"I’ve known her a long time indirectly — not directly very much — and she was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black — until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black. And now she wants to be known as black, so I don’t know is she Indian or is she black … but you know what, I respect either one, but she obviously doesn’t. She became a black person and I think somebody should look into that."
I'm sure somebody will look into that. I got the idea of searching the NYT archive for the oldest appearance of Kamala Harris in the news. It came up as "Killing of Officer Stirs Death Penalty Debate":
Opinion polls show that San Franciscans overwhelmingly oppose the death penalty, and in her winning campaign for district attorney last fall, Kamala D. Harris made no secret of her strong opposition as well.... The death of the officer, Isaac Espinoza, has also placed Ms. Harris, the first black woman to be elected a district attorney in California, in a standoff with the Police Department and Mr. Espinoza's family over a principle that Ms. Harris considers non-negotiable.
What more do you need to know? Well, I'm suspicious enough to check the Wayback Machine. It's possible that the NYT might have changed it. Hmm...
There's also this in the NYT, from 2008: "She Just Might Be President Someday": "On one list was Kamala Harris, an African-American who is the district attorney in San Francisco." Once again, let's check the Wayback Machine... oh!
So beautiful. Reminds me of Reagan in a shouting match with a black lady in the Bronx.
But more complex.
Hardcore whiteys can see it as the Harrowing of Hell - going right into the belly of the beast.
Blacks on the fence, especially black men, can see him standing up to the Jack n Jill Club condescending women that havent done a damn thing but pull up the ladder.
Harris Faulkner showing up, and Kommie-Lay not, just put icing on the cake.
Oh, and at National Press Club talks, there’s a rule that journalists dont apllaud, laugh, or any other reaction. Viewers are reminded that anyone doing that is retired or some kind of associate member.
The National Association of BJ apparently has no such rule. Just shows the press’s bias.
The White Husband poses problems for Kamala.
Trump played his hand well here.
That's pretty crazy those articles you tried to find aren't archived ... I wonder if they're using BleachBit and hammers? LOL.
The White Husband poses a problem for Kamala.
It looks like most of the mainstream press is already taking Trump to task for his comments about the authenticity of Kamala Harris's black background. As is often the case with Trump, his comments were clumsy but perhaps not without merit.
For what it's worth, here's a clip that Harris posted on YouTube from about 4 years ago in which she touts her Indian heritage:
Relevant section occurs around the 1:19 mark.
there are videos of her claiming to be Indian heritage. But then she spoke at setting with mostly black folks, and she went out of her way to sound 'black'. later, she spoke in the south, and used a southern accent. HRC pulled the same crap. It is condescending and elitest, but no one would ever say it, unless it was Trump.
but let us not criticize the anointed one. Let us rather attack Trump for being 'racist and blah blah blah.
the stooges in the MSM and University are doing the same covering for Harris as they did for HRC.And just so we are on the same page, I have won as many delegates in primaries as she has. 0
If you marry a white guy, you ain’t black
"and she was always of Indian heritage and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was black — until a number of years ago when she happened to turn black."
Trump is talking about how Kamala identified herself, the newspaper clips are other people calling her black or AA.
Kamala stopped touting her Indian heritage when Dunkin Donuts rejected her franchise application.
You look at a photo of Kamala and Willie Brown together at a gala dinner--back in the day when Ms. harris was Willie's "arm candy" and she sure as heck doesn't look black. She's Willie's white girlfriend--or at the most a sort of light beige.
In his last few public appearances Joe Biden had turned a shade of premature orange. I'd bet that Kamala's make up people are going to make her about three shades blacker in the next few weeks.
Biden never praised Kamala as clean and articulate.
"You look at a photo of Kamala and Willie Brown together at a gala dinner--back in the day when Ms. harris was Willie's "arm candy" and she sure as heck doesn't look black. She's Willie's white girlfriend--or at the most a sort of light beige."
A BMOC will always thrash anyone from the DIEd sorority. It's almost not even fair.
I've heard via twitter about this internet whitewashing of Kamala Harris.
The reason for swapping Biden for Kamala, is that, stealing it for Biden a second time, was too big a hill to climb. Stealing it for Kamala, on the other hand, that's more plausible.
Trump is talking about how Kamala identified herself, the newspaper clips are other people calling her black or AA.
I think he's talking about how she presented herself socially, maybe where she would mention her Indian mother in one or another of her weird (there's that word) anecdotes.
She might tell the reporters and PR people about the Black side of the family but only talk about the Indian side (the parent who actually raised her) at cocktail parties. That seems worse than switching from only identifying as one to only identifying as the other.
Reminds me of the way Obama’s history was scrubbed from the internet back in the day. Remember the stuff with Bill Ayer’s, Bill Ayers’s dad, the Annenberg foundation, and all his communist school initiatives. All scrubbed. I remember how we would scour through what we could find at Just One Minute.
Changing your accent to match the audience's is called code-switching and is very common, mostly regarded as a courtesy.
I don't think that comment was worth the trouble it will raise but he goes his own way. I remember that it took a while for blacks to accept Obama as black.
There actually is a version at the Wayback Machine which was archived in May of 2015:
You weren't finding it because you didn't delete the site-tracking part of the url (the ?smid=url-share part) from its end, and the archived version didn't include it.
This will play poorest with white women. Black voters are already saying these things. The amount of commentary I have seen from black folks about her claim to wash he collard greens in the bathtub is hilarious. For whatever reason that lie in particular did not sit well.
But white voters will drop their monocles in their soup over that one for sure.
It's a stupid racial sideshow for him to have brought on himself. He knew the NABJ was going to be hostile territory, and he could have gotten points for going there, but now this kills any boost he might have gotten. It screws up outreach to the Black community, and it makes it harder for wavering suburban whites to come out as Trump supporters.
It helps Harris way more politically if she is Black. But she has a relative who lived in the Caribbean and he owned Black slaves.
Yeah, but Trump's afraid to debate Kamala or something ... who btw, was nowhere to be found despite being invited to the event.
He’s truth-tellin’… it’s all documented. Early in her career, she ran emphasizing herself as a person of Indian heritage. It was only later that she flipped the script, highlighting her melanin and talking about “fweedom”.
I watched it live, OMG. What a thin skinned old angry man. He was rude immediately, angry because there was a 35 minute delay. He was shocked that he was actually asked difficult questions and the interviewer didn’t let him do his usual filibuster style response. It was epic. There were several times the audience laughed at his responses, they were so lame and pathetic. The interviewers were far more polite to him than he was to them.
Kamala Harris can be Black and Indian at the same time, is this a new concept for Trump? Her father is a descendent of African slaves, he may be mixed with indigenous Jamaican, and/or other nationalities, but it’s very evident he is mixed with Black.
The attacks on Kamala Harris’s past relationships while ignoring Trump’s past whoring is just dumb. You think everyone forgot that Trump cheated on every one of his wives and bragged about not getting VD as a younger man? Most people have Trump’s number and today’s disaster just made it all the more clear that he has no business being POTUS. He must’ve been desperate to agree to appear at the Black Journalists Conference. Did he think he could bamboozle them? He found out, no.
One thing is absolutely clear is that nearly all of the so-called journalists are wildly biased against Trump.
Is there a reliable biography of Kamala Harris? It seems to me that her decision to attend Howard University was a powerful affirmation of black identity, made at a time when there was no obvious political advantage. I think Trump blundered with this line of attack.
There is more benefit in Democrat politics to be known as black rather than Indian. Harris looks no blacker than I do, a white guy who has had some sun this Summer.
Elon is WAAAAAAAAY more African than Kamala.
Seems to me this is the first time those allegations have been presented. Doubt Trump would have reacted differently, thus seeing this on the mainstream media.
He's Badass all right!
Did he tell them her family owned slaves?
The One Drop Rule, that was the epitome of white racism. Now the Democrats embrace it as their putative candidate's strongest asset.
Nothing would have ever been said if Trump had not exploited his bluntness brilliantly.
We must see Harris's DNA profile. Is her ancestry more South Asian, more European, or more African? I have my surmise, but it's not so worthless if Harris ignores this demand, or contrives to defraud the electorate.
Inga and the other shills will shout None of your business! However, it was the Democrats who sought to use her "race" as an asset. Therefore, they must defend that claim if the voters who have been miserably deceived about Joe Biden have reason to conclude they are being lied to once again
Trump’s Ford Theatre goes wherever he goes.
And this notion that Blacks are not accepting that Kamala Harris is mixed with Black is nonsense. It’s very evident that the opposite is true. Have any of you watched my of her rallies? Or Black public figures speaking about her running for president? She is being embraced by Black Americans (as well as White Americans).
I watched it live. The lady all in blue (and ALL in for QueMala) from ABC started out with an insult right out of the box and glared for most of the remaining time, as the other two media types asked the sort of policy-related questions that highlight the key differences between the candidate (Trump) and the coup supporter/potential candidate Harris.
Being from the Bay Area I've always known she's black and Indian, so it seems like a stupid line of attack. However, she's not ADOS, an American Descendent of Slavery, which maybe matters to some people.
Another black sorority yes thats the major priority when youre running for president
mccullough said...
Kamala stopped touting her Indian heritage when Dunkin Donuts rejected her franchise application.
7/31/24, 5:40 PM
Joe told us it was a 7-11.
mccullough said...
If you marry a white guy, you ain’t black
YOu might as well say the same about Vance:
"If you marry an Indian girl, you're not white."
White Karen Savior Inga: "And this notion that Blacks are not accepting that Kamala Harris is mixed with Black is nonsense. It’s very evident that the opposite is true. Have any of you watched my of her rallies? Or Black public figures speaking about her running for president? She is being embraced by Black Americans (as well as White Americans)."
What is it about suburban lefty white chicks that makes them remove agency from black people and deign to speak for them all.
It's such a weird savor complex phenomenon.
Moat people dont know she presented her self as indian and black the same months in 2019
Moat people dont know she presented her self as indian and black the same months in 2019
Here is Harris’ full statement:
“The hostility Donald Trump showed on stage today is the same hostility he has shown throughout his life, throughout his term in office, and throughout his campaign for president as he seeks to regain power and inflict his harmful Project 2025 agenda on the American people.
“Trump lobbed personal attacks and insults at Black journalists the same way he did throughout his presidency – while he failed Black families and left the entire country digging out of the ditch he left us in. Donald Trump has already proven he cannot unite America, so he attempts to divide us.
“Today’s tirade is simply a taste of the chaos and division that has been a hallmark of Trump’s MAGA rallies this entire campaign. It’s also exactly what the American people will see from across the debate stage as Vice President Harris offers a vision of opportunity and freedom for all Americans. All Donald Trump needs to do is stop playing games and actually show up to the debate on September 10.”
It's all fake outrage. No one is outraged by what he has said, but they pretend to be. Everyone knows he is speaking the truth, he just refuses to pretend to be sorry. If we could have just a tiny BIT of sincerity and honesty it would make for a lovely change.
For what it's worth, the 2019 saved version of the story had the same phrase ("...Ms. Harris, the first black woman to be elected a district attorney in California...")
Inga whitesplaining her superior knowledge of Black Americans ... safely perched in lily-white Wisconsin. That's weird.
If there's all this overwhelming support from the black community, just where in the hell was it in 2020?
Here is Harris’ full statement:
I suppose since Trump spent two years at nearby Jesuit Fordham before finishing at UPenn-Wharton, he does not see anything meaningful in Harris attending HBCU Howard for four years.
Thats isnt a quote, no matter how many quotations you put around that
Poor Inga, she doesn't even know that it has been Kamala herself playing up her Indian heritage over her black heritage for decades!
And then Kamala completely chickens out and refuses to attend the long scheduled NABJ conference for which candidates attend and then, THEN, the Kamala-la-la-la-la campaign tries to get a commitment from the NABJ to only have to attend by zoom in the future!!
And why is it Kamala-la-la-la-la chickened out (hey, I thought Inga the self-declared mindreader told us all that it would be Trump that would be too afraid to appear opposite Kamala-la-la-la-la!)......because as we saw with Trump's answers today, as he often does, the awful run on accusation desguised as a opening question by the ABC news chick hack was turned around on her by Trump and by the end the crowd was mocking the "reporter" and laughing at her!
That's why Kamala-la-la-la-la wasn't there. She is incapable of that.
But Kamala-la-la-la-la could easily have won the weird, out of proportion, inappropriate to the subject, bizarre cackling laughter contest.
Something tells me in about 2 weeks we are going to be hearing the New Soviet Democraticals and their NPC automatons like Inga complaining that Kamala can't connect with voters due to her lifelong stutter!
Hey, it sort of "worked" last time, didn't it Inga?
D.D. Driver said...
This will play poorest with white women. Black voters are already saying these things. The amount of commentary I have seen from black folks about her claim to wash he collard greens in the bathtub is hilarious. For whatever reason that lie in particular did not sit well.
This is true. I just caught a bit of CNN and Erin Burnett is so outraged over Trump's comments that her uterus is about to fall out, but the Black female pundits she's talking to are saying; "Yeah...um....that was pretty bad...", and can't seem to muster any real anger.
I'm sure Trump walked out with more votes than he walked in with.
Kinda weird.
The amount of commentary I have seen from black folks about her claim to wash he collard greens in the bathtub is hilarious.
Yeah, black folks are as good as anyone at detecting pandering, since they are pandered to so very frequently.
I wonder if the terms "high yaller" and "paper-bag test" have come up in the conversations you saw...?
Identity politics is wrecking this country?
Why can’t we all just be Americans?
There is no red America. No blue America. Just a United States of America! You guys like that?
White Savior Karen Inga: "Here is Harris’ full statement:..."
Hey dummy, there's this thing called Teh Interwebs, where we were all able to watch precisely what occurred during Trump's appearance. I'm afraid your cut and paste of the weird former Indian American who is now some sort of Southern Baptist black bible belter! Just like obambi...and Hillary...and Joe Dementia!
Inga the dolt thinks this NABJ conference is an Adam Schiff run committee where they interview "witnesses" (even fake ones!) in private and then simply leak whatever they want to.
But thanks Inga. We really needed Kamala-la-la-la-la's staff notes to substitute for our own eyes and ears capture of reality.
Readering: "I suppose since Trump spent two years at nearby Jesuit Fordham before finishing at UPenn-Wharton, he does not see anything meaningful in Harris attending HBCU Howard for four years."
Tone deaf readering comes away with The Big Takeaway!
Thanks readering!
Inga, if Kamala loses, the next day there will be hundreds of black people on Youtube saying she lost because she was just pretending to be Black and how they knew this ahead of time.
An observation made by many and summarized well here:
"Trump went into a room of black journalists and others and treated them the same way he does everyone else. No pandering. No DEI treatment. As equals.
Listen to the audience laugh. They didn't BOOO like they did Mitt Romney under similar circumstances."--cernovich
Today's combative interview with the NABJ shows that Trump has not pivoted. His choice to save his pivot until later this fall is a masterstroke. Saving the Not Racism for an October surprise.
"You can see there's one issue that's getting all the attention."
And why not? The MSM certainly isn't going to want to focus on inflation, wars or an illegal alien invasion, are they?
Hostility? Fuck off - Kamala.
Fuck. Off. Hostile? Hostility? We are getting a lecture from the corrupt left on hostility? Again- you can all fuck off - leftists.
You and your party are 100 million times more hostile to Trump. You all just tried to kill him.
Don't anyone dare be hostile to the corrupt progressive Maduro grrrl. She is very delicate.
It’s all fun and games until the calipers Trump is developing for biracial families get applied to JD Vance’s.
Trump wasn't trying to win over liberal, black, female journalists.
He was trying to win over black people that have been sold out by liberal, black, female journalists; and white women who pretend to care about black people.
"Let's have this conversation."
Trump called out CPT (Color People Time).
I'm sure I'm not the only one who picked that up. I'd imagine a lot of black voters did as well.
Today's combative interview with the NABJ shows that Trump has not pivoted.
Maybe you could provide Kamala's interview with the NABJ so we can compare the two and make our own determinations.
Thanks, in advance.
If only there were newspapers on the West Coast so that we would not need to review NYT/NYP/WAPO for everything.
here was my fav..
ABC hater asks Trump is Kamela was a DEI hire..
Trump says: "what do you Mean by that?"
and the ABC hater says: "Diversity Equity Inclusion is what it means"
and Trump re asks: "what do you MEAN by that?"
and the ABC hater says: "i JUST TOLD YOU!!"
so, is it was she CAN'T DEFINE what is meant by "Diversity Equity Inclusion", or that she just WON'T?
Harris is a slap to the face of Dem primary voters, as she never received a vote. She has no signature accomplishments she can point to and what she really represents is Democrat leadership’s belief that there was no way in Hell Joe Biden could beat Donald Trump.
is "Diversity Equity Inclusion" a GOOD THING?
if it IS; shouldn't people be PROUD to be a DEI hire?
Everybody lives in a bubble. Trump must have seen the meme that compared the headline of Harris being elected the first Asian-American senator with the headline of Harris becoming the first African-American vice president and assumed that it was a representative comparison of how Harris presented herself in 2016 and in 2020. Was it? We'll find out soon enough. If it turns out that it's not an accurate representation, did that make Trump a liar, or just someone who made an inaccurate assumption based on incomplete evidence? There was some trolling involved - Trump had to have been aware of Harris's ethnic background for longer than he let on - but still comes out ahead of Biden who repeated the Charlottesville hoax and the bleach hoax time after time.
In Harris's childhood her mother and her mother's Indian family was much more of an influence than her father and his Jamaican family. In high school, though, she came to identify more as African-American, and that led her to Howard. When she entered politics, everyone knew she was Black(ish). She didn't deny it. Did she emphasize it? On occasion she did play up the Asian side of her background to make herself interesting and recognizable or to win votes from Indians and other Asian-Americans.
Trump gets grief for his style (or lack of it), but when Republicans go before the media they are entering the lions' den. The have to show a certain toughness, or a thick skin, or lack of sensitivity, or else their campaigns end before they begin. Trump certainly didn't handle this well, but it's a miracle that he's been able to keep going as long as he has, given all that's been thrown at him.
Blogger mccullough said...
The White Husband poses problems for Kamala.
DEI White Guy VP pick coming up as well...
WSJ has the same.
"Trump Attacks Harris’s Identity, Saying He Didn’t Know She Was Black"
(The WSJ is slowly turning into the Daily Mail. Since they brought in a new managing team it has really gone downhill)
The journalist at the conference was rude from the beginning. Trump was right. She didn't have the common courtesy to thank him for coming. Nor did she apologize for the 30 minute delay. Her first question was a a couple of paragraphs long and was a vicious attack where she called him racist in as many ways possible. He did an excellent job of handing the question. She looked like the bitch in the exchange.
As to Harris, the articles that were headlined "First American-Indian Senator Elected" etc have almost all disappeared. She was proud of her Indian heritage until it suddenly became important that she be black. Trump was right on that point as well.
The audience seemed to enjoy having him speak. They clapped and they laughed along with him. I don't think this attack is going to work anymore than the thousands of others.
LLR-democratical Rich: "It’s all fun and games until the calipers Trump is developing for biracial families get applied to JD Vance’s."
Rich goes Full Molly Jong-Fast!! Poor Molly, the "expert" lefty political commentator, launched the newest of the new New Soviet Democratical talking point lies just this morning: She claimed JD Vance ONLY wants new white babies in America......because he's a racist you see (haven't we seen that tactic before?)....and she HAD NO IDEA AT ALL who Vance's wife is and what his kiddos look like!!!
Molly, I'm afraid, is the perfect example of an "knowledgeable" lefty commentator and "insightful" observer of the political scene.
So, after Molly's complete screw up, what is a good New Soviet Democratical NPC foot soldier like Rich supposed to do with that?!
Well, I'm glad you asked!
You pretend and hoax up another charge that says mythical Trump "calipers" are coming for the biracial kiddos!!
[Jon Lovitz Liar Guy Voice]: Yeah, that's the ticket. We'll just pretend Trump is coming for the biracial kids!!!
I mean, that's just gotta work, right?
Its getting sadder and sadder by the minute with Abacus Boy Rich.
You could say
"As to Harris, the articles that were headlined "First American-Indian Senator Elected" etc have almost all disappeared. She was proud of her Indian heritage until it suddenly became important that she be black. Trump was right on that point as well."
Race is extremely important to leftists, but anyone who dares to mention that fact is called a racist.
cfs: "As to Harris, the articles that were headlined "First American-Indian Senator Elected" etc have almost all disappeared. She was proud of her Indian heritage until it suddenly became important that she be black. Trump was right on that point as well."
Its too late. All the videos where Kamala is claiming just Indian heritage are out there and cannot be pulled back.
And since Rich and his fellow New Soviet Democratical Politburo censors don't control X, those videos are like a tsunami out there.
We will not be experiencing another Hunter Biden/Biden Crime Family laptop smothering.
It's all fake outrage. No one is outraged by what he has said, but they pretend to be.
The screaming headline at NBC (and elsewhere, I'm sure): TRUMP ATTACKS HARRIS'S RACE!
People, you're not going to move the needle by calling Trump an insensitive jerk. Everybody knows that already, and his supporters don't care -- indeed, millions of them like the fact he's an insensitive jerk.
Right now, Kamala is the flavour of the month, with two major advantages: (1) She ain't Biden and (2) She ain't Trump. But eventually she's gonna have to step into the spotlight and show who who she actually is...and the last time she did that, it didn't work out too well.
So can we focus on the real issues that affect all americans white black brown asian can we do that
Why the complaining about the thirty minute delay. I thought the Smithsonian told us being on time was part of oppressive whiteness.
Trump wasn’t there to win over those who want to stay on the democrat plantation. He is there for the potential 20-30% that has been talked about as being possibly ready to leave. He was telling them that the doubts they have been having about what they have been told are correct. He was there to give them confidence in their own thinking and he has their back when they walk away from democrat group think.
Why the complaining about the thirty minute delay. I thought the Smithsonian told us being on time was part of oppressive whiteness.
Trump wasn’t there to win over those who want to stay on the democrat plantation. He is there for the potential 20-30% that has been talked about as being possibly ready to leave. He was telling them that the doubts they have been having about what they have been told are correct. He was there to give them confidence in their own thinking and he has their back when they walk away from democrat group think.
"Everybody knows that already, and his supporters don't care -- indeed, millions of them like the fact he's an insensitive jerk."
If, by "insensitive jerk", you mean a guy who says right out loud what everybody knows already, well... yeah- everybody knows that.
Not everybody likes it, but you can't please everybody.
When she was sworn-in (by JRB no less) as a new Senator after Boxer agreed to step down, thus avoiding the risks of putting Kamala through another state-wide election, she was clearly identified as the first "Indian American Senator" in all the media stories covering this event. No mention of Africa or blackness.
"Everybody knows that already, and his supporters don't care -- indeed, millions of them like the fact he's an insensitive jerk."
If, by "insensitive jerk", you mean a guy who says right out loud what everybody knows already, well... yeah- everybody knows that.
Not everybody likes it, but you can't please everybody.
Don’t want to stay is what I meant.
And here is an example of who Trump is talking to. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V13lgKL8xGA
The way the press glommed on to "weird" makes me think of them as just a bunch of clones repeating what their creator has told them to say. So, the MSM are now the clone media.
Would LOVE to see her application to Howard. Was she accepted as an Indian Affirmative Action applicant?
Yes, Inga 'White'splaining', answering all of the questions that nobody is asking, and answering none of the questions or challenges put to her, unable to defend her positions if she did. What are they called now, this archetype? Affluent White Female Liberal ?
Have you figured out what to call that One Weird Trick democrat talking heads are doing all over the networks yet, Inga, where they use the same words and phrases just like pod people, all at the same time? Do you call that Coordinated Propaganda, Inga?
Did you watch the whole thing? Sad.
My God, does Althouse and her community even hear themselves.
Are the Know Nothings really going to make this an issue?
Weird and creepy.
It used to be that you could go to the library and look a microfilm copies of old newspapers.
NYT 3 days ago: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/28/us/politics/harris-asian-american-black-woman.html
NBC 2020: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/kamala-harris-history-trying-define-asian-american-n1242200
Who does Trump think he's appealing to with this schtick? Black people? I'd guess they'll be outraged. Indian-Americans. I'd guess not. His MAGA base?? Maybe but there are some voters he needs and doesn't have who will find this kind of crap deeply off-putting--and familiar..
I wonder what Usha Vance thinks of all this and Trump’s views on biracial children.
This YouTube from 2010 pretty much shows she's claimed both for at least a decade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJllQ9d3pYM
And here is an example of who Trump is talking to. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=V13lgKL8xGA
Four black guys discussing the interview... at 7:00 in the video, "I'm tired of all these white liberals telling me how to feel. I'm sick of it. I don't want you to tell me how to think, how to- don't tell me shit!"
So there you go, white liberals.
Instead of just searching using Wayback machine, setting search engine results for prior to 2008 helps. Not a lot from back then, but it is clear that as Obama began to rise politically, Harris wanted to align and follow his path to the Senate and higher office. A few articles state exactly that. However, many articles talk about her "firsts" as woman, african-american, and asian-american while touting how she needed to reach out more as asian-american, which is perhaps what Trump is recalling.
Not sure how this helps Trump to emphasize. Feels like an own goal by noting her multicultural background. Maybe he is trying to cement her as the Democratic nominee, because she has a lot of weaknesses being glossed over right now. This isn't likely one of them.
Trump was asked if she was a DEI hire. Now, the media fights over whether she is Indian (South Asian) or Black (Jamaican). No one argues her merits or her accomplishments, just her ethnicity. Trump wins this argument, without ever mentioning that President Biden made the DEI argument in the first place.
Hilarious. I love that guy.
Whatever will curry the most flavor.
Last post, SFGate 2003 article on Harris winning her first term as SF DA:
"Harris, who worked under Hallinan from 1998 to 2000 and took a leave from her job as deputy city attorney to run against him, prevailed after an acrimonious election battle in which her ethics and Hallinan's competence became the major issues.
When she takes office Jan. 8, Harris will be the first African American district attorney in state history."
Interesting perspective from some young Black men:
Oops - sorry. I hadn't noticed that someone already posted that link. Sorry for the duplication.
Actually - I hope Kamala stays on her 'I'm a poor brown grrrl victim, stop being mean to me' kick.
Just a matter of time before Althouse and her community start talking about quadroons and start telling watermelon and fried chicken jokes.
The "n" word can't be far behind.
Kamala flunked the bar exam.
Even Pence didn’t flunk it.
Kamala had company. Both Moochie and Hillary flunked the bar exam the first time around. I'll cut Kamala some slack. The California Bar exam was tough. Some 82% of her Hastings Law School classmates (now the UC Law School of San Francisco) passed the bar exam on the first try. So maybe 1 in 5 missed.
But Hillary flunking the DC Bar Exam (one of the easiest in the nation--if your breath can fog a mirror you'll pass) makes Kamala look like a bleeping genius--in comparison.
Doubling down on the racism seems like a self-defeating strategy.
This is the birther crap, all over again. Reinventing the Obama wheel that backfired spectacularly is a bold strategy.
Obama never flunked the bar exam.
Women and children can be careless, not men.
Kamala Harris is descended from a an Ulsterman nmaed Harrison Brown who came to Jamaica at the beginning of the 18th century. He acquired several sugar plantation and about 1200 slaves to work them. When slavery was abolished he received compensation. It has been estimated that it amounted to about $11 million in present dollars. This money was distributed among Hamilton Brown's descendants so that they were members of the well-off class in Jamaica. Kamala Harris's father was one such descendant. His family owned property including a sugar plantation and he was able to attend an expensive upper class private school and then the university of the West Indies and then universities in England and America. He studied economics. He was clear that he had led a privileged life. Although members of his family had intermarried with Jamaicans of African descent he was not excluded from education. In his professional career, Professor Harris endeavored to use his knowlege to rebalance the Jamaican economy away from the distortions built into that economy by its basis in the sugar plantations and slavery. He worked on development economics in the US and in Jamaica. Kamala's mother was divorced and Kamala was not associated with her father while he worked out his ideas. Kamala was in Canada attending a good school. Kamala's mother was Tamil, not Hindu and a woman and as such would have been excluded from Hindu-dominated Indian society. But the Indian government instituted a program of scholarships for Tamil women hoping to break down these barriers. Kamala's mother used her opportunities and got away into a career in scientific research with a side of civil rights involvement.
So Kamala's majority identity, genetically speaking is Tamil - 50%. And then she has a mix of Ulster - not Irish - and Africa.
I don't feel that she solved the puzzle of reconciling all this. Many Americans have such a puzzle but I think she by-passed it all because she was and is an attractive woman. And I don't see how that is enough for a President in tough times. In fact, her habit would be to shrug and laugh and leave it all to some guy, Willie, Joe, Mr. X from The Cabal - whoever. Not good enough for President with wars looming. Not that the Dems care any more about the future than did Marie Antoinette.
From Senility to Inanity - The Long Strange Campaign of 2024.
Obvious to any normal American:
"African American" to elites and liars means a person with African ancestors.
"African American" to typical genuine black person means "Descended from slaves."
Lie to yourself and pretend otherwise all you want.
Of course, that doesn't mean they won't vote for her. Some will, some won't.
I'd like to hear Althouse weigh in on whether passing the bar on the first try has anything to do with the quality of an attorney.
Even money said no one consulting with an attorney ever asked if they ever flunked the bar. Hell, if you graduate from UW you don't even have to take the fucking exam.
FullMoon said...
"Obvious to any normal American:
"African American" to elites and liars means a person with African ancestors.
"African American" to typical genuine black person means "Descended from slaves."
Whenever i want to know how the "typical genuine black person" (sic) feels about things, FullMoon is my go to guy.
Don’t be mad.
Kamala is a DEI hire just like Hillary.
Her husband didn’t flunk the bar.
Someone above mentioned the Know Nothings. I was just reading the McPherson book about the Civil War. The Know Nothing Party eventually became part of the Republican Party. The Know Nothings were against immigrants, and especially against Catholic immigrants. On the other hand, they were abolitionists and many of them believed in Women's Suffrage. The Democratic Party was, in the North anyway, the party of immigrants and Catholics. They were opposed to the abolition movement and to Emancipation. So take your pick as to which type of bigotry was more bigoted. Some lessons are perhaps applicable to today.
Tamil Tigress!
Mutaman said...
" Whenever i want to know how the "typical genuine black person" (sic) feels about things, FullMoon is my go to guy. "
LOl. I addressed you and yours in my comment:
Lie to yourself and pretend otherwise all you want.
Harris's new nickname from the interwebs: Kamaflage. Made me laugh. You just can’t tell what she is and neither can she.
Rich said...
Doubling down on the racism seems like a self-defeating strategy.
This is the birther crap, all over again. Reinventing the Obama wheel that backfired spectacularly is a bold strategy.
1. I never understood the reaction to the birther issue. First of all, his mother was born in the US. So case closed, regardless of his birth place. But in the older days the saying was - there are no stupid questions. So what was so bad about asking q’s. In the olden days Rosie O’Donnell pursued all kinds of theories about 9/11. So what? In fact Popular Mechanics came out with a book Debunking 9/11 Myths which I thought was great. Somewhere in the teens certain questions began to be forbidden.
2. At the time, I thought it would have been such a healing move for Obama to address the issue without sneering - answering everyone’s questions and moving on. But I think it was too much fun to use the issue as a cudgel.
This has fun entertainment value, but otherwise its just a waste of campaign time and money. Does Trump really think he's going to win Black hearts and minds by going on the black equivilant of MSNBC? He might as well gone on the Rachael Maddow show.
Here's the thing about Trump: He really likes black people. A lot. Probably even more than Kamala Harris. And he wants them to like him. And vote for him. And that's never going to happen. He's just wasting him time and all he'll accomplish is raise his Black share of the vote from 8% to 10%.
As for Harris, her father was mostly absent and was a black Jamaican prof. She spent her teenage HS years in Montreal with her Indian mother. She's lived her whole life in Northern Calf. And she has a WHite-Jewish husband. But what does it matter?
She's on Extreme leftwing side of every racial issue.
Diversity journalism.
Everyone knows it’s up to Joe Biden to determine who’s black.
But what does it matter?
If not for Diversity (i.e. color judgment, class bigotry) including DEI, it doesn't.
"Here's the thing about Trump: He really likes black people. A lot"
That's why him and old Fred rented so many apartments to Black folks.
@wildswan: Thanks for an interesting and informative post.....Ethnic identity for many Americans is kind of fuzzy. My grandparents were born in Ireland, but my mother's grandparents were born in Germany or, maybe, Denmark, depending on how you want to tally Schleswig-Holstein. I always considered myself Irish, because there was a time when nobody in America wanted to be German....Trump's family were of those numbers. I believe they used to call themselves Swedish.....California has a large Asian population. I think it might be larger than its Black population. It would make sense for Kamala to stress her Asian background while running in California. That doesn't apply to a nationwide election, however. Time to rinse off the collard greens and get real down home.
Query : What's worse-failing the bar on the first try or declaring bankruptcy 6 times?
You can be sure Trump screwed up when Drago posts 8 comments in under an hour.
She needs to revist her pander bear instinct and talk about baking while listening to Tupac.
Flunking the bar exam is indicative of someone who is not bright, has anxiety over a test, and/or is too lazy to put in the work. According to Kama’s staff she doesn’t read the briefing materials they create for her and then she yells at them when she comes off like a moron in meetings because she doesn’t know anything. It’s easy for a pretty woman to spread her legs to get ahead. Kamala takes the easy way. She’s a lazy moron.
Shorter version of the first interrogation:
"How dare you?!"
So Kammy couldn't/wouldn't connect into the appearance per agreement.
Trumpn made arguments about Dems bad policies.
How dare he?
Were there no black men journos available?
Vivek on Kamala's Heritage:
"Many Indian-Americans in the US are indeed somewhat offended by the way Kamala has suddenly cast aside the Indian-American side of identity... She wore that when it was convenient. She's wearing a different identity now."
The only graduate of Howard University that I knew personally was a Jewish guy from Brooklyn whose name was Howard. He claimed he applied because of the name. He was born in 1933, so things were different then.
Going to Howard Uni is not exactly a gesture of "Unity".
Just common sense not allowed in polite conversation.
Kamala in a video with Mindy Kaling in 2019 identifying as Indian.
"California's Kamala Harris becomes first Indian-American US Senator" - Associated Press, Nov 9, 2016
Vivek Ramaswamy on Fox News interview today: "Many Indian-Americans in the US are indeed somewhat offended by the way Kamala has suddenly cast aside the Indian-American side of identity...She wore that when it was convenient. She's wearing a different identity now."
Vivek Ramaswamy on Fox News interview today: "Many Indian-Americans in the US are indeed somewhat offended by the way Kamala has suddenly cast aside the Indian-American side of identity...She wore that when it was convenient. She's wearing a different identity now."
Sure. "How can I use race to my advantage"? That's how Democrats think.
Judging from all the nearly hysterical stream-of-consciousness multi-posts from the progressive liberal intelligentsia here, they're finding this interview of Trump highly, highly disturbing. And their efforts to re-characterize it for us, and their obvious panic that we're watching the interview ourselves anyways, and not buying into their commentary, is tipping them further - and worse, discovering that there are links to videos of young black people speaking dangerously critical, conservative thoughts, unprompted, apparently unscripted, articulate and - even worse - unsupervised !
The Horror ! The Horror !
Is this Kamala?
Yes, that's correct Right-Wing, lets make this play:take a candidate who is now the presumed democratic nominee and sitting vice president....a candidate who has done nothing of note in her career, positions and results she has worked hard to avoid, and has a long history of mistakes and terrible public interactions. A candidate who abysmally failed in public elections.
And instead of focusing on all that, let's make one of the early news cycles about her mixed-race self-identity inconsistencies.
Incredibly weak.
Don't why our hostess's wqay back machine didn't work? Twitchy had a full segment documenting her transformation from Indian-American to Black.
BTW, it was the Hilda Beast who started the birther thingy in '08.
When will we end the destructive association of our personal heritage and skin color? I am half Japanese and half mixed Eastern European. I never experienced any awareness of racial differences until I moved here, to the Richmond, VA area, 30 years ago.
You can guess what side was more accepting of my appearance.
We need to toss aside visual differences, and concentrate on policy.
Skeptical Voter said...
Kamala had company. Both Moochie and Hillary flunked the bar exam the first time around. I'll cut Kamala some slack. The California Bar exam was tough. Some 82% of her Hastings Law School classmates (now the UC Law School of San Francisco) passed the bar exam on the first try. So maybe 1 in 5 missed.
But Hillary flunking the DC Bar Exam (one of the easiest in the nation--if your breath can fog a mirror you'll pass) makes Kamala look like a bleeping genius--in comparison.
You periodically trot out this nonsense.
Historically, CA and DC have been among the two toughest bar exams in America. Here are some results over the last ten years, compared with other states:
Does that look like "easiest" to you?
Thing is, when Hillary et al took that DC exam, it was even tougher, with a pass-fail at 52% -48%. California's was just as difficult. It may not have occurred to you, but some law schools specifically teach the points they know regularly wind up on the exam.
Tell us, what bar exam did YOU pass, on the first attempt??? When? What law school did you graduate from?
BUMBLE BEE said...
"Elon is WAAAAAAAAY more African than Kamala."
Back when John Kerry was running for president, I knew a guy that would point out that his wife, as an first African American, would be a "first" of the type that the Deomcrats even back then were obsessed with. The one Nigerian student he told it to thought it was funny. The ADOS types were not amused.
I studied my butt off for the Bar. I didn't want to be that one guy, and there is always one guy, who failed.
I studied so hard that I probably got every question right.
Mutaman said...
"Just a matter of time before Althouse and her community start telling watermelon and fried chicken jokes."
Since you asked for it....
A watermelon proposes to its sweetheart: “Honeydew want to get married?” “Oh yes”, she replies, “but we cantaloupe!”
What kind of fruit did Avogadro eat in the summer? Watermolens!
I'm sorry if I made a fowl impression. I'll stop now.
And instead of focusing on all that, let's make one of the early news cycles about her mixed-race self-identity inconsistencies.
Incredibly weak.
Relax. It's a long way to November. If this wasn't the issue the left jumped upon today, they would've found something else. As they will tomorrow.
Trump wasn't speaking to the people in that room today. Nor was he speaking to our resident leftists and AWFLs. He was speaking to those people at the Subway he visited in New York. He was speaking to workers and staff at the other establishments he visited during his farce of a trial.
Watch those videos. See the connection he's making with everyday people - including minorities. Those are the people he was talking to today.
They're available. He's providing them an opportunity to look somewhere else instead of the leftist plantation. If he opens more cracks? The coalition splits, and it's lights out.
This interview did him no harm, and may well help him at the margin.
No one who would take offense at this was ever going to vote for him under any circumstances.
Howard University was also Rachel Dolezal's choice to gain some black cred.
Dave Begley said...
"Identity politics is wrecking this country?
Why can’t we all just be Americans?
There is no red America. No blue America. Just a United States of America! You guys like that?"
I'm all in, but some people keep mentioning my race as if it has anything to do with anything
Mutaman said...
Query : What's worse-failing the bar on the first try or declaring bankruptcy 6 times?
6 times out of 6 business attempts would be a significant failure rate.
And I remember those failures - they were in the news when recessions crashed Atlantic City and the hotels/casinos there. Gee, recession hits, people don't travel and gamble like they did. Who could ever have forecast that? And he wasn't the only one hit when Atlantic City went bust...
So yeah, 6 out of 6 would be pretty damning.
But Trump's had more than 500 business starts. So he's got about a 98.8% success rate.
Think you could do better? I know I couldn't.
This interview is huge plus for Trump especially as it prepares the ground for the Harris/Trump debate.
Rich said...
Doubling down on the racism seems like a self-defeating strategy.
This is the birther crap, all over again. Reinventing the Obama wheel that backfired spectacularly is a bold strategy.
Did you go to the white dudes for Kamala meeting?
Or did you go to the white women for kamala meeting?
Trump was just pointing out how Democrats are always racist. But you are too stupid to see what he is doing so we get it.
"Think you could do better? I know I couldn't."
Mutaman can make fart sounds with his armpit.
They are LOUD!
I recall Biden promising to choose a black woman as his running mate. So how did Kamala become his choice? Did he lie to the American people?
Or did someone lie to him?
Readering "You can be sure Trump screwed up when Drago posts 8 comments in under an hour."
Readering whimpering again? You can be sure someone noticed and commented upon something readering wrote that was stupid when readering does that.
Interesting observation: readering is the second moron lefty today that felt compelled to glance past the multiple posts of leftists to perform a post count on a non-leftist as if it was meaningful in some way beyond a moron lefty commentary target rich environment and/or lefty narrative target rich environment.
Shorter Drago: you got me, readering.
What do non-political gamers think about this stuff?
Readering said...
Shorter Drago: you got me, readering.
pro tip: If you have to claim victory on a message board like this you are the only one who thinks you won.
Inga please calm down, it’s hard enough to read your weird comments once without you posting them multiple times.
Aloha and have a beautiful evening 🌺
I thought it was very interesting to watch the entire interview. Trump had points he wanted to get across, namely the terrible impact of uncontrolled immigration on the Black population in terms of jobs and crime. I don't know if he is exaggerating about the people coming in but we do know that Democrats are saying nothing at all about it.
Trump's behavior was very calm but he has limits, he doesn't allow people to impose or abuse him. It was strange to see how hostile and aggressive and attacking the first interview was. He pointed out quite directly how inappropriate and unprofessional that was considering they had kept him waiting for a half hour and they did not fulfill the agreed arrangement that Kamala would be there. Also they told him they could not do this program by Zoom yet they will do their program with Kamala by Zoom.
The intention was to make him look bad with aggressively hostile questions and he didn't buy it. IMO the interview seemed like a waste of time because the questions were so poor. They could have asked about what he planned to do for the Black community in his second term but that didn't even come up.
I could see why some people are infuriated by Trump because he doesn't play their game and will not be manipulated. By trying to make him look bad they made themselves look bad.
Of course it's interesting to see how differently Inga reacted to watching the same material.
The NABJ interview was delayed for a half hour. Journalists involved said a fight over whether the journalists could fact-check in real-time caused the delay. Trump claimed there was a sound problem.
One of those journalists involved was none other than Fox News's own Harris Faulkner. She wouldn't admit to Trump's lies, misogynistic behavior, and racism when she reported on Martha MacCallum's show.
“So what I loved about what you couldn’t see today was how much of that audience was enjoying the moment of hearing from a candidate that they might not always agree with.”
Rosalyn: Do you really believe that the DNC ever agreed to a Kamala making a last minute connect to the Trump live interview over Zoom? Just another Trump lie. He has already canceled out of the candidate debate set for September.
The biggest difference???
Ben Shapiro
Days since Kamala Harris has been asked an adversarial question after becoming the de facto nominee:
Barry Tigay
Kamala doesn’t answer questions.
Kamala doesn’t take positions in issues.
Kamala is all scripted.
Kamala is a video.
Kamala is AI.
Kamala is AWOL.
Mutaman, the race card is DEAD. YOUR side killed it by overuse. Nobody cares about people's fake feelings anymore. Your side used it and abused it, so that innocent people were accused of it, and shamed.
Joe Biden picked Kamala BECAUSE she was a woman of color. He preferred that, as he told the world, so all of you crying about us saying she is a DEI hire, can sit down and cry more. Get over your hurt feeling caused by the people you keep voting for.
Checking late from the west coast before bed.
Gadfly? Don't ever change.
Howard University was also Rachel Dolezal's choice to gain some black cred.
It takes a lot for a Tacoma boy to feel bad for Spokane, but she managed to make it happen.
She does have a lot to hide.
But let's not get factual.
On the flood of "migrants". We've been admonished to not consume water, gasoline, natural gas, glass bottles and meat etc. for the last 20 years.
No more urban sprawl! By God the landfills are full up!
America rose to the challenge and tightened up the consumption game.
What could possibly be behind an addition of 20 MILLION more consumers?
Maybe Kamala can explain?
The delayed interview was part of the attempt to rile Trump. The rudeness was the scheme.
Trump claimed there was a sound problem.
@gadfly, that’s what they had told him, asshole. You’re a worthless waste of atmospheric oxygen on the best day of your life.
Most — make that nearly all — politicians have an instinct to pander to their audience. Trump’s unwillingness to pander is very refreshing in that regard.
she was clearly identified as the first "Indian American Senator" in all the media stories covering this event. No mention of Africa or blackness.
because in Silicon Alley CA Indian may have impact
for nationwide+blue citys black is stronger D and MSM hope
Readering: "Shorter Drago: you got me, readering."
Sure tiger.
I love how the Left is trying to twist “I didn’t know she was black” into something horribly offensive and racist. Trump knows exactly what his black supporters are saying about her: she runs on helping black people, including a few specific women in prison that are a cause for many, but after “using” those names in two campaigns Harris has never not once mentioned their names outside of campaign events or lifted a finger to free them. She hasn’t even publicized the alleged injustices that put those black women in prison.
Of course the Leftists here are unaware of the inauthenticity Harris is viewed by “her” community, because the Democrat Media won’t report on things that reflect poorly on their anointed candidate. But Trump has heard and what seems like a rake-step to the ignorant is a clearly calibrated statement expressing bewilderment at Kamala’s sudden blackness. Most black women, like the “journalists” he was interrogated by yesterday, will stick with the D party, but black men are leading the exodus from the commie plantation. They bear the brunt of the incarceration and they despise fake allies who have put record numbers of them behind bars but claim to be their champion every few years when they need black votes.
Your hive is not the real world, leftists. And it is tremendously overrepresented in the “Mainstream” media consumed by a small and ever-shrinking portion of the general population.
"Your hive is not the real world, leftists."
And there is almost no place on the earth that is more of a Dem hive than a confab of Dem Propagandists of Color.
Listening with honest ears to the clips, it is clear Trump landed some body blows on the Dem propagandists and the audience very much found them amusing. The laughter and hooting is very clear and very clearly shows the audience was highly amused. (Despite the false spin being put on it by the Dem propaganda machine.)
rhhardin said...
"Changing your accent to match the audience's is called code-switching and is very common, mostly regarded as a courtesy."
I think the term that you're actually looking for is "cultural appropriation," not "courtesy."
Blogger Rich said...
Who does Trump think he's appealing to with this schtick? Black people? [...]
7/31/24, 7:51 PM
7/31/24, 7:58 PM
Blogger Leland said...
Not sure how this helps Trump to emphasize. Feels like an own goal by noting her multicultural background. Maybe he is trying to cement her as the Democratic nominee, because she has a lot of weaknesses being glossed over right now. This isn't likely one of them.
7/31/24, 8:01 PM
I think he's not talking to liberal white women, he's talking to black men who reflexively vote for the black candidate. He's pointing out she's not African American. You don't HAVE to vote for her. She's Indian. There's nothing wrong with voting for her but don't feel compelled to vote for and feel good about it bec she's your tribe (eg Obama). She's pretending to be your tribe but she is not your people.
"One thing is absolutely clear is that nearly all of the so-called journalists are wildly biased against Trump."
As is any intelligent adult who's paying attention. It's after-the-fact "bias," an appraisal developed through close examination over time.
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