Biden was only in a position to do this "selfless" thing because he'd gone so far down the road of selfishness. He should have declined to run for reelection, back when it would have given other Democrats a fair chance to fight for the nomination. They — whoever they are (Pelosi, Obama, etc.) — prevailed upon him to get out, at long last. And he finally did, perhaps because they said everyone would call him "selfless" if he did and — if he didn't — he'd go down in history as insanely, disastrously selfish.
१०५ टिप्पण्या:
I'm reminded of the proliferation of "forceful" back when Biden was trying to come back from the horrible debate performance by giving interviews to sycophants.
It's so cringey that these are breathing adults not even having to be coerced into mimicking the party line. But not just the party line, the exact verbiage.
They are so completely Soviet in their ways and absolutely would be right at the front of the line for a complete totalitarian takeover of the United States. They think they'd be taken care of. What little they know of history.
His candidacy was vetoed by the Muslim vote in Michigan and Minnesota. Good. We send our military to wreck their countries, then complain when they choose to come here.
Pravda media spoke. Get used to it. They are in bed with the Progressive party.
I'm guessing that they finally had enough and said, "Get out or Hunter goes to federal prison for a very long time."
"There's probably nothing worse, when you're face down in the dirt, than hearing the unctuous eulogies and fulsome praise of those that are fixing to bury you. Better they should curse you or at least show some of the fear and wariness they once felt when you could still stand." - Richard Fernandez on X
Pointless, clueless, reckless and feckless are more apt.
Gutfeld's show - his monologue nailed it. Kamala is a media creation -- a hollywood production.
a few months ago -they all wanted to ditch her.
The lockstep mimesis of the commentariat is hilarious. Great catch.
As for the suggestion about how Biden will "go down in history', keep in mind that we have no guarantees that the historians of the future might not be an improvement on the historians of the present.
I've talked to some history grad students. They are being groomed for conformity.
I'd say Biden garnered the nation's respect.
Court stenographers.
The least transparent Party when it comes to disclosures subject to the FOIA is the most transparent when it comes to motive. There is no real distinction between the party and their mediaswine.
The tragedy is that half the country is susceptible to the con which makes our future unpredictable.
JournoLism 101: a conspiracy... consensus of selfiesh interests
Who knew the Big Guy took the bribes for us. So selfless. But I thought his entire family lived like millionaires … O K I maybe sharing the loot is sort of selfless.
Selflessness, Russian collusion, the walls are closing in, insurrection, epidemic of the unvaccinated, safe and effective, without evidence ...
The coordinated messaging is so obvious, but only to those not blinded by tribal groupthink.
Seems like Biden is being kept in the Presidency so that Harris can just campaign instead of having to both campaign and handle the duties of the Presidency.
Bidenbum, Bidenbum, Bidenbum... oh, my back. Selfless.
A 10% cut for the big guy is almost selfless.
What's the adjective to describe the people who are actually running the executive branch- those bitter clingers who believed they could fake Joe until November?
"He should have declined to run for reelection, back when it would have given other Democrats a fair chance to fight for the nomination."
Agreed but ... was there another Democrat in the wings that could have and/or would have won? In fact, it turned out pretty well for the Democrats.
Biden’s (or the Bidens’) insistence h that he remain in office while unable to do the job is one of the most selfish acts in American political history.
There is nothing wrong with your television set. Do not attempt to adjust the picture. We are controlling transmission. ... We repeat: there is nothing wrong with your television set. You are about to participate in a great adventure. You are about to experience the awe and mystery which reaches from the inner mind to the outer limits.
Piling on, I know, but: the striking thing here is not just the peddling of a party line, not just the sheer conformity, not just the obvious BS about a forced and calculated move being selfless, but, after years of Joe-is-sharp gaslighting, the entirely shameless shift to Joe-is-selfless propaganda. They have learned nothing, they regret nothing, they just keep at it--because they can.
Amen, sister.
"Gutfeld's show - his monologue nailed it. Kamala is a media creation -- a hollywood production."
I've told the story of following Kamala's questioning of Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing. Two days ago I was listening to All Things Considered and damned if they didn't play sound bites from that same encounter. They presented Kamala as an incisive prosecutor, holding Kavanaugh to account. It was her "shining moment", they slobbered.
I had watched the whole thing as it happened. For two days she ineffectively pursued some opaque line of inquiry that in the end never resolved into anything. It never became clear what she was after and she certainly didn't get her gotcha moment, whatever she thought it would be. Yet ATC turned it into "her shining moment". All the piece they played showed is that she can be rude.
With press like this, it's a wonder the democrats ever lose anything.
We are living the "Emperor's New Clothes" in real-time. We are to deny the plain-spoken obvious truth, believe the false narrative. Biden is "forceful", Biden is "selfless", Harris is "extremely qualified to be next president". Tell me another blatant falsehood. Fibs, just fibs, ever-present outright large and small lies.
To date, only Biden got to pick Kamala to be the top of the ticket.
What a total sham, put on by shamsters who should be rounded up, put against a wall and shot.
Have a nice day.
Pro clue: it's not a "selfless act" if it's done while multiple people are holding a gun to your head.
Freedom of the press now means free to print whatever bullshit they want. They're shameless.
Biden's family will get a pay off after he leaves office. So it wasn't "selfless".
NBC, ABC, CBS, NYT WaPo(lol) PBS etc... and all the lesser-known far-left Nation types are all Democracy Now! now.
BTW, I love how a late nite "Comedian" is quoted in the same way as other news outlets and poltiicans.
Ross McGinnis, a 19 year old Army soldier fighting in Iraq, thew himself on a grenade and saved the lives of four other soldiers. Ross was selfless. Joe Biden, an 80 year old career politician who's too feeble to run for office again and now gets to retire to his beach house in Delaware, he's not selfless.
It isn't selfless to give up something you don't actually have.
I can't think of a single thing "selfless act" that Biden has EVER done.
Notice that the "10% for the big guy" is nowhere to be seen lately? Was that part of the deal they made with [not a real] Dr. Jill? No further probing if he steps aside?
(a) not competent enough to be tried for his YEARS of mishandling classified documents going all the way back to his time in congress
(b) not competent to even be involved in a campaign for re-election
But zero problems with him staying as POTUS until the election transfer of power.
Can you JUST imagine the 24/7 screams of "Constitutional crisis" we would all be subjected to by the media if this were a (R) instead of a (D)? You would not be able to turn on your TV it would be so bad!
Selfless while being pushed off a cliff? What's dr jill have to say, she's been out of the spotlight.
Without self
"Biden was only in a position to do this "selfless" thing because he'd gone so far down the road of selfishness." Wonderful turn of phrase!!!!!!
Biden has been many things during his many decades of lying, scheming and bullying in the nation's capital. 'Selfless' is not one of them. Not then and not now. The man's ego is even more inflated than Obama's and with even less justification.
I know the Dem media acolytes have no shame, but don't they ever get bored with ginning out the rubbish day after day? How can there possibly be any satisfaction in it? What horrible people they all are.
"They — whoever they are (Pelosi, Obama, etc.) — prevailed upon him to get out, at long last."
This is absurd Althouse. "They" were perfectly fine having him run for reelection...Pelosi and Obama praising him until his disastrous performance at the debate. They realized to far too many his dementia was out of the bag. then they cut his legs out from under him. The delay to the announcement was not Joe holding on, but negotiating a pay off. If "they" didn't want his to run again he would have been out long ago.
Someone was murdered at a Trump rally - and the leftist Soviet Press have moved on.
Imagine if someone were murdered at a Biden-Harris rally?
"Agreed but ... was there another Democrat in the wings that could have and/or would have won? In fact, it turned out pretty well for the Democrats."
Then let's dispense with campaigns and elections altogether. Let's just have a handful of pundits and pollsters (or maybe AI!) tell us who would have won, and we'll go with that.
Then we can apply the same approach to next year's Super Bowl.
I became a Limbaugh listener after hearing him play a montage of "gravitas" concerning Dick Cheny .
Prior to that, had no clue how MSM was co-ordinated.
Just like majority of voters today are not aware.
We should go pure democracy and abort vestigial organs of Republicanism and Democraticism. Per the refactored human rites campaign: it's immoral to abort someone's choice.
. The delay to the announcement was not Joe holding on, but negotiating a pay off. If "they" didn't want his to run again he would have been out long ago.
No payoff will be enough to make up for his cowardice in quitting the race.
Worse than Roberto Duran quitting the fight in the middle of a round.
The Biden name will always be associated with "loser". Joe doesn't care, he's almost dead. But the rest of the family will live in shame forever. People will be nice to their face, but the Bidens will know it is all fake. They will not be invited to the parties. Their influence is gone.
Watch the baby mamma now stop trying to become a member of the family.
Biden is selfless and Harris was never the border czar. Got it.
Michael wrote: "I'm guessing that they finally had enough and said, "Get out or Hunter goes to federal prison for a very long time."
Nope. Joe Biden has already pardoned Hunter Biden. They just didn't announce it and don't have to announce it. Hunter Biden will not be going to prison. Our laws do not apply to him.
Seems obvious that a memo went out for everyone to use "selfless".
Brandon quitting hardly seems selfless to me. He basically said "I can't win so I won't play"
Saying that reminds me of something someone said the other day about LBJ quitting in 68. They said that one of the reasons he quit was for health reasons.
I've read a LOT about LBJ. Dalek's bio, all 4 volumes of Caro's bio 2-3 times. Currently rereading Vol 3 "Master of the Senate"
LBJ was obsessed with the idea that he would die young (in his 60s) based on family history. After his near heart attack in the 50s he became even more obsessed. He just absolutely, positively, had to be president and he was worried he did not have time. Everything I've read discusses this. Having gotten there, I just can't believe that he would decline to run for term 2 to validate terms 0.5 and 1 even if he thought he would die during his inauguration speech. It just was not in the man.
But I have never heard he declined the 2nd run for health. That seems revisionist history to me.
He dropped out for the same reason Brandon seems to have: His poor showing in NH told him he could not win the presidency, and maybe not even the nomination.
Same reason Truman dropped out in 52, also after showing poorly in NH (and having a 22% approval rating)
Seems like none of the 3 desired to be remembered as a loser.
And we STILL don't know why Brandon dropped out. He didn't tell us last night.
John Henry
Biden was tossed over the cliff, and selfless gravity did the rest.
How can we miss him when he won't go away?
Full Moon - the Media(D) unison "gravitas" was directed a GWB. They hack(D) press all agreed in unison that Bush didn't have any.
Couldn't they at least crack open a thesaurus and mix things up a bit?
AMDG - Agreed - except that Biden has never really been in charge anyway.
Behold Journ-o-list.
Blogger Esteban said...
Seems like Biden is being kept in the Presidency so that Harris can just campaign instead of having to both campaign and handle the duties of the Presidency.
With another candidate I would agree with you. Kamala is a horrible campaigner. They can't let her out in front of people. Even in the most carefully controlled of settings she will screw it up. For one thing, she seems to be a drunk. Can they keep her sober on the campaign trail?
Being president would be a good excuse for her not to campaign. But then she has the problem of visibility as president.
I think she is being set up to be the sacrificial loser in November.
John Henry
US economy grew at 2.8% rate in second quarter ~ WSJ
Damn democrats can’t even cause a recession…
It’s only growing because the economy has priced in a Trump victory! /s
Biden may be a bit feeble and rusty, but his economy ain't nearly as bad as Team MAGA wants us to believe. If Biden is responsible for high inflation, then surely he must also be responsible for outstanding GDP growth?
Was Trump responsible for COVID? No! Presidents are mostly pretty removed from 'creating' this stuff. The rhetoric is boring.
Joey bidet has never been or has done anything that didn't profit joey bidet, never once. Selfless ? Hah, propagandists regurgitating leftist pablum. It just took time for joey bidet and the biden crime family to negotiate a suitable payoff. Typical lib propagandists all spouting the same bullshit in unison. Fascists gotta fascist you know.
This deep state distributed word repetition is simply Milieu control. Part of the brainwashing of the liberal masses. They have been doing this forever.
Then you see it spread as the brainwashed start repeating in on social media.
As hard as Althouse might try — the comment section on her blog is not the Algonquin Round Table….
Right...a common word repeated over and over again. Like insurrection, climate , etc. When media coalesces, my first thought is that the fix is in...
I keep seeing the claim made on X that Biden selflessly gave up power.
First of all, he hasn't given up anything. He is still president and apparently plans to cling to that for as long as he can. A second term was never assured, and was certainly unlikely based on how bad he has performed in office. Resigning so that Kamala could take over the office and run her campaign as an incumbent would almost certainly be more selfless than what he is doing.
Second, if the only reason he dropped out was because he doesn't want his party to lose power, isn't that fundamentally a selfish act? He is only doing it to hold on to some diminished form of power, since a second term was almost certainly not going to happen. He gets to hold on to the acclaim and good standing, and the party and media apparatus will dutifully overhype his legacy. It isn't the same thing as holding on to the presidency, but it was ultimately the best option remaining to him. Understanding all of that, it is a selfish decision to do what is best for *him* and claiming that it is "gOoD fOr dEmOcRaCy" is just spin.
What a coincidence, absolutely no chance this was coordinated
Journolist never died. These fake intellectuals and nerd/geeks would fuck up Foucault if they couldn't copy each other's crib notes.
Fake intellectuals.
Fake president.
Fake news.
Cheap faykos. All of them.
she is being set up to be the sacrificial loser in November
Planned Presidenthood is a Democratic rite of progressive cults-ure.
This is just the latest attempt at gaslighting. The media seem to not understand that these sorts of shenanigans are no longer effective in any measure. All this shameless and false praise does is make them look like the biggest morons on the planet Earth.
"Seems like Biden is being kept in the Presidency so that Harris can just campaign instead of having to both campaign and handle the duties of the Presidency."
This is reading the politics wrong. Biden resigning and allowing Harris to become the President would strengthen her campaign quite a bit and this is me even granting that being President would cost her some campaign time (it wouldn't but, even if it did, it would benefit her to have less time to campaign given how utterly inept she is at it).
There is significant faction of the Democrat Party that allowed Biden to stay in office because they still hope to ditch Harris before or at the convention. Time is short, though, and Harris has taken some of the actions needed to secure the nomination before the convention. I still think she needs to get the delegate vote done before the end of this month to make sure she is the nominee.
A few of us have been predicting this for over a year for those keeping track. I never ever for one second thought Joe would actually be the candidate any anyone who believed it needs to ask themselves "why?"
You don't need a crystal ball. I just know that Joe Biden is 81 and it would be pretty crazy if an 81 year completed a presidential campaign, so I'd want to see something like that happen before I believed it was actually possible. Why were so many people (on both sides) convinced this was an actual possibility?
By the same token, it would be pretty crazy to go through all of this effort. Spend all of this money. Maybe try to assassinate a rival. (Maybe not.) All just to leave Kamala on the ticket. I'll believe it when it happens. But, I don't believe it now.
It looks like one way or another Mark Kelley will be the candidate.
Turning on Kamala will be easy when the public find out just how much she knew about Joe's condition. It won't be hard to make her a villain when they are done with her. And, everyone can vote for Mark Kelley like they are supposed to.
Alexa in the form of a Show device just served up a headline from - I didn't catch the source but it seems to me it's often MSNBC? Anyway. It was (approximately):
"[Republicans tainted*] by transparently racist 'DEI hire' slur against Kamala Harris."
But... it wasn't "transparently racist" for Biden to announce that he was going to choose a black woman as his VP - no other qualifications, just those? Is she not therefore a DEI hire, who - like any other DEI hire - will now have to prove she has any other qualifications besides her checking the right boxes for ancestry and sex? That shouldn't be a problem, should it? If she has any other qualifications?
And... I thought DEI was adding to our strength because it adds to our diversity. What, is it now a bad thing? A "slur"?
*Sorry, I only caught a glimpse of it and can't remember whether it was all Republicans or Mike Johnson. I know it was displaying a picture of Mike Johnson.
Rich - the Chi-Com Soviet-leftist alliance administered COVID upon us - to destroy the economy. Now we watch as the left take credit for its eventual recovery. g? - such a shock.
Joe selflessly agreed to take an offer he couldn't refuse.
1. Joe was supposed to drop out this Spring when the whisper campaign started. Joe said no.
2. Then maybe Hunter's trial (what a coincidence on that timing!) was supposed to motivate him to pardon his son, step down, and spend time with his family. Joe said no.
3. Then, when that didn't work, they sent him to that debate with 100% knowledge of what would happen. The public pressure would get him to step down. Joe said no.
4. Then, higher profile democrats came out against him and he resisted and resisted but still said no.
5. Then Joe ate a burrito in Las Vegas and got super sick and decided to step down.
I don't know what is going on, but that is a re-cap.
Remember when the Soviets held "elections" and there was one name (selected by party leadership) on the ballot. How far are we away from that? Honestly?
Yes, Mark Kelly's name is coming up more and more. The Chy-nah candidate. The Astronaut ! He's a hero ! And he's married to Gabbie Giffords, that tragic victim of gun violence ! Guns! Gun Control, the issue of our age. We'll be led by the Man Who Would Never Be Trump !
As hard as Althouse might try — the comment section on her blog is not the Algonquin Round Table….
aka The Vicious Circle? Certainly not. We're more like The Inklings.
Biden says he’s the guy who tells the truth and then doesn’t say a word about the real reasons he’s not running.
He says opponents can’t be enemies after he’s called anyone horrible racists who has opposed his way of thinking.
Biden can fuck right off.
D.D. Driver said...
Remember when the Soviets held "elections" and there was one name (selected by party leadership) on the ballot. How far are we away from that?
Well to be honest, Biden has been saying to people of color that just need to vote for the Party only ("You ain't black..."). The Party will fill in the name later.
We need to work very hard on getting a mole into whatever has replaced the Journolist. These people are obviously not journalists, but mere stenographers taking orders via back channels from the DNC. It would be illuminating for the public to be able to read the messages where they get their instructions from the party bosses, and dutifully parrot them the next day in their "reporting".
They'd be interchangeable with any Pravda apparatchik from the old Soviet Union.
Dixcus (9:08am):
"Hunter Biden will not be going to prison. Our laws do not apply to him."
Is this the same 'Dixcus' who wrote the following just five threads down on the Freedom Bell post? "I steal food from grocery stores in order to counter the tax they collect on sales (so they are paying that, not me.)"
It looks like Dixcus doesn't have any problem with people ignoring laws for their own benefit, as long as he's the one doing it.
As I wrote there last night, "Does Dixcus know that most states do not tax groceries and that the states that do almost all tax them at a much lower rate? (I pay 1% in Virginia. Arkansans pay 1/8 of 1%.) Either he lives in Idaho or Mississippi, or he's a fool as well as a thief - unless he's a liar who doesn't shoplift his groceries but thought it would be clever to say he did. Either way, he's certainly a creep."
So, Dixcus, you have anything to say in defence of your gross hypocrisy and ignorance?
Blogger Rich said...
As hard as Althouse might try — the comment section on her blog is not the Algonquin Round Table….
7/25/24, 9:27 AM
So true.
Any suggested Althouse like leftist sites we can comment on without getting banned or deleted?
When I was young I was worried the Soviet Union would attack us.
Sure didn't think we'd ever actually become the Soviet Union.
As someone rudely noted:
"This is the first time Kamala's career has advanced from a man pulling out."
Selfless? Meaning "having no concern for self" I presume?
His dementia is worse than even I thought if he's that far gone.
Rich said...
US economy grew at 2.8% rate in second quarter ~ WSJ
Damn democrats can’t even cause a recession…
What was inflation during that period?
What percentage of that GDP growth was accrued by illegal aliens?
What percentage of that GDP growth was as a result of deficit spending?
We see what they are doing. We are not as stupid as you are.
It's like how all of a sudden the media started talking about Biden's alleged empathy in 2020. Or how Trump's inauguration speech was called "dark" in 2017. Or for that matter, how the media turned on a dime against Biden a few weeks ago.
These military media industrial complex mandatory catch phrase memes remind me of Rush lampooning the Gravitas Gorbasim during W v AlGore.
I really appreciate how all of those minions can say that line with a straight face as if no one on the planet notices.
Among the cognoscenti, Biden WILL "go down in history as insanely, disastrously selfish." Among other shortcomings.
Don't be so critical. All Republicans have been saying in unison for years that Joe isn't there anymore, that he's selfless. And we also are all saying that Biden is being elevated by the media at this time but that Wonderman Joe go down, down, down in history, ending up as a chattering puppet. We Republicans just don't yet agree on whose puppet he is. And we don't know whether Kamala is the puppet of the same group. Is she in Dr. Jill's group? I wonder. Which puppet-masters are being "elected" by the barking seals and the illegals? (The English Civil War was fought in part over election and predestination on the religious level and perhaps we will have a similar dispute on the secular level.)
Seems to me that we have reached a point where primaries are no longer needed. If you have a primary to select your candidate, but that candidate can just be switched out if they are polling poorly 4 months before the election, you can just claim they are selflessly removing themselves. Then you can swap them out for a new candidate - no fuss, no muss. What is the point of a primary.
We are now at the decree phase of the process, and the voting populace has been identified as a nuisance and removed. Is this really the precedent we want to set?
Of course if Biden were moribund or dead, that would be different, but Dems want to have their cake and eat it too.
I am shocked that Colbert didn't apologize for lying his ass off about Biden's diminished capacity at the Hollywood fundraiser he hosted! Totally shocked!
"The terrifying thing is that this tactic works on their intended audience, liberal women and boomers who still watch TV, i.e., people looking for comfort/comfirmation rather than information."
People who can't effectively defend themselves physically (mostly women, weak/effiminate men, children, etc.) parse information through a consensus filter as a safety mechanism. They literally do not ask "is this true", they ask "will others be OK with me thinking this is true." People like this are very malleable and susceptible to manufactured consensus. If every screen they look at or every word they hear or every directive they're told, they will adopt that position because their brain interprets it as 'everyone in the tribe believes the same thing'.
People like this cannot exist without the tribe. It is a death sentence. The only people who can buck this phenomenon - then as now - are alpha types (physical dominance), neurotypical people (autism, schizophrenia, 'free brains unencumbered by accepted ways of thinking', etc.), and certain personality types (INTJs, ENTJs) that are free to parse new information with an objective "is this true?" filter. More importantly, they are in a position to risk ostracization because they can make it alone or without others with some discomfort maybe, but they'll be overall fine. Consensus-based personality types regard such independence and such independent people as being extremely anti-social. No shit sherlock, it's also why they build rockets and avoid going over a cliff with the rest of the buffalo when it matters most.
It's why they're referred to "sheeple" or "NPCs" or "shills", they cannot and do not want to think for themselves. They know something's amiss, but they value comfort/confirmation more. They are cattle.
I could spend hours coming up with words to describe Joe Biden and 'selfless' would never cross my mind.
Rich said… “US economy grew at 2.8% rate in second quarter ~ WSJ
Damn democrats can’t even cause a recession…”
Slow-on-the-uptake Rich hasn’t noticed how ALL of the numbers on the economy have been revised downward for over 2 years now… just takes a month or two for that on their latest tout, lol.
Crooks and Thieving Liars.
They are doing it again...
Bobby Burack
A Democrat lawmaker confirmed to FOX that Dems have received a piece of paper with talking points/lies about how to discuss Kamala Harris' role at the Southern border.
They are already using the exact lines.
Althouse says: "He should have declined to run for reelection, back when it would have given other Democrats a fair chance to fight for the nomination."
So true. That would have allowed the democratic process to take place to pick a candidate, democracy being the thing the Democrats want to save.
And in contrast a new candidate for the Democrats would have made a bold contrast with "same old same old" Trump. Trump wisely sidestepped that issue by bringing JD Vance onto the Republican ticket. A wild, very stable genius move.
"Nothing brings out my skepticism like everyone using the same word."
I don't know. If everyone called journalist "corrupt" I don't think there'd be too much skepticism. Also "liars". Also ":lemmings" Also "bigots". Also...
Blogger Rich said...
"As hard as Althouse might try — the comment section on her blog is not the Algonquin Round Table…."
Not since you've been here.
"Making someone pretend that your patent lie is true may be the most humiliating of assertions of power."
-- Angelo Codevilla in his article about the smashmouth Left in the Kavanaugh hearings.
The gaslighting never ends.
Big Brother is real and here. Every aspect of Orwell's 1984 has been imposed by the Democrats. This is the state propaganda media. It joins the comprehensive surveillance of NSA, censorship, wrongthink and thoughtcrime, unpersons and cancel culture, endless war, Two Minutes of Hate, and Orange Man as Goldstein.
Even Orwell didn't anticipate open borders, rampant crime, imported criminals, and shithole cities.
@Althouse, you’re skeptical, but not skeptical enough to give it your “I’m skeptical” tag? It tickles my funny bone to realize that I’m skeptical of your skepticism.
If you go to merriam-webster.com and look up the word selfless, all the examples are quotes from editorials praising Biden for being selfless. HA!
It's like the Borg is running things.
Blogger campy said...
Behold Journ-o-list.
I thought Journ-O-List was defunct?
There is another, similar, group at www.journa.host
I used to be a member, as a "tech journalist" I had to submit my resume and a bunch of links to my writing but the committee finally approved me as a legitimate journalist.
I avoided discussing politics but then mentioned Hilary's 2012 "stroke" in passing. The administrators denied she had a stroke. They said she had a "cerebral veinous thrombosis" (which is the $1.98 word for stroke) and my saying she had a stroke was "disinformation". I was banished to the outer darkness not fit to be a "journalist".
However, I can still read there and they are an amazing group of assholes. They define hive mind.
Out of curiosity, I wonder if anyone can read journa.host or if they were just as incompetent at kicking me out as they are as journalists?
Could someone see if www.journa.host is accessible to the public?
John Henry
John Henry
Invalid SSL certificate Error code 526
Visit cloudflare.com for more information.
2024-07-26 02:02:41 UTC
For those who thought Dr.Bunkypotatohead at 6:42 PM was making a joke- I assure you- he was not joking.
"The only people who can buck this phenomenon - then as now - are alpha types (physical dominance), neurotypical people (autism, schizophrenia, 'free brains unencumbered by accepted ways of thinking', etc.),"
Methinks you are needing the term neuroAtypical here.
Autists call normies neurotypical.
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