pete helped his dad.
Pete is a communist; just like his dad.
I would, however, like to see JD Vance crush Pete in a debate. Fun! Yale v. Harvard.
"His speaking ability really is fantastic. The tone of his voice, the speed, the substance... "
Pretty sure that's on a list of "white attributes" we've been instructed is racist. (Really, I'm not being snide.)
Please, oh please! Harris/Buttigieg Incompetence Squared!
Sure enough, Buttplug has fans.
One of the main reasons for selecting Mayor Pete is that his articulateness should hold his own in a debate with J.D. Their credentials also are similar: ex-Navy vs. ex-Marine and Harvard vs. Yale. However, in the privacy of the ballot box, many voters would consider a Harris-Buttigieg ticket too DEI--a "First man" and a "Second man" at the same time? A historical first that's maybe a little too weird.
I find Pete 100% unimpressive.
I heard a clip of him the other day spouting boilerplate lies.
With Buttigieg, if you don't vote the ticket, you'll hit the trifecta of homophobic, sexist and racist.
No one should put a former McKinsey consultant in charge of anything. Of course as Veep, he won't be in charge of anything.
My personal choice would be Julia Louis-Dreyfus. She is experienced in the role and would bring gravitas to the Harris team, relatively speaking.
Another good choice would be JB (Jabba the Gov) Pritzker. Imagine the scene where Jabba (nominally the Veep) has Princess Kamala chained to his waist.
Once you see Inga wholeheartedly agreeing with our Hostess, you know Althouse has gotten way over her skis!
Barack was a superior speaker. Look how that worked out.
“Barack was a superior speaker. Look how that worked out.”
Yes, he was voted in as POTUS for two terms. No scandals, good family man, great president.
From the post:
"I consider Trump a genius at speaking, but it's a wild and entertaining form of speech that makes some people worry he lacks the proper temperament to serve as President. Buttigieg sounds exactly presidential."
Form over substance. What policies would he promote? If it's Biden redux, what difference, at this point, does it make?
Inga said...
“Barack was a superior speaker. Look how that worked out.”
Yes, he was voted in as POTUS for two terms. NO SCANDALS, good family man, great president.
No scandal in letting your IRS attack your political rivals.
“Form over substance.”
Oh brother, lol. What substance has Trump ever articulated?
hombre said...
Barack was a superior speaker. Look how that worked out.
8/1/24, 1:40 PM
For the Democrats, quite well. But not well enough- if Obama was that strong after his second midterm, he would have found a substitute for Hillary.
The new problem, of course, is that Harris is much more fake than Obama, and unlike Obama she's a completely incompetent speaker.
Hoping to see Petey in breastfeeding harness while sworn in! or maybe official portrait after successful stint in Offce
He sounds like a Consultant.
He can’t change a flat tire.
Of FFS! It's weird watching posters here dismiss Bootyjugs due to his policy incompetence. By now we should all be well aware that Dem voters don't give a rat's ass about policy, competence, executive ability, etc. They care solely about checking the correct intersectional boxes and absolutely nothing else. Based on the usual DIE criteria, Bootyjugs is a good option for their VP candidate.
"Yes, he was voted in as POTUS for two terms. No scandals, …"
Fast and Furious immediately comes to mind. And IMO, the "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor bald faced lie was scandalous.
"No scandal in letting your IRS attack your political rivals."
Oh, yeah. That.
"Yes, he was voted in as POTUS for two terms. No scandals, …"
Fast and Furious was a doosy.
The problem with Buttigieg is he has no substance. He was the mediocre mayor of a small city, and he has probably been the worst Secretary of Transportation in the history of the office.
Is Althouse's admiration of Buttplug's speaking skills this year's equivalent of David Brooks' admiration of the crease in Obama's trouser leg? It seems Althouse, after flirting with apparent disgust over the democrats gaslighting of Biden's dementia, nevertheless is inching back onto the democrat reservation, a not surprising development given her white woman liberal academic credentials and background. That said, I'm happy with her commitment to hosting a full range of views on this blog.
Yep Obama selling assault rifles to Mexican cartel members was a big plus. For libs like Inga, history began last night.
"His speaking ability really is fantastic"
Impressive. He's a whiter, faggier Obama.
A reshaped race, recalibrating positions, imagine how hard they would have crashed already if the media was even close to fair/unbiased.
And I don’t care who she picks as running mate, but I HOPE it’s Mayor Pete. Then the ticket has not one but two cocksuckers.
The jokes just write themselves….
The transgender boxer (who is bigger than me beating up the Italian woman is all over the internet. There is going to be massive backlash over. The community wanted transgenderism - not a good plan
His speaking ability really is fantastic. I heard him speak, I said, "his speaking is fantastic - The tone of his voice, the speed, the substance... whether you agree with him or not, you really ought to admit that he's the best at speaking." Of course when I say "the best" I'm talking about Democrats. I'm pretty good. I've been called a genius at speaking - a lot of people have said "I consider Trump a genius at speaking" - and genius outranks fantastic. Don't you think? Wouldn't you rather be a genius - and recognized during your life as a genius, which is even more rare - than just fantastic? You hear "genius", you think Mozart, and fantastic - maybe the other guy, in that movie. What was it? Amadeus. The other guy in there - Salieri. He was probably fantastic, but let's face it: no genius. And it ate away at him, the envy, knowing that Mozart was always going to be so much better. Drove him nuts. He actually went insane. And so you can go crazy, believe the absolute craziest things, even if you have something fantastic like you're a composer or you speak on camera or you have some performing talent.
Policy positions (Wikipedia - caveat lector):
Abortion: any time between positive test and birth, any reason. Repeal Hyde Amendment.
Climate: build a clean economy by creating clean energy jobs; invest in disaster relief and prevention; and heighten the United States' role in the international fight against climate change. Paris Agreement and Green New Deal. Solar panel subsidies, carbon tax.
Criminal justice: eliminate the death penalty, legalize marijuana as in Canada, reverse criminal sentences for minor drug-related offenses, and eliminate incarceration for drug possession offenses. (Note that during his term as mayor, South Bend's black residents were 4.3 times likelier under Buttigieg to be arrested for cannabis possession than white residents.)
Economy: Points to automation as the chief cause of the great loss of manufacturing jobs nationwide, and supports the need to work with labor unions. Supports Dodd-Frank, and the Community Reinvestment Act. Raise minimum wage, offer federally funded family leave.
Education: universal full-day child care and pre-K for all children from infancy to age five. Double the number of new teachers of color in the next 10 years. Expand Pell Grants for low and middle-income students. End Trump tax cuts on the super wealthy. Opposes free college tuition because he believes it unfairly subsidizes higher-income families at the expense of lower-income people who do not attend college.
Elections and voting rights: Favors the abolition of the Electoral College. Calls for restoring voting rights to felons who have completed their prison sentences. He has also made election security a primary part of his platform.
Foreign policy and national security: Buttigieg has said that he believes the 2001 U.S. invasion of Afghanistan following the September 11 attacks was justified. He is a committed supporter of Israel, favors a two-state solution to the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and disapproves of Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu's comments in support of applying Israeli law in Jewish settlements in the West Bank. He has condemned China for its mass detention of ethnic Uyghurs in Xinjiang.
Health care: Promotes "Medicare for All Who Want It" (a public option for health insurance). Favors Maryland's all-payer rate setting. Describes "Medicare for All Who Want It" as inclusive, more efficient than the current system, and a possible precursor or "glide path" to single-payer health insurance.
Immigration: Opposes deportations. Buttigieg has said Trump has been reckless in sending American troops to the southern border and that it is a measure of last resort.
Infrastructure: Proposes about $1 trillion for various infrastructure projects, over the next 10 years. He estimates this funding would create at least 6,000,000 jobs. Many of the planned projects have environmental goals such as reliance on green energy. Other goals include protecting tap water from lead, fixing roads and bridges, improving public transportation, repairing schools, guaranteeing broadband internet access, and preparing communities for floods and other natural disasters.
Judicial reform: Supports Supreme Court structural reform, emphasizing depoliticization. He endorsed a reform proposed by Daniel Epps and Ganesh Sitaraman in which the court would be expanded to 15 members, five of whom would be selected only by unanimous consensus of the other ten.
Continuation of previous comment...
Racial equality: His "Douglass Plan", named after abolitionist Frederick Douglass, is intended to address systemic racism in America. He compares the plan's scope to that of the U.S.'s Marshall Plan, and says it would address "opportunity for minority businesses, strengthening voting rights, and reforming the criminal justice system". The initiative would allocate $10 billion to African-American entrepreneurship over five years, grant $25 billion to historically black colleges, legalize marijuana, expunge drug convictions, halve the federal prison population, and propose a federal New Voting Rights Act designed to increase voting access.
Social issues: Favors amending civil rights legislation with the Federal Equality Act so that LGBT Americans receive federal non-discrimination protections. Opposed the ban on transgender military participation enacted under Trump.
Supports expanding opportunities for national service, and has expressed support for a "social norm" of a voluntary year of national service for those turning 18 years old. Favors a plan to increase participation in national service organizations like AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps, as well as creating new ones dedicated to "fighting climate change, treating mental health and addiction, and providing caregiving for older people". Proposes involvement in communities and rural areas by tripling programs to 250,000 people at first, then expanding to one million by 2026.
Statehood: Supports statehood for DC, and supports Puerto Rico statehood if desired by the Puerto Rican people.
It's sad that you don't know of any.
Maybe you might look into what happened to Ambassador Stevens in Libya.
Maybe you might look into his campaign accepting overseas credit card donations.
Maybe you might look into the OPM data breach to China.
Maybe you might look into the transfer of billions, in untraceable cash, to Iran.
Maybe you might look into releasing terrorists for a deserter from the Army.
Maybe you might look into the wiretapping of AP reporters. And the Trump campaign.
Maybe you might look into his SoS accepting bribes via her "Foundation".
And then Eric Holder gave Congress the finger. If you're Trump supporters that lands you in jail, but if you're Barack Obama's wingman, it's cool.
Dan, those don't get reported in the media Inga depends on.
They don't want her to know. And she doesn't want to know. Symbiosis.
I thought Buttegieg had been terrible in his job. Terrible. Remember East Palestine? How are those EV chargers going? 7 or 8 now, 3 years on, with a budget of $42bn
There is no way we will be gifted a Harris-Buttigieg ticket. Only the woke are excited for Harri-Butt
Buttigieg sounds exactly presidential.
Unless you imagine him stamping his little feet as he talks.
I don't find him serious. He reminds me of the Democratic Senator candidate who ran against Johnson. I had to look him up: Mandela Barnes. An unserious candidate.
Mayor Pete called me a racist when I asked him if it would be a good idea to tell Blacks to stop committing crimes and stop using illegal drugs. I may have added it was a good idea to finish school and not have children out-of-wedlock. And for those commonsense suggestions, the gay and glib Pete called me a racist.
The Obamas had a giant opportunity to help Blacks in America. They should have told them to do those very things I outlined above. But, no, keeping a large segment of the Black community in poverty, poorly educated, drugged up, unwed mothers and as working criminals better serves the interests of the Dem party. Need to keep them on the Dem plantation.
Pete won't get the VP nod, but he will run for governor of Michigan or maybe senator.
Pete sucks.
"I consider Trump a genius at speaking, but it's a wild and entertaining form of speech that makes some people worry he lacks the proper temperament to serve as President. Buttigieg sounds exactly presidential."
Well...Trump doesn't have the proper temperament (or intelligence) to serve (well) as President. I haven't paid attention to Buttigieg in the past few years, but I've seen him on tv several times recently and he is incredibly impressive. HE is a mainstream politician I would happily and enthusiastically support and vote for, one of the very view I've come across. (Katie Porter is another, though I hear she is rough on her staff, which I don't like, if true.)
All aspirants to the presidency should have Buttigieg's temperament and intelligence...but there are few drawn to politics who share these traits.
Truly Howdy Doody time at the DNC. Maybe his 'Breast Feeding' photo set will impress XI.
Pushing EVs on America? Did he read about the toxic battery fire shutting down the highway and trapping drivers in 109 degree heat?
Kamala and Pete remind me of McHale's Navy Capt. Bingham and Ensign Parker!
I wish the VP candidate was Buttuvwxyz- two air heads on the Dem ticket would be amazing.
Cookie on intelligence... is clearly Wilton Parmenter.
"…but I've seen him on tv several times recently and he is incredibly impressive."
I'm surprised at you, Robert (truly). What the hell has he done?
Harris and Buttuvwxyz are different kinds of stupid- Harris is stupid and probably knows she is stupid. Buttuvwxyz is a different kind of stupid (see below) but thinks he is brilliant. As a President, Buttuvwxyz would be a fucking disaster for the country, Harris as President would probably understand enough her limitations to not do anything truly horrific.
I have known quite a few Buttuvwxyz's in my life- high IQ morons that you never put in charge of anything at all that is of critical importance.
He can’t change a flat tire.
flat tires can aid in going under low bridges!!!
With a gay man., the Dems get themselves a reliable white male AND check a DEI box.
"I'm surprised at you, Robert (truly). What the hell has he done?"
I don't know. I'm only now getting familiar with him. (But, what has Trump really done--successfully--in contrast to his ceaseless boasting and exaggerated claims?) I know Buttegeig hasn't had multiple businesses collapse into bankruptcy while claiming to be a business genius; I know he hasn't regularly and serially over years stiffed his contractors, "claiming" their work was below par, essentially stealing from those who built his businesses; I know he hasn't been charged with a variety of crimes, (or been convicted on several, with more pending); I know he hasn't been accused of sexual improprieties, (or found guilty of sexual abuse in one case); he doesn't seem to be, as Trump does (and has been accused to be) racist; he hasn't been castigated and rejected by a couple of dozen of former members of his first administration, (called "a moron" and "idiot" by some of them); he doesn't seem to be a preening narcissist with no feeling at all for any other humans, (as Trump certainly does); he obviously reads--which Trump obviously doesn't--and he comprehends what he reads; he can speak in coherent and cogent complex sentences, as opposed to Trump, whose spoken communications are self-serving and boastful while being largely condescending or insulting to others, and conveyed in a level of discourse that would be worrying in a sullen junior high student; and so on and so on.
Frankly, it is just beyond delightful to hear a public servant who can actually converse and show he is a thinking adult.
Without knowing anything at all about Buttegieg's accomplishments, I am confident he is substantially more fit to be POTUS than Trump would have been on his best day, (long, loooooong behind him).
If I learn more about Buttegieg that impeaches my shining impression of him, I'm sure he will still appear to me less besmirched and more desirable in public office than Trump was even before he was halfway through his long disreputable career.
"Mayor Pete called me a racist when I asked him if it would be a good idea to tell Blacks to stop committing crimes and stop using illegal drugs. I may have added it was a good idea to finish school and not have children out-of-wedlock. And for those commonsense suggestions, the and glib Pete called me a racist."
Well, it was racist. And condescending. (And what does his being "gay" have anything to do with it. Do you dislike gay people?)
Your pasting of information about Buttegieg--just swiftly skimming it--sounds mostly very good to great to me. (I disagree we were justified in invading Afghanistan in 2001. I believe the use of 9/11 to justify our invasion of Afghanistan and later Iraq was a pretext by the Bush/Cheney administration to enter those areas for other preexisting empirical reasons...which turned into a 20-year catastrophic failure, leaving both states worse than they had been previously.)
traditionalguy said...
"Terrible choice. His eyes speak louder than his creepy smile. Those eyes are the eyes of an angry controller."
I agree with tradguy! He has always looked sneaky and manipulative to me.
Sorry I can't find a clip but there was a moment in one Dem primary debate when he was criticized by another candidate and he threw an evil eye that, to me, let the real Pete show through.
Also, he wants to eliminate the electoral college and go to 15 SC Justices on some sort of rotating schedule, just for starters.
Cook just loves and admires the son of the Marxist professor. Is anyone surprised?
Dragons are apparently simpler than bees. I learn something new every day.
Good Lord!
Inga is having orgasms over Mayor Pete.
The good news is that she is resting her ...
Mayor Pete could not fix the potholes in South Bend.
Is there an easier city to be Mayor of than SB???
Pete is similar to business consultants I met or worked with. ( I was in that game for 15 years).
He is a good bullshitter who will say anything to make the sale.
I know these folks. I never met one who was intellectually impressive. Lots of overachieving B students who kiss enough ass to get ahead.
Mayor Pete has Cookie really stimulated.
Do you want to tell us something, Cookie?
"And I don’t care who she picks as running mate, but I HOPE it’s Mayor Pete. Then the ticket has not one but two cocksuckers."
Oh, come come, be honest AlbertAnonymous: don't you have (or want) a beloved cocksucker in your life? Better a cocksucker than a ginormous asshole! (Or maybe you're jealous and a making juvenile fun because you don't have a cocksucker in your life!)
DanTheMan @3:16
You forgot, using the US intelligence agencies to spy on a political opponent, something Nixon was facing impeachment for just suggesting.
"Mayor Pete has Cookie really stimulated.
"Do you want to tell us something, Cookie?"
Yeah! I like him for Vice-President, (or President, better)! It's rare I find a politician that doesn't either repel me or leave me suspicious, indifferent, and uninterested. Of course, the more I learn about him I could lose this (for me) rare enthusiasm for a mainstream politician. We will see!
(You should be honored I ignored your eight-year old's-level smirking innuendo and gave you a serious answer.)
No scandals, good family man, great president... who single-handedly set race relations back at least 50 years.
What a guy.
"Buttigieg sounds exactly presidential"
Someone else already handled the crease-of-his-trousers aspect, so let me beg:
Can we please just repeal the 19th? Yesterday, if possible...
The except part is Donald Trump has been president. Pete has been Transportation secretary had hasn't had great luck with that.
The perfect McKinsey consultant, whose wreckage of high-minding consulting advice to corporates, I and others had to follow up and fix in the 1990's. Whatever the fad of the day, they were at the forefront of it: "Business Process Reengineering (BPR)", "Total Quality Management (TQM)", etc, etc.
All yours for just $350-450/hour - and that for the lowest-level McKinsey consultant.
The war of wits and Cookie is unarmed!
"I don't know. I'm only now getting familiar with him. (But, what has Trump really done--successfully--in contrast to his ceaseless boasting and exaggerated claims?) I know Buttegeig hasn't had multiple businesses collapse into bankruptcy while claiming to be a business genius; I know he hasn't regularly and serially over years stiffed his contractors, "claiming" their work was below par, essentially stealing from those who built his businesses; I know he hasn't been charged with a variety of crimes, (or been convicted on several, with more pending); I know he hasn't been accused of sexual improprieties, (or found guilty of sexual abuse in one case); he doesn't seem to be, as Trump does (and has been accused to be) racist; he hasn't been castigated and rejected by a couple of dozen of former members of his first administration, (called "a moron" and "idiot" by some of them); he doesn't seem to be a preening narcissist with no feeling at all for any other humans, (as Trump certainly does); he obviously reads--which Trump obviously doesn't--and he comprehends what he reads; he can speak in coherent and cogent complex sentences, as opposed to Trump, whose spoken communications are self-serving and boastful while being largely condescending or insulting to others, and conveyed in a level of discourse that would be worrying in a sullen junior high student; and so on and so on."
I take it back. I'm not surprised at all.
TH: "The perfect McKinsey consultant, whose wreckage of high-minding consulting advice to corporates, I and others had to follow up and fix in the 1990's. Whatever the fad of the day, they were at the forefront of it: "Business Process Reengineering (BPR)", "Total Quality Management (TQM)", etc, etc.
All yours for just $350-450/hour - and that for the lowest-level McKinsey consultant."
Oh, it was much worse than that in so many cases.
My favorite old time McKinsey ploy was sending in one of their former global CEO types and his team and do about a month or so of analysis with the finished "product" boiled down to templatized presentations, reused often, with the message of "oh, your operations are decentralized. We need to centralize ops and achieve big synergistic financial breakthroughs!". Cost: $2M
3 to 5 years later, similar type crew comes thru with "oh, your operations centralized? You need to decentralize to achieve operational improvements and increased revenues!" Cost: $2.5M
And yes, as Tom Hunter pointed out, every buzzworded tactic of the day is trotted out and put in play as part of the plan: Six Sigma, Strategy Execution, etc.
And yes, I have been a part of some very nice niche efforts coming in behind those cats at normal consulting fee levels to clean up and actually execute (often times with gain-sharing actual revenue-realized fee based structures) to help firms deliver on promises made to the Board and shareholders based on McKinsey's pie in the sky talking point laden expectations.
His speaking ability really is fantastic. The tone of his voice, the speed, the substance... whether you agree with him or not, you really ought to admit that he's the best at speaking.
Since, so far as I know, I've never heard him, I can't admit this. But I've never heard Messrs Shapiro or Kelly or whoever the other vice-presidential possibilities are, either, so.
But (on second thought) maybe, when he was first 'newsworthy' (if only because of the unusual surname) I listened to him say something. Was not particularly impressed, if I did; perhaps I caught him on an 'off day'.
“Why did Kamala Harris serve as Vice President for a man she called racist and a segregationist?”
Robert Cook said...
(But, what has Trump really done--successfully--in contrast to his ceaseless boasting and exaggerated claims?) I know Buttegeig hasn't had multiple businesses collapse into bankruptcy while claiming to be a business genius; I know he hasn't regularly and serially over years stiffed his contractors, "claiming" their work was below par, essentially stealing from those who built his businesses; I know he hasn't been charged with a variety of crimes, (or been convicted on several, with more pending); I know he hasn't been accused of sexual improprieties, (or found guilty of sexual abuse in one case); he doesn't seem to be, as Trump does (and has been accused to be) racist; he hasn't been castigated and rejected by a couple of dozen of former members of his first administration, (called "a moron" and "idiot" by some of them); he doesn't seem to be a preening narcissist with no feeling at all for any other humans, (as Trump certainly does); he obviously reads--which Trump obviously doesn't--and he comprehends what he reads; he can speak in coherent and cogent complex sentences, as opposed to Trump, whose spoken communications are self-serving and boastful while being largely condescending or insulting to others, and conveyed in a level of discourse that would be worrying in a sullen junior high student; and so on and so on.
8/1/24, 5:09 PM
Donald Trump will always and forever be Gorilla Channel Trump in the mind of Cook and in the minds of so many millions of democrat Party members. The mind of a Party member is comprised of talking points posted by the DNC, and is impervious to reason.
Can he ride a bike?
"Butplug has done so poorly at his one job that everybody knows who the Transportation Sec is"
Ha! But he can do all that in Norwegian!
Buttie would be great selling life insurance.
Don't agree with you at all Ann. He sounds like a complete fraud to me at all times.
Vote Trump/Vance or you'll get a Harri/Butt.
I almost jumped out of my chair when I read Althouse’s praise for Buttigieg’s speaking voice. To me it’s his worst feature. His tone is controlled to the point I would call it a “ dead voice.” There is no spirit there, no humanity. He’s learned this probably from trying to mask an inherent gay voice. Unbelievable to me Althouse praises this very aspect of him. I think educated women are more fooled by this type of thing than any other. Not sure why but I have my suspicions.
Sounds presidential? What words is this mellifluous person using, I have to ask?! I care more for what he's saying than how he sounds. And so should any rational person.
I haven't heard anyone say much about the presidential tenor, or lack thereof, of RFK Jrs voice. And Biden, the actual president, he sounds like a dementia patient fast approaching stages 5-6 of his illness.
John Edwards had a great speaking voice, the voice of a polished trial lawyer, but any Southerner who saw him speak realized he was a polished turd, having met that sort before his candidacy. Buttigeig says in lovely tones ridiculous things. He is a person without seriousness. He'd be great as a calm-sounding standup comic.
"The war of wits and Cookie is unarmed!"
One need not be armed with wits when facing a cackle of lackwits: the truth will do.
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