Far leftist protester with a crossbow outside the RNC in Milwaukee on the Trump assassination attempt says “it’s a shame the person missed” https://t.co/wyEJeCLcoD pic.twitter.com/FcWe0SdghI
— Timcast News (@TimcastNews) July 15, 2024
blogging every day since January 14, 2004
Far leftist protester with a crossbow outside the RNC in Milwaukee on the Trump assassination attempt says “it’s a shame the person missed” https://t.co/wyEJeCLcoD pic.twitter.com/FcWe0SdghI
— Timcast News (@TimcastNews) July 15, 2024
१०३ टिप्पण्या:
That fat leftist fascist holds the opinion of most leftist fascists. Trump hate is a cult.
Really fucking sick of these pieces of shit openly attacking and threatening good people.
Good lord- the contradictions...
I fail to imagine a scenario where a crossbow pistol would be a justifiable carry weapon against imminent deadly force.
At last we found “They”.
Fuzzy thinking seems to be the hallmark of those like her.
A giant rabid raccoon?
I respect her. It's nice to see people who recognize the rules, even if she's obviously not ready to play by them.
But then, maybe she has certain imaginings about how things will go for her. They might even come true.
FTR they are on the Soros - Dem payroll. It’s good for the economy though no income tax nor FICA is ever paid
The interviewee seems to have too high and estimation of her intelligence. Quotes Jefferson out of context. Refers to her hammer and sickle tattoo as representation of her birthplace, but denies any affinity with Russia and considers herself a Socialist (hello - Union of Soviet Socialist Republics is what her homeland was called).
Womprat like those shot with a t 16 on beggars canyon
This woman perfectly represents today's Dem party.
More people need to see this.
I call baloney on the tattoo explanation. I bet this individual was born after the USSR fell.
Awesome contrast w Babydog.
BTW she left out the next sentence in that quote from Jefferson. .
“It is its natural manure”
I bet this individual was born after the USSR fell.
Me too, but I suspect claiming it is 'xer truth'...
The fact that a person like that has the right to vote is my main problem with democracy.
Trump HATE, is a cult.
Cultivated by ABC, CBS, NBC, NYT, PBS, WaPo, etc...
People like that don't just pop out of the ground, like fungi. They are the product of careful cultivation.
At least you can be assured she (and those of her ilk) will not procreate and they will not bother future generations.
Periodic reminder that the obesity rate for American women has passed 40%. (Ditto men.)
Of course every The View /Maddow MSNBC watching person on the left buys all the lies spun on the left- and therefore it's perfectly normal to want to kill Trump.
One of the bigger lies is that Trump will round up and kill all gays. A total lie - but when you're a loyal leftist, the lies are real. the lies are true. How does it feel to walk around in total cult-like delusion?
She states she is afraid to be there in Milwaukee. Why? No right winger is going to attack her. She's trying to do the "both sides" do violence thingy. Will not fly.
She reeks of ignorance from 100 yards away. Why would anyone want her opinion about anything? When someone self-identifies as an idiot, why not just let them enjoy it.
This is starting to feel like the Act 10 protests, only with an extra helping of astroturf. I mentioned back when our host was presenting photos and videos of those events, that what was needed was "an army of Kodaks" to document the insanity. Now, with the proliferation of phones and the openness of X to diversity of views, citizen journalists are stepping up. Good.
Why is she wearing a mask? Does she have a wig on?
“ People like that don't just pop out of the ground, like fungi. They are the product of careful cultivation.”
With manure.
She is ready to be a panelist on Morning Joe.
You can't spell Tyranny without Tranny.
The Radioactive tattoo and cat ears are a nice touch.
Doesn't at all sound like "mixed feelings" to me ... sounds like she is totally in favor of it
I bet she's pro-Hamas, too.
Didn't watch. But I notice she's been tagged as a radiation hazard.
Clear labelling is important, y'all. Hope the interviewer didn't get too big of a dose.
Excuse me, did you say she's a fascist or a fat shit?
But then, maybe she has certain imaginings about how things will go for her.
Won't she be surprised when, post-revolution, she's one of the those kneeling by the muddy trench, and not one of the people holding the clipboards...?
Crazy woman. The outdoor mask alone is enough of an indicator.
What happened to that poor creature?
At least she knows that she SHOULD be ashamed of herself, hence the mask.
These are the AWFLS that we have warned you about. They hate America. They hate America, and we should ship them to Gaza to help their idols Hamas.
They are ignorant and people should shun them until they grow up.
I wonder which federal agency she works for.
So much to unpack here. There's a point where no matter how much black you wear it only makes you look fatter. The little ears are a nice touch, but you don't look like a panda. You look like a chick addicted to cheeseburgers. Walk more. Lose the mask. You're outside.
You already know my theory of tattoos.
Gotta feel sorry for her. The fact that the assassination attempt failed has left her in a dark and fearful place.
well marxism, and anarchism, preceded the SovieU Union, the latter took out prime ministers and presidents on either side of the Atlantic, Mckinley Carnot, I forget the Spanish one,
"We want to live."
And do you think you would, had Trump died?
IQ somewhat less than three digits.
The radioactive warning tattoo on her shoulder is apt.
Filed under: Unclear on the Concept
The cat ears give it away…
The best and the brightest.
So, a member of the violence tribe is frightened to be there. Despite the fact that her tribe, the left, are the perpetrators of violence on an ongoing basis for years. Ah, bullshit. Her statement regarding the effort to assassinate Trump, so that is a valid tactic ? That is the evil that is the left, the democrat party, and likely the people who voted for joey bidet. Interesting.
Just another Russian fatcat…
Libs of TikTok collected screen shots of many teachers in the US and Canada--from pre-school to university--saying what a shame the assassin missed. I imagine this is the first reaction from Progressives, whether openly expressed or not.
RMc said...
Won't she be surprised when, post-revolution, she's one of the those kneeling by the muddy trench, and not one of the people holding the clipboards...?
7/17/24, 9:27 AM
Exactly. Meeting a MAGA fanatic will be much more pleasant for her.
"Hey Hey, Ho Ho, (your ad here) has got to go" ♩ ♫
What leads a person to be her?
I'd really like to know.
When the Paxil wears off she'll go back to being Trigglypuff.
I blame the parents.
A perfect reminder that slightly more than half of young leftist women suffer from mental illness.
"A perfect reminder that slightly more than half of young leftist women suffer from mental illness."
This is a statistical fact. More than half of the American female population is on SSRIs.
The problem isn't the boys. It's the girls.
Doesn't at all sound like "mixed feelings" to me ... sounds like she is totally in favor of it
This is how it sounds to me too. Her reason for not endorsing a second attempt was that she wasn't sure it would work.
They say - "they say" - you can find crazy people with abhorrent views on both sides, but it sure is easier to find them on her side.
Any possibility that this is some kind of AI generated deep fake or did the interviewer just hit the jackpot with her? She really is a trifecta of all things irritating. The only flaw I can find in her delivery is her lack of visible support for Hamas. Perhaps for the next interview she can get a Palestinian flag tattooed on her arm. Really, we should expect better in our Secret Service agents, but that's who Biden has guarding the perimeter.
First-generation radicals, rebels, and hedonists can be quite successful in life. They react against a functional -- and sometimes rigid or oppressive -- cultural framework proven to facilitate success. This includes the Baby Boomers pushing back against old school USA and early-to-middle ancient Rome as it grew wealthy.
The first generation gives birth to second-generation radicals, rebels, and mentally unstable people without even an implicit grounding in a functional life framework. They often become this type of person and may not have the support to escape dysfunction. Evolutionary dead ends. Most of the acorns that fall from the tree are eaten by animals or rot into the soil. They do not grow into new oak trees.
"Trump staged the assassination", blaming him for casualties at the rally.
Basically, a very unhealthy person both physically and mentally. You can’t wish for somebody else to be killed and at the same time complain about you being terrified about your own safety without being fundamentally unbalanced and in a chronic state of dis- ease. Note, this does not mean unintelligent just unhinged. This person is one step away from actually being violent and justifying it. IOW this person is the perfect candidate for a position as a professional activist/useful idiot.
Trans identity is a plus - testosterone fueled rage wrapped up in a facade of female passivity.
Wow. Just...wow. I've seen this mentality before, but every time it just hits like a truck how indoctrinated these people are.
I'm not shocked that this person wishes Trump had been killed. It is probably a far more widely held belief than most would hope for. What surprises me is that people like this think they're the good guys.
Other folks have noted that this person is trans and that very likely plays a role in their beliefs. I don't mean this as an insult to the person or other trans folks but trans people typically have other mental disorders beyond their underlying transness. Combine that with the chronic feelings of dysphoria because their perception of themself doesn't match up with others' or reality you get person that is under a lot of constant stress and negative emotions. This can cause feelings of desperation and desperate people entertain desperate ideas.
"First-generation radicals, rebels, and hedonists can be quite successful in life. They react against a functional -- and sometimes rigid or oppressive -- cultural framework proven to facilitate success. This includes the Baby Boomers pushing back against old school USA and early-to-middle ancient Rome as it grew wealthy.
The first generation gives birth to second-generation radicals, rebels, and mentally unstable people without even an implicit grounding in a functional life framework. They often become this type of person and may not have the support to escape dysfunction. Evolutionary dead ends. Most of the acorns that fall from the tree are eaten by animals or rot into the soil. They do not grow into new oak trees."
Well said. The Chinese have a phrase for it that is related, (富不过三代) - "Wealth does not last 3 generations". But it works for so much else not just wealth; political power, attitude...sanity.
- The first generation builds it
- The second generation tries to maintain it
- The third generation squanders it
These kids are the product of a lifestyle-obsession that grew from ancestors who won the greatest victory in human history ever known. And, like so many before them, they have totally forgotten that the world is not a nice place filled with kittens and rainbows and that someone will not be around forever to protect them and make the world as they say so often "safe" for them.
The world is not a safe place. Every generation must be prepared to face ugliness. These kids aren't just unwilling to face ugliness, they've become ugliness itself.
The ultimate surrender.
So, on one hand we have our leftist overlords saying that rhetoric does not inspire assassination attempts, but here we have a person who is inspired toward assassination.
Why does she believe Trump is an existential threat to life and liberty? it's because that is what she has been told. And when yo are told someone is a threat to your liberty, the logical thing is to eliminate the threat. She apparently feels BAMN is a valid philosophy.
What say you leftist commenters?
Last weekend Althouse asked you to soul search. Have you done it? Will you now begin to distance yourself from the forces you previously supported that turns people into assassination fantasists? Or is Rhetoric only a one way street?
What a fat stupid pig huh?
I think the interviewer should have asked more questions about why she is afraid, what is driving her fear? Ask her if she perceives any threats in her immediate vicinity, and ask her why?
So she is sorry that Trump's shooter missed, she brought a weapon to a protest but she is the one afraid of violence.
In California it is actually illegal to carry a crossbow during a protest.
Are Crossbows Legal in California?|Shooting Bow
- Nisa Bardien
California Crossbow Laws
While it is legal to own a crossbow in the state of California, it is essential to know that they don’t recognize crossbows as archery equipment when it comes to hunting.
Instead, crossbows are treated more akin to firearms than anything else.
Hunting With a Crossbow: Timing
One of the most popular reasons for owning a crossbow is to hunt with it. In California, it is legal to hunt with a crossbow during the firearm season only.
Legal During Firearm Season
In some states, hunting with a crossbow is more restricted than it is in California, and some state’s laws are more relaxed.
For example, in some states, only disabled people are allowed to hunt using a crossbow, with no exceptions.
In other states, crossbow hunting is restricted to deer and big game season only.
California sits in the middle of these by allowing crossbow hunting during all gun seasons.
However, exceptions are made for disabled people who are allowed to use crossbows for hunting during archery season.
Legal During Archery Season for Disabled Persons ONLY
You may be entitled to a disability waiver if you have a disease or disability that prevents you from manually drawing and holding a regular bow.
To become eligible, you first need to contact the California Fish and Game Commission to obtain a waiver.
They will require you to provide all of the information listed below, which you must also carry on you while hunting at all times.
Personal details (full name, address, DOB, driver’s license number, and signature)
Disability information (description of your disease, disability, or illness)
Physician’s information (full name, address, license number, and signature)
Crossbow Restrictions
Although owning a crossbow is legal, carrying and discharging it comes with some restrictions, just like any other weapon.
Carrying a Crossbow
It is legal to openly carry a crossbow in most places, as long as it’s not loaded and cocked.
Places where crossbows (and any and all weapons, for that matter) are strictly prohibited include colleges and universities.
Whether they are public or private, no weapons of any kind are allowed within teaching buildings, student housing, or on any campuses.
Anywhere that it is illegal to carry a firearm in California, it is also unlawful to carry a crossbow.
This goes for state parks, public buildings, and hospitals. You must also not be in possession of a crossbow while picketing.
When transporting your crossbow in a vehicle of any kind, it is also illegal to have an arrow seated in the flight rail.
This law covers all motorized vehicles, including cars and trucks, as well as boats.
Well said. The Chinese have a phrase for it that is related, (富不过三代) - "Wealth does not last 3 generations". But it works for so much else not just wealth; political power, attitude...sanity.
- The first generation builds it
- The second generation tries to maintain it
- The third generation squanders it
This is exactly what happened to the first two companies I worked for. Grandpa built the business, dad maintained it and sonny boy ran it into the ground and sold off the scraps.
This woman is batting 10,000. I imagine her comrades have removed her for further re-education.
Mason G said...
"- The first generation builds it
- The second generation tries to maintain it
- The third generation squanders it"
Hard times create strong men,
strong men create good times,
good times create weak men,
and weak men create hard times <--- we are here with Biden...
If Trump had been killed, what do these people think would have happened to his millions of followers? Would they go Poof and disappear? I doubt if Trump's assassination would persuade any of them to vote for Biden.
Weapons including guns and crossbows are permitted in the DNC outer security area and elsewhere in the city. No weapons allowed in the inner security area. State law is open carry otherwise. Some items used in riots that are not covered by the state weapons law have been restricted. But these people don't follow the law -- they use the law to falsely accuse police while the ACLU and NLG videotape them pretending to be injured.
Watch for umbrellas (with sharpened metal) tonight. And lots of masks. COVID really screwed the laws many states have about restricting face covering at protests.
@Mason G
"We are always one generation from barbarism" - Unknown, but believed to be Mark Twain
The human animal has changed his environment in ways unconceivable to our distant ancestors, but if you had a time machine and could bring the great thinkers and sages of the ancient world to our time, they would instantly recognize us for what they were.
The quality of humans has not improved. We are the same flawed, clumsy, stupid, envious, lustful, etc creatures Ecclesiastes would've recognized. The difference is we can fly now and have learned to control prompt criticality in fission reactions.
These "theys" must be defeated at all cost. Both the living and those not yet born are in severe danger from "them".
We have one, as yet, unmarried child A man. We have always been careful to avoid critiquing the kid's choices in dates/mate. (Luckily the first 3 are paired with good choices.)
But if our son showed up with this creature.... I'd try to avoid criticizing her in front of my son. But the alternating laughter and dry heaves might be clues.
FWIW I'd think it would be a tossup on whether it's safer to stand in front of Alex Baldwin with a pistol or this creature with her (not a firearm so all good) pistol crossbow.
@Tina Trent: COVID really screwed the laws many states have about restricting face covering at protests.
Correction: "COVID was used as cover by sympathetic left-wing governments to boost soft terror organizations like ANTIFA and BLM, eliminate the ability to identify activists, and to block prosecution of left-wing supporters."
See the rise of the masked KKK after the Civil War. Contrast with the clueless naivete of the right-wing Jan 6 crowd.
Wait. She carries a pistol crossbow in public for "self-defense" because she doesn't like firearms??? It's "much" safer???
Tell that to the deer.
Lesbian Liberty Crossbow Assassin
She should have her own comic book.
"The quality of humans has not improved. We are the same flawed, clumsy, stupid, envious, lustful, etc creatures Ecclesiastes would've recognized."
The guys who fought a revolution to found this country seemed to understand that, what with the effort they went to in designing a government with limited powers. The unfortunate thing is that even limited powers attract those who desire to use them for their own purposes and expand them whenever the opportunity presents itself (something about letting a crisis go to waste would apply here).
It's strange that none of these people are arguing that even if Joe Biden murdered an innocent man and almost killed his political rival, that he was, nevertheless, immune from any consequence. Legacy media insisted that the Supreme Court's immunity division would normalize political assassinations.
"Outside the GOP convention in Milwaukee, a protester expresses mixed feelings about political violence."
Let me guess... "Okay for us, not for our opponents."
Truly a poster-child of woke-culture, straight from central-casting. Checklist please: Rainbow mouth-masked outside in fresh-air, visible tattoos and poor hygiene, dyed unruly hair, 60 lbs overweight and proud, dressed for bed or beach rather than casual Friday business attire, and very likely gender-confused, asexual, and/or gay.
Typical look in SF.
I believe I have a hand crossbow similar to what she is carrying. It's barely above a toy (a fun toy, nonetheless). While the darts (can't really call them bolts) - plastic with a metal tip - will certainly cause an injury that may require a big band aid, it's not very accurate or powerful beyond a few yards.
Really, what goes through these peoples minds?
When the Drow use those, tye tips of the bolts are poisoned.
Good God Almighty! you really can't fix stupid!
She could put an eye out with that thing.
Had not heard about collecting pictures of teachers. Sound like a good start.
Some HoDe cashier was saying she was sorry he missed. Someone went to her store and tried to talk to her about it.
They then reposted her post plus the encounter, tagging g home depot
Today HoDe said she is no longer employed by them.
Need to do this with teachers especially.
It would be great to get a few fired to encourage the others.
John Henry
call me crazy, but if i'm "terrified" to be somewhere I dont go there. Madison isnt that far. Go there.
Sort of related:
Someone started a campaign against Tractor Supply wokeness. After a week it hurt enough they canceled DEI and went back to sleep
Last week they said they were thinking of going after John Deere. Proactively, Deere started getting out of DEI.
Nobody even mentioned Microsoft as a target. Pro-proactivly the shut down DEI "no longer necessary" I think they said in one division, may shut down more.
See my comment about HoDe too.
My point is that people and companies like this may be paper tigers. Just a hint of pressure and they fold.
Just the threat we may fight back may be enough with many of them.
John Henry
The future is female!
does she think shes chewbacca,
"She reeks of ignorance from 100 yards away." That smell isn't ignorance.
I'm working this gig. The protesters were few at first and almost non-existent now.
I commented a couple hours ago about getting murderous teachers fired
Althouse gets results!
Oklahoma State Superintendent Ryan Walters stated on Tuesday that he plans to revoke an Ardmore City School instructor’s teaching certificate over her comments praising the individual who tried to assassinate former President Donald Trump.
John Henry
I remember when fat people were jolly.
Gusty Winds said...
"Wait. She carries a pistol crossbow in public for "self-defense" because she doesn't like firearms??? It's "much" safer???
Tell that to the deer."
It's a toy. I doubt it would puncture a leather jacket. The crossbow I use for hunting costs north of 700$ and will put a bolt right through a deer at 25 yards.
Mike Petrik said...
I remember when fat people were jolly.
Like Falstaff, and Herman Goering. . . .
(blatantly stolen, but it was so long ago, I cannot recall who from)
America's mental illness epidemic on full display...
How quickly do you think she can load that crossbow?
I just posted the link to this without comment on FaceBook. They immediately took it down as SPAM. The bastards! Althouse is anything but!
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