Robin Givhan is writing about Kamala Harris's notable laughing, in "Kamala Harris’s powerful laughter in the face of weirdness/Her guffaws speak to a moment: the thrill, the catharsis, the you-have-to-laugh-to-keep-from-crying-or-punching-a-wall of it all" (WaPo).
There's that word "weird" again, in the headline. I checked to see if maybe Givhan resisted using it herself. Givhan is a wordsmith. You can tell by that one sentence I put in the post title. She went with "inasmuch," and she made one of those long adjectives that hyphens let you construct out of any string of words: "you-have-to-laugh-to-keep-from-crying-or-punching-a-wall." But she's not a got-to-avoid-using-the-word-of-the-day wordsmith.
I'd hoped "weirdness" was a just-in-the-headline word, inserted by one of those nameless headline writers, but it's in the body of the essay:
How weird is it to deride a person for laughing? Not for laughing inappropriately, in the middle of a funeral, for example...
The link goes to the "Mary Tyler Moore" Chuckles the Clown episode, not — how could it be?! — Bill Clinton laughing at Ron Brown's funeral (laughing, then fake-crying).
... but simply for enjoying a good chuckle?
But sometimes it is inappropriate — and quite mystifying — as in this widely shared example:
Givhan acknowledges the word-of-the-momentness of "weird":
“Weird,” of course, is the word of the moment. It’s the way in which Harris’s supporters have begun referring to Trump...
Begun!!! Now, I am laughing. Trump has been out-and-proud weird since the 1980s. The only way "begun" could be the mot juste is if the thing that's providing the newness is the existence of supporters for Harris.
... and his running mate JD Vance. Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D)...
I cannot escape that guy.
... was among the first to attach the adjective to Trump...
Among the first. How big of a group can be in that "among"? Trump has always been weird. It's not something Walz and his coterie have cleverly crafted.
Givhan presents Harris's laughing as better than Trump's scowling. Harris expresses "hope and happiness" and Trump is selling fear and authoritarianism
Harris laughs with gusto. She doesn’t dismiss the dangers the country faces or downplay the struggles of this country’s citizens, but she gives them permission to lean into pleasures wherever they might find them....
Permission? Wherever? Whatever. In my opinion, the laughter is a problem when it is offered in place of substantive answers about real problems. Let's hear Kamala Harris sit down for an hour with a serious and challenging interviewer. She's supplanted Joe Biden, so she'd better outdo him, not try to get by with a "basement" strategy. He used excessive smiling and laughing too, and it got quite annoying.
९७ टिप्पण्या:
Democrat Soviet Media: Focus on JD's past statements
Democrat Soviet Media: Ignore Kamala's past radical and extremist leftist statements and views.
How many delegates did Kamala Harris win in all the primary elections she's ever appeared in? Who crowned her the nominee and illegally gave her $200 million ActBlue laundered dollars. That's who is really in charge. Not Kamala Harris.
If she keeps laughing like a hyena, somebody is going to punch something...and it won't be a wall. It's irritating and embarrassing.
I like the video header:
Kamala Harris laughs nervously when asked . . .
Look at that Wendy. You and I are in total agreement on that one, lol. That laugh is my only hope in winning the $200 bet with my Lily livered libtard college professor son.
It's the laugh a person does when they don't know what to say. It's a nervous I'm-about-to-get-caught laugh. Hahahahahaha. Let's move on.
Covering it up for her, as the media has been working on for the last few days, is weird. But not shocking.
I think Althouse believes leaning into weird is a good response. I don’t particularly disagree accept I know what they want to normalize by calling Trump and JD weird, and I cannot abide.
Shes a jibbering idiot laughing at what she has wrought
The goal of an effective communicator is to elicit laughter from your audience.
Kamala Harris attempts to impose laughter on her audience.
It never works.
This is just lame word-washing of the fact she laughs inappropriately, when there is no "punch-a-wall" choice at all, just a sudden realization by Harris that she's talked herself into a oratory cul-de-sac and the only way out is to laugh. Take the very unfunny Lester Holt exchange where he says "You haven't been to the border." First she lies, then she deflects with "I haven't been to Europe either" and then she laughs and says something "what's the point?"
That is nothing like Givens posits. Not at all. But it is typical of when Kamala resorts to laughing inappropriately to distract from her failure to answer easy questions. Or her discomfort at audiences not laughing along with her stupid "fall out of a coconut tree" gem. That's why the laugh is off-putting for most people.
It's weird. It makes one wonder "what the hell is this allegedly professional woman laughing at?" She's running the White House. There's nothing funny about that at all.
Hillary Clinton had the exact same kind of fake laugh, and I am to this day surprised no one ever decked her for it.
Maybe they can just ban all criticism of Most Holy Kumala, but if they even permit noticing her stupid laugh she'll likely lose the election. Even ahead of the Biden regime's total economic failure and increasingly bankrupt policies.
Kamala Harris is embarrassingly stupid.
One of the fun aspects of her administration is the massive staff turnover numbers. She is notorious for not reading prep material then yelling at her staff when she looks stupid and unprepared.
The laugh is just prep as she thinks about yelling at someone when the interview is over.
As many others have mentioned, when asked substantial policy questions Kamala acts like someone giving a book report who did not read the book.
Her concept of "weird" is the expectation that she should do her job.
It’s clear the establishment is out to neutralize the negative of Kamala’s inappropriate laughter.
Labeling the Republicans as weird is part of this effort.
Another Astroturf effort that is obviously failing.
@Howard Mortman (on X)
(Trump and Vance) “sure seem to have a lot to say about me. Don’t you find some of their stuff just to be plain weird…Donald, I do hope you’ll reconsider to meet me on the debate stage. Because as the saying goes if you’ve got something to say, say it to my face”
– Kamala Harris
She claimed Trump pulled out of the September debate. Hello...he agreed to debate Biden. Now he's waiting to make sure he debates the actual Democrat nominee. If it is Harris, I look forward to "The Donald" saying it right to her face.
She smirked and paused after saying "Donald." If I have to listen to that cackle for four more years...I WILL be-crying-or-punching-a-wall.
Monica Hesse at the WaPo also pushed the word "weird" in her column today. There is a strong aura of "stop trying to make 'fetch' happen!"
Clinton and Chuckles are two good callbacks, of opposite import and humor level. But this continued focus on weirdness has caused my mind to conjur up a deep thought:
What the Establishment doesn't get and cannot emulate and cannot stop is the fact Trump provided the Republican base with the first opportunity* to vote for a candidate who didn't despise us and conspire with our political enemies to betray us.
That's weird too. If you can judge a man by the enemies he's made and what lengths they go to trying to stop him, then Trump is one of the greatest political figures of all time. They built him up but so far they haven't taken him down. Instead we just keep learning about more members of the cabal: like the USSS. Who's next?
*Since 1984.
The American Leftwing media just sucks up to the Dems. Worse than Pravda in the heyday of the USSR.
She's so full of life, and good humor. Kamala is a ray of sunshine in a bleak,dark world. Her smile lights up the room.
We need for 4 more years of Biden-Harris, the Jolly Good times White House. They want to include and be nice to everyone (Republicans, unborn children, Russia, China, NK, Iran and Gaza excepted), and let all those Migrants come in, there's room for everyone! Who needs a nasty ol border? And lets let everyone have a voice, stop suppressing the votes of the under 18, the non-citizens, and the dead. Free trade, let everyone be able to sell their goods here.
And stop being meanies, and putting people in jail. After all, what's a criminal but a person with a different point of view? And we need to make everyone feel welcome including Gays and transgenders, even if that means stepping on a few Religious toes.
Join the fun party. The Kamala party. Where the good times roll.
In my opinion, the laughter is a problem when it is offered in place of substantive answers about real problems.
In one of those That’s-A-Bingo!! moments, Ann sticks the landing…
It's just projection. The Democrats and their pet mediaswine think of everything. To normies Kamala's cackle is weird, hence "MAGA weird."
She's laughing because she knows she is inadequate for the task. Every job she's ever had has been over her head.
Unlike amost of our usual suspect commenters Dunning-Kruger does not apply to her.
Dave: "The American Leftwing media just sucks up to the Dems. Worse than Pravda in the heyday of the USSR." They are the Dems! They are also Pravda!
If the Republicans were strategically smart, they would jump all over this theme. It can be very easily turned straight around to show Republicans are a Big Tent. You could even do the Democrat Rocky Horror picture show, using their most extreme characters. Flash a garish Drag Queen reading to a child on his knee According to the Democrat Party, This is Normal. Then show a subtly bi-racial traditional family This is Weird. Go right down the list, 15-second ads ending with The Republican Party Welcomes You The Democrat pod-people media blitz is the creepiest, most-demeaning kind of propaganda out there, and it should be spotlighted & leveraged, unrelenting.
On laughing at a funeral, I recall watching Teddy Kennedy’s funeral on tv years ago, and they showed the Clintons and the younger Bushes sitting together. At one point, before the ceremony, Hillary leaned way over W to say something to Laura, after which she absolutely burst out laughing. I don’t know why that sticks out in my memory so much, but it really was such a fascinatingly human moment between people who so often seem anything but.
I assume she will stop laughing when her record comes up. I'm still looking forward to the debate.
"One of the fun aspects of her administration is the massive staff turnover numbers. "
And you are running Trump, whose TV shows famous line was him smugly saying 'you're fired'.
Yeah, Harris had better worry that people think she is as harsh a boss as Trump. Maybe next you can accuse her of having affairs or screwing over subcontractors!
Laugh at inopportune moments and they will think you are queer. Bray in progression and relieve all doubt.
I found some libs on Reddit saying Trump never smiles and that it was weird (of course).
I commented that I liked that about him. Enough with the fake bonhomie.
Didn't go back to see how that went over.
I think Donald Trump is outlandish, but I wouldn't describe him as weird. You are never mystified by his words or motivations. Sometimes he's over the top, but he's not elusive or mysterious. I don't know where Kamala's laugh comes from or what it is directed at. Her laugh is a dangling modifier to a tale told by an idiot signifying nothing to the last cackle of recorded time.
Harris probably has an IQ of around 100- high enough to do the most mundane of office jobs but completely out of her depth at any job requiring more brainpower. There is no fix for this- it will be demonstrated any time she is forced to think on her feet without a prepared answer to a known question. They can't hide her in a basement like they did Biden in 2020 without it looking like she is scared to be seen. If the stories that she won't read the prepared material are true, then it is because reading it does her no good because she simply is incapable of understanding it with any intellectual depth. This is why she laughs at inappropriate times- she at least knows she is in over her head.
I can hardly wait for Kamala's sit-downs with Putin and Jinping. Can a fake, nervous laugh be interpreted, one language to another? Will the laugh be seen as an insult? Or an admission of weakness? A lot may ride on that laugh. Of course, it's possible that Putin and Jinping are laughing their asses off right now. How would Kamala interpret their laughter?
Only a joke of a President can grant us permission to laugh? Now that sounds authoritarian.
Blogger Mark said...
"One of the fun aspects of her administration is the massive staff turnover numbers. "
And you are running Trump, whose TV shows famous line was him smugly saying 'you're fired'.
Yeah, Harris had better worry that people think she is as harsh a boss as Trump. Maybe next you can accuse her of having affairs or screwing over subcontractors!
Mark doing the work that only idiots can do.
The moron doesn't understand the difference between a television show where people are competing against one another for a prize and an office where people are supposed to be working together.
Mark must have really hated Alex Trebek. That man canned 66% of the contestants every day!
Drago, I think we have a new winner for stupidest person ever on this blog. had a good run.
Goetz von Berlichingen
"powerful laughter"
Powerful only in the sense that it shuts down further questioning or criticism. Mostly it is a sign of weakness in an insecure airhead.
"the laughter is a problem when it is offered in place of substantive answers about real problems"
Correct. The laughter is a problem when it is an inane cackle.
But the real problem now is not how she laughs or what it 'really' means, but the framing of it by the MSM. Powerful! Etc. etc.
I wonder if Harris is on the spectrum.
Or maybe she's practicing "Holy Laughter", a sign that she feels the presence of the Holy Spirit.
She laughs because she’s stupid and doesn’t know how to respond. Trust me. I know.
Weird needs a tag. Scott Adams wrote on X yesterday:
"Weird" is professional grade persuasion, like "dark" was in 2016.
It did not come from normies sitting around and brainstorming.
Democrats needed a retreat from Hitler talk, because of the assassination attempt, but also a word that can keep people distracted from policy talk.
Solution: The ultimate female insult: weird.
Yeah, Harris had better worry that people think she is as harsh a boss as Trump.
Awesome, Mark. Run with that! Comparing a real-world raging girlboss with 95% staff turnover, staff who say "she's extremely mean" and "not a nice person" with contestants on a game show who despite being "fired" on the show had near universal praise for Trump. Yeah. Let's go with that! That's the ticket.
“I'm still looking forward to the debate.”
OK, now that is laugh worthy. Trump won’t be debating Harris, because he’s afraid she’ll make a fool out of him.
“Trump wavers on Harris debate, says he could ‘make a case’ for skipping”
“I'm still looking forward to the debate.”
OK, now that is laugh worthy. Trump won’t be debating Harris, because he’s afraid she’ll make a fool out of him.
“Trump wavers on Harris debate, says he could ‘make a case’ for skipping”
Team Harris is trying to equate Trump firing staff for incompetence or insubordination to Harris staff quitting in disgust?
Inger: "OK, now that is laugh worthy. Trump won’t be debating Harris, because he’s afraid she’ll make a fool out of him."
Inga'll be laughing out of the other side of her mouth when Trump debates Kamala.
MLB Wolf, get Mike Pence to speak at a Trump rally and show us his terrible boss phase is in the past.
Plenty of Trump's first term hires no longer endorse him, as the public is well aware.
Sheridan said...
I can hardly wait for Kamala's sit-downs with Putin and Jinping.
She's 0 for 1 meeting with Putin already
It's weird to let rioters burn down a police precinct station. It's also weird to encourage people to send bail money to the people who burned it down, then drop charges when it all gets to the prosecutor.
When the pros call the normies weird, it's time to get tough on the times. It's in New York mag? Well, shoot.
Lower case times, then. (edits)
I'm convinced these people believe their own bull$hit.
Is Kamala the best they got? Seriously.
If they're going to skip the will of the voters (primary elections), why not let the women sort it out themselves.
Pick a small remote island. No internet or communication with outside world. Stock a single building with an abundance of needed supplies, a limited number of nice-to-have things and a few luxury items. A bunch of bungalos ranging from basic shelter to damn nice.
Make sure some essential tasks can only be accomplished by small and larger groups cooperating.
Then, we dump the following people there and see who's calling the shots six months later. Voila! We have a Democratic Party Standard Bearer!
I don't think 'Vegas would dare handicap the choices.
Kamala Harris
Maxine Waters
Liz Cheney
Liz Warren
Nikki Haley
Doctor Jill Biden
Lisa Murkowski
Joy Reid
Stacey Abrams
M. Obama
Meghan Markle
Ilhan Omar
Janet Yellen
Joy Behar
Randi Weingarten
Rachel Levine
Keith Olbermann
Jemele Hill
Beth Dutton
I note the attempt to rebrand the annoyinglaugh as "powerful".
Robin Givhan trying to curry favor.
That is not a laugh. There is nothing mirthful about it. It is the equivalent of the cloud of ink that a squid or octopus squirts into the water to escape from danger.
Kamela's "laugh" is her tell..
Keep this in mind if ever playing poker with her (or, Global Thermonuclear War)
I could see a Trump campaign ad now just being a montage of Kamala Harris cackling. It practically writes itself
Harris' cackling is just a cover for and empty head. That's it.
An appropriate moniker for a brown nosing rat squad hallway monitor:
Boetz von Belichingents
Blogger Achilles said...
Kamala Harris is embarrassingly stupid.
Luckily for here so is a large percentage of America. Especially among the highly credentialed.
Bowitzer Howard: "An appropriate moniker for a brown nosing rat squad hallway monitor:..."
Hamas/islamic supremacist bitch boy sez wut?
Our we to understand that Kamala wants to cry or punch a wall, and that’s why she has to laugh? I don’t know for sure but she sounds like somebody who’s emotionally unstable or dysregulated. That goes along with her reputation of lashing out at her staff. In other words the laughter is a mechanism to disassociate from reality when she’s stressed? Oh boy.
Gusty Winds said...
Harris' cackling is just a cover for and empty head.
respectfully, NO!
She isn't just cackling because she doesn't know what to say.. She cackles when she's got in an obvious lie
It's Not like Biden's "anyway", that showed he had No IDEA what he was going to say..
It's a "tell" that she's LYING..
"Kamela? what's that white stuff on your blouse? what have you been doing"
.. "[cackle cackle cackle] oh, it's just some glue, i was doing artwork [cackle cackle cackle]"
Robin Givhan trying to curry favor.
To Curry Favor, Favor Curry
The Dullard seems to be looking forward to the Kamala Trump debate, too. Let's remember to discuss it after.
NKP said...
Beth Dutton
Beth Dutton would kick all of their asses. Now THAT would be a show!!!
Democrats are constantly trying to change the meaning of words. In this case, Trump is 'weird' in the Nazi sort of way, and not 'weird' in The Portland kind of way.
Dumb Lefty Mark: "MLB Wolf, get Mike Pence to speak at a Trump rally and show us his terrible boss phase is in the past.
Plenty of Trump's first term hires no longer endorse him, as the public is well aware."
Yes Mark. The large number of GOPe and establishment hires in the Trump admin do not like him and wont endorse him!
Thats basically what this is all about and yes, I hope everyone is "well aware" as it is a defining feature of this anti-uniparty movement.
My gosh you are dense. Another term that would be accurate would be Dumb Lefty.
BTW, we haven't received a Threads update from you since your hilariously moronic predictions of X's demise due to Threads inevitable crushing of X.
It feels less forced than Hillary's laugh. I think Trump's supporters want to draw that comparison but I don't hear it.
Howard said:
An appropriate moniker for a brown nosing rat squad hallway monitor:
Boetz von Belichingents
WOW! Your incisive wit has cut me to the quick! Replacing G's with B's? Why didn't I see that coming?
And everyone here thinks so highly of you!
You have affixed me in my place, Howard. Just like Mark's dick in your mouth.
Leck mich am Arsch!*
Goetz von Berlichingen
* An ancient German greeting.
Inga said...
“Trump wavers on Harris debate, says he could ‘make a case’ for skipping”
If Harris thinks she's going to get the same format that Biden got then it's in Trump's best interest to walk away. It was worth the possibility of a three-on-one attack to get Potatohead (who, IIRC, all our resident lefties thought Trump was 'scared' of debating) to have to stand up and attempt to remain coherent for 90 minutes.
Inga thought Biden crushed Trump in their debate in June- not even her own party members agreed with that assessment.
guitar joe said...
It feels less forced than Hillary's laugh. I think Trump's supporters want to draw that comparison but I don't hear it.
I think this was widely discussed on another thread, and has been referenced on this one.
A nervous or defensive laugh is still natural even if it's occurring when it appears inappropriate. It's not forced, it just doesn't reflect a comment that had humorous value.
here's The Weirdest Part of ALL..
according to the democrat party and the mainstream media.. Kamela is "attractive"
Think about that?
Not; 'Kamela isn't as hideously ugly as MOST democrats.. But: "Kamela is "attractive"
Comparison/Contrast with so-so looking republicans
In my Life there has been ONE attractive democrat.. Tulsi Gabbard; and look what they did do her?
Michael Malice has an analysis of her performance:
Germany is populated with inferior Swedes, us Norges don't sabe Kraut, Kurt von Horstengraben. Keep running through the weeds.
Opinion writers are just so full of shit. I am embarrassed for them. Now fiction on the other hand is honest to its core. Paradoxical, huh?
Trump is playing hard to get as far as the debate goes. It’s his turn to lay down the rules, including the TV station. He will never be able to resist confronting that nitwit.
@Joe Bar That comic nailed it. But what if she’s not drinking and that’s just her natural crazy self? Krazy K?
i feel burdened
Javier Milei, the current President of Argentina, is a serious guy who laughs often.
How do they feel about him? (Rhetorical--I know how they feel about him).
Mark wants to spice things up with Howard after a row, so shim goes out and buys some crotch-less panties.
After dinner Mark goes to the bedroom and slips them on and waits for Howard.
When Howard walks into the bedroom, Mark says, “You want some of this big boy?”
Howard cries, “My God! No! Look what it’s done to your undies!”
Mark said: "Maybe next you can accuse her of having affairs" Accuse? How about we just review how she got her start in politics as Willie Brown's side piece. Or is that just an unconfirmed rumor?
While studying at Howard University, Kamala Harris was a member of the debate team. She was also elected to the liberal arts student council in her freshman year.
Althouse said: "Let's hear Kamala Harris sit down for an hour with a serious and challenging interviewer." That would be interesting but it's not going to happen. The MSM is already in the tank for her, they sure aren't going to ask her any tough questions.
The cheerleading for Harris by the media is off the charts.
Iman and Fritz von Doppelganger have some wild, fluid sexual fantasies... NTTAWWT.
Got to admit Kamala has created the most open “duper’s delight ” facial reaction ever seen. She sees her abilities to peddle her lies and blarney to such a dumb Media audience extremely funny. And she’s right.
I think she uses the laugh as a crutch, in her public speaking. She's merely trying to think of the next thing to say.
And you are running Trump, whose TV shows famous line was him smugly saying 'you're fired'.
There's a big difference between quitting because your boss is a piece of shit and being fired because you suck.
You can't be this dumb. You just can't.
They are trying so, so hard to make Kamala a thing. Bless their hearts.
The Adams insult could perfectly apply to Harris and all her "white dudes".
Kamala is too short to be President.
Her pants suits to disguise her five-inch heels embarrass the country.
Yes, Will Cate.
And giggling is her nonverbal "Am I right? No, really..tell me I'm right."
Just Howard as Ole and Mark as Lena, a happy Norwegian twosome.
Her guffaws speak to a moment: the thrill, the catharsis, the you-have-to-laugh-to-keep-from-crying-or-punching-a-wall of it all
No, her cackling is filler material. She doesn't know what she wants to say, so she laughs. Harris isn't some frustrated, or tormented, or exhilarated existentialist heroine. She's not that deep.
Was she really on the college debate team? That's not impossible. She's not breaking-up in laughter all the time. She probably can stick to a script and read off file cards or a teleprompter. Republicans shouldn't underestimate her, and they shouldn't assume that the standard she'd have to meet to be judged successful by her voters is as high as they'd like or expect it to be.
Are these journalists and wordsmiths getting paid triple-time for their extra effort in trying to prop up, shine up, and spit polish Qween Kamelot into the female version of Obama the 1?
It reminds me of a Hollywood advertising blitz when they spent too much on a stinker-of-a-movie, but they claim every film critic is raving over it spiel.
"laugh:intransitive verb To express certain emotions, especially mirth or delight, by a series of spontaneous, usually unarticulated sounds often accompanied by corresponding facial and bodily movements."
Whatever she is doing, it isn't that.
She laughs like Elaine Benes dances.
That is not the correct usage.
The “in” portion is connected to “join”, as in “join in”.
“…to join in, as much as…”
"Trump has been out-and-proud weird since the 1980s."
Is that so? Every interview I've ever seen of Trump from the 80's shows a very soft-spoken, dignified young man. I don't believe Donald Trump has ever labeled himself as weird, maybe during one of his marathon, rally speeches in a moment of ironic self-mocking. But no, he's not weird at all. He's very conventional and ordinary for a Billionaire celebrity Real Estate mogul, television star, and USA president. I'll call bullshit on that. Show me something from the 80's where Donald Trump calls himself weird.
NKP said...
Is Kamala the best they got? Seriously.
If they're going to skip the will of the voters (primary elections), why not let the women sort it out themselves.
Pick a small remote island. No internet or communication with outside world. Stock a single building with an abundance of needed supplies, a limited number of nice-to-have things and a few luxury items. A bunch of bungalos ranging from basic shelter to damn nice.
Make sure some essential tasks can only be accomplished by small and larger groups cooperating.
Then, we dump the following people there and see who's calling the shots six months later. Voila! We have a Democratic Party Standard Bearer!
I don't think 'Vegas would dare handicap the choices.
Kamala Harris
Maxine Waters
Liz Cheney
Liz Warren
Nikki Haley
Doctor Jill Biden
Lisa Murkowski
Joy Reid
Stacey Abrams
M. Obama
Meghan Markle
Ilhan Omar
Janet Yellen
Joy Behar
Randi Weingarten
Rachel Levine
Keith Olbermann
Jemele Hill
Beth Dutton
7/31/24, 10:33 AM
This is pure genius. Bizarro World MILF Island. It would be hard to bet against Pelosi versus that lineup. I see a lot of followers and foot soldiers, and the few leaders rule by brute power and position, Pelosi being the exception.
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