২৬ জুলাই, ২০২৪

"I would cry real tears of joy if I was drunk and a boy showed up [at a party] with homemade cinnamon bread."

Writes Nell — commenting on  a TikTok video — and it's "extremely validating" to the man who was treated as though he'd done something hopelessly weird.

১৬টি মন্তব্য:

Aggie বলেছেন...

Nothing is worse than the slight that comes from under-appreciated cinnamon bread.

Mary Beth বলেছেন...

Did he slice it before he brought it?

Eric the Fruit Bat বলেছেন...

One man's homemade cinnamon bread is another man's large penis.

rehajm বলেছেন...

There are people constantly on the lookout for an opportunity to be slights, offended, 'victims' of 'improper etiquette' (translated: offended by rules invented in their head, sometimes on the spot)...

...upon such offense, these people deserve a balled fist punching their noses into the back of their fucking skulls...in the politest way intended...

n.n বলেছেন...

I would not cry tears of joy, I would not be inebriated, and I would welcome a loaf of cinnamon bread. Is it whole, bleached, or other? Never mind. Thank you.

The Vault Dweller বলেছেন...

I feel like this could only happen at that college-age because there can be young adults who are still unsure of themselves and feel the need to posture to 'be cool.' And pointing out something as 'uncool' can make that person feel like they are cool. But reacting to someone bringing cinnamon bread to a party like that is a bit ridiculous. Though ending relationships with people because of that reaction is also a bit ridiculous. There were overreactions all around, including Nell who would 'cry real tears of joy," if someone brought cinnamon bread to their party.

The rule of Lemnity বলেছেন...

Aldi’s got them. They are perfect for P&J.

JAORE বলেছেন...

Just a thought soy boy...

Say, "So don't eat the bread, asshole".

Then you push past him and place it where others can appreciate (and eat!) it.

Tom T. বলেছেন...

The comment that Althouse quotes sounds like country music.

Darkisland বলেছেন...

I spent Tuesday in a large commercial bakery. 120 loaves a minute.

I had forgotten how much I enjoy the smell of baking and freshly baked bread.

It was just white sandwhich bread Tuesday and now that I read this, I want to go back when they are running cinnamon bread.

Fresh bread, right from the oven is the best.

How could anyone be mad at cinamon bread?

Perhaps I didn't miss much by missing the "traditional college experience" All I got was some education and credentials.

John Henry

Wince বলেছেন...

He should have walked over to the source of any music and put on the 1973 album “The Best of Bread.”


wildswan বলেছেন...

My Cinnamon Story
When I visited Sioux Falls, South Dakota there was a social after Mass at which coffee and donuts were served. The donuts were donated by different families and they were invariably a colorful array - glazed, sprinkled, chocolate-covered, jelly-filled. My sister's turn came to contribute a share and she told me that she was not going to serve poison, i.e., sugar-loaded donuts, to her fellow parishioners. I said sugar wasn't really poison and people wanted donuts. She ignored me and worked away - made bread, toasted slices and put honey and cinnamon on. We got there, and laid out the tray. The cinnamon made the slices look dark and strange next to the usual bright array of donuts. The line went through and no one took any of my sister's work. There it remained, strange and rejected. My brother-in-law and I co-operated in covering this up. He diverted my sister to the other end of the room and I leaned against the table in front of the completely full tray of cinnamon-covered rejects, blocking her line of sight. As I stood there, someone came up to me and asked what was on the tray and I defiantly told her: "delicious homemade bread, honey and cinnamon." "I thought so," she said and picked up a slice and went back to her table. Then she took a bite and I could see the whole table leaning in to see her reaction. Seconds later, the whole table got up and dashed over and grabbed slices from the tray. They went back and seconds later the tables all around that table, stood up and dashed over. Almost instantly, the tray was empty but people kept coming up and trying to get a slice. Several women told they were going to make cinnamon toast next time. They thought it was healthier and that it should have become an option a long time back. So you never know.

Temujin বলেছেন...

One of the great smells and flavors in this life is freshly baked cinnamon bread.

That said...when you're invited to a college party, it's got to be about the last thing you'd think of bringing. In our day?
Who brought the pot?
Who brought the mescaline?
Who brought the tequila?

Never once did anyone think about who was bringing the cinnamon bread. But then later...once things had calmed down a bit...and we were all getting a bit hungry, or...ravenous, what any of us would have done then for a loaf of freshly baked cinnamon bread!

actual items বলেছেন...

In college, bringing cinnamon bread to a party (especially where you don't know the people that well) is weird. Not sure why this guy wants to claim it isn't. It's fine though, he could have confidently shit-talked back to them and laughed it off. By the end of the night, everyone would've been drunkenly chowing down on the cinnamon bread and he would have been remembered as a hero.

Simply shows he wasn't confident in that setting. Which is fine! I remember being not confident in all sorts of settings. I will be not confident in all sorts of future settings too!

Just please don't claim ignorance though, you know bringing cinnamon bread to a college party is weird.

nbks বলেছেন...

Dude was cockblocking him

stlcdr বলেছেন...

“Dude, bro, you goin’ to the party tonight?!”

“Yes, yes I am! I’m thinking of making and bringing cinnamon bread”
