In this moment, we have to recognize that we have all been touched by toxic politics — regardless of our beliefs or where we fall on an ideological spectrum.
Can this, then, be a moment to pause and rediscover our better selves? To hear our inner voices, as clearly as we heard those shots? Americans, what do we want to be?
I'm giving this post my "civility bullshit" tag, which I use for insincere calls for civility. I think the editors want to escape criticism for the overblown, hateful rhetoric its side has aimed at Trump over the years, and it fully intends — consciously or not — to return to its old ways when it will serve its political interests.
ADDED: Here's the moment I would like all politically sentient Americans to reflect upon. When you saw that there was an attempt to murder Trump, what did you think? How did you feel? Look into your own heart and see yourself. I know how I felt, and I experienced it in real time, with a minute and 2 seconds of wondering Did we just witness an assassination? — before we heard the famous voice say, "Let me get my shoes." My conscience is clear. I experienced horror and disbelief, and I did not want to lose Trump. But some Americans — how many? — must have thought, Oh, damn, they missed. We could have been rid of that bad bad man. Look into your own heart and see yourself.
१२० टिप्पण्या:
I think the editors want to escape criticism for the overblown, hateful rhetoric its side has aimed at Trump over the years, and it fully intends — consciously or not — to return to its old ways when it will serve its political interests.
You’re 100% right, no question about it.
I have no intention of letting them, or the Democrats, or any other lefty organization off the hook. Their rhetoric is what it is and was what it was.
The bullshit tag is exactly right, AA. During the last few weeks political talk was all about how Joe's infirm condition has been covered up, and the next weeks will be about half-hearted "can't we all just get along?" crap. Then, business as usual with Trump = Hitler, MAGA very, very bad, and so on.
The moment won’t happen. Too many people are committed to the Bad Orange Man worldview to let it go. Once you decide Trump is Hitler or worse, you are in an epistemological box canyon.
F the Democrats
WaPo sorry that the hand of God protected Trump.
WaPo wanted Trump dead. He is, according to them, a threat to democracy.
On January 20, 2017, Trump was inaugurated. "Democracy Dies in Darkness" as the official slogan of The Washington Post was adopted on February 22, 2017.
Any means necessary as defined by NYT.
Now contrition.
Picture Kathy Griffin.
Seeing how close we came to losing President Trump tells me it was divine intervention. An inch or less and he is gone. I am praising the Lord this morning. Church this morning will prayerful.
Recall the rhetoric leading up to the assassination attempt on Kavanaugh. Recall Rep Maxine Waters telling lefties to "get in their faces". Recall every lefty news site telling their Commie followers Trump is the end of Democracy. Recall all them saying Trump is modern day Hitler. And a 20 year old, who mind has been poisoned, takes up the call. Why is anyone surprised? And now the WaPoo tries the "both sides" trick. Ain't buyin' it.
I'm curious why the Secret Service apparently did not have eyes in the air for this rally, or perhaps they did, and nobody was paying attention, which might be even be worse. Sorta hard to miss a guy with rifle crawling across a white roof. You have to control the high ground.
Secondly, pay attention to ammo sales reports, especially the monthly total for July, because any jump will have come in its final two weeks. I know that as of last night I'm thinking seriously about adding to my reserves, and, like insurance, hoping I don't need it.
Finally, I speculate that the guy's intention was to kill Trump just ahead of the Republican Convention.
I blame women for indulging the soap opera news and making it profitable, particularly as a vote garnering system.
I'm assuming that you looked at the comments on the editorial like I did. Let me sum them up.
1. Oh crap, he missed.
2. If we had proper gun control this wouldn't be possible.
3. Trump had it coming.
The hatred is adamantine.
Bongino says the Head of USSS declined adequate protection requests for "catastrophic" security threat level.
So the media set it up, and the incompetent head of USSS gets the assist.
Seems God is on the Donald's side.
Don't go on twitter, the left has gone assassination mad, and are showing the heathens they really are. They divided this country, and it may be permanent, because how do you unite with people who hate you and want you dead. For people who want to force gun control, they sure are giddy when gun violence happens to someone who they disagree with, don't they??
I would not limit the self examination to initial emotion. Consider what behavior you helped enable and what you let them get away with. It’s your own fault. Incentives begat more of the behavior…
Our system has a way of self correcting. It comes in November not in the form of we don’t like the guy we picked anymore…
Civility bullshit is what it is. Democrats are desperate.
Some variation of “oh, damn, they missed” is all over my twitter feed. Some Dem congresswomen blamed MAGA rhetoric. She deleted her tweet, but she should be censored by congress.
Keep praying, the bad guys may try again.
Boring enough for ya?
By Monday the left's mantra will be "let's move on".
Make teleprompters to be large prisms so that light doesn't go straight. Like the broken look of a stick underwater.
There’s no doubt in my mind that a good 30% of Americans want Trump dead. The hate is off the charts. This assassin was marinated in it for over 8 years.
And I still can’t understand why this roof - only 120 yards away - wasn’t secure. Gross incompetence.
The red hair witness told the police right away. SS should have been told and Trump pulled from the stage.
This certainly takes the "Biden is done" off the front page, doesn't it?
Kim Cheatle, head of global security Pepsico, a Biden appointee.
Remember Sam Brinton?
Apparently, when you cut down the pillars of society, you end up cutting out your own heart.
Or maybe you end up cutting down the pillars of society because your heart went dead from something else.
First thought: Oh no! Then disgust and revulsion, which turned to anger at ABC and NBC with their ridiculous commentary (“appears to be injured possibly by secret service agents assisting him”) that went on for an hour like they couldn’t admit what was so damned obvious. The chyrons didn’t do any better, “Trump hustled offstage after loud noises at his rally” and “Trump falls at rally possibly hurting himself.” Ironically they reran the footage that was easy to understand over and over but it was obvious the talking heads didn’t see it.
J.D. Vance
Today is not just some isolated incident.
The central premise of the Biden campaign is that President Donald Trump is an authoritarian fascist who must be stopped at all costs.
That rhetoric led directly to President Trump's attempted assassination.
Well said Ann.
I do think rhetoric on both sides is dangerous, but I’m watching various actions that are not being held to account. That is not sustainable and I don’t expect it to continue. Calling it out, as Althouse does here, is the first step.
My immediate reaction after a text from my best friend, “ My biggest fear. The libs stoked this.”
Meanwhile Biden's DOJ arresting pro-lifers for praying in front of abortion clinics because they are "haters".
"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil".
If you’re a Christian and you go to church today, let us follow Christ’s teaching as difficult as it may be for us to do.
In the sincerity of our hearts, let us pray for our enemies and for those who despitefully use us. It is what He calls us to do. It’s the only way forward.
McWhorter defends TDS. Not the clip defending his column but more general.
One of my big questions is whether the Dems will stop their election cheating schemes. I say not.
Instant relief when he stood up. Admiration for the courage of all on the scene. Wonder that counterfire took down the shooter so quickly. Were they watching him?
Well, the "push back" could be exciting and well deserved. One can hope that the Christian values of the oppressed dissuade any messy response to the unrelenting leftist vitriol,maybe. Though the left are certainly undeserving of such restraint. We shall see I suppose. We shall see.
My first thought was "Holy Shit!"
My second thought on Trump being altight was "Thank God!"
"They called him an illegitimate president.
They said he was a threat to democracy and had to be stopped.
They unleashed a legion of agents to investigate him, searched his home and broke historic barriers by indicting him.
Then they rigged a trial in a bid to put him in prison.
They called him un-American and worse. Their lawyers and activists fought to keep him off the fall ballots in a dozen blue states as a way — get this — to defend democracy.
They are still trying to bankrupt him and confiscate his businesses.
And now they have shot him." (Michael Goodwin NYPost)
Will all the commenters expressing their disappointment across all the social media platforms that the shooter missed be getting a visit from USSS, DOJ, FBI? Of course not, only church going law abiding citizens get a face to face with the above listed agencies.
And the USSS did a shit job of securing the venue.
I blame women for the condition of the inside of rhhardin's head.
How do you explain there being any difference in men's and women's voting patterns? It's not a small difference.
Other than brain function. Balancing all the feelings in the air, vs. concern for structure and stability.
Balancing feelings is soap opera.
Matt’s Idea Shop
“He’s literally Hitler!”
“He’s a dictator!”
“He’s an unprecedented threat to our republic!”
“America will not survive his presidency.”
Also Media:
“How could anyone possibly think violence is the answer?!?”
11:33 PM · Jul 13, 2024
The explanation comes from a woman, actually. Vicki Hearne, _Bandit_, "Beastly Behaviors"
Men and women don't think the same.
An excellent book, ignore all cover blurb, written by uncomprehending reviewers.
In that one picture, he looks like Coriolanus in the movie, returned from battle covered in blood, and when asked to treat his wounds, he said "This blood is medicine!" [modern translation of the text for the movie.]
” Ironically they reran the footage that was easy to understand over and over but it was obvious the talking heads didn’t see it.”
Just like they didn’t see Joe slipping into dementia. And still don’t.
Just like they don’t see the hate in their own hearts.
"This certainly takes the "Biden is done" off the front page, doesn't it?"
Could anything have made Trump look more vigorous in comparison more than his reaction to being shot? This is Teddy Roosevelt territory, as has been pointed out.
My thoughts hearing about then watching the assignation attempt.
Oh! Shit!
Thank God he missed!
The man is a Legend!
How did they (SS) let this happen?
Our job as Christians is to stick to our knitting. God said that vengeance is his. He also said HE would fight our battles. But He asks us to wait patiently for our deliverance. That is the challenge of faith: to know that deliverance is coming, even though it can’t yet be “seen.”
Remember what Isaiah wrote speaking of Jerusalem and Mount Zion as a symbol of God’s people, and speaking specifically about those who oppose and fight against God’s people. They are, Isaiah says:
“ 8 Just as when a hungry person dreams of eating
and wakes up still hungry
or a thirsty person dreams of drinking
and wakes up faint, still thirsty,
so shall the multitude of all the nations be
that fight against Mount Zion.”
It's not just Trump they want to kill. Obvious enough for you yet?
I'm terribly afraid that my dad was one of the people wishing the shooter hadn't missed. When I was with my parents recently, they had the news on - I think this was just post-verdict? I've lost track - and Trump appeared on screen. My elderly, infirm, veteran, career military father, who was probably smack in the center politically when I was a kid, took a leftish turn in later life and a hard anti-Trump turn when Trump came into public life; at the sight of him, my dad said, "I would blow him up."
Some more commentary about how he's literally seeking dictatorship; my mom left the room while saying under her breath, "You don't like him because you don't know him" (good try, Mom); my sister tried to hush him up, looking fearfully at their Alexa device (as if Bezos would mind any-Trump rhetoric).
The shooting happened while my husband and I were out shopping and on our way to meet friends, so we didn't hear about it until it was clear that Trump was all right. So my first thought wasn't so much about Trump as it was, "Please, God, don't let Dad have applauded this."
My husband is very impatient with the "God protected Trump" thing, as God clearly didn't protect the dead rally-goer or the two others who were wounded.
We read the comments from the Trump haters every day on this blog. You're expecting an awful lot of people who specialize in twisting reality into reasons to hate those they disagree with. I don't expect it to change.
When you saw that there was an attempt to murder Trump, what did you think?
I thought of how Ronald Reagan appeared to be OK when he arrived at the hospital but was actually severally wounded. I thought perhaps Trump could have been hit in a similar fashion without realizing it, due to the adrenaline. Then I prayed for him and America.
I don't think the Washington Post and other lefty sites are seeking to absolve themselves for their inciteful, incendiary language, I think they are blaming Trump and his supporters, that Trump's own rhetoric is what caused this, that's what they are saying needs to be changed. CNN talking heads were critcizing Trump, for example, when he clenched his fist and said "Fight! Fight!" to the rally crowd, blood smeared across his face as he walked off the stage with the USSS agents surrounding him. Fight being a nasty word apparently.
I was saddened and appalled when I saw the early reports of the incident and was relieved that Trump suffered only a relatively minor injury.
When Trump takes the oath for his second term, a couple of events will have solidified that victory: 1. Joe Biden couldn't get out of his own way after the debate and couldn't even gain his footing in a major interview and international press conference afterwards. 2. Seconds after an attempt on his live, Trump stood and pumped his fist. That's a pretty powerful visual.
The DNC allowed itself to be distracted by the indictments and other nonsense and didn't bother to develop a strategy to beat Trump. In addition, they clearly decided not to take action to convince a doddering old man that he shouldn't run. The press, similarly distracted, either didn't pay close enough attention to Biden's decline or thought it they kept quiet no one would notice how badly Biden was doing.
As I said, I'm deeply sorry that this happened. I don't think the comments here attributing the attempt on his life to the hatred poured on him by Democrats and the press are wrong, necessarily, but if you read the things people here post about Biden and Democrats, you'll see a similar level of vitriol. If you call the president a pedophile and refer to his supporters as groomers, you create a similar atmosphere of hatred. Sorry, but if you post a "Fuck Biden" sign in the front yard you're signaling a level of dislike that does lead to what happened yesterday. If you watched the debate, though, you realized you don't need to take him out. He took himself out. If you have a "Fuck Biden" sign in your front yard, you can take it down. He fucked himself a couple of Thursdays ago.
And that fist pump is the last dagger in Biden's campaign. I'm no fan of Trump's, but Goddamn, he has balls.
I rarely find political moments in the US emotional (well, other than a combination of irritation and disgust), but the image of Trump with his fist upraised after the assassination attempt was genuinely moving. I saw it on the subway (I am in Tokyo at the moment) while reading about what had happened, and felt my eyes go a bit wet. I don't particularly like the man but that theatrical display of resilience is something I think will forever be linked with Trump in my mind.
I agree with Jaime‘s husband’s sentiment. I don’t know that God stepped in and overruled the course of events free will set in motion, to protectTrump. All life is in God’s hands, including the lives of leaders of nations. God does what he deems best and He doesn’t consult me. I think Trump displays a Cavalier attitude toward many of the things That Christ taught. But the history in scripture is repeat with times that God, for his own purposes, uses all kinds of flawed people, including people that don’t even believe in him. I’m not saying God is using Trump. But I’m also not saying God would never use Trump.
When I talk above about God’s people, I’m not talking about a political party, one or the other. I’m talking about the people who want to live in peace with each other and follow Christ no matter what political party they’re in. The violence is antichrist. The hateful rhetoric is antichrist the refusal to see the other political party as real people with real feelings is antichrist.
Speaking of the Secret Service. If they indeed got him with a head shot, that means they must have had him in their sights long before they took the shot. Why did they wait until after the shooter had gotten 7 or more shots off? Who DIDN'T give them the Go permission?
Trump needs to have his own, serious security detail. Even the SS can't be trusted now.
Chances the WP editorial board and others of their ilk look into the mirror and realize they're the baddies: zero percent
First reaction? WTF!
My second thought was somebody in the audience is the backstop.
THe WaPo is a high school newspaper and the people that read it and comment have a high school mentality.
Notice the absence here of the usual suspects. Now would be the time to reflect on their political attitudes towards their opposition. But that ain't gonna happen.
Be vigilent. Practice situational awareness and if you have a permit, go heeled.
My questions are:
1. Is it even possible that the Secret Service snipers were not watching the shooter, given that they neutralized him within a second of his getting the shots off?
2. Wouldn't their orders be to shoot to kill anyone brandishing a firearm in that situation, and not wait till he fires it?
3. And wouldn't their orders also be to preemptively surround the target and get him out of harm's way?
Something seems very wrong here.
I wasn’t watching TV when this happened. My Dad texted me that Trump had been shot, and I didn’t register the slightest bit of shock or surprise. In a way, I feel like I’ve been expecting this moment for a long time. I turned on the news and saw the footage of the Secret Service hailing him off stage, and was definitely relieved to see that he appeared okay.
I do feel an immense amount of pride when I see the footage of him pumping his fist.
Liberty is always dangerous, but it is the safest thing we have. ---Harry Emerson Fosdick
ADDED: Here's the moment I would like all politically sentient Americans to reflect upon. When you saw that there was an attempt to murder Trump, what did you think? How did you feel?
I thought it was a troll on discord.
I told the pastor I was talking to some troll in discord that someone posted a dumb troll post about Trump getting shot because the notification interrupted the conversation.
I didn’t find out for about 10 minutes that the idiots actually went there.
I am going to church today. We are all so lucky that I am on the border of declaring faith in the existence of god.
One of the people that died in our unit in Afghanistan had a bullet hit the base of his skull right behind the helmet. It cracked his skull but did not penetrate or touch his brain. The shock of the bullet hitting the skull caused his brain to almost instantly swell to the point his brain died from the pressure. There is no half inch to the right. If a ballistic projectile touches your skull with the energy of 556 it almost certainly causes fatal damage.
That bullet hit his skin but not his skull.
Like I said I am going to church today.
I have a cousin who would definitely feel disappointed the shooter’s aim was off. But my cousin is also elderly and not in good health. I will let God take care of his attitude.
I taunted my husband, told him he almost got his wish but the guy missed. He tells people he wishes both Trump and Biden would be knocked off.
Because men be all rational like that, just ask rhardin.
It doesn't take exceptional courage for Trump to be defiant. Old men are pretty indifferent to death, usually.
Seriously, read Vicki Hearne _Bandit_ if nothing else for how a woman can have something useful to say by following what men say but putting in slight corrections.
For the initial intellectual position, women are useless. For the right corrections, invaluable.
I love when the chef works for hours and hours in a new soup. Putting various ingredients in it, trying things not tried before. And upon serving it, the people spit it out and exclaim that it's awful. So the chef immediately points his finger at his sous chef and other members of his staff decrying their awful work habits and asking that everyone recommit to doing better.
The violent and hateful rhetoric comes from the left and the right, let’s not pretend it’s otherwise. How did the right respond when Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked and bashed in the head? Was that not hateful? I’d say both sides need to do some soul searching. I’m glad that Trump wasn’t killed, I’m so sad that a rally goer was killed and two seriously injured.
Just go away.
You've spent your whole Althouse career vilifying Trump and wishing ill on him and everybody here.Now would be a good time for you to slink back into the weeds and sit on your hands for awhile.
Can this, then, be a moment...?
Show me.
Start by taking some responsibility.
Inga said...
The violent and hateful rhetoric comes from the left and the right, let’s not pretend it’s otherwise. How did the right respond when Nancy Pelosi’s husband was attacked and bashed in the head? Was that not hateful? I’d say both sides need to do some soul searching. I’m glad that Trump wasn’t killed, I’m so sad that a rally goer was killed and two seriously injured.
We will believe you when you actually take responsibility for your hate.
Until you admit that we have been peaceful and Trump is a legitimate candidate with good intentions we don’t care what you have to say.
Until then get fucked. We were nice before. It is time for you pieces of shit to be removed from polite society.
It’s not just one side that needs to take responsibility.
Advice from St. Ignatius Loyola, “Pray as if everything depended upon God; work as if everything depended upon you.”
Inga said...
It’s not just one side that needs to take responsibility.
You and the rest of the Democrats haven't taken any responsibility for this.
Jeez, Inga. Get your head out of wherever it resides. You're missing the reality of what's going on. This is not an 'everybody does it' situation. Not even close.
Maybe this can help you: VDH: Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left.
Victor Davis Hanson
Assassination Porn and the Sickness on the Left
If we were leftists and we were to use leftist tropes to editorialize the recent attempt on Trump’s life, then we would frame the assassination attempt in the following way:
We have witnessed for years blatant exceptions to the once common custom that we don’t normalize the imagined killing of any president or presidential candidate and thus lower the bar of violence.
But the Left constantly makes Trump an exception. Now, it as if the imagined killing of Trump had been mainstreamed and become acceptable in a way inconceivable of other presidents.
(Do we remember the rodeo clown who merely wore an Obama mask during a bull riding contest and was punished by being permanently banned by the Missouri State Fair authorities?)
So since at least 2016 there has been a parlor game among Leftist celebrities and entertainers joking (one hopes), dreaming, imagining, and just talking about the various and graphic ways they would like to assassinate or seriously injure Trump:
By slugging his face (Robert De Niro), by decapitation (Kathy Griffin, Marilyn Manson), by stabbing (Shakespeare in the Park), by clubbing (Mickey Rourke), by shooting ( Snoop Dogg), by poisoning (Anthony Bourdain), by bounty killing (George Lopez), by carrion eating his corpse (Pearl Jam), by suffocating (Larry Whilmore), by blowing him up (Madonna, Moby), by throwing him over a cliff (Rosie O’Donnell), just by generic “killing” him (Johnny Depp, Big Sean), or by martyring him (Reid Hoffman: “Yeah, I wish I had made him an actual martyr.”).
Or should we deplore the use of telescopic scope imagery, given that the Left blamed Sarah Palin for once using bullseye spots on an election map of opposition congressional districts, claiming that such usage had incited the mass shooting by Jared Lee Loughner?
Yet, recently POTUS Joe Biden was a little bit more graphic and a lot more literal.
In a widely reported call to hundreds of donors last week, Biden boasted, “I have one job, and that’s to beat Donald Trump. I’m absolutely certain I’m the best person to be able to do that. So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
"In a bullseye?”
At least, Biden did not go back to the full Biden beat-up porn of the past (e.g., “If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him"/ “The press always asks me, ‘Don’t I wish I were debating him?’ No, I wish we were in high school – I could take him behind the gym. That’s what I wish.”).
Read the rest here....
"When you saw that there was an attempt to murder Trump, what did you think? How did you feel?"
That's a women's analysis. Men look at the structural problem in sabotaging elections meaning that you can't have elections. Nobody cares how you feel if you see the structure.
But some Americans — how many? — must have thought, Oh, damn, they missed. We could have been rid of that bad bad man.
I'm sure the majority of this crowd are Affluent White Female Liberals. Militant green haired, nose ring college campus chicks.
We would be waking up to a much different country this morning if Trump was killed.
"When you saw that there was an attempt to murder Trump, what did you think? How did you feel?"
I felt pissed. What I thought was a strong possibility happened.
And then the video and images of the defiant raised fist, and the "Fight, Fight, Fight!" quickly emerged. Then I just thought, "what a badass."
I'm on the good-guy side. It's lonely, but worth it.
will bullet captured in photo be found?
does it not belong in Smithsonian? or displayed in WH!
I cannot believe I gave 20 years, got wounded, got my hands bloody and got PTSD for this nation at this point. I wish I had a time machine and could go back to my commissioning ceremony and take the bars out of my father's (rest his soul...he would never believe this) hand, throw them on the ground, and walk out of the university chapel while tearing up my orders.
Half the country isn't worth it. I should've been calling in airstrikes on traitors at home by helping modify my buddy's Cessna. Unreal.
"Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when you really need him?" That was a saying which I heard from time to time, used by both the Left and Right, to express dissatisfaction with a politician. Certainly in terrible taste, but I never heard it used by either side in a serious manner, only a purely rhetorical way to express dislike and understood as such. Fortunately it fell out of use by the Clinton administration, but if it were still around, people would be using it seriously. How far have we fallen.
All Biden-Harris 2024 or whatever the fuck ever yard signs will be getting collated with addresses and county ArcGIS ownership from here on out in my community. Several of my brosephs will be running license-plates with dem bumper stickers that I send them. Sure it's illegal but so is trying to assassinate the presumptive president of the United States. It helps to be good friends with your county sheriff.
Excel is your friend. 4chan and NextDoor are already lighting up with requests to share said lists. I hope those folks are deep sleepers.
That's how I 'feel'...
IMO there is only one acceptable response from any fervent Democrat supporter.
"I now realize that I have been supporting a party whose guiding principle is hate and division and this assassination attempt is a direct result of that."
Any response other than this puts YOUR finger on the trigger. There is no middle ground for me anymore.
will bullet captured in photo be found?
Sadly, it's likely that bullet found one of the shooters victims.
"It’s not just one side that needs to take responsibility."
Let us never hear this individual decry whataboutism ever again.
"When you saw that there was an attempt to murder Trump, what did you think? How did you feel?"
I found out from your post and it already appeared he survived, so I think my first reaction was relief.
And "well, it happened". I have been expecting this for a long time. I expect more of it. I have said before and I still believe Trump won't survive to election day, and if he does and is elected he won't survive his term. The level of hate and vitriol from the left is over the top. I primarily blame the media. They have been consciously stirring this pot from the day he was elected.
Roosevelt was 53 in 1912
Donald Trump is 78 years old.
John Henry
Dems/MSM yesterday: Trump is literally Hitler!
Dems/MSM today: My thoughts go out to Hitler and I hope Hitler has a speedy recovery.
The resident Dillard blames both sides. Would someone please lead me to the calls for assassination of Biden from the right ? I'm having trouble finding them.
Oh, that's perfect Swede.
1. JEBUS! The long expected has happened.
2. ASSHOLES! DNC, Obama, NYT, WaPo, NBC, etc.
3. THANK YOU, LORD! He looks alive, safe; shooting stopped.
4. (Expanding on 2.) Cannot much blame Biden; a hollow shell of grasping, vicious insecure bitterness. The Handlers and Enablers are EVIL.
Transfer of power from individual citizen to Federal Government began 23 June 1788, day after US Constitution was ratified. It has lurched (times of crisis) and crawled (times of peace) forward since.
By 2008 Federal Government had tightening grip on education, health care, housing, energy, food,... Obama ran his first campaign on HOPE! Surrender more personal decisions to ME and be happy!
Power now accreted to Feral Gummit makes makes temptation to abuse humanly irresistible. Vote Fraud surpasses Nineteenth Century levels.
Either Voters will wake up
..stop Vote Fraud,
..impose ad-hoc term limits,
..demand Legislators simplify the Body of Laws,
..accept responsibility for their own welfare, and understand the US Constitution;
or not.
"Gee someone reacted to our non-stop 'Trump is Hitler and must be stopped by any means necessary' rhetoric? Shocking, just shocking"
Trying to deflect the well-deserved contempt they will receive for their hysterical ranting.
Yesterday was relief.
Today is anger.
“Would someone please lead me to the calls for assassination of Biden from the right ? I'm having trouble finding them.”
And who on the left called for Trump’s assassination? Some voices in your head? The right has absolutely no moral high ground here. None.
Somebody's a little salty that her team can't shoot straight.
For those of you who are actually interested in who is/was/has been calling for Trump to be assassinated, I invite you to go check out the Twitterverse.
LOTS of newspeople/actors/politicians/various and sundry leftist assholes who all failed to comprehend that the internet is forever. They are all being torn up even as I write this. The fallout for which will be legendary.
Can't wait!
I'll let others compile the list. I won't waste my time.
Look into your own heart and see yourself.
Now would have been a good time for the leftists to categorically denounce what happened and the contribution they had precipitating it. But they can't do it. Their silence is deafening. Inga should not have devolved into both-side-ism, proving that she did no soul searching.
Tempted to respond like Andrew Breitbart:
"Fuck you. WAR."
Sure it's illegal but so is trying to assassinate the presumptive president of the United States.
Just to be clear, it's illegal to run plates for non-law-enforcement purposes.
It's NOT illegal to make and share lists of your local left-wing loudmouths and troublemakers, absent explicit calls to do them harm. Every normal decent American should be preparing to resist what the Left are planning to do to the rest of us after Trump wins.
My first thoughts were a combination of "I'm surprised it took this long" and "F***in' Democrats".
I first learned of the assassination attempt when I opened Zerohedge last night- their headline at the time- still within a handful of minutes of when it occurred had something like "Trump Shot in Head"- so I expected he was dead- I read further down on the headline and part of the first sentence that let me know he was probably not seriously wounded.
I walked into my usual bar to have my customary beer before 4pm mass and saw the replay on the big screen only a few minutes old.
I literally said out loud, 'Holy shit, I can't believe this.'
The bartender put on sports as assassination attempts are bad for business, so I streamed it on my phone and listened with earphones until it was time to go to church...
"And who on the left called for Trump’s assassination?"
Inga, should we pray for healing of your blindness AND deafness, or would one suffice?
Blogger Inga said...
“Would someone please lead me to the calls for assassination of Biden from the right ? I'm having trouble finding them.”
And who on the left called for Trump’s assassination? Some voices in your head? The right has absolutely no moral high ground here. None.
Right back to that nasty commie with the fake Trump head, you idiot.
By the way, autocorrect changed "Dullard" to Dillard. Sorry about that.
Old senile Doc Kennedy,
If you are trying to say that the right has never called for violence if not outright murder of people on the left, then you are more senile than poor old Joe. The left hasn’t said anything that the right hasn’t said first. In what reality do you live? Or are you a shut-in in the nursing home?
All one has to do is read the violent rhetoric expressed by some commenters on this very thread. When you live in glass houses don’t throw stones.
The Dullard comes right back with another lie.
Not more than a few weeks ago John McWhorter, a New York Times columnist and author, was expressing a desire to see Trump assassinated, on Glenn Loury's podcast. Loury called him on it and he refused to back down.
Remember when?
Inga tries to distract again, posting some bullshit from an unknown regressive.
Give it up, we have the receipts from Democrat leadership advocating violence.
I’d say both sides need to do some soul searching.
We're not the ones trying to imprison our political opponents. And we're not the ones trying to kill our political opponents.
Take your 'both sides' bullshit and stuff it up your ass, Tuesday.
I felt completely calm and not at all surprised. I expected something like this.
I also expect that there will be lots of violent riots and other actions prior to the election and non-stop unrest coming from the Left if Trump is elected. They won't let up one bit.
The first thing i thought from the headline thet he had been shot was: please God, don’t let this start a civil was!
Civil war
Swede said..
Dems/MSM yesterday: Trump is literally Hitler!
Dems/MSM today: My thoughts go out to Hitler and I hope Hitler has a speedy recovery.
Can this, then, be a moment to pause and rediscover our better selves?
As usual, it's only the other side that needs to do this, not us, the good guys.
They consciously intend to return to their evil ways.
In fact, they have never left them.
This is five minute pause.
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