July 11, 2024

In the last day, Kamala Harris just drifted back ahead of Joe Biden in the betting odds.

Graphically depicted at RCP:

What happened? Anticipation of the "big boy" news conference?

The poll finds Biden and former president Donald Trump in a dead heat in the contest for the popular vote, with both candidates receiving 46 percent support among registered voters.... Other post-debate national polls tracked by The Post, Trump leads by 3.5 percentage points on average, compared with a one-point Trump edge in those same polls before the debate.

That doesn't sound static. That sounds like Trump picked up 2.5 points in a week. Moreover: 

Biden led Trump by between nine and 11 points in averages of public polls at this point in the campaign four years ago. He ended up winning by 4.5 points.

He ended up winning in the Electoral College — by 68 votes (303 to  235). Try putting together a victory for Biden on the interactive Electoral College map, which, displayed in "no toss-ups" mode, currently shows Trump winning 312 to 226.


Enigma said...

George Clooney and Nancy Pelosi "expressed doubts."

Jamie said...

Biden and Harris have been do-si-do-ing in the betting odds too. Today, Harris is at +650 and Biden is at +820. Trump is still favored at -161 - I think he was around -145 a day or two ago.

Temujin said...

I wonder who these people are who have gotten a dose of Kamala, but nonetheless think to themselves, "Yes...that's Presidential material there."

Jamie said...

Overall, 2 in 3 adults say the president should step aside

Ok, I realize that they have to identified the polled group, but "adults"? As if they might also ask children? Somehow this point has never struck me before.

I wonder why they didn't ask registered or likely voters. (Or maybe they did - I'll go to the link.)

Aggie said...

I think the decision has been made, but not accepted. We're in the 'soak' cycle now.

Achilles said...

The problem is that Kamala is not going to solve their problem.

Nobody will believe that she got 90 million votes.

TreeJoe said...

Kamala’s main assigned duty was the southern border crisis.

What exactly has she done or championed or solved? Oh it’s gotten worse you say ?

I do wonder if Trump knew Harris might step in and hit the border as his primary talking point accordingly.

Achilles said...

Nobody actually believes that Biden had 81 million voters.

But they can kinda pretend.

They have zero chance pulling that off with either of these two.

They are trying to figure out how many votes they need to mail in for Michelle right now. But if it is Kamala they are giving up because they know that won’t work.

imTay said...

Sounds like a real recipe for turnout, so my bet is that the actual percentage of people who bother to show up to vote for a guy they know can't do the job is going to be a bit lower than the people who tell a pollster that they support Biden.

Just an old country lawyer said...

The infuriating/sad thing is that the Democrat party is only interested in Biden's ability to win the election, not in his ability to perform his duties. They seem perfectly fine having the country's CEO run by a person or persons unknown. At least tell us who is actually making the critical decisions. Obama? Jill and Hunter? Senior staff? Alex Soros and Huma Abedin? The last thing they will ever reveal.

imTay said...

If you think about how all of this started with a "donor revolt," you have to remember that the big money donors are the only people, outside of Biden's inner circle, who have seen Joe up close and personal, because nobody writes a six-figure check without a handshake and a photo from the guy wearing the big boy pants, and they have been confronted with the reality vs the propaganda.

Wince said...

Isn't this a bet on who will be nominated, and how other people will vote given that choice?

Not a metric of personal preference.

tommyesq said...

I note that Harris' ascendency over Biden corresponds with Trump hitting his high point.

Rusty said...

Aaaand it's not going to change anything for the Democrats.

Achilles said...
"Nobody actually believes that Biden had 81 million voters."
You know that's not true. You read them here every day. The true progeressive believers. "If Stalin only knew........"

RideSpaceMountain said...

Kneepads kneepads!
She's their gal!
If she can't fail upwards,
No one shall!

rhhardin said...

Vote fraud wins for the Democrats. They always get whatever they need.

Iman said...

‘So Mitterrand… Mitterrand turns to me and he says… he says… “how long you back for?” ‘

—- P0TATUS Joe Biden

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Who's a good boy!

the Biden family freak show must be nearing the Hunter Biden pay-out.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's funny to see leftist loyalists rush to Biden's side. (all while they ignore him most of the time - as commanded by the Biden regime itself/democrat media industrial Soviet machine - and obsess over Trump 24/7)
As soon a Biden drops out - these same Q-annon Leftist hiveminders will rejoice.

Christopher B said...

The point of switching to Harris would be to get somebody who can actually campaign which will save a few seats in Congress, and maybe bring the Presidential race into the margin of fraud. Sticking with a guy who can't read off a teleprompter is sure to be a down-ballot disaster.

tim maguire said...

Biden surged back, probably on the strength of the endorsement by the CBC, then his surge fell apart, almost certainly on Clooney's statement (since Clooney is widely seen as acting with Obama's approval and maybe even at Obama's direction).

Christopher B said...

Also, the Democrats have to get the subject to change and keeping Biden doesn't do that. They'll get a brief respite during the GOP convention but, as far as I can tell, that's going to be a low-drama showcase for Trump and the rest of the Republicans. The Democrat's convention is looking to be a shitshow with continuing questions about Biden if he stays in coupled with days of protests.

Achilles said...

Rusty said...
Aaaand it's not going to change anything for the Democrats.

Achilles said...
"Nobody actually believes that Biden had 81 million voters."
You know that's not true. You read them here every day. The true progeressive believers. "If Stalin only knew........"

They never actually say 81 million people voted for Joe Biden.

Nobody ever actually says that. Listen to them.

They all know.

What allows them to continue to hold on is the plausible belief they can cheat again and maintain power. It is just too much right now for all but the lowest IQ morons.

They are trying to figure out if they can steal the 2024 election with Michelle right now. She is the only option that provides a plausible pretense.

But they know a bunch of illegals will get caught voting.

They can’t maintain their power without the BLM Brownshirt force. Antifa is too female and feeble. Will BLM burn shit down for Michelle?

gilbar said...

More than half of Democrats say Biden should end his candidacy.
Overall, 2 in 3 adults say the president should step aside, including more than 7 in 10 independents

of course..

Hari said...

Notice the following pattern when the same company polls both Biden v Trump and Biden v Harris: The percentage of people choosing a candidate goes up significantly. For example, in the latest ABC polls (by ABC):

Trump 46 Biden 46 (undecided = 8)
Trump 47 Harris 49 (undecided = 4)

The only plausible explanation is that 3 of the 8 people who move to Harris from undecided are Dems who simply can't bring themselves to vote for Biden, and 1 of 8 people who move to Trump from undecided are actually voting against Harris.

Biden hasn't changed much over the last few years. What happened was that everyone was forced to take a hard look at Biden unplugged during the debate, and the results were a disaster for Biden. What will happen when everyone is forced to take a similar hard look at Harris?

Is the media more honest about its polls than it is about anything else. Are claims about margin of error (does anyone know how that is calculated? show me the math) any more accurate than "fact checks?"

narciso said...

Basically a tie between tweedle dum and tweetle dumber with orange man way ahead

gilbar said...

Achilles said...
The problem is that Kamala is not going to solve their problem.
Nobody will believe that she got 90 million votes.

BUT! they don't NEED 90 million "votes".. ALL they need is a 90 million "VOTE COUNT"
What are YOU going to do, when they steal this election too? Willing to spend your life in prison?

RideSpaceMountain said...

"What will happen when everyone is forced to take a similar hard look at Harris?"

The same thing that many are doing with Biden. Denial.

"The only plausible explanation is that 3 of the 8 people who move to Harris from undecided are Dems who simply can't bring themselves to vote for Biden..."

This is the crux. They don't care who is actually in charge, because it doesn't matter. They're more concerned with down-ticket fallout because that really represents doom for at least the next two years. They're fine with a hostile house and senate because Headboard-Harris will simply legislate by executive fiat like Slow Joe has. Their base knows what a Trump presidency, House, Senate, and a 6-3 conservative court means. This is about power, not principles.

These traitors would rather put the most unqualified, least effective people in any position so long as it means the real power can keep pulling the strings behind the scenes. They're ghouls.

narciso said...


mikee said...

The approval for Harris has barely moved up any at all. Biden is again tanking, and dropped past the amazingly low approval number for Harris.

Jamie said...

Side note: I was just about to bite the bullet and sign up on X, to get to the rest of the Millie Hemingway thread linked above (among other things). Does it HONESTLY want me to tap my phone 600+ times to get back to the calendar block of my birth date? Why can't I just type it in?

Of course I could stop with like 200 times, to get back to a month and year when I would have been 18+. But I am a rule-follower.

Jamie said...

Mollie Hemingway, of course.

Robert Cook said...

"I wonder who these people are who have gotten a dose of Kamala, but nonetheless think to themselves, 'Yes...that's Presidential material there.'"

Kamala is certainly a dismal candidate for POTUS. But then, look at Trump! Dismal Donny won (barely and only in the electoral count) and he still (inexplicably) enchants and beguiles millions of supporters. Proof you can sell a pig's asshole as a desirable goods! The truth is, what few better quality potential POTUS candidates may be found in Congress, they're keeping their heads down and choosing to avoid the Shit House.

I'll vote for any breathing Dem candidate, as I said the other day, not in hopes of getting a quality POTUS, but at least one who is not a Republican. There seems no one in the Republican party willing, trying, or able to avert the party's coarsening into overt fascism, so "Better even a near-Dead Dem than any living Republican!"

RideSpaceMountain said...

Of the most appalling aspects of this entire farce - and there are many - is that democrat primary voters are willing to again get shafted so that those in the smoke-filled-room at the Jefferson-Jackson dinner can decide for them who THEY should want.

They did it to Hillary in 2008.
They did it to Bernie in 2016.
They're doing it again.

And their robotic, hideous, traitorous base is going to allow it again. They will get on the bus. They will, lockstep, fall into line and show up to vote for whom their betters have chosen for them. Primaries? Fuck those! Will of the people? Who cares!

Democrats are a laughing stock. Their 'muh precious principles' are 100 miles wide and an inch deep. Excrementitious platitudes piled on platitudes for decades now when all that really mattered was not taking the "L".

Freder Frederson said...

They never actually say 81 million people voted for Joe Biden.

What utter bullshit. I will say it, 81,283,501 people voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. How many votes do you think Biden got? Even Bill Barr admitted there was no evidence that the election was fraudulent.

Aggie said...

"I'll vote for any breathing Dem candidate...." is a refrain with many versions, but the same principle, if it could be elevated to that level, by name. Not an intellectual process. Not defensible as an idea. But a clear preference that was put into action by many 4 years ago, with results as evidenced, now, by Presidential performance.

Yet, Progressives claim to be principled, but the reality cannot be hidden, can it? When you say you'll vote for the head of Joe Biden, floating in a blue liquid (Bill Maher), or that you'll vote for any Democrat candidate that's breathing, you've already ceded your agency. The principles of a drone.

Achilles said...

gilbar said...

Achilles said...
The problem is that Kamala is not going to solve their problem.
Nobody will believe that she got 90 million votes.

BUT! they don't NEED 90 million "votes".. ALL they need is a 90 million "VOTE COUNT"
What are YOU going to do, when they steal this election too? Willing to spend your life in prison?

Thousands already are. Trump is willing to go to jail to stand up to the regime. Many others are publicly calling them out.

Rogan just called out their obvious intent to count illegals voting in front of millions of people.

Even the Republican cucks in DC forced their hand passing a bill requiring proof of citizenship to vote.

The J6 protestors are still in jail. It is clear that they are going to be let out and they will come out heroes. The tipping point is when you gain social status for going to jail standing up to the regime.

And the democrats are losing their BLM brownshirts. They are trying to replace them with an army of illegals. But they wont have time to organize and apply that army at this rate.

Gusty Winds said...

I tellin' ya. Joe better hire a food taster.

Breezy said...

The Dem elite are selling fear, the one thing FDR cautioned against. How ironic.

I’ve been heartened by the smattering of dems who have come out and said that they are not at all fearful of another Trump presidency. Hopefully that will become a formidable chorus. There are lots of dems who truly care about our country. And likely even more who know its the progressive policies, not the person at the wheel, that’s wrecking their financial lives.

Mr. Majestyk said...

Robert Cook: what is your definition of "fascism" and how does Trump qualify as a fascist? I'd really like to know your thinking.

JAORE said...

There is a parallel I believe in the IQ gap between Biden and Harris.

Joe's level, ever much over room temperature, is sliding.
Kamala's IQ, beginning at an even lower level.
But the gap is narrowing. AND the left hopes that enough puff pieces will convince a few fools she's marginally competent.

That could be enough to help down ballot races.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"No evidence!"

amazing how "No evidence!" is used by the left to cover for the left.

Yet - there was no evidence that Trump was/is a Russian "asset"

If anything- Biden and hIllary are Russian assets.

reminder: Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Rusty said...

Freder said,
"What utter bullshit. I will say it, 81,283,501 people voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election."
That's because you're a dumbass.

Mr. Majestyk said... @ 9:04
You won't get a coherent answer. If he answers at all.

imTay said...

"Robert Cook: what is your definition of "fascism" and how does Trump qualify as a fascist? I'd really like to know your thinking."

LOL, that's not how these people operate. Anybody who opposes globalism is by definition a "fascist," because reasons.

Dogma and Pony Show said...

We're now seeing, in real time, how messy it is to replace Biden. People have been predicting it would happen practically since 2020, but almost all of those predictions seemed to assume that another candidate would just sort of magically fall from the sky and rescue the situation for the dems. Well, this is what the process actually looks like and, if you're a dem, it's not pretty. The dems (including the media) are at complete loggerheads over what should happen. It all points to how awful Biden is, how awful Kamala is, and how formidable Trump is. Every day those messages are being echoed around the country.

narciso said...


JAORE said...

Of subject question.
If Trump taps Rubio and wins, Rubio will vacate his Senate seat. How is it filled?
Appointed by the Governor or special election?

Dave said...

Because of voter enthusiasm, I bet on Trump to win in 2020. I watched real time as the swing states paused vote counting and the betting markets locked up. When they announced that the first state was discontinuing the vote counting, I tried my hardest to switch my bet, but it was impossible. There was too much traffic, too many people trying to do the same thing, and then the betting market I was using went off line.

All I am saying is this: a lot of people seemed to think that a pause in the vote counting of the swing states meant that Trump was going to lose.

This year I would bet on the Democrat to win, but I am not able to access the market. Why would I bet this way? What the Democrats sense is not the possibility of defeat, but the opportunity for someone else to reap the benefits of the system. The knife has been planted, and there is an Antony out there waiting to step in and be Emperor.

BUMBLE BEE said...

I'm taking my cue from Mia Farrow. Joe has gotta go!

Achilles said...

Freder Frederson said...

They never actually say 81 million people voted for Joe Biden.

What utter bullshit. I will say it, 81,283,501 people voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. How many votes do you think Biden got? Even Bill Barr admitted there was no evidence that the election was fraudulent.

I can say with 95% certainty that Joe Biden did not perform as well as Barrack Obama in 2012. Less than 62 million and change.

I can say with 99.9999999999999999% certainty that Joe Biden did not outperform Barrack Obama in 2008. Less than 65 million.

All mathematical regressions are clear. Biden won fewer counties than Obama. He just did not do as well as Obama. The vote totals were affected by massive over performance in a relatively small number of precincts.

The fact that you support censorship of anyone that questions this just reinforces the obvious.

You don't actually believe it. You are just a dishonest fascist.

Michael K said...

Field Marshall Freder says "There is no evidence of fraud" in the 2020 election. That is why all those lawsuits were never allowed to go to trial. They were all rejected for "standing" even the states' lawsuit.

FleetUSA said...

Polls in July are a fools game. Catnip for bloggers and media.

Wa St Blogger said...

There seems no one in the Republican party willing, trying, or able to avert the party's coarsening into overt fascism

Show your work or shut up.

Achilles said...

Wa St Blogger said...

There seems no one in the Republican party willing, trying, or able to avert the party's coarsening into overt fascism

Show your work or shut up.

What he means is reducing the power and influence of the federal government.

Yes Robert Cook is stupid enough to miss the cognitive dissonance in this belief.

RideSpaceMountain said...

Here you go Cook, since you'll vote blue no matter who.

Yancey Ward said...

I think, to get rid of Biden, someone has to stand up and declare themselves a candidate for the nomination. As I write this, no one has offered themselves as that alternative except for RFK Jr. and he isn't taken seriously by the Dem bigwigs. Part of the problem, of course, is that Harris is the VP candidate already and thus the natural substitute if Biden isn't at the top of the ticket. Time is short- I wrote here just after the debate that the Democrats had until the week after the 4th to get rid of Biden or they would be stuck with him. I see no reason to change that between now and Sunday.

Skeptical Voter said...

Thin Democrat bench. As the Round Mound of Rebound Charles Barkley once said (of the team he was playing for) "Bad team man, bad (bleeping) team!". The Dims have that sort of problem. Aside from the oleaginous Brylcreem Boy Governor of California what youngish Democrat has achieved national prominence? And in Newsom's case the prominence is mostly for the wrecking of California.

The bench is a little better over on the Rethuglican side--but not by much. Most nationally prominent politicos in either party are already eligible for Social Security--and not by early enrollment.

Former Illinois resident said...

Reading new book: "The Wolves of K Street: the Secret History of How Big Money Took Over Big Government". Timely book. Book quotes Republican operative, saying any presidential candidate with 30% - 40% negative polling will lose, such as Biden, such as Harris, such as Newsom. Switching Harris for Biden ignores fundamental fact that Harris did very very poorly in 2019 primaries, when voters didn't know her. Voters now know her, and her polling is still terrible. Black voters, men and women, don't like her. Most Democratic politicians don't like her. Biden chose her to be his VP because she was so disliked, but still met the criteria of woman, black, and obedient. Harris' only accomplishment during the Biden administration is her being a constant cheerleader for Biden, and obviously active participant in the Biden Family cover-ups.

Left Bank of the Charles said...

“That doesn't sound static. That sounds like Trump picked up 2.5 points in a week.”

The debate was two weeks ago.

Birches said...


Bill Barr said nothing of the sort. He said once votes are counted, it is too late to call them illegal. The problem of illegal voting needs to happen before mail in ballots are separated from their signature verification.

He did say the Dominion stuff was crap.

Source: Mollie Hemingway's book on the 2020 election.

Inga said...

"Better even a near-Dead Dem than any living Republican!"


Inga said...

“… what is your definition of "fascism" and how does Trump qualify as a fascist?”

#TrumpProject2025 trending on X

Then there’s the denial…

#TrumpPedoFiles still trending on X.

Original Mike said...

Russia! Russia! Russia!

Inga said...

Deny, deny, deny. The ability to turn a sow’s ear into a silk purse is a Trumpist requirement.

Original Mike said...

"The problem is that Kamala is not going to solve their problem.
Nobody will believe that she got 90 million votes."

They don't want us to believe; they want us to submit.
That we know is actually icing on their cake.

Original Mike said...

Did you learn nothing from that whole sordid episode, Inga?

Wa St Blogger said...

Inga needs a lesson on confirmation bias.

And showing your work does not mean citing random twitter commenters as authoritative sources.

1. Define Fascism from academic sources.
2. Show specific actions taken by the individuals in question that meet the definition
3. Discuss counterclaims and show how they are incorrect.

Yancey Ward said...

“That doesn't sound static. That sounds like Trump picked up 2.5 points in a week.”

The debate was two weeks ago."

Are you denying the last week wasn't part of the last two weeks?

Melania Trump signals support for abortion rights: ‘No room for compromise’ said...

Under the US electoral college, the presidential election will be decided in the swing states. National polls are a distraction. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan are the story.

Some polls suggest Biden is losing ground in Minnesota, Virginia and New York. That is a problem.

National polls are still useful because they often are mirrored by shifts at the state level. In some of these states the shifts may be more or less dramatic. However, if polls repeatedly show a negative trend for one candidate, there's a good chance that state level polling will pick up the same directional trend.

Robert Cook said...

"Robert Cook: what is your definition of "fascism" and how does Trump qualify as a fascist? I'd really like to know your thinking."

Here is a fairly comprehensive discussion of fascism.

Here is a brief "flash card" style listing of characteristics of fascism, apparently prepared for a school lesson or test.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Biden "won" the 2020 election by about 43,000 votes, that being his margin of "victory" in WI, GA, and AZ, which if flipped would have given Trump the victory.

Iman said...

It appears Igna may need the old A Clockwork Orange treatment with the chair, restraints, eye clamps, etc. so that she may see what her clownish P0TATUS has wreaked in his 3.5 year Reign of Error.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Robert Cook said...
a bunch of BS.

Fascism: Comes from "fasces" which is a bundle of sticks
The idea was / is that the "Sticks" are labor, capital/industry, and government. They are bound together in "partnership" by The Party.

Whenever you see someone talking about government/industry/labor "partnerships", what your'e seeing is a fascist.

One may have noted over the years that this is a common0 Democrat Party talking point, because they are the actual Fascists in America, and always have been.

Which is why the initial lyrics of "You're the Top" contained "You're a Mussolini", as a compliment

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power."

- Benito Mussolini, an actual fascist

This is what we currently have. Right now. With a democrat administration and corporate censorship. They've been working in concert since before 2016.

Hassayamper said...

One may have noted over the years that this is a common0 Democrat Party talking point, because they are the actual Fascists in America, and always have been.

It is most illuminating to read Mussolini's Fascist Manifesto of 1919, and compare and contrast with today's Democrat and Republican party platforms.

imTay said...

Except that "corporatism" at the time meant treating the body politic as a body, a corpus, with the head, Benito, the hands, the heart, once again Benito, the feet, etc. each part having an assigned function. It had little to do with "corporations' Also when he used the word "liberal" he was referring to advocates of democracy, and most importantly, free market capitalism. Basically Mussolini would have despised Trump.

Mussolini advocated a "strong, unified state" Ask yourself whom that describes. It ain't Trump, who has tried to weaken the power of the central government.

Per ChatGPT:

Corporatism sought to harmonize the interests of workers, employers, and the state by organizing society into corporate groups or syndicates based on different sectors of the economy. Each corporation or syndicate would represent workers and employers in a particular industry or profession.

It's just dangerous to draw conclusions based on historic use of any language with political ramifications which can be forcibly evolved over time by interested parties to keep the connotations, while changing the denotations. You know, skin it and wear it as a suit.

gadfly said...

According to Politico, Barack Obama did nothing to dissuade George Clooney from publishing the killer op-ed that should end Biden's efforts to continue in the Presidential race. But the former president has done nothing to boost another candidate either, even though the favorite replacement candidate among Democrats is none other than Michelle Obama.

rehajm said...

I only see opportunity for profit…

RideSpaceMountain said...

“Democracy is talking itself to death. The people do not know what they want; they do not know what is the best for them. There is too much foolishness, too much lost motion. I have stopped the talk and the nonsense. I am a man of action. Democracy is beautiful in theory; in practice it is a fallacy. You in America will see that some day.”

-Benito Mussolini

It's hard to disagree with that quote. Replace "Democracy" with "Democrats" and "man of action" with "Obama and the deep bureaucracy" and I'd give Mussolini a high-five and pour him a glass of Amarone Della Valpolicella.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Rich: "Under the US electoral college, the presidential election will be decided in the swing states."

Thank goodness you popped in with that epiphany! It makes so much more sense now!

Drago said...

gadfly: "But the former president has done nothing to boost another candidate either, even though the favorite replacement candidate among Democrats is none other than Michelle Obama."

Well, like LLR-democratical Rich, look who else just woke up!


Drago said...

Hassayamper: "It is most illuminating to read Mussolini's Fascist Manifesto of 1919, and compare and contrast with today's Democrat and Republican party platforms."

Which is why the left has been so desperate to shove the well known socialist/leftist Mussolini over onto to the right.

They have to. After all, true socialism and communism have never been tried!

gadfly said...

Blogger Greg the Class Traitor said...

Which is why the initial lyrics of "You're the Top" contained "You're a Mussolini", as a compliment

No, you have the wrong song. “Alright, Okay, You Win,” written by Mayme Watts and Sidney Wyche, is a classic jazz tune by Peggy Lee. It contains the lyrics, “You don’t scare me, I don’t care if you’re a Mussolini or a King Kong.”

Hassayamper said...

@Frederson: I will say it, 81,283,501 people voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

I'll stipulate that 81,283,501 ballots were cast for Biden. That's not the same as saying 81,283,501 individual voters cast valid votes.

Even Bill Barr admitted there was no evidence that the election was fraudulent.

This is not the gotcha that you seem to think it is. Bill Barr is a Beltway Uniparty swamp rat protecting the illegitimate monster enemy occupation government. He knows that if the public ever truly learned the extent of the corruption that characterizes our government in general and the Democratic Party in particular, they'd build a gallows a mile long on the Washington Mall.

Think about it. Why do the Democrats install closed-source Dominion machines, which have done nothing to increase the speed or accuracy of vote counting, and are frequently connected to the Internet by hidden WiFi circuits against all laws and regulations?

Why is the Democratic Party so vehemently opposed to photo ID requirements to vote, in defiance of the wishes of 80% of the public?

Why are the Democrats so rabidly in favor of vote-by-mail and prolonged early voting periods, which have been abolished all over Europe due to repeated instances of large scale vote fraud?

Why do Democrats try so hard to do away with publicly observed in-precinct vote counting by bipartisan volunteers, and instead create large centralized election centers where unionized government employees collect the ballot boxes and count the votes behind closed doors?

The reasons should be obvious. The Democrats are cheaters and gangsters engaged in a criminal conspiracy to steal every close election. They have been cheaters and gangsters since the days of Tammany Hall. That is the ONLY reason our electoral system is now so crippled.

This is how it works:
- Register illegal aliens and dead people and transient college students. Scream "Racism!" at all who object.
- Fight all attempts to clean the rolls of people who have died or moved away. Scream "Racism!" at all who object.
- Fight all attempts to make voters show ID or otherwise prove they are who they say they are. Scream "Racism!" at all who object.
- Institute the most lenient possible vote-by-mail policies. Scream "Racism!" at all who object.
- Institute the most lenient possible same-day voter registration policies. Scream "Racism!" at all who object.
- Install Dominion machines to provide a running count of those who are registered but have not yet cast a vote. Scream "Racism!" at all who object.
- Institute ludicrously long early voting periods, to facilitate the collection of blank ballots from low propensity voters in exchange for packs of Newports or fifths of cheap booze. Scream "Racism!" at all who object.
- On Election Day, loosen the signature verification standards to laughable leniency so as to facilitate acceptance of all the blank ballots collected in the early voting period. Scream "Disinformation!" at all who object.
- In the late afternoon on Election Day, surreptitiously connect to the Dominion machines to tally all those registered who have not yet cast a vote. Fill out forged ballots for them and bring them to the central electoral centers. Scream "Disinformation!" at all who object.
- After the polls close, introduce the fake ballots to the vote counting queue, preferably by mingling them with valid ballots before the count; but if necessary, by falsely calling a halt to counting and sending observers home. Scream "Disinformation!" at all who object.
- Loudly proclaim a come-from-behind victory. Scream "Disinformation! Racism! Election denier!" at all who object. If accused of malfeasance, sue the accusers for defamation in 95% Democrat rotten-boroughs.

When this occupation government is overthrown and we rebuild the Republic, we need mandatory public hanging for traitors who cheat at the ballot box.

Inga said...

“Mussolini advocated a "strong, unified state" Ask yourself whom that describes. It ain't Trump, who has tried to weaken the power of the central government.”

Oh yes it IS Trump. Project 2025 and his denials of knowing anything about bit is BS.

“In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025, a CNN review found, including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the project’s extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.”


But that won’t stop Trumpists from believing their Leader.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

gadfly said...
Blogger Greg the Class Traitor said...

Which is why the initial lyrics of "You're the Top" contained "You're a Mussolini", as a compliment

No, you have the wrong song

P. G. Wodehouse anglicised it for the British version of Anything Goes. Among other changes, he altered two lines from "You’re an O’Neill drama / You’re Whistler’s mama!" to "You’re Mussolini / You’re Mrs Sweeny" (both figures, later notorious, were widely admired at the time)[7][8]

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Inga said...
“Mussolini advocated a "strong, unified state" Ask yourself whom that describes. It ain't Trump, who has tried to weaken the power of the central government.”

Oh yes it IS Trump. Project 2025 and his denials of knowing anything about bit is BS.

Gee, Inga, I bet you can point to a dozen of the planks of Project 2025 that argue for a "strong, unified state". So why don't you do so, with URLs?

What's that, you can't? Because Project 2025 is about breaking the power of the "strong, unified state" (read: Federal gov't and its bureaucracies).

I'm shocked, shocked.

And no, a Republican President moving to block left wing bureaucrats in the Executive branch from pushing their personal political agendas is NOT "advocating a strong, unified state". It's defanging the Left. Which, while you hate it, isn't actually "Fascism"

Inga said...

Fascism depends on and advocates for an extreme strong leader. Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership dramatically expands the power of the Executive branch.

“A representative for Project 2025 said it did not speak for any candidate, adding that “it is ultimately up to that president, who we believe will be President Trump, to decide which recommendations to implement.

Much of the plan’s nearly 900 pages detail extreme executive-branch overhauls.”


Original Mike said...

"Much of the plan’s nearly 900 pages detail extreme executive-branch overhauls.”

How does executive-branch overhaul equate to expanding executive-branch power? At this point, with our overbearing federal agencies extending their tentacles into every facet of our lives, I bet it pretty much means the exact opposite.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"How does executive-branch overhaul equate to expanding executive-branch power? At this point, with our overbearing federal agencies extending their tentacles into every facet of our lives, I bet it pretty much means the exact opposite."

The recent ruling on Chevron Deference guts her/their argument anyway. We have 3 branches of government last time I checked, and last time I checked the only one willing to give away its power to the executive was Congress during this and Obama's administration. They hear "executive-branch overhaul" and they think "oh shit they're going to do to us with executive action what we've done to them" instead of the neutering that will and needs to take place.

An actual dementia hitler is in the whitehouse, but keep searching for those fantasy hitlers under the bed Inga...they're down there somewhere.

Jim at said...

What utter bullshit. I will say it, 81,283,501 people voted for Joe Biden in the 2020 election. How many votes do you think Biden got? Even Bill Barr admitted there was no evidence that the election was fraudulent.

Until you can explain why six swing states stopped counting - at precisely the same time - and sent everybody home ... only to resume counting and miraculously putting Biden ahead three hours later, that election will always stink.

And you fucking know it.

Jim at said...

Project 2025! Squawk!!!
Project 2025! Squawk!!!
Project 2025! Squawk!!!
Project 2025! Squawk!!!

Pathetic. Even for you.

Butkus51 said...

A head of lettuce will do

and It will get votes.

Butkus51 said...

the 2025 storm is everywhere now

fishy fishy, heres some bait

Harun said...

Fulton County admitted, after 3 years, that it did not run the signature verification software it purchased on any absentee ballots.

There are other problems, like how they lost thousands of ballot images, but let's focus on this one, admitted inaction.

If they didn't run that software, it means we have no idea how many ballots were real and how many were fake.

Maybe its zero. Maybe its 5,000. Who knows?

Special NGOs came to Fulton County and worked for free (on a grant) with their election apparatus.

Isn't it weird that special consultants would work for free and you end up NOT USING THE SIGNARTURE VERIFICATION SOFTWARE?

"Oh, I hired this special consultant for quality control, and then we never did any quality control inspections"

Democrats need to explain why they filed charges in Georgia, when they knew the county elections systems had problems.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“… what is your definition of "fascism" and how does Trump qualify as a fascist?”

#TrumpProject2025 trending on X

Then there’s the denial…

#TrumpPedoFiles still trending on X.

It is actually shocking that someone, as stupid as Inga is, would think this is a good answer to that question.

Democrats just keep whittling themselves down to the lowest common denominator.

Achilles said...

Inga said...

“Mussolini advocated a "strong, unified state" Ask yourself whom that describes. It ain't Trump, who has tried to weaken the power of the central government.”

Oh yes it IS Trump. Project 2025 and his denials of knowing anything about bit is BS.

“In fact, at least 140 people who worked in the Trump administration had a hand in Project 2025, a CNN review found, including more than half of the people listed as authors, editors and contributors to “Mandate for Leadership,” the project’s extensive manifesto for overhauling the executive branch.”


But that won’t stop Trumpists from believing their Leader.

Project 2025 is about reducing the power of the executive branch.

It is exactly the opposite thing. Literally the opposite of fascism.

Only a democrat voter would be stupid enough to say this is fascism.

Greg the Class Traitor said...

Inga said...
Fascism depends on and advocates for an extreme strong leader. Project 2025’s Mandate for Leadership dramatically expands the power of the Executive branch.


Much of the plan’s nearly 900 pages detail extreme executive-branch overhauls.”

So, shorter Inga: Implementing democratic accountability is fascism!!11!

Dear Inga: giving power to unelected, unaccountable, and unfireable bureaucrats is the diametric opposite of "democracy". Or are you no longer claiming to be in favor of democracy?