Tweets Elon Musk.
He's responding to someone who said: "The Democratic elite, corporate media, and billionaire donors successfully pressured the candidate chosen by Democratic primary voters to drop out because he's down in the polls and losing. Democrats destroy democracy in pursuit of power."
५५ टिप्पण्या:
But the puppet is Kamala. For that matter, even a Macron type isn't going to work against Trump: the Democrat has to run tied to Joe Biden's record. Insist that inflation isn't too bad, and get strung up by your gonads.
And trying to push out Harris is going to make Clyburn and Biden sound a lot less pleasant about withdrawing from anything.
Biden was paid to drop out. The money must have been deposited on Friday.
Let’s be honest.
This is the absolute low point of the American presidency.
We'll see who the puppet master want to replace Biden.
He's endorsed Kamala in a tweet. But as shown by his resignation, that may change tommorrow.
When is Kamala's next rally?
Says the one who pays $45M monthly bribes to the other demented.
I sense a huge (like $100,000,000) gift to the FJB Presidential Library. An annual salary to the Doctor/Director will be in the range of $1-2,000,000.
And one suspects the check has already cleared.
Elon just liked one of my X posts. I feel special.
X marks the spot.
Bet Crooked Joe wishes he invited Tesla to the electric car promos now.
Does the 45 million a month still comes.
How do we know it was Joe who resogned? We know he doesn’t do his own twittwer
They fear Trump because he is not a puppet.
Musk isn't wrong. (He seldom is.)
They’re destroying their democracy!
It must be too late to remove Jill Biden from the US delegation to the Paris Olympics, so now it is ok for Joe to drop.
Joe still gets to be the guy who plays President of the United States on television.
I was wondering the day when Althouse posted the clip of Zuckerberg, whatever happened to that alternative to X/Twitter that he developed that a bunch of people were yapping about when Musk took over Twitter and starting making changes.
A big day for Elon Musk, this announcement being pushed out via his site.
Trump will not be president. The Dems have control of every major institution and are not going to give it up. They will use any means to keep power and cheating or assassination is not off the table. There is no way Trump will be president. NONE.
Elon is also someone worth paying attention to. One of these days I’m going to have to become a member.
I tried to post this in the Trump criticizes Biden thread and it keeps gettng seleted.
Posting it here to see it is is the note or perhaps the thread
Please ignore. Except MeadHouse
John Henry
From the Babylon Bee:
Aides Struggling To Figure Out How To Break The News To Biden That He Dropped Out
Wow. Awfully “on the nose” for Elon.
Spiros wrote: "This is the absolute low point of the American presidency."
The FBI undertook, through it's Associate Director, the coup that toppled Richard Nixon's Presidency by secretly leaking damaging information to two Washington Post reporters who systematically wrote story after story resulting in Nixon's resignation from the Presidency AFTER having been voted into office in a landslide (520 Electoral College votes to only 17 for George McGovern).
This is not the low point of the American presidency.
They also executed JFK. That was pretty low.
Oh, I forgot that a Democrat actor also murdered the President who freed the slaves ... Abraham Lincoln. (Although their descendants remain Democrats to this day, unbelievably.)
They've been doing low stuff for a long time.
I guess that's why I literally only saw one "Biden/Harris" election sign in Manistee County this week. Dozens and dozens of Trump signs.
I'd like to put a trail cam in that guy's yard so I can catch him tip-toeing after dark to remove it.
You do realize that Musk is sucking up to Trump (including $45 million a month to his campaign) only because Musk believes Trump will win, which will severely impact Tesla's bottom line, as Trump has promised to kill EV subsidies. We'll see if a $135 (or is it 180) million bribe is enough to get Trump to love EVs.
The Wit and Wisdom of Camels. By 1. 2024
Have you often wondered about camels? Who they are? How they got humped? what are their views on the Ukraine? and time? Wonder no more but instead, read on.
Why did Joe Biden resign?
The First Canel responds: It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day.
Why should Americans be involved in the Ukraine?
The First Camel explains: Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically, that's wrong.
Is the United States sustaining space? and how?
The First Camel's thought flow forth: Under Vice President Kamala Harris's leadership of the National Space Council, the U.S. is continuing to steward the responsible and sustainable use of space to protect our national security. She is the Space Chair and has said that as the Space Chair she is clear that with the exploration of space being defined the 20th century, we know that, living in this century, we must think about where we now stand and where we must go. So while it was defined quite well in the 20th century, the opportunity of space must guide our work in the 21st century. Besides Space is exciting. It spurs our imaginations, and it forces us to ask big questions. Space – it affects us all, and it connects us all.
That's space. What about time?
The First Camel chewed on that awhile. Then: We're talking about the significance of the passage of time. Right? The significance of the passage of time, So, when you think about it, there is great significance to the passage of time in terms of what we need to do to expand broadband and create jobs.
So through the night the camels talk, spitting out in their own way a mishmash of what they think they overheard their drivers saying.
Field Marshall Freder: "You do realize that Musk is sucking up to Trump (including $45 million a month to his campaign)..."
This is a common misconception.
The $45M is to a PAC that gives to different candidates as well as GOTV efforts and possibly other needs as well. Not just to the Trump campaign.
But it is a marvel, isnt it, that it took a billionaire like Musk to finally kick in some cash at democratical billionaire levels to finally get Freder off his arse to complain about rich guys purchasing influence.
Hey Freder, any concerns about the $400M Zuckerbucks given to states to pump up dem votes in 2020? I mean, now that you've found "religion" on this topic?
Field Marshall Freder: "...only because Musk believes Trump will win, which will severely impact Tesla's bottom line, as Trump has promised to kill EV subsidies. We'll see if a $135 (or is it 180) million bribe is enough to get Trump to love EVs."
Recall that biden structured an EV subsidy offering that purposely excluded only Tesla.
The rest of Freders made up lies are just that.
Its the OTHER EV manufacturers that would die without subsides.
Elon only wants a level playing field. A level playing field likely means Tesla is the only domestic EV car manufacturing survivor.
Similar statement from Jill Stein who isn't donating to Trump -
"Don't be fooled. The same @DNC elites that put him in power will replace him with another tool for Wall Street and the war machine. We will continue to fight oligarchy, empire and genocide like our lives depend on it."
The $45 million is a lie, you guys know, right? Or as Musk called it: “Fake gnus,” but I don’t think you guys care.
What causes people to begin a statement of their opinion with “you do realize” rather than simply “I think”?
Stone cold truth
Democrats destroy democracy in pursuit of power.
When Democrats use the phrase “our Democracy” they are talking about something that resembles genuine democracy in name only.
Ann Althouse said...
What causes people to begin a statement of their opinion with “you do realize” rather than simply “I think”?
I was going to say projection.
"Every smart person agrees with what I think and if you listen to me you will "realize" I am a little smarter than you but as soon as I give you this nugget of wisdom you will see it my way but I still want your approval."
Take it as a compliment of sorts.
Then I searched out what prompted the comment.
Freder Frederson said...
You do realize that Musk is sucking up to Trump (including $45 million a month to his campaign) only because Musk believes Trump will win, which will severely impact Tesla's bottom line, as Trump has promised to kill EV subsidies. We'll see if a $135 (or is it 180) million bribe is enough to get Trump to love EVs.
Never mind.
Freder is a fucking moron who thinks he is more intelligent that you are and he just acts like an asshole because stupid people with poor social skills come off like that.
Freder actually thinks he can determine what Elon Musk's true motivations are. Freder thinks he is smarter than all of the people he disagrees with.
Just stupid.
But he also thinks disagreeing with Freder = Lying.
It really just is the result of a 90 IQ twat going to school for too long and getting so educated he thinks open borders, world war 3, and shooting your political opponents in the head in broad daylight are a good idea.
Point to note:
The GOP Voters wanted someone different than the GOP donors wanted.
The voters won
The Dem voters picked someone different than the Dem donors wanted
The donors won.
Please don't ever again try to claim it's the Democrats who favor "democracy"
Forgot to add that my guess answer to Ann's question was obviously totally wrong.
Found on Twitter:
Well, I guess now we know why dems tell their voters to vote in Republican primaries—those are the only ones where their votes actually count
thanks for participating in the cover up, elon
unless you are just making it up, which seems more likely
Witness: "thanks for participating in the cover up, elon
unless you are just making it up, which seems more likely"
Uh oh. Another NPC just popped in. Probably a programming glitch.
The Dem voters picked someone different than the Dem donors wanted
The donors won.
I don't really think this "disenfranchisement" issue is a big deal. The fact is that the D voters didn't really choose Biden. The whole process was rigged, and a lot of D voters felt swindled, both by the rigged process and the coverup of Joe's incapacitation.
But your point stands: The Dem powers that be never gave the voters a say.
"But your point stands: The Dem powers that be never gave the voters a say."
Democrats: You can choose any candidate as long as it's Joe Biden.
Also Democrats: You can't choose Joe Biden.
Nixon was also a threat. Here is Nixon on those aligned to stop his plans after his 62% of vote win in '72. How all the college students rejoiced in how Nixon was stopped from reorganizing the federal bureaucracy. By the early 1980s, they were the bureaucrats.
Ann Althouse said...
"What causes people to begin a statement of their opinion with “you do realize” rather than simply “I think”?"
An effort to be superior?
"I heard last week that he would resign at this exact time and date. It was widespread knowledge in DC."
He would look really smart and plugged in if he had tweeted that last week. Or by last week does he mean late yesterday evening?
"The real powers that be are discarding the old puppet in favor of one that has a better chance of fooling the public. They fear Trump because he is not a puppet
You do realize that Trump flails his arms when his puppet masters temporarily lose control.
Left Bank: "You do realize that Trump flails his arms when his puppet masters temporarily lose control."
You write something like that, look at it again for a moment, then, fully consciously, you purposely hit "publish".
Again, amazing. And you'll do it again and again and again...
Wine dined and pocket lined... that's the crook Biden family.
sod off a-holes.
"Democrats destroy democracy in pursuit of power."
"Democrats" = "Six or ten billionaires".
"Freder is a fucking moron who thinks he is more intelligent that you are and he just acts like an asshole because stupid people with poor social skills come off like that."
Hmmmm... I doubt that Freder does much fucking. And he isn't actually a "moron", or he would be unable to post comments.
It seems to me that Freder's standard post is a forlorn attempt to provide a wildly improbable path whereby the Democrat lie-told-yesterday might still be, technically, true. Freder, who probably is also Igna, has been given the invincibly-stupid bottom-feeder role, by whoever uses him.
I have to say, it is not clear to me why they feel it necessary to have things like Freder and Igna posting here. Or Chuckles, for that matter, although Chuckles is obviously a vastly more sophisticated lying piece of shit than either Freder or Igna. I suppose the calculation is that a lot of people read Althouse, and they can't allow the truth to be presented here without any pushback at all. And all three of them originally seemed idiotic, but legit. They might fool some people into thinking there was a real argument for the destructive policies they advocate.
I think a good faith commenter would offer opinions with substance that have some potential to persuade others or just to sincerely stand on reason and principle. When the whole tone of your comment is *you people are stupid* it feels like bad faith to me. You're just dropping in to tell people you don't respect them.
The milder version of that begins with a bit of a compliment (a compliment of the sort that might fool a child): I thought you were smart, but....
"You do realize" = You're not stupid enough to think." It's argument by intimidation.
""I heard last week that he would resign at this exact time and date. It was widespread knowledge in DC.""
Imagine someone very bright owning the equivalent of the phone system 50 years earlier, and the ability to scrape it, and find what he wants there through the use of AI and and search engines. Sure, a lot of leftists and Dems moved off of Twitter when he bought the company. But how long did they stay away? They couldn’t help themselves, going back, because that’s where the action is. Besides, even if the top tier of decision makers were sticking to something more secure, like Signal, this is the stuff that would quickly leak onto X. The AI comes in because it could help make sense of what is going on on X. Who is talking to whom, saying what, etc. we know that Musk has interest in that space because of his involvement in OpenAI.
Why kinda back Trump? Number one reason may be that Trump will take his calls. One billionaire to another, but with Musk having a lot more billions. They have actively met or communicated over the last month or two. Socially, he is very pro-children (he has a bunch of them), while the Dems seem willing to jump on every anti-family and anti-kid movement that comes along. They see the planet overrun with humans (but most refuse to take the obvious step of doing their own part to alleviate the problem by going first). Musk sees the solution to human overpopulation on this planet to be space.
Then there is his interaction with government. The left wants control over X, and, probably ultimately, StarLink. Or at least under the control of a government that listens to them (I.e. the current Dem party). Mention was made above about the Dems screwing Tesla. But that’s just today’s cash cow for him. The big money is probably in SpaceX. The cost of getting mass into orbit is almost in free fall right now, and he controls that. Sci-Fi has long discussed the possibilities and potentials, but we were so far from where we could make money out of it. But we know how to make money in space. Massive amounts of it. The left is scared of that, and tries to kneecap Hume when they can. I think that Trump sees why he should keep Musk as his new best friend. No major Dem even has a clue. News one even drove Musk from his state, with another Musk company announcing their intent to pack up and move to TX just last week.
Blogger Left Bank of the Charles said...
"I heard last week that he would resign at this exact time and date. It was widespread knowledge in DC."
He would look really smart and plugged in if he had tweeted that last week. Or by last week does he mean late yesterday evening?
The sole justification I can come up with for his remark was "I heard this, and thought it was BS.
Then it happened, exactly as I was told it would happen. And then the person who was saying that come from "random lunatic" to "someone who knew more than I did".
Look, a couple of days ago the claim was circulating on Twitter that Mort Halperin had said that Biden was going to withdraw on Sunday, and wouldn't endorse Harris.
I thought that was BS.
Then the letter came out, exactly as he said it would.
Then, minutes later, a tweet was added, endorsing Harris.
It's almost like that letter has been in the hands of the special people for some time, even while Joe was saying "no way I'm going."
"The real powers that be are discarding the old puppet in favor of one that has a better chance of fooling the public. They fear Trump because he is not a puppet
You do realize that Trump flails his arms when his puppet masters temporarily lose control.
Have you seen Harris speak? Her arms move to the puppeteers string pulls.
Now, could you please tell us who Trump's puppeteers are, and why they get him to do the things he's done?
I'm really curious, because I didn't know the US HAD any anti-illegal invasion puppeteers.
And ol' Muskie just kept the info to himself.
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