No one quite knows what the process of picking a new nominee would be if Joe Biden did step aside – but many Democrats say that any process is likelier than ever to quickly end with Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee.
Many Democrats say!
The informal conversations about how a fight to replace Biden at the top of the ticket would play out have been raging for weeks behind the scenes. But uncertainty about the process has been so unclear it’s given multiple Democrats – even those with serious concerns about Biden – pause about coming out against the president’s candidacy, given that what comes next could be even messier.
“F**k it, I’m coconut pilled. I just want this to stop,” said one well-known Democratic operative, referring to the online meme that has taken off from an old video of the vice president telling a story of her mother saying, “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?”
It's been so unclear that unclearness itself is causing clarity. You know how it is when you're engulfed in chaos, you get so confused and desperate that if there is one thing that you can see you rush headlong there. You're driving in dense fog, but you can see what looks like 2 taillights up ahead. Those 2 lights become your entire conception of the road and you drive forward with confidence.
You drive forward with the candidate you have, not the candidate you might want or wish to have at a later time.
Some are pushing for a fast and closed process, where delegates would bless the swap as part of their planned pre-convention virtual nomination plan....
Bless the swap, that says. Not bless the swamp.
The article continues:
Few can conceive of Biden stepping aside and not tapping his running mate to take over.
That's why he can't step aside!
To do otherwise would be a devastating insult to her of the sort that pained Biden himself so much when Barack Obama turned to Hillary Clinton over him ahead of the 2016 election....
Hillary, who lost to Trump. He can't let that happen again. He feels justified in struggling to his dying breath.
And it would mean passing over a Black vice president after Black voters and Black leaders... not only sustained him to victory in 2020 but are some of the ones standing most strongly with him through this now....
Every line — intended to bolster picking Harris — works to explain why Biden won't back out.
९२ टिप्पण्या:
Hillary tried the inevitability trick on Trump in 2016 and the newspapers all went along for the ride.
How’d that work out?
If Hillary wants the nomination, it’s hers.
May the best woman win. I can see two women on the ticket when the dust settles.
R C Belaire: "May the best woman win. I can see two women on the ticket when the dust settles."
You most definitely do NOT want to be the President if Hillary is the VP.
The whole thing is a shit show of epic porportions and they all know it.
And I have no sympathy for any of them, Harris included.
They lied for months because they wanted power and Biden was the vehicle by which they kept power.
Only when caught, only when it was obvious that he's not mentally competent (obvious, meaning their lie became public) did they conspire to dump Biden.
Seriously, screw all of them that lied and covered it up. Democratic operatives, Biden advisors, Harris, the media.
If Biden withdraws, he must resign.
Many Democrats say!
…just not the ones actually in charge of anything.
Imagine all this angst and speculation, all the egg on the face of the people who one moment were propping up the cadaver president He’s fine. He did what he needed to do. He’s not that bad.The embarrassment these people must have felt moments into the debate (I know, you need to possess some humanity to feel embarrassment. Forget it, I’m rolling…). Now, after weeks of fantasy and fanciful speculation, the people actually in charge of things tell the embarrassing fantasists to clam up. Stifle, Edith…and embarrassing people all do…
Sinking her 57 Ford is a great Hitchcock film scene. Total Metaphor for death and burial of an inconvenient character like Joe Biden. He has reached his expiration date.
Hillary-Pete is the ticket.
If that car would have been an EV, it would have sunk right away.
R C Belaire said...
May the best woman win. I can see two women on the ticket when the dust settles.
Why limit your appeal to women? If the Democrats go with two trans candidates, they can have two women and two men on the ticket to satisfy everyone.
An old joke from somewhere: I saw a light at the end of the tunnel, but it was an oncoming locomotive. Still very clarifying.
One pictures Buster Keaton, running out of the tunnel with the train after him. Buster is not a big guy, but he's agile and surprisingly tough. Don't leave before the end of the picture.
I'm Joe Poli Sci, God help me, I love it all.
Renenber that the "robot rule" was changed in the '80s. Now the rule is "in all good conscience" therefore, if a delegate can't "in all good conscience" vote for a man who is not all there cognitively, but refuses to step down, well the "robot rule" was changed for a reason, and if this isn't one, I don't know what could be a reason. Certainly not if the candidate has been shown to be corrupt, as Biden has, with these people, that's a feature, not a bug.
He wasn’t a bad looking fellow. Cuhhh-utlery…
Most of us who’ve been to Chappy know the car traps an air bubble inside, maybe it flips over if there’s a whiff of current…
I prefer that 57 Ford to Kamala.
The "in all good conscientious" thing, if done, would create quite an "I am Sparticus" moment for the Democrats, that's for sure.
The car sinking in the pond is a metaphore for the Harris campaign.
My dad had one. A red two door. My mom hated that car.
BTW there’s no possible scenario where the Democrats don’t end up with a fractured party and unhappy voters staying home.
Without freedom of speech, I might be in the swamp.
"The car sinking in the pond is a metaphore for the Harris campaign."
And Norman Bates anxiously watching? A metaphor for Biden, but only if he gets out of the car like Norman.
Bury my heart at wounded ear.
Our democracy!
Hang in there Joe! Anyone who can face down Corn Pop, can surely stand up to the mean girls of Obama and Pelosi.
IF it's Inconceivable to have Kamela Harris as Presidential candidate..
WHAT (WHO?) is she doing as VP Candidate?
Assuming for the sake of argument; that Biden runs.. a vote for Biden WILL BE a vote for his VP
There’s no point in Biden withdrawing and making Harris the nominee. She’s no more likely to win than he is.
Harris’ only hope is if Biden resigns from the presidency so she can run as an incumbent. If she becomes president and the world doesn’t fall apart, then people uncomfortable with Trump may decide they can live with her. I see no other path for Harris.
If Biden steps down, it's bad for Zelensky because the WH won't need to trade ordinance for orphan blood anymore...unless Hillary gets back in there somehow.
“a vote for Biden WILL BE a vote for his VP”
As it was in 2020 as Joe has basically been doorknob for most of his term.
Why don’t the Dems just take the L for this election? A party that can’t even nominate anyone by the book shouldn’t be given the reins of power. Like the NE Patriots, take a few years to find your next QB. A rush job won’t work.
Jersey Fled: "BTW there’s no possible scenario where the Democrats don’t end up with a fractured party and unhappy voters staying home."
Those "unhappy voters staying home" will likely still have ballots cast in their names....just like the dead and illegal aliens.
How about this conspiracy theory. Biden was telling everyone he's staying in the race. Everyone said Biden can't be forced out.
Then his staff scheduled him for a whirlwind tour and multiple press appearances. He gets sick and has to cancel appearances and the dump Biden parade starts anew. Coincidence?
Rinse and repeat until he keeps over or makes a major gaffe?
*keels over
Damn autocucumber.
Nancy Pelosi just gave a speech where she didn't mention any candidate by name.
"Are you ready for a Democratic president?"
Fill in the blank!
The shower scene was creepy too and I'm not talking about the movie.
The DNC is pushing for a virtual roll call ahead of the convention.
Originally this was scheduled because the convention was so late the Democrat nominee would not appear on the Ohio ballot.
Ohio changed their law, however, so there's no reason for a virtual roll call ahead of the convention.
The DNC still plans on it, however.
Biden controls the DNC, it's about the only thing he does control.
Biden is trying to lock down his nomination as quick as possible.
The Democrats are circulating a letter to stop the virtual roll call. That's where the fight is now.
I think there's a very good chance the virtual roll call will backfire on Biden -- like the early debate. Instead of solidifying his candidacy, we might see a delegate revolt at the roll call. That would be a beautiful thing.
The last resort is usually called the unclear option.
The Democrats are running out of time.
I think the virtual nomination is still going ahead even if it's not on the old accelerated schedule. If they can't replace Joe before the convention they are going to run into issues with whose name is on the ballot and how that would interact with faithless elector laws, not to mention just the optics of the continued fight with a senile old goat, his crackhead son, and his scheming harpy wife.
So long as the PTB are in the position of having to *ask* Joe to resign he (and Hunter) is in the driver's seat. Despite what some people keep posting here, a few dozen Congressmen calling on Joe to drop out is almost meaningless as pressure. The Democrats have to be virtually unanimous in opposition to him for the threat to be real.
I'll say what I've been saying for a long time. If Harris was remotely acceptable as a President or candidate, the replacement would have happened already. Ditto if there was any other candidate who was acceptable to all the Party factions and judged capable of beating Trump. Neither of these things was true back in the end of 2023 when the PTB manipulated the Democrat primaries to ensure Joe had no opposition, and if anything the situation is worse with Trump gaining steam.
Kamala needs to be unburdened by that has been.
I don't see how they could introduce a state Dem officeholder to the nation as the nominee this late. Only Kamala, Hillary, and MO have the name recognition. Maybe Schumer, but no one else in Congress I can think of. Running a presentable convention will be difficult without Biden's people in charge, and then there's a campaign to organize.
R C Belaire said...
“May the best woman win. I can see two women on the ticket when the dust settles.”
Politics occasionally gets compared to mud wrestling. Maybe it’s time to do literal mud wrestling to choose our female candidates. Maybe the Dems should hold the convention in the parking lot of The Boar’s Nest from The Dukes of Hazard after a heavy thunderstorm.
And I want to hear the Star Trek (TOS) fight music going the whole time.
A thought just occurred to me.
We’ve heard all kinds of speculation over the past four years about who was running things at the White House, from Jill to Obama to Joe’s chief of staff to you name it.
But we never heard Kamala’s name.
Even the conspiracy theorists couldn’t imagine that she was up to it.
BTW there’s no possible scenario where the Democrats don’t end up with a fractured party and unhappy voters staying home.
Biden drops out.
Open convention.
No endorsement.
Hillary and Kamala both make a grab.
Divided, unhappy party.
Multiple ballots.
Michelle Obama is drafted as a unity candidate.
Democrat rapture.
Obama and her on the stage with raised fists.
She gets the nomination.
She selects Josh Shapiro as her veep.
Despite what some people keep posting here, a few dozen Congressmen calling on Joe to drop out is almost meaningless as pressure
Yes…and why so quick to assume their objections aren’t simply calculated posturing for their specific constituencies? Liberated by the Biden leadership even?
Hey, I tried…
That coconut discussion was inappropriate.
Coconut is a pejorative term for a person with brown skin but "white on the inside."
Harris as AG of CA put a lot of black guys in prison for minor offenses. She married a white guy. She called her boss racist but agreed to serve as his understudy when there was something in it for her.
Kammie is a right wing nut job!
Many Democrats say!
Democrats will say just about anything, won’t they?
This whole thing has me thinking of a movie I saw long ago. I think it was in black and white, so maybe it was on the “Late, Late Show” instead of in the theater. It was about politics, and one character comments to another “How quick they turn.” I thought of that scene last night. Seems appropriate right now, looking at Joe Biden. Nearly every political career ends with a loss, but it takes a fool like Joe Biden to lose like this.
Not that he doesn’t deserve it, campaigning as a moderate and a unifier but governing as an extremist and divider.
Can any of you movie buffs help me identify the movie?
Supposedly the Clintons are backing Biden while Obama works to get him off the ticket. (That gives me a Godfather vibe as in..."Tattaglia could never have outfought was Barzini all along...").
David Attenborough's commentary on the Crusty Old Jackass (Biden) candidate and the Suga Lot Acox replacement candidate (Harris). Hilarious.
Donald Trump renovated the Republican Party and put a solid foundation under it by nominating Vance. It took a decade, but the Republican Party has a coherent vision now.
The Democrats are taking a wrecking ball to their party, then dynamiting the rubble. “Get Trump” is still their lodestar; they also need to spend a decade in the wilderness to figure out who they are to become.
"The shower scene was creepy too and I'm not talking about the movie."
Read aloud and laughed over here at Meadhouse.
BTW there’s no possible scenario where the Democrats don’t end up with a fractured party and unhappy voters staying home.
Biden announces that he has been diagnosed with Parkinson's.
With deep regret, he must step down from office.
He gives a speech about how great Kamala is going to be as president.
She takes office.
She selects her vice-president, Roy Cooper.
The country doesn't fall apart and appreciates her do-nothing and laugh about it style.
"Can any of you movie buffs help me identify the movie?"
For a black-and-white political movie my first guess will always be Advise and Consent.
St Croix-
After Big Mike selects Josh Shapiro as VP, Dearbornistan erupts in violent Jew-hate riots.
The Dems win PA but lose MI VA and MN due to Muslims staying home.
All is well.
(I hope that the RNC has plans to run against Big Mike as they are reputed to have against Harris).
"You drive forward with the candidate you have, not the candidate you might want or wish to have at a later time."
Rumsfeld gave us so many gems. Did we properly appreciate them at the time? There's a guy who could handle a big boy press conference.
Can any of you movie buffs help me identify the movie?
Was it a Frank Capra movie?
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Mr. Deeds Goes To Town
Or maybe Preston Sturges?
The Great McGinty
Or maybe All The King's Men?
This whole thing has me thinking of a movie I saw long ago...It was about politics, and one character comments to another “How quick they turn.” I thought of that scene last night.
Possibly "All The King's Men"? The 1949 version with Broderick Crawford.
This is the cake they've decided to let us eat, and it's delicious.
I think the strategy is to have a completely different strategy every day.
They need to distract their followers from stuff like lacking an effective platform, no lack of failed policies, and loads of real internal Party conflict.
They need a nonstop soap opera for the next few weeks.
Maybe it’s time to do literal mud wrestling to choose our female candidates.
You'd end up with the first trans President.
Fuck it, I'm coconut pilled. I just want this to stop.
That's funny as shit. James Carville?
and Coconut-pilled.
That cracks me up because he's willing to go with the nutty choice just to stop the bleeding down-ballot.
If I were to write an article about The Demise of DEI, I would use a photograph of Kamala.
This anguish and fear about her incompetence -- not just as president but as a campaigner -- is baked into any employment decision that is not based on competence.
@Saint Croix, @Sally327, I have a gut feeling it was “Inherit the Wind.” But I’m not sure.
Sneers and Loathing on both sides.
The Dems win PA but lose MI VA and MN due to Muslims staying home.
Jews 2.4% of USA
Muslims 1.3% of USA
The Obamas are probably the most sympathetic to Islam administration we've ever had.
I suggested Shapiro because he's pro-Israel, but also because he's in favor of school choice, which is super-cool. He's probably my favorite Democrat right now, which is not saying much. I think he would be a net gain for the ticket.
I think it's likely Trump wins, regardless, but it's not inevitable, that's for sure. Some Democrats would be tougher to beat than others.
He feels justified in struggling to his dying breath.
For Rocco:
Dying Breath
“If that car would have been an EV, it would have sunk right away.”
I’d take riding that SOB down over a shark any day of the week!
“He's probably my favorite Democrat right now, which is not saying much.”
My faves are the ones pushing up daisies.
If Kamala is the nominee then Mr. Trump will need some Pro-Life Talking Points.
"She loves abortion and she hates babies. She has never kissed a baby. I kiss babies all the time. I love babies. I am pro-life. She is anti-life. She doesn't know what a person is. I don't even think she knows what a woman is. Ask her."
It truly is a beautiful thing to see. All the brilliant Democrat calculations to force everyone to stick with the Biden-Harris combo. And then...OMG...suddenly crashing down in a political Crowdstrike moment.
are there any other writers of calibre of Allen Drury ?
I hope that the RNC has plans to run against Big Mike as they are reputed to have against Harris
is not RNC = Trumpster fire?
Hillary lurks like a shark.
Never resting seeking her prey, the Oval Office.
She would rather Trump get elected than Kamala become first woman prez...
I think Harris is the planned nominee. They are doing the Roper dope. They want to keep her off the campaign trail for as long as possible. They will try the same thing with Harris as they did with Bidon last time. Campaign from the bunker. I think it is sound strategy. Give Trump as little time as possible to paint her. Hide her as much as possible and play to the anti Trump sentiment that is out there. I think all the talk about replacing her is noise. How can they pass over a Black Women and still have any creditability on all their race and identity politics talk.
St Croix-
I totally agree with you that adding Shapiro would be a net plus for the Dems; I also agree that it will not be enough for them to win.*
I think it's a very interesting thought experiment to figure out which of their many alternative tickets would be least worse for them, trading off Muslims vs Jews, but that for Muslims it's either vote Dem or stay home while some/?many Jews are learning the ways of the MAGA.
Add to it the massive financial consequences of Jews going right.
*I'm not concerned that the Dems will find a way to thread the needle and win enough votes in the right places to win 270 electoral votes. I am worried about their massive fraud operation, and I hope/wish that the RNC is devoting as much or more effort to defeat that as they are war-gaming campaigns against Harris/Newsome/Hillary/Shapiro/ad nauseam.
Until someone steps up and declares themselves an alternative to Biden, it is still necessary for Biden to quit to get him off the ticket. If you ask the slate of delegates, stacked with Biden supporters, to vote for Biden or an unnamed alternative, Biden is going to win that vote.
This is why you are seeing the Harris stories right now even though Harris is still on team Biden- the opponents of Biden need someone, anyone to be the alternative to dislodge the Biden delegate votes. I am assuming the plan here is to get Biden voted down in favor of Harris, but then to dump Harris at the actual convention in favor of some unnamed candidate.
Absence of imagination. There' a whole world of alternative candidates for Democrats to chose from, aside from dim-light Biden, aside cackling Harris, that are wholeheartedly dismissed in their self-inflicting catastrophic presidential candidate dynamic, all forged by DNC by its shortsighted choice.
The democrats created this fucked up situation themselves by, picking a VP based on genitals and pigmentation instead of merit; picking a senile three time loser as their standard bearer instead of a commie from Vermont; trying to hide the obvious mental decline of the president; and running on the illogical theme of my opponent in a democratic election is a threat to democratic elections if he is elected by a democratic election. Fuck them. I am basking in the schadenfreude of the democrats. I hope they drag this clown show on for as long as possible because this is the most entertainment from politics I’ve had since Al Gore lost Florida by a judicial opinion.
Obama was something new and charismatic. He chose Biden because Biden was reassuringly stale and conventional. Biden wasn't chosen to be the heir apparent. Hillary was always the heir apparent. When Biden actually did run, many years earlier, he didn't make much of a dent. His campaign was noted more for its plagiarism than its dynamism....But then he was chosen to be the Presidential candidate, and he, in turn, chose Harris. Harris as a Presidential candidate also didn't make much of a dent, but she was female, Black, and young in contrast to Biden who was male, white, and old. Maybe she was chosen to be the next Obama, but she never had Obama's appeal to the Democratic voters......Hillary, Biden, and now perhaps Kamala have become the Democratic candidates more by osmosis than by groundswell.
"The car sinking in the pond is a metaphore for the Harris campaign."
And Norman Bates anxiously watching? A metaphor for Biden, but only if he gets out of the car like Norman.
I saw it as a metaphor for the DNC. They pushed the '57 Biden into the swamp hoping to rid themselves of the horrible problem. He starts sinking. Much joy. But Biden is stubborn/self serving. Much anguish. The sinking begins again. Much relief.
The current state of play is that the roof top is still, barely, visible.
And why is there not UNIVERSAL agreement that if Biden must drop out due to decline, he's not able to serve for all the months until inaugural day 2025? My theory, Biden might accept (at what price) a stepping down but NOT because he can not do the job. So the left is largely ignoring the must step down for fear the old coot digs his heels in further.
>Jersey Fled said...
BTW there’s no possible scenario where the Democrats don’t end up with a fractured party and unhappy voters staying home.<
Wrong. Michelle as POTUS candidate is precisely that possible scenario. With most every Dem elated. (And please don't resort to the hackneyed "Michelle doesn't want it" reply. No one knows what Michelle actually wants, except maybe Barack.)
"Few can conceive of Biden stepping aside and not tapping his running mate..."
Given how Kamala got her start in politics, they might want to rethink that phrasing. Or maybe not. Anyway.
It's beyond belief that the probable Democrat offering again is Biden or Kamala or both. The stable of turds who are in line next is equally unbelievable.
Fight. Fight. Fight is right.
Just imagine a large chunk of our government being run by two bat-shit-crazy babes from California - Kamala and Nancy
I remain convinced that the powers that be in the DNC feel Kamala is a terrible candidate and that she will destroy any down-ballot opportunities in almost all the states. As much as I hate to admit it these are not stupid people - deluded, yes. That they hung on to Joe through the primary process only underscores their dislike of Harris. Again I can not believe that the powers that be were not aware of Joe's deterioration, which makes two things obvious; there is no one on the bench who the DNC feels is capable of beating Trump; that all the B/S about Michelle, Hillary, and whoever rescuing the elections is just B/S and the DNC knows it. To go into the convention with a party civil war going on is unforgivable on the DNC's part and we are less than a month away. I love it!
I totally agree with you that adding Shapiro would be a net plus for the Dems; I also agree that it will not be enough for them to win.*
Democrats hate Jews.
One wild card is which faction is connected to the Secret Service / FBI faction that is responsible for the assassination attempt. Are they Hilary people? Obama people? Biden people?
It’s hard to image they are Harris people—who would cut her in on anything like that—and they have to fear that with her having actual power, exposing them might be the Hail Mary that at least gives her a greater-than-zero shot at the Preidency.
(The big reason I still fear for Trump’s life is that if he gets back into office, a bulldog like Harley WILL figure this out. They left too many loose ends, and local law enforcement is not inclined to cooperate with the coverup).
I still think Brandon is the candidate in November.
But if they do decide to replace kamala expect to see a lot of stories about how she is not black but Indian. Shots of her birth certificate showing the mother as "Caucasian" her father Jamaican. Her father's family owned slaves. She spent her formative years in Canada. Went to a "white" college. Married a Jewish white man.
And so on and so forth and shooby-dooby-dooby.
In short NOT black, NOT African-American certainly not ADOS.
Just pretending to be black so she can ride the DEI-affirmative action gravy train. A poser to be cast to the outer darkness.
The beauty of it is, it is actually true!
John Henry
It's official! Bide is not running for president! Carrot or stick, I wonder?
The MSM think Kamala is sinking away in that Car - gone forever. But they got the wrong sister. Kamala is actually going to show up and pull the wig off the dead corpse that is the Democrat Establishment.
Never married until she decided to run and she needed a beard.
No children.
Famous for oral sex, never a peep about vaginally sex.
Is it possible that she is not only not a black woman but that she is not even a woman? She is from San Francisco.
Hubby looks a bit hinky. Maybe he likes getting done by a chick with a dick.
It doesn't matter if it is true or not. Make her deny she is trans. Maybe at the Vp debate:
"vice president Harris, there are rumors you are actually a guy. Would you mind dropping trou to show how false these rumors are?"
"No? What are you hiding? A penis?"
John Henry
John henry said...
I still think Brandon is the candidate in November.
That certainly aged well Sure am glad nobody took me up on my bet offer.
I predict he will not be president in November.
(we'll see how we'll this one ages)
John Henry
St. Croix, agree with you on Shapiro, but the DNC is about to Inherit the Wind big time at the Convention from the pro-Hamas wing of the Party, even without a Jewish candidate (and his stance on Israel does not matter to the prohams: they have their full-bore, anti-semitic freak flag flying).
And the vast majority are not Muslim but are leftist youth. Some are even Jewish themselves. Before a fairly recent pro-Hamas march in Atlanta (it was supposed to be "Stop Cop City," but that issue was just an excuse), the groups held a Seder dinner for Jewish participants. I didn't risk going and blowing my cover, but this isn't unusual.
So I don't think Shapiro will be in the running because (A) the DNC doesn't have the guts to run him and (B) most Democrat Jewish votes are in large, safely Democratic states and thus statistically irrelevant.
The DNC has chosen a side, and it isn't the Jewish one, mass rape or not. No #themtoo for Israel's women.
Kamala's Jewish hubby is going to be a problem for them too. I hope for his sake that they increase his security protection, no matter what I think of his politics.
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