July 7, 2024

"Kennedy's campaign did not comment on the 'sides' he was referring to in his tweet, or what other 'debates' he was referring to, beyond pointing to his post on the '60 Minutes' report."

 From "Robert F. Kennedy Jr. says he 'won't take sides' on what happened on 9/11/The independent presidential candidate made the remark in a social media post, later saying that he was referring to 'possible Saudi involvement' in the 2001 terror attacks" (NBC News).


Dave Begley said...

Fine people on both sides.

doctrev said...

How do you not take sides? Pick the government story or insist on the truth, there are good reasons for either. Trying to be neutral makes you look like a tool for other interests, which RFK increasingly is.

Temujin said...

RFK Jr. has so many different ideas bouncing around in his head, and many of them are very good. He's very smart, does a lot of homework. But he's also very...how you say...naive? There are a number of topics in which he sounds like a sophomore leftist in college. It's hard to tamp that part of himself down 24/7, so sometimes things are uttered.

Gusty Winds said...

Didn't Saudi Arabia just dump the Petrodollar?

I'd imagine the US will be ramping up the 9/11 blame.

narciso said...

We need a comprehensive inquiry thaf will examine all the parties involved

There was so much left out of the 9 11 commission report that its largely worthless except for some of the recommendations

ga6 said...

"True colors shining through"

or British English and col Mcormick:

"True colours shining thru"

ga6 said...

sorry: McCormick

narciso said...

Not only the elements of the saudi government but what did the us govt know about it

narciso said...

The stupidest argument was denialism thatit didnt happen

Sally327 said...

At best, he comes across as naive and unsophisticated. But then he is a bit of a cluck. Sure, just open the files, that's the ticket. What files? Why does everyone always assume the government must have a file somewhere, with the mysteries of the universe written down inside it, waiting for that one intrepid discoverer of truth to open the folder and let the world see. As if that would satisfy the conspiracy theorists, it would just be seen as another trick, a misdirect meant to manipulate and deceive.

Achilles said...

I am sad that RFK is so silly and naive.

You have to make absolutely clear whose side you are on with a tweet like this. There is a right side. Peace, Modernity, freedom and equal rights and justice are the side we should all be on.

9/11 made clear that there are enemies of freedom in the world.

Terrorists funded by Saudi Arabia were one of these groups. Since 9/11 you also need to recognize how it has changed since then.

The other group that made it clear it was an enemy of freedom is the DC establishment that includes both parties. Everyone that is involved with the patriot act should at a minimum be tarred and feathered.

I think we need to declassify everything our government has done.


narciso said...

His campaign manager amy fox is a former intel operative

As i say that simple statement could have solved a lot of problems

Bob Boyd said...

Opening files wouldn't be enough. He'd have to do some waterboarding.

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

Kennedy still a thing?

He is young and in perfect health ........except for

* a history of IV drug use
* hepatitis from IV drug use
* a heart condition for which he has been hospitalized three times
* a neurological disorder that causes involuntary spasms of the voice box
* mercury poisoning
* brain fog and diminished cognition that was already obvious ten years ago and
* a parasitic worm that ate part of his brain and

His history of heroin abuse and a dead worm in his brain might explain a few things.

But apart from that he is young, fit and very healthy!

narciso said...

The brain worm came from peter hotez evil dwarf

Narr said...

Muslims are not our friends, and never will be. That goes double for Saudis.

mikee said...

It isn't easy being a self-appointed cooler/fixer/wrench in a presidential campaign,especially when it is clear you can't stop the two major candidates despite a felony conviction for one and a dead brain for the other, you can't fix the election for one side or the other because you poll somewhere in the abyss and won't get a hatful of votes, and you can't jam up the election because you are a nonentity.

Aggie said...

That's a funny old kind of article, isn't it? It feels like a rear-guard action to make sure Kennedy stays weird compared to whatever Democrat candidate we end up with. Pretty Fact-Checky ! - but more like the fact checker was Ralph Wiggam (I'm Helping !)

narciso said...

Yet they dont address the real issue at heart,

narciso said...

How did key details remain hidden for so long its not like their wasnt evidence theres loads of it

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Tom T. said...

There was also a recent report where RFKJr was accused of sexual assault and eating a dog, and his response was an angry denial that he'd ever eaten a dog.

Readering said...

Rich: Young? At 70, Kennedy would be the second oldest first term president after Biden.

Yancey Ward said...

Poor Bich- always having to run interference for Democrats must be mentally and morally exhausting.

Ralph L said...

The files will say the Saudis were involved and they weren't involved.

Funny how the Sunday DC media shows are no longer relevant. I wonder how it happened that they lost credibility even with normal liberals like Althouse in this interesting time.

Chuck said...

Tweet of the Day, from just a couple of days ago:

Noem: I shot my dog.

RFKJr: Hold my beer.

narciso said...

There was certainly an infrastructure the high jackers relied on was it the position of the govt i dont think so

mccullough said...

W was the worst person possible to be president after 9/11. His family money was too tied up with the Saudis.

We should have gone into Saudi Arabia and killed all the Salafists. Instead we attacked Saddam, the Saudi’s enemy.

I don’t think Obama’s idea to have detente with Iran to counterbalance Saudis was a good idea. But his hands were tied after W backed his family’s patrons.

Amexpat said...

Next he won't take sides on the Apollo 11 moon landing.

Deep State Reformer said...

RFK is a rich, entitled Lefty dingbat, although he is mostly right about vaccines & autism. Were he to become POTUS Kennedy would be as bad as any of the other top-tier Democratic contenders on the important issues, excepting drugs,vaccines, & the menace of Big Pharma. However with all that said I cannot see for the life of me why Biden's security advisors won't grant Kennedy the Secret Service protection that he's asked for. That is a small minded, cavalier attitude coming from Old Joe especially considering that assholes like Dr. Fauci have a whole US Marshal Service detail assigned to him 24/7.

Aggie said...

"...However with all that said I cannot see for the life of me why Biden's security advisors won't grant Kennedy the Secret Service protection that he's asked for. That is a small minded, cavalier attitude coming from Old Joe especially considering that assholes like Dr. Fauci have a whole US Marshal Service detail assigned to him 24/7. ..."

Joe Biden has always and forever been a nasty-minded piece of work, a mean-spirited *sshole. It doesn't surprise me in the least. Nor does it surprise me that other politicians made little-to-no effort to shame him for it, or demand he reverse the decision. It speaks volumes about the principles of our entire political class, IMO.

narciso said...

I second the notion,

now it's arguable that ubl, seeing the kind of apocalyptic vision that baghdadi would employ a decade later, sought saudi's precisely because he wanted the US to declare war on Islam's core, the Two Shrines,

however the fact that the highest echelons of the UK and US government sought to hide this from us, is telling,

narciso said...

now the tape raises some interesting questions, which didn't come up when they interviewed bayoumi why was he talking to the team that wanted to attack the towers but not apparently the Capitol

Lucien said...

Could it be that Kennedy chewed the pooch?

Gusty Winds said...
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Gusty Winds said...

What are the "sides" on which RFK. Jr. will not comment? Seems more than two...

1) Bin Laden and Al Qaeda did it from the bases of Afghanistan with some backing from Saddam Hussein and his non-existent WMDs?

2) It was all the Saudi's in preparation to dump the petrodollar?

3) It was an inside CIA/Mossad globalist, Neocon job?

I suspect RFK Jr. doesn't want to "take sides" because he knows, or suspects more than he is willing to admit.

Anybody here still believe 9/11 was solely #1? Amazing the half of America doesn't think minorities can get and ID to vote. But Damn! We got our hands on the IDs of the 19 hijackers quickly. They weren’t even trying to vote.

Gusty Winds said...

We can all sleep in peace knowing Oswald and Bin Laden acted alone.

narciso said...

Alex Berenson in his first novel, the Faithful Spy, had a former ranger, embed themselves in the Bin Laden organization, partially rising out of the Chechen operations, the French and Belgians had a man named Nassiri, in some outside Franchise

narciso said...

then again you have the likes of Michael Haydens NSA missing intercepts from Sanaa to Los Angeles, back in 2000 he eventually was promoted to Director