July 9, 2024

"But if you’ve ever wondered... if Americans are in fact totally cool with a group of unelected officials pulling strings behind the scenes..."

"... while the man known as POTUS watches Dick Van Dyke reruns and drools contentedly into a bowl of creamed corn—may I direct your attention to one of my favorite movies, the 1993 Kevin Kline comedy 'Dave,' in which some devious Washington insiders attempt to do exactly this? The premise of 'Dave' is... the president has a stroke and ends up comatose, his chief of staff... secretly hires a body double—that’s Dave—to impersonate the president full time...."

Writes Kat Rosenfield, in "'Dave' Predicted the Biden Debacle/In the Nineties film, the president ends up comatose, and his chief of staff secretly hires a body double. These days, the plot feels eerily familiar" (Free Press).


Kay said...


doctrev said...

Putting a rando civilian in the Presidency is so played out Hollywood has done it multiple times.

That's not what we have here. A political moron long past his best before date is leading America into total disaster. It is at the point Americans will make Donald Trump their leader, again.

I'd like Trump to declare himself king. I want this nightmare to go on forever for the Rats and LLRs. If the Constitution cannot stop the Biden fraud or the oligarchy, it is not fit for purpose.

Kate said...

If the current Biden is a more acceptable body double, the Left did a terrible casting job.

Kate said...

Also, the plot to "Dave" is a leftwing circle jerk. Kat needs to take her own head out of the creamed corn.

Michael K said...

I like that movie too,although the script is very left wing. Maybe I just like Kevin Kline.

narciso said...

Yes the original president is bush sr ans the other one is an idealized clinton type

Rory said...

I hope the Dick van Dyke Show thing is in the movie. Even at his best, I can't imagine Biden rising to that level.

narciso said...

Langella is supposed to be james baker type of course he was dracula

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

I'm wondering if we as country paid off Kat Rosenfield's student loans. If we did we got cheated.

Mason G said...

"I like that movie too,although the script is very left wing."

Pretty much what one might expect from Hollywood.

Paul said...

Democrats don't even bother with a body double.. they just stand there lying as Biden dotters along on the stage... Corrupt to the bone.

I understand the WH is supposed to, by law, record all conversations and keep them.. maybe in years to come we will find out what lies were all spoken by the Bidens and their puppet masters.. but don't expect that for 100 years..

narciso said...

What is she on shrooms the dollar is carp the cities are ablaze and were on the verge of three wars

Gusty Winds said...

What the comatose President in "Dave" installed via absentee voter fraud?

Mason G said...

"But if you’ve ever wondered... if Americans are in fact totally cool with a group of unelected officials pulling strings behind the scenes..."

If you want to know, you could ask. But I suppose telling Americans that the president is a turnip and a group of unelected officials have been pulling strings behind the scenes and then asking for their opinions on that is out of the question, then?

Iman said...

I think a different Kline movie is a little closer to what we’ve witnessed: “A Fish Called Wanda”.

Michael Palin’s stuttering turn as Ken Pile is a worthy approximation of Biden’s act.

narciso said...

Although otto is at bidens level of intellect

narciso said...

Now i know her head would explode, small loss but the dave character is really orange man this other guy she enabled pushed an infrastructure bill that doesnt build bridges or roads doesnt even built power stations what does it do

Zients is the langella character preceded by klein

Wa St Blogger said...

President of the United States has gone from the leader of the free world and most powerful person status to just a figurehead in less than 4 years. It is now a joke. We should stop the charade that we vote for the leader of our country and instead accept that we vote for team R or D and just let them run the place however they see fit. The president, like the vice president is just the person we send to certain events to glad-hand the dignitaries.

Iman said...

K-K-Ken Pile.

Mr Wibble said...

The West Wing's entire first two seasons dealt with the running storyline about how the WH hid the President's illness from the electorate, and even had an episode where Bartlett tries to argue that it was fine because his appointed staff could take over in a crisis. I find it hilarious because DC is full of the type of people who grew up on that slop and let it shape their views on politics, but now can't seem to understand that they are the bad guys in the story.

Narayanan said...

Democrats don't even bother with a body double
why bother when people are seeing 2 movies [as claimed by Dilbert]

Left Bank of the Charles said...

President Biden refusing to exit the race on command demonstrates that no one has been pulling Biden’s strings behind the scenes. If anything, the current brouhaha suggests that some would have liked to and he wouldn’t let them.

lamech said...

Other relevant movies/tv...

The Madness of King George

The Thick of It "Spinners and Losers" (2007 special -- When the PM resigns, the government go berserk over one night looking for a successor)

Ann Althouse said...

"Langella is supposed to be james baker type of course he was dracula"

He was also great in "Captain Fantastic," one of my favorite movies.

Wa St Blogger said...

The presidency is just another institution the left has destroyed in its effort to maintain power. We are playing republic jenga, where we pull out the foundations of our system piece by piece until the whole thing collapses, and the idiots polling the pieces only care about what they can get and the bigger enabled by the bigger idiots who believe their divisive rhetoric.

Joe Smith said...

'Dave' or 'Being There,' where people mistake the idiot Peter Sellers for a genius.

Leland said...

Blogger Kate said...
Also, the plot to "Dave" is a leftwing circle jerk.


n.n said...

Bureaucratic Longevity Matters (BLM)

Also, the [Anti]fascist model of authoritarian progress to redistribute capital and capture control.

Reversing the Growth of Government Spending and Inflation

Strengthening Social Security

Modernizes Medicare to achieve better outcomes for program beneficiaries.Implements a premium support system for more choices, more competition, and lower costs.

Advances vital pro-life and conscience protection provisions.Redirects federal funding to health centers that do not provide abortions.

Abolitionism, accompanied with anti-Diversity or pro-civil rights), and anti-human rites (e.g. anti-witch trials), too. Damn conservatives.

Jamie said...

President Biden refusing to exit the race on command demonstrates that no one has been pulling Biden’s strings behind the scenes. If anything, the current brouhaha suggests that some would have liked to and he wouldn’t let them.

I don't think you're considering the possibility that he doesn't know.

Furthermore - if you're actually right and he's been successfully resisting the efforts of his staff to go in a different direction from what he wants, (a) it would certainly explain his terrible policy decisions, and (b) now, post-debate, 50 million Americans know just how cogent his thinking is and might WISH his staff had been able to control him better.

tim maguire said...

if Americans are in fact totally cool with a group of unelected officials pulling strings behind the scenes while the man known as POTUS watches Dick Van Dyke reruns and drools contentedly into a bowl of creamed corn

Probably 75% of Democrats and 25% of Republicans would be perfectly happy with that scenario so long as the vegetable-in-chief is their guy.

lamech said...

Being There is an interesting relevant movie (in addition to "The Madness of King George" and
"The Thick of It 'Spinners and Losers'")

I have also thought of Beetlejuice on the Howard Stern Show, especially when the show's staff attempt to have Beetlejuice "repeat after me"

mindnumbrobot said...

Cute movie. If I remember correctly, there was a cameo or two at the villain's dinner party by people like George Will, Fred Barnes, or some other Republican insiders of the day, just to make sure you knew the bad guy was Republican.

Jamie said...

Also re: Left Bank, ISTM that the simplest explanation is that he's been persuadable about policy because that's no skin off his nose, but when it comes to this matter of whether he retains power, his habitual stubborn single-minded self-interest is kicking in.

Birches said...

We just talked about this movie to our kids on a long drive last week. We're probably going to rent in when we get back home.

mindnumbrobot said...

And Charles Grodin was the good guy accountant who balanced the budget in a day!

Rusty said...

"But if you’ve ever wondered... if Americans are in fact totally cool with a group of unelected officials pulling strings behind the scenes..."

No. No we are not. At least those of us that lean toward Trump.

Jill isn't going to leave unless she gets 100 mil or greater. Until then Joe's the nominee.

n.n said...

Headroom for President.

Pillage Idiot said...

Kevin Kline was great in Dave.

"I once caught a fish ... this big!"

MadisonMan said...

Dave was a very well cast movie. I enjoyed it, and I watched it again when it made it to an airplane I was on last year or the year before.

Pillage Idiot said...

Of course, Peter Sellers as Chance the Gardener in the 1979 movie Being There, is much more on point for the current iteration of Joe Biden as President.

Mike (MJB Wolf) said...

Wife loved DAVE. I was a BEING THERE guy. In the end we weren't compatible.

mezzrow said...

I think a different Kline movie is a little closer to what we’ve witnessed: “A Fish Called Wanda”.

Michael Palin’s stuttering turn as Ken Pile is a worthy approximation of Biden’s act.

And Kline could wander in every 20 minutes or so and just shout "ASSHOLE!".

tim maguire said...

Pillage Idiot said...Peter Sellers as Chance the Gardener in the 1979 movie Being There, is much more on point for the current iteration of Joe Biden as President.

Chance the Gardner is Barack Obama. The guy who says superficial things and everyone around him imputes deep meaning.

Weekend at Bernie's is Joe Biden. Propping up a dead guy to convince everyone he's still alive.

Aggie said...

@Joe Smith said 10:32: "'Dave' or 'Being There,' where people mistake the idiot Peter Sellers for a genius....

Yeah. The movie Joe Biden is presently in, is called Being - Where?

narciso said...

Scandal was more entertaining even with most of the left wing tropes, kerry washington is who I think kamala mimes, pretence without depth, joe morton is the villain of the piece and her father, her mother is some black militant,

JIM said...

I'm not cool with it. I have no real say in the matter at the moment. Congress has options but I highly doubt that those options will be utilized because of the thin majorities. The 25th amendment is probably off the table as well, although Harris has certainly contemplated that scenario ad nauseum. So it's up to Biden, Jill that is. She's the power behind the scenes. It oozes out of every pore on her body. She enjoys the "lifestyle" too much to give it up.

Gerda Sprinchorn said...

Wouldn't this be a legal snake pit?

Wouldn't a string-puller be guilty of illegally appropriating the power of the presidency every time they made a presidential decision? Can the president just casually delegate decision-making to other people? Isn't the president himself the only person authorized to exercise presidential powers?

Would the decisions made in this way be legal?

Sounds like an aggressive prosecutor could generate a lot of prosecutions from such conduct, or at a minimum a lot of investigations and subpoenas.

Is there a lawyer here who could give us some guidance?

FullMoon said...

Blogger tim maguire said...

Chance the Gardner is Barack Obama. The guy who says superficial things and everyone around him imputes deep meaning.

Obama is the best teleprompter reader since Bill Clinton. That, and his color, may be what got him elected.

narciso said...

yes one season they discovered he had ms, the next one he had the qumari defense minister killed and buried in the bahamas,

Mikey NTH said...

IIRC Correctly "Moon Over Parador" did the same thing in a South American country.

FullMoon said...

Jamie said...

President Biden refusing to exit the race on command demonstrates that no one has been pulling Biden’s strings behind the scenes. If anything, the current brouhaha suggests that some would have liked to and he wouldn’t let them.

I don't think you're considering the possibility that he doesn't know.

Biden has been convinced that "insurrection" "fine people" "suckers and losers" are all true.
Same people who convinced him persuade him to do as they wish.

narciso said...

so the worst of all possible worlds, possibly thats the case,

Michael said...

Any time a woman or a politician says “It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything’s fine” - batten down the hatches!

Achilles said...

Left Bank of the Charles said...
President Biden refusing to exit the race on command demonstrates that no one has been pulling Biden’s strings behind the scenes. If anything, the current brouhaha suggests that some would have liked to and he wouldn’t let them.

That means Joe Biden is the most intelligent Democrat.

And everyone else supporting the party is less intelligent than the doddering idiot everyone saw at the debate.

I agree with Left Bank.

Democrat voters are very stupid people.

narciso said...

the leslie nielsen strategy from naked gun,

Rick67 said...

Well, yes. Except I rather doubt the human being we call "President Biden" is a body double.

I can't tell which I would rather see. This Biden run against Trump. Or Biden drops out and someone else runs. What I do want is to see the Democrats lose, lose, lose, and then be driven away completely from the levers of power. They make Trump look like a saint by comparison.

Temujin said...

Mentioned earlier but I'll second.

View the movie "Moon over Parador", starring Richard Dreyfus, Raul Julia, the beautiful Sonia Braga (directed by Paul Mazursky). A little-known actor working in the fictional South American country of Parador, who has an uncanny resemblance to the country's dictator, is talked into portraying the dictator who just died.

I always thought it to be pretty funny. And the best part of it is that in this country, the voters have two parties/two candidates to vote for. Though they are the virtually same. Only the color of their banners is different- blue or red. (movie is from 1988).

Moon over Parador.

RoseAnne said...

Went to the mall to see "a movie". "Dav e" was getting test marked in that area so we got a free movie and a chance to give our opinion. I rated the movie about a "7" but became a big Kevin Kline fan.

rehajm said...

Went to the mall to see "a movie". "Dav e" was getting test marked in that area so we got a free movie and a chance to give our opinion. I rated the movie about a "7" but became a big Kevin Kline fan.

Hey- I saw it that way, too...I wonder if anyone ever paid to see it?

I used to get freebie movies like that for some reason...I don't recall having much obligation afterwards, maybe a live survey or something...

PM said...

Nothing gets to Joe that doesn't go through Jill.
This is an outrage.

Rocco said...

"... while the man known as POTUS watches Dick Van Dyke reruns..."

I bet if you asked him, Joe Biden will tell the story of when he was a young boy working as a chimney sweep with Van Dyke in Edwardian England, and the racist powers-that-be broke up a strike by firing a cannon into the crowd.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Nothing gets to Joe that doesn't go through Jill.
This is an outrage."

I heard that it was Hunter who was gatekeeping his dad, not Jill. Besides Jill doesn't control the booger sugar, and Joe needs it to sound mad on radio and tv interviews.

He is filled with cocaine rage.

Chuck said...

Of course there is the movie equivalent of the Trump debacle. That one is "Downfall."

btw: "Moon Over Paradour" is one of my favorites and one of the great underrated movies of all time. Raul Julia is brilliant in the Frank Langella-equivalent role. Richard Dreyfus is at his best, which is truly great... But the thing that was so fascinating and surprising to me is that I had thought that it was a film in which the South American dictator Alphonse Simms was a dual role for Dreyfus. Instead, it was played by Dreyfus' real life older brother, the late Lorin Dreyfus.

RideSpaceMountain said...

"Of course there is the movie equivalent of the Trump debacle. That one is "Downfall."

That's one of my favorites too ABC! Good to know we have so much in common when it comes to comedy.

narciso said...

sure that makes perfect sense,

can someone reset this simulation,

Iman said...

👍 mezzrow @11:47am!

narciso said...

'Aristotle was not Belgian, OTto, and the London Underground is not a political movement'

narciso said...

the slightly amusing part of this dark comedy was when we were told 'this is the best Biden' and any doubt was just a deep fake,

Deep State Reformer said...

I believe that if Biden is re-elected he'll immediately transition into a Max Headroom digital life form and will never be seen in IRL. Between AI technology and Pixar this is entirely possible too. In the future a POTUS need only win once and can then retire to his basement pod and can let the DNC AI handle things. Speeches, bill signing, etc can be Pixar animations. No more cringe, gaffs, tumbles, falling down, blank stares, and the rest.

Paul said...

At least Kevin Kline (Dave) played a person with a functioning brain.

Biden does not have one... least a reasonably functioning brain.

If WW3 broke out between now and Jan 20th 2025.. then who has the nuke codes?

Who presses the button? Who tells the military to use drones and kill people in foreign lands (as Obama did?)

RideSpaceMountain said...

"If WW3 broke out between now and Jan 20th 2025.. then who has the nuke codes?

Who presses the button? Who tells the military to use drones and kill people in foreign lands (as Obama did?)"

Why the people who really run the country would of course! Stop asking so many questions, peasant.

Martin said...

I thought Dave was a Democrat wish fulfillment movie where sleazy Bill Clinton died and was replaced by a nice version and the Hillary was a decent person and not an evil hag.

tim maguire said...

Temujin said...in this country, the voters have two parties/two candidates to vote for. Though they are the virtually same.

One of my favorite witticisms about US politics: “The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.”

Ann Althouse said...

"Of course, Peter Sellers as Chance the Gardener in the 1979 movie Being There, is much more on point for the current iteration of Joe Biden as President."

Now playing on the Criterion Channel (as part of the Shirley MacLaine collection).

Achilles said...

Temujin said...

I always thought it to be pretty funny. And the best part of it is that in this country, the voters have two parties/two candidates to vote for. Though they are the virtually same. Only the color of their banners is different- blue or red. (movie is from 1988).

Trump is being indicted because he is not Bush/Cheney/Romney/Bush/Rubio/Cruz/Desnatis/Haley.

Trump's real gift was removing the masks.

Joe Smith said...

'Wouldn't this be a legal snake pit?

Wouldn't a string-puller be guilty of illegally appropriating the power of the presidency every time they made a presidential decision? Can the president just casually delegate decision-making to other people? Isn't the president himself the only person authorized to exercise presidential powers?

Would the decisions made in this way be legal?'

I hope this is sarcasm. When Democrats are in power they do whatever the fuck they want.

Rs could (but won't) learn a lesson...

Quaestor said...

"...the American people would absolutely not be comforted by the notion of a shadowy cabal secretly running the country, while the man they voted into office lies comatose in a basement room under the White House."

I would give up everything, even my life to know that was true. But evidence insists a large minority of Americans would trade the republic that has made them comfortable dilettants for Oceania with its faceless, nameless Inner Party ruling absolutely the mass of simpleton proles on the one condition of unfettered abortion.

Biden is the living archetype of Big Brother -- no one real, no one actually living with genuine thoughts and authentic sympathy, just a moving (sometimes) image on your omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent telescreen distracting us from the anonymous beast that wears the boot.

mccullough said...

Never realized Kevin Kline was tall until I saw that movie.

First Ving Rhames movie I saw

Iman said...

I am much amused, narciso @2:17pm!

Quaestor said...

"Of course, Peter Sellers as Chance the Gardener in the 1979 movie Being There, is much more on point for the current iteration of Joe Biden as President."

I disagree. Chance was a well-known face and voice. He spoke for himself, he just said virtually nothing that didn't literally apply to gardening or television. The joke was the other simpletons and dolts, the ones with their grubby hands on the levers of power, thinking Chance spoke in metaphors. Chance wasn't President Chance, but a trusted advisor. That was the other joke -- and the danger.

In reality, the demented halfwit is the Chief Executive of the United States by authority of the Constitution, and he can only be removed by the provisions of the Constitution. This joke is quite different than the drollery concocted by Jerzy Kosiński. The faceless puppeteers aren't self-deceived. They know Biden for what he is -- a marionette that dances when the wires are pulled -- and they love it. That the dancing marionette would rapidly decay into a splintered heap was anticipated. They have a backup figurine, wired and ready to perform as pulled. Unfortunately, their timing was faulty.

dbp said...

The basic plot is similar to Double Star, a science fiction novel by Robert A. Heinlein. Naturally, it takes place in a future where humans have colonized the solar system, since that was RAH's genre.

A prominent politician has been kidnapped by the opposition and so the kidnapped politician's party or advisors (I read this over 40 years ago) hire a brilliant but washed-up actor to appear as a body double while they attempt to rescue the politician.

dbp said...

Martin said...
I thought Dave was a Democrat wish fulfillment movie where sleazy Bill Clinton died and was replaced by a nice version and the Hillary was a decent person and not an evil hag.

I felt the same and hence decided not to waste my time on it, even though it had
Kevin Kline and Sigourney Weaver, both of whom I usually enjoy.

Jim at said...

President Biden refusing to exit the race on command demonstrates that no one has been pulling Biden’s strings behind the scenes.

Imagine the level of denial it takes to believe this and then actually write it down for everybody else to see.

Drago said...

LLR-democratical Chuck: "Of course there is the movie equivalent of the Trump debacle. That one is "Downfall."


Chuck is ALL OVER the oldest meme on Teh Interwebs!

Finger on the pulse baby! Finger on the pulse! That's the kind of leading edge thinking that leads to passionate defenses of the Lincoln Pedophile Project AFTER they have been completely exposed as supporting the actions of a "minor attracted person" or two!!

Too funny.

Quaestor said...

"Chuck is ALL OVER the oldest meme on Teh Interwebs!"

Not to mention the least witty and most amusing to the Sub-100 Set.

Quaestor said...

"Aristotle was not Belgian, Otto, and the London Underground is not a political movement."

Wait, wait... don't tell me! Doctor Jill prepping The Stiff for his next phone-in with MSNBC? I didn't know Jill had a pet name for The Stiff, but it fits. Being a palindrome there's less chance of confusing Slo-Jo about the spelling.

chickelit said...

The original Star Trek episode “Patterns of Force” (1968) was earlier and perhaps even more prescient: The leader was kept drugged and out of sight except for televised appearance. Meanwhile the unelected henchmen did the dirty work. The episode even predicted the Brownshirt strong arm tactics and scapegoating of Jews as practiced by Hamas sympathizers on American campuses.

Rick67 said...

Akira Kurosawa did it before "Dave". Kagemusha (1980).


Rick67 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

President Biden refusing to exit the race on command demonstrates that no one has been pulling Biden’s strings behind the scenes. If anything, the current brouhaha suggests that some would have liked to and he wouldn’t let them.

Disagree. A Biden reelection with Harris on the ticket is the surestt, safest, and most cost-effective way to install Harris for the remainder of Biden's second term. I only have to assume that the string pullers want an even more vacuous husk puppet than Biden. Harris fits the bill perfectly. Biden will get his payout in any case.

Dave said...

Imposters, dopplegangers, fakes, copies, duplicates, imitations, and framed prints*.

Two by Twain is not 4:

Puddn'head Wilson:

The Prince and the Pauper

*There are many framed prints of Prince for sale online.

jamzim said...

A clip from that 1968 episode of "Star Trek" featuring a drugged Biden-like figure used as a prop by the planet's rulers:
