Not only is this moment historical, but the photo that @evanvucci took is also perfect.
— David Altizer (@dvdaltizer) July 14, 2024
The level of compositional mastery comes from over two decades of experience in the field and a sharpness that only comes from thousands and thousands of "reps."
११९ टिप्पण्या:
This image will quickly become iconic of Trump. It will be seen constantly between now and the election. It will be in every other Trump campaign ad. It will be on yard posters. On coffee cups. On bumper stickers. The T-shirts will assuredly be out sometime today.
This feeds the left's meme that it was staged.
T shirts are already coming out. Within hours. People recognize great symbolism pretty quickly.
It didn't impress me. It indicated a old man who didn't particularly care about death going showman.
There was no showman in the Iwo Jima one it's compared to, even though that was a retake. Nobody in the picture was a showman, just a genuine grunt pressed into service.
Got a link for the t shirts?
I want one can't find them
John Henry
It also helps enormously to have a camera that can take dozens of photos quickly so you can choose exactly the right one.
Reminds me of Joe Rosenthal's famous Iwo Jima flag raising photo in 1945.
“There was no showman in the Iwo Jima one it's compared to, even though that was a retake. Nobody in the picture was a showman, just a genuine grunt pressed into service.”
*Somebody* doesn’t know the story of the famous photograph on Iwo Jima…
Every single leftist is pissed the shooter missed.
ESP the hack ABC, CBS, NBC news division presidents.
Trump has plot armor. He is protected by something out of this world.
Everyone is just turning the pages because they are waiting for the hero to stop holding back, go super saiyen, and curb stomp the villain.
"How can we top the Trump mugshot?"
Trump has become the American Caesar, and he didn't even have to cross the Rubicon.
Was it a photo or was it a video frame?
In any case- it is an awesome photo that will be remembered a quarter century from now. Almost as good was the photo of Trump taken from just below the lectern crouching when he was probably still processing whether or not he had been seriously injured.
Please use the words 'historical', and 'historic' correctly.
Everything that happens is historical. Something special is historic.
Gerda Sprinchorn said...
It also helps enormously to have a camera that can take dozens of photos quickly so you can choose exactly the right one.
Agree. It was probably clipped out of a video.
"This man's photograph will still be published many thousands of years from now"
It's right up there with the USMC flag going up on Iwo. It's symmetry is unbelievable.
doctrev said...
"How can we top the Trump mugshot?"
Trump has become the American Caesar, and he didn't even have to cross the Rubicon.
He did that when he tried to investigate Ukraine.
The picture is iconic but so is President Trump not wanting to exit without his shoes.
‘The level of compositional mastery comes from over two decades of experience in the field and a sharpness that only comes from thousands and thousands of "reps."
Makes sense. We all observed Professor’s picture taking skills getting ever better over the years. Determination, concentration and repetition are key factors (also, repetition).
Right, the party which endorses, encourages the killing of the unborn for any reason, for no reason, will lecture us on violence particularly after the Summer of George riots, among other incidents caused by their goon squads, e.g., Antifa.
As to today, nice to see all the respectful, filled-with-decorum comments found in the pages of the NYT, WP, and others, from leftist columnists, and especially the comments from their tolerant readership, on the assassination attempt.
@Yancey Ward: it is an awesome photo that will be remembered a quarter century from now
A quarter century from now? We are living in extremely consequential times. Our country, and hence our world, stand on the edge of an abyss. It's not hard to foresee events in the next decade or so that will be of earthshaking historical significance, and ensure that this photograph will still be published many thousands of years from now.
I am acquainted with the daughter of an extremely well-known figure in network television news. She is a talented woman of significant accomplishment in a demanding but unrelated field, and I previously considered her a mature, sensible person that I could still be friends with despite our political disagreements.
Yesterday she was cursing the poor aim of the gunman on a private channel devoted to our mutual connection, and sneering and laughing at anyone who called her out on it. The rift is permanent and I no longer doubt that she would be happy with extra-judicial executions of anyone who stands in the way of socialist utopia. We can't share a country with such people any more.
In late American Republic, Rubicon crosses you.
@rhhardin: It didn't impress me. It indicated a old man who didn't particularly care about death going showman.
Easy to say when you're not the one who just caught a bullet. I suspect yours is a decidedly minority view, even among leftists.
rhhardin: "It didn't impress me. It indicated a old man who didn't particularly care about death going showman.
There was no showman in the Iwo Jima one it's compared to, even though that was a retake. Nobody in the picture was a showman, just a genuine grunt pressed into service."
There was quite a bit of "showmanship" involved in the Iwo pic...and its true that the grunts involved were not, at the time, busy speaking to thousands of listeners.
I must say I dont quite get what you are getting at. Sorry if I am missing something obvious.
A few years ago I was in Rome during an Italian holiday. I heard jets approaching (I'e always loved airplanes). I swung my camera up and hit the shutter twice. One of the two had the Italian version of the Blue Angel flights trailing smoke in the colors of the Italian flag. In the frame was a towering Roman ruin.
Best picture I've ever taken. Have I taken a LOT of pictures? Sure. When given the time do I think about composition and framing? Sure. Did I "compose" that picture. Hell no.
I wonder what the original image looked like. I suspect that it was cropped to center Trump's head and put the USSS eye line across the bottom third. Apparently, the WashPo cropped the image further to eliminate the American flag. They know a dynamic image when they see one and are doing their best to lessen the image's value to trump.
I’m waiting to hear the shoe comment explanation.
JAORE: "One of the two had the Italian version of the Blue Angel flights trailing smoke in the colors of the Italian flag."
There is no "Italian version of the Blue Angel flights".
No other flight demonstration team in the world is remotely close in terms of performance.
I will allow "Italian jets flying "European Formation" (=Same Sky, Same Direction) with a bit of smoke trailing".
The composition is great, but it seems fortuitous rather than the result of careful design. You can see in the video that the photographer is holding the camera far away from his face and presumably has little idea what's actually being captured.
Hassayamper said...
I am acquainted with the daughter of an extremely well-known figure in network television news. She is a talented woman of significant accomplishment in a demanding but unrelated field, and I previously considered her a mature, sensible person that I could still be friends with despite our political disagreements.
We can't share a country with such people any more.
7/14/24, 10:15 AM
This is why Donald Trump keeps repeating the fable about the Snake. I won't be surprised if she ends up killing you.
, and he didn't even have to cross the Rubicon." He didn't have too, the democrats did that 2 years ago. The battle was joined shortly after.
And many/most of the major American papers "just" happen to not include the American flag.
This feeds the left's meme that it was staged
Time to let the left know, we don't give a crap. They probably think Joe stumbling and mumbling is also staged.
The J-6ers are rotting in jail or awaiting same for blowing off steam PEACEFULLY and causing some very minor property damage. They were unarmed and harmed no one.
Those who have paraded around with bloody heads of Trump and publicly wished, in one way or another, for someone to take Trump out, should be arrested today for inciting violence and interfering with an election.
Stick in the slammer with no bail, indefinitely.
The reactions to this event are really showing people's actual feelings despite their attempts to conceal them in civility bullshit.
And the woman agent in the front is a foot too short to cover Trump's head.
At this point the shooter was behind and being covered by a large man in the back.
Had there been another shooter in front, Trump's head was wide open.
She is brave as fuck but too small to be that close to the candidate.
As I wrote in the longer thread, you don't have Muggsy Bogues guarding LeBron James.
'*Somebody* doesn’t know the story of the famous photograph on Iwo Jima…'
The 2 photo pulitzers generally go to a photo series. I wonder if he has a sequence.
'Was it a photo or was it a video frame?'
It was a photo.
In the wide video feed you can see the photographer hurrying from the left side where he was, to the center to get the angle.
Now that I look at it again, the photo has Iwo Jima flag photo undertones.
It's frightfully perfect. I say frightful because of the divine undertones. Trump was divinely protected. I have no doubt in my mind.
11-In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will,
12- in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. (Ephesians 1:11-12).
'The 2 photo pulitzers generally go to a photo series. I wonder if he has a sequence.'
Many shots from this angle and from this photographer have been published.
Tom T.:
The composition is great, but it seems fortuitous rather than the result of careful design. You can see in the video that the photographer is holding the camera far away from his face and presumably has little idea what's actually being captured.
Cameras, especially expensive ones, typically have a screen on the back showing what's in frame. An experienced, professional photographer checks everything almost by instinct. There's also this thing called cropping.
It's a great picture and extremely flattering to Trump. I watched the news stations this morning. They way they handled it was to show it fleetingly and as part of a montage. The pictures they paused on showed Trump was his hair frazzled and being helped down the steps by the Secret Service. This was not a picture that CNN or NBC wished to dwell on.....I hope that the photographer's career isn't ruined because of this. The picture was made in the heat of the moment. I'm sure it wasn't a deliberate effort to take a flattering picture of Trump.
It's not that hard to take an unflattering picture of Trump, and those are mostly the pictures you see in news stories. What's a real challenge to the photographer's art is depicting Biden looking crisp and attentive. That takes some doing. The real deep fakes are the pictures that flatter Biden.
Will that picture become the basis of the future Trump Memorial?
The Left's "staged" meme will have trouble with fact that others were killed or wounded. Of course they will ignore that problem.
The photo will make a nice statue on the Mall.
Trump channeling his inner Rocky. THAT ALL YA GOT!
The man is a legend
Right on Pete!
Part of the art of the photographer is to select the best take out of all the others.
Doesn't hurt that the photographer has a top of the line camera and lens coupled with continuous shooting, fast shutter speed, etc, etc. Add being in the right place at the right time. and you have an iconic photo.
Unless you're worried about protecting the President's knees, DON'T HIRE SHORT PEOPLE AS THE BODY GUARDS!!
Biden's campaign is now furiously working on a docudrama on his confrontation with Cornpop: "Showdown at the Community Pool"
Rule of Lemnity -- there are Bible verses that go counter to your beliefs. From an article on Revelation 13 and its "Beasts":
One of the beast’s heads suffered a “fatal” wound from which it was miraculously healed (verse 3). The world was so astonished at this turn of events that it followed the beast. The beast was given authority to exercise his power for 42 months, during which time he was “given power to make war with the saints and to conquer them” (verse 7).
Trump is the "Beast."
Jordon Peterson on X:
"It's all fun and games, until someone loses and eye."
It also helps enormously to have a camera that can take dozens of photos quickly so you can choose exactly the right one.
I would say the already famous Trump picture was selected from a large group taken at 10-20 FPS. A perfect single-frame shot might be taken by a skilled photographer but he'd likely admit it was at least as much luck as skill.
An LA friend of mine was a staff shooter for Playboy Magazine around 1980. Possibly the most "must-be-perfect" photo in the world, at the ime, was the centerfold.
That shoot (which included four or five supporting pictures) typically took about 10,000 frames (real film - no digital).
I thought that might be an exaggeration until I got to know a former Playmate of the Year (she shared an apartment with my girlfriend).
Shw said it was the hardest work she'd ever done as a model. She loved the camera as much as it loved her, BUT, having someone's hands on her hour-after-endless-hour was an exteme test of patience and goodwill (arranging positions and angles of body parts, make-up up-dates, hair, and doing it all again so they can change the light or the prop).
Digital has changed photography a lot, but when it comes down to "that one shot", it's still all about light and magic.
"just a genuine grunt pressed into service."
People are forced to be in the secret service?
The plot required that he survive the attempt in this fashion.
Salmon Rushdie said that the job of a writer was to create a hero, put him up a tree, and throw stones at him. The Democrats have created a mythical, Joseph Campbell-style hero, not that that was their intent, and now it will be on them to turn it into a Shakespearean tragedy, at the end with the protagonist dead, and surrounded by other dead bodies.
She is brave as fuck but too small to be that close to the candidate.
As I wrote in the longer thread, you don't have Muggsy Bogues guarding LeBron James.
True dat!
Photographer’s perspective here:
Ann coulda done that!
BTW... victim fund
Kid Rock is there.
And a few gray federales say
They could've had him any day
They only let him go so wrong
Out of kindness, I suppose
20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, a Republican, fired from a sloped roof some 400 feet from the other crook's lectern that readily exposed the shooter to federal and state snipers atop roofs south of the fairgrounds arena.
'Part of the art of the photographer is to select the best take out of all the others.'
Also, re: cropping, professional digital cameras have so many pixels that you can shoot a scene relatively wide and crop it later, preserving all of the detail and sharpness.
In other words, you could frame a shot with Trump in the middle and the crowd around him, and later crop out most of it and it would still be clean and sharp.
'20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, a Republican, fired from a sloped roof some 400 feet from the other crook's lectern that readily exposed the shooter to federal and state snipers atop roofs south of the fairgrounds arena.'
What the fuck are you trying to say?
7/14/24, 10:20 AM
Blogger Drago said...
"There is no "Italian version of the Blue Angel flights".
"No other flight demonstration team in the world is remotely close in terms of performance.
"I will allow "Italian jets flying "European Formation" (=Same Sky, Same Direction) with a bit "of smoke trailing"."
It was the Frecce Tricolori, Italy's flight demonstration team. I was at Ramstein AFB when one of the solo performers crashed into the crowd, killing about 80 people.
They perfrom different manuevers than the Blue Angels, but are still very accomplished pilots.
Then there's the meme...
Trump vs, Bullet - Biden vs. Stairs
Iwo Jima. Let's hope this is not Antidem (sic).
"There is no "Italian version of the Blue Angel flights".
No other flight demonstration team in the world is remotely close in terms of performance."
I make no comparison of the merits of these demonstration teams. Since I have never seen them in action I would not attempt to do so. (I'm partial to the Thunderbirds, myself). But there is most certainly an Italian team.
"The Frecce Tricolori are the current Italian aerobatic display team."
"She is brave as fuck but too small to be that close to the candidate."
One of the stated goal of the boss lady of the Secrete Service is at least 30% female agents. No mention of TALL females.
Compare with photos of other Presidential hopefuls.
John Kerry running for President.
Two comments.
1. The discussion about Trump and grunts and showmanship. Trump is a general, not a grunt. Trump’s defiance is in line with leadership, like when General McCaulife was asked to surrender by the Germans his reply was “Nuts.”
2. About the photograph and its fortuitous circumstances. I encourage you to watch the Ron Howard movie The Paper. The climax of the movie revolves around a rookie photographer’s fortuitous photograph.
That is all.
Have been wondering since yesterday: why were DJT's shoes off? Is removing them SOP when standing for the hours of one of these rallies? did they come off during the Secret Service intervention?
Calculated to elicit "strength" "Grit" Absolutely. Gag me
Vicki from Pasadena
The Blue Angels Are Naval Aviators.
The others are just pilots.
John Henry
Trump displayed physical courage, grace under pressure, and the contrast to Biden's declining self could not be more stark. I am sure that Vicki is gagging on it.
A little cropping helps. How do I know it was cropped? Photo sensors are 4:3 dimensions in phones and 3:2 in high end digital cameras. This image was cropped to be relatively wider than either. It's not a knock on the photographer who got the shot, but it shows he knows how to crop for better composition.
gadfly said...
“20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks, a Republican…”
So are The Lincoln Project guys. And the Bushes. And the Romneys and Cheneys.
Come to think of it, doesn’t Rich say he’s a Michigan Republican?
Hell, I know a couple who are hard left professors at a local university - and got registered as Republicans when they first moved here 3 decades ago and never changed it since.
“Calculated to elicit "strength" "Grit" Absolutely. Gag me”
Your customary ball gag?
The "staged" thing is moronic.
Have people never seen sports photography?
I can name any number of iconic sports photographs that look "staged" and were in the moment.
As a photographer you need to be in the right place at the right time. When Trump went down under the secret service, you had a minute to set up your shot. And when he stood up, you just power-clicked multiple exposures and hope you get a beautiful shot.
Conspiracy nuts drive me up the wall.
Choke on it.
Blogger Heartless Aztec said...
“Reminds me of Joe Rosenthal's famous Iwo Jima flag raising photo in 1945.”
The photo is iconic, but it came at a price.
Half the men in the photo were killed in the next few weeks on Iwo Jima. And one more got PTSD, became an alcoholic and froze to death in the southwest desert at just 32.
"One of the stated goal of the boss lady of the Secrete Service is at least 30% female agents. No mention of TALL females."
"2. About the photograph and its fortuitous circumstances."
Had the female agent been taller, or a man, Trump's face would have been blocked from the camera's view.
I remember thinking, when I first saw this photo, that everything had lined up perfectly to express the moment.
The Blue Angels Are Naval Aviators.
The others are just pilots.
So True!
- Krumhorn
Another security lapse was that flag. I was watching a YouTube on it, and the guy provided pictures of US Marine rifle ranges, and they all had flags set up to indicate windage. It should never have been there. For a trained sniper, it would have been invaluable. But maybe that was all part of "putting a bullseye around Trump." Or more likely it was just incompetence.
70s Album Cover Vibe
The agent looking right at the camera steals the show
JAORE: "I make no comparison of the merits of these demonstration teams."
I will be happy to carry that burden
Reminds me of hoping to get a good one out of a roll of 36.
BTW, are Vicki's comments seeming more masculine? Have we been duped?
This cop should resign. At the least he could have fired his weapon in the air and Trump would have been covered.
Remember, cops sign up for this. They're not drafted.
JAORE: your story about the photograph of the jets in Italy freaked me out because the same thing happened to me in March 2023. I took a picture of a pair of Italian jets practicing before a celebration when I was in the Roman Forum. In the background was the Temple of Antoninus and Faustian. The only difference from your story was that in my photo, the smoke trailing from the jets was just white, not colored.
HodgeTwins T-Shirts
Have been wondering since yesterday: why were DJT's shoes off? Is removing them SOP when standing for the hours of one of these rallies? did they come off during the Secret Service intervention?
Guessing the latter. When six SS agents hear gunshots and take their principal to ground for his protection, it is not a dainty, graceful, gentle operation. If his shoes were only loosely tied for comfort, they could have been dislodged.
Dave Begley said...
I’m waiting to hear the shoe comment explanation.
He couldn't let those 2" lifts be seen!
It was odd that he held onto his hat until a SS agent took it on the way down the stairs.
I fell onto my back once to avoid a forklift, and one of my loafers went flying in the air. Thankfully, I landed on bags of grass seed instead of concrete.
Less Iwo Jima than the iconography of the Spanish Civil War and the Great Patriotic War. Great stuff, regardless of the cause.
Of all of the pictures taken yesterday, this is the one that makes Trump look the best. If I was the left-wing media, I'd use any of the others in preference to this one. One of my Lefty friends on Facebook (former military colleague) posted a meme of a drag queen next to this picture, with the caption, "Condragulations on your acting award," proving once again that the Left can't meme. They should avoid this picture like the plague, because it makes Trump look like a badass. That meme may work within their Trump-hating Lefty bubble, but most normal people who were undecided are going to compare the badass guy with the elderly guy with cognitive issues, and it's no contest.
Of all of the pictures taken yesterday, this is the one that makes Trump look the best. If I was the left-wing media, I'd use any of the others in preference to this one. One of my Lefty friends on Facebook (former military colleague) posted a meme of a drag queen next to this picture, with the caption, "Condragulations on your acting award," proving once again that the Left can't meme. They should avoid this picture like the plague, because it makes Trump look like a badass. That meme may work within their Trump-hating Lefty bubble, but most normal people who were undecided are going to compare the badass guy with the elderly guy with cognitive issues, and it's no contest.
One further thought: This is how I imagine things in the Oval Office today"
"President Biden, I have good news and bad news."
"Give me the good news."
"Mr. President, nobody is talking about your age and cognitive issues today."
"That's great! What's the bad news?"
"Mr. President, they're all talking about how much of a badass your predecessor is instead."
McCullough, that staring agent is looking right down the barrel of the camera lens. Making a snap decision not to draw.
A cop at church explained the shoes. He said people's shoes come off in dog piles because they catch on each other and slip off.
This really needs to be cast into a bronze statue.
This will help insure that future lefties won’t run out of things to tear down.
Thanks for the shoes explanation! Loss in the agitation of the moment makes sense.
I had forgotten that we are supposed to believe that Mr Trump wears what do you call 'ems, 'elevator shoes'.
want Tshirt?
The photo where the NYT removed the flag. That photo?
o/~o/~Call him drunken Ira Hayes
He won't answer anymore
Not the whiskey drinkin' Indian
Nor the Marine that went to war o/~o/~
Ballad of Ira Hayes by Peter LaFarge
Popularized by Johnny Cash
He was one of the Marines on Suribachi.
He was the alcoholic who died in a ditch.
John Henry
'He couldn't let those 2" lifts be seen!'
All evidence suggests, over many decades, that Trump is a legit 6'3".
Maybe he's shrunk an inch or so, but he's no DeSantis...
'He couldn't let those 2" lifts be seen!'
Btw, if you're 5'7" you don't have 6'8" kids, and Barron is Trump's twin...
“Calculated to elicit "strength" "Grit" Absolutely. Gag me”
Your customary ball gag?
Think Clinton.
Saint Croix:
The "staged" thing is moronic.
Have people never seen sports photography?
I can name any number of iconic sports photographs that look "staged" and were in the moment.
Nuh, uhhh. They hung Pele by one foot to make it look like he did a back to the goal over the head backflip/kick for a score and you know it.
“They should avoid this picture like the plague, because it makes Trump look like a badass.“
I was wondering today how this will affect the male POC vote, particularly Hispanics. I’m guessing a lot of them are going to find this more compelling than any speech or platform.
Ralph L:
He couldn't let those 2" lifts be seen!
It was odd that he held onto his hat until a SS agent took it on the way down the stairs.
Not really. I had a friend who escaped a house fire taking his alarm clock with him.
The photo where the NYT removed the flag. That photo?
Professional photographer here. Regarding its composition, whether it was intended or a matter of luck - it's both. The scene is unfolding rapidly and the luck comes that one would expect to be able to only photograph the backs of Secret Service agents as they hustle Trump away. But no, he stands up and raises his fist. However, "seeing" the composition and positioning oneself to take it can happen so fast as to almost be done subconciosuly - but only after decades and hundreds of thousands of photos taken. I am no Pulitzer prize winner but when I did wedding photography, I had both "happy accidents" and photos where I recognized the moment and framed it just so.
Kudos to all the photojournalists at the rally. They LIVE the expression "life comes at you fast."
Has the photo been removed? Looks like the X post does not exist anymore.
The internet is so fleeting...
victoria said...
"Calculated to elicit "strength" "Grit" Absolutely. Gag me"
Your EBT card running low?
You should have screen captured it. Understand that anybody in the creative arts that praises anything that looks good for Trump will be spanked and spanked hard.
@Joe Smith said... What the fuck are you trying to say?
Gadfly is trying to say something when he has nothing - and knows it.
Calculated to elicit "strength" "Grit" Absolutely. Gag me - Vicki from Pasadena
With a spoon darling. With a big spoon.
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