August 1, 2024

A lot of gall.



Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

. . . to be so useless and all!

Quaestor said...

Gall. Interesting in the context of a blog -- virtual paper for use by digital ink. Tree galls were part of the formula for the ink used by medieval scribes.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The name of my fear of Kamala Harris is PA senator John Fetterman.

I couldn’t quite put my finger on it until now.

Issues are irrelevant in this election.

n.n said...

Shared responsibility.

gilbar said...

here's my galling question of the day:
WHY do 3 and 4 star Generals in The Pentagon (in DC) wear fatigues? Are we supposed to believe they are "Ready To Go To WAR!" ?? They work in (literally) the world's largest office complex..
They are (Mother F*cking GODDAMN Generals).. In DC! If you're NOT in the field, WHY are you wearing fatigues?

i know, i know! back 25 years ago, an airliner flew into the side of the pentagon, and the fatigues were to show "their fighting spirit!" The War came to them.. And they're READY!

that was TWENTY-FIVE F*CKING years ago (okay, okay 23 yrs ago). But they STILL "are ready to go!"
Back in the 1990's Gulf war, Generals in Saudi Arabia were wearing fatigues for their press conferences.. Again.. WHY? What is this supposed to show? I don't get it?
If you're going to play dress up, Why Not dress up in your Class A's?
WHY do they EVEN HAVE Class A's anymore? For fancy dinners? (they have an entirely Different uniform for those!)

Jamie said...

Althouse, are you still changing the comment format, or is it Blogger (or neither, meaning it's just my phone)?

The rule of Lemnity said...

The epileptic seizure guy last night probably put the idea in my head but it wasn’t until later in the day today that it came into focus.

gilbar said...

and Don't Get Me started on Navy camouflage fatigues!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Did Biden pay Putin hush money for the prisoner swap?

Hush money to make the swap happen and to stay mum about it until after the election?

rhhardin said...

I broke another bicycle rear axle today and got to push the bike home (QR skewer keeps the wheel on for rolling but not secure enough to pedal). This happens every 4 years or so, and has happened to me since 1970 at that rate. It's a result of a freewheel (as opposed to more modern cogwheel) which has two axle cones, one on the edge and the other in the middle. The middle one puts too much stress on the axle and it eventually fatigues out. A cogwheel has both supports on the ends I think.

Political Junkie said...

Green ball...gall. One is better than 2.

gadfly said...

The rule of Lemnity said...
Did Biden pay Putin hush money for the prisoner swap?

Hush money to make the swap happen and to stay mum about it until after the election?

I don't know what "Lemnity" is, but perhaps it has to do with making up false conspiracies to support Trump's ugly outlook on life. In this case, Biden accomplished the release of American prisoner Paul Whalen after Trump had failed.

Past president Donald Trump shot down Russian attempts to trade former Marine Paul Whelan for “Merchant of Death” arms dealer Viktor Bout, according to former national security adviser John Bolton.

wendybar said...

Yeah gad, instead Biden traded the "merchant of death" for a basketball player who got caught with drugs instead.

Quaestor said...

"Yeah gad, instead Biden traded the "merchant of death" for a basketball player..."

Unfortunately, the merchant of death was held by the Germans, who haven't executed a murderer since reunification and always grant parole. Vadim Krasikov would have been released on parole in five or six years in any case and would have easily slipped back into Russia.

Narr said...

The comments section is back to normal after acting weird for a few days. By 'normal' I mean the way it was for all my years here--nice spacious comments box and no nesting.

And the Kamala family photo posted by Trump and reposted by the Prof has been replaced by sad face.

All the parties to the swap expect some domestic benefit, or it wouldn't be happening. But it's a story for a day or two, signifying nothing much.

Ann Althouse said...

@Lyle Sanford, RMT


Ann Althouse said...

"Althouse, are you still changing the comment format, or is it Blogger (or neither, meaning it's just my phone)?"

Blogger changed something. I see it some but not all of the time. I tried changing a setting to see if it might get a different result, but it actually locked ME out of the comments. I can't have that. Now, it's back to what it's been for many years... as far as things I'm doing.

Richard Dillman said...

How about wormwood and gall, of biblical fame. “Bitterness and resentment.”

imTay said...

I never realized what a neocon outfit Instapundit has become, and how they just relay neocon propaganda as if it is plain fact. Not only that, but if you call them out on it, with factual backup, your posts first get reported, then are shown as "awaiting moderation," and then simply disappear.

Lyle Sanford, RMT said...

Hey! My pleasure - always love your Dylan stuff - and synchronicity was at play as well. I'm teaching some youngsters guitar and they love "All Along the Watchtower", so prepping "One More Cup of Coffee' (with similar chords) which got me to go back and listen to the Scarlet Rivera interviews and the rest of "Desire" and there's that line in "Sara" - "staying up all night at the Chelsea Hotel writing "Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands" for you". Interesting tidbit is he wrote One More Cup by himself right after a vacation in Spain where he heard gypsies - then Levy helped with the others. Also, Scarlet confirms she was just walking on a sidewalk in New York one day with her long hair and violin and Dylan was in a car going by and rolled down the window and asked if she could play that thing ;-) that was their first meeting and they recorded Desire in the next couple of weeks. Amazing. I went to Rolling Thunder one night in San Antonio and the next in Austin. The raw musical energy was off the charts.

MadTownGuy said...

Mayor [Erric] Adams' attempt to stop buses of migrants from arriving in NYC rejected by State Supreme Court

Gall for NYC, with a side of wormwood.

Narr said...

Homemade oak gall inks were being used in the US as late as the ACWABAWS.

boatbuilder said...

According to my late Mother, who knew a thing or two, gall is almost always unmitigated.

boatbuilder said...

Past president Donald Trump shot down Russian attempts to trade former Marine Paul Whelan for “Merchant of Death” arms dealer Viktor Bout, according to former national security adviser John Bolton.

Right, Gadfly. Because he's Putin's puppet.

You really ought to get your talking points straightened out.

Rusty said...

" Trump's ugly outlook on life."
Seems pretty upbeat to me.
Have you ever taken a step back and examined yours?