July 12, 2024

"Women are hurting and feel like they're crazy because everyone is letting all these predators back."

The trailer has been around for 4 weeks, but the documentary is out today. I'm noticing because there's a NYT article, "'Sorry/Not Sorry’ Review: Does Louis C.K. Get the Last Laugh? Cara Mones and Caroline Suh’s earnest and frustrating documentary, produced by The New York Times, has a bitter punchline."

The article is by Amy Nicholson, who calls the movie "earnest and frustrating."
After his status as a revered truth teller was revoked and his show “Louie” was pulled from streaming, Louis C.K has since rebranded as a renegade (and won a Grammy). Depending on the talking head, his moderate marginalization is either excessive punishment or an unearned pardon.

ADDED:  About that quote chosen for the post title: What makes people think they have the power to decide whether a free man is "let back"? Let back where? Into the mix of speech that each of us, individually, has the power to listen to or not? 


Achilles said...

Single women are the most destructive force attacking our society.

Jamie said...

Oh dear, are women hurting?

Look. I didn't follow the Louis C.K. story then and I'm not about to follow it now. But do we have any reason to believe that a woman who has been preyed on will feel better or recover more fully by clutching her teddy bear and crying in public about it? Last I've heard, ruminating makes your traumas worse. Follow the instructions to feel and act like a victim, and how are you ever supposed to feel or act like the powerful, formidable woman you say you want to be? Could you try being angry instead, and then moving forward, acknowledging, like a grown-up, that nothing can change the past?

"Women are hurting." Blech!

RideSpaceMountain said...

Now that #believeallwomen has petered out, we have moved on to the #bereaveallwomen phase.

Cappy said...


Gusty Winds said...

With all the crap going on in the liberal world, it's Louis CK making women feel crazy?

Xmas said...

The "problem" is that he always asked for permission first and only acted out after getting a yes from his...umm...lust target.

Also the Venn diagram of "good comedian" and "stable person" looks like those pictures comparing the size of the sun to the size of the Earth.

rhhardin said...

There are no adult women.

Yukon Cornelius said...

When does the movie about Jeffrey Toobin come out? I guess Louis CK's mistake was doing it in person rather than in a Zoom call.

RideSpaceMountain said...

I'm shocked these ladies chose to make this all about themselves instead of using their platform to talk about the real victims, women with penises.


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

One man's ostracism is another man's 40 days and nights in the desert.

Ann Althouse said...

The real complaint against Louis, as I understand it, was that he offered access to comedy success, and he offered it unequally to women and men. Women who wanted to use him to further their career believed that they needed to put up with his sexual fetish of masturbating in front of someone. I'm not sure how correct this belief was or how much his fetish was based on self-humiliation as opposed to exerting power over others. I don't see that the movie is shedding any light on these issues. It seems to be more about wanting Louis to be shut up and ignored. That's nothing new and it's not helpful to those of us who want to hear the unique expression of this comic genius.

gilbar said...

with All the rapists and murderers that we're bring into the country..
WHO Has Time to worry about Yesterday's Criminals?

Prosecutors don't even charge people anymore (unless they are republicans)
or has Louis CK become a republican now?

narciso said...

Hes a crude jackass but take a number

wendybar said...

Poor pitiful little women who can't handle men being men. Maybe they should segregate themselves away from the rest of humanity so their little feelings never get hurt again. What a joke these people are. They need to grow up and deal in the REAL WORLD, not their fantasy Utopia, where unicorns and fairies dance.

narciso said...

I think when bradley cooper beat him up in anerican fable it was cathartic

n.n said...

Democracy has ruled that discriminating for sexual orientation is illegal and a probable hate crime.

Temujin said...

"Women are hurt and feeling like they're crazy because everyone is letting these predators back."

True. And sometimes women vote for them. En masse. Sometimes they even suggest they'd like to do things to them- to thank them, ala Nina Burleigh who was all in on thanking Bill Clinton for his standing up for abortion. On the other side, she wrote a book about 'Trump Women', so sometimes it just matters which party the instigator is from. By the way, women loved Bill Clinton. Supported him, swooned over him. Voted for him. Even knowing that he didn't just masturbate in front of other women. He raped them, hit them ("you'd better put some ice on that"), groped them. He was with the approved party.

Jeffrey Toobin famously jerked off in a CNN staff zoom meeting. And months later was back as their 'legal expert'. Had he been a Conservative, he would have been done.

Joe Biden famously sniffs and gropes women (or he used to when he was here). And there's at least one person who actually came out to tell about his raping her.

All of Hollywood is all about this stuff.

Louis CK is disgusting, has always been disgusting. And funny. People who like comedy will pay to see someone funny. That's called freedom. HIs behavior? That's up to the people around him, the club owners/managers. The other comedians. If he's ostracized enough, he'll repent and stop.

This is not new. I see no reason to spend time watching an entire documentary about Louis CK and his bad habit when there are so many more other areas, more important people in more important positions that continue to get away with it. Not only get away with it, but meet the approval of the same people complaining about Louis CK.

Quaestor said...

What makes people think they have the power to decide whether a free man is "let back"?

That power is the foundation and fascination of "wokeism". Cancellation is the manifestation of that power. People think they have the power because it exists, and progressive/liberal authority grants the power to its clients.

A free man condemned to isolation isn't free.

Temujin said...

PS- I'd be remiss if I didn't mention a 'thumbs up' for that moment showing Louis CK with Charlie Rose. Two birds of a feather, once held in such high regard.

n.n said...

Keep women affordable, available, reusable, and taxable (WAART). WAART exacts a progressive price (WEAPP), baby... fetus. That said, take a knee, VP. #MeToo

Christopher B said...

What makes people think they have the power to decide whether a free man is "let back"?

It's not 'people.' It works like this.

Bob Boyd said...

"Hold my beer and watch this." - Louie C.K.'s never miss pick-up line.

Tom T. said...

Single women generally vote for the politicians who release real predators.

n.n said...

Nina Burleigh who was all in on thanking Bill Clinton for his standing up for abortion

NOW we know. Human rites! #ACLU, too. The back... black hole... whore h/t NAACP is retchimg. #HateLovesAbortion

Jamie said...

Well, darn it, althouse@8:06, now I know the story! I was trying to avoid that.

That'll teach me to be glued to the comments.

Bob Boyd said...

"Most female comedians quit"

Most comedians quit.

Bob Boyd said...

So who resented Louie C.K. more, the women he invited to watch or the women he never invited to watch?

Did more women quit comedy from the former group or the latter group?

RideSpaceMountain said...

The scalp-taking phase is over, now it's time to talk endlessly about the scalps and then stir them into a cauldron with some eye of newt. Only after the incantations are said over the broth shall the lesbian Jedis appear.

n.n said...

What if everyone was proudly trans/social. Social conservativism entertained with a liberal license is progressive. Everything ancient is modern, again. #BackToTheFuture

JAORE said...

Jeez. It's almost as if women are saying the only path to success in comedy is whether Louis CK gives you the thumbs (and another appendage) up.

Starting out on open mike night in small clubs. Feh. Honing your craft for years. No need. Building a following. Zero help.

Voluntarily agree to watch a single asshole beat off? Success!

Bob Boyd said...

Did Louie ever invite a trans-woman to watch? Maybe they could get him for transphobia, kind of like they got Al Capone for tax evasion.

imTay said...

Meanwhile, if you criticize a policy that allows male sex offenders to simply say that they are women, and then commit rapes in women’s prisons, the same people trying to cancel Louis CK for his sexual antics, which physically harmed nobody, will come after you.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Hold my beer and watch this." - Louie C.K.'s never miss pick-up line."

Now that was good. [claps in Orson Welles]

Bob Boyd said...

Louie C.K. gives new meaning to the phrase, "I like the way you look."

rehajm said...

Let back? Cancel culture…had been cancelled…

Bob Boyd said...

Thanks, Ride. [bows in musketeer]

wendybar said...

Funny how Howard Stern is accepted now that he bows down to the left wing nonsense. Poor little Howard has changed into the perfect little Progressive angel who would never ever hurt a woman. Harvey was quite popular too, and didn't Cindy McCain claim that "we all knew what Epstein was doing"? But notice how the people these women vote for are the ones who are/were friendly with all of them including the one who showered with his young daughter??

n.n said...

Googly, Biden et al: Men in women's faces... spaces is therapeutic. Take a knee. Embrace the Rainbow.

Warning: Albinophobia is a hate crime targeting a minority.

Big Mike said...

They don’t care about Rachel Morin or Jocelyn Nungaray, so I don’t care about them. At least they’re alive to whine about their inability to make cancel culture stick.

dbp said...

Everyone already has the power to never watch or listen to Louie C.K. If the women he harmed/offended vow to never put on Cent into his pocket, that's their prerogative. Maybe these women can get other people to engage in solidarity by doing the same.

Given Louie C.K.'s talent, even if you got 50% of everyone to stay-away from his shows, movies, albums et. he's still going to be very successful. So denying yourself the pleasure of his entertainment end up hurting you more than it hurts him.

I think that what bothers them is that they don't have the power to prevent anyone from ever being entertained by Louie C.K. again. The only way to hurt him is if the cancelling is comprehensive, which is not only impossible but also would deny the enjoyment of millions of person hours of his entertainment.

One million hours of viewing (first run of an HBO comedy special) is 114 years or more that two human lifetimes, especially if you only count waking hours of life.

n.n said...

This comedic contortion exemplifies the gender gap between Venus, Mars, and Uranus.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“it's not helpful to those of us who want to hear the unique expression of this comic genius.”

Why is being helpful to you wanting to see Louis C.K. perform the job of these filmmakers?

Quaestor said...

Louis C.K. is probably a sexual exhibitionist, a fairly common neurotic condition. (Freud would say all exhibitionism is sexual, but that was Sigmund Freud in a nutshell -- sex, sex, sex...)

By definition, neurotics aren't compelled by their condition; they can control their behavior. Freud assumed that everyone is somewhat neurotic, which keeps tension in society. That's a good thing, IMAO. There are no neurotic honeybees, consequently, the hive is a stable society. Without Murray the Nut, human society would be hive-like. Everyone living his manageable dysfunctional neurotic life keeps us from growing wings, collecting pollen, and serving a queen bee. When a sexual exhibitionist gets too annoying, you call a cop. The cop runs him in for a misdemeanor. He pays a few hundred plus costs and goes home, and maybe the next time he feels that urge he conquerors it.

However, wokery has no room for deviation. Any deviation from the woke norm is a felony. Louis C.K. pulling his pud in public is rape. If I disagree with you, that's assault. If my disagreement makes you cry, that's assault and battery. If I continue to disagree with your orthodoxy, that's attempted murder. Honeybees are very woke. The deviants are stung to death immediately.

Kevin said...

What makes people think they have the power to decide whether a free man is "let back"?

People who offend women become nonpersons.

That's how it works in their world.

Greg Hlatky said...

One minute: "I am a Strong Woman!"

The next: "Waaaaaah!!!"

Yancey Ward said...

Oh for fuck's sake- if you don't want to listen to Louie C.K. all you have to do is not listen to Louie C.K. Nothing else is required.

FullMoon said...

Chris Matthews, who resigned during "MeToo", is also back, predicting Biden will wreak havoc upon elite turncoats.

On a minor note, the Cosby Show re-runs, quietly returned to TV over a year ago.

Deep State Reformer said...

That's life in Weimar-era America frens. People like Louis C.K. will also dox, stalk, humiliate, rape, bully, demean, or otherwise try to ruin peeps they don't like for whatever reason they have. (Or for no reason). Try and remember that for future reference fam.

tommyesq said...

I was so hoping the "he's rubbing it in our faces" was the bitter punchline.

Iman said...

It was Louis C.K.’s wank.

bagoh20 said...

I use to watch him. Now I don't. Done.

tommyesq said...

The real complaint against Louis, as I understand it, was that he offered access to comedy success, and he offered it unequally to women and men.

This makes clear that the real problem is that Louis CK discriminated against men! Men never got asked to watch him, never got the opportunity to use him to further their careers. So unfair...

tim maguire said...

Jamie said...I didn't follow the Louis C.K. story then and I'm not about to follow it now.

The short version goes like this: He had a fetish for masturbating in front of people (maybe just women, we don't know). He always asked permission first, but some women who apparently thought it would help their career to say yes later insisted that their yes was really a no and that he violated them. His career was temporarily derailed.

Some people are angry that other people still find him funny and are willing to pay to listen to what he has to say.

Bob Boyd said...

I use to watch him.

So, it wasn't just female comedians?

Hassayamper said...

I never did "believe ALL women", but after some 2500 of them called the FBI to report that Brett Kavanaugh had raped them, why did anyone?

Does anyone actually believe the bizarre fantasies of that Carroll woman, who says "rape is sexy" and claims to have been raped NINE times? I daresay even the Manhattan jurors didn't sincerely believe her, but couldn't resist the opportunity to give Trump a black eye.

Does anyone doubt that a significant fraction of the starlets claiming abuse in Hollywood knew exactly what they were doing with these loathsome show-biz guys and were perfectly happy to offer up a BJ in exchange for a shot at fame and fortune? I'm sure there were many who were pressured and taken advantage of, and the offenders should be punished when it can be proven, but how do you separate those from the many cases where calculating women deliberately throw themselves at men whom they perceive as being able to help their career?

Feminist dogma is that women never lie about rape. This is, of course, complete and utter horse shit. At a bare minimum, 10% of rape accusations are false -- provably false, not just unverifiable "he said-she said" allegations -- and the actual number is likely to be two or three times higher. On college campuses, it's likely four or five times that many. I suspect the same is true of the show-business sewer.

Iman said...

“He had a fetish for masturbating in front of people (maybe just women, we don't know). He always asked permission first, but some women who apparently thought it would help their career to say yes later insisted that their yes was really a no and that he violated them.”

That, right there, is COMEDY GOLD, Jerry!

Joe Smith said...

"Let back where? Into the mix of speech that each of us, individually, has the power to listen to or not?"

Yes! Nailed it.

Liberals want to control the powers of speech and action forever.

In CK's case, he's making a lot of people a lot of money, so the scolds further down the food chain have no say.

That's what pisses them off...

William said...

Louis CK, like Falstaff, is not only a source of wit in himself but the cause of wit in other men. Some funny lines in these comments.....I give him some latitude. He's a comedian, and I can't imagine any of his "victims" were more than mildly discomfited by the experience. It's a ridiculous fetish, but in a way, that's its own punishment. Imagine if you were forced to go through life asking random female comedians for permission to masturbate in front of them. I'd prefer the risks and rewards of auto-erotic asphyxiation over such a fetish.

Saint Croix said...

What's crazy to me is that all these women want to be stand-up comedians.

This famous stand-up comedian has this shocking, scandalous, pathetic request.

And none of them see the humor in it?

None of them mock the shit out of him in their act?

This was an opportunity to become famous and none of them took it.

RideSpaceMountain said...


“Every feminist innovation in law and culture that I’m supposed to ‘appreciate’ the sisterhood for, either replaced competent and intelligent men with midwit, incompetent women, or gave carte blanche to the most sadistic female tendencies by everything that kept them in check.”

– Aimee Terese (twitter)

There are millions of us that have had enough of the bleating about women’s rights. I’m interested in talking more about women’s wrongs.

Jupiter said...

"He raped them, hit them ("you'd better put some ice on that"), groped them."

Actually, the ice was for her lip, which he had bitten, as a way to control her while he raped her. Sounds like a move you would need to practice a lot if you wanted to get it right. But I think he has been let back now. Didn't we all agree to let him back?

Sean said...

Louis CK did nothing wrong. Perhaps something embarrassing but nothing getting upset about.

Women get requests for sex all the time. Not sure why this is news since the women gave signals that they were game.

William said...

Louis CK, like Falstaff, is not only a source of wit in himself but the cause of wit in other men. Some funny lines in these comments.....I give him some latitude. He's a comedian, and I can't imagine any of his "victims" were more than mildly discomfited by the experience. It's a ridiculous fetish, but in a way, that's its own punishment. Imagine if you were forced to go through life asking random female comedians for permission to masturbate in front of them. I'd prefer the risks and rewards of auto-erotic asphyxiation over such a fetish.

Rusty said...

Most women comedians aren't funny. They cater to only women. Joan Rivers was an exception. She was truly funny.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Let back where? Into the mix of speech that each of us, individually, has the power to listen to or not?

There is really not much good comedy choice out there. For that I blame living in abundance. Abundance is comedy poison.

tcrosse said...

A woman comedian whom I find very funny is Monique Marvez, a sample of whose work is available on YouTube.

ALP said...

"Women are hurt and feeling like they're crazy because everyone is letting these predators back."

My response to thin-skinned, oversensitivity from other women: no wonder women don't run the world. If you think Louie CK 'hurts', imagine being burned in effigy in the streets because the population doesn't like your leadership.

n.n said...

The Comic in Chief is an exclusive privilege. That said, all's fair in lust and abortion.

William said...

Like Falstaff, Louis CK is not only a source of wit in himself but the cause of wit in other men. Some funny lines in these comments....I give him some latitude. He's a comedian, and I can't imagine his victims were any more than slightly discomfited by the experience. It's a ridiculous fetish, but that in its way is its own punishment. Imagine, if you will, that you were condemned to go through life seeking sexual fulfillment by masturbating in front of random female comedians. What I sorry fate. I'd prefer the risks and rewards of auto-erotic asphyxiation to such a destiny.

loudogblog said...

I'm not a big fan of Louis C.K. but I think that's unfair to refer to him as a "predator."

He engaged in some consensual sexual activity with two adult women. He wasn't their boss and he didn't threaten to retaliate against them in any way if they didn't agree to watching him masturbate. Did he make a bad decision? Yes. Was it illegal? No. But being sexually stimulated can make someone take dumb chances.

I also don't buy into the fact that the adult women were unable to give consent because he was famous. It's the rule, not the exception, that most sexual relationships are between people who are not of equal status.

bagoh20 said...

I use to watch him.

So, it wasn't just female comedians?

Well, if you've seen it once, you know the ending.

bagoh20 said...

So if you didn't get the success you expected, do you ask him for another chance?

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
loudogblog said...

Ann Althouse said...
"The real complaint against Louis, as I understand it, was that he offered access to comedy success, and he offered it unequally to women and men"

There's no mention of this on his Wikipedia page when it talks about the scandal. He admitted to being in a position of power, but there is no mention of him ever offering to trade career advancement for sexual favors.

"Later that day, the New York Times published allegations of sexual misconduct from five women against C.K.[142][143] The women who spoke out in the article included comedy duo Dana Min Goodman and Julia Wolov, who claimed that C.K. had invited them to his hotel room in 2002 during the US Comedy Arts Festival where he masturbated in front of them. They relayed the incident to ImprovOlympics founder Charna Halpern. The comedian Rebecca Corry stated on the set of a television pilot in 2005, C.K. offered to masturbate in front of her and she declined. Corry reported the incident and no action was taken.[142] Comedian Abby Schachner alleged that C.K. masturbated while they were on the phone describing the conduct as "unprofessional and inappropriate".[142] Both Corry and Schachner stated that C.K. privately apologized for his past behavior several years later.[142][144]

In response to The New York Times reporting, C.K. released a statement apologizing and admitting guilt, writing, "These stories are true" and saying that while he initially thought "it was okay because I never showed a woman my dick without asking first", he went on to express remorse, stating, "the power I had over these women is that they admired me. And I wielded that power irresponsibly.""


bagoh20 said...

"tcrosse said...
A woman comedian whom I find very funny is Monique Marvez"

Never heard of her, but yea, good insight, and spot on, at least on this one.

ALP said...

If you want to see women doing good comedy, you have to go outside of the white bubble. Zarna Garg (Indian American)-fucking hilarious. Quite clean too - she doesn't go into racy subjects to get a laugh, and I was touched that she had her entire family join her on stage at the end of her Netflix special (and they are a frequent target of her humor).

Ali Wong is where I learned about "Fancy Asian" and "Jungle Asian". Another incredibly funny woman.

Joe Smith said...

'If you want to see women doing good comedy, you have to go outside of the white bubble.'

My problem with 'ethnic' comedians is they are usually one-note.

I can only take so many hundreds of jokes about a Korean mom.

Darkisland said...

"When you are a celebrity, they let you."

What is it that people don't understand about the "They let you"?

Do they not understand the word let?

John Henry

Ann Althouse said...

""The real complaint against Louis, as I understand it, was that he offered access to comedy success, and he offered it unequally to women and men" There's no mention of this on his Wikipedia page when it talks about the scandal. He admitted to being in a position of power, but there is no mention of him ever offering to trade career advancement for sexual favors."

I'm not basing my statement on Wikipedia, but on the movie trailer and other stories I've read. I don't know for a fact what he did, but I'm referring to what those who accuse him say. Associating with him was something others would see as offering an advantage. And the association was, it is asserted, different for women and for men.

This is the general problem with sexual harassment in the workplace, that the conditions of work are different based on sex. It's a serious problem. What if it's the case that male comedians dominate the business and informally exclude women unless provide sexual favors? Whether it's a legal wrong or not, it's a basis for criticizing them or deciding you don't like them.

The lack of an explicit deal — this for that — is scarcely the end of the discussion.