August 2, 2024

"A whistleblower alleged that Secret Service acting Director Ronald Rowe personally cut security resources and 'retaliated'..."

"... against agents with security concerns leading up to former President Donald Trump’s rally on July 13, according to a letter released Thursday."

From "Acting Secret Service Chief ‘Retaliated Against’ Agents Who Had Security Concerns At Trump Event, Whistleblower Claims" (Daily Caller).


Jupiter said...

Remember, during the Cold War, when everybody knew that the Soviet Union was a police state run by organized criminals, with fake elections and an utterly corrupt press?

Old and slow said...

Damning if true. I see no reason to doubt that it is true.

tim maguire said...

It's starting to look like some of SS leadership needs to go to jail. Firing isn't good enough.

gilbar said...

Seriously? THIS is supposed to be a "surprise"?
EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH knows that the Biden residency was willing to remover Trump,
CIA spying

William50 said...

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss!!

William said...

There was definitely something wrong with the protection that was offered Trump, and there is definitely something wrong with the way the Secret Service is investigating their failure....If Kamala Harris had ever been attacked under similar circumstances, a lot of heads would have rolled, and we would have known all about the back stories of the agents who screwed up.

Justabill said...

“Will no one rid me of this turbulent priest?”

Wince said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Wince said...

Rowe did seem unnecessarily combative, dismissive and evasive while testifying, in particular about the disparity of protection between Biden and Trump.

Fish rot from the head?

Biden's spiteful political nature seeped down the chain of command?

Especially when it comes to security for "events," where by comparison Biden couldn't draw flies?

The rule of Lemnity said...

They had one job. The problem is obviously bigger than the one gal who resigned.

hombre said...

Since Democrats corrupt everything, it has become difficult to determine whether this was a corrupt, deliberate attempt to put Trump in harm's way or just monumental incompetence. "AND" does not work here.

What is happening to our country? What will become of her if the Cackler and other Dems are allowed to continue the destruction.

William50 said...

Dan Bongino, who was an agent during the Bush and Obama administrations, still has contacts with active agents in the SS. He mentioned over a year ago that his contacts were complaining that the leadership of the agency were going to get someone seriously hurt or killed and it has only gotten worse.

Acting Director Rowe has got to be fired before he gets Trump killed.

gilbar said...

to be fair.. While the SS did fail in their mission; They ONLY FAILED by a fraction of an inch.
They ALMOST succeeded in their mission.. damn windage!!

John henry said...

Yet these fascists claim that it is president trump et al who are going to bring fascism to the us.

I don't think this is news to anyone.

John Henry

Curious George said...

"...a lot of heads would have rolled, and we would have known all about the back stories of the agents who screwed up."

Wasn't a screw up.

loudogblog said...

It's a natural instinct to cover up mistakes to avoid getting blamed. That's why it is so unethical.

It's like the failed door plug incident with Boeing. Not only did they "lose" the video of the door plug being installed, they couldn't even provide the name of the technician who did that job.

minnesota farm guy said...

Once again I reiterate that a newly commissioned USMC Second LT would have recognized the threat that the unmanned roof represented. I hate to attribute malice to the Secret Service, but there is no question about their gross incompetence. It really is so bad that a couple of more revelations are going to tip the scales for me. I also am willing to accept that the the Dems have certainly taken the role of Henry II when he asked "will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?" If they aren't issuing kill orders they are not far from it.

Original Mike said...

"Rowe did seem unnecessarily combative, dismissive and evasive while testifying, in particular about the disparity of protection between Biden and Trump."

I only heard radio excerpts on a right-leaning channel, but yeah, he seemed to be pissed off to have to field questions about an attempted assassination".

Michael K said...

The next attempt on Trump's life may be successful if this bunch are still running things. He really needs his own security.

Kai Akker said...

Assassination passive-aggressive style.

n.n said...

A Pelosi-rrection, a Whitmer conspiracy, an Obama/Holder run entrapment scheme, a Clinton affair in Tripoli, and so on and so forth. There are diverse precedents for single/central/monopolistic forcings of "incompetence".

Big Mike said...

Wince said..

Rowe did seem unnecessarily combative, dismissive and evasive while testifying, in particular about the disparity of protection between Biden and Trump.

I also thought so at the time. I figured maybe a guilty conscience, but I should have realized that Democrats don’t possess consciences and wouldn’t know what one was if it jumped out of a card deck and squirted mustard in their ears.

Rusty said...

There will be other attempts. The Democrat Party can't afford to let Trump become president again. They are 'shit their pants' afraid of Trump.

rhhardin said...

It's just ordinary bureaucracy. I suspect too many wokeness enforcement meetings, which is what changes any working culture.

Eva Marie said...

I wish he could as well but not possible. Too much liability risk. He can’t have his own team of snipers.

fairmarketvalue said...

rhhardin, much as I agree with you that the 19th Amendment was a mistake, I can't go along with your comment that the SS and the Butler debacle is "just ordinary bureaucracy". Apart from the fact that the USSS' mission is a "zero failure" one, there are too many discrepancies and facts out there compelling the conclusion that, at best, the Butler security arrangements resulted from malign neglect at the highest levels of the USSS and DHS.

Clyde said...

He’s not “part of the solution.” He’s “part of the problem.”

Narayanan said...

He really needs his own security.
Trump could institute a written situation report from head of security assigned to him by USSS and confirmed by his private security man.

n.n said...

The Constitution never discriminated by modes of Diversity including sex, or color for that matter. This was a peculiar choice in sanctuary jurisdictions that exercised liberal license and affirmative discrimination.

Yancey Ward said...

I wrote it yesterday- Trump was maliciously under-protected by the Secret Service of the Harris/Biden Administration.

mikee said...

I enjoy the treading upon their own members by the elites of the current administration. More, and faster, please.

Leland said...

If true, he was only doing what Congressional Democrats and Biden wanted to do with Trump and RFK Jr's security details anyway.

Michael K said...

It's really funny how all these "conspiracy theories" keep coming true.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

whistleblowers only count when they are anonymously bashing and trashing R's and Trump.

Rosalyn C. said...

This is the whole point of calling it an inside job -- those lapses in security were well known by the insiders and the lapses were exploited. Not known by us peons and those on the outside, but well known by the people who are the professionals.

How did a 20 year old with no previous knowledge of this unique situation or experience as a sniper know exactly where to position himself?

What would an expert who was planning an assassination have done differently?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Rosalyn C asks..

"How did a 20 year old with no previous knowledge of this unique situation or experience as a sniper know exactly where to position himself?

What would an expert who was planning an assassination have done differently? "


And it took less than a second for the SS Sniper to take out the ... eham... 20 year old.

chuck said...

Time to rerun the poll of Sean Davis' five possible levels of conspiracy involved in Trump assassination attempt. I look in the rear view mirror and see number two receding in the distance.

Robert Cook said...

If this is true, it seems Acting Director Rowe better find a good lawyer, as he will soon (properly) face sharp questioning and unpleasantly deep investigation of his professional and personal activities. At the very least, it sounds like gross negligence (whether intended to endanger Trump or not) sufficient to warrant his immediate ejection from government service. At more than least, he might be facing criminal charges.

Robert Cook said...

"Seriously? THIS is supposed to be a 'surprise'?
EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON EARTH knows that the Biden residency was willing to remover (sic) Trump,
CIA spying
ANY MEANS NECESSARY" I don't know that, and I suspect millions of others also do not know that. Please do not project the mindset of Trump and his disciples onto masses of people you don't know or understand.

Achilles said...

This is all show and kabuki.

The Secret Service leadership tried to get Trump killed. They knew about the shooter and knew who it was and where he was supposed to shoot from.

They watched him from the windows while he got into place. They took pictures of him through those windows 30 minutes before he shot.

The snipers had eyes on him for minutes before he shot.

They shot him in time to keep him from talking.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“I enjoy the treading upon their own members by the elites of the current administration. More, and faster, please”

Treading, pre-planned sacrifice of the stooge in the plot, whatever. Look, if the asassination was successful, Democrats were perfectly willing to axe a legion of minions if that’s what political cover required. Shit, the one chick wasn’t even going resign until some Democrat mandarin told her she had to go.

Josephbleau said...

The dem message is Trump is weird, scared, shaken, bewildered, frightened. It is a good hypothesis that the dems are scared of what will be exposed if he wins and are more frightened than Trump.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

“ I don't know that, and I suspect millions of others also do not know that.”

Rather the point, Bob.

JAORE said...

After 3 weeks we learn from the Acting Director that the Secret Service has NOT yet spoken to local law enforcement.

I'm sure, just sure that the internal investigation will be 1) honest and above board, 2) name names, assign blame and 3) be released before the election. Followed up with severe personnel action. [/sarc]

Mason G said...

"After 3 weeks we learn from the Acting Director that the Secret Service has NOT yet spoken to local law enforcement."

Not long after the incident, there was a report from locals that the SS had made comments to the media that would, in effect, be throwing the locals under the bus. If the SS was able to talk to the media, it seems to me they'd be able to speak to the locals, too. Right?

So what happened there?

Lance said...

Anonymous whistleblower. No more reliable than the "sources" in the Steele dossier. Until there's confirmation, it's worthless as evidence.

Nonetheless Rowe is a flack. He should be fired after that performance on Capitol Hill.

Charlie said...
