July 27, 2024

Young Emhoff and Harris.


Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Do NOT ask that chick how she feels!

gilbar said...

which one is the woman? (or, aren't we supposed to ask?)

Political Junkie said...

He looks like a dork.
I like the photo of her. Feels very Breakfast Clubish.

Sheridan said...

They both look....burdened.

Will Cate said...

Pretty typical early-80s look, for both of them

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Another perfect illustration of why skin tone matters less than ever and is quickly becoming completely irrelevant to all but the diehard race hustlers on the outer fringes of politics. Nobody else fucking cares!

Sally327 said...

Okay but they didn't know each growing up. I think they didn't even meet until 10 years ago. And why do we care about the husband? At all in any way whatsoever? Is he some crucial part of the story? I know he has children and umm...yeah that's all I have.

Paddy O said...

She has the Lisa Bonet look going there.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I've seen it plenty in photographs but I don't think I've ever been in the actual physical presence of a woman who applies her lipstick as if to a mouth a size or two smaller than her own.

The guy looks like he could be best friends with Sheldon Cooper.

Humperdink said...

Which one is the Jamaican Indian?

Sally327 said...

She has the Lisa Bonet look going there.

I thought of Jennifer Beals (Flashdance).

Tom T. said...

Does the Twitter writer say "Kamala and Doug" rather than "Doug and Kamala" to plant some indecision as to which is which?

Iman said...

She’s thinking about fweedom.

Mr. D said...

80s people look like 80s people. My college had about 1000 students and there were at least six women who looked just like her at any point and probably twice as many men who looked like him.

~ Gordon Pasha said...

Classic Canadian ennui on the right. I’ve seen the dopey kid on the left lots of time when I was growing up in SoCal. The real place to be was at Huntington Beach, Laguna was noted for an arts festival and the Greeter.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Young people are often good looking. And?

I was listing to some history on Emhoff - who is part Jewish - but not at all practicing Jew.

One of his daughters was approached by a Jewish group for questions - and she snipped "I'm not Jewish."

ga6 said...

almost as black as my Swedish grandfather

Iman said...

The snakehead speaks of coming ice pick…


Kate said...

They look like they're in an AI fake-trailer for "Heathers".

Awesome photo of her.

Big Mike said...

I’m not sure they had photography back when I was young. I think they did daguerreotypes.

Narr said...

Prince phase?

gilbar said...

Big Mike said...
I’m not sure they had photography back when I was young. I think they did daguerreotypes.

back in my day, we just marked the cave walls with charcoal soot (we were too poor for paints)

mezzrow said...

Seth loves Jennifer.

FWBuff said...

They’re both Boomers, by the way, like Trump.

Wilbur said...

The guy looks like he could be best friends with Sheldon Leonard.

William said...

They're both good looking and self assured. They come from a background of mostly privilege but there were a few lumps in their porridge. The lumps, as it turns out, are part of the privilege. They get to cut the line and go to the VIP room whilst at the same time feeling oppressed. Someone like Vance, however, who really did have a shit childhood is an avatar of the ruling class. Go figure....I bet Emhoff's first wife was several orders of magnitude better looking than Kamala at that age. Maybe someone will dig up a picture of her for comparison purposes. Still, it was a shrew move on his part to latch onto her. She offers a lot more perks than the average trophy wife.

Ice Nine said...

His hair is as kinky as that of the possible "America's First Black President."

Dave Begley said...

In basketball, people frequently comment on how a player's game looks like another older player's game. Doug McDermott plays like Larry Bird.

Doug. Chevy Chase with curls.

Kamela. I'm struggling. Lisa Bonet maybe. I need help.

Michael K said...

She seems to have gotten a lot blacker since then.

Mr. D said...

Kamela. I'm struggling. Lisa Bonet maybe. I need help.

Beta version Meghan Markle.

Hassayamper said...

I thought of Jennifer Beals (Flashdance).

Ah, I remember when the "Just-Raped" look was in fashion for a year or so after that movie.

Narayanan said...

sigourney weaver vibes?

john mosby said...

Remember how Clinton/Gore used Fleetwood Mac’s “Don’t Stop” as their campaign theme?

Kammie/whoever could call themselves the Breakfast Club ticket and use “Don’t You.” And they could do the Judd Nelson fist pump in opposition to Trump’s more violent one.

John Hughes is looking to do penance for making those movied lily-white - he could make all the campaign ads gratis.

The 80s generation is the new Silent Generation….get them on side and you could win massively.

Of course, it could backfire, and Trump, with his encyclopedic musical knowledge, could atart calling Kammie/whoever the Simple Minds….


Old and slow said...

Boy, she sure is black!

Concepts of a Plan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
planetgeo said...

Same stage Rachel Dolezal.

J Melcher said...

" And why do we care about the husband? "

As pale male, I don't care. Were I a black woman I might be interested in how one of my supposed Black peers famously, serially, "dated" celebrity Black men but eventually married a White (Jewish) man. So what was the sister's problem with the Black guys?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

Doug: Bummed because Wyatt and Gary created a magical hot chick and didn't tell him.

Kamala: Getting out of town because she just heard that the Union of the Snake is on the prowl!

robother said...

SoCal and NoCal being true to their schools.

John henry said...

You think that's poor, gilbar?

We were so poor our cave didn't even have walls!

John Henry

Iman said...

Moon Zappa Valley girl wannabe…

lonejustice said...

Harris gives off a kind of '80s mod/new wave vibe, where many females dressed androgynously, with short haircuts, men's trousers or shirts, flat shoes, and little makeup. She wears it well, in my opinion.

Dave Begley said...

Does Doug look like a cross between Paul Simon and Art Garfunkle?

Joe Smith said...

Can't believe she went from Alpha Male Willie Brown to that guy.

Michael Fitzgerald said...

Wilbur said...
The guy looks like he could be best friends with Sheldon Leonard.

7/27/24, 9:34 AM

Pssst... Hey bud, c'mere...

chickelit said...

Ugh, cult worship begins.

Rabel said...

May the best ear win.

n.n said...

For the sake of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Emhoff should be white (i.e. albino or integrated Rainbow) and Harris should be black (i.e. onyx).

Darkisland said...

Those are some really big handles, I mean ears, on young Kamala.

Are they natural or is it a sign of hard usage?

And is it my screen or does Kamala, the black woman, look a couple shades paler than Emhoff, the white man?

John Henry

Lilly, a dog said...

In that photo Emhoff looks like Bert from Sesame Street.

JaimeRoberto said...

She looks like she's on her way to detention in The Breakfast Club, and he looks like Screech in Saved by the Bell.

wild chicken said...

She looks Emo. Which would explain why her laughter seems so phony.

wild chicken said...

Seriously, as a woman I wish she'd knock off the fake laughing and smiling. Be dignified ffs.

She's like the fat lady in the room who always has to make a lot of noise."I'm FINE! I HAVE A GREAT PERSONALITY!"

She needs to study Margaret Thatcher.

mccullough said...

The Last Boomers

Stoutcat said...

Blogger gilbar said...
Big Mike said...
Blogger John henry said...

I’m not sure they had photography back when I was young. I think they did daguerreotypes.
back in my day, we just marked the cave walls with charcoal soot (we were too poor for paints)
You think that's poor, gilbar?

We were so poor our cave didn't even have walls!

You were lucky, you had a cave. We had a pothole in the road that filled with water when it rained.

Rocco said...

Name this band. Wrong answers only.

Narr said...

"We had a pothole in the road that filled with water when it rained."

And our father used to murder us every night when he got home from work!

Mr. Majestyk said...

She looks like the Naomi Nagata character on The Expanse

Jim at said...

So is it going to be this kind of crap between now and November, or will the press finally get around to talking about her positions and policies?

Jim at said...

John Hughes is looking to do penance for making those movied lily-white - he could make all the campaign ads gratis.

That would be quite the trick ... considering he passed in 2009. :)

Mikey NTH said...

Name this band?

Harris looks like an extra from a "Human League" music video.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

What did they look like when they actually met each other?

Tina Trent said...

Rich bitch. Whiter than me, and I'm white. At least that commie Puerto Rican Scarsdale hag showed some ass in her college dance video.

Mason G said...

"or will the press finally get around to talking about her positions and policies?"

Conservatives hate them, leftards love them but don't like talking about them because they (the policies, not the leftards themselves... scratch that, both do) scare normal people.

So... no.

Narayanan said...

will the press finally get around to talking about her policies on positions


Ambrose said...

Cute - and nothing wrong with cute.