August 18, 2024

I don't know what's up with Robert De Niro and X.

I saw: "Actor Robert De Niro has been suspended from the platform X for issuing violent threats," according to the A.I. at X that automatically keeps track of trending topics and reports them in the sidebar.

And on first publishing this post, I said: "But I can't tell what he said that was so bad, since suspending him is about excluding his speech from the site. I would like to know because I've been hoping X would live up to high free-speech values. Nevertheless, there is a such thing as a 'true threat' in First Amendment law. I don't want to repeat the threats either, so keep them out of the comments. I'm reading elsewhere that they were aimed at Trump and his supporters."

But now I'm dubious about whether the account that I can see got suspended — @robertdeniro — is really Robert De Niro. I hope it isn't.

AND: X needs to do a better job with its automated sidebar, and I will be more skeptical of it going forward. Obviously, account names that look like famous names cannot be presumed to belong to the famous person.


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rehajm said...

Not to worry. The internet has already been scrubbed cleaner than Trump’s killer’s profile pages

rhhardin said...

How does a De Niro violent threat avoid comedy?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

But I can't tell what he said that was so bad

Keep an eye on Twitchy, they'll probably have screenshots soon.

rehajm said...

…or satire? Or camp…

Dave Begley said...

De Niro has become Travis Bickel, Taxi Driver.

Dave Begley said...

At the Tim Walz rally in Omaha yesterday, Trump hatred and TDS is what animated the crowd. I could feel the hate. It was visceral and real. The crowd was 75% female. If Trump loses, it will be because of the female vote. I kid you not.

Diamond said...

Maybe De Niro was calling Trump and his supporters Nazis. You know, the type of thing crazy people believe, the type of thing that influences people to try to assassinate politicians. Can't be that though, the MSM has been doing it for years. Nah, it's gotta be way better.

Joe Smith said...

I made a clear joke on X and got a suspension. There is no algorithm that detects humor or sarcasm. Although DeNiro is a nasty asshole and doesn't have the intellect to be subtle.

n.n said...

Will no one rid me of this deplorable PoO?

Mark said...

There is no short list of posters here whose hatred of the left is on full display, daily.

traditionalguy said...

For many years De Niro has been a headliner continually quoted every time he trashes Trump. After all he once was a movie star so that makes his opinion into a political authority. But lately he has become a flat out terrorist.

traditionalguy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mark said...

Seems like a poorly sourced story, at best.
I am surprised that our blog host rushed this story out, everything seems oddly Twitter focused of late ... kinda like the prior TikTok dominance.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Now I'm kind of wondering how many movies Robert De Niro's been in where he's a scientist.

Jimmy said...

Not sure if this is real. I wouldn't have banned him, at least for what he has said in the past on X. Just shows how much hate can make you crazy. And anyone who takes an actors opinions serious has problems too. Usually women, who respond to emotional appeals that are affected. Looking at the lefts campaigns, you can see they target women, and male feminists-very effectively.

Inga said...
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Inga said...

True. The level of hatred, even outright threats I’ve read over the years directed toward people on the left has been worse than almost any mainstream blog’s comments sections I’ve read. I’ve seen blog posts about TDS, yet haven’t seen much on the continuous, vile, demonization of Democrats and liberals. It’s been over the top for years and since Trump came along even worse if that is even possible. Politicians on the left have has the same level of vitriol directed toward them, yet when Trump is criticized harshly, I’ve read comments saying that is why there was an assassination attempt. Nancy Pelosi’s husband was a victim of this sort of demonization, yet people here still try to paint this attempted murder as some gay affair gone bad.

Inga said...

As IF people and politicians on the left haven’t been called Nazis.

Rabel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
boatbuilder said...

Presumably it was a specific, focused violent threat, of the type that Musk specifically said X would censor. ( And presumably does on a regular basis). If it wasn't, I think I agree with you. But why speculate?

Why speculate

Inga said...

Yes, there is no short supply of hate coming from both sides and both sides have had public figures attacked violently because of such rhetoric.

JAORE said...

Robert Di Niro has spewed unhinged rants in public places like the Trump courthouse steps and national award shows. Essentially zero rational or restraint. Can anyone be surprised that in the dim glow of his laptop he is even more extreme?

Rabel said...

De Niro has been the public voice of the extreme version of the Hollywood Trump haters. If he believes the nonsense he is circulating then he is bordering on insanity or is a complete fool.

But I don't think he is insane or a fool. I think he doesn't believe it. He is playing a role. Displaying unbridled hate for Trump and using his tough guy personna to back it up in a staged effort to set the tone for what is acceptable and what is not.

Who, in the entertainment world, would challenge an angry De Niro? Few if any. He sets the hard edge and the others follow, justified by his efforts.

Maynard said...

There is no short list of posters here whose hatred of the left is on full display, daily.

It is not hatred, Mark. It is derision at the liberal hive mind stupidity epitomized by the comments that you and Inga make.

Inga said...

No, it’s hatred. And you are one of the worst.

rhhardin said...

Wear a Kamala tshirt and attend a Trump rally; now try a MAGA hat and attend a Kamala rally. Report back.

FormerLawClerk said...

Inga claimed, without evidence: "Politicians on the left have has the same level of vitriol directed toward them."

Call me when Nancy Pelosi is shot in the head with an AR-15.

Diamond said...

Name one leftist American politician who has regularly been called a NAZI by the MSM. I must have missed it.

Inga said...

Call me when Melania Trump gets smashed in the head with a hammer, like Mr. Pelosi was.

FormerLawClerk said...

Inga, we live in America. Here, we are free to hate whomever we wish. And to encourage others to. Many of us have very good reasons to hate you people, mainly because you are vile human beings. And you're free to hate us too!

If you don't like that, I suggest you move to a better country, where hatred of evil people is a jailable offense. I recommend England.

FormerLawClerk said...

Inga said: "Call me when Melania Trump gets smashed in the head with a hammer, like Mr. Pelosi was.

The town drunk, Paul Pelosi, slept with dogs. He woke up with fleas. That's how dogs work.

Yancey Ward said...

Mark and Inga always mistake a complete lack of respect and support as violent hatred. Typical leftist projection.

Inga said...

There have been plenty of incidences of violence toward people who have yelled out anti Trump things at a Trump rally. One got punched in the face. Now tell me why Dave Begley here didn’t get physically attacked when he yelled out “Why did you let Minneapolis burn?” at the Walz rally he attended yesterday? He said a woman told him to shut up and her husband screamed at him after the rally. Poor Dave Begley.

Yancey Ward said...

Paul Pelosi got smashed in the head by another leftist, Inga, not a conservative. Try to keep up.

Kevin said...

We’re lucky not to have a history of actors attacking Presidents.

Yancey Ward said...

And when Harris gets shot at by an assassin, Inga, call us.

Inga said...

Yes, we are free to hate who we choose, but it’s just plain stupid to say that only one side causes harm to come to others with their hatred and rhetoric. I suggest you move to Venezuela to join Trump after he moves there when he loses the election. Maybe he can form a colony of Trump cultists there.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I forget who it was on Joe Rogan that speculated that De Niro must've been bullied at school growing up.

Eva Marie said...

Inga says “Call me when Melania Trump gets smashed in the head with a hammer, like Mr. Pelosi was.”
Inga, did you know that President Trump survived an assassination attempt while campaigning in Pennsylvania? Did you know that one of Trump’s supporters lost his life and 2 more supporters were badly wounded?

Mark said...

Conveniently ignoring a fair bit, there

Inga said...

It’s not as if Trump hasn’t incited violence with his words. Trump may incite someone to do just that because of his hatred and rhetoric. He incited a riot at the Capitol, he can incite even worse things that.

Michael K said...

I agree that white suburban women, cat ladies in other words, are the most hostile. We see it here with the dullard and Vickie from Pasadena.

Michael K said...

Lefty Mark complains about "poorly sourced." Sounds like one of Inga's comments.

Michael K said...

Another "poorly sourced" comment from the dullard. Which Democrat "public figures?"

Inga said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inga said...

Oh no, really? I hadn’t heard!-sarcasm

Michael K said...

My favorite DeNiro role was in the opening scene of "Casino."

Aggie said...

And how many instances of people out in public, minding their own business, eating in a restaurant for example, being hounded by a mob and beaten - for wearing a red hat? Well? Any examples on the other side to point to? None, right?

This is richly entertaining here, seeing everyone pointing fingers and accusing the 'others' of guilt, and yet not one person disavowing the idea on principle. Very interesting !

Personally, I think a discussion and exchange of ideas is fundamental to a polite society, and this includes listening politely to the other side and making an effort to process, understand - but if a mob decides they don't like a hat, it is also possible that a hat-wearing person might be packing - just to keep things civil.

Inga said...

Actually, you sound like you’re drunk.

Michael K said...

More proof that the left has no sense of humor. We are laughing at them, not hating them. They don't know the difference.

Michael K said...

No, dullard. It was the FBI and Capitol cops that "incited" that "riot." It was even a capitol cop who planted the pipe bomb. It's on video.

deepelemblues said...

I applaud the Professor's skepticism of anything she can't see for herself - even if that situation is inadvertent.

Michael K said...

Lefty Mark, we are laughing at you.

loudogblog said...

Maybe De Niro posted up a photo of Joe Pechi. I would feel threatened by that.

But seriously, I suspect this might be a fake story. I saw someone refer to this yesterday but I couldn't find any reliable source on the internet to verify it. If it were true, I'd think that we'd be seeing stories about it at major media outlets.

Eva Marie said...

Inga said “I haven’t heard!-sarcasm” Then what’s your point? You not only have TDS but you also have MTDS. This is the second time this month that you’ve been disgraceful toward Melania Trump. Cut it out.

boatbuilder said...

Elon to Bob: "I got just two words to say to you..."

pacwest said...

To Mark and Inga. I have yet to see either one of you dive into a policy discussion. You guys only ever have Trump hate and ad hominem. Try discussing actual policy for a change.

Marcus Bressler said...

I hate commies, socialists and fascists. I hate people who try to silence my 1A speech rights and take away my 2A rights. You, the Left, earned all that hate, if you did that. You and your ilk keep repeating lies (YOU, INGA) that have been debunked so many times. You and your "Trump is going to be a dictator" might have been a reason for that rabid liberal who registered as a Republican so he could vote against DJT in the primary to try to assassinate our once and future president.Cowards.

Inga said...

Only seeing what one wants to see is a symptom of cultist thinking. There is a lot of that in these thread every single day.

Inga said...

There is no more vileness than what oozes out of the senile asshole every day.

Dave Begley said...

You can read my report on my Facebook page or on Linkedin.

Inga said...

You aren’t very observant. Yesterday for example there was a lengthy discussion in which I engaged in regarding Harris’ new economic policies. Open your eyes.

Maynard said...

No, it’s hatred. And you are one of the worst.

The Word for Today is: Projection.

Actually, it is the word for everyday with Mark and Inga.

Yancey Ward said...

Like what, Mark- be specific.

Inga said...

Eva, my point is that it’s stupid to blame only one side for spreading hateful rhetoric. There, is that simple enough for you?

Yancey Ward said...

"It’s not as if Trump hasn’t incited violence with his words."

Fine, Inga- give us a couple of specific examples?

Inga said...

Stop drinking now, before you start your usual vulgar comments about sexual appliances.

Inga said...

To the senile asshole, even people here have told you that you are one.

Temujin said...

You could see it in his foaming-at-themouth public utterances over the last few years, whether at the Academy Awards or surrounded by people-props in New York City. He's been losing it.
Remember- these actors, these entertainers- see themselves as above the rest of humanity. Not only do they live in the spotlight and get almost constant praise, applause, and attention, but they live above the everyday man and woman. They have no idea how certain policies actually affect people. None.

And so, Bobby D. gets to act like a spoiled know-it-all, fuming and spouting. And somehow he thinks he's anymore than just a random Temujin ranting on Althouse or X or somewhere. He's not. He just gets to read better scripts than I do. Well...sometimes.

Mark said...

After 13 years or so here, I have plenty of evidence that few folks legitimately engage in back and forth here and that the amount of GOP poo flingers make the experience shit as you all just stand by and let Drago and his ilk fling away.

Besides, I don't see many people here that have the intellectual curiosity to look at this story here with a skeptical eye. Time will tell, but this story hasn't been picked up by any major news organization I can see.

But it fits your narrative, so you all swallow it down. Why would I want to discuss with such closed minds?

Sally327 said...

Robert DeNiro has played some fairly creepy characters. Everyone always thinks of "Taxi Driver" but I found his portrayals in "Cape Fear" and "The Fan" to be particularly scary.

I don't know that he's aging especially well. He had the lawsuit with the former assistant that didn't reflect that well on him. I think of Gene Hackman who's still kicking but has retired gracefully from the scene. And then Peter Marshall, who was always a class act, died a couple of days ago. Not that being banned from X is the same as dying.

Inga said...

“Donald Trump knew exactly what he was doing when he called Nancy Pelosi "an animal" yesterday, which was met with enthusiastic cheers from his MAGA mob (see video below). Just as the Nazis knew what they were doing when they called the Jews "rats." And just as the Rwandan Hutus knew what they were doing when they called the Tutsis "cockroaches." Dehumanization makes it easier for fascists and their followers to be cruel. It opens the door to genocide. It makes it okay for people to attack "the other" with a hammer without any remorse or shame.

"This nation does not belong to them," Trump said in the same speech. "This nation belongs to you."”

Skeptical Voter said...

Inga, lay off the hallucinogens--a message from a friend. You'll feel better.

Eva Marie said...

Inga, where’s the video?

narciso said...

a consumer of Hutu radio, like MSNBC lectures us,

Jaq said...

'Politicians on the left have has the same level of vitriol directed toward them,"

Not by people in power, mainstream media, or establishment outlets. You can't compare the comment section of a blog to the New York Times or the Washington Post, or to Nancy Pelosi's megaphone.

FullMoon said...

DeNiro idolizes Biden, and vice-versa. In Raging Bull, DeNiros Jake LaMotta, after being beaten to a pulp, repeats over and over, "You never got me down Ray, you never got me down"

Tough guy Joey, on the other hand, turns tail and runs when 88 year old Pelosi kicks him in the nuts. Biden more of a Rupert Pupkin than Raging Bull. What a disappointment to all who voted for him.

Jupiter said...

According to the community notes;
"The X handle @robertdeniro was never run by actor Robert De Niro nor anyone acting on his behalf. Robert De Niro only used Twitter/X once in 2014 with the handle @Rob_D_Niro, and has never been active on the platform, following a single 2014 post."

Inga said...

The senile asshole chimes in like a jaybird.

Robert Cook said...

"At the Tim Walz rally in Omaha yesterday, Trump hatred and TDS is what animated the crowd. I could feel the hate. It was visceral and real." Well, yes...Trump invites visceral and real hatred as a result of the childish, dishonest, and hateful rhetoric and name-calling that is his only message. You receive the energy you give, as the hippies say. (Adding to the hatred is the entirely rational fear by rational citizens of Trump returning to the White House, as the cohort of powerful fascist entities behind him will try to do great damage with their Project 2025.)

Inga said...

JD Vance called Trump “America’s Hitler”. I wonder if he was putting Trump in danger by such rhetoric.

boatbuilder said...

Golf clap.

Jupiter said...

But I want to say a word in support of Igna. Because, at least in my case, she's right. I do, in fact, hate Igna, and wish her ill. It is getting to be harder and harder for me to see how people like me and Igna can coexist. She and her allies have already come up with a solution to that problem; they intend to steal my country and replace my kids with people more to their liking. Not coincidentally, those people are feral criminal parasites. Of course I would like to see Igna have a stroke, or succumb to cancer, or just step in front of a bus. Anything to stop her evil scheme and deprive her of her vote. Delenda est Igna.

walter said...

Despite repeatedly calling Trump supporters part of a cult, I would truly love Inga if she shared a progress report re her high density compassionate care migrant hostel. Things like how many days since the last child rape etc. I mean, while the politics heat up, the flow continues.

minnesota farm guy said...

Anybody know what set Inga off today? I thought she was euphoric about her new Dem champion. Maybe reality has set in after watching Kamala for a couple of weeks. Anyway the name calling and obscenity is a new phase. Perhaps dementia has her in its grasp as well. Misdirected anger is, I believe, one of the symptoms.

I will observe that people are a bit tough on her, but its hard not to be put off by her single sourced and inaccurate comments.

Michael K said...

Cook and Inga are good example.

Jaq said...

Robert Cook claims to be a socialist, but has no clue why the class of people who are being used as the shock troops to "fight inflation" by having their wages suppressed by unbridled immigration, which the administration admits is part of the "plan" to fight inflation, and having to compete with millions of these unvetted immigrants for housing, driving up rents, or who are sick of having their sons shipped overseas to fight wars for our oligarchs could possible be upset. It must be "hate"! That's the ticket! Trump could not possible be voicing these legitimate economic complaints because that would make thenDemocrats, and Joe Biden, who after all, made the trains run on time by breaking the rail workers strike, look bad.

Michael K said...

Lefty Mark, it isn't the only story not to be found in mainstream media.

stlcdr said...

Robert DeNiro is very, very left wing and vitriolic in general. However, it does seem like the banned account was not run by DeNero.

Mark said...

Few here have a bullshit detector it seems.

Mark said...

Michael, I will hold you to vouching for the veracity of this story then.

Michael K said...

Where most of Inga's comment links go.

Inga said...

Trump calls Nancy Pelosi an animal”

Mark said...

Community Notes on Twitter notes the closed account is not De Niro's actual account ... but go ahead, the lack of any left/right news source running with this after spending a minute looking into it is now a badge of honor for you conspiracy loons.

Jaq said...

By people of the standing of Robert DeNiro? By late night comedians? By newscasters? Or in the comments sections by anonymous blog commenters?

John henry said...

I don't believe I've ever called anyone a "NAZI" here. I don't like the word preferring "National Socialist" as being more honest. But I don't recall calling anyone that, either, though I may have done.

I do speak of the "fascists" here, in DC and elsewhere and have no hesitancy to call anyone out as fascist where appropriate.

National Socialism, fascism, progressivism, liberalism (modern, not classical) socialism, communism all share the identical ideology.

All seek control of the economy by the government. They express it in different ways. Some, like liberalism, are more squeamish about how to get there than others, like National Socialism. Some may want to take it further than others.

Make no mistake, the ideologies are all the same in goals and direction if not always in methods and degree.

I include most Republican and most Democrat politicians in this vision. I also include most Democrat and many Republican voters.

I consider DeNiro a fascist and have no hesitancy in saying so out loud. Inga, to the extent that she has expressed any coherant political ideology, ditto.

10 years ago I might not have identified people and groups by their right name. Now? Screwm. It is time to call a spade a spade. It is time to point out fascists and fascism wherever found.

John Henry

narciso said...

Deniro has become a small time Zampolit, we saw him in the sham Gotham court

Jaq said...

So if I ask how Kamala's $6k for a newborn, and $25K to new homeowners will be paid for without creating further inflation, and whether it will be possible to keep "asylum seekers" of whom there are millions, from accessing these benefits, is that "hatred"? Just because it makes your head hurt trying to avoid thinking about the implications of Kamala's policies, does that mean I hate you?

Inga said...

There are times that I don’t feel like engaging with the Trump cultists here and there are other times that it seems worth my while. I’ve had obscenities, threats , vile and vulgar sexual comments, doxxing directed my way over the years, which gives me the right to hit back when I see fit.

Michael K said...

Actually, I don't hate these lefties who post comments here. I was close with Ritmo but the others, like Freder, are just humorous. They are so serious and project their feelings onto other people they know nothing about. They know nothing about economics, just as their candidate doesn't know anything. The Washington Post actually showed a bit of reality in recognizing the results of price fixing. Not Inga though. Nor Lefty Mark.

John henry said...

yet haven’t seen much on the continuous, vile, demonization of Democrats and liberals.

Harry Truman said once "I don't give 'em Hell, I tell the truth and it feels like Hell."

Is it really "vile" and "Demonization" if it is true? If someone follows fascist ideology, as you seem to, it may be impolite to point that out.

On the other hand, it is dangerous not to point that out.

If I call anyone a fascist and they can explain how they are not, I will be happy to apologize and refrain from doing it in the future. So far nobody has.

John Henry

Michael K said...

There is a slight difference. Fascists usually find crony corporations to help control the economy. Sort of like Google or Krupp.

Jaq said...

I believe everything a suspect says when in a closed room with the San Fransisco police department when it has to do with the political needs of the Pelosi family.

Robert Cook said...

"Paul Pelosi got smashed in the head by another leftist, Inga, not a conservative. Try to keep up." (Yancey Ward)

From Wikipedia:
"On October 28, 2022, Canadian far-right conspiracy theorist David DePape attacked Paul Pelosi, the husband of Nancy Pelosi, the 52nd Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. He beat Pelosi with a hammer during a home invasion of the couple's Pacific Heights, San Francisco residence, leaving him with a fractured skull that required surgery."

The assailant believed Nancy Pelosi "was part of a plot to 'manipulate the country' and 'steal votes from Donald Trump,' a court in San Francisco heard."

Jaq said...

Wait, that was a fake DeNiro!

Robert Cook said...

tim in vermont says, "Robert Cook claims to be a socialist...." NOPE. I've never claimed to be a socialist and I am not my own definition. However, many of the hard-right commenters here happily sling that label to me all the time. Stupid is as stupid does.

John henry said...

as the cohort of powerful fascist entities behind him will try to do great damage with their Project 2025.)

My biggest problem with project 2025 is its incoherence.

For example, on page 237 it proposes a federal law requiring that all pizza be served with pineapple.

But then on page 672 it proposes a federal law forbidding pineapple on pizza.

Which is it? How can we trust a document like this that can't make up its own mind?

Personally I love pineapple on pizza and always ask for it. Others disagree. There is room in my world for both kinds of people.


I will march for the right to choose if necessary.

John Henry

rehajm said...

Ann repeats a fakey but warns not to post the meanie fake De Niro comments, everyone gets their political shots in, a few mid strength jokes…happy Sunday!!!

rehajm said...

It should be up to the states to decide…

Iman said...

“Now tell me why Dave Begley here didn’t get physically attacked when he yelled out “Why did you let Minneapolis burn?” at the Walz rally he attended yesterday? He said a woman told him to shut up and her husband screamed at him after the rally. Poor Dave Begley.”

It wasn’t a mullet that saved Mr. Begley, ‘twas the low-T of leftwing boys.

lonejustice said...

The left calls the right fascists. The right calls the left communists. That's where we seem to have ended up today. It wasn't always like this.

Jaq said...

I actually liked Ritmo, he changed my thinking a lot. He was wrong about a lot of things, he seemed to believe the Russiagate hoax, or pretended he did, but he hated a lot things that needed to be hated, well right up until it was the Democrats doing them, falling in line with Joe Biden.

narciso said...

when truman called dewey a fascist, that was 1948, try again

John henry said...

And when Harris gets shot at by an assassin, Inga, call us.

Lose the "at" Yancey. He was shot and hit. Not shot "at"

Ford was "shot at" (they missed).

John Henry

8/18/24, 1:14 PM

Jaq said...

I notice that you don't respond to the substance of my comment, which is that there are a lot of reasons for the working class to be angry, and instead focus on some weird point that I am using a term that you define differently in your own head...

rehajm said...

DeNiro will one day soon become a comi-tragic character like old Joe (still the ‘President’)…one moment the lord and savior, the next a dribbling medicare charge at the covid-kill…er…rest home, touched by the Michelangelian finger of George Clooney. The facts of life…the facts of life…

Inga said...

The senile asshole dives head first in conspiracy rabbit holes. Haven’t you learned how to discern truth from reality yet in the the long years you lived?

narciso said...

well pineaple on pizza is a deal breaker, personally,

meanwhile with Project 1848, the anniversary of the Communist Manifesto

Iman said...

A friendly reminder to Inga…
........('(...エ...エ.... ッ~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.キエ

Inga said...

Excuse me senile asshole, but Ritmo despised you, you weren’t close to him whatsoever.

traditionalguy said...

Inga is ok. She’s just stubborn. But she is sincere in her beliefs that many MAGA supporters are scary. So we had better show her kindness.

doctrev said...

The state can ban pineapple on pizza, but it's even easier to flout their laws than it is to have guns. Be the change you want to make in the world.

Freder Frederson said...

And how many instances of people out in public, minding their own business, eating in a restaurant for example, being hounded by a mob and beaten - for wearing a red hat?

This is truly awful. Can you provide some links to stories about people who were beaten for wearing a red hat? Otherwise, I will just assume that it was the monkeys flying out of your butt that told you this.

John henry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
narciso said...

Michael K said...

Inga has a reading problem that her hatred conceals from her. I did not say I was "close" to Ritmo. I said I was close to hating him. He went to my own blog to get things to comment, very negatively, about. The only time that has happened was with a few lefty blogs I used to read and comment on until I was banned from them all. Then that "Derve" person seemed to do it recently.

Freder Frederson said...

Mark and Inga always mistake a complete lack of respect and support as violent hatred.

Drago and Achilles at least (and many others, going all the way back to Cedarford, for those of you who remember that vile Nazi) have fantasized about hanging all leftists from light poles. Both of them have wished me dead. Bruce Hayden spent several paragraphs pontificating what the best ammo load to use on BLM protesters.

So your contention that it is just "complete lack of respect and support as violent hatred" is simply bullshit.

Jim at said...

Nancy Pelosi’s husband was a victim of this sort of demonization, yet people here still try to paint this attempted murder as some gay affair gone bad.

You're so full of shit. Nobody knew who in the hell Pelosi's husband was before his bizarre incident.

Check out a fucking mirror if you want to see what pure, unadulterated hate really looks like.

Michael K said...

I'll say it wasn't always like this. Bill Ayres, and his rich father, have a lot of blame for this. Especially Obama.

Iman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
walter said...

It's a bit difficult to search for these things given the recent rally assasination attempt and killing of Corey Compatore. But there have been folks grabbing MAGA hats off supporters, attacks on Trump supporters after rallies, at least one murder in Portland. Re incitement of such, see crazy Maxine Watter's statements.
Maybe you just forgot, Freder..or are getting Cookie's selective amnesia.

FullMoon said...

When states ban pineapple pizza, there will be Drs. who prescribe it for pain relief and glaucoma. We did it here for MJ and eventually passed laws where no prescription needed.

Inga said...

Yes, I clearly remember Achilles threat of getting his veteran buddies together to do wet work on their political enemies, he’s spoken of blowing up Washington DC, hanging his political enemies from lamposts, all manner of violent rhetoric over the years. And he wasn’t the only one by far. The comments in these comments sections have been violent and hateful for years mostly directed to people on the left.

Iman said...

Trump - Vance in 2024: Unburden Yourself From the Has-Beens

Michael K said...

Sure, Sorry you don't know how to seek information, yet.

John henry said...

"There is a slight difference. Fascists usually find crony corporations to help control the economy. Sort of like Google or Krupp."

Leave Google aside and let's look at Krupp under National Socialism. We can also look at FIAT under Italian Fascism.

Who controlled who? Do you think that the Krupp and Agnelli families and other stockholders/owners had any control over how the companies were run?

The German and Italian govts told them what to make, how, who to sell it to, how much to charge, who to hire (and not hire) and so on.

There was pretty much no decision that was not decided by govt.

Krupps and Agnellis "owned" the companies. But without the ability to control the company "ownership" is a meaningless concept.

As far as Google is concerned, that seems easy to fix. Just stop using it. We can do that individually. If the govt of Florida or Texas finds Google a bad actor, the governor can decree that the Chrome browser will not be used on any state owned device, the default search engine will be Bing, or Brave or DDG and so on.

At a national level the president could decree this. I doubt it would even require an executive order.

It won't be done, of course. The govt likes controlling Google too much.

Update on Brave: A few weeks ago we talked about Brave here. I had tried the search engine when it came out, went back to DDG for reasons I forget. after the discussion I made it my default on the desktop again. I am liking it and it is working very well for me.

I tried the browser and it is fine if you like that Chrome feel. I went back to using Firefox after a few days. Nothing wrong with Brave, I'm just used to Firefox.

John Henry

FullMoon said...

True. The level of hatred, even outright threats I’ve read over the years directed toward people on the left"

LOL. Now, put a Trump/Vance bumper sticker on your car and get back to us.

Michael K said...

More nonsense from the usual sources.

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, the DNC/Intel cartel recently attempt to murder Trump. That’s on you. You’re the Nazi punk. You’re incredibly thick headed. Who’s doing the violence is blazingly apparent. It’s you, you punk thug.

Jim at said...

Fuckin' lunatic. Go outside. Get a life.

Shouting Thomas said...

The DNC/Intel cartel just attempted to murder Trump. In 2020, the DNC/Intel Cartel paramilitary thugs, BLM, torched our major cities. It’s quite apparent who’s responsible for serious political violence in the U.S. It’s Inga and her thugs.

Michael K said...

I think the Krupp family were involved in Hitler's rise. It's been years since I read "The Arms of Krupp."

Jupiter said...

I must defend Igna again. I also read "I was close with Ritmo" to mean, well, I was close with Ritmo. Which was a bit of a puzzle. I see now that you mean "close to hatred".
And Igna, please remember, buses are like cheap whores; there's another one along every ten minutes. Just 'cuz you missed the last one, doesn't mean the next one will miss you!

narciso said...

celebrate a doped up bum, laugh at a decorated vet, thats all you need to know about Dems, also they way they seem unconcerned with American hostages whether in Kabul or Khan Younis

narciso said...

so did the Thyssen clan, but they had a change of hart, of course IG Farben,

Shouting Thomas said...

Considering the lawfare, the vote fraud and the Dem’s assassination attempt on Trump, this election has been thoroughly pre-sabotaged and rigged. Discussing the details is pointless and only dignifies the Dem’s terrorist tactics, approved of course by thugs like Inga. The only topic of political conversation that seems relevant to me is how to put the Dem thugs out of business.

Jupiter said...

While I am prone to call people fascists myself, the truth is, fascism was really just Mussolini's rather incoherent political ideology. The term had particular resonance for Italians because the bundle of sticks called the "fasces" was the symbol of the power of the Roman Empire (which I think about often). I don't believe Hitler ever called himself a fascist. Although that didn't stop lots of other people.

wildswan said...

I think they're all trying to lower the temperature of the discourse ahead of the DNC. Trump has already beaten the Dem candidate as selected in the primaries and so the people at the convention who were once pledged to vote for Biden must enthuse over Shamala as if she were what they want. And as if they trusted her. This requires the kind of mental contortions that have ended in the past in mass hysteria and witch hunting. So - ice water everywhere.

narciso said...

should we revisit January 20th 2017 and the poisoning plot against inaugural attendees,

Jupiter said...

Got to say, the man's not wrong, although he's not much of a man. Every polity in existence was established by force, and maintains itself by force. One of the salient drawbacks of "democracy" is that you have to defeat the rotten bastards all over again every four years. As the Romans well knew, dead men bear no grudges. Indeed, it was common for the victors in a Roman political struggle to kill the losers' entire families. The men who killed Caesar made the mistake of leaving his adopted son Octavian alive. They paid for it with their lives. Freder would be a fine ornament for most any lamppost. Unfortunately, he would keep right on voting Democrat, no matter how high you hung him.

Mary Beth said...

What I am seeing on X is that @robertdeniro was suspended, but it was not Robert DeNiro's official account. His account is He joined in May 2014, has over 20,000 followers and hasn't posted anything since his initial tweet.

This info is based on a community note that is pending approval.

Jupiter said...

And yet you seem to want to rule out all the most effective means. What do you think, Igna and Freder are going to see the light, and stop advocating the destruction of the American Republic? Democracy is like a streetcar. When it comes to your stop, you get off. Unless you got hung up on a lamppost a few stops back.

Aggie said...

And now, perhaps you'll reciprocate, right Freder? Now you'll hasten to share all of the examples where a MAGA mob threatened the safety of poor Progressives, out in public, innocently enjoying themselves when set upon by the MAGA mob, because of their political expression? Freder? Freder? Freder?

Aggie said...

Haven't had so much fun since watching the Jets rumble with the Sharks.

TaeJohnDo said...

As long as you don't force me to have pineapple on my pizza, I'm good with it.

TaeJohnDo said...

"And how many instances of people out in public, minding their own business, eating in a restaurant for example, being hounded by a mob and beaten..." Are you sure it wasn't for having pineapple on their pizza? There's some pretty strong opinions about that.

narciso said...

it's not out of character with Deniro, who I liked up until say Casino, but since then

narciso said...

even cagney had he lived played the same beat for 50 years,

narciso said...

Butkus51 said...

Fredo DeNiro knew of good old Harv.

Drago said...

Freder: "Drago and Achilles at least (and many others, going all the way back to Cedarford, for those of you who remember that vile Nazi) have fantasized about hanging all leftists from light poles. "

This is a very typical Freder absolute lie. I've never written such a thing, implied such a thing, encouraged such a thing, reposted such a thing, etc.

And for Field Marshall Freder, the biggest Demander Of Links For Proof, I say, go ahead and provide a link to anything I've ever written that is remotely close to what you claimed.

Dont take too long now liar! Time's a-wastin'!

Yancey Ward said...

Well, Freder, find us some links to examine your claims.

Drago said...

Inga: "Only seeing what one wants to see is a symptom of cultist thinking. There is a lot of that in these thread every single day."

Inga has bought into and passionately pushed every single debunked and transparent New Soviet Democratical hoax over the last 9+ years.

Without exception.

She still believes them all because to question any of the debunked hoaxes she pushed would cause such collosal cognitive dissonance she would likely implode.

Inga said...

Drago’s talents come in the form of lying. Huge lies, little lies, lies he wants others to believe and repeat about what he asserts liberal commenters here supposedly said. He’s been doing this since he started commenting here.

Inga said...

You see what I mean?

Drago said...

And what can one say about Dumb Lefty Mark except he keeps freaking out that people keep noticing the Very Dumb Things he posts.

For instance, X was going to be destroyed by Threads and collapse to Elon's supposedly terrible management....

......reality: As always, without exception again, the opposite is true and has been borne out.

Which made Dumb Lefty Mark's claim....well...Dumb.

Didn't it?

Yancey Ward said...

What Mike K wrote is perfectly comprehensible as long as you don't forget what you read in the preceding sentence of the paragraph. One gets the impression all Inga does is read one sentence at time, forgetting what the thread of the paragraph was about. Even worse for Inga, however, is that she didn't even bother to question her obviously wrong interpretation by going to back and examining the comment a second time- no, she thought she had a gotcha moment and ended up looking like a moron.

Drago said...

Your cultist behavior is on the record and irrefutable. Your attacks and smears about Melania regarding her modeling career, quite typical for a European model, will not be forgotten nor should they be.

Inga said...

Don’t believe anything Drago says about what any commenter has said. He is incapable of telling the straight truth. It’s either blatant mischaracterization of someone’s comments or outright lies. How strong can one’s argument be when one’s default is to lie and twist the truth every single time?

Inga said...

Nope, that’s another lie. I haven’t ever opined on Melania’s modeling career. How weak you must be to lie so much.

Yancey Ward said...

Robert, the assailant's entire life up to that point was lived as a leftist- everything extant he had ever written was written in support of leftist politics- the only evidence ever presented that he was anything but a leftist came from that police interview. Now, I personally think he had a drug induced brain disease, but nothing else in his life demonstrated he was any kind of conservative or even a Republican voter- and no one incited his attack on Pelosi.

Drago said...

So here is a fun test for Inga: Inga relentlessly pushed the transparent and debunked hoax regarding supposed ping-based communications between Trump Tower and Alfa Bank in Moscow. This was part of the overall Russia Collusion hoax that Inga also pushed for years.

Naturally, long after the hoax damage was done, it was compketely debunked in court hearings proving it was a team of techie Hillary supporters that created the hoax and they admitted it under oath.

Inga has never, ever, retracted her claims that Russia Collusion occurred nor that the "secret comms" between Trump Tower and Alfa Bank were faked.

Well, here's ANOTHER chance for her to do so now.

Will she take it?

LOL, but lets see what happens....

Yancey Ward said...

That's all you got, Inga? Yikes- if I call you a moron, is that inciting violence against you?

Drago said...

Inga: "Don’t believe anything Drago says about what any commenter has said"


Shorter Inga: Please dont remember what I have written in the past! It interferes with the new lies I need to push today!

Drago said...

More Inga hoax denial tests:
Trump said drink bleach: true or false?
Trump called US Service members "losers and suckers": true or false
Trump called nazis "fine people" in Charlottesville: true or false?

This should be fun.

Drago said...

Well then, Freder ought to be able to come up with quite a few limks proving what he claims, shouldn't he?


But we both know no link will be forthcoming. Maybe you can help him find one Inga! Good luck!

Drago said...

Field Marshall Freder: "Drago and Achilles at least (and many others, going all the way back to Cedarford, for those of you who remember that vile Nazi) have fantasized about hanging all leftists from light poles"

STILL waiting on the link that proves this claim Freder. Where is it?


It doesn't exist, does it Freder?

Drago said...

Dumb Lefty Mark: "After 13 years or so here, I have plenty of evidence that few folks legitimately engage in back and forth here and that the amount of GOP poo flingers make the experience shit as you all just stand by and let Drago and his ilk fling away."

Stop vomiting up easily disproven dumb lefty stuff and I won't have to call you out on it when you do.

Problem solved.

Btw: STILL waiting on that big Threads Update you were going to provide sfter X was crushed!

Did something haplen to it along the wag? Dog ate your homework? You lost it in the sun?

Michael K said...

Field Marshal Freder is not into icky things like links to proof or even honesty.

technochitlin said...

Robert Cook failed to close a emphasis tag at 3:01 or 3:04; everything since is italicized. (unless my little trick above worked).

Ya'll keep going- I've got popcorn!

technochitlin said...

Sad. Didn't work.

Michael K said...

The dullard is quick to respond to a comment about one of her lefty allies. How about you explain how Kamala's price freeze will reduce inflation?

Michael McNeil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
technochitlin said...

It worked!!
Now ya'll keep fightin'.

FullMoon said...

How can I reply to a deleted comment?

Lawnerd said...

Good riddance if true. That said I liked his work with Charles Grodin in Midnight Run.

Michael K said...

The lefties seem all stirred up today. Maybe the DNC convention has them excited. Maybe we will see Kamala explain her "new economics."

Lawnerd said...

Inga, fascist yes, nazi never. But if the fascist shoe fits, wear it. But Biden did remind me of Hitler during that speech in Philadelphia where he called MAGA supporters domestic terrorists. Gave me warm fuzzies being called a terrorist by the president.

FullMoon said...

This comment removed by Biden/Harris Administration

Lawnerd said...

Who pissed in Inga’s Wheaties today?

HistoryDoc said...

Robert Cook citing Wikipedia as his source - that gave me quite a chuckle.

walter said...

They'll release bags of Monopoly money from the ceiling.

Iman said...

Celluloid Fucknutz Tough Guy

Iman said...

Gene Hackman is a class act. Bobby DeNiro is a classless clown. He’s been a loudmouthed asshole for decades now.

Iman said...

Twitter no longer exists. Apparently, you didn’t get the memo.

Drago said...

Inga likes to pretend she never said any of things that she repeated for years...because those very things not only demonstrate conclusively her non-stop cultish gullible buffoon history but also her mendacious New Soviet Democratical NPC-ish-ness.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I guess Y’all know by now the suspended account is not Deniro’s official account.

Mason G said...

"the_eerie_overlap"? More like "the_unsuprisingly_expected".

Leland said...

ad hominem: You aren’t very observant. Yesterday for example there was a lengthy discussion in which I engaged in regarding Harris’ new economic policies. Open your eyes.

Ann Althouse said...

@ technochitlin

What is the method?

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